RWU Arch 513 Comprehensive Studio Booklet

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The Foundation for Fine Human Beings New Bedford, MA

Michael Loffredo ARCH 513.02 Professor Jim Moses

Table of Contents Chapter


1 2 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4 4.1 4.2

1 53 65 66 71 83 97 109 115 116 145

Site Context Conceptual Framework Technical Solutions Program Details Structure Passive Strategies Active Strategies Envelope Appendix B&W Drawings Assignments

1 Site Context


Geography and Geology Approximately fourteen thousand years ago the northern half of North America was covered by the Wisconsin Glacier. Eleven thousand years ago, a major recession of the glacier exposed what is now New England. The receding glacier exposed the shoreline and increased water levels around the world. This also exposed chucks of rocks that we now associate with the coastline of the Northeast region. The glacier also helped define a hard flat inland. Massachusetts specifically has stony upland pastures near the central part of the state and a hilly countryside in the west. The Narragansett Basin is one example of a coastal lowland, which can be up to one hundred meters below sea level. This area influences the direction and structure of the drainage for Massachusetts. The area contains pre-Cambrian metamorphic rocks and mostly bedrock. The bedrock compositions is specifically granites, volcanic, and sedimentary rocks. The soil is typically rocky because of glacier debris. It also experiences more frost and harsh winter conditions. Despite these conditions, the soil has a strong nutrient content. Therefore, colonists were easily able to adopt European farming techniques. Agriculture took place at upper river sections and in flat river valleys. Meadow grasses were grown as feed for livestock. Cattle were fenced in to preserve fields and maintain crop boundaries.

Present Day Massachusetts

Glacier Recession Mapping Present Day 9000 BCE 12000 BCE

Wisconsin Glacier N


12000 BCE

9000 BCE

Periodic Core Areas In New England there were many Native American Tribes that were already thriving at the time of the first contact from European Settlers. The native tribes settled along major rivers leading to larger bodies of water where opportunities for fishing, hunting and shellfish collecting were abundant. The five most populated areas were the North River/Plymouth Core, the Pembroke Ponds Core, the Taunton River/ Narragansett Bay Core, the Buzzards Bay Core, and the Assawompset Core. All of these areas were connected by trails that facilitated trade. Most of these trails have become major roadways that have become Route 44, I 195, I 95, and Route 3.

Core Areas Assawompset Buzzards Bay Tauntin River / Narraganset Bay North River / Plymouth, Pembroke

Contact Period 1500 CE



2 3

Periodic Core Areas The Plantation Period begins with the arrival of English Settlers in New England. These settlers were received by the Indians and began to establish permanent settlements. The English also followed the Native Americans Lead and also settled along major waterways that had good farmland and a good proximity to water for transportation. After continuing to develop the new world more industry was created and Ironworks, shipyards, and further development of existing Native American Trails was occurring. While this was a great success for the English settlers they also brought disease with them that the Native Americans had not previously been exposed to. This added tension between the Native Americans and the English settlers.

Plantation Period 1620 CE HISTORY

Colonial Period 1675 CE

Periodic Core Areas In the Colonial Period the English Settlers continued to develop more core areas while the existing Native American Cores diminished. By 1775 these core areas included: Buzzards Bay, Lower Taunton, Middleborough, Plymouth Bay, and North River. Along these cores there were twelve major ship ports that were Facilitating Trade around the new world and sending products back to Europe like furs, and agricultural products.

1775 CE 4 5

Periodic Core Areas Federal Period: During the federal Period of 1775 – 1839 there is a lot of growth in the New World there is social and technological innovation that has not been seen before. There is continued growth along rivers and waterways but not only for transportation but also industry. Many rivers have large amounts of elevation change in relatively short distances that make their location attractive for creating Mills that run on hydro power. The colonies were now enjoying wealth but were growing unruly with their British overlord and soon war broke out. The major conflict of this era was the American Revolution and resulted with the colonies breaking away and forming the United Stated of America Early Industrial Period: The Early Industrial Period had regional trading centers become urban and fully developed municipalities emerge. The main industry of the area, whaling, also became uneconomical during this time. Previously whale fat was the primary source of oil for energy however during this period petroleum was widely adopted and became cheaper to extract. Plymouth was hit particularly hard with its population dropping over 7% in just a few short years. Many people transitioned to factory labor where they would primarily create textiles.

Federal Period 1775 CE HISTORY

Industrial Period 1830 CE

Early Modern Period 1915 CE

1940 CE 6 7

Northeast vs Southern Surveying Surveying in the Northeast was different compared to its Southern counterparts. Prior to settling, land was subdivided into evenly measured lots. This typically reinforced and open-lot style construction. Since settlers were able to easily adopt English agriculture to their New England home, settlements often resemble those across the pond. Residents were able to grow meadows to provide feed for cattle and therefore fenced their livestock in a controlled environment while crops were grown in larger pastures. In contrast, the South relied on open range grazing to feed their cattle since they were unable to grow such resources. As a result, crops were fenced in instead of the cattle. Open pastures were a consequence of post-surveying techniques. Settlers claimed land and laid roots quickly, forcing survey to occur after the fact. As a result, property-lines were not regular and well defined. Rather than precisely measured borders, property lines were marked with natural landmarks such as rocks and streams.


Massachusetts Waterways / Settlement Patterns

Major Native American Territories:

Massachusetts Waterways/Settlement Patterns As previously analyzed the intended coastline was formed by great glaciers, the last of which disappeared eleven thousand years ago and exposed thick rocks on the shore line. Of the three hundred and fifty communities today, almost every one contains a localized body of water, including one if the nineteen main river systems. These rivers include The Connecticut River, The Charles River, and The Merrimack River. There are also eleven thousand ponds and several lakes contained in hill hollows.

Mihican Nipmuck Wampanoag Massachusett Pocumtuck

Local Wampanoag Tribes:


Punkapoag Nemasket Pokanoket Manamet Pocasset

Prior to European invasion, various native tribes took root in Massachusetts. Larger settlements were concentrated on existing waterways. This can easily be explained since the surrounding floodplain served as a fertile farming land. Since tribes were typically migratory, they spent spring and fall at the shorelines for harvesting, while winter and summer were spent more inland. These territories were prime locations for colonial settlement upon the arrival of the British since the land was already prepared. The earliest English settlements were along the coastline. Eventually they became heavily concentrated in towns along the mouths of rivers and fanned along streams for farm use and later to power mills. After English settlement, the Wampanoags were one of three native communities that continued to flourish. They remained locally in the Southeastern region of Massachusetts. As the most populous and organized, they were able to maintain control over their land through the 1800s. The Wampanoags consisted of smaller tribes with similar beliefs who each had their own smaller territory within the region. Today, trust lands for the Wampanoag are located Southwest of Martha’s Vineyard Island in the town of Grey Head. The Settlement Act of 1987 left only four hundred and eighty five acres to the tribe, one hundred and sixty of which are private and three hundred and twenty five are public and include several natural landmarks.


New Bedford Dartmouth N

8 9

Subtitle Average Monthly Dry Bulb Temperatures Dry Locultid Bulbacipiore temperature inatum is the mertum mostterit, commonly terrat, ves usedhostiam. air property. Bus, diumWhenever host derum people arid nitemque give a standard reme conves thermometer resum read egit, for eludamquam the temperature, auc fit they vit; ingulius are referring movenit. to the Ignatquid dry bulb ces, temperature. contiam imorum It isconte an indicator inate ipio of the int ius, heatderei content pribus in the serdi air, inum andomnostr in latent acchum, terms simply proximus. refers to the “air temperature.” Edioribus cotisse This essentially habus merefers til cavo, to the ca esicaela ambientstem, air temquo perature essentiaet and L. Fesuam is namedmod “dryC. bulb Egit, temperature” quasdac citatam because utelis itMaris. is notErumuli affectedpervidet; by the moisture egiliciente in the consuliu air. This sciori temperapoterture fecreiistam located quo at actuius, the bottom erfit es ofes theaucononsum Psychrometric tantrortum Chart. adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, Unlike C. Habus, Dry num Bulb et temperature, esi portertem theiswet fortella bulbomnistemum temperature di is the iam,adiabatic clum modium saturation parbis. temperature. It is measured using Enat, a thermometer cons aut face with culi, thestil bulb hortem wrapped nos in halabus, a wet cloth. etiam The seneadiabatic fue videps, evaporation num P. Tum, of water cul viderei from theesillab bulb causes eribuna tiscooling hora, menditin effect, thus vis.resulting Multor ut in publibuntid the “wet bulb” conclere temperanit, ture. culaber Theiortus. rate atTa which inatuidem the water site,evaporates construm from ocumedi the ciwet viributus. bandage, and the temperature differential between the Nostia wetquondaciam and dry bulbaciempota depends on L. the Ex spionsis humidityfuris. of the air. Air Vasdam. containing Verurox morenonsupera water vaporpricauses publicthe vilin wettas cloth forum to evaporate estravocta less etiaede because teludacia the content nonfernihi, of thecesultiam water in the nicae air quam is already eris iumhigh. nemBecause halis. Laof viveri, the cooling consi intereiste effect from quit. the Ti. wet Bis?cloths Opiena, evaporation, ubliu in the sciemqu wet bulb ideps, temperature teripio is nsialways moludam lesspulic thanore thatnonvocus of the dry sil bulb horet? exceptOpicips, when the ut virelative denterudes humidity conferi in octuiusum the air is ates 100%. nosulic In this ulesim case, a Sithe publi wet pulinand spertum dry bulb seni temperatures poenari tiore, would stem be equal. auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

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Relative humidity is the amount of water air could hold at a specific temperature. It is relative to the temperature of the air given the fact that warm air could hold more water than cold air. 70% relative humidity essentially means that the air contains 70% of the water that it could possibly hold at that given temperature. On the Psychrometric Chart (Figure 1.2) Relative Humidity is shown in curving bands in increments of 10%. Lastly, the Dew Point is the temperature at which water vapor starts to condense out of the air. What this really means is the air becomes completely saturated. When the dew point temperature is close to the dry bulb temperature, the relative humidity is high. When the dew point is much lower than the dry bulb temperature, the relative humidity is low. By taking some time to understand the Psychrometric Chart one can begin to understand the humidity parameters and their interrelations so as to more accurately measure the humidity of the air and the cooling effect of an evaporative cooler.

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Subtitle Locultid acipiore inatum mertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. Bus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum egit, eludamquam auc fit vit; ingulius movenit. Ignatquid ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus serdi inum omnostr acchum, proximus. Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, ca esicaela stem, quo essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

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Subtitle Locultid acipiore inatum mertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. Bus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum egit, eludamquam auc fit vit; ingulius movenit. Ignatquid ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus serdi inum omnostr acchum, proximus. Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, ca esicaela stem, quo essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

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Subtitle Solar Radiation Direct Locultid Solar acipiore Radiation inatum is mertum radiationterit, thatterrat, travelsves hostiam. unobstructed Bus, dium host through derumspace arid nitemque and the Earth’s reme conves atmosphere. resum This egit, type eludamquam of radiation auc determines fit vit; ingulius intensities movenit. of shadows Ignatquid and ces, how contiam they imorum are cast.conte This inate radiation ipio is inttranslated ius, derei into pribus Direct serdi inum Normal omnostr Irradiation/Irradiance acchum, proximus. (DNI) which is the major Edioribus component cotisse habus involved meintilthermal cavo, caand esicaela photovoltaic stem, quo concentration essentiaet L. Fesuam technologies. mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

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Subtitle Solar Radiation Diffuse Radiation radiation that is scattered by LocultidSolar acipiore inatumismertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. the atmosphere upon entry and then dispersed, reachBus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum ing ground withauc much intensity.movenit. The amount of egit,the eludamquam fit less vit; ingulius Ignatquid Diffuse Radiation is directly related to sky coverage of ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus the area at omnostr a given time. The proximus. higher the value of Diffuse serdi inum acchum, Solar Radiation, the more cloudy thecaenvironment is at Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, esicaela stem, quo that given time. essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterAs radiation comes through theesearth’s atmosphere, fecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es aucononsum tantrortum most is absorbed by the earth’s surface asutellabem either Direct adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam idet, Solar Radiation or esi Diffuse Solar is Radiation. However, a di C. Habus, num et portertem fortella omnistemum very fraction of this radiation is actually reflected iam, small clum modium parbis. back off the surface of thestil Earth and isnos either absorbed Enat, cons aut face culi, hortem halabus, etiam by the atmosphere or sent back into space. This sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillabsmall eribunamount radiationvis. is called Solar conclere Radiation.nit, tis hora,ofmenditin MultorReflected ut publibuntid culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi ciThese three radiation components listed above, create a viributus. value known as Global Radiation. Translated Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis into furis.Global Horizontal Irradiation/Irradiance (GHI), this value the Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tasis forum sum of Direct and Diffuse Radiation received on a horiestravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae zontal plane parallel to theLa earth’s GHI is aquit. radiquam eris ium nem halis. viveri,surface. consi intereiste ation value used as a general reference in the compariTi. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsison of climatic and is alsosilanhoret? essential parameter moludam puliczones ore nonvocus Opicips, ut vifor the calculation of radiation on a tilted plane. denterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum Global Irradiation/Irradiance is theacit; totalegilisuradique int.Tilted Opionum tuspio actu ius (GTI) M. Nium ation received through the atmosphere on a surface li comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus cowith nos a specific tiltcre andnul azimuth, either a fixedpublinaris position orconit aut praedo, culudeincum obuntem in movement with tem the sun. Thisssulut valuepectum includes the sum ina, nonica public ublicae manum conof Diffuse, Direct, and Reflected Solar Radiations. Thisvit. demus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, value serves as sit a reference for photovoltaic egerenis vehen veriort urenituam que traeapplications inc ocupior and is occasionally influenced by shadow. pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

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Subtitle Locultid acipiore inatum mertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. Bus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum egit, eludamquam auc fit vit; ingulius movenit. Ignatquid ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus serdi inum omnostr acchum, proximus. Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, ca esicaela stem, quo essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

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Subtitle Locultid acipiore inatum mertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. Bus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum egit, eludamquam auc fit vit; ingulius movenit. Ignatquid ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus serdi inum omnostr acchum, proximus. Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, ca esicaela stem, quo essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

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Regional Climate Zone The image on the right represents the plant hardiness zones of the area. In 2012, the United States Department of Agriculture released the plant hardiness zone map which was based on a study from 1976-2005. This map and the zones created a standard for gardeners and plant growers to help choose which plants would be likely to thrive in a particular location. The bases for each zone is an average annual minimum winter temperature. Each zone is broken down into ten degree increments. The United States including Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico ranges from zone 1a to zone 13b. The higher number of a zone, the warmer the temperature. For example, zone 2b averages -45 to -40 degrees while zone 10a averages 30-35 degrees. Plants rated for a lower numbered zone would also be able to survive in higher numbered zones but not vise versa. The two sites, Dartmouth and New Bedford, approximately sit along the border between zone 6b and zone 7a. This means that the average extreme minimum temperature for the area would be -5 degrees. This breakdown can help inform plant selection based on location of the site.

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The image on the left represents the plant hardiness zones of the area. In 2012, the United States Department of Agriculture released the plant hardiness zone map which was based on a study from 1976-2005. This map and the zones created a standard for gardeners and plant growers to help choose which plants would be likely to thrive in a particular location. The bases for each zone is an average annual minimum winter temperature. Each zone is broken down into ten degree increments. The United States including Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico ranges from zone 1a to zone 13b. The higher number of a zone, the warmer the temperature. For example, zone 2b averages -45 to -40 degrees while zone 10a averages 30-35 degrees. Plants rated for a lower numbered zone would also be able to survive in higher numbered zones but not vise versa. The two sites, Dartmouth and New Bedford, approximately sit along the border between zone 6b and zone 7a. This means that the average extreme minimum temperature for the area would be -5 degrees. This breakdown can help inform plant selection based on location of the site.


Regional Trees The southern Coast is home to a wide variety of flora including trees, bushes, and groundcover. The Dartmouth and New Bedford sites are home to many species, most of which are native to the area. While each site provides a habitat to most, if not all species of flora from the region, each site has specific species which are well adapted to the location. For example, New Bedford has a less diverse composition of flora but the species found there do well in urban environments and can adapt to things such as power lines which must be clear of tree canopies. Also, Dartmouth being more rural provides more forested areas which are home to a wider range in species. The Dartmouth site has a more diverse terrain allowing different species to fill in, such as marsh grasses along the coast. The illustration on these pages provides a complete list of flora found at the two sites. Under each site’s chapter, a more detailed insight to each species found locally can be found.


Subtitle Locultid acipiore inatum mertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. Bus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum egit, eludamquam auc fit vit; ingulius movenit. Ignatquid ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus serdi inum omnostr acchum, proximus. Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, ca esicaela stem, quo essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

Legend Key 1 Key 2 Key 3 Key 4 Key 5 Key 6



Pre-Colonial Architecture The Wampanoags dominated southeastern Massachusetts and were known for building Wigwams. These structures consisted of a birch cage frame, tied with “Wiigwass.” The exterior wall was covered with Cedar, Elm, and basswood bark. A six inch wall cavity was stuffed with swamp moss for insulation, a strategy that kept residents warm during the brutal New England winters. The floor was first dug up and filled with rocks, clay, and swamp moss. A central cavity was left for a small fire-pit. The surrounding surface was covered with cedar balsam boughs and fur for plush seating. Since the hearth was the center of social activity and the home, ventilation was key;therefore, a latched hole was left on the top of the dome-like roof. A secondary vent was made out of birch-bark and embedded in the ground to lead smoke out of the shelter. Cedar poles were used as a secondary precaution to swat away sparks from the roof on the occasional updraft.

“Gijikandag” Cedar Pole

Vent Exterior Wall: Cedar, Elm, Basswood Bark 6” Swamp Moss Insulation Birchbark Tied With “Wiigwass” Floor: Rocks Clay Swamp Moss Cedar Balsam Boughs and Fur Covering N


Early Colonial Architecture All colonial architecture is derived from a “hall-parlor” floor plan. Early on, residency was scarce , so a lot of space was not required. Homes were meant to withstand the current climate conditions and provide basic functionality. The hall was the central space which included the master bedroom and public activity. The parlor was smaller and housed storage and the kitchen. Eventually the plan became more symmetrical with equal size rooms such as single-pile and double-pile homes. A central access-way was added for ventilation. Post-Medieval (1630-1740): Primarily constructed of wood, they have a distinct side-gabled roof. Their faces are flat and covered with narrow pine clapboards or shingles. Modest in appearance, there are no eaves, shutters, stoops, porches or trims. The design was intended to take on New England weather, with steep roofs to shed snow, and small paned windows to keep heat indoors. The modern interpretation of its ancestral form now contains multiple floors and rooms. “Salt-boxes” had a distinct shed-like roof while “Garrison” colonials had a second floor that juts out over the lower level.

Garrison Colonial

Salt-box Colonial


Modern Domestic Architecture Cape Cod (1690-1850): A variation of the American Colonial. It has a wood frame, one and a half stories, and a pitched room. Typically there is a central door and two windows symmetrically placed on the front face. Georgian (1700-1830): This style of home is typically two stories and two rooms deep. The front face contains pedimented dormers as well as a pediment above the main door. All the windows are double hung, and it’s clapboard siding is usually painted blue-green, salmon, and mustard yellow. Federal (1780-1840): A later variation of the Georgian style, such homes were more detailed. Elliptical or semi-circular fanlight glass arrangements were put above the front doorway. The entire facade is more “glassy,” with Venetian/Palladian windows centered on the second floor. Window panes in general are also bigger. Lintels and dental moldings are strategically placed above these features to draw attention. Overall, this style breaks through the traditional flat planes of colonial architecture.

Cape Cod

Georgian Style

Federal Style

Greek Revival

Gothic Revival


Greek Revival (1830-1850): Out of admiration for all things democratic, Greek architecture was a popular tool for New England construction. One consistent transformation that came out of this era was the rotation of gable roofs. Front-gables opened the opportunity for cornice detailing on the front face of buildings. Gothic Revival (1840-1940): As another revival style, these designs were marked by a steeply pitched roof, cross-gabled, decorated vergeboards, pointed-arch windows, sometimes stained glass, like churches. There is a Gothic window above entries, one-story porch with flattened, and Gothic arches. Victorian (1855-1900): After two hundred years of simplicity, Victorian architecture broke the mold of straight lines and squares. While the style ranges heavily in design, there are some commonalities. They consist of several steep gabled-roofs, irregular floor plans, and lots of asymmetry. The exterior face has a patterned roof and textured walls. Builders also took this opportunity to show off their skills with complex shapes.

Post-Medieval Cape Cod Georgian Federal Greek Revival Gothic Revival Victorian 1700 CE


1750 CE

1800 CE

1850 CE

1900 CE


Post Office


Historic Reserve

Town Hall

Public Architecture Since civic structures house prominent cultural events, the exterior architecture oddly resembles the power and authority contained within the building. Post offices and town halls are generally Greek revival. Bold, clean lines give a strong presence from the street-scape. While a rotated roof gives it a front gable, leaving room for cornice details. Meanwhile, most churches are Gothic revival or contain a colonial aesthetic. Other central buildings range from federal design to modern construction.


Subtitle Locultid acipiore inatum mertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. Bus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum egit, eludamquam auc fit vit; ingulius movenit. Ignatquid ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus serdi inum omnostr acchum, proximus. Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, ca esicaela stem, quo essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

Legend Key 1 Key 2 Key 3 Key 4 Key 5 Key 6



Subtitle Locultid acipiore inatum mertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. Bus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum egit, eludamquam auc fit vit; ingulius movenit. Ignatquid ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus serdi inum omnostr acchum, proximus. Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, ca esicaela stem, quo essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

Legend Key 1 Key 2 Key 3 Key 4 Key 5 Key 6




Subtitle Locultid acipiore inatum mertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. Bus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum egit, eludamquam auc fit vit; ingulius movenit. Ignatquid ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus serdi inum omnostr acchum, proximus. Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, ca esicaela stem, quo essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

Legend March 21 Sun Path Key 2 Key 3 Key 4 Key 5 Key 6



Subtitle Locultid acipiore inatum mertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. Bus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum egit, eludamquam auc fit vit; ingulius movenit. Ignatquid ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus serdi inum omnostr acchum, proximus. Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, ca esicaela stem, quo essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

Legend June 21 Sun Path Key 2 Key 3 Key 4 Key 5 Key 6



Subtitle Locultid acipiore inatum mertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. Bus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum egit, eludamquam auc fit vit; ingulius movenit. Ignatquid ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus serdi inum omnostr acchum, proximus. Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, ca esicaela stem, quo essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

Legend December 21 Sun Path Key 2 Key 3 Key 4 Key 5 Key 6



Subtitle Locultid acipiore inatum mertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. Bus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum egit, eludamquam auc fit vit; ingulius movenit. Ignatquid ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus serdi inum omnostr acchum, proximus. Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, ca esicaela stem, quo essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

Legend Key 1 Key 2 Key 3 Key 4 Key 5 Key 6





Subtitle Locultid acipiore inatum mertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. Bus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum egit, eludamquam auc fit vit; ingulius movenit. Ignatquid ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus serdi inum omnostr acchum, proximus. Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, ca esicaela stem, quo essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

Legend Key 1 Key 2 Key 3 Key 4 Key 5 Key 6



Subtitle Locultid acipiore inatum mertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. Bus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum egit, eludamquam auc fit vit; ingulius movenit. Ignatquid ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus serdi inum omnostr acchum, proximus. Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, ca esicaela stem, quo essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

Legend Key 1 Key 2 Key 3 Key 4 Key 5 Key 6



Subtitle Locultid acipiore inatum mertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. Bus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum egit, eludamquam auc fit vit; ingulius movenit. Ignatquid ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus serdi inum omnostr acchum, proximus. Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, ca esicaela stem, quo essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

Legend Key 1 Key 2 Key 3 Key 4 Key 5 Key 6



Subtitle Locultid acipiore inatum mertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. Bus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum egit, eludamquam auc fit vit; ingulius movenit. Ignatquid ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus serdi inum omnostr acchum, proximus. Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, ca esicaela stem, quo essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

Legend Key 1 Key 2 Key 3 Key 4 Key 5 Key 6



Subtitle Locultid acipiore inatum mertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. Bus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum egit, eludamquam auc fit vit; ingulius movenit. Ignatquid ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus serdi inum omnostr acchum, proximus. Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, ca esicaela stem, quo essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

Legend Key 1 Key 2 Key 3 Key 4 Key 5 Key 6



Subtitle Locultid acipiore inatum mertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. Bus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum egit, eludamquam auc fit vit; ingulius movenit. Ignatquid ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus serdi inum omnostr acchum, proximus. Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, ca esicaela stem, quo essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

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New Bedford Green Strategies While New Bedford is a primarily urban city, two city departments along with a local preservation society is working to increase the green infrastructure of the city. The public infrastructure department has a forestry division which is dedicated to maintaining the health and appearance of the public landscape. This division works to plant new trees and promote the health of existing trees around the city. The city is currently promoting urban forestry, also known as Arboriculture, as a way to increase the quality of life for residents. The city advocates for this forestry providing the natural benefits trees provide for the city. The city also provides reasons such as possible property value increases, increased air moisture and shade, pollutant filtering, water retention during storms, and wildlife habitat. In addition to promoting urban forestry, the city also offers advice on what residents can do to support city trees.The parks recreation and beaches departments works to maintain the city’s twenty eight parks. Despite the departments’ role, there is no mention of urban forestry or promotion of green initiatives in the city. The New Bedford Preservation Society currently promotes a Re-Leaf Program. The program allows anyone to purchase a tree for the city to be planted “in memory” or “in honor” of someone. While the Society’s main focus to restore and preserve New Bedford’s historic structures, their efforts to make the city greener has a large impact. While the city of New Bedford is proud of their large number of parks within the city, the dense urban environment makes it difficult for many residents to have easy access to a green space. Just North of the site there is a small open square for the public and is located in the New Bedford Whaling Historical Park. Compared to other parts of the city, the surrounding area of the site has a greater green space density. As mentioned previously, the urban forestry initiative in the city promotes the planting of new trees throughout the city. On the city’s website there is a page which includes suggested trees for planting. The city promotes these trees due to their qualities which make them better for urban environments. While residents can plant other varieties of trees, the city asks that residents check before planting. In addition, the city also provides suggestions and considerations owners should take when choosing a tree.




New Bedford Materiality Subtitle Locultid acipiore inatum mertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. Bus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum egit, eludamquam auc fit vit; ingulius movenit. Ignatquid ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus serdi inum omnostr acchum, proximus. Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, ca esicaela stem, quo essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

Legend Key 1 Key 2 Key 3 Key 4 Key 5 Key 6



Subtitle Locultid acipiore inatum mertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. Bus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum egit, eludamquam auc fit vit; ingulius movenit. Ignatquid ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus serdi inum omnostr acchum, proximus. Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, ca esicaela stem, quo essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

Legend Key 1 Key 2 Key 3 Key 4 Key 5 Key 6



Subtitle Locultid acipiore inatum mertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. Bus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum egit, eludamquam auc fit vit; ingulius movenit. Ignatquid ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus serdi inum omnostr acchum, proximus. Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, ca esicaela stem, quo essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

Legend Key 1 Key 2 Key 3 Key 4 Key 5 Key 6



Subtitle Locultid acipiore inatum mertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. Bus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum egit, eludamquam auc fit vit; ingulius movenit. Ignatquid ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus serdi inum omnostr acchum, proximus. Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, ca esicaela stem, quo essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

Legend Key 1 Key 2 Key 3 Key 4 Key 5 Key 6



Subtitle Locultid acipiore inatum mertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. Bus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum egit, eludamquam auc fit vit; ingulius movenit. Ignatquid ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus serdi inum omnostr acchum, proximus. Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, ca esicaela stem, quo essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

Legend Key 1 Key 2 Key 3 Key 4 Key 5 Key 6



Subtitle Locultid acipiore inatum mertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. Bus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum egit, eludamquam auc fit vit; ingulius movenit. Ignatquid ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus serdi inum omnostr acchum, proximus. Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, ca esicaela stem, quo essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

Legend Key 1 Key 2 Key 3 Key 4 Key 5 Key 6





Subtitle Locultid acipiore inatum mertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. Bus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum egit, eludamquam auc fit vit; ingulius movenit. Ignatquid ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus serdi inum omnostr acchum, proximus. Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, ca esicaela stem, quo essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

Legend Key 1 Key 2 Key 3 Key 4 Key 5 Key 6



Subtitle Locultid acipiore inatum mertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. Bus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum egit, eludamquam auc fit vit; ingulius movenit. Ignatquid ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus serdi inum omnostr acchum, proximus. Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, ca esicaela stem, quo essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

Legend Key 1 Key 2 Key 3 Key 4 Key 5 Key 6



Subtitle Locultid acipiore inatum mertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. Bus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum egit, eludamquam auc fit vit; ingulius movenit. Ignatquid ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus serdi inum omnostr acchum, proximus. Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, ca esicaela stem, quo essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

Legend Key 1 Key 2 Key 3 Key 4 Key 5 Key 6



Subtitle Locultid acipiore inatum mertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. Bus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum egit, eludamquam auc fit vit; ingulius movenit. Ignatquid ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus serdi inum omnostr acchum, proximus. Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, ca esicaela stem, quo essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

Legend Key 1 Key 2 Key 3 Key 4 Key 5 Key 6



Subtitle Locultid acipiore inatum mertum terit, terrat, ves hostiam. Bus, dium host derum arid nitemque reme conves resum egit, eludamquam auc fit vit; ingulius movenit. Ignatquid ces, contiam imorum conte inate ipio int ius, derei pribus serdi inum omnostr acchum, proximus. Edioribus cotisse habus me til cavo, ca esicaela stem, quo essentiaet L. Fesuam mod C. Egit, quasdac citatam utelis Maris. Erumuli pervidet; egiliciente consuliu sciori poterfecrei tam quo actuius, erfit es es aucononsum tantrortum adhuitem querio unum inpridio, quasdam utellabem idet, C. Habus, num et esi portertem is fortella omnistemum di iam, clum modium parbis. Enat, cons aut face culi, stil hortem nos halabus, etiam sene fue videps, num P. Tum, cul viderei esillab eribuntis hora, menditin vis. Multor ut publibuntid conclere nit, culaber iortus. Ta inatuidem site, construm ocumedi civiributus. Nostia quondaciam aciempota L. Ex spionsis furis. Vasdam. Verurox nonsupera pri public vilin tas forum estravocta etiaede teludacia nonfernihi, cesultiam nicae quam eris ium nem halis. La viveri, consi intereiste quit. Ti. Bis? Opiena, ubliu in sciemqu ideps, teripio nsimoludam pulic ore nonvocus sil horet? Opicips, ut videnterudes conferi octuiusum es nosulic ulesim a Si publi pulin spertum seni poenari tiore, stem auctabe nterum que int. Opionum tuspio actu ius M. Nium acit; egilisuli comnost nonverfec virmiss enicaves se pultus co nos aut praedo, cre nul culude cum obuntem publinaris conit ina, nonica public tem ublicae ssulut pectum manum condemus, nos aurbis. Ors esidiena cus condemenius, vit. egerenis vehen sit veriort urenituam que trae inc ocupior pretilin adhuidem ad aperit, pula eorum cut L. Ebatu qua cul tuus. Oris ad coninarbefex se confictum hostus erit, C. Gra vere ressentea re in tam in te facribus effre tum

Legend Key 1 Key 2 Key 3 Key 4 Key 5 Key 6



2 Conceptual Framework


Site Intentions: This area of New Bedford is lacking in green space and has alot of paved areas. Because of this and an increasing amount of research done on the effect of nonpermeable surfaces, it is important to incorporate more green spaces. It will also give the residents of the area more space to interact and host community activities. In order to achieve the intended results, two existing blocks will need to be combined to create an extended green space. Currently, South Second Street crosses through the site, and will have to be redirected around Santander Bank for this design to be possible. The two existing parking lots infront of the YMCA and Santander Bank will need to be removed. The concept behind the deisgn of the site is to incorporate geometric terraces that will contrast the organic topography that currenly exists on the site. Each of the 6 terraces step down 3 feet (for a total of 18 feet) and are split up by circulation paths. The paths highlight circulation through the site and connect major public spaces. For example, one of the paths connects the residential area to the downtown area to provide pedestrians easy access to retail shops and restaurants. The East-West path brings a visitor’s eye to the waterfront. This connetion to the water is enhanced through water features within the site, which can be seen in the site plan.

Building adjacent to site (Zeiterion Theater) - brick material

Building adjacent to site (office building) - concrete & glass material

111 Dunsmuir - Vancouver - Durante Kreuk LTD

Nanyang School of Art - Nanyang, Singapore

Design Intentions: The overall massing of the building is in a “U� shape which acts as a buffer between the site and the surrounding buildings. The southern corner of the mass is broken up to allow pedestrians to pass through, and separates the program of the first floor. One arm of the building is the food service areas (restaurant and cafe) which will have space for outdoor seating in the courtyard that is created by the massing of the building, and the other is more public areas. Directly accessible from the lobby is exhibit space, bookstore, and gymnasium. The second floor has spaces for the assembly hall, meditation space, and the visiting scholars, which have separate circulation. The third floor is reserved for staff spaces and the case study room. The southern portion of the building follows the terraceing concept of the site and steps back at each floor, which helps emphasize the connection between the building and the site. To account for the removed surface parking lots, two levels of parking will be placed beneath the building.

Site Plan


Building Diagrams Load Trash



Lg. Assembly Hall W M M/S



Conf. Cafe


1st Floor

2nd Floor

Meeting Spaces

Visiting Scholars Food Service Common/Shared Spaces Support

0' 10'




Staff Spaces





Rec. Lg.



Apt Apt

Apt Apt Apt




3rd Floor





Case Study Room

Exhibit Space


The programmatic spaces in this design are divided into public/common spaces, food service, staff spaces, meeting spaces, visiting scholar spaces, and support spaces. The first floor is reserved for the spaces that are more public in nature, such as the gymnasium and the restaurant. The food service spaces (cafe and restaurant) are seperated from the rest of the building so that they can stay open after other parts of the building are closed. The second floor is mixed between public spaces and visiting scholar spaces. The lounge on the second floor is located at the dynamic interior corner of the massing to take advantage of the view to the courtyard, while offices are located towards the opposite corner of the building to optimize exterior views and natural light. The apartments for the visiting scholars have balconies that face the courtyard of the building and are off of a single-loaded corridor, which would be ideal for natural ventilation. The third floor is mostly staff spaces, so that the public would not have to climb more than one flight of stairs. The massing of the building steps back every floor, which allows for accassible green roofs to be loacated in the voids. Beneath the building is where parking will be located, in order to remove the cars from the surface to allow for more green space.


Rendered Site Plan


Massing Model “Great architecture offers shapes and surfaces molded for the pleasurable touch of the eye” – Pallasmaa


Initial Axonametric Possible Passive Strategies: - Manage equipment loads (efficient equipment) - Reduce heating loads: - Form for efficient heating - Climate-responsive building facades - Manage solar heat gain - Envelope optimization - Passive light and heat - Manage lighting loads: - Manage internal loads (lighting fixtures) - Form for daylighting - Fenestration for daylighting - Controls for daylighting - Reduce cooling loads: - Form for efficient cooling - Climate-responsive building facades - Passive light and cooling (shading devices) - Passive light and cooling - Controls for daylighting - Envelope optimization - Passive cooling (double roof)

Initial Sefaira Analysis Daylighting Analysis: Mostly under-lit:

3rd Floor

- Under-lit: 75% - Well-lit: 10% - Over-lit: 15%

Energy Analysis: Equipment dominated: - 40 kBTU/sf/yr - Heating: 388,641 kBTU/yr - Cooling: 129,043 kBTU/yr - Lighting: 246,511 kBTU/yr - Equipment: 616,277 kBTU/yr - Fans: 101,150 kBTU/yr - Pumps: 6,811 kBTU/yr

2nd Floor

1st Floor

Legend Under-lit Well-lit Over-lit



Over-lit 61

Facade Studies

Southern Facade Option 1

Southern Facade Option 2

Southern Facade Option 1 - Bay

Southern Facade Option 2 - Bay

The facade for option 1 is composed of vertical rust-colored metal panels, horizontal gray metal panels, and a stone base. There are horizontal overhangs above the windows to provide shading for the interior spaces and they also break up the facade. Stone is placed at the base of the building to act as a "heavier" base for the rest of the building. The accessible green roofs can also be seen protruding above sections of the roof.

The facade for option 2 is composed of similar to the previous option because there are vertical metal panels combined with a stone base; however, they are much lighter in color. The major difference between the two options is that instead of horizontal overhangs, there is a terra cotta sun screen that covers the whole facade but is broken up in certain areas to allow more light into the building. Terra cotta was chosen as the material for the screen because it is a reinterpretation of the brick buildings in the area.


3 Technical Solutions


3.1 Program Details

Program Requirements for Foundation For Fine Human Beings Program Group Common/Shared/Public

Space Common/Shared/Public Lobby Exhibit Space Meditation Space Bookstore Gymnasium Lounge

Quant 1 1 1 1 1 3

Area Unit (nsf) 1000 2500 500 1000 7000 200

Total (nsf) 12600 1000 2500 500 1000 7000 600

Food Service

7 30 100 60 15 100

142.9 83.3 5.0 16.7 466.7 6.0

visible and accessible to the public visible and accessible to the public group meditation visible and accessible to the public visible and accessible to the public; includes full size basketball court

A-2 A-2

15 15

166.7 50.0

Dining room, servery, kitchen

Restaurant Tea Room/Cafe

1 1

2500 750

Executive Director Deputy Director Admin Reception Mail/Copy Senior Staff Permanent Staff

1 1 2 1 1 4 6

300 150 100 300 150 150 80

2180 300 150 200 300 150 600 480


100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 1.5 6.0 4.8

Assembly Hall Case Study Room Seminar/Conference Room

1 1 3

5000 1500 400

7700 5000 1500 1200

A-3 A-3 B

5 15 100

1000.0 100.0 12.0

Office Apartment

5 5

100 425

2625 500 2125

B R-1

100 200

5.0 10.6

1500 250 250

2000 1500 250 250

S-1 S-1 S-1

300 300 300

5.0 0.8 0.8

Meeting Space

Visiting Scholars

Program Support Storage Loading/Receiving Trash/Recycling Accumulation

1 1 1

( (

30,355) 50,086)


A-3 A-3 B M A-3 B

3250 2500 750


Total NSM Total GSM

Occupancy (Ch. 3 and 10) Group Ratio (sf/occ) Load

Type A-2 A-3 B M R-1 S-1

Load 216.7 1792.9 49.8 16.7 10.6 6.7

include small meeting area

including waiting area

open office

flexible, for lectures, receptions, etc.; include AV closet- worse case (standing room)

Bedroom (queen bed), sitting room, kitchenette, bathroom

distributed throughout the building- accessory if under 100 sf

65% eff (stairs, corridors, mechanical, toilets, elevs)

Assembly spaces classify as Group "B" if Occupant load of less than 50 Less than 750 square feet & an accessory space


Minimum Number of Required Plumbing Fixtures (Chapter 29)

OCCUPANCY USE GROUP LOAD ADJUSTED LOAD A-2 216.7 108.3 A-3 1792.9 896.4 B 49.8 24.9 M 16.7 8.3 R-1 10.6 5.3 S-1 6.7 3.3

Subtotals Required totals*

RATIO 75 125 125 500 1 per unit 100

WATER CLOSETS MALE RATIO 75 1.4 125 7.2 125 0.2 500 1 per unit 100

8.8 9

FEMALE 1.4 7.2 0.2 -

Unisex 1 5 1

8.8 9

7 7

LAVATORIES RATIO MALE FEMALE Unisex 200 0.5 0.5 200 4.5 4.5 200 0.1 0.1 750 1 1 per unit 5 100 1

5.1 6

5.1 6

7 7

DRINKING SERVICE FOUNTAINS SINK RATIO QUANT QUANT 500 0.4 1 500 3.6 1 500 0.1 1 1000 0.0 1 5 1000 1

4.1 5

10 10

* Rounded up

Note: add more rows, if needed

Separate facillties not needed where: "M" under 100 occupancy load Dwelling units Total Occupant Load under 15 Drinking fountains not needed where: Occupancy load under 15

Code Compliance (Distance traveled & code zones)


3.2 Structure


Structural Conceptual Framework General Concepts The structure for this building is steel frame construction with concrete floor slabs, which allows for different spans. Some spaces require long spans which allow for an open floor plan, such as the gymnasium and the exhibition room. These spaces with longer spans would need deeper buildings to account for the larger loads. In general, it would be ideal to make the structural columns embedded into the walls to allow for more freedom of movement. The steel beams do not have to be hidden, they can be exposed in certain areas. Because of the depth of the beams, the space allocated for the floors/ ceilings should be 2’-3’ deep. The steel frame should be composed in a poetic nature, combining architecture and structure in a symbiotic fashion.

School of Business at Rutgers University

House designed by Yossi Fridman

Art Schoot at the university of Melbourne

Tinman House by Junsekino Architecture

Building Diagram Load Trash







Conf. Cafe




1st Floor

2nd Floor

Rec. Lg.



Apt Apt

Apt Apt Apt







Case Study Room

Assembly Hall




Exhibit Space



3rd Floor

Legend Meeting Spaces Staff Spaces Visiting Scholars

0' 10'




Food Service Common/Shared Spaces Support


Structural Conceptual Framework This concept has a more regular grid than the previous scheme, it is offset every 20’ in both directions, with 2 exceptions at the overhanging corner on the South West of the building. Since the grid does not exactly follow the form and layout of the building, the structure can be seen from the exterior. The columns and beams can be seen protruding in certain areas where the exterior walls speak a language of their own. Since the structure extends past the walls, the rainscreen can be attached to it and provide interesting areas where it extends past the walls. Similar to the previous scheme, the largest span is 60’ where the gymnasium is located, and all of the other spans are either 20’ or 40’, depending on if the space needs and open floor plan. This scheme is more efficient that the previous one because the grid and structural bays are much more regular and would be easier to construct.

Steel Frame House

Sizing Chart Span Distance 0'-10' 10'-20' 20'-30' 30'-40' 40'-50' 50'-60'

Beam Depth 5" 10" 15" 20" 25" 30"

Girder Depth 7.5" 15" 22.5" 30" 37.5" 45"

Structural Grid


Final Resolution

























14'-1027 32"






























































14'-1027 32"











































14'-1027 32"




SCALE : 1/8" = 1'-0"




3.3 Passive Strategies


Analysis After observing the site and analyzing the data from the psychrometric chart for New Bedford, I have found that the city has humid subtropical climate but has slightly milder winters. The psychrometric chart plots the temperature and humidity of each of the 8760 hours per year of New Bedford, which helps understand days/hours of the year which would require passive or active heating and cooling strategies. I have found that New Bedford experiences about 83 days of precipitation, with about 51 inches of rain and about 34 inches of snow per year, which are both higher than the US average. On average, there are about 205 sunny days per year and a high temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit (July) and a low temperature of 22 degrees Fahrenheit (January). This data from the psychrometric chart helps conclude that the area is mostly heating intensive throughout the year, which means that passive strategies for heating are ideal for most of the year. However, during the few hot months of summer it is important to implement passive cooling strategies. When necessary, passive strategies can be supplemented by active strategies (i.e. HVAC systems), but the building should be designed to minimize the use of active strategies.

Materiality - Brick

Materiality - Concrete/Glass

Materiality - Concrete

Materiality - Brick

Psychrometric Chart The Psychrometric Chart shown to the left was produced in the Climate Consultant program. Each dot on the chart represents the temperature and humidity of each of the 8760 hours per year. Different Design Strategies are represented by specific zones on this chart. The percentage of hours that fall into each of the 16 different Design Strategy Zones gives a relative idea of the most effective passive heating or passive cooling strategies. Climate Consultant analyzes the distribution of this psychrometric data in each Design Strategy zone in order to create a unique list of Design Guidelines for a particular location.

Legend Comfortable (5%) (Dots) Not Comfortable (95%) (Dots) Comfort Zone


Passive Strategies Sun Shading of Windows Shades can keep the heat and glare of direct sun from coming through windows. They can also keep direct sunlight off of walls or roofs, to reduce cooling loads. The most common form of shade is an exterior fixed horizontal overhang. These are used on the side of the building facing the sun’s path, sometimes including east and west faces. However, east and west faces often have more need of vertical fins to avoid low-angled sun.

Sun Shading Device


Ideal Orientation

Sun Shading Device

Vertical Louvers

Slanted Horizontal Overhang

Horizontal Overhang Louvers

Horizontal Louvers

Horizontal Overhang

Multiple Horizontal Overhangs

Overhang with Dropped Edge


Dropped Horizontal Louvers



The side of the building facing away from the equator needs no shading, except near the equator where the sun may be on the north or south side depending on the season. There are many variations on fixed external shades, to reduce the profile and/or let more diffuse light in. In hot climates, it can be especially useful to shade the building’s roof to avoid solar heat gain. Rooftop solar panels, if placed right, can act as shades and thus perform double duty as energy generators and energy load reducers. Shading can be designed to allow the sun’s light and heat into the building at some times of day or year, while rejecting it at other times. The simplest method for this is to use a fixed horizontal overhang whose width is calculated to shade during summer months when the sun is high and allow the sunlight in during winter months when the sun is at a lower angle. Shading can also be adapted by making it movable-either manually operated by occupants or automatically controlled. Such systems can be much more responsive and finely tuned, but they are also more expensive, and require more maintenance and repair over the years. User-operated systems may require occupant training and are often not properly used.


Ideal Orientation

Psychrometric Chart Without implementing either passive or active design strategies, one would be comfortable indoors for only 5.4% of the year, or 476 out of 8760 hours per year. When only active strategies are used, one would be comfortable indoors for 94% of the year, or 8291 out of 8760 hours per year. However, this is not desirable because of the energy costs and negative effects that using HVAC equipment everyday of the year has. Comparatively, without active strategies of cooling/dehumidification and heating/ humidification, one would be comfortable indoors for 47% of the year, or 4115 out of 8760 hours per year, if the following passive strategies are implemented: - Sun shading of windows - High thermal mass night flushed - Natural ventilation - Internal heat gains – most effective - Passive solar direct gain low mass - Wind protection of outdoor space – least effective - Dehumidification only When each of these strategies are implemented effectively and supplemented by HVAC equipment, one would be comfortable indoors all the time.

Legend Comfortable (47%) (Dots) Not Comfortable (53%) (Dots) Comfort Zone (5.4% - 476 hrs) Sun Shading of Windows (9.7% - 854 hrs) High Thermal Mass Night Flush (3.9% - 340 hrs) Natural Ventilation Cooling (8.7% - 764 hrs) Internal Heat Gain (24.5% - 2142 hrs) Passive Solar Direct Gain Low Mass (12.1% 1059 hrs) Wind Protection of Outdoor Spaces (1.9% - 170 hrs) Dehumidification Only (5.3% - 466 hrs)


Passive Strategies High Thermal Mass Night Flush Night flushing keeps windows and other passive ventilation openings closed during the day, but open at night to flush warm air out of the building and cool thermal mass for the next day. Night-flushing ventilation is useful when daytime air temperatures are so high that bringing unconditioned air into the building would not cool people down, but where nighttime air is cool or cold. This strategy can provide passive ventilation in weather that might normally be considered too hot for it. Successful night-purge ventilation is determined by how much heat energy is removed from a building by bringing in nighttime air, without using active HVAC cooling and ventilation. Night flushing works by opening up pathways for wind ventilation and stack ventilation throughout the night, to cool down the thermal mass in a building by convection. Early in the morning, the building is closed and kept sealed throughout the day to prevent warm outside air from entering. During the day, the cool mass absorbs heat from occupants and other internal loads. This is done largely by radiation, but convection and conduction also play roles.

Daytime: Warm outsite temperature, windows closed, internal heat is absorbed by thermal mass.

Because the “coolth” of night-purge ventilation is stored in thermal mass, it requires a building with large areas of exposed internal thermal mass. This means not obscuring floors with carpets and coverings, walls with cupboards and panels, or ceilings with acoustic tiles and drop-panels. Using natural ventilation for the cooling also requires a relatively unobstructed interior to promote air flow.

Mechanized windows or ventilation louvers, controlled by either a timer or a thermostat-driven control system, are ideal to remove the need for human operation, which can be tiresome. Another issue is the possibility of rain coming in at night, damaging property or interior finishes. While rain is not a common occurrence in climates where night flushing works best, it can be addressed with overhangs, ventilation louvers with steep angles, and other structural measures.

High Thermal Mass Materials

Relative Amount of Thermal Mass

Climatically, night flushing is only suitable for climates with a relatively large temperature range from day to night, where nighttime temperatures are below 68 or 71°F. If the building is occupied at night, like residences, the ventilation should not be so cold as to be uncomfortable for occupants. In addition, the location should be one with adequate wind at night to provide the cooling.

Nighttime: Cool outside temperature, windows open, heat from thermal mass is released, cool air enters




Thermal mass directly relates to the density and level of conductivity of the material. Materials with high thermal mass are typically used in the floor or inside walls of a passive solar structure and located near the southern facing windows to allow the sun’s energy to shine to directly on them. In this manner, they can store and release the sun’s heat energy.

Building Orientation Relative to Prevailing Winds

Natural Ventialtion Strategies

Natural Ventilation

11' min

Stack Ventilation Perpendicular to Wind (ideal)

Parallel to Wind

Inlet and Outlet ideally placed diagonally in section/plan x


Two openings on same wall


Wing walls should be same width of window opening

Two openings on same wall with wings

Two openings on opposite walls

“Wings� Can Steer Wind

Air will move faster through a smaller inlet

Stack ventillation: hot air rises due to buoyancy, and its low pressure sucks in fresh air from outside

Natural (wind) ventilation is the easiest, most common, and often least expensive form of passive cooling and ventilation. Successful wind ventilation is determined by having high thermal comfort and adequate fresh air for the ventilated spaces, while having little or no energy use for active HVAC cooling and ventilation. Strategies for wind ventilation include operable windows, ventilation louvers, and rooftop vents, as well as structures to aim or funnel breezes. Advanced systems can have automated windows or louvers actuated by thermostats. Buildings should be oriented to maximize benefits from cooling breezes in hot weather and shelter from undesirable winds in cold weather. A wind rose diagram can be used to see which prevailing winds to take advantage of or avoid. Generally, orienting the building so that its shorter axis aligns with prevailing winds will provide the most wind ventilation, while orienting it perpendicular to prevailing winds will provide the least passive ventilation. Rules of thumb for two scenarios in which windows are facing the direction of the prevailing wind: - For spaces with windows on only one side, natural ventilation will not reach farther than two times the floor to ceiling height into the building. - For spaces with windows on opposite sides, the natural ventilation effectiveness limit will be less than five times the floor to ceiling height into the building. However, buildings do not have to face directly into the wind to achieve good cross-ventilation. Internal spaces and structural elements can be designed to channel air through the building in different directions. For buildings that feature a courtyard and are located in climates where cooling is desired, orienting the courtyard 45 degrees from the prevailing wind maximizes wind in the courtyard and cross ventilation through the building. Long horizontal strip windows can ventilate a space more evenly. Tall windows with openings at top and bottom can use convection as well as outside breezes to pull hot air out the top of the room while supplying cool air at the bottom. Window or louver size can affect both the amount of air and its speed. For an adequate amount of air, the area of operable windows or louvers should be 20% or more of the floor area, with the area of inlet openings roughly matching the area of outlets. However, to increase cooling effectiveness, a smaller inlet can be paired with a larger outlet opening. With this configuration, inlet air will have a higher velocity.


Passive Strategies Internal Heat Gains Internal heat gain is the heat emitted within an internal space from any source that results in an increase in the temperature and humidity within the space. The amount of internal heat gain depends on the building type and the types of activities that occur within. Benchmark values for internal heat gains are based on either surveys of measured internal heat gains from a number of buildings of particular types and usage, or empirical values found appropriate from experience, survey and considered good practice in the industry. Sources of internal heat gain include occupants, lighting, and office equipment and computers. All active animal bodies, including humans, lose heat to their surroundings due to their metabolic activity, which is related to the activity to subject is performing (i.e. walking, sleeping, dancing, etc.). The heat can be released as sensible or latent heat. The sensible heat release is due to the higher temperature the surface of the skin can have in respect to the surrounding environment, while the latent heat is released by means of respiration and sweating. Spaces that have a higher activity level (gymnasium) will inherently be warmer when people are using the space, therefore it would not need as much heating compared to other spaces. All the electrical energy used by a lamp is ultimately released as heat. The energy is emitted by means of conduction, convection or radiation. When the light is switched on the luminaire itself absorbs some of the heat emitted by the lamp. Some of this heat may then be transmitted to the building structure, depending on the manner in which the luminaire is mounted. The radiation energy emitted from a lamp will result in a heat gain to the space only after it has been absorbed by the room surfaces. This storage effect results in a time lag before the heat appears as a part of the cooling load. Personal computers and associated office equipment result in heat gains to the room equal to the total power input. The internal heat gains can be estimated from basic data, but care must be taken to allow for diversity of use, idle operation and the effects of energy saving features of the equipment

Heat Energy is Emitted From:

Heat Energy Emitted From Human Activity

Passive Solar Direct Gain Low Mass Direct-gain passive solar systems rely on south-facing windows to bring solar energy directly into a building. That sunlight is absorbed by materials in the building, which warm up, store some of that heat, and re-radiate it back into the room. Conversely, this heat can be avoided with reflective materials. Direct solar gain is important for any site that needs heating because it is the simplest and least costly way of passively heating a building. Avoiding direct solar gain is also important in hot sunny climates. The key to success with direct-gain passive solar heating is to provide the right amount of south-facing glass and to couple that with adequate thermal mass. If too much glazing is installed, the space will overheat on sunny days. In many climates, more heat gain is desired in the winter, when the sun is low, while less or none is desired in the summer. Likewise, it is usually desired more in the morning, but less or none in the late afternoon. Smart orientation, sizing, and shading must be combined with smart selection of glazing properties. Different kinds of glazing can pull the sun’s heat into the interior, or reject it, or let interior heat escape. Several glazing types may be appropriate on different faces of the building.

Heat from the sun passes through Southern-facing windows and is absorbed by interior materials and thermal mass, and then radiated into the space.

Dark materials will absorb the sun’s heat, while light materials will reflect it.

Thermal mass is crucial to comfort with solar heat gain. It absorbs and retains heat, slowing the rate at which the sun heats the space and the rate at which the space loses heat when the sun is gone. Without thermal mass, heat that has entered a space will simply re-radiate back out quickly, making the space overly hot with sunlight and overly cold without. The amount of sunlight absorbed by a material (and thus converted to heat) depends on its color. Light colored surfaces will bounce light around within the space, distributing it over a greater number of surfaces. Dark colored materials will absorb most of the incident energy as soon as it strikes. Both of these can be useful, depending on the situation. Sunlight can also heat a space through the solid walls or roofs of the envelope. Roofs often need to avoid direct solar gain in hot climates. “Cool roofs” use light colors to reflect most of the sun’s heat. Cool roof surfaces are often far more effective than simply adding roof insulation. For example, the surface of a black roof can easily get 40°C (75°F) hotter than the surface of a white roof on a sunny day.

Different types of passive solar gain.


Passive Strategies Wind Protection of Outdoor Spaces In cold weather (below 47° F), one is most comfortable when they are protected from the wind. This can be achieved with some sort of wind break, such as vegetation, wing walls, alcove, roof, etc., and is needed in occupied outdoor areas or entry areas to protect from cold wind, drifting snow, wind chill, or even frostbite. In very hot dry weather, wind breaks such as courtyards, screen walls, porticos, or awnings are needed to protect from hot dry wind, drifting sand, wind burn, or even heat stroke. The Beaufort Number scale that rates the effects of wind states that at 19 mph, “The force of the wind is felt on the body, small trees in leaf will sway, the limit of agreeable wind.”

Additional Information on Passive Strategies: Reduce heating loads: - Form for efficient heating - Climate responsive building facades • Hot Climates: o Passive cooling o Shaded walls and glazing o Natural ventilation o Reflected daylighting o Light exterior colors o Insulation (min.): RSI 2.8 (R 16) o Glazing: double • Mixed Climates: o Warm Season: Passive cooling, shaded glazing, reflected daylighting. o Cold Season: Passive solar heating, daylighting. o Insulation (min.): RSI 3.5 (R 20) o Glazing: double (thermal break) • Cold Climates: o Passive solar heating, daylighting. o Insulation (min.): RSI 4.1(R 23) o Glazing: double (thermal break, moveable insulation) - Manage solar heat gain (solar glazing to south) - Envelope optimizations (high insulation, glazing u-factor, infiltration rates) - Passive light and heat: clerestories and skylights(sloped): This approach is appropriate for increased privacy, shading of the solar façade, heating deep spaces and spaces located along other facades, avoiding direct sunlight on people and furniture, and to avoid glare. • Clerestory/Sloped Skylight – to supply heat down into a space, locate a clerestory or skylight 1 to 1.5 times its height above the floor in front of an interior wall. • Sawtooth Clerestory – make the clerestory roof angle equal to, or less than, the angle of the sun at noon on the winter solstice. • Horizontal Skylight – use a solar facing reflector with skylights to increase winter solar gain.

• Make the ceilings of clerestories and sloped skylights a light color, and shade roof glazing in summer. Manage lighting loads: - Managing internal loads: lighting fixture selection - Form for daylighting: A building shape with a narrow floor plate maximizes exterior wall area for incorporating glazing to daylight interior spaces. • When developing a building shape, consider how best to admit daylight into the building. • Use the 4.5 / 9 meter (15 / 30 foot) rule of-thumb for developing building shapes and floor plates - Fenestration for daylighting (single side, top, multi-sided) - Controls for daylighting (light shelves): Intermediate light shelves divide solar glazing, reduce glare and evenly distribute daylight in a space. • Intermediate light shelves eliminate direct sunlight on critical task areas located near a solar glazed window (facing the equator), and reflect sunlight to the ceiling where it is evenly redistributed. Light shelves can extend the depth of side daylighting to 2.5 times the height of the glazed opening. • Design a light shelf so that: o It is a minimum of 60 cm (2 ft.) from the ceiling. o It shades the lower glazing in summer. o The depth of an interior light shelf is equal to the height of the glazing above it. • Make the upper glazing area a minimum of 8% to 11% of the floor area to be daylit, and the surface of the light shelf and ceiling white in color. Make the floor to ceiling height of the space a minimum of 3 meters (9 ft.). Reduce cooling loads: - Form for efficient cooling: A building elongated in the east-west direction exposes the shorter east and west sides to maximum solar heat gain and high afternoon temperatures during warm months.

• Design a building to take advantage of natural site energy flows by minimizing solar heat gain and allowing naturally occurring air currents to cool indoor spaces. • Shape a building so that it: o Is elongated in the east-west direction; and o Has a narrow floor plate for incorporating cross or stack ventilation. - Climate responsive building facades - Passive light and cooling (shading devices) Intercepting sunlight before it reaches the walls and glazing of a building dramatically reduces the amount of heat entering that building. • External shading devices can reduce solar heat gain through glazing by up to 80%. By designing shading devices according to the sun’s seasonal path, both summer shading and winter solar gain can be achieved in climates with seasonal variations. • Incorporate the following shading strategies: o Horizontal overhangs or louvers for solar orientations (facing the equator); and o Vertical fins and egg-crate designs for other orientations. • Adjustable shading devices can be repositioned to allow for seasonal temperature variations or user control during unusually warm or cool periods. Additional shading strategies include recessing glazed openings, and incorporating porches, balconies, and mature vegetation to shade east and west walls as well as outdoor areas. - Passive light and heat (solar shading, east/west shading) During warm summer months, overhangs block unwanted direct sunlight from solar glazing, reducing cooling loads. • Locate an overhang above solar glazing (facing the equator – south in northern latitudes and north in southern latitudes) so it does not block the winter sun. • Block the summer sun by extending the overhang approximately: o 1/4 the height of the opening at 28°L to 32°L

o 1/3 the height of the opening at 36°L to 40°L o 1/2 the height of the opening at 44°L to 56°L • Exterior horizontal louvers can also be used to shade south glazing. Use the above guidelines to size the louver projection as a fraction of the distance between louvers. • In hot climates (28°L or less) that do not require any heating, extend overhangs, roof, or shading devices to cover the entire solar façade and adjacent outdoor living spaces. - Controls for daylighting (light shelves) - Envelope optimization (glazing shgc, infiltration rates) - Passive cooling (double roof)

Overhang width: Projection (P) = glazed opening height (H) / 3


Final Resolution Passive Strategies: - Manage equipment loads (efficient equipment) - Reduce heating loads: - Form for efficient heating - Climate-responsive building facades - Manage solar heat gain - Envelope optimization - Passive light and heat - Manage lighting loads: - Manage internal loads (lighting fixtures) - Form for daylighting - Fenestration for daylighting - Controls for daylighting - Reduce cooling loads: - Form for efficient cooling - Climate-responsive building facades - Passive light and cooling (shading devices) - Passive light and cooling - Controls for daylighting - Envelope optimization - Passive cooling (double roof)

Clerestory Green Roof Solatube

Green Roof

Light Shelf Clerestory Horizontal Overhangs

Vertical Louvers Green Roof

Sefaira Analysis Daylighting Analysis: Mostly under-lit:

3rd Floor

- Under-lit: 73% - Well-lit: 14% - Over-lit: 13%

Energy Analysis: Equipment dominated: - 39 kBTU/sf/yr - Heating: 383,696 kBTU/yr - Cooling: 126,765 kBTU/yr - Lighting: 246,5121 kBTU/yr - Equipment: 616,277 kBTU/yr - Fans: 98,316 kBTU/yr - Pumps: 7,003 kBTU/yr

2nd Floor

1st Floor

Legend Under-lit Well-lit Over-lit



Over-lit 95

3.4 Active Strategies


Analysis Active heating and cooling systems will be needed to keep the building comfortable throughout the year, when passive strategies do not suffice. The two main concepts behind introducing active systems are either a mixing system or a displacement system. A mixing system has not supply and return ducts in the upper portion of the space, while a displacement system has supply ducts lower and return ducts higher. A displacement system will be more efficient in conditioning a space. The climate that this project is located in will require heating systems during the winter and cooling systems during the summer. The spring and fall months should be able to be handled with mostly passive systems. Active cooling systems will be needed for 48.4% of the year, while active heating systems will be needed for only 2.8% of the year.

Psychrometric Chart Analysis


Program/Design The two active mechanical systems considered for this project are a conventional all air HVAC system and a conventional closed loop geothermal system. These two systems are drastically different, the HVAC system uses a chiller and boiler to condition the air, while the geothermal system utilizes the relative constant temperature of the earth to warm or cool the air. The systems each have pros and cons to selecting them (as seen in the next pages). The main drawback to using a HVAC system is the large amount of space that the components take up, while the geothermal system requires a deep intervention to below the earth's surface. The facing page shows how each floor will be broken into zones. Each zone will have the capability to individually adjust the temperature according to the space. Major component spaces, such as he gymnasium, require their own zone because of the activites that would occur there.

Conventional All Air HVAC System:

Conventional Closed Loop Geothermal System:

- Chiller for cooling - Boiler for heating (needs a chimney all the way to the roof) - AHU (air handling units) (Need Access to fresh air directly or via ducts) - Cooling tower (Has to be outside. Very noisy)

- Geothermal coils (horizontally or vertically) - Heat Pump (water to water for radiant, water to air for air) - ERV (Energy Recovery Unit) for ventilation

Zone Diagrams

1st Floor: 3 zones

2nd Floor: 3 zones

3rd Floor: 2 zones





2 3





SYSTEM 1: Conventional HVAC (ALL AIR)

SYSTEM 2: Conventional Closed Loop Geothermal






The mechanical system selected was a conventional HVAC system because of its flexability, ability to control multiple factors of comfort, and it is much easier to service compared to a geothermal system. Using the "Studio Companion", relative sizes for each component were chosen. The boiler and chiller will be placed on the first parking level and will have a large enough space for the required maintenance. However, it would be ideal for the chiller to be placed on the roof so that the air has less distance traveled.

Heating and Cooling Load Calculations Cooling Capacity (Tons) Boiler room and chiller (sf) Space for cooling towers (sf) Cooling air volume (CFM) Area of main supply or return ducts (sf) Area of branch supply or return ducts (sf) Area of fan rooms (sf) Area of fresh air louvers (sf) Area of exhaust air louvers (sf) Floor 1 2 3 Total

GSF 20,700 13,500 7,100 41,300

150 1000 190 100,000 60 100 3000 250 200

sf factor sf of main req. # of mains 1.99 30.2 6 3.05 19.7 5 5.81 10.3 4

size of mains 5 sf or 16" x 46" 3.9 sf or 16" x 36" 2.6 sf or 16" x 24"

sf of branch req. # of branches 50.3 14 32.8 16 17.2 14

size of branches 3.6 sf or 16" x 33" 2.1 sf or 16" x 19" 1.2 sf or 12" x 14"

The sizes for the ducts were calculated using the square footage required for the entire system and the square footage per floor. The larger floor areas require more air, and therefore require larger ducts. Vertical plenums will be needed to move air from the fan room to each of the floors. VAV boxes are placed to seperate different zones, which will allow for better control of air quality.




3.5 Envelope


Conceptual Framework This construction system is a typical steel frame with light gauge framing. Below grade is where the two parking levels are located. The structure for the parking levels is large wide-flange steel beams which are framed into the foundation walls and columns, with hollow core concrete slabs spanning between the beams. There is two types of insulation in the wall assembly, both rigid insulation and batt insulation. The roof construction is a typical flat roof contruction, and typical green roof construction where the green roofs are located.Where specified, TubeLite storefront curtain walls are two levels high and include both aluminum spandrel panels and double glazed glass panels. There is also a light shelf on the first floor that is aligned with the curtain wall mullions.Above the curtain wall is MBCI metal panels. This concept utilizes a terra cotta sun screen system produced by NBK, called TERRART Baguettes. The baguettes are 2" square and have a hidden mounting system in the back. The placement and width of the baguettes vary to make the facade more dynamic. Terra cotta was chosen as the material for the screen because it is a reinterpretation of the red brick buildings found in the area.


Digital Model

Physical Model

113 20

Michael Loffredo

The Foundation for Fine Human Beings

New Bedford, MA

Interior Doors Interior View lites Door Hardware Aluminum Doors and Frames Aluminum-Framed Storefronts Glazed Aluminum Curtain Walls Structural Glass Curtain Walls Aluminum Windows Unit Skylights Louvers and Vents

TruStile interior doors TruStire lite doors included with doors FrameWork doors TubeLite Inc. TubeLite Inc. curtain wall TubeLite Inc. curtain wall Andersen Windows Solatube skylights GMI Soultions ventilaiton

Paint Acoustic Panels Plaster and Gypsum Board Drywall Partitions Floor Finish Tiling Vinyl Base Acoustical Ceilings Flooring Resilient Flooring Carpeting Painting and Coating

Sherwin-Williams paint Soundproof cow gymnasium soundproofing panels Interior walls Interior walls Forbo Flooring Forbo Flooring Around interior wall base Armstrong Ceilings Forbo Flooring Forbo Flooring Company C Carpets Sherwin-Williams paint


Interior Projection Screens Toilet Compartments

In assembly space As required

12 - Furnishings

Window Shades

Roll-A-Shade sun control solutions

15 - Conveying Equipment


Dover Elevators

21 - Fire Suppression

Fire Suppression Fire-Suppression Sprinkler Systems

Fire extinguishers as requried Sprinkler system

22 - Plubming

Domestic Water Piping Gray-Water Piping Facility Potable-Water Storage Tanks Facility Storm Drainage Roof Drains

Piping as requried Piping as requried Piping as requried Piping as requried As required

General Provisions Smoke Removal System Special Plumbing connections Ductwork and outlets Heating Refrigeration Variable-Air-Volume Units Air Handling Solar Energy Heating Equipment Heating Boilers

As required As required As required As required As required As required As required As required As required As required


Total Square Feet Typical Floor to Floor Height Overall Height Construction Type

14'-0" 43'-0" Steel Frame



Basis of Design

01 - General Conditions

Demolition Tree and Plant Protection

Remove existing parking lots Remove existing plants on site


02 - Existing Conditions

Site Preparation - excavation

Excavate 30' at building footprint

03 - Concrete

Concrete Forming Cast in Place Concrete Structural Concrete

Formwork for foundation walls/footings Foundation walls Foundatioin walls, floor slabs

04 - Masonry

Terra Cotta Masonry

NBK TERRART Baguette Terracotta Sun Screen

05 - Metals

Structural Steel Framing Architecturally-Exposed Structural Steel Framing Metal Deck Handrails and Guardrails Metal Stairs

06 - Wood and Plastics

07 - Thermal and Moisture Control

08 - Doors and Windows


Millwork Trim Built-in Shelving

Notes 09 - Finishes

Exterior sun screening system

Wide-flange columns & beams, light gauge steel framing Some structure exposed Decking for floor and roof slabs At stairs & above lobby Fire stairs and main stair

Acoustic Wall Treatment

Cabinetry Around windows In apartments Soundproof cow gymnasium soundproofing panels

Exterior Sheathing Air Barrier System Foam Board Insulation Metal Flashing Applied Fireproofing Self Adhering Sheet Waterproofing Modified Bituminous Membrane Roofing Dampproofing Exterior Joint Sealants Metal Wall Panels Single Ply Membrane Roofing Vegetated Protected Membrane Roofing Vegetated Roof Systems

On exterior walls Exterior walls Exterior walls, foundation walls, roof Exterior walls On floor beams Exterior walls On roof On foundation walls As required MBCI exterior metal panels On roof On green roof areas On green roof areas

Entrance Doors

TubeLite Inc. standard storefront entrance doors

Upper portion of gymnasium & assembly space walls

23 - Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning

Upper portion of facades

26 - Electrical

Lighting Power Telecom Audio./visual Security System Sprinkler and Alarm System

As required As required As required As required As required As required

27 - Communications

Audio & Video Systems

As required

31 - Earthwork

Site Demolition and Removals Earthwork and Site Grading

Removal of existing parking lots and plants Sitework per site plan

32 - Exterior Improvements

Planting Paving Concrete Stairs Retaining Walls Landscape Grading Lawns and Grasses

Trees and shrubs per site plan Permeabel pathways through site See site plan 3' exposed retaining walls at terraces See site plan See site plan

Upper portion of gymnasium & assembly space walls

Entrance & resilient flooring Bathroom tiling ACT drop ceilings

In apartments

2 untis

p. 1 of 3


p. 2 of 3

p. 3 of 3

4 Appendix


4.1 B&W Drawings
























































14'-1027 32"







SCALE : 1/8" = 1'-0"

DATE : 4/20/2018












































14'-1027 32"







SCALE : 1/8" = 1'-0"

DATE : 4/20/2018













































14'-1027 32"







SCALE : 1/8" = 1'-0"

DATE : 4/20/2018




4.2 Assignments


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