Bachelor of Science in
Life Science
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®°Ê/ iÊ >V i ÀÊ vÊ-V i ViÊ Ê viÊ-V i ViÊ at Logan University is offered on campus or online for - -®Ê`i}ÀiiÊ ÃÊ vviÀi`ÊÌ ÊÌ ÃiÊÃÌÕ`i ÌÃÊÜ Ê >ÛiÊLii Ê>VVi«Ìi`Ê students interested in a health sciences caree r. Students Ì ÊÌ iÊ
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Ê«À }À> ÊvÕ w ÊÌ iÊÀiµÕ Ài i ÌÃÊ vÊ science backg r ound needed to enter the health sciences Ì iÊv ÕÀÌ ÊÞi>ÀÊ vÊÌ iÊ - -Ê`i}Àii°Ê ÀÃÌ Ì iÊvÀià > ÊÃÌÕ`i ÌÃÊ>ÀiÊ indust r y. >L iÊÌ Êi>À Ê>ÊL>V i À½ÃÊ`i}ÀiiÊ> `Ê VÌ ÀÊ vÊ À «À>VÌ VÊ`i}ÀiiÊ W ith a BSHB from Logan, students can advance their health science Ê>««À Ý >Ìi ÞÊà ÝÊÞi>ÀðÊ/ ÃÊ«À }À> Ê> ÜÃÊÃÌÕ`i ÌÃÊÌ Êi>À ÊL Ì Ê career including: `i}ÀiiÃÊ ÀiÊµÕ V Þ]ÊÌ ÕÃÊÃ>Û }Ê ÊÌ iÊ ÛiÀ> ÊÌÕ Ì Ê ÛiÃÌ i Ì° • Entering the health care workforce 6 à ÌÊ }> °i`ÕÉ
ÊÌ Ê i>À Ê>L ÕÌÊ }> ½ÃÊ VÌ À>ÌiÊÊ • Applying to graduate programs vÊ À «À>VÌ VÊ`i}Àii° • Applying for admissions to professional health programs such as medicine, osteopath y, podiat ry, chiropractic or dentist ry
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Logan University’s education planconsists consists Logan University general ’s general education plan of a of a common core ofofcurriculum that supports the Missouri common core curriculum that suppo r ts the Missouri Department of Education Guidelines Depa r tment of EducationCredit Credit Transfer Transfer Guidelines for Student Transfer and Among for Student Transfer andArticulation A r ticulation AmongMissouri Missouri Colleges and Universities. Colleges and Universities. The General Education CoreCurriculum Curriculum The General Education Core / ÀiiÊV ÕÀÃiÃÊ Ê } Ã É Õ V>Ì ÃÊ ÊVÀi` ÌÊ ÕÀî Three courses in English/Communications (9 credit hours) / ÀiiÊV ÕÀÃiÃÊ Ê- V > ÊEÊ i >Û À> Ê-V i ViÃÊ ÊVÀi` ÌÊ ÕÀî Three courses in Social & Behavioral Sciences (9 credit hours) / ÀiiÊV ÕÀÃiÃÊ Ê Õ > Ì iÃÊ> `Ê iÊ ÀÌÃÊ ÊVÀi` ÌÊ ÕÀî Three courses in Humanities and Fine A rts (9 credit hours) /Ü ÊV ÕÀÃiÃÊ Ê >Ì i >Ì VÃÊÈÊVÀi` ÌÊ ÕÀî Two courses in Mathematics (6 credit hours) /Ü ÊV ÕÀÃiÃÊÜ Ì Ê >LÃÊ Ê viÊ> `Ê* Þà V> Ê-V i ViÃÊnÊVÀi` ÌÊ ÕÀî Two courses with labs in Life and Physical Sciences (8 credit hours)
The Trimester T he T rimester System System }> Ê1 ÛiÀà ÌÞ½ÃÊ>V>`i VÊÞi>ÀÊ Logan University ’s academic year Vi ÌiÀÃÊ Ê£x Üii ÊÌÀ iÃÌiÀðÊÊ centers on 15-week trimesters. / iÀiÊ>ÀiÊÌ ÀiiÊÌÀ iÃÌiÀÃÊ«iÀÊV> i `>ÀÊ There are three trimesters per calendar Þi>ÀÊÃÌ>ÀÌ }Ê Ê > Õ>ÀÞ]Ê >ÞÊ> `Ê year sta rting in Janua ry, May and -i«Ìi LiÀ°Ê-ÌÕ`i ÌÃÊ>ÀiÊ>L iÊÌ ÊLi} Ê September. Students are able to begin >Ê`i}ÀiiÊ Ê> ÞÊÌÀ iÃÌiÀÊÌ À Õ} ÕÌÊ a degree in any trimester throughout Ì iÊÞi>À°Ê/ ÃÊ> ÜÃÊ ÀiÊyiÝ L ÌÞÊ v ÀÊÃÌÕ`i ÌÃÊ Ê ÜÊV ÕÀÃiÃÊ>ÀiÊÌ> i Ê for students in how courses are taken > `ÊÜ i ÊÃÌÕ`i ÌÃÊÃÌ>ÀÌÊÌ iÊ«À }À> °Ê and when students sta rt the program. Ê>`` Ì ]ÊÌ iÊÃÕ iÀÊÌÀ iÃÌiÀÊ ÃÊ>Ê In addition, the summer trimester is a « «Õ >ÀÊ «Ì Êv ÀÊÃÌÕ`i ÌÃÊÜ ÊÜ Õ `Ê popular option for students who would iÊÌ ÊÌ> iÊÃÕ iÀÊV ÕÀÃiÃÊÌ Ê>`Û> ViÊ like to take summer courses to advance Ì i ÀÊÃÌÕ` ið their studies.
Tuition Logan University offers affordable and competitive undergraduate tuition at $275 per credit hour* and also offers merit-based tuition: •First-time freshman with a GPA or higher: $150 per credit hour** •Transfer students with a GPA of 3.5 or higher: $200 per credit hour** ** Must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher at Logan University and be enrolled consecutively in two out of three trimesters per academic year in order to remain eligible.
Apply today! Contact or 636-203-8829
Why Logan?
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Take the next steps: Contact Logan’s Office of Admissions at or at 636-203-8829
1851 Schoettler Rd., Chesterfield, MO 63017 636-203-8829 *Tuition provided is based on the current school year.