14th Annual Joseph W. Howe Ora on in Diagnos c Imaging
“Magne c Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) can iden fy painful lumbar discs and may facilitate improved clinical outcomes of lumbar surgeries for discogenic pain” Presented By: Ma hew F. Gornet, M.D. Friday, July 30, 2021 11:30 a.m. Logan University Chesterfield, Missouri Virtual Event h ps://www.logan.edu/live‐from‐logan/
JOSEPH W. HOWE, DC, DACBR, Fellow, ACCR There are few members of the American Chiroprac c College of Radiology whose careers have been as influen al as that of Joseph W. Howe, DC, DACBR. For more than six decades, Dr. Howe, has dis nguished himself by his contribu ons as a clinician, radiologist, educator, researcher, and mentor in the field of modern chiroprac c radiology. His passion for academic excellence, cri cal scien fic insight and professional advancement has le an indelible impact on the chiroprac c profession. His influence is felt daily by the numerous residents, whom he has trained, and who themselves have become inspira onal leaders in the chiroprac c profession. Dr. Joseph W. Howe has given the American Chiropracc College of Radiology and the chiroprac c profession a legacy of unparalleled achievement as a role model and mentor for several genera ons of chiroprac c radiologists. His name will always be associated with the incredible progress of chiroprac c radiology in the 20th century. The Joseph W. Howe Ora on in Diagnos c Imaging is designed to honor his extensive contribuons to and achievements in the educa on, research and prac ce of chiroprac c radiology.
Norman W Ke ner, DC, DACBR DCBCN FICC is the Dean of Research and Emeritus Professor of the Department of Radiology at Logan University. Dr Ke ner has been a faculty member since 1980 and was department chair for 35 years. In addi on to training and exper se as a board-cer fied radiologist and neurologist, Dr Ke ner has developed experience in the tools of func onal neuroimaging including fMRI, MEG and PET. In 2001, Dr Ke ner formed a research collabora on with the Athinoula A Mar nos Center for Biomedical Imaging of Massachuse s General Hospital, the largest teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School. The research objec ves were to inves gate the brain’s responses to acupuncture in pa ents with chronic pain and carpal tunnel syndrome. Recently, spinal manipula on in pa ents with cLBP has been inves gated using advanced func onal neuroimaging. This collabora on has yielded numerous high impact factor publicaons in top-ranked radiology, neurology and pain research journals including NeuroImage, Human Brain Mapping, PAIN and BRAIN. Dr Ke ner has authored over one-hundred publica ons and eleven textbook chapters.
Ma hew F. Gornet, MD
Dr. Ma hew Gornet is a Board Cer fied Spine Surgeon who specializes in the treatment of pa ents with low back and neck pain. Dr. Gornet received his Medical Degree from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, General Surgery Residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Orthopedic surgery residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital and his Spinal Surgery fellowship, Johns Hopkins Hospital with world-renowned Spine Surgeon, John Kostuik, MD. He is a leader in spinal care and currently a Spine Surgeon at The Orthopedic Center of St. Louis in St. Louis, Missouri. Addi onally, Dr. Gornet is the author of several published book chapters and research papers and his sub-specialty interests involve trea ng pa ents with con nued pain a er failed spine surgery. He accepts referrals of difficult revision cases from physicians throughout the na on and is a na onal leader in the development of dynamic stabiliza on, disc replacement, and "non-fusion" technology.
Joseph W. Howe Ora on in Diagnos c Imaging
Oct. 20, 2020 May 30, 2019 May 31, 2018 May 25, 2017 May 26, 2016 May 28, 2015 May 29, 2014 May 30, 2013 May 31, 2012 May 26, 2011 April 8, 2010 April 2, 2009 April 3, 2008
Past Speakers Vitaly Napadow, PhD, LicAc
Michael S. Montlione, MD, DACR, DC, DACBR Gary M. Guebert, DC, DACBR Terry R. Yochum, DC, DACBR, Fellow, ACCR, FICC James M. Cox, I, DC, DACBR, FICC ner, DC, DACBR, FICC, DCBCN Norman W. Ke Joseph W. Howe, DC, DACBR, Fellow, ACCR Victor Tong, DC, DACBR Lawrence H. Wya , DC, DACBR, FICC Anita L. Manne, DC, DACBR John A. M. Taylor, DC, DACBR Victor Tong, DC, DACBR Sharon A. Jaeger, DC, DACBR Reed Philips, DC, DACBR, PhD Terry R. Yochum, DC, DACBR, Fellow, ACCR, FICC James M. Cox, I, DC, DACBR, FICC Norman W. Ke ner, DC, DACBR, FICC, DCBCN