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Price 50p


The Voice of Balquhidder, Lochearnhead, Strathyre & St Fillans


Who’s next...?

Thanks to everyone who made the Traditional Games Night at Lochearnhead Village Hall such a success on the last Saturday in October. Scores were still being hotly debated at midnight!

Just put it... right here!

Did you see how well I played that last domino?

It was this close! Checking the scores...

Straight down the middle!

Editor’s Bit It is always great when someone actually volunteers out of the blue to do something for the paper, so a very warm welcome is extended to our new contributor Katarzyna and her delicious sounding Polish recipes. And there’s another new feature which we hope might result in some more contributions: see page 10 and read the human stories behind the names on the villages’ war memorials. We went along to Lochearnhead’s Games Night just after 7pm, intending to take a few photos and spend an hour there. We left just after midnight - having been made very welcome as we were instructed in the finer points and tactics of carpet bowls! It was obvious we were not the only complete beginners, and the Skips did a great job guiding us all with good humour and great patience, praising every wayward bowl. I know there was talk about the Games Night perhaps becoming a monthly date, maybe issuing challenges to the other villages to dust off their tables (?) and bowls over the dark wet winter nights, and join in. We would certainly give it another go if Gus and Shuggy were willing to have us on their teams again! On a sad note we will miss Jim Hannah and all the wonderful drawings he would “just pop round” with. Jim had been a major force in The Villagers over many years, and in quite a few roles too, judging by the newletter’s records. He certainly kept everyone in order! Read his obituary on page 7.




The following readings were taken at ‘Bramblings’, Auchtubh, Balquhidder for the month of SEPTEMBER 2014. Average max temp Actual max temp Average min temp Actual min temp

18.2 ºC 22.0 8.2 4.0

64.0 ºF 71.0 46.0 39.0

Rainfall 1.2cms 0.5ins Strongest wind gust: 23mph on 25 Sept. 2

Pre Christmas Sale and

Exhibition of Local Photography CARDS • PRINTS • POSTERS

ABSTRACT and FUN ART By Shauna McDiarmid As well as unique

ORIENTAL ART Sunday 16th and Monday 17th November 1.00pm – 5.00pm In the Conference room at

The Four Seasons Hotel

Hogmanay Dance December 31st 2014


will be playing in Lochearnhead Village Hall this Hogmanay! Tickets £10.00 (including Stovies) Licensed Bar (9.00-1.00)

Prize raffle Tickets available from local shops Or telephone

01567 830458 Help us raise funds to maintain our Village Hall!

Balquhidder Hall AGM will be held on Wednesday 19th November at 7.30pm in the Hall. All residents of Balquhidder are welcome to attend!

The St Fillans Bit

by John Murray

After all the years of problems of uncontrolled lochside camping, long term encampments, litter, anti-social behaviour and so on it really does seem that meaningful progress is now being made by the National Park in introducing real measures to solve the problem. As previously reported there is currently a ‘consultation process’ lasting from 13th October to 12th January being undertaken by the NP. With my usual scepticism of public bodies I had assumed that this was a pointless delaying tactic, but it seems that I was wrong. It really is worth a visit to to see the very comprehensive work that the NP has already carried out and the early proposals. There is the opportunity through that site to give your personal input – even if it is only supporting the NP’s intentions – as the more feedback they receive the more chance there is has been accommodated by the omission that the concerns of residents in the of one house plot – PKC have agreed to Park will be recognised and acted on. adopt the open space on completion. It has been previously stated in defense PKC have, interestingly, confirmed of taking no actions that by-laws that there is no demand or funding for affecting land around Loch Earn could ‘affordable housing’ within St Fillans – not be introduced without considerable a blindingly obvious fact which some hassle. My reading of the documents of us pointed out years ago. I just love on the web site indicates that the NP crazy public body speak like ‘affordable does have powers to introduce by-laws housing’ – which means nothing unless and enforce them. Which is excellent you define affordable. However the news. It is just a pity that it has taken so National Park have asked WRFU (Abhaile long to officially recognise the problems Homes the developer) to consider ways of and start to do something about them. delivering affordable housing themselves Lawrie Hopkins has unearthed for me rather than paying the usual ‘commuted a report produced by the Loch Earn sum’ to finance housing elsewhere. Recreation Management Group (which That suggestion is under consideration. worked in conjunction with the NP) Very encouraging news from Marcus is in 2005 which highlighted many of the that two houses in the new development still current problems. Events have now (Willoughby Oaks) are already sold off plan. overtaken that but it will prove interesting It’s surprising how little many of reading if the current process stalls. us know about fellow villagers, and The important thing is to make your interesting to find out more. Sam and Sue voice heard. If the state of our lochside Morshead moved to St Fillans a few years concerns you then go to the above site and give input. Many will have seen the two-page article in the Daily Mail a few weeks ago focussing on the problems of uncontrolled camping here and the associated side effects of litter, human waste and the deterrent effect on genuine tourists and visitors. I gather that the Strathearn Herald will shortly be doing a feature on it as well. All good stuff which will keep the pressure on the NP to achieve their stated goal of having new controls in place for the 2015 season. Thanks to Marcus for an update on progress at the next stage of the Dundurn development. Planning permission has been applied for for the first four houses (details on the lochlomond- trossachs website). A separate application for the remainder of the site is being submitted to enable the Planners to consider issues affecting the whole site. PKC Roads have asked for another road link into the development from the top of Station Road by the old railway bridge. More Open Space has been requested by PKC and this


back and all I knew was that ‘Sam worked at Perth Race Course’. There is a bit more to it and an interesting story. Sam was born in Ireland to Cornish parents and his love of horses started at a young age and he started riding when he went to school. A natural talent and a love of speed resulted in a rapid succession to racehorses and he had his first ride over fences at just seventeen years old and won. He progressed to win on the flat and over hurdles in Ireland before deciding, at twenty, to take on the bigger challenges available ‘across the water’ in England. He was taken under the wing of renowned ex jockey and then leading trainer Fred Rimell. That resulted in a fantastic period in the 70s and 80s when Sam enjoyed considerable success riding (and often winning) in major races at Cheltenham, Aintree and all over England which included seven rides in the Grand National. Heady stuff, and financially rewarding for a young jockey. Continued overleaf


The St Fillans Bit

(Continued from p3)

With 400 winners under his belt and just thirty-three years old, Sam looked to move his career on. This was achieved by a move to Scotland where, after 6 months training at Ayr, he was appointed as Clerk of the Course at Perth, then after 5 years in that role he was offered the position of Manager of the course. Times were hard at Perth in those days, surviving on subsidies like many other small jump tracks. Sam became a part of a team that has transformed the track into the very successful course which it now is with huge attendances. A benefit of the success of the course has been the raising of considerable sums of money for charities by Sam’s turning some of the more popular race days into charity days. How about £236,000 in 2011 for the Princes Trust! Sam’s achievements have been recognised this year with the prestigious Pride of Racing Award – well deserved. At the moment he is planning an open water swim from Dunkeld to Perth next June to raise awareness of prostate cancer – that, by the way, is 22 miles and you can work out his age from the clues above. Our pic shows Sam in training for the swim – sooner him than me. I can’t resist repeating the pun I read on line about Sam – ‘a dark horse’. The annual club Prize Giving took place at St Fillans Golf Club in early October and I thank Fraz for the picture of the major winners gathered (top, right) with their trophies. The new Club Champion in the Gents Section is Graeme Courtney and the Ladies Champion is Joyce Burnett. Trophies were presented by Club Captain Keith Stewart and Ladies Captain Ali Ferguson. A couple of dates for the diary. The Bonfire Night Party will be held in the field behind The Drummond on Saturday 8th November from 6.30 pm. Usual fireworks, music, mulled wine and hot dogs, entrance free but be generous with the bucket collection. Then on Saturday 24th January the St Fillans Burns Supper will be held in the Sandison Hall at 7.30 p.m. Tickets for this always-sold-out event are pegged at £25 a head and will be available from 1 December but if you want to pre-book tickets to avoid disappointment get in touch with either myself (685487) or John Bennett (685369). Sadly an attempt to rekindle interest in the resurrection of the Drama Group last week resulted in only 6 villagers turning up to a meeting in the Sandison Hall. For those of us who remember the fantastic plays and pantomimes staged by the group just a few years ago this is very disappointing. But in reality it simply follows the sad trend in village life in so many communities. The previous active members of the group 4

St Fillans Winners 2014

have, inevitably, aged and with age both energy and enthusiasm wane. Alas the retiring group members are no longer being replaced by new younger aspiring amateur thespians. I suppose it’s all to do with the electronic age we live in, satellite TV and so on, but, having organised two shows myself in past years and experiencing the thrill and satisfaction of being involved in ‘live theatre’ as well as seeing my good lady wife enjoy so much her role in Toad I can only say “you don’t know what you’re missing, young folk!” At the Four Seasons it’s now winter opening, Thursday pm to Sunday pm with the usual bargain lunches, ever popular Sunday Lunch and both The Bistro & Fine Dining in the evenings. Two Gourmet wine Dinners in November – Spanish on 14th and New World on the 28th at only £55 a head including all wines, no wonder Andrew has to drive around in an old Skoda. And, of course, never too soon to book up for Christmas Lunch. I’m told that the next issue of Crowd Funding shares by Arran Brewers is imminent. Time to get the penknife into the rubber plug on your piggy bank, Russell! Although the Drummond (or whatever it is now called) has not properly opened this year for rooms or food there are signs of serious work now going ahead on the micro-brewery. I’ll try to get an update from Arran and maybe a few pics for next month’s Villagers. To end this month’s diatribe (you might want to look away, ladies) we are pleased to announce the formation of the St Fillans Chapter of The Hell’s Angels. Our picture, above right, shows the founding members ready to set out on a voyage of rape and pillage (but mainly pillage) in the hills above the village. You’ll gather that Cess Smylie has been seduced by the macho image and bird pulling power of my Tramper mobility buggy and has bought his own. Our inaugural trip was well enjoyed by both. Lock up your wives (and your chickens). John Murray

The ‘Trampers’

Are you a sole trader... a partnership... a small limited company a or charity? I can offer help with your: a VAT returns • Tax returns Book keeping • Credit control a Payroll • General office/paperwork a Helen Clark a 07971 648743 01567 830459 a


Ba l q u h i d d e r

New Year’s Day Dance

The University of the Third Age has been mentioned in the media as one of the organisations which can help to alleviate loneliness in older people. Those of us who are already members of our local U3A know that it is easy to make new friends when you share a common interest and many of us will know of someone who has plucked up the courage to join a group for a taster session and found that it quickly becomes a fixture on their calendar. We offer 27 interest groups ranging from languages to creative pursuits to subjects which stretch the mind. All the group leaders offer their time and expertise for free and the accent is on ‘learning for fun’ with input from all members. Membership for the year is set at £12 with a discount to £7 for anyone already a member of another U3A. We offer two free taster sessions before a commitment to join so to find out more and see our full timetable please visit our website “Callander and West Perthshire U3A” or phone us on 01877 330742 or 01360 850722.

The Stuart McKeown Ceilidh Band Back by popular demand!

Thursday 1st January 2015 9pm until 1am Tickets £10.00


Stirling Castle conquers Christmas The pre-advent countdown is on at Stirling Castle, as with just two months left until the big day, the iconic attraction has opened the doors to its first ever Christmas shop.

One of the castle’s three gift shops – The Clan and Craft – has been transformed into a winter wonderland, just in time for Stirling residents to begin the seasonal shopping spree in the lead up to the big day. The newly named Clan and Christmas, located on the castle’s esplanade, is stocked with a range of decorations for the home and festive gifts for all the family this winter. With a collection offering unique gift ideas, stocking fillers for loved ones and decorations to adorn both the tree and home, the castle has Christmas covered for locals looking for festive inspiration. And with many items sourced from independent suppliers and producers, there’s lots of unique gift ideas to help create the perfect Christmas with your Clan. Commenting on the launch of the Clan ‘Christmas Fun’ packages up presents and Christmas shop at Stirling Castle, for little ones, whilst ‘Shades of Natasha Troitino, Head of Merchandise red’ provides a contemporary twist on and Product Development at Historic festive classics. ‘Snowy Winter’ will help Scotland, said: “With just two months create a real winter feel, complete with to go and the festive season soon to be wooden crafted tree ornaments and cosy upon us, The Clan and Christmas shop cushions and throws, whilst ‘Traditional at Stirling Castle has all the makings for a Scotland’ with woollen textiles and classic Christmas gifts and decorations, truly merry Christmas. “We have transformed the Clan and including the iconic Harris Tweed Craft into a winter wonderland– with an cushions, offer a traditional festive emphasis on beautifully chosen items – feeling. many from independent suppliers – that “Situated just off the castle’s main thoroughfare on the esplanade, the shop will make any Christmas complete. “Perfect for people looking for a – which is free to access – is filled with distinctly different Christmas shopping seasonal showstoppers, showcasing the experience, the shop is filled with best designers and producers, making seasonal inspiration from great gift ideas it the perfect place to stop and start on for all the family, to those all-important this year’s seasonal shopping. We look finishing touches for both the tree and forward to welcoming both visitors and locals alike through its doors.” home.” With everything from stockings to The Clan and Christmas shop, located hang above the fireplace to tree-topping at Stirling Castle’s esplanade, is open until angels, cashmere scarves and warm 31st December. Free parking is available winter hats, Christmas inspiration is for shoppers on the castle esplanade for sure to be had at the new Christmas up to one hour, however, car park staff shop which features a number of themed must be notified upon arrival. ranges.

Real Ale - Real Music



Jim Hannah 1933 – 3rd October 2014

Jim Hannah was born and educated in Greenock, Scotland and could remember, as a boy, setting the hands of his first watch by the departure times of the ferries. He studied at the Glasgow School of Art, and did his obligatory two years of National Service with the RAF. In his early twenties, he followed his parents to Australia where he worked in newspaper feature writing, marketing, illustration and editorial cartooning. Returning to the Scotland he loved, he worked in The Scotsman’s industrial features department before joining a marketing agency in Glasgow whose clients included John Brown’s Shipyard, Clyde Navigation Trust and Yarrow’s Shipyard. Big ships, ferries and small boats became a recurrent theme for the rest of Jim’s working life. He joined the Scottish Region of British Rail and his portfolio of clients included the Caledonian Steam Packet Company where he promoted such ships as the Maid of the Loch and the Caledonian Princess. He was part of the team responsible for preparing Sealink for privatisation and he stayed with the company, as Director of Communications, through its period of ownership by Sea Containers and long after it was acquired by Stena Line, having a key role in the rehabilitation of Stena Sealink in the eyes of both the press and the public. The highlight of his career was when the high speed passenger ferry Hoverspeed won the Hales trophy in the Blue Riband race across the Atlantic. Jim was a not just a wordsmith and a creative illustrator; he also had a fine voice and a real love of songs. He and his wife Penny married in 1978. They shared a love of Balquhidder, eventually settling in the glen in 1994. Over the past twenty years Jim played an active part in community projects. He was one of the organisers of Summer Music, a Sunday series of concerts in August in Balquhidder Kirk; Editor of The Villagers, the award winning community newspaper, and a regular winner of the Balquhidder, Lochearnhead and Strathyre Horticultural Show’s art prize. A member of Balquhidder’s Choir Occasional, and of the upholstery class in the village hall, Jim could turn his talents in many different directions - woodcarving, puppet making, découpage, doggerel writing, and no local pantomime was complete without Jim as Master of Ceremonies. With Penny he also became an enthusiastic member of the Callander Operatic Society. He was a man of many gifts but chief amongst them was his humour which could be both droll and mischievous. He died peacefully at Parklands Care Home and he will be sorely missed by past colleagues, his many friends, neighbours, family and his wife Penny. Following Jim’s death, Penny is now needing help to live independently at Gartnafuaran Cottage. Is there a reliable local couple who would be prepared to provide security support, occasional meals and help, in return for self contained, rent-free accommodation? If anyone is interested, please contact Penny Hannah by email: or telephone 01877 384202


Church News BalquhiĐĐer •bls Reg. Charity No. SC012316

A Note from

St Angus’s

Hickory dickory dock The mice have run amok They’ve eaten the wire Nearly caused a fire And now we’re all in shock.... Well, they succeeded in driving us out of the Church for a couple of weeks but thanks to our skilled electrician who was installing the new heating system a dangerous situation has been remedied. The mice had indeed eaten the casing of several wires and there was a very real possibility of it causing a fire. I’m sure God loves these little creatures very much but He might just have a word in their tiny ears about appropriate behaviour in Church... Anyway, we shall be open as usual for the services from now on and, please note, service times have changed to 9.45am until British Summer Time starts again next year. Evensong continues on the 2nd and 5th Sundays at 6.0pm. We are eased gently into the new morning time since the first service on November 2nd happens to be on the day when the clocks give us an extra hour. It’s early yet to be thinking of Christmas but here are a couple of dates for your diaries: Wednesday December 10th Community Carols in the Lochearnhead Hall at 7pm and Sunday 14th December a joint Service with St Angus’s, St Fillan’s Killin and Killin Parish Church in the Parish Church at 10am. The Killin Community Choir will be at both these services so please come and join us. There will be more information and a reminder in the next issue of The Villagers. The Celts used to recite a Caim or “encircling” prayer. Here’s one by David Adam I’d like to share: Circle me Lord Keep hope within And despair without Circle me Lord Keep light near And darkness afar Circle me Lord Keep peace within And anxiety without 8

Note the change in the heading above. It is just a reminder that Balquhidder Parish Church covers Lochearnhead and Strathyre - as well as Balquhidder. I hope the news has got around too that we have changed the time of the Sunday services to 11.30 am. Unfortunately, I was unable to put this in The Villagers last month, before the event! So far, the reaction has been very much positive approval. Our thanks to those who made it through wind and rain on 19th October for the first service at the new time. We are also grateful to Killin and Ardeonaig Church for its cooperation in this change because it means less time for them to chat up the minister after their service! Remembrance Sunday is on 9th November and as always there will be short services and laying of wreaths at each of the three war memorials. Lochearnhead’s service will be at 11.00 am, Balquhidder’s at 11.30 am and Strathyre’s will be at 3.00 pm. News about the minister’s vacancy has not changed much except to confirm that we shall not be able to advertise for a new minister until the manse is refurbished to presbytery’s satisfaction. Work is in progress but it will take a long while - some of us think a year at the very least. The Revd. Stuart Fulton is still our interim Moderator despite having been due to leave at the end of September. We have no news of who might replace him, so he soldiers on. Neither has any decision yet been made regarding a possible locum and we have been told it will not happen before mid November. Meanwhile, we have been enjoying a variety of ministers covering pulpit supply, each with a fresh slant on the Sunday service format which keeps us on our toes! How about giving the new time of the service a try? Put the Sunday roast in the oven as you leave home and it could be nearly ready by the time you get home, hopefully, well before 1pm! Jean Edwards

DOCTORS Drs Strang & Scott and Drs Mathewson & Gibson Community Nurses The surgeries and community nurses take part in various training programmes throughout the year. This is to meet the educational and training needs of all members of the practice and nursing team. The next training afternoon will be on: Wednesday 26th November 2014 On this afternoon, please do not contact the surgeries for repeat prescriptions or for appointments. Both practices and community nurse clinic will close at 12.30pm. Emergency cover will be provided by NHS24 for nursing and GPs. In the event of an emergency, please telephone 111.

Bracklinn Practice

Christmas and New Year Holiday arrangements: Bracklinn Practice will close at 1.30pm on Christmas Eve and re-open at 8.30am on Monday 29th December. We will also close at 1.30pm on New Year’s Eve and re-open at 8.30am on Monday 5th January. One of our doctors will be on-call between 1.30pm – 6pm on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. If you require urgent medical attention when the surgery is closed please contact NHS24 on 111. Make sure you have enough medication to last you over the holiday period, and if you think you will run out, order your medication early or ask for 2 months supply.

Forth Valley Chamber of Commerce – making connections across Central Scotland Forth Valley Chamber of Commerce (incorporating Stirling Chamber of Commerce) is one of Scotland’s newest and fastest-growing Chambers, with a growing reputation for innovation and entrepreneurship. Based in offices in Stirling and Grangemouth, the Chamber already has over 230 members from across a wide range of sectors, ranging in size from business start-ups to multi-nationals. Despite being set up only two years ago, the Forth Valley Chamber has already achieved notable successes including the launch of the Stirling Chamber in February 2014, and the inaugural Business Awards which were held in March of this year and which saw 340 guests attending a gala dinner in Falkirk. The awards were sponsored by the Ministry of Defence and SaBRE with whom the Forth Valley is leading on several projects to develop links between local employers and military Veterans and Reservists. The Chamber provides the opportunity for its members to engage with each other via a range of networking events from business breakfasts and lunchtime seminars, to curling and karting evenings, and produces a quarterly magazine “INCommerce” which features member and business news. It also provides members with the opportunity to access business support services which can help to save money and offer support in key areas, for example: Legal advice • HR support • Health and Safety • Chamber Fuel Card Merchant Services • Business Mentoring Membership of the Chamber is open to businesses of all sizes, and support is

tailored to meet the needs of individual businesses. “It is most definitely not a case of one size fits all,” said Michelle McKearnon, Business Development Manager. “Our members range from multi-nationals to one person start-ups and they are all of equal importance to us. Our wide geographical spread means that we work with sectors ranging from ports and petrochemicals in Grangemouth, to rural and leisure businesses in Stirlingshire, and pretty much everything in between. “We work with other support agencies in the area to complement the support they provide, but what makes us different is that we are funded and led by our members and are therefore an independent voice for business. Local chambers feed into the Scottish Chambers which have representation at National and UK Government level, and thus our members can have a say in Economic Development Policy.” To find out more about the Chamber and its benefits go to www. or phone 01324 66 55 00, or to find out more about the Forth Valley Chamber please go to or email

Friendly, responsible, easygoing female, 40+

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Sunday being this month, coupled with the anniversary With Remembrance of a hundred years since the First World War started, we considered it a

very appropriate time to include a letter and history of two of the young men included on the War Memorial in Balquhidder. We have kindly been loaned of a copy of the book Letters From Flanders which is normally kept at Rhuveag in Balquhidder, a house mentioned with great affection in the letters. We would intend using more of these very moving letters over the next few months.

Alexander Douglas Gillespie He was the elder son of Thomas Paterson Gillespie of Longcroft, Linlithgow and elder brother of Lieutenant Thomas Cunningham Gillespie (K. 1905-1911), King’s Own Scottish Borderers, who fell on October 18th 1914. He entered College from Cargilfield School, Edinburgh, became Prefect of Chapel and won the King’s Gold Medal for Latin Verse, the King’s Silver Medal for Latin Speech, the Balquhidder War Memorial Warden and Fellow’s Prizes for Greek Prose and Latin Essay and the Duncan Prize for Reading. In his trenches. According to survivors, he was last year he played in College XV. He was elected in the only officer to get that far. With no 1908 to a Scholarship at New College, Oxford, and known grave he is commemorated on took his degree in 1912 with a First Class in Classical Panels 125-127 of the Loos Memorial. Moderations and a Second in Literae Humanitores. A volume of his letters entitled Letters He was reading for the bar when war broke out, from Flanders was published by Smith, and volunteered his services at once, obtaining Elder, in 1916. It contains a brief memoir a commission in the 2nd Battalion Argyll and of both brothers by the Bishop of Oxford, Sutherland Highlanders. He went to the front the Rt Rev. Hubert Burge, Headmaster of in February 1915, spending the evening of 20th the College during Gillespie’s time. In it February at Winchester College. “Hutchie Alexander Gillespie describes his search (2nd Lieutenant R.H. Hutchinson, 8th day of the Battle of Loos, and was killed for the château where Tom spent his last Black Watch, Coll. 1903-1909, killed in while leading a charge against an enemy night before going into action, and his action October 1915 – and I had a very position: he fell as he reached the German reaction to the news of his death. cheerful dinner with the Headmaster.” The sector in which his Battalion found Oxford : July 30, 1914. itself was quite quiet and he had the time to write many letters home. His most I hope to reach Rhiconich on Tuesday 11th, though really prospects famous letter, published after his death look so black to-night that I should not be surprised if we were kept in the Wykehamist of 14th June 1915 under arms, and not dismissed from Camp, where we go on the 2nd. It was written to his Headmaster and it was subsequently picked up by the national is pitiful to think that the blood of the Archduke should need the blood press for its vision of what might be done of so many others to wipe it out—though I suppose his murder was with the Western Front after the War. He just the match to the powder magazine. visited friends in other units; the mother of one of his best friends, Isaac Bayley I don’t see any means except a war to decide whether the Austrian Balfour (killed in action at Gallipoli), or the Serb shall have the ruling voice in the Balkans, and I don’t see sent him a book on botany and he even where the war will stop once it has begun. Instead of being a frame to managed to grow flowers from seeds sent from home. hold Europe together, it seems that this system of alliances is just a net He went into the attack at Cuinchy on to entangle us all. Europe will be crippled for thirty years if a great war 25th September 1915 as part of the first

does come—it might be worth paying such a price to have it driven into the head of every man in Europe that our present armaments are insane—but that, I’m afraid, is just what a war don’t do, because of the passions it will leave behind.

An excerpt of a letter from Alexander’s younger brother, Lieutenant Thomas Cunningham Gillespie, which was written less than three months before he fell

It would be a very interesting project to try to discover more about the history and family connections of any of the young men named on the four village memorials over the next few years. To do this we would ask for help and information from any of our readers who have a personal interest in the subject, access to records, or connections to the military; or if you have already been doing research, would you be prepared to share your discoveries? If so, please do contact The Editor (contact details on back page). 10

Strathyre Primary School News Sponsored Walk by Amelia Dennehy Before the October break all of Strathyre Primary School went on a walk down the new cycle track and back again. Lots of parents, grandparents, younger siblings, dogs and PC Diamond joined us on the walk. We all set off from the school and walked down the road to the new path. We walked to Mhor 84 where we stopped and had lunch. We were allowed to eat our lunch inside the hotel as it had started raining by the time we got there. After we had all finished we returned to the school. Everyone was exhausted but had really enjoyed the walk. The money that we raised is going to the school funds.

Circus skills!

Circus Skills Claire Peebles from Active Stirling came out and gave us a session on circus skills. We were spinning plates, juggling and using the diablo. It was a fun session and everyone enjoyed it.

Sponsored Walk

At Stirling Castle

Stirling Castle by Euan Harvey On Wednesday 8th October P1-3 went to Stirling Castle. Robert the foot soldier showed us around. He took us to the Great Hall and he told us all about how it was made with the wood pegged together - there were no nails used at all. We then went to the kitchen and then Robert took us to the classroom. In the classroom he dressed Ava as a rich lady and Jack was her husband, Grace was a lady in waiting, Ossian was a merchant, Donald was Ossian’s servant, Linda was a jester, and Anna was a knight. Robert also showed us the weapons that were used in the 1300s. After that we had our lunch and then we walked round the castle with Mrs Mochan and Mrs Keenan. We went to the tapestry room and saw the giant tapestry being made and we walked around the castle grounds. We also went through the palace and saw the King and Queens chambers. Before we went home we went to the shop. It was a great day out!

Dressing up!

Schiltrons at Bannockburn

Battle of Bannockburn by Rosie Cooper On the 22nd of October, class 2 visited the Battle of Bannockburn Centre to learn more about their topic, the life and times of Robert the Bruce, and to have fun! First of all they met their guide Callum, who then led them in to a darkened room where they put on 3D glasses, watched two short stories about Robert the Bruce and King Edward II before the Battle of Bannockburn. After enjoying the clips, they wondered into another dark room where there were 4 large 3D screens on which had lots of figures practising for the battle until… in came Henry de Boun riding on horseback, with all the rest of his men riding behind him. We all went into a room were we played our war game in two groups: one being Robert the Bruce’s army and the other being King Edward’s. We all got turns to move our armies, and to fight with them. We all had lives and what we chose depended on if we lost our lives. The end result of our Battle of Bannockburn was: the English won - we rewrote history! After lunch we went outside to see Robert the Bruce’s monument. Callum gave us numbers 1, 2 and 3. When he shouted out 1 they had to step forward, 2 they stepped forward and so did the 1s. When he shouted 3 we all shuffled together in our lines to stand side by side. At 4 the 1s knelt down with and pointed out their schiltrons, the 2s stood pointing out their schiltrons and the 3s held their arms up. The schiltrons were used against the cavalry. At the end we went to the classroom and we got to try on clothes and to handle the weapons. Everyone had a great time and enjoyed the trip.


BLS – Where Business Does the Talking ‘Hig hlig hting’ an oth e r l o c al bu sin e ss ! Emah Watson from Lochearnhead is a self-employed hairdresser who provides a mobile hairdressing service to happy customers in the area as well as having recently expanded her business to include a salon in the McLaren Leisure Centre in Callander.

You have also recently expanded your business to Callander – please can you tell us a bit about that? I’ve set up my own salon in the McLaren Leisure Centre. It’s small but it does me so it’s fine. And I’m really busy, so people do have to book in advance to avoid disappointment.

When did you become a hairdresser? I started college in 2011 and as it was only a one year course that I did, I was qualified by 2012.

Do you have quite a big client base then? Yes. When I was just mobile I started from 30 but I think I have just under 200 customers now. And they are all returning clients. I’m very busy. And it’s expanding - I’m always getting new customers.

How long after you got qualified did you start practising as a hairdresser? I did a placement, so even though I’d only just started college I was straight into a salon doing work experience. I was basically just sweeping hair and making teas and coffees at first though; I started from the bottom and have worked my way up to where I am today. What originally got you interested in this line of work? It just came to me one day, and I thought I would try it. I applied to one college but even though I didn’t get in straight away, when I still wanted to do it the next year I applied to another college and I got accepted there. I’ve loved it ever since. I don’t think I would ever do anything else! Which is the college you attended? Perth College. What is the area that you cover with your mobile-hairdressing service? I’ve actually covered quite a big area. The furthest I’ve ever been is Fort Augustus which is quite a bit away. That was to do a wedding. In the local area, it’s usually Lochearnhead, Killin, Callander, St. Fillans, Balquhidder and Strathyre; just the surrounding villages really, but I’ve also been to Comrie to do people’s hair. What are the services that you offer? Cuts, colours, hair treatments, kids’ cuts, gents’ cuts, weddings - which I do a lot of! I don’t do perming though, that’s the only thing I don’t do. I do everything else. And what are the services that you provide for male customers? I’m not qualified in barbering yet, so I can only do basic gents’ cuts at the moment. I just know how to do a short back and sides. But I am going to do a barbering course in January, so next year I will be qualified to do different styles. 12

And out of these returning clients of yours, are the majority of them from your mobile hairdressing or from the leisure centre? Both. I’ve got people from my mobile service that keep coming back to me and I’ve also got new returning customers from the leisure centre. Will you still continue to offer homevisit services to people living in the four villages? Yes. But I can only offer cuts in the house. Only if it’s an absolute emergency will I provide colour. It’s just that it’s so much hassle taking stuff out of the salon and then putting it all back in again. You see, I have to take everything with me to have it on hand if I’m doing a colour just in case something goes wrong that I would need to fix, not that it ever has done before though. But just as a precaution. Do you have a busiest time of year? Christmas and October. I’ve noticed that most people like to have their hair done every other month, and if they have a cut in October then they’re ready to have it done again just in time for Christmas and New Year. This October has been so stressful because I’ve been so busy. And I’m guessing that this December is going to be even busier! What are the prices that you offer for the different services that you provide? Wash, cut and blow-dries start from £22, going up to £26. Colours start at £34. Wee boys’ cuts are £5, girls’ cuts are £8. But then they’ve got different services, so it goes up as well. Dry cuts are £12 and wet cuts are £15. And gents’ cuts are £7. What are both the best and the worst aspects of being a self-employed hairdresser?

The worst part of being self-employed is probably accounts. I hate doing the books! I got funding from the Prince’s Trust and they sent me on a book-keeping course, where they went through it all, and that’s where I learnt how to do it. I wish I had my own accountant to do it all for me though! And the best bit is definitely seeing clients happy with their hair; how amazing it makes people feel if you have done their hair really nicely. So many people have said “I want to go out somewhere special now” just because they’ve had their hair done. It’s definitely worth it! Interview by Iona Mchedliani For enquiries or to make a hair appointment, Emah can be contacted at:

Do you need a new home in Lochearnhead, Strathyre, Killin or Callander? If so, Rural Stirling Housing Association may be able to help The Association’s aim is to support rural communities by providing affordable good quality homes for people in housing need. We currently have 450 rented homes and around 30 of these become available for re-let each year. We also build some new homes each year. For more details and a housing application form contact us at:

Rural Stirling Housing Association Stirling Road, Doune FK16 6AA Telephone 01786 841101 Email Registered as a Scottish Charity No. SCO37849 Please note that we encourage all applicants to also apply to Stirling Council’s housing list (Tel 0845 277 7000) Being on both lists is the best way to maximise your chances of being re-housed.

Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre Community Council Minutes of Meeting held at Balquhidder Village Hall on 24 September 2014

Please note that these minutes have not yet received formal approval and should be considered as a draft version only. Present: Malcolm McNaughton (MM), Alistair Barclay (AB), Paul Hicks (PH), Ruth McLusky (RMC), David Johnston (DJ), Angus Cameron (AC), Adrian Squires (AS), Loraine Telfer (LT) and Richard Eastland (RE). Apologies: Susie Crammon, Roseanne McWilliams and Karen Methven. In attendance: Cllr Fergus Wood (FW), Stirling Council; PC Will Diamond (WD), Police Scotland; Owen McKee (OM), National Park; Richard Grahame (RG), St Fillans Community Council; Dick Johnson (DJO), Callander Community Council. 1) Alcohol Bye-law Boundaries MM welcomed the representatives from adjoining community councils who had joined us to consider this item, and moved that it should be dealt with first, to enable them to return home in good time. This was agreed. RG thanked members for the opportunity to contribute, stating that St Fillans CC welcomed this initiative and wished to press ahead with this legislation. He went on to say that there had been some difficulties communicating with Perth & Kinross Council (P&K), but they were clear that this is an issue that affects the whole area covered by Loch Earn. One particular obstacle may be that P&K uses different wording to Stirling Council (S-C) in framing its legislation. However, RG thought that this would not be insurmountable. He also stated that St Fillans CC had liaised with the local police, and with the National Park (N-P), and that both of these bodies supported the move to adopt an alcohol bye-law. St Fillans CC is also looking at the associated matters of camping in lay-bys and on land beside the loch, and has liaised with the Drummond Estate and Transport Scotland regarding what action can be taken to avoid some of the problems experienced during this summer. DJO then stated that Callander already has an alcohol bye-law, and has had for some years. A couple of months ago, a councillor had suggested that the existing bye-law should be extended to include Loch Lubnaig. Some people had pointed out that the police already have powers to arrest people who are misbehaving but, in a meeting with the police, it was made clear that the additional powers provided by a bye-law make it possible for officers to step in and prevent incidents from becoming more serious and amounting to a criminal offence. The Callander CC thought this was sensible. DJO went on to say that the question of social drinking had been raised, but the police had given assurances that they would exercise discretion and not enforce strict compliance with the bye-law when people were clearly behaving sensible and simply having a glass of beer or wine with a picnic. Consequently, Callander CC fully supports the idea of extending the bye-law, and this is supported by S-C and the N-P. FW added that he was aware that one of the problems faced by the police is that, once people are drunk, it can be difficult to move them on as they can no longer drive. It is far better to step in earlier - using the bye-law powers - to stop people drinking heavily before they start. For the police, WD confirmed that experience in East Loch Lomond Side had shown that issuing a Fixed Penalty Notice or two is sufficient to avoid problems before they become more serious. RG added that St Fillans had also considered this, and fully supported trusting the police to use discretion. OM mentioned that the N-P was currently considering how best to manage ìwild campingî, and said that there would be maps associated with this, so it might be useful to align both sets of maps, so far as possible. FW supported this and stated that drinking and camping go together. AB mentioned that the N-P is also pushing ahead with an application for clear-way legislation. LT queried why clear-ways were necessary as well. FW replied that these would discourage people from stopping in the wrong places. FW also mentioned fishing regulations, and said that it can be very difficult to manage if there are a lot of private owners. RG replied that a code of conduct has been developed on Loch Earn and this mostly deals with such issues there. The consensus of the meeting was that this legislation would offer significant benefit to the local community. PH then reported that Peter Dow, a law officer for Stirling Council, was unable to be present in person for the meeting, but had provided an extremely useful briefing note. PH then read out the salient points in full, detailing the process by which legislation must be sought from the Scottish Government. PH then proposed that BLS CC should apply formally to Stirling Council for an alcohol bye-law, covering the areas that we had now designated on local maps. Mention would be made of the fact that preliminary consultations had been held with neighbouring community councils, with the police, National Park and other agencies. This was seconded by DJ and passed unanimously. MM thanked RG and DJO for attending and they then left the meeting. 2) Approval of Minutes It was proposed by RMC, and seconded by DJ, that the minutes of the meeting on 13th August 2014 should be accepted, and this was approved unanimously. 3) Declarations of Interest No declarations were made. 4) Police Report Between 13 August and 23 September 2014, there were fifty (50) offence reports raised. These included two crimes of dishonesty: the theft of a mountain bike from a garden at Auchraw Terrace, overnight from 29-30th August, and the theft of a quantity of lead from the roof of a garage opposite Cameron Court, overnight between 1st and 2nd September. WD also mentioned that similar thefts (of heating oil and a quad bike) had occurred in surrounding, rural areas. He warned all residents to remain vigilant. During this period, forty-eight (48) traffic offences were detected. Most of them related to speeding. A fatal road traffic collision, involving a pedal cyclist, occurred at about 11am on Friday 12th September on the A85 near to Lix Toll. WD said that he had also carried out foot patrols and boat patrols locally, and had attended the public meeting in St Fillans to consider the anti-social behaviour that had plagued Loch Earn during the summer. On a more positive note, the crime at the Lochearnhead Watersports Centre had been detected, and a 35 year old man had been reported to the Procurator Fiscal for wilful fire-raising. 5) Matters Arising 5a) Stroneslaney Road. PH reported having written to Donna Lawson, Environment Services, on 15th August, offering that one or more members of the community council would attend a site visit to Stroneslaney Road to assist council officers. However, to date, he had received no reply. 5b) Cycle Path Crossing Point. PH reported that this situation had also been raised with Donna Lawson, but no reply had yet been received. LT mentioned that, where the new cycle path crosses the Balquhidder Road at Kingshouse, there is no barrier to prevent children riding straight into the road. Three posts have been placed in such a way as to indicate the end of the path, but LT was concerned that children could easily avoid these and ride straight out into the road, particularly as the path ran downhill at that point. It was agreed that this should be raised with SusTrans, the body responsible for developing the cycle path. Action: PH to contact SusTrans. 6) Childrens Playground, Lochearnhead AB raised a query concerning access to the childrens’ playground located between Vorlich Road and Auchraw Terrace in Lochearnhead. A new house has been built opposite the public toilets, leaving a gap between the house and the hedge, where people have, for some years, gained access to the playground. The owner of the new house had offered to build a fence across this gap, but S-C had responded to say that a fence was not wanted. A local resident had contacted AB about this, concerned that children from the playground might run out into the road if no barrier was put in place. After some discussion, it was decided that S-C might be reluctant to put in a fence or gate where none existed previously as the council would then have to maintain this equipment. There was no evidence that children had been playing dangerously along the existing path, so AB would seek to find out if some recent incident had raised particular concerns about this, and report back further about it. Action: AB to seek further information regarding the concern expressed. 7) Correspondence Notification had been received that a stretch of Balquhidder Road, on the Northern bank at the Western end of Loch Voil, is to be re-surfaced between Monday 13th and Friday 17th October. The road will be closed for up to two hours at a time during the morning and afternoon each day. Local notices have been published. 8) Planning Matters No new items had been received. 9) Matters From Local Councillors 9a) There have been several changes amongst senior personnel with S-C. Bob Jack has now retired and is replaced by Stuart Carruth, and the number of departmental heads has been reduced significantly. This represents the loss of a good deal of experience, but should also lead to financial savings in the longer term. 9b) FW then asked the question: How many local businesses have joined the chamber of commerce? He encouraged those that haven’t to consider doing so. For about £100 per annum, it provides many useful facilities and good training opportunities. Chambers of Commerce differ from Scottish Enterprise in their emphasis on local matters. There is also a Rural Tourism initiative ñ costing about £250 per annum. MM commented that there are many such bodies available, but it’s important for small businesses to find the appropriate one for them. 10) Any Other Competent Business War Memorials. AB noted that the war memorial in Callander had been renovated recently. He is now waiting for a second quotation for work on the war memorial in Lochearnhead and, once that has been received, it should be possible to go ahead with a final application to the War Memorial Commission for a grant. There was no other business and, at 8:30 p.m., MM declared the meeting closed. The next meeting is due to take place at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday 29th October 2014 at Mhor 84 (Kingshouse).


My favourite recipes...

Polish cocoa cookies

I’ve gathered and tried many lovely recipes in the last few years - so many, that I decided to share some of them. Baking can be a serious passion; it can also be very addictive... I enjoy baking and trying new tastes. You don’t need to be good at baking to bake something good! Some recipes seem to bring a lot of good memories to us, sometimes there are stories behind them. Some recipes are so easy... and just too yummy not to try. So I’d like to start with a recipe for cookies, that comes from my mum’s recipe book. We used to make these cookies a lot when I was a child. The smell of freshly made cookies, the whole family at the table cutting the shapes out, such a creative task...!I will always remember that. These cookies are easy to make and they are great fun to make with kids - they love them! Home baking is so much better for children: no hidden ingredients, no additives nor preservatives. Enjoy! Ingredients: 330g of plain flour 55g of potato starch flour* 250 g butter 150g of icing sugar 45g of cocoa 1 tablespoon cinnamon 2 tsps of orange extract or peel from 2 oranges 3 egg yolks 3 tblsps cream if needed * starch can be replaced by corn flour


Mmmmm... Orange, chocolate and cinnamon ...doesn’t it smell like Christmas already? For decoration: chocolate, coconut, almonds... (There are many variations... use vanilla or almond extract instead of orange and cinnamon)

Method 1. Sieve both flours, cinnamon and cocoa into a large bowl 2. Add butter and chosen extract, chop using a knife 3. Mix yolks and sugar in a separate bowl, then add to the flower mixture 4. Quickly bring the mixture together to form dough and put into the fridge for 30 min. 5. Preheat oven to 180C, 6. Roll dough out and cut shapes 7. Bake for 10-15 min or until they are slightly firm on top 8. Decorate the hot cookies with chocolate Kasia Sujanova

BAKING NOTES... A baker stopped making doughnuts after he got tired of the hole thing... • Bakers trade bread recipes on a ‘knead to know’ basis... • When baking dog biscuits, be sure to use collie flour! • Working in the bakery left her with a loathe of bread... • Good bakers will rise to the occasion, it’s the yeast they can do. • When asked about rumours that he owned a bakery, Shakespeare replied, ‘It’s much a-dough about muffin.’ • The gingerbread man thought he couldn’t be caught, until he met his baker... • The two bakers who traded buns had a roll reversal. • Bakeries show how well their business is doing with a pie chart! • The baker who always put too much flour in his bread was a gluten for punishment. • Old bakers never die, they just keep making lots of dough!

Pin-Feathers* by Old Nyati

*Once in demand by Victorian miniaturists, the tiny pin-feather comes from the leading edge of a woodcock’s wing and only two such feathers occur on each bird (one on each wing). This month, Old Nyati tells about a ‘loose cannon’!

The Sound Of Thunder

There are a pair of cannon belonging to the Gregor Macgregor family in Derbyshire which were displayed at the Killin Clan Museum for the last twenty years or so. Their story is that they were made in the early 1800s for John Macgregor, who was a shipbuilder on Loch Long. In 1970, whilst in store, they were stolen - and sometime later were bought by an American gentleman for export. This aroused the interest of the antiques section of the Daily Telegraph, which carried a small article about them. Mrs Ivor Macgregor saw the article, and after some keen detective work via antique dealers and shipping companies, was able to find that that they were about to be shipped to America. With great good fortune she was able to get to Southampton docks just in time to identify the cannon hours before the ship’s departure, and have them returned to the family. My photographs of the cannon show the initials of John Macgregor on the breech ends and the clan crest above, though some overzealous polishing over the years has removed some of the detail. It is interesting to note that the

carved lion carriages were made from oak demolition timbers from the last wooden bridge on the Clyde. They are now in the ownership of Neil Gregor Macgregor, great grandson of John Macgregor. They were last fired as my photograph shows on the day of the Queens Jubilee. The projectile chosen for this occasion was a suitable sized potato which was carefully painted red, white and blue. It was suggested that there might be red, white and blue potatoes growing down range the following year. Another occasion when they were fired was at precisely twelve o clock on the day of the birth of Charles Gregor Macgregor, great, great grandson of John Macgregor. 23 years ago. This time the load was a small handful of Crab Apples. I never did find out why. Old Nyati

Light the blue touch paper - and retire! 15

View from the Park by Owen McKee It has been a long time in the making and has been framed to take into account the many conversations we have had with our communities and the visitors who come to our Park. Now the management plan, complete with proposed bylaw, was launched for consultation and our hope is that as many of you as possible will let us have your comments. Our hope is that our proposals have balanced our duty to protect the special features and the equally compelling duties of promoting peoples enjoyment of the park and ensuring the social and economic wellbeing of our communities. The consultation remains open until 12th January. A dedicated website is in operation so please visit and post your comments. Please remember that the bylaw proposal has to go forward to Scottish Government for ministerial approval before it can be sanctioned and the more evidence it has the support of the Park communities the more likely the minister will give the necessary approval. So my simple plea is that you get involved.


And do so now! The 12th January may seem a long time away but with the Christmas and New Year season fast approaching it is the deadline will be upon us before we know it. If you prefer you can send your comments by emailing to getinvolved@ Equally you can write to the Park Authority at Carrochan, Carrochan Rd Balloch, G83 8EG or simply phone 01389 722600. And if all goes according to plan when should we have the benefit of the byelaw. We should be able to take actions under the byelaw by next summer but our experience from the East Loch Lomond Management Plan was that improvement in behaviour started during the consultation period. However the full benefit of the management plan will only come to fruition when the infrastructure

is in place. The Park Authority is projecting a spend of £10million over a five year period and you will note from the consultation we are looking to land owners to put forward sites to accommodate the needs of visitors. So if you own land that could be suitable and you have not already been in conversation with the Park Authority please do now. We would love to hear from you. So my hope and belief is that some benefits from the management plan will be experienced as early as next spring. Owen McKee Tigh Na Bhuth, Lochearnhead, FK19 8PR 01567 830214

Community Paths Gaelic thesaurus of the Historical environment launched

Gaelic speakers and learners can now access specialised Gaelic terminology relating to the historical environment, via an online thesaurus which has been launched as a joint project by Historic Scotland and the Royal Commission for the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland, with financial support from Bòrd na Gàidhlig. The thesaurus contains more than 4,000 terms and is aimed at Gaelic speakers, learners and schools, as well as the general public. It provides terminology relating to areas such as architecture, archaeology and history as well as place-names for many historical sites. As a thesaurus, it not only functions as an English-Gaelic, GaelicEnglish dictionary of terminology but also provides the meaning of each term in both languages. Alasdair MacCaluim, Historic Scotland Gaelic Language and Policy Officer said: “The thesaurus is an invaluable aid for translators or anybody with an interest in reading or writing about Scotland’s historical environment in Gaelic. By providing consistent and standardised terminology for this specialist area, it will add to the development of the language’s corpus”. Peter McKeague, Database and GIS Projects manager at RCAHMS said: “Scotland leads the way in multilingual Linked Data thesauri. Until now our vocabularies and thesauri have acted as informal standards on the Internet. Publication of the Scottish Monument terms as Linked Data will improve data quality and allow our terms to act as vocabulary hubs on the Internet.” The thesaurus is available on the Historic Scotland website at:

Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park and Paths for All are running a path maintenance action day for community groups in the national park at Strathyre. At this event, you will learn how to maintain simple bridges and drainage features, and fix problems on paths - problems that make accessing paths difficult, but also damages them. During the day, you will get a hands-on opportunity to carry out maintenance tasks and repair the problems you’ve spotted. This free event is for community groups in the national park involved in maintenance of paths in their local areas, or groups wanting to know how to get started! Date: To be confirmed, provisionally week beginning 24 November. We would love to see you at this event. If interested, for more details please contact: Linda Winskill, Recreation and Access Adviser, Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park Tel: 01389 722043 Email:

Loch Lomond Chief Executive Announces Departure Fiona Logan, chief executive of Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park Authority, has announced she is leaving to take up a senior position with international people development company Insights. Ms Logan, who has been at the helm of the Park Authority since 2008, leaves the organisation in an extremely strong position and with a clear strategy to build upon a number of significant successes. She said: “It’s been an enormous privilege to have played a part in the protection, development and promotion of one of the world’s most beautiful and important landscapes, but after six tremendously enjoyable years, the time is right to move on. “The Authority’s entire team deserves huge credit for the progress it has made in balancing the economic, tourism and environmental agendas within the National Park and I am very proud of our people’s achievements. “From the ranger service and the community teams to the planning department and the land management teams, they have shown how forwardthinking and effective a modern National Park Authority can be.” In the past six years the Park Authority has: • restructured and refocused its strategy on the three outcomes of Conservation, Visitor Experience and Rural Development • received a significant uplift in capital investment from Scottish Government to support the implementation of the National Park Partnership Plan – the guiding document for all partners involved in enhancing the National Park helped transform east Loch Lomond by introducing byelaws and better camping provision with the support of the community, Police Scotland and the Forestry Commission • worked in partnership with Police Scotland on the joint ‘Operation Ironworks’ initiative to make the National Park a safer, more enjoyable place to visit

Fiona - we wish her well!

launched Wild Park 2020 – an action plan for nature in the National Park • taken an innovative approach to working with communities and partners on the planning consultation for ‘LIVE Park’ – the next Local Development Plan for the National Park • embraced an ‘open for business’ and commercial approach to delivering public services. Most recently, the Authority announced Your Park, a major consultation exercise on proposals to improve the experience of the park for locals and visitors alike, developing a joined-up approach to camping provision, environmental protection and reducing irresponsible behaviour. Linda McKay, the Convener of the National Park Authority said: “Over the past six years, Fiona has provided superb leadership, often during challenging times. On behalf of everyone at the Authority, I’d like to thank her for the energy, passion and vision she has brought to the role and wish her well in the next stage of her career. “The Authority is very well placed to begin the search for a new chief executive as we continue to deliver our priority of protecting and enhancing this special part of Scotland.” 17

Branch Lines of Strathearn By John Young


ast month I did a review of the above book and thought that this month, you would be interested in a quick look at some of the interesting history and information which can be found in the book. I will concentrate this month on Lochearnhead station, the line from St Fillans and to Balquhidder, and in the following months intend to include extracts on Balquhidder and St Fillans stations. The line from St Fillans ran along the hillside above the St Fillans to Lochearnhead road, providing spectacular views of the loch. After about 4 miles, the line began to descend at 1 in 80 to cross the Beich Burn where it runs into Loch Earn at the southern end of Glen Beich. The line began to climb again at 1 in 100 to skirt round the southern slopes of Meall a Mhaddaidh before descending again at 1 in 80 to the mouth of Glen Ogle. Here the line curved left on an embankment and entered a sharp curve of only 10 chains radius, the sharpest on the whole line, to cross Glen Ogle on an impressive ninearch concrete viaduct. Continuing on a short embankment the line crossed the

main Callander to Crianlarich road before it reached Lochearnhead station. The station built on the hillside, supplanted the original Lochearnhead station, sited nearby two miles away on the Callander to Oban line, which was rebuilt and renamed Balquhidder when the Lochearnhead line was completed in 1905. The road which runs down Glen Ogle was originally one of those built by General Wade for pacifying the Highlands after the first Jacobite rebellion in 1915. Known locally as “Wade’s Roads”, they were described in the famous couplet: ‘Had you seen these roads before they were made You would hold up your hands and bless General Wade!’ Lochearnhead station consisted of a single island platform with pedestrian access through a subway under the down line. The single brick building with double canopy housed all the station facilities, while a full size signal box was sited towards the western end of the platform. This was over generous given the layout and traffic handled, but necessary during the brief

Taken from a postcard featuring the grounds of the Lochearnhead Hotel, showing the station in the background. Despite the claim that there was a private path to the station this is highly unlikely as hotel guests would have had to cross the down line before climbing on to the station platform. Because of the raised embankment the station could only be accessed by means of the subway up to platform level.


A view of Lochearnhead from the east, showing the line crossing the Glen Ogle viaduct in the forground, then passing through the station before heading west towards Balquhidder.

period before the final section of the line to Balquhidder opened in 1905, when trains from Crieff direction terminated here. Once the line was fully opened the station had largely outlived its usefulness and was closed as a wartime economy measure in 1917. Unlike Innerpeffray, it reopened briefly after the war in 1919, only to close again in 1921. Thereafter it ceased to be a block post, the signals were dispensed with and the sidings controlled by a ground frame. Lochearnhead was, and still is, a tourist destination and in later years there were often two camping coaches in the siding next to the goods shed. This pretty station survives largely intact and is used today as a Scout Station. From Lochearnhead the line passed under a road bridge at the west end of the station to continue along the side of Glen Ogle for a short distance before crossing the Kendrum Burn at Edinchip on another impressive viaduct. The structure combined the use of mass concrete with a single span girder across the river. At this stage the line climbed steadily as 1 in 60 crossing the Callander to Crianlarich road again to join the Callander to Oban line at Balquhidder.

Twenty third Parish Golf Thrash The 19th October saw 28 from The Villagers area set out for the annual golf bash, this year held at Crieff Golf Course. The weather was indescribably foul as we left Lochearnhead, lashing rain and a very strong wind, but looking east there was promise. After a much welcome tea/coffee and bacon roll at the club house we prepared ourselves for the elements. Shortly before last year’s winner teed off the rain stopped and that was it for the day, just the very strong wind to contend with which made it quite tricky but everyone had fun and the competition was hot with some amazing results. The first of these was the worst drive on the first! The standard has become so good over the years it made judging very difficult indeed and sadly for Colin Simmonds it was awarded to him even though his drive was not unreasonable certainly better than one I witnessed on the 5th which hosted the longest drive. The longest drive was made very hard by the fact that we were driving into the wind and the fairway sloped so balls easily ran into the rough and the ball must be on the fairway to count. Paul Aitken, out in the second group had the best long drive, the wind must have let up for a minute or two!! Nearest the pin was on the short downhill 17th with the wind gusting across the fairway making it all the more difficult, was won by Jimmy Smith. Nearest the pin in two on the 18th with the still very strong winds at the golfer’s backs was won by Angus Cameron with a fine drive onto the green in one and after his second left the ball 18 inches from the hole. The team ball was won by team 2: Paul Aitken, Shuggie and Neil Ross. All but one team managed to nurse their ball round without losing it. The over sixties, of whom there are quite a few and we may even have to introduce a prize for the “best over Seventy” next year, was won by Jimmy Smith with a great score of 33 stapleford points. The booby prize, for the famous loo seat trophy, was strongly contested by Dave Fairbairn and Jim Rutherford and was won by Jim on the worst count back on the back nine. The top five were all within three points of each other with the scoring secretaries having

Jim Rutherford proudly displays his award

Scottish Wildlife Trust Callander Members’ Diary AUTUMN 2014 11 November

Native Plants That Catch Insects by Roy Sexton, Stirling SWT Group

16 November

Antarctica - The Easy Way! by Mike and Lesley Hawkins, Callander SWT Group Talks start at 7.30pm Waverley Hotel, Main Street, Callander to make some count backs. The winner was Angus Cameron (above) with a score of 35 points. Not bad considering the winds. Other results were as follows: Team ball Paul Aitken, Shuggie and Neil Ross Most Fives Terry Hart 9 Nearest the pin in two Angus Cameron Worst Drive Colin Simmonds Longest Drive Paul Aitken Nearest the Pin Jimmy Smith Glorious Two Jimmy Smith Midway man Davie Watt (26) Best front nine Graham Galloway (20) Best Over 6 Jimmy Smith Lowest Gross Graham Courtney (81) Booby Prize Jim Rutherford (18) 5th Trevor Woodward (32) 4th Shuggie (32) 3rd Kenny White (33) 2nd Jimmy Smith (33) 1st Angus Cameron (35)

EVERYONE WELCOME! Admission £2 members, £2.50 non-members, free to full-time students. Includes tea/coffee & biscuits.

Please book with Lesley Hawkins 01877 339080 or

Finally, a major thank you for everyone who turned up and had faith in the weather, Crieff Golf course and club house for allowing us to play. Graham Courtney, for the use of a bus and a beer stop on the way home. In the absence of our normal scorer, Kenny Smith, thank you Davie Watt and Owen for counting the score cards and working out the results. Once again thank you to all who turned up and hopefully see you all again next year. Chip Hacker


It has been yet another busy month for us, with plenty going on to keep us busy. The Ryder Cup saw a large number of tourists in the area. A handful of the local officers were also seconded to work at the event, with great feedback being received. Road checks are continuing in the area as road safety is currently in the spotlight after a number of serious and fatal collisions in the area, which saw numerous drivers charged with speeding, failing to wear their seatbelt, driving whilst using their phone or document offences. During one of the stop checks in Strathyre, a quantity of drugs was also found within a vehicle. As the nights are becoming darker and the weather changes, road checks will continue in order to ensure vehicles are roadworthy going into winter, and also to detect and deter any thieves. Overnight on the 28th September, a parked vehicle was damaged in Auchraw Terrace, Lochearnhead. If you have any information that could be of assistance, please get in touch. Overnight on the 17th October, a caravan was stolen from Immervoulin Caravan site in Strathyre. There are several ongoing lines of enquiry with this case and we are hopeful that we will be able to resolve it fairly quickly. On Monday 20th October, the local policing team executed a search warrant at an address in response to information received from the local community with regards to the alleged activities taking place within. Again, if you have any information that you wish to share please get in touch. I cannot assist in dealing with problems without the information to act upon. On Friday 10th October, I was out in force again with Trading Standards and Benefit Fraud investigators patrolling the area in light of the recent issues surrounding bogus workmen. I was pleased to see that all but one of the groups spoken to were legitimate and had complied with everything they should and were carrying out the work to a high standard. The one company who did come to our attention is now being dealt with by both the Benefit Fraud Investigators and Trading Standards.

Road checks are continuing

Security Advice Given that winter is quickly approaching and this time last year, we had a spate of house breakings, I feel it is prudent to pass on security advice. First off, you need to think like a thief! If you had the choice of a house that was well lit and looked “lived in” or one completely in darkness and clearly unoccupied, which would you chose? Given that we are approaching winter, and the hours of darkness are increasing, consider the lighting of your property, inside and out. Inside, leave lights on or leave a lamp on an electronic timer. Another good tip is to leave a radio or TV on when popping out and consider closing blinds and curtains also to make the house look like someone is in. How often would you sit in the house on a dark night with the curtains wide open? Outside, put up lighting all around the house, and consider the use of security lights with PIR sensors attached. Bushes and shrubs can also be cut back to aid visibility and reduce potential hiding places for thieves. Try and put security lighting up as high as possible, along with alarm boxes. On several occasions, the thieves have disabled both as they have been within easy reach of the ground. Great for easy maintenance, and for a thief to remove! Consider taking a note of serial numbers of any expensive items of property in your house, and photographs are also a good idea. Another good solution on the market,

SCISSOR SISTER HAIR & BEAUTY SALON Full range of hair and beauty services

T. 07595 356 369 9am to 6pm Mon-Sat 86 Main Street, Callander L’oreal & Paul Mitchell stockist

Wedding packages available 20

that I am pleased to say members of this community are already using, is Smartwater. This is a forensic solution which has a unique DNA that will be registered to you, and when we carry out enquiries into potential stolen property, we can often find those responsible. The solution is permanent and different options are available, including sprays etc. and every person who is taken into police custody in the UK is scanned for it at the door. The company are providing excellent discounts to Scottish residents and I can provide you with a link. Have a look at their website, . If you are interested, please get in touch with me and I will provide you with details. Ensure all sheds and outhouses are locked at all times, even if working in the garden. If you leave doors open on sheds and garages, it lets everyone see what is inside and gives them the opportunity to plan a return visit! If you are going away for a few days, always consider leaving a key with a neighbour or friend/family member who will visit regularly, daily if possible. Do not allow mail to stack up behind doors. If it is possible, leave a car outside the house and whoever is checking the property can move the car if possible. If you are going on holiday, make police aware by either popping into your local office, or drop me an email. It means that where possible, we will try to keep a look out for your property. Have good quality locks fitted to doors and windows and consider the use of an alarm. Some alarms will contact the police and we will attend along with a keyholder to ensure all is in order. This is not always the case so if you hear a house alarm sounding, think about phoning the police. Make sure you lock your vehicles at all times and remove the keys from the ignition. Do not leave vehicles unattended to defrost outside your house as they are liable to be stolen and your insurance will be void! Take any items of value out of the car, or if you have no choice, cover it with something to make it less obvious. The most important piece of advice is be vigilant and keep an eye out for your neighbours and the local community. Call the police immediately on 101, or 999 in an emergency, if you are at all concerned about the behaviour of a person or vehicle. If in doubt, contact me and I can arrange a free security survey and can provide the relevant advice to you. As always, I can always be contacted on 101 or for those who prefer email, I can be contacted directly at william.diamond@ Regards, PC Will Diamond



by Jonathan MacDonald You may or may not have heard of the plant Choisya ternata ‘Sundance’. A pleasant wee shrub which is well named, being much brighter and sunnier than its green parent. Peter Catt, discovering it in 1978, found it to have a small leaf the size of a fingernail growing low down on the dark green parent - a mutation so small and insignificant, it may have been easily overlooked or considered diseased. From that one leaf he was to go on, several years later, to launch it at Chelsea, and it has been a very popular plant ever since. He gets royalties from this plant as it was “horticulturally copyrighted” or given the award of “plant breeder’s rights” (PBR status). Only he can offer licences to other nurseries to propagate from them and sell them. The public pays a little more for plants has gone as far as taking out adverts in that have PBR on them (you will see it the gardening press to warn us gardening written on the label). New introductions oiks about the dangers of pirating from the can charge a range from 10p to £1 a plant untouchables. Huge international legal depending on what it is. I am told reliably firms have appeared, to protect growers that a brand new BMW is purchased every and their research investments. One such year from ‘Sundance’ royalties! case went to the German supreme court A friend rather excitedly sent me a over the international rights of Clematis picture of that garden favourite, Cosmos, ‘Fond Memories’ by the bizarrely named from his garden this summer. A new Merc Genesis Plant Marketing Ltd. Could you may have flashed through his mind when have chosen a better name for the losing he spotted bizarre tubular rolling up of side? I think I will name mine Clematis the flower petals. “Am I onto something?” “HanzOFF!” he asked himself. Sadly the bubble was All this is a reminder of the longest popped as it turned out to be Cosmos running court case in legal history - a “Sea Shells” mixture, which is a fairly rather apt one as Christmas approaches. It recent introduction, exhibiting strange concerns the strange affair of the Mexican curled petals that looks like very thin pink Poinsettia. The case centred on whether whelks. Cosmos itself stands firmly in you can patent a ‘sport of a sport’ (a chance the penumbra of breeders’ art. Sensation mutation that you can propagate from). For Mix is still the tall classic from 1936 that example - you buy a lovely poinsettia this has been wonderful this year and I also see Christmas which has been bred by some Sonata Mix about town - it’s a dwarf version company and it has a plant protection order that stands up on its own much better in a on it meaning you cannot legally propagate plain border. This is not to say the Merc from that plant. However if by chance a possibility is off completely; one needs only large blue leaf appears with golden blobs try crossing Sonata with other members of then you would think you would be entitled to take that cutting and propagate it on and the Aster (daisy) family and voila... But alas, breeders rights are not then register that as a new cultivar and so conferred on seeds, just cuttings. Now Mr on. Not so! The case has rumbled on for Catt, no stranger to defending his rights, many years - so watch here for an update.

Spring bulbs for sale. Burning Peat £7.95 per 30kg bag.

Open 7 days a week: 9.30am - 4.30pm Huge selection of plants and stock

On the main road A85 going East just before Comrie Contact: Jonathan MacDonald and the Riverside Team

Tel: 01764 670800

Best wee garden centre we’ve ever been to!” Mabel MacKay, Perth

Top: Choisya ternata ‘Sundance’ and above: Cosmos Sonata Mix

Poinsettia breeding back in the day was done with irradiation. Roots of plants would be subjected to low doses of radioactive material, transforming leaf tissue and colour, which would be retained in the next generation of plants. I am not sure if this practice has been banned - but one would think it should be! This can of course occur naturally. A chance meeting with Dutchman JRP Van Hoey Smith (the leading dendrologist of his time and curator and creator of the “must see” Trompenburg arboretum) made me aware of the weird and wonderful tree cultivars he had bred; he told me this had been a direct result of a low comet passing over Holland in the 1960s. A numbers of mutations had occurred due to high levels of irradiation from the comet, and he was quick to spot these, eventually making grafts from the mutations. To this day I still do not think that this man was in need of any psychoanalysis! However, it may be worth further research. Lastly, to a beacon of the suburbs: the extensively planted ‘Kilmarnock’ willow, that small weeping version of the goat or pussy willow, is now a worldwide fashion - and all because of a chance discovery in a hedgerow by an old retired botanist called James Surra on the Monkton Estate in Ayrshire in 1840s. The original plant was never found as he died soon afterwards, but a lucky chap at Lang’s nursery was able to propagate them further, having obtained a plant from Surra. Keep your eyes peeled out there as money can almost literally grow on trees! 21

McLaren High School News Zoolab Visits McLaren High School On Tuesday 16 September Zoolab visited all of the S1s at McLaren High School. Zoolab’s job is to go round different schools with all sorts of animals you might not see every day. The animals we saw were a Madagascar hissing cockroach, a giant African millipede, a corn snake, a frog, a domestic rat and finally a Chilean rose tarantula!!! And we held them all well most of them anyway! When everybody was holding the animals we were told how we affect the animals. The demonstrator told us how we can save animals’ lives just by recycling. These are some of the suggestions people came up with on what they would like to see next time Zoolab comes to the school and things they can maybe improve. Animals they would like to see: A venus fly trap, tortoise, birds, mice, lizards, rabbit, gecko and a chameleon. Some people wanted to hold the tarantula, people wanted more time but over all we all enjoyed it and hope that next year’s S1 enjoy it just as much. Daisy King S1 Under 16 Rugby The under 16 rugby squad kicked off their Brewin Dolphin campaign with a comprehensive victory over Larbert High School. After a number of call offs in the lead up to the game, a squad of 14 players travelled to Dunblane for the tie. With a number of experienced players within the team, McLaren started the game on the front foot, and started getting the scoreboard ticking over in the opening few minutes. McLaren continued to dominate the first half, running in some excellent individual and team scores. Half time score was McLaren 35 Larbert 0. Larbert continued to bravely defend their line. However, the strong running McLaren forwards managed to exploit the gaps in the away team’s defence, with the backs supporting and finishing off the moves. Throughout the second half, the valuable experience within the home side ensured that the boys continued to play to a high level, adding to the score line with a number of scores. The match finished 80-0 to McLaren, with the experience and power demonstrated by several of the McLaren players proving be the difference in the sides. McLaren will progress to the Final where they will meet Queen Victoria High School. Scorers were Logan Trotter (4), Charlie Allardyce (3), Luke Maher, Rory Abernethy, Callum Maxwell, Callum Cameron and Connor Clark, with Logan successfully converting 10 out of 12 kicks.


visit our website:

The winners!


MacMillan Bake Sale On 26 September the Charities Committee 2014/15 held our first event, a bake sale for Macmillan Cancer Support. This was a great success and was enjoyed by everyone involved. We raised ÂŁ740.84 for this worthy cause. As it was also an inter house competition, the winners were Dochart followed by Bracklinn with Leny third. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff and pupils in S6 for baking, and for the people who bought the cakes and contributed to such a great cause. Our next event will be a fundraiser for Children and Need on 14 November and we hope to have the same success as we had for the bake sale! Molly McIntyre S6




Farm Forum: Vandals in the Countryside Over the last few years we have seen a huge increase in thefts from farms. Initially it was mainly machinery, from quad bikes to much larger diggers, and whilst this type of theft seems to be on the increase, the theft of animals, mainly sheep, is becoming all too prevalent especially from farms with remoter areas adjacent to easily accessible roads. This last week three crimes of a completely different nature occurred. One involved the deliberate opening of two sluice gates, releasing about sixty thousand gallons of slurry into a nearby burn with resultant pollution and no doubt considerable damage. Another involved the tainting of milk awaiting collection with antibiotics. regardless of the fact, as Richard Wright This came to light during the normal says in his ‘Euro Notebook’. It would be sample testing. These cases appear to an understatement to say things are not be deliberate acts of vandalism. The good in agriculture at the moment, and third case was somewhat different, this is the case across the EU.” the site being a disused farm near Italy now holds the EU presidency and Edinburgh when a lot of “silage” bales it chose to begin with a largely irrelevant were discovered to contain hundreds debate about the potential contribution of tonnes of waste. It is reported that of agriculture to an EU 2020 plan for the waste would have cost about sixty economic growth and employment. thousand pounds to dispose of legally Richard Wright goes on to say that these and this was all too easy a dumping are certainly worthwhile objectives, ground for the miscreants. The problem but given that agriculture and food are with this crime is that the bales looked amongst the top five contributors to the very same as silage bales and would European manufacturing it goes without not attract immediate attention. These saying that if there is to be growth they crimes are very hard to prevent and must be a key part of the plan. Time was seem to be a sign of the times we live then spent discussing how yet more in, but anyone should report anything committees could take this forward, suspicious they may notice - especially with ministers apparently forgetting that the name of the game for many in the at night. On the agripolitical front the EU industry is survival now, rather than a seems to be in a state of limbo just now, political dream plan for the future.

Ministers also agreed a new strategy for promoting European food. This was about creating a situation where “made in Europe” became a badge of quality around the world. Richard Wright commented that time will tell how effective this will be, while it might be a cynical response, it is hard to believe that products promoted as having come from the EU will have the global market appeal of, for example, Scotch Beef, French cheese or Danish bacon and many more products too numerous to mention with country of origin labels. Agricola I heartily agree!

Callander Rambling Club Sponsored by Caledonian Country Wear

The Club consists of a group of enthusiasts who meet regularly

throughout the year to participate in a programme of strolls, rambles, hill walks and a Long Distance Path. Details are published on http://www. in the Ben Ledi View and on posters around Callander. New members and guests are always welcome. Here are some dates for your diary:

Left to right, are the ‘training bras’, holding their completion certificates, which took the form of rosettes. They are: Lottie Hesp, Maddy Thomson, Kim Sharp-Hunter, Holly Ramsay Clapham, Lauren Wilbert, Hannah Inglis and Rebecca Ramsay-Clapham.

Junior BRAS

Saturday the 25th Of October was a very wet and windy day in the glen, but that didn’t stop Balquhidder Riding Association (BRA) holding a “ride a pony” day for their young members, the ‘training BRAs’. While the rain poured down, these young ladies bravely rode out, and appeared to enjoy every moment. A refreshment stop for hot chocolate all round (ponies excluded) certainly helped refuel for the trek home. Well done girls. Our thanks to Karen Methven, Laura Thomson and Arlene Struthers-Lake for donating their ponies for the girls to ride.

NOVEMBER 2014 • Sat 1st 8:30am Hill: Uamh Bheag (665m) – contact 01877 330930 • Wed 12th 09:30 Stroll: Garadhban forest (Drymen) (5 miles) – contact 01786 860256 • Wed 26th 09:30 Stroll: Mystery Walk (5 miles) – contact 01877 330102 DECEMBER 2014 • Sat 6th 8:30am Hill: Cort-ma Law (531m) – contact 01877 330930 We meet in Ancaster Square, unless otherwise indicated. Please bring wet weather clothing, appropriate footwear and a packed lunch. And please let the walk leader know if you plan to join the walk via the contact number given! Visitors and non-members welcome.



We’ll send you or your friends The


£14.00 for 11 monthly issues (£37.00 for Europe and £47.00 for the rest of the world). We are sorry about the increased costs to our valued overseas readers, due to the new postal rates imposed by the Post Office! All you need to do is to post the completed form to: BLS NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION, GARDENERS COTTAGE BALQUHIDDER FK19 8PB, SCOTLAND Cheques should be made payable to: THE BLS NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION Remittance enclosed £ .........................(do not send cash) Please send copies of The Villagers starting on ................................. for 11 months To: NAME .......................................................................................................................... ADDRESS: ........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................POSTCODE .............................. SENDER’S NAME & ADDRESS IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE Please send copies of The Villagers starting on ............................... for 11 months NAME ................................................................................................................................ ADDRESS .......................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................POSTCODE................................

Cheques for advertising and mail order subscriptions should be made out to: The BLS Newspaper Association




All types of tree work undertaken Removal of dangerous trees Crown lifting, Crown reduction, High pruning,Removal of deadwood. All types of fencing erected Mole trapping References can be given. Free estimates

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Laptop Repair Service All types of repairs carried out from physical damage to data recovery

Neil Law

laptop Technician

Tel 01567 830314 Facebook: NHL Laptop Repair

Printed by Graphics and Print Services, University of Stirling Tel: 01786 467209 email: Published by The BLS Newspaper Association


• The Villagers’ Contacts • Jill Johnston Editor Gardeners Cottage Balquhidder FK19 8PB 01877 384227

Gill Allan Production Manager Stronvar Farm Balquhidder Lochearnhead FK19 8PB 01877 384203

David Johnston Advertising Coordinator Gardeners Cottage Balquhidder FK19 8PB 01877 384227

Helen Clark Business Manager 07971 648743

Copy Deadline Day is the 21st of the month. Send your contributions to:

contac t@the Please help us to get The Villagers to you as soon as possible!

• DIARY DATES • We e k l y A c t i v i t i e s Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Bowling - St Fillans Keep Fit - Lochearnhead Hall - 10.30 to11.30am Gaelic Playgroup - Balquhidder Hall - 10.30am to 12.30pm Badminton - Balquhidder Hall - 8.00pm Country Dancing - St Fillans LEGS - Lochearnhead Hall - 6.30pm Pilates - Balquhidder Hall - 9.45am to 10.45am (contact Abbey Arkotxa 0776 6407578) Yoga - Balquhidder Hall - 11.00am to 12noon (contact Ann Cobbett 01877 376291) Pilates - Balquhidder Hall - 6pm to 7pm (contact Abbey Arkotxa 0776 6407578) Youth Club - Lochearnhead Hall - 7.00 to 9.00pm Choir Occasional - Balquhidder Hall - 7.30pm to 9pm (call Gill Allan 01877 384203) Metafit Classes - Strathyre Village Hall - 8.00pm Playgroup - Lochearnhead Hall - 10.00am-12 noon (Contact Mel Brydie 01877 384668) Ballroom Dancing - Lochearnhead Hall

Other Contacts...

Lochearnhead Contact: Ali Ferguson 01567 830 405 Strathyre Contact: Wullie Dalziel 01877 384 384 Mobile 07768 221661 St Fillans Contact: John Murray 01764 685 487 Mail Order Distribution: Hilda Astbury 01877 384 681

The Villagers’ Photographer Alistair Barclay is available to attend village functions and take photos if contacted in plenty of time. CDs of photos are also for sale. Please phone him on 01567 830453

NOVEMBER 2014 9 11 13 16/17 19 22

Remembrance Sunday Services see p. 8 SWT Talk - Plants that catch Insects - see p.19 BLS Trust AGM - Broch Café, Strathyre 7.30 - see p.2 Christmas Art Sale - Four Seasons Hotel see p. 2 Balquhidder Hall AGM - 7.30 see p. 2 Race Night - Strathyre, at the Inn - see p. 2

DECEMBER 2014 1 0 14 16 31


Balquhidder, Lochearnhead, Strathyre and St. Fillans CHURCH OF SCOTLAND

Community Carols - Lochearnhead Hall - see p. 8 Carols - Killin Parish Church 10am - see p. 8 SWT Antartica The Easy Way - see p.19 Hogmany Dance - Lochearnhead Hall - see p. 2



New Years Day Dance Balquhidder Hall

Councillor Martin Earl Stirling Council, Old Viewforth, Stirling FK8 2ET 01786 443497 Mobile 07881 310 922 Councillor Alycia Hayes Stirling Council, Old Viewforth, Stirling FK8 2ET 01786 443497 Mobile 07881 310 924 Councillor Fergus Wood Stirling Council, Old Viewforth, Stirling FK8 2ET 01786 443497 Mobile 07824 496 019

Balquhidder Parish Church Registered Charity No. SCO12316 Sunday 11.30am Minister: Vacancy Enquiries to Interim Moderator: Revd Stuart Fulton 01786 463060 Dundurn Church, St Fillans Sunday11.30am Minister: Rev Graham McWilliams Tel: 01764 671 045

ROMAN CATHOLIC Callander, St Joseph the Worker Sunday 11.30am Saturday Vigil Mass 5.30pm from May through to September Killin, in the Episcopal Church Sunday 2.30pm Father Jim McCruden 2 Ancaster Square, Callander Tel: 01877 330 702

SCOTTISH EPISCOPAL CHURCH St Angus’s Church, Lochearnhead Every Sunday: Holy Communion at 11.15am. Second and fifth Sundays in the month: Evensong at 6.00pm Vestry Secretary - Mary Barclay Tel: 01567 830453

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