A New Approach Title:
Research & Development Strategy
Subject: TNZ R&D Strategy
Project: Transform
Author: Timothy Allan
Date: [11/07/06]
Document Format:
A new structured approach aimed at building industry capability (R&D). Achieved by developing the projects for industry and assisting them through the development process. Aimed at delivering results to market accurately.
The Approach - Introduction
Title: Tech & Company Process
Client: Textile New Zealand
Source: BJ & TA
Project: 4001 - Transform
PD#: 4001-01-001
The proposed approach has 4 major steps: Identification: of potential projects. Selection: shortlist compatible technologies & companies. Validation: of the product/consumer/market potential of project. Action: successfully start & complete the development project
Title: Tech & Company Process
Client: Textile New Zealand
Source: BJ & TA
Project: 4001 - Transform
PD#: 4001-01-001
Identification FRST 0% Industry Partner 0% Tech Partner 0% TextilessNewZealand 100%
Selection 0% 0% 0% 100%
PDS - Research 0% 100% 0% 0%
R&D Project 75% 25% 0% 0%
Commercialisation 0% 100% 0% 0%
Identification Selection Validation Action
Project & Funding Structure
Title: Tech & Company Process
Client: Textile New Zealand
Source: BJ & TA
Project: 4001 - Transform
PD#: 4001-01-001
Two Strategies
Request For Proposals (RFP) Request interest from industry and technical organisations for this project to identify existing opportunities
Investigation Investigate existing companies and technology partners for involvement within the project
Title: Tech & Company Process
Client: Textile New Zealand
Source: BJ & TA
Project: 4001 - Transform
PD#: 4001-01-001
New Technology
Company 1.
(Material One)
New Product A
New Technology
Company 2. New Product B
(Material Two)
New Technology (Material Three)
New Technology
Company 3. New Product C
Textiles New Zealand plays the central role in assisting to develop the projects. Finding key technologies and companies that can be aligned.
Company 4. New Product D
(Material Four)
Title: Tech & Company Process
Client: Textile New Zealand
Source: BJ & TA
Project: 4001 - Transform
PD#: 4001-01-001
Technology Partner
R eq
Title: Tech & Company Process
Client: Textile New Zealand
Source: BJ & TA
Project: 4001 - Transform
PD#: 4001-01-001
2 Selection
Shortlist Technology
Available technologies under development
Technologies Technologies Companies
Initiate Project. (Go to Diagram Two)
Shortlist TNZ Companies
Existing Textile New Zealand member companies
011: Investigation Investigate and categories the avalible technologies that are currently under development in New Zealand, along with grouping the existing Textile New Zealand members into key cluster groups.
012: Create Shortlist
013: Evaluate Shortlist
Evaluate and generate a short list of the key technologies and Textile New Zealand members that best fit the shortlist guidelines.
Re-evaluate the shortlisted technologies and companies to identify the most approriate components for the developmental project.
014: Confirm Shortlist Define and lock down the final technologies and companes for the developmental project.
Title: Transition
Client: Textile New Zealand
Source: Blythe Rees-Jones
Project: 4001 - Transition
PD#: 4001-01-001
015: Enter Validation Generate the structure and scope for the project. Generate an initial Product Development Specifcation (PDS) to provide the framework for the project.
3 Validation
PDS Review & Sign Off
Combined R&D Team
Detail Review
Combined R&D Review
Market Research Review
Resources (People & Funding)
Year 07
Market Entry
0.5 Detail Design & Productionisation
This period may vary for each company
Develop the new products for production & manufacture by the TNZ members
0.3 - 0.4 Design & Development Combined design & deveopment of a range of products & technologies for the TNZ companies
0.2 Product Development Specification Collectively research & understand the product context, new markets, & applicable technologies for TNZ companies.
Duration (months)
Title: Transition
Client: Textile New Zealand
Source: Blythe Rees-Jones
Project: 4001 - Transition
PD#: 4001-01-001
Clarify Into the industry product context and market conditions that drive sales in the product category. This is deliberately broad to establish connections between the consumer, the product, the market and the distribution and sale of the product.
The Project The Product
Research Technical Define technical performance requirements and other technical factors such as Standards.
Consumer Define the consumer and market trends to understand where the product category is
Economic The Company The Market
Define the price points and margins along with other economic factors.
Should define the following:
Plan Cost Resource Risk Payback
Goals Range Performance; Programme Product Strategy Market Strategy
Communicate Present Discuss Assess Review Conclusions Decision
Define product sustainability in the context of the product category using initial tool sets.
The Consumer
011: Clarification Defined Project and its Objectives; Outline the Product, Service, or System; Detail Company Specific Information; Define the Markets; Identify the primary consumers/users
021: Research Research is categorised into four main categories outlined above: Investigate and understand consumers key drivers and trends; Define Intended markets, investigate drivers and product positioning; Investigate competing product price points, performance levels and general attributes; Document Resource and/or material and production factors; Investigate Intellectual Property aspects; Investigate distribution and Supply Chain aspects; Investigate Environmental Aspects and Impacts. Research relevant standards and compliance issues for target markets.
023 : Scope
022: Definition Set Design Goals/objectives; Define intended product item/range; Set Performance Goals; Set Technical Targets; Define testing & development programme; Define Product Life Cycle/Product System in relation to user groups. Define Product Functional Unit; Define Product implementation strategy Define the proposed market entry strategy. Establish enviornmental characteristics/targets.
Project plan Risk Assessment and Management Financial Assessment (ROI, IRR, NPV) Resource Requirements Provisional Costing
Title: Project Development
Client: Internal
Source: Timothy Allan
Project: 0100 Internal Process
PD#: 0100-01-001
024 : Communication Present the Documented PDS for review; Management review and clarification; Assessment of the project viability Decision to proceed, request further information or to stop.
4 Action
0.5 Detail Design & Productionisation
Combined design & deveopment of a range of products & technologies for the TNZ companies
Combined R&D Review
0.2 Research (Comb bined)
PDS Review & Sign Off
Combined R&D Team
0.3 - 0.4 Design & Development
Market Entry This period may vary for each company
Develop the new products for production & manufacture by the TNZ members
Detail Review
Market Research Review
Resources (People & Funding)
Year 07
Collectively research & underrstand tthe product context, new markets, & applicable ttechnologies for TNZ companies.
Duration (months)
Title: Transition
Client: Textile New Zealand
Source: Blythe Rees-Jones
Project: 4001 - Transition
PD#: 4001-01-001