Reading Lions (Year 2, 7+): For advanced reading beginners

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Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Reading Lions – The Reading Pirate-Concept: • For practiced readers age 7+ • Less illustrations, more text (40:60) – simple text structure, large primer font with double line spacing • Structured in units of meaning • With exercices and fun facts

Katja Reider/Carmen Hochmann

Cheer Up! Stories (#0145)

To play at the edge of the forest is fun, but Lion suggests to do something dangerous – who dares to say “No”? And does Pia dare to jump from a 3 meter diving board? 2,160 copies sold (02/2019) Format: colourful illustrations throughout, 64 pages

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

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Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+


Dorit Linke/Silvio Neuendorf

A Case for the Animal Savior (#0775) Tine and Paul are following a hot lead: a strange animal has recently been living in their garden! Can they help him find his way back to his home? A clear case for the two animal-rescuers!

Katja Richert/Carola Sturm

The New One in Class (#0738) Emil is new at school and hopes to get into a nice class. But he's supposed to sit next to a boy who annoys him. Can the two of them become friends after all?

Henriette Wich/ Elli Bruder

Secret Agents Stories (#0755) Milan is a true secret agent. When the building instructions for a robot are stolen from him, he has to show what he is made of. More over, Max and Momo are also kept on their toes: they have to solve the mystery of a green drone. Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

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Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Barbara Rose/Nikolai Renger

Nina Petrick/Carola Sturm

Crime Stories (#0493)

Fairy Stories (#0621)

Oh no, someone broke into the lockers in the changing room! Yannis tries to solve the case. Also the second grade students follow a trace that leads them to a treasure trunk.

Oh dear. On the way to the fairy exam Maja‘s wand breaks. Can she still pass the exam? And nuts and cake disappear from the kitchen at fairy castle during the night. Is it really a thief?

Maja von Vogel/Imke Sönnichsen

Anja Kiel/Elli Bruder

A Whale Needs Help (#0695)

The Best Kickers of the World (#0733)

Finn spends a fantastic summer at the North See. Only Liske, the girl from the local guide, is annoying! But then a porpoise runs ashore and he needs to ask Liske for help – every minute counts!

When Luca doesn’t get a spot in the football club he organizes his own team. Will the Chaos-Kickers win against the boys from the other team?

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

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Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Barbara Rose/Franziska Harvey

Nina Petrick/Lisa Hänsch

Unicorn Stories (#0493)

School Trip Stories (#0483)

Unicorn Rosella desperately wants to get to the rainbow but she is afraid of flying. Princess Milli discovers a tousled pony with a little bump – could it be a secret unicorn?

During the school trip, Anna finds a new friend, Finn is excited about the secret picnic in the dorm and the whole class is celebrating the anti-homesick-party!

Heike Wiechmann/Franziska Harvey

Stütze&Vorbach/Carmen Hochmann

The Secret of the Robber‘s Den (#0509)

The Injured Wild Horse (#0532)

Tim thinks that the camping trip is boring. But then he finds a real cave in the forest and experiences a real robber adventure.

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

During her holidays, Sina helps the gamekeeper Julia. When she counts the wild horses, she notices that one is injured. The vet comes over and Sina looks after the horse until it gets better. 4 / 41

Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Sabine Zett/Elli Bruder

Animal Stories (#0420) It‘s pet day at school and everybody is aloud bring their pet along to school. During their trip to the zoo they meet the most beautiful elephant in the world!

Barbara Rose/Carmen Hochmann

Foal Stories (#0240) Tom and Amelie are deperatey awaiting the birth of the new foal and Emma looses every fear of horses when she meets the sweet foal Luzie.

THiLO/Michael Böhm

Eva Hierteis/Carola Sturm

Full Speed on the Race Track (#0300)

A Case for the Girl Gang (#0241)

Jonas‘s father is a real race car drinver but during the soap box racing Jonas is faster. For the world cup, however, his fingers are crossed for his dad!

The girl gang is following a cinnamon bun thief and finds a cheeky alpaca that the farmer already was missing. He offers a great reward: a tree house as their headquaters!

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

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Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Katja Richtert/Steffen Winkler

Dragon Stories (#0147)

Katja Reider/Carmen Hochmann

Cheer Up! Stories (#0145)

Real dragons spit fire und fly quickly. But also Lexis´ cloud of smoke expelles enemies. And Belo finds more treasures while he is walking than his big brother in the air.

To play at the edge of the forest is fun, but Lion suggests to do something dangerous – who dares to say “No”? And does Pia dare to jump from a 3 meter diving board?

2,364 copies sold (02/2019)

2,160 copies sold (02/2019)

Barbara Rose/Naeko Ishida

Michaela Hanauer/Timo Grubing

Fairy Stories (#0148)

Police Stories (#0144)

School elf Mira causes her teacher to laugh, Tilli and Luna go together to the fairy dance, and Pino meets a dragonfly who understands his fear of flying.

Cem and Lia watch how policemen on bycicles work. For puppy Robby it´s a great day too: He becomes a police dog! 2,297 copies sold (02/2019)

2,559 copies sold (02/2019)

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

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Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Katja Richtert/Carmen Hochmann

School Stories (#8870) Cleaning day at school is boring and the photographer takes over and over the same boring pictures? Not at the school of Kenan, Tilda, Mimi and the others. In their classroom it’s just as exciting as on the school’s playground! To help the new classmate getting used to her surrounding they organize a picnic.

Sandra Grimm/Marc Rueda

Astronaut Stories (#8479) Shortly after the take-off astronaut Marc notices that a meteorite speeds towards the rocket. In addition, the contact with earth is disturbed. Will everything be alright? Emma is nervous as well. In a cave on Mars she found an alien. Fingers crossed that he‘s friendly …

6,626 copies sold (02/2019)

4,453 copies sold (02/2019)

Sonja Maren Kientsch/Carola Sturm

Karen Christine Angermayer/Dominik Rupp

Best Friend Stories (#8891)

Horse Stories (#0038)

… yaay! Hanna stays overnight at her friend Nele‘s house and they play a trick on her parents. Tine has something special planed with her friend Lea. She wants to win the betting game at her school‘s celebration but the friends start arguing. Will they get along again in the end?

Everyday Sara watches a little pony. When it gets ill one day she can rescue the pony lastminute. Will she now get riding lessons? Luisa thinks that riding is not that easy and she’s a little bit scared of gallop until her teacher gives a little trick away. 5,782 copies sold (02/2019)

6,238 copies sold (02/2019)

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

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Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Henriette Wich/Alexander Bux

Stütze & Vorbach/Carola Sturm

Dinosaur Stories (#8617)

Girly Stories(#8726)

Suddenly, there are dinosaurs at the pool, at the natural history museum, basically everywhere. They cause lots of excitement and fun for everyone.

Bella, Tuula and Rike are best friends. Bella helps to train Rike‘s little dog and Tuula has a great idea for their next adventure! Building a cave! But when Bella wants to do something else, there is a fight. Will the three of them make up?

7,194 copies sold (02/2019)

8,254 copies sold (02/2019)

THiLO/Irmgard Paule

Annette Moser/Heribert Schulmeyer

Soccer Stories (#8580)

Fire Brigade Stories (#8596)

Linus is a great goalkeeper and gets a big chance! He is going to meet the trainer of a famous footballer. Will he be able to play with his team? The Football Tigers prove they have great team spirit when they help getting the playing field back in order.

Lots to do for the fire brigade! Firefighter Ben discovers a fire in his neighbourhood and calls his colleagues for help. Are they able to blow out the fire? Luisa and Mona find a kitten high up in a tree that can’t get down on its own. They have to call the fire brigade - fast!

10,048 copies sold (02/2019)

8,471 copies sold (02/2019) Rights sold: Finnish

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

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Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Heike Wiechmann

Sandra Grimm/Ines Rarisch

Pony Stories (#8615)

Pirate Stories (#8604)

Will the little zebra foal find a new home at the pony farm? Cara and Jette do their best to help him. Pony Hubert meets his new rider and Timmy has to prove that he is not afraid of water while out on a trail ride.

Fiete is brave but not a real pirate, or at least his family thinks so. He is way too nice! But then Fiete can prove that he is a great pirate in his own way. Ship cook Dumpling does not think much of fighting but when strange pirates invade his kitchen he grabs the soup ladle!

10,357 copies sold (02/2019)

7,410 copies sold (02/2019)

Katja Reider/Stéffie Becker

Ann-Katrin Heger/Julia Ginsbach

School Class Stories (#8603)

Scary Stories (#8605)

Ms. Murr‘s class is excited: Who will win the city rally? At the sport festival, there is a gripping competition that leads to a big conflict. But then something unexpected happens and the students have to prove that they can work together and help each other when it comes down to something.

Holidays at a haunted house? That sounds exciting! Will there actually be monsters in the attic? Tim and Nina are going to find out! In the meantime, Greta meets a real vampire and something exciting is going on in the forest as a werewolf-party is celebrated. 9,583 copies sold (02/2019)

6,784 copies sold (02/2019)

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

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Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Henriette Wich

Henriette Wich

The Secret of the Horse Whisperer (#8441) Finja has nothing to do with horses until she meets the beautiful mare Forrestfairy. But the horse seams to be restless and ill, but no one know what is the matter with her. Finja is watching Forrestfairy very closely and learns how to understand her way of communicating… 6,785 copies sold (02/2019) Rights sold: Finnish

Treasure Hunt Stories (#8187) Treasures are everywhere! Franz and Frieda know all you have to do is simply look hard enough. Ronja also takes her chance. But soon she realises that she can’t solve the mystery surrounding her grandfather’s treasure all by herself. Will Captain Klappe and the Red Pirates also realise that? Because even real pirates can only find treasures with teamwork. 6,115 copies sold (02/2019) Rights sold: Turkish

Annette Moser

Emma Bergmann

Animal Rescue Stories (#8268)

Three Friends Save the Horse Ranch (#8186)

Are spiders useful or just disgusting? For Moritz and Flo one thing is for sure: They save spiders because all animals have the right to live! Frida and her dog Samson rescue al little kitten. Where does it belong? 5,387 copies sold (02/2019) Rights sold: Finnish, Turkish

Mia, Annie and Jon agree: Rosi’s Ranch is the most terrific Horse Ranch in the world. But one day rich Mister Ritter appears in his sports car. Is he coming to rent a box for his expensive mare or does he want to buy the whole ranch? The three friends have to rescue Rosi’s Ranch and make up a really genius plan. 6,629 copies sold (02/2019) Rights sold: Turkish

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

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Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Henriette Wich

Katja Reider

Foal Tales (#7869) (Relaunch)

Pilot Tales (#7979)

Jana and Mellie simply can’t stand each other. But when a little foal is born on their pony riding school, all their quarrels are blown away.

Pilot Pinky and his colleagues are expert pilots. From gliders to rescue helicopters to huge passenger planes – they can fly anything!

47,053 copies sold (02/2019) Rights sold: Danish, Turkish

6,296 copies sold (02/2019) Rights sold: Turkish

Alexandra Fischer-Hunold

Marlene Jablonski

Police Tales (#7818) (Relaunch)

Stories About Cats (#7727)

Kati is sitting in the police car with her mother when she hears accidentally a some bank robbers talking on the police radio. Will they be in time to prevent them from robbing the bank?

Princess Clara is lucky to have not one but three knights to keep her safe. But, when a dangerous beast pops up, her knights just run away. Now, it’s up to Albert the cat to save her.

30,496 copies sold (02/2019) Rights sold: Turkish

8,800 copies sold (02/2019) Rights sold: Finnish, Turkish

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

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Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Katja Reider


A Mission for Dragonfly 3 (#7698)

Advent Thrillers (#7450)

Eddie the pilot has already rescued lots of people with his Dragonfly 3 rescue helicopter. This time, it’s Pit, the boy who lives next door, who is in terrible danger…

A thief inside the Christmas market! Everyday more and more bags of gingerbread stars are disappearing. Of course, Laura and Ben are on the look-out to catch the thief!

11,850 copies sold (02/2019)

10,280 copies sold (02/2019)

Heike Wiechmann

Stories About Horses (#7729) Jule has an exciting day ahead: today is an important test for the little horseshoe! But her horse Stups prefers to roll around in the mud than obey Jule. Can she still pass her test? In the meantime, Katja’s mustang Dagobert has a lot of fun at the town fair and creates a lot of fuss around the stalls…

Vanessa Walder

Goosebumps Stories (#8121) (Relaunch) Sharks in the castle ditch, bats under the roof and snakes in the garden: Ralf lives in a real haunted castle! Shall Paul visit him anyway? Lisa and Britta on the other hand want to be scared – off they go on a big ghost hunt! 27,670 copies sold (02/2019)

10,504 copies sold (02/2019) Rights sold: Danish, Dutch

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

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Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Henriette Wich

Kidnapping on the Christmas Market (#7819)

Sandra Grimm

Stories About Mermaids (#7350)

Oh dear – Santa Clause is gone! Maxi and Luna have only just seen him on the Christmas Market, now his coat is hanging on a fence. An obvious case for the two detectives: Santa Clause has been kidnapped! They start investigating straight away…

When Ida discovers a tiny little mermaid in her neighbour’s fishbowl, she simply has to save her. But it’s not so easy to safe a mermaid. At the same time, the king of the ocean is expecting an important visitor and his daughter, Princess Marisa, doesn’t even think about behaving herself…

7,142 copies sold (02/2019)

7,587 copies sold (02/2019)

Vanessa Walder

Sabine Zett

Ballet Stories (#7034)

Adventure Stories (#7002)

For Alisa, ballet is everything and she has learnt all the steps for the audition by heart. But will that be enough to get the leading role?

Fire! When Jan sees the smoke-filled aeroplane on the runway, he knows that he must act quickly to avert a disaster... Together with Vincent and Melissa, he tumbles into a dangerous adventure on the sea.

8,145 copies sold (02/2019)

8,177 copies sold (02/2019) Rights sold: Turkish

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

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Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Bengt Birck

Little Dog in Big Danger (#7215)

Brigitte Kolloch/Elisabeth Zöller

Victoria is Strong! (#7351)

Jojo the little dog is very excited. His friend Isaac has disappeared without leaving a trace. Could he have been nobbled by a horrible dog thief?

Victoria is unhappy; she’s just started at her new school and nobody wants to sit beside her. At playtime, all they do is make fun of her. Then her mother gives her a power stone...

10,859 copies sold (02/2019) Rights sold: Danish, Finnish

12,109 copies sold (02/2019) Rights sold: Turkish

Antonia Michaelis

Detectives Stories (#7840) (Relaunch) Max thinks something is up: someone keeps on phoning him from Tina’s flat and shouting into the handset. Is Tina in danger? 24,788 copies sold (02/2019) Rights sold: Chinese (simplified), Norwegian

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,


Riding School Stories (#7554) Oh horrors! Mrs Monteli, the riding school instructor, has fallen off during a ride in the country. Will Katharine and her clever pony Cheeky Badger manage to get help? 40,708 copies sold (02/2019) Rights sold: Danish

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Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Julia Boehme

Brigitte Kolloch/Elisabeth Zöller

The Little Dolphin and the Pirate Gold (#7214)

Elf Stories (#7462)

Mia and Luca love their little Dolphin Piri. When the hear of a pirate cave, all they can think of is to find the pirates’ treasure! An adventurous search begins, in which Piri can show his friends what he is capable of…

Julius can’t believe it! A tiny elf has hidden in his mirror castle and wants to be friends with him. Hanna as well gets magical guests, but they have to be kept hidden from her parents. This is easier said than done, because Hanna and her elfish friends have to giggle a lot.

11,739 copies sold (02/2019)

31,920 copies sold (02/2019)

Cornelia Funke

The Moonshine Dragon (#7648)

Did you ever hear of moonshine magic? No? Neither did Philipp. But one night a mean white knight chases a poor dragon through Philipp’s room. But this is not yet the end of the strange events of this moonshine night. Suddenly, Philipp is small like a thumb and together with the dragon he has to find a good hide-out, because the furious knight is now chasing the two of them.

Julia Boehme

Paula Pirate Fright (#7284) Thunder and canon smoke! In the pirates bay, a mysterious treasure sees to excitement. While all other pirates fish in muddy waters, Paula Pirate Fright and her friend Laslo manage to recover the treasure. 29,650 copies sold (02/2019) Rights sold: Dutch

27,994 copies sold (02/2019) Rights sold: Arabic, Chinese (simplified), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English (UK), Norwegian, Romanian, Swedish, Turkish Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

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Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Manfred Mai

Detective Stories (#7035)

Leon and Alessio are shocked! Someone has stolen money from the office in their holiday camp. Of course, they set out to find out who is responsible… Marie and Jonas have to deal with a robber, and soon end up in a wild chase… 13,592 copies sold (02/2019) Rights sold: Turkish

Bengt Birck

Little Dog on the Go (#7463)

When the only black sheep of the herd disappears, sheepdog Jojo sets off to bring it back safely. But then the herd is being attacked by an eagle and a little lamb is in great danger. Will Jojo be able to save it? 14,740 copies sold (02/2019) Rights sold: Danish, Turkish

Julia Boehme

Animal Stories (#7346) (Relaunch)

White hills, white igloos, white snow – boring! The little icebear finally wants to see some colours. He has a good plan though but first he has to turn into a raspberry icebear… Dog detective Laslo is also always on a lookout for adventures. When he follows a suspicious scent, he experiences a wonderful surprise… 85,996 copies sold (02/2019) Rights sold: Dutch, Turkish


Goal-getter Stories (#7338) (Relaunch)

Kalle is excited: his team is going to play in a higher league today. Will his team win the game against their difficult opponents? All Jonathan can think about is football, his dad is a famous footballer! At an important final, Jonathan can finally show him how good he is! Let the game begin… 51,925 copies sold (02/2019) Rights sold: Chinese (simplified), Dutch, Finnish

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

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Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Heike Wiechmann

Eva Hierteis

Christmas Stories (#7008)

Stable Stories (#7201)

Hmm…how nice it smells on the Christmas Market! Like cinnamon, chocolate and almonds. What is that? Is a robber lurking amongst the crowd? Bengel the little dog follows a hot scent… Ben and Lisa are excited: they want to surprise their parents with a magical forest Christmas night. Are they going to enjoy it?

Paula is puzzled: Usually, Molly, her beautiful brown mare, is very lively but for a few days now she seems tired and slow. Is Molly sick? At the riding stable Lenz everyone is agitated because a big parade is about to be organised. When a thunderstorm is approaching, the parade is in danger of being cancelled. Luckily, Ida has a great idea…

15,395 copies sold (02/2019)

14,529 copies sold (02/2019)

Julia Boehme

Stories About Friendship (#7295) (Relaunch) What luck there are true friends in the world! But what if your best friend moves to another city? Kai is very sad about it, but soon has a plan… Leon has also friends that he can count on, and Kati realises after a bad fight: without her friend Lara everything is only half as much fun!

61,169 copies sold (02/2019) Rights sold: Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian

Julia Boehme

The Little Dolphin: A Friend from the Sea (#6177) Luca and Mia are beyond happy: there are lots of dolphins in their favourite bay! But soon they realise that the dolphins are in danger: a baby dolphin has been caught in an old fishernet and a shark is getting closer. Will Luca and Mia be able to safe the little dolphin in time? 11,913 copies sold (02/2019)

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

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Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Kathrin Schrocke

Marliese Arold

The Haunted House (#7456)

Horse Stories (#7278) (Relaunch)

Dark corridors, strange noises, creepy shadows…Pia, Kai and Lars have to hide in an abandoned villa in the middle of the forest during a thunderstorm. But there is something odd here, as mysterious shapes walk around the house. Bravely, Pia, Kai and Lars start their ghost hunt…

What fun! The foals Hothead and Scallywag can go on the paddock for the very first time. Is that going to end well? Lars, Eva and Sina are also excited: they have a few days off school and are off to the lake with their horses. Mia and Kim are arguing: whom does Pedro, the horse they both look after, like more?

7,388 copies sold (02/2019)

149.685 copies sold (02/2019) Rights sold: Chinese (simplified), French, Norwegian

Annette Moser

Easter Stories (#7283) Collecing eggs and painting them – is boring! To be the Easter bunny is no fun at all. Maybe one could switch positions with the chicken? But bunny Paulchen has also other problems: today is a big test in the easter bunny school. Who passes it, can finally become a real easter bunny! But what happens if Paulchen does not pass? 9,965 copies sold (02/2019)


Christmas Crime Stories (#7174) Lea and Tim get involved with thieves and bank robbers. To catch the dangerous criminals, they can’t be led astray: because sometimes Santa Claus is not who he seems to be … 18,358 copies sold (02/2019)

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

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Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+


Dragon Stories (#7165) Excitement in the dragon world! A huge fire spit competition shall show who the best is. Bravely, the different dragons start competing against each other. An exciting fight begins… The two dragons Gonzo and Schnauf also compare their strenghts against each other. But then something happens which nobody thought about…

Bengt Birck

Little Dog, Big Hero (#6847) Puh! Sheepdog Jojo has his paws full. When Birka, the only black sheep, disappears the whole flock panics. But luckily Jojo has the best nose. But then the sheep are attacked by an eagle and a little lamb gets into great danger. Can Jojo safe it? 17.902 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Chinese (simplified)

49.812 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Dutch

Ulli Schubert

The Football Duel (#6693) Moritz is angry! Since Leon the ace striker is in his team, he is only allowed to sit on the substitutes’ bench. How great would it be if Leon could simply disappear! Unexpectedly, Moritz’ wish comes true: just before the big game, Leon gets kidnapped from the opposing football team! And Moritz is the only one who knows where they are keeping him! 12.159 copies sold (10/2017)

Jana Frey

Never Get Into a Stranger’s Car! (#6889) Don’t ever get into the car with a stranger – all parents give this advice to their children – but what do you do, when your rabbit has disappeared and a nice man says he has found your rabbit? The title explains the dangers of strangers approaching children with the necessary sensitivity – it helps children to understand the situation and act accordingly. An important book for all young children. 30.160 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Chinese (simplified)

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

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Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Heike Wiechmann

Strubble’s Dangerous Journey (#6687) Cat Strubbel is happy! He has finally found a real home. But soon he realises that his new owner isn‘t happy about his wild playing and catching mice. Strubbel doesn‘t want to stay there! Spontanuously he runs away. But life on the streets is hard. Where shall he sleep what shall he eat? And how do you protect yourself against big black dogs? 11.711 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Chinese (simplified)

Michaela Hanauer

Vanessa Walder

Mammoth Stories (#6566)

Mammoth Marion is angry at her father because he doesn‘t want to go to the flower picknick. Can Marion convince him to go? Robbi gets into a fight with an angered archaeopteryx, who ends up giving him a cool mammoth hairstyle. Igor takes a lonely mammoth cub home. But is his strong friend really happy staying with him? 14.881 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Chinese (simplified)

Alexandra Fischer-Hunold

Prima Ballerina Stories (#6907)

Pony Friendship Stories (#5735)

Can boys also do pirouettes and splits? Nele is doing the big boys-against-girls-test and makes an exciting discovery. Anna is also stunned: A real prima ballerina is looking for a little dancer for her big swan lake performance. Will Anna be successful at getting the part?

Ponys are the best of friends! Leni can‘t imagine a single day without her pony Molly. Of course she is staying at her side at all times. Jost is also glad that there‘s Asterix. His pony has saved him at the very last minute. But sometimes the fourlegged friends just want to be amongst each other. Because also ponys can fall in love…

25.605 copies sold (10/2017)

42.906 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Chinese (simplified), Dutch, Hungarian

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

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Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Maja von Vogel

Princess Fearless (#6702)

Fabulous dresses, pompous diamands, numerous servants: Princess Pia has everything a girl might wish for. But instead of being bored in her castle, all she dreams of is going on adventures. Spontanously, she runs away and is caught by Kalle and his robber gang. What they don’t know: Princess Pia has a special talent up her sleeve! 20.153 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Chinese (simplified)

Brigitte Kolloch/Elisabeth Zöller

Dinosaur Stories (#6998) Greta can hardly believe it! In the forest next to her house, a great dig is taking place. It‘s full of photographers and TV people. Are there really actual dinosaur bones in the ground? Plati, the platosaurus, has also an exciting day: his family is being attacked by a group of evil halticosaurus. 22.621 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Chinese (simplified)

Brigitte Kolloch

Alexandra Fischer-Hunold

Cat Stories (#5154)

Pirate Stories (#6345)

Tomcat Max is fed up! There’s constantly arguing at his home and nobody has petted him for days. So he simply runs off. Maja’s tomcat Oskar has disappeared. Until Maja discovers him in a very special hiding spot. And Leo is curious why his cat has such a big belly…

A pirate’s life is wild and exciting, but even pirates don’t have it easy sometimes: The cruel Gregor doesn’t want to fight anymore, Isabella has to survive as a blind passenger and Captain Bert can’t sleep on a rocking boat at sea. Felix, on the other hand, is in the middle of an adventure – he is sneaking through a dangerous pirate fortress on a treasure hunt…

37.501 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Chinese (simplified)

14.633 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Chinese (simplified), Dutch

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

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Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Marliese Arold

Ulli Schubert

Dolphin Stories (#4367)

Hero Stories (#6352)

Dolpin Otto is a real lazy bum! His favourite activity is letting himself drift around in warm water. Until he suddenly ends up on sandy ground. The two dogs Pelle and Tommy are lost at sea. Luckily, help with three fins is coming. Sven is diving for a mysterious treasure on the seabed. It’s great to have dolphin helpers.

With wobbly legs, Darius is standing in front of the 10-metres board at the swimming pool. He will never jump down there! But then he sees someone drift helplessly in the water… It‘s Timmy‘s first time all alone at home. Weird sounds and shadows seem to come from everywhere at once. But Timmy decides to overcome his fear and dive right into the adventure…

65.029 copies sold(10/2017) Rights sold: Dutch, Romanian

17.919 copies sold (10/2017)

Antonia Michaelis


The Cleverest Moose in the World (#6608)

Jussi the little Moose hates to be constantly treated like a child! After all, he already has his antlers, even if they are tiny. So Jussi secretly follows his friend Per who wants to find a mysterious moonlake. But then Jussi is caught in a decreitful trap and he has to show that size is not so important after all…

Magical Castle Stories (#5987) Mina is dreaming of becoming a real princess in a castle. That would be fun! Jonas and Tiess, on the other hand, are not very happy about their schooltrip to a castle. They are real enemies. Although a secret football game with real ghosts has turned enemies into friends before. 14.817 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Dutch

9.845 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Chinese (simplified)

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

22 / 41

Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Antonia Michaelis


Tent Camp Stories (#5907)

Girl Friend Stories (#5986)

There is always something happening at the camp side! Eva and Livia even stumble upon a mysterious treasure while collecting wood. The gathering at the fireside also gets exciting when Phillip‘s caretaker tells them a scary story. Because right after, a creepy ghost appears at the camp side.

Nothing can bring best friends apart! Even though Mira and Jo are different, they go through thick and thin together. Anni and Lena can‘t be separated by a move, because they find a solution so that they still can be close. And Liesa has a mysterious friend who suddenly disappears one day.

18.161 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Turkish

34.953 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Dutch

Beatrix Mannel

Fire Brigade Stories (#6184) (Relaunch) Fire run for the fire brigade! Tina is supposed to look after her brother’s snake Kaa. But before long it’s happened: Kaa has escaped. Luise believes that her grandma’s attic is haunted. Maybe fearless firemen can catch the ghosts? 52.820 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Chinese (simplified), Turkish

Beatrix Mannel

Seal Stories (#6068) Holidays at the beach are so exciting! That’s at least what Max thinks after making friends with a little seal at the beach. The seal Mia also has a new friend. In a mysterious underwater cave, she gets to know a nice starfish. And Luis realises at the zoo that he even has something in common with the seals… 20.026 copies sold (10/2017)

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

23 / 41

Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Alexandra Fischer-Hunold

Girl Stories (#5429) Nick and Malte’s comment about her being ‘only a girl’ makes Paula grin. Soon she can prove to them that she is way stronger than they think. Jessy and Katharina are also brave, They hide in the stables to catch a mysterious thief. For cheeky girls that’s not a problem! 74.055 copies sold (10/2017)

Margot Scheffold

Easter Stories (#3835) Easter egg hunting is something you do in your garden! At least that’s what Mira thinks. She’s more than surprised when her grandfather takes her to the zoo for her Easter egg hunt. Farmer Franz is even more surprised though. His chicken starts laying square eggs. And Constanze is surprised that the bunny in her Easter nest is not made of chocolate… 37.943 copies sold (10/2017)

Alexandra Fischer-Hunold

Castle Stories (#5995) “Off we go to the knights’ castle!”, yells Hilko excitedly. Being a huge fan of castles, he enjoys the guiding tour a lot. Ilka finds a fairytale castle at a flee market that has more to offer than meets the eye. Knight Richard has to overcome his fear. He has to set out to a dragon’s castle to face a terrible beast. Can he beat it? 18.101 copies sold (10/2017)

Judith Allert

Unicorn Stories (#6232) Unicorns? They only exist in fairytales! But when Mona reads a story about a beautiful unicorn, she is not sure anymore. She hears a quiet neighing from the garden. Will Franzi succeed to pull her father away from behind his newspaper? That should not be a problem with a ride on a real unicorn. 34.150 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Chinese (simplified)

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

24 / 41

Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+


Sailor Stories (#6180) Captain Klaas and his crew are telling stories about terrible storms and sea monsters, which can’t be trusted. But maybe the are true after all? Sailor Schussel can’t believe his eyes when he finds an old treasure box. For Captain Ernesto it’s way more difficult to hide a treasure than finding one. Because soon a black pirate flag is waving at the horizon…


Vampire Stories (#4174)

Jana and Mellie simply can’t stand each other. But when a little foal is born on their pony riding school, all their quarrels are blown away. 18.602 copies sold (10/2017)

14.978 copies sold (10/2017)

Christina Koenig

Moose Stories (#4744)


Aurie loves Moose! Not as a sweater print but real moose. Luckily, there are a few in her Swedish hometown. Toby, on the other hand, can’t believe his eyes when he sees a real moose in his own garden munching at their apple tree. Some moose don’t just eat fruit though but also vegetables. And sometimes they wear fashionable moose slippers while doing so…

Little dragon Flames is excited: He is taking part in a fire breathing competition. Will he be able to win out over the other dragons? What’s more, dragons Gonzo and Schnauf are fighting about who of them is stronger. But what does a dragon do that is terribly tidy? Right, he has to learn to be really untidy.

19.998 copies sold (10/2017)

Dragon Stories (#5650)

49.812 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Dutch

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

25 / 41

Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Brigitte Kolloch

Jana Frey

Fairy Stories (#4044)

Witch Stories (#5824)

Jonas can’t believe his eyes when he sees the little fairy! Saskia also wonders about the magical creature that lives inside the well. But fairies exist! They live in caves and pumpkins, make fairy nonsense and make friends with human children. For one of them they even stop time. But..psst…keep it a secret...

When small witches work their magic, tons of raspberry grout fall from the sky, the house of the mayor disappears into thin air and the witch Peppermint saves the forest with a magical custard-saw… 135.284 copies sold (10/2017)

38.961 copies sold (10/2017)

Elisabeth Zöller

Santa Claus Stories (#5738) Excitedly, Carolin and Philipp tiptoe to the door. Was Santa Claus finally there? Leon and Luise also get a long expected visitor and Tilmann learns that Santa Claus can do a lot more than just hand out presents: he is a really great listener… 27.328 copies sold (10/2017)

Marliese Arold

Treasure Hunt Stories (#4096) Unbelievable! Alex and Sandra have really found a treasure in the gloomy cave at the beach. Dirk and his friend are really lucky. The mysterious chest they carry out of the ship wreck bears a long-hidden pirate secret. Prince Neidhard goes on a adventurous search for a special treasure. Who knows if he will ever be able to find the dragon’s gold… 22.928 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Chinese (simplified)

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

26 / 41

Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Margot Scheffold

Fabian Lenk

Princess Stories (#5857)

Police Stories (#5156)

Tessa wishes for nothing more than to become a princess. In her dreams, she lives in a pompous castle, wears fairytale dresses and has servants reading every wish in her eyes. But even a princess’ life can get exhausting at times: Iceprincess Irina turns becomes a professional dancer, Princess Samira a lifesaver, and Princess Peach Blossom a feast day queen.

Jonas is very excited: it’s open day at the police station and he is allowed to check out the precinct. But then he suddenly finds himself in the middle of a real police operation! Police dog Sherlock realises straight away that the lorry isn’t just loaded with dog biscuits and Anna finds a real treasure. Lucky that the water guard helps her to retrieve it…

56.682 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Chinese (simplified), Dutch

19.828 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Chinese (simplified)

Alexandra Fischer-Hunold

Skater Stories (#5651)

Sandra Grimm

Letters Stories (#5737)

Skating is awesome! It doesn’t just make Paula’s dad fitter, but you can even get on TV if you know as many tricks as the skaterkids Mela, Ilka and Sigi. Luckily, Aton is also fast on his skates because his friend Antonia needs his help desperately…

A letter monster is on the loose, or why else did all the letters disappear from Julian’s exercise book? Anne is also left with a letter mystery: she finds a mysterious letter in her letter box. Per and Ole organise a successful letter theatre and Maja shows her friend that letters can make really great sounds…

14.909 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Dutch

19.828 copies sold (10/2017)

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

27 / 41

Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Vanessa Walder

Knight’s Castle Stories (#5153) The swords are dull, the spears broken and the helmets gone – the knights of the great tournament are baffled. What’s going on with their squires? Knight Clara ask herself how to bring fresh wind into her castle. And knight Ulrich promises very stubborn enemies a fight… 30.205 copies sold (10/2017)

Franziska Gehm

Tunnel of Horror Stories (#5736) Scary, hauning and full of goosebumps – that’s the world of the tunnel of horror. For scare-fan Jette being scared by ghosts is the best thing ever. Only the three tunnel of horror skeletons don’t want to scare people anymore. Luckily, something different comes to their minds very soon….

19.725 copies sold (10/2017)

Brigitte Kolloch

Hokus Pokus Stories (#5652)

The little magician Hokus Pokus stands before a big task: he has to prove that he doesn’t just have a magical name but that he can also do great magic. The witch Mori and her magical friend Olfi do their magic in the kitchen when suddenly the cauldron lifts into the air. The forest witch Lurga is fed up with all magic: she needs a magical holiday…


Goal-getter Stories (#5320) Only three minutes left! Eva does everything for her football team to be the winner. Jan and Ulli are also chasing the goal. Pity, both friends are in different football teams… 52.097 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Chinese (simplfified), Dutch

19.966 copies sold (10/2017)

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

28 / 41

Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Katja Reider

Ballet Stories (#5512)

Ballet is simply the best! Lilly is dancing around her flat in her pink ballet tutu. She has to practice for the next audition. Carolin, on the other hand, has sprained her foot right before her ballet performance. Her mum has an idea. Pia though still has to convince her mum that ballet is really the one and only hobby for her… 29.774 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Dutch

Christina Koenig

Julia Boehme

Secrets Stories (#5898) Attention, top secret! Leon can keep quiet, even if it involves a UFO that lands right in front of his window. Clara also doesn’t tell anyone what she saw at night on the pony field. It’s her very own secret, after all. Lars, on the other hand, can‘t keep the magic spell to himself. It works a lot better if you do it in a duo, anyway… 62.353 copies sold (10/2017)

Prize Cup Stories (#4153)

Monika Feth

To stand on top of the winners’ podium is what Jörgen and his football team have been dreaming about for a long time. The handball team from SV Herzebrock want to finally hold the winners’ trophy in their hands. It’s also different other kinds of winners, like the best sister and true animal friends who deserve even more than just a trophy…

Christmas is coming – and Santa Claus has forgotten the presents! Great that Kalle and his family take care of him. Sina hopes for Father Christmas to bring her the pony she’s always wanted. Hedu, the homeless dog, finds his luck at Christmas: he gets a new home!

Christmas Stories (#3697)

45.741 copies sold (10/2017)

19.512 copies sold (10/2017)

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

29 / 41

Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Alexandra Fischer-Hunold

Schoolmates Stories (#5514) What would school be without friends! Florian is very happy. He doesn’t have to do his homework all alone. Because reading a monster story is way more fun together with a friend. Marlene is also really happy: Hannes is going to help her during project week. And Inga would also be lost without her school friend Lara. 19.956 copies sold (10/2017)

Vanessa Walder

Midnight Stories (#5513) There! A noise in the cupboard! The doors opens, creaking and all on its own. Egon is sure, there is a monster. Little ghost child Igor wouldn’t be scared by this. He loves everything spooky stories – at best, horrible and despicable, please. Only Theo doesn’t feel comfortable in his own skin. He might be a vampire, but he dislikes biting humans. 14.844 copies sold (10/2017)

Ulli Schubert

Train Stories (#5511) The train stops in the middle of the tracks: the engine is broken! Sophie is scared that she will come too late to her musical performance. The school trip of class 3a almost ended earlier than planned. And Kevin experiences the most exciting train ride of his entire life… 15.084 copies sold (10/2017)

Beatrix Mannel

Fire Brigade Stories (#4943) Fire brigade operation ahead! Tina is supposed to look after her brother’s snake Kaa, but – oh dearthe snake escapes! Luisa, on the other hand, believes that her grandmother Ilse’s attic is haunted. Maybe fearless fire fighters can catch the ghosts? 52.820 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Chinese (simplified)

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

30 / 41

Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Katja Reider

Katja Reider

Crime Stories (#4586)

School Class Stories (#4167)

The candy-thieves have struck! Julia and her friends had baked twelve cupcakes, but now there are only eleven left. Kai is also missing his chocolate bun and Mia has suspiciously sticky fingers. Jonas experiences a completely different crime story: what is this dark figure following him on his way home?

School is supposed to be boring? Not for class 3a because they are getting a four-legged visitor. Class 2b is also very excited: their teacher, Mrs Linde, just got a baby. Who will be allowed to visit her first? Lars is angry. He has to sit next to the new guy. And Leonie’s class is planning a very special present for their teacher’s birthday…

61.433 copies sold (10/2017)

Alexandra Fischer-Hunold

Viking Stories (#5155) A Viking’s ship with green sails? Impossible! Viking Bjarne is furious. He doesn’t want to be laughed at by the other vikings in his village after all… 19.781 copies sold (10/2017)

66.289 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Chinese (simplified)

Erhard Dietl

School Stories (#3462) Monsters are loose at the school! Vampires, ghosts and monster, even King Kong… And if it’s nonsense day at school, the teachers slide down the banisters, the pupils draw on the walls and everybody gets hot chocolate and cake. 91.827 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Chinese (simplified)

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

31 / 41

Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Julia Boehme

Jana Frey

Dog Stories (#4168)

Pony Stable Stories (#4588)

What a dog life! The little crossbreed Timmi is terribly bored. While his master Jan plays football on the football field outside, Timmi has to sit on the substitutes’ bench. But when the guard dog Benno oversleeps his shift, Timmi sniffs his chance. Milli on the other hand is extremely happy: she finds a little cute puppy…

Pony Popkin is surprised: eight children want to ride on him today! He wonders whether everything is alright? Matilda, Tom and the other children at the horse ranch are angry. They want to built a parking lot on the horse paddock! 35.279 copies sold (10/2017)

29.877 copies sold (10/2017)

Julia Boehme

Treasure Island Stories (#3992) A pirate doesn’t have it easy either. Captain Utze steals fellow old pirate Raubein’s treasure, while Störte has simply no clue where the treasure might be hidden. Pirate Paula knows everything at first glance. But when she starts retrieving the treasure, she gets a huge surprise…

Elisabeth Zöller

Bike Stories (#4945) They are crazy, thinks Eva angrily, after some boys have stolen her bike valve. Olly dreams of a galactically exciting bike tour, on which he even rides past the moon… 19.308 copies sold (10/2017)

30.393 copies sold (10/2017)

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

32 / 41

Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Katja Reider

Treehouse Stories (#5321)

A tree house is a great hiding place! Sven is very happy to be able to climb up the ladder and get away from the barking monster. Celina’s biscuits are not safe in the tree house though. Who keeps stealing them? Finding that out is not a big problem for Max and Finn. They have the best view from their tree house… 34.833 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Chinese (simplified)

Martin Klein

Sonja Fiedler-Tresp

Dinosaur Stories (#4944) Dinosaurs don’t have it easy: Brachiosaur goes to the cinema and the children are sitting right behind him. And he is 19 meters tall. Camptosaur likes to avoid all problems. In his hiding spot he will definitely not die… 44.723 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Dutch, French

Ingrid Uebe

Knight Stories (#3698)

Stories about Animal Lovers (#5322)

All knights faint when the brown bear gives them a fright with the dragon mask. The heroic Helena shows her enemies how powerful girls can be…

Little cat is looking for a new home! Leon would love to keep the homeless animal! Can he persuade his mum? Moritz would also love to have a pet, but not an usual one. The old magician Pipistrello has more than enough of those though. No wonder if you do magic tricks all day long…

67.168 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Dutch

20.073 copies sold (10/2017)

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

33 / 41

Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Ulli Schubert

Eckhard Mieder

Adventure Stories (#4607)

Searobber Stories (#3660)

Really adventurous! While Roman is building his own raft to go on a paddling tour, Theo flies through the air as a superhero. Simon witnesses a real police operation and Ricky does a test run with a turbo-kickboard he won’t forget so soon …

That just can’t be true! Searobber Bastian can’t find his precious treasure anywhere. What use are his captured goods when they are missing? This way, he can’t get the golden eye patch.

75.877 copies sold (10/2017)

60.785 copies sold (10/2017)

Gerit Kopietz/Jörg Sommer

Jana Frey

Detective Stories (#3837)

Scary Stories (#4781)

Psst! Quietly, Tamara lurks through the dark flat. Can she catch the sneaky chocolate monster red-handed? With her detective gear, she is well equipped. The two good noses Moni and Steffi want to solve a difficult case and thus have a closer look at the crime scene…

There is no such thing as ghosts! That’s what Lars thinks, until he meets Mr Bonifatius who teaches him to be scared! Feline is jinxed by a witch on Halloween. Even her mum doesn’t recognise her anymore. Is that going to end well?

66.797 copies sold (10/2017)

19.811 copies sold (10/2017)

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

34 / 41

Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Ulli Schubert

Julia Boehme

Stories about Pupils (#4780)

Animal Stories (#3699)

What a pity! Of all things, Tim has to sit next to showoff Benni during the class test. But this time, Benni knows the answer for every questions and Tim is left speechless. Class 3c is baffled: with which lineup can they win against the parallel class?

Dog detective Laslo can trust his nose fully. He can smell the case of the escaped salami long beforehand. Frida is the first ant in history, to climb the Eiffel Tower… 80.961 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Dutch, Turkish

25.206 copies sold (10/2017)

Marliese Arold


Good Nose Stories (#4782)

Monster Stories (#4170)

How mean – someone’s stolen the football! Felix becomes a detective and starts looking for clues. There are big traces on Grandpa’s rose bed. Who might have left them? Meanwhile, there is not sign of burglar Emil. And while the police is still in the dark, Annika’s good nose is tingling.

A monster in the salad! Daniela is really surprised when she sees the little green monster in the salad bowl. What does it do there? Monsters also don’t belong in the math book finds Niko. Because there they only mix up the numbers. And Kai wonders where his favourite socks have gone. Until he finds the trace of the mysterious sock thief…

19.850 copies sold (10/2017)

19.657 copies sold (10/2017)

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

35 / 41

Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Christina Koenig

Campfire Stories (#4589) Wolfs are definitly scared of fire, right? Marie is glad that her father made a campfire on their camping trip. No wild animal will dare to come close to them now… 20.642 copies sold (10/2017)

Heidemarie Brosche

Computer Stories (#4366) Jan has barely started playing his new video game, when one of its characters jumps out of the game and tips him on the shoulder! Lars and Oli are speechless: they are driving in a talking car.... 17.758 copies sold (10/2017)

Ulli Schubert

Gerit Kopietz/Jörg Sommer

ABC Stories (#3839)

Haunting Stories (#4365)

Learning to read with letter biscuits? For Tom that’s way more fun than with the reading book. Diana wishes she would not have been able to read that spell from the witch book.

The basement is haunted! Irina has definitely seen the little ghost! But her mum doesn’t want to believe her. Hannes father doesn’t want to believe him either, when everybody can see the little white monsters in the carwash…

59.773 copies sold (10/2017)

19.803 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Dutch, Norwegian

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

36 / 41

Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Ulli Schubert

Christina Koenig

Cuddling Stories (#3990)

Holiday Stories (#3838)

Anke doesn’t want to go to sleep. Because there are monsters under her bed, she is sure of it! Luckily, her dad has a cozy idea. Svenja is really angry with her parents…

Finally holidays! Now there’s enough time to go to the beach, eat loads of ice cream and go to the forest to go on fantastic adventures or follow a mysterious bottle message down the river. There is so much to do that getting up in the morning isn’t so bad after all…

20.511 copies sold (10/2017)

25.734 copies sold (10/2017)

Gerit Kopietz/Jörg Sommer

Udo Richard

Advent Stories (#3989)

Native American Stories (#3840)

The advent’s time is the best time! Melanie is baking the best Christmas biscuits in the world with her father. Niki finds a mysterious piece of paper in her advent calender…

No Native American is as good of a shooter as Tomako. His arrows never miss even the thinnest of trees. But when brown bears suddenly start appearing in the forest, he has to gather up all his Native American bravery to protect everyone. …

20.779 copies sold (10/2017)

30.600 copies sold (10/2017)

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

37 / 41

Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Julia Boehme

Friendship Stories (#3836) Lucky there are true friends in the world! Because with Lena, Tim and Jo’s great plan, Leon would not be able to go to the cinema. Willi Wildpig finds a great animal friend in Folli Piglet, and Anna can finally go to the football practice thanks to her friend Lina… 67.220 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Norwegian

Ingrid Kellner

Birthday Stories (#3463) Everybody loves celebrating their birthday, but a real birthday present is crucial! Bianca needs something for her rich dad, who already has everything. Moritz is amazed when the fairy in his computer game actually fulfills all his wishes. And the tiger birthday nobody wanted to attend at first, ends up being a great jungle party! 19.530 copies sold (10/2017)

Ulli Schubert

Soccer Stories (#3558) Playing soccer is exciting! Sascha shudders before the decisive penalty shout-out – but he is lucky. Unlucky Benni, however, can kick whatever way, he always misses the goal. But having on new magic socks, he scores his first goal. And Jana stuns her trainer with a very special hattrick. 126.296 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Dutch, Hungarian, Turkish

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

38 / 41

Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Katja Reider

My Best Friend Paula – Paula Goes on a School Trip (#8260) Paula is looking forward to the School Trip in a Youth Hostel near the Lake. But why she does she has to share a room with Merle? Merle is not talking much and always wants to be alone. When Paula discovers Merle's secret, a great adventure for the whole class begins. 6.232 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Danish, Turkish

Katja Reider

My Best Friend Paula – Paula Learns Ballet Dancing (#7030) After watching a stunning ballet performance, Paula is left with only one wish: She also wants to learn ballet! But for now, Paula is only allowed to go to a trial class. Can she prove to her parents that ballet dancing is truly her big dream? 11.959 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Dutch, Finnish

Katja Reider

My Best Friend Paula – Paula’s Birthday Party (#7693) Hooray, Paula is looking forward to her birthday party! But now, snooty Serena wants to have her party on the same day – does that mean nobody will come to Paula’s party, now? 15.308 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Hungarian, Rumanian, Turkish

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

39 / 41

Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Seven Towers Fairy School

Annette Moser

Annette Moser

Seven Towers Fairy School and the Gold Star (#8078)

Seven Towers Fairy School and the Sun Magic (#7977)

How exciting! The Fairy King himself is coming to visit the little fairies and give them a test. And anyone who does especially well will even get a gold star.

The sun stopped shining a few weeks ago, but the fairies need sungold to do their magic. Who might’ve created the evil sunspell? The three fairy children Lilo, Mira and Ben soon discover a trail that might lead them to the evil-doer…

6.071 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Danish

7.623 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Danish

Annette Moser

Seven Towers Fairy School (#7775) On her seventh birthday, Lilo learns that she is a fairy! Of course, there’s a lot more she needs to learn. Where better to do this than at Seven Towers Fairy School? 7.965 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Danish, Turkish

40 / 41 Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Silvertown Football Academy Sandra Grimm

Sandra Grimm

Silvertown Football Academy (#8181)

Silvertown FC and the Star Player (#8272)

Finally, Leon was accepted for the Football Boarding School of FC Silvertown. Of course he is thrilled. Now he can show how talented he really is. But his classmate Levi makes his life hard and he's definitely not a playing fair. It seems like only one of them can stay at the boarding school for longer. 5.954 copies sold (10/2017)

Leon and his class mates at the Silvertown boarding school are happy: A real member of the National Team takes over their training! But he just wants the boys to do hard exercises and less playing football. And the mean boys always playing football at the amateur field challenge them to a duel. Now the team can demonstrate how good they are! 42.000 copies sold (11/2016) Rights sold: Finnish, Turkish

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

41 / 41

Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Deep Sea Agents Christina Reuth-Jarraß

Christina Reuth-Jarraß

The Deep-Sea Agents On a Secret Mission (#7440)

The Deep-Sea Agents: The Curse of The Crystal (#7664)

After touching a magical crystal on shore, Tim finds himself amongst the deep-sea agents that look after the security within the sea, The sea agents need Tim’s help: A giant octopus keeps creating dangerous seaquakes and only Tim can find out what is going on!

Tim and the deep-sea agents are searching for the mysterious crystal city. But there are many dangers lying in wait for them on the way there... 10.822 copies sold (10/2017)

11.723 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Danish

42 / 41 Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

The Monster Catchers Heike Wiechmann

The Monster Catchers in the Horror Villa (#7976) Oh no! A giant sleeping monster has captured the music teacher in the old villa next to the school! The building is supposed to be demolished any minute! Now the four monster hunters have to act fast. But how do you banish a monster that makes everyone close to him go to sleep? A race against time begins…

Heike Wiechmann

Monster Catchers Save the School (#7793) Yukk, someone has blocked up all the toilets in the school! Ali and Motte know what’s going on straightaway – it’s a yukky monsters situation! 6.458 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Dutch

8.663 copies sold (10/2017)

Heike Wiechmann

The Monster Catchers and the Big Bang (#8130) Caretaker Miesmeier is acting strangely. Could it have something to do with his run-in with the monster in the museum? 5.366 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Dutch, Turkish

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

43 / 41

Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Magic Tail Stories

Hannah Steinebacher

Magic Tail – The Unicorn and the Moon Flower (#6861) Hannah Steinebacher

Magic Tail and the Polter Troll (#7441) Princess Estella is in despair: a polter troll is raging through the land of Eleanda! When he tramples with his feet, the whole country gets shaken by an earthquake. Only by playing a tune on a magic flute can she hope to tame it... 11.959 copies sold (10/2017)

A new adventure awaits Lara and Magic Mane: a black knight has kidnapped Princess Estrella and rules the magical land of Eleanda! Only a magic potion made from the roots of a moonshine flower can defeat him. Together with Magic Mane, Lara sets out to find the mysterious flower… 14.985 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Chinese (simplified)

Hannah Steinebacher Hannah Steinebacher

Magic Tail and the Fire Mirror (#7292)

An evil ice spell puts the whole magical kingdom of Eleanda in danger. Princess Estrella needs Lara‘s help to find the magical fire mirror which might be the kingdom‘s last chance to be saved… 12.212 copies sold (10/2017)

Magic Tail: The Hunt For the Lucky Stone (#7729) When the unicorn Magic Mane asks Lara for help, she travels with him to the magical land of Eleanda. The princess Estrella is in great danger. Her kingdom is threatened by an evil dragon who has stolen the precious Lucky Stone! Only a girl from the human world can slay the dragon… 17.689 copies sold (10/2017) Rights sold: Chinese (simplified), Dutch

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

44 / 41

Reading Lions

Early Readers / 7+

Riddles Puzzle Hunt


Connect the dots


• Many puzzles such as labyrinths, crossword puzzles, Sudoku and reading tests • Proven and innovative reading principles • Oriented towards the basic vocabulary of the 2nd Class



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Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

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