Logan University - Fall Tower 2020

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New Award Honors the Paradigm Changers

Bringing Awareness to Black Representation in Chiropractic

Admissions Gets Creative to Reach Prospective Students Robust Preceptorship Program Gives DC Students Valuable Clinical Experience




In This Issue

5 Role Models Learn how a Logan student, alum and staff member embody the Logan ideal of “Leaders Made”

5 Leaders Made

14 Prepared for Success New Health Informatics tracks have been designed to launch students into promising careers

14 College of Health Sciences

24 Cutting-Edge Technology Logan’s upgraded X-ray system is improving patient care and enabling important research 26 A Life of Service One DC student is serving our country while also learning how to free patients from pain

6 Mission Forward 9 Retirement 10 College of Chiropractic 17 Logan Connects 18 Alumni Feature 19 Women’s Health Symposium 20 Donor Snapshot 22 Giving Campaign 24 Research 26 Student Life 30 Admissions 32 Graduating Class 34 Recognizing Success 36 Industry Update 38 Under the Tower 39 Postscript





39 The Tower is a publication of Logan University for alumni, students, employees and friends of the University

THE TOWER Vol. 3, FALL 2020 The Tower is published three times a year: Spring, Summer and Fall. On the Cover: Dr. Micheala Edwards (left) and DC student Renee Gentle Inside photography: Sierra Carter, Mike Chappell, James LeBine The Tower is produced by the Department of Marketing and Communications. Reader comments can be emailed to Tower@logan.edu. THE TOWER Logan University 1851 Schoettler Road Chesterfield, MO 63017 Tower@logan.edu | Logan.edu 636-230-1704



For the third year, Logan University has been named one of the best colleges in the nation to work for, according to a new survey by the Great Colleges to Work For® program. The results, released in The Chronicle of Higher Education, are based on a survey of 221 colleges and universities. In all, 79 of the 221 institutions achieved “Great College to Work For” recognition. Results are reported for small, medium and large institutions, with Logan included among the small universities (500 to 2,999 students). Logan won honors in three categories this year: Compensation & Benefits; Facilities, Workspace & Security; and Work/Life Balance.

Logan University’s master’s degree in Sports Science & Rehabilitation was named one of the Best Online Master’s in Sports Medicine Programs of 2020 by BestColleges. In addition, Logan’s bachelor’s degree in Human Biology was named a Best Bachelor’s in Biology by College Choice and a Best Online Bachelor’s Degree in Biology by BestColleges.

The first class of Logan’s new Registered Dietitian concentration within the Master of Science in Nutrition & Human Performance program began clinical rotations in September. Caitlyn Sheppard, Amir Shaheer and Dana Csengody (pictured, left to right) will rotate through eight supervised practice sites, including Paraquad Health and Wellness Center and Bloom Café, Affinia Healthcare, and the Rehabilitation Institute of St. Louis. The students will gain real-life experience in wellness and health promotion, foodservice management, private practice, nutrition informatics, community nutrition, school outreach and youth development, medical nutrition therapy and more. Clinical Coordinator Helen Halley, MS, RD, LD, CSO, CNSC oversees the students throughout their clinical rotations.

Logan’s White Coat Ceremony is the first step toward a rewarding future in chiropractic care. It symbolizes students’ pledge to diligently pursue their chiropractic education and training, to put the interest of their patients before their own, to respect and value their fellow students and teachers as colleagues, and to behave honorably throughout their careers, always striving to be worthy of the privilege of being a doctor. Logan celebrated its summer and fall 2020 incoming DC classes with virtual White Coat Ceremonies, streamed online on October 10. Pictured here is Dean of the College of Chiropractic Joseph Pfeifer, DC leading the students through their White Coat Oath.



Logan University is once again proud to be a part of this global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate and celebrate generosity. Stay tuned to our social media channels to learn how you can participate. LOGAN UNIVERSITY • FALL 2020 3


As I reflect on the last nine months, despite its many challenges, I can’t help but feel proud. Proud of the Logan University community and how we—students, faculty, staff, clinicians and alumni— have pulled together and pushed forward through this global crisis. Proud that we’ve continued safely treating patients inside our Health Centers and via telehealth. Proud that we’ve maintained academic excellence, both in-person and online. Proud that we’ve graduated approximately 300 health care leaders to date in 2020 alone, many of whom who are now out in the world serving their communities through evidence-based, patient-centered care. I’m also very happy to introduce the Spirit of Logan Distinguished Alumni Award. Given by myself and the Cabinet, this award represents the highest distinction bestowed upon an alumnus for their accomplishments and recognizes


individuals whose commitments have made a significant, lasting difference to Logan University. You can read more about the Award and the 2021 winners on page 8 of this magazine. Although 2020 has been a challenging year, I know that this, too, will pass. We’ve learned a lot from our hybrid model and new screening processes this trimester, and fortunately, we’ve been able to maintain a relatively low number of infections. Thanks to the entire Logan community remaining responsive, cooperative and diligent in following these procedures, we’ve been able to remain open for both education and necessary patient care for the community. In continuing to be proactive in our approach to preventing the spread of COVID-19 as well as the flu, we will continue our current hybrid model (lecture courses delivered online and hands-on practical portions taking place on-campus via block scheduling) for the spring 2021 trimester. Additionally, in order to minimize mid-term travel and allow for extra time off campus during peak

flu season, we’ve moved the week of spring break to the beginning of the trimester. Safeguarding the health of students, patients, faculty and staff is our highest priority, and we’re committed to following guidelines from the CDC and St. Louis County as well as applying the best scientific evidence to our control measures, such as health screenings, face covering requirements, and social distancing and density reduction measures. When I reflect on this whirlwind of a year, I can’t help but feel hopeful for the future. If we can withstand this unprecedented global health crisis, I know the Logan community can get through anything. Each challenge we face moving forward will only make us stronger and more united. Our resiliency is due in no small part to our outstanding students, faculty and alumni who are leading the way.


Logan University is a community of extraordinary leaders. Learn how these individuals are making an impact in their own communities, careers and beyond. During one of the most turbulent years, AMY POLLOCK, MEd, academic success coach for the DC program, made it her personal mission to ensure students were set up for success. Through one-on-one conversations via phone, videoconferencing and email, Amy has helped approximately 800 DC students navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and how it affects their education.

Amy Pollock

“Working with students is a little more intentional now, and it’s a different dynamic,” Amy said. “They are looking for support on how to be an online student and need different strategies to be successful.” For a period of time, Amy was the only academic success coach for DC students, which increased her workload significantly. Regardless, Amy continued to provide the same support and encouragement that she strives to offer to students all year long. “Navigating the pandemic has been a challenge for me and the students,” Amy LOGAN.EDU/GIVE

said. “We’re in a time of uncertainty; there’s no one we can ask for advice because it’s been 100 years or so since anything like this has happened.” The biggest struggle for Amy as students adapt to virtual learning is the limitations on face-to-face interactions. Students were not able to stop by her office just to say hello or ask a quick question they thought of as they passed by. This can take away from the relationship building that she emphasizes in order to help students succeed academically and also grow as people. “One of the most important pieces of this job is the relationships I get to make with my students—I feel like I can help them on a higher level the more I know about them,” Amy said. “I heard this analogy once that has stuck with me: What they come in for is sometimes a symptom of a ‘disease,’ so while they’re talking to me about their symptoms, I try to figure out if there’s an underlying issue or concern causing those symptoms.” Global pandemic or not, helping students is a rewarding experience for Amy. “I enjoy watching students progress and feel proud knowing I helped them in some small way,” Amy said. “When you start working with a student in trimester one and then watch them walk across the stage at graduation, knowing you had a piece in their success is a great feeling.” SYDNEY BRANGENBERG, trimester 7 student, always knew she wanted to practice chiropractic internationally after graduation. “I love how chiropractors are able to provide ways of maintaining wellness without pharmaceuticals, and it’s exciting to think that I can travel to another country and share my knowledge and care in a region where there aren’t many practitioners,” she said.

Taking this passion to Logan, Sydney joined the University’s chapter of the World Congress of Chiropractic Students (WCCS). Earlier this year, she became the Americas West Coordinator for the international organization. “Holding a leadership position allows me to teach people around the world and support them in their career in chiropractic,” Sydney said. The WCCS consists of four regions: Americas, Africa, Western Pacific and Europe. Sydney is one of two representatives for the Americas region, and her job is to facilitate communication between the schools with WCCS chapters and the organization’s board of directors. Mainly serving as a student support system and a professional network, WCCS is run entirely by students and recent graduates.

Sydney Brangenberg

Continued on page 37 LOGAN UNIVERSITY • FALL 2020 5


Logan Hosts Virtual Commencement Ceremonies to Honor 2020 Graduates Logan University’s April and August 2020 graduates did not get the commencement ceremony they always imagined. They could not walk across the stage of the Purser Center, shake anyone’s hand, get hooded, or listen to their loved ones cheering and clapping in the crowd. To prevent the spread of COVID-19, they had to celebrate at home instead. “When St. Louis County Executive Sam Page announced new restrictions limiting gatherings to no more than 50 people on July 27, we knew we would not be able to come together to honor our graduates like we normally do,” said Emily Ratliff, director of events at Logan University. “We had just three weeks and three days to pivot our ceremony from in-person to virtual.”

John Haack, a pipe major for the Saint Louis Caledonian Pipe Band 6 FALL 2020 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY

In anticipation of the county’s announcement, Emily spent hours watching other virtual commencement ceremonies and researching best practices to determine how to deliver the most memorable and meaningful experience for Logan’s graduates. “Doing my homework ahead of time to figure out what did and didn’t work for different schools helped me envision the kind of ceremony I wanted our graduates to have,” Emily said. Emily and her team consulted with numerous University departments and met with Logan President Clay McDonald, DC (‘82), MBA, JD to determine what the virtual commencement ceremony would look like. They decided to mimic the in-person event as much as possible by creating an engaging, interactive and personalized virtual experience. “We tried our hardest to make the best of this challenging situation,” Emily said. “Our goal was to give our hard-working students the most authentic graduation we could, given the circumstances.” Dr. McDonald tasked Emily and her team with recording and producing three virtual commencement ceremonies ahead of time and then livestreaming them on Logan’s website August 22. Separate ceremonies were held for April 2020 College of Chiropractic graduates, August 2020 College of Chiropractic graduates, and the April and August 2020 College of Health Sciences graduating classes. “This is the first time in University history we have held different ceremonies for

the College of Chiropractic and College of Health Sciences,” Emily said. “Having different ceremonies allowed us to better recognize two distinct groups of students and celebrate their unique accomplishments.” After hosting many production meetings, sourcing speakers, writing scripts, creating programs, recruiting stage participants, decorating the Purser Center with peace lilies and unfurling flags to represent the nationalities of Logan’s diverse student body, it was time to film. “If you were to walk into the auditorium on the day when we were filming, you’d think we were ready to have graduation,” Emily said. “The only thing missing was the crowd.” In line with University tradition, each ceremony began with a performance by John Haack, a pipe major for the Saint Louis Caledonian Pipe Band. “Watching the piper walk into the empty auditorium and make his way on stage was a poignant moment,” Emily said. “In fact, John was so honored by our commitment to the tradition of having bagpipes in the ceremony that he decided to donate his time to us. We plan to name a chair in the Purser Center after him to show our gratitude.” After the bagpipe processional, participants wearing face masks filed onto the stage to honor the achievements of the graduates. There was also a demonstration of the hooding process so graduates could have a loved one help hood them at home. “We understand that the dream of walking across the stage and being hooded


“We tried our hardest to make the best of this challenging situation. Our goal was to give our hard-working students the most authentic graduation we could, given the circumstances.” – Emily Ratliff may have gotten some of our students through some difficult days,” Emily said. “Not getting the opportunity to do that is a big deal, so we wanted to acknowledge their sacrifice and celebrate their achievements at the same time.” In addition to the three commencement ceremonies, Emily’s team recorded and produced a virtual breakfast and awards ceremony to recognize the academic achievements of the August College

Matthew Bryan, DC (‘20) (second from right) celebrates his graduation from Logan with his family at home.

of Chiropractic and College of Health Sciences graduates. “Although this was a virtual experience, we wanted to give every graduate something tactical to connect them to it,” Emily said. “We mailed 288 custom

packages—one for each graduate.” The packages contained a handsigned letter from Dr. McDonald and a medallion inscribed with their graduation date. Graduates who would have been recognized at the ceremony also received their crystal award or plaque. Because the awards ceremony is traditionally hosted as a breakfast, each candidate got a Grubhub gift card to use the morning the video aired. Although overseeing Logan’s first virtual commencement and awards ceremonies presented a unique set of challenges, Emily said she is proud of what her team accomplished and the experience they provided to the graduates. “When Logan faculty and staff started working remotely, I brought a tabletop display of the University’s mission, vision and values home with me to keep front and center on my desk,” Emily said. “When things got tough, I would look at it and say, ‘I have a choice to make. I can do this the easy way, or I can do it the right way that is in line with our values.’ Thinking about doing right by our students who paid their dues, put in the time and who deserve to be recognized kept my team and me going.”

Dr. Kimberly O’Reilly delivering a virtual graduation message LOGAN.EDU/GIVE



Introducing the Spirit of Logan Distinguished Alumni Award Logan University’s President’s Cabinet is proud to announce that William D. Purser, DC (’53), Norman W. Kettner, DC (‘80), DACBR, FICC and Richard M. Bruns, DC (’80) are the inaugural recipients of the new Spirit of Logan Distinguished Alumni Award. The award represents the highest distinction bestowed upon an alumnus for their accomplishments and for making a significant, lasting difference to Logan. The inaugural winners were selected by the University based on the criteria of leadership, philanthropy, industry achievement and service. “This prestigious award formally recognizes individuals whose exemplary accomplishments, service and commitment have brought credit to Logan as well as the chiropractic community and profession,” said Logan President Clay McDonald, DC (’82), MBA, JD. Each winner will receive a bronze medallion featuring Logan founder Hugh B. Logan and the Tower, engraved with the recipient’s name and year of the award. Presenting the 2021 Winners:

DR. WILLIAM D. PURSER Dr. Purser has a long legacy of philanthropic support of Logan University. His contributions to scholarships over the years have made an invaluable difference to generations of students and will continue to do so in the future. He has also made significant contributions to Logan campaigns and capital improvement projects, including the William D. Purser, DC Center. “Dr. Purser represents the gold standard of giving from the heart,” Dr. McDonald said. “He’s given because he loves Logan and cares about students and the quality of their education.”




Dr. Bruns has dedicated his career to progressing chiropractic and championing the equality of health care. Through his leadership as past chairman of the American Chiropractic Association, past president of the Maine Chiropractic Association and government appointments to health committees, organizations and foundations, he has contributed significantly to legislative efforts to advance chiropractic and improve access for patients. Dr. Bruns is also a past member of Logan’s Board of Trustees. “It’s always been about the patient,” he said. “Any time I see a patient discriminated against because they chose chiropractic care makes me more motivated to continue. I’ve been in practice for 41 years, and I don’t plan to stop practicing or fighting for this profession any time soon.”

Dr. Kettner, dean of research and professor emeritus of Logan’s Department of Radiology, has worked tirelessly to further the field of chiropractic through research. Most notably, he’s spent the past two decades collaborating with researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital, the largest teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School, to study the neuroscience underlying integrative approaches to health care. The interdisciplinary collaboration has produced more than two dozen papers published in a variety of prestigious journals, including groundbreaking studies on acupuncture, chronic pain and spinal manipulation. His work has directly benefitted students, improved patient care and clinical outcomes, and profoundly impacted health care imaging nationwide. “Research is key to advancing our profession,” Dr. Kettner said. “When I looked around earlier in my career, I saw we lacked a high level of scholarship and research, and I knew immediately I wanted to dedicate my career to contributing in that direction.”


Dr. Donna Mannello Retires, Receives Professor Emeritus After 33 years of service to Logan, Donna Mannello, DC (‘87) retired to spend more time with her family. Dr. Mannello earned a bachelor’s degree in education prior to studying at Logan. She began her chiropractic career with a one-year chiropractic residency program at Lindell Hospital in St. Louis as well as a part-time teaching position at Logan. While at the University, Dr. Mannello worked with those at the forefront of chiropractic research, including the late Gary Sanders, PhD, her mentor and Logan’s director of research at the time. By 1989, she had become a full-time instructor at Logan.

Dr. Donna Mannello LOGAN.EDU/GIVE

Over the years, Dr. Mannello taught more than 20 courses, or variations of the same course, primarily teaching Physical Diagnosis and Clinical Methods. “I most enjoyed teaching courses that allowed me to interact with students in hands-on situations, such as clinical methods and clinical reasoning labs,” she said. Dr. Mannello noted she has always been impressed with the dedication of Logan’s administration and faculty to continually improve the campus and educational process. “Logan has allowed me to work with some of the most dedicated, competent and incredible faculty in the chiropractic profession, and for this, I am honored and humbled,” she said. In addition to teaching at Logan, Dr. Mannello had a practice in Webster Groves, Missouri, for much of her career. “Practicing and teaching were complementary,” she said. “I enjoyed and felt blessed to be able to take care of patients and in turn be able to share some of my cases to educate students on patient care. My patients and my students meant the world to me.”

“I loved taking care of patients and using my cases to help educate students on patient care. Real-life experience and examples are instrumental.” – Dr. Donna Mannello Dr. Mannello retired from Logan in the summer of 2020. “My hope is that I was able to make a positive impact toward the education of my students and the future of our profession, and help students reach their professional goals,” she said. To recognize her many achievements at the University, Dr. Mannello received the distinction of professor emeritus. “Bestowing this honor and recognition on someone who has contributed so much for so long to Logan University was an easy decision,” said Kimberly O’Reilly, DHEd, MSW, executive vice president of academic affairs. “Both Dr. McDonald and I have been honored and privileged to have worked with Dr. Mannello and wish her much joy and contentment during her retirement.” Congratulations on your retirement, Dr. Mannello!



Logan Alumna and Student Improving Black Chiropractic Experience Micheala Edwards, DC (’09), 2020 president of the American Black Chiropractic Association (ABCA), made history this year as the fourth woman to be named president since the organization’s inception in 1981. This year, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and a time of social change, it has been an especially impactful experience. “Despite the current civil unrest and heightened concerns over COVID, our students and doctors are stronger than ever,” Dr. Edwards said. “We’re eager to organize so that we can do our part in raising awareness of chiropractic to everyone in the nation.” Dr. Edwards owns and operates E. Elite Wellness Center in Kansas City, Missouri, and she previously served as ABCA vice president and treasurer. “I was the one who was always pushing the ABCA to take some risks while everyone was more comfortable with what progress we’ve made, Dr. Edwards said. “It means a

lot when you’re finally heard, and get not only the vote but the support as well.” The presidential term for the ABCA is two years, so Dr. Edwards will continue her presidency into 2022. One of her goals is to continue to bring awareness to a lack of Black representation in how the chiropractic profession contributes to a disparity in medical providers in urban communities across the country. “Patients select a provider that they feel most comfortable with, usually one who shares their cultural background. The fact that there may not be many Black or minority DCs to choose from creates

“I’m grateful for my predecessors’ efforts. It’s because of those accomplishments that I’m able to grab the baton and get straight to work on some of our initiatives that reach back to the founding purpose of the ABCA.” – Dr. Micheala Edwards Dr. Micheala Edwards 10 FALL 2020 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY


a problem,” Dr. Edwards said. “If we can increase our visibility within the profession, then we can normalize seeing minorities as leaders, students and practitioners, and increase the number of people who have access to chiropractic care.” An active member of the ABCA for many years and a board member for the last 12 years, Dr. Edwards has seen membership grow and the organization take a more modern approach to recognition by creating a presence on social media. “I’m grateful for my predecessors’ efforts,” she said. “It’s because of those accomplishments that I’m able to grab the baton and get straight to work on some of our initiatives.” Excited to continue moving the organization forward with a mission to inspire Black chiropractors and grow their presence in the chiropractic community, Dr. Edwards is proud of the progress the ABCA has made over time. “From serving as a national student representative for the Student American Black Chiropractic Association (SABCA) to entering my current role, the experience has been a rewarding one,” she said.

at the national convention. “I have the ability to advocate for students at each chiropractic school in our region and encourage them to achieve their goals,” Renee said. “It’s important to make chiropractic a better profession for Black students.”

Inspiring the Next Generation Dr. Edwards is setting a strong example for Logan students to come, including Renee Gentle, trimester 8 DC student who serves as the 2020 central regional representative for the SABCA—the fourth consecutive Logan student to be elected to this position. She will hold the position until June 2021, when a new set of representatives will be elected LOGAN.EDU/GIVE

Renee Gentle

At the beginning of her term, Renee set a goal to provide leadership to other Black chiropractic students. “I’m glad that I stepped out of my comfort zone to

run for the position,” she said. “It’s been rewarding because I’ve played a huge part in keeping students connected throughout our region.” Renee said that being involved in the SABCA gives her the ability to network and connect with other like-minded students in chiropractic, creating a support system for her throughout her career. “The SABCA and the ABCA help me to feel accepted in a predominantly white male profession,” she said. “I love how generous the doctors in the ABCA are with their time to help shape the students in the SABCA into doctors who will help give back to our underserved communities.” Renee has found her passion at Logan as a part of the SABCA, but her decision to pursue a career in chiropractic stems from her undergrad days in Houston, Texas, when she was treated by a chiropractor during track season. “My chiropractor was very attentive to detail and to my needs. She was a great listener and never failed to make me feel understood, even when it was hard to put into words how I was feeling,” Renee said. “This experience made me choose the chiropractic profession because I realized that was exactly how I wanted to make people feel.” Renee chose Logan University because of the opportunities it offered to help her grow as a chiropractor and as a person. “Even though there is a chiropractic school in Houston, I felt at home at Logan when I visited, and while being here I’ve formed so many intentional relationships,” Renee said. “That’s something I will cherish forever!” LOGAN UNIVERSITY • FALL 2020 11


Students Take Skills from the Classroom to the Clinic Through Preceptorship Program When qualified Logan University Doctor of Chiropractic students reach their tenth and final trimester, they have a unique opportunity to gain real-world experience in a clinical environment of their choice through Logan’s Preceptorship Program. “A preceptorship is the final chapter of a student’s time here,” said Jason Goodman, DC (’98), PhD, director of external clinical rotations. “Students get to spend their final trimester working in their dream scenario, whether that is at a pediatric clinic, a family practice or even in a hospital. The sky is truly the limit.” For 15 weeks, 95 percent of Logan’s trimester 10 DC students are placed in fast-paced clinical atmospheres where they can experience 300 patient encounters per month or more.

“Giving our students the ability to work in a busy clinical environment is invaluable,” Dr. Goodman said. “In a short period of time, they get a massive amount of experience working on more complex cases than they may see in the Montgomery Health Center or the Mid Rivers Health Center.” The practical experience Logan students receive helps them stand out in an increasingly competitive job market. “The Preceptorship Program sets our students up for success by making them

Logan DC student Christen Saccucci (center) with Drs. Nicholas Kampfer (‘14) and Emma Minx (‘15) of Advanced Care Specialists in Racine, Wisconsin 12 FALL 2020 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY

more employable upon graduation,” Dr. Goodman said. “It’s one of the many reasons why students pick Logan over other chiropractic colleges.” To date, Logan students have completed preceptorships at more than 400 unique clinical sites around the world. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, some students worked in practice settings in countries such as Norway, Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada and China. “COVID-19 has impacted our students’ ability to travel abroad for preceptorships; however, there are countless opportunities here in the U.S., and we are always looking to add to our list of pre-approved sites so we can ensure our students are able to gain experience in any and all types of environments,” Dr. Goodman said. Doctors can add their sites to Logan’s pre-approved list at any time by completing an application obtained from Linda Kenny, Logan’s clinical rotation coordinator. To be accepted, doctors must have a minimum of three years of full-time practice experience and average at least three new patients and 80 patient visits per week, among other requirements. Approved preceptor doctors are appointed adjunct faculty members of Logan for one year and can receive benefits such as faculty discounts for postgraduate seminars offered on Logan’s campus. In addition to preventing students from traveling abroad, COVID-19 forced some preceptor doctors to temporarily close their clinics. “Several of our students were placed in clinics that had to shut down, but we were able to help them carry on the learning

COLLE GE O F CH I R O P R A CTI C process by providing case vignettes they could complete online,” Dr. Goodman said. “Many preceptor doctors also continued to teach and mentor our students while their clinics were closed. Although COVID-19 required us to make adjustments, we adapted quickly. I’m proud to say we’ve been able to continue placing 95 percent of our trimester 10 DC students into

preceptorships throughout this pandemic.” Dr. Goodman hopes to continue adding more diverse, meaningful and engaging clinical opportunities to Logan’s already robust list of partnerships. He is currently expanding Logan’s program to Puerto Rico, which recently changed its laws to allow chiropractic preceptorships. “An increasing number of countries, states and territories are recognizing the importance of permitting students to gain hands-on experience by adjusting patients,” Dr. Goodman said. “This is huge news for our 27 current students from Puerto Rico and our future students, who will now have the opportunity to complete their

preceptorships in their hometowns.” Logan’s Preceptorship Program has also expanded with the recent addition of numerous multidisciplinary sites, including hospitals and Veterans Affairs facilities. “As the demand for chiropractic services continues to grow, it’s important for students to have greater exposure to collaborative health care settings where they can work alongside other types of professionals, such as medical doctors, athletic trainers, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and more,” Dr. Goodman said. “Chiropractors will play a bigger and bigger role in mainstream medical facilities, so we need to ensure our students are prepared to serve in those positions.”

DC student Monica Dennis (left) with Dr. Sloan Beard (‘13) of the FARM in Birmingham, Alabama

DC students Kianoosh Ziayan and Justin Campos with Dr. Charles Portwood (‘91) at the Air Force Chiropractic Clinic at Scott Air Force Base LOGAN.EDU/GIVE



New Tracks and Career Opportunities With Master of Science in Health Informatics Melissa Warren, assistant director of strategic performance at Logan University, never thought she would pursue a master’s degree after earning her undergraduate degree in data analytics. When she heard that Logan added a specialized track in data analytics to its Master of Science in Health Informatics program, however, Melissa knew it was the right choice for her. “I work in the health care education industry, so I need to understand the ins and outs of health informatics and data analytics to be successful,” Melissa said. The Master of Science in Health Informatics (MSHI) is an interdisciplinary, comprehensive graduate program that prepares students to utilize computer technology in the advancement of medicine. Graduates of Logan’s MSHI program have the necessary skills and knowledge to work with hospitals, medical groups and clinics, health insurance organizations, research and policy organizations, hardware and software vendors, and internet companies, among many others.

“There is a lot of collaboration in the classroom, and we feel challenged to ask thoughtprovoking questions. We examine, think critically and learn from real-world examples in the health care industry.” – Melissa Warren 14 FALL 2020 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY

Melissa Warren

Dr. Deshae Redden

In 2019, three new tracks were added to the MSHI program. The first is a leadership track, targeted toward students currently in leadership roles related to health informatics or striving for leadership positions in the future. In this track, students build expertise in three major health care areas: health care administration, health information systems and technology, and management and leadership. The second is a data analytics track, for students new to the industry or for those who want to understand analytics reporting in health care. In this track, students develop the skills necessary to manage, manipulate and analyze largescale clinical and operational databases. The third is an applied informatics track, which is designed to help health care professionals learn how to manage and analyze data for use in clinical decisions by patients

and providers while advancing quality improvement efforts across health systems. “We found out our MSHI students had a wide variety of backgrounds, and they needed specialized tracks to blend IT, health and business administration to excel in their careers,” said Deshae Redden, EdD, MSHI program director. To help rebrand the program and create new pathways for students with diverse backgrounds, Dr. Redden presented her recommendations to the newly created MSHI advisory board. The board consists of nurse practitioners, consultants, analysts, vice presidents of supply chain and major health care organizations, directors of clinical information systems, architects, programmers, coders, and Logan faculty and students. This experienced and diverse board helped bring these new program


“Our goal is to inspire students—and educate them on what’s out there, discover what they’re missing and show them how they can get there.” – Dr. Deshae Redden tracks to life, sharing curriculum ideas and the skills needed to excel in a career in health informatics. For Melissa, having a diverse cohort of students got her excited about the program. She said she wanted the opportunity to learn from professionals in a variety of careers to broaden her understanding of the health care field. “There is a lot of collaboration in the classroom, and we feel challenged to ask thought-provoking questions,” Melissa said. “We examine, think critically and learn from real-world examples in the health care industry.” Dr. Redden, Academic Success Coach Stacia Rosen, and the Office of Admissions together created a new MSHI recruiting and admissions process, focused on giving students everything they need to achieve their goals. As part of their first class, MSHI students work with Jazmine Newsome, career specialist, to update their resume and LinkedIn profile, define their career goals and get tips on applying for jobs. Additionally, students have access to Logan’s Writing Center to help with their classwork, a service Melissa has taken advantage of. “I’ve used the Writing Center a few times, and it has really boosted my confidence,” Melissa said. Dr. Redden also built a cross-functional team with the student affairs, admissions and marketing departments to collaborate and design a career guide for MSHI LOGAN.EDU/GIVE

students that includes information on largest class in the history of the MSHI careers, salaries and more. She makes it program. Melissa plans to graduate in a point to speak with each student who December 2021 and said she would comes into the program to assess their recommend this program to anyone who is goals and discover what motivates them in considering a career in health informatics. their career. “This program can really propel you in “Our goal is to inspire students—and your career,” Melissa said. “We learn from educate them on what’s out there, discover the best of the best in the field, and we what they’re missing and show them how learn from each other.” they can get there,” Dr. Redden said. Now Dr. Redden is working with the MSHI advisory board and Dana Wehrli, assistant dean of experiential learning, to develop new experiential learning opportunities to help students with their capstone project at the end of the program. Prior to COVID-19, the program identified more than 30 different businesses as potential partners. Dr. Redden hopes to soon add partnerships with the World Health Organization, Pan American Health Association and other health care information and management systems associations as well. “There are a lot of opportunities for our students to get experience with public health data analysis and help with COVID decision-making,” said Dr. Redden. “The sky’s the limit on what students can do in working with health departments on COVID health metrics.” Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Health Care Information Management and Systems Society This fall saw the LOGAN UNIVERSITY • FALL 2020 15


Competitive Bodybuilder Enhances Sports Science & Rehabilitation Knowledge Sports Science & Rehabilitation student Jennifer Kiser has been a fitness fanatic since she was a child. When she was young, she danced, did gymnastics and played every sport possible. Then, at the age of 13, she was diagnosed with scoliosis. Instead of allowing this diagnosis to stop her from living the active life she loved, it fueled her drive to heal. Every few months, Jennifer went to a children’s hospital to receive treatment for her back. While there, she met dozens of kids with disabilities much more severe than her own. This ignited her fervor for helping others. “I decided to combine both things I was passionate about and began teaching exercise classes to kids in my neighborhood, women at my church and residents in local nursing homes,” Jennifer said. “I loved giving people the ability to enjoy fitness again.” As she got older, Jennifer continued to dedicate much of her time to exercise. When she was 17, she was introduced to bodybuilding and immediately fell in love with lifting weights and learning the mechanics of the sport. “I’ve been working on perfecting my physique ever since I started practicing over 20 years ago,” said Jennifer. For years, Jennifer focused on working and being a mom to her four young children, but in 2017, she realized she was ready to compete. At 39 years old, Jennifer got on stage for the first time in her life and won first place. Riding the high of her first victory, she competed in four shows that first year. Since then, Jennifer has competed a total of nine times. “As a mother, it’s easy to fall into complacency, but I believe it’s so important to maintain our own 16 FALL 2020 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY

identities and interests,” Jennifer said. “In addition to making yourself happy, you’ll show your kids what dedication and discipline look like.” Always wanting to prove to her kids that you can be a champion at whatever you set your mind to, Jennifer decided to further her education and began looking for an online master’s degree program in sports science. She was previously familiar with Logan but felt an immediate connection when she visited campus. “I’m excited to be part of the Sports Science & Rehabilitation program at Logan,” Jennifer said. “I’m looking forward to learning new things and fine-tuning techniques and approaches to enhance what I already know.” Jennifer knows the new information she is learning will help further her career and will also benefit the athletes she trains and mentors. Now in her first trimester, Jennifer plans to use her degree to help work toward her next goal of starting her own practice. “If we think we know everything, we’ll never grow,” said Jennifer. “This field is constantly evolving, so I’m grateful to be part of a program that is on the cutting edge of new developments and techniques.”

Jennifer Kiser


Logan Leases Land for Chesterfield Park Logan University has partnered with the City of Chesterfield and Chesterfield Parks, Recreation & Arts to lease land for a park on Logan’s campus along Schoettler Road. This will be the first and only park in Ward 3. said. “The fact that Logan stepped up input from students, faculty and staff on A 13-acre parcel of land near the south to the plate to help the community fulfill park amenities, inviting the community to campus entrance, leased by Logan at no this dream demonstrates the University’s help get rid of honeysuckle on the site prior cost, will be developed and maintained by willingness to be an exceptional neighbor to building, or helping install a native garden Chesterfield Parks, Recreation & Arts. The and community leader. We are thrilled to near the creek. park, which will be called Logan Park, will be work with them to bring Logan Park to life.” “This is a community park, and we built in phases, with phase one including an Logan University President Clay want the larger Chesterfield and Logan ADA-accessible playground with rubberized McDonald, DC (‘82), MBA, JD said communities to be involved in the process,” surfacing and multiple structures, a small this kind of partnership embodies the Thomas said. “We’ve already received some pavilion, restroom facilities and onsite institution’s values of teamwork and great ideas from Logan students.” parking, and phase two including two Logan’s commitment to positive community Thomas would also like to add a multiuse courts for pickleball and additional relationships. “We look forward to community garden aspect to the park in the walking paths. sharing this amenity with our students future. He is working with local Scout troops Chesterfield Parks, Recreation & Arts and employees and being part of such a to build birdhouses and owl boxes, which he has been approved to receive funding from wonderful, supportive community.” hopes to install in the park in the spring, and the St. Louis County Municipal Park Grant Throughout the planning and construction an Eagle Scout to help design and install a Commission to cover costs associated with process, Thomas plans to involve the Logan hammock garden. phase one of construction. and Chesterfield communities by seeking Thomas McCarthy, director of Chesterfield Parks, Recreation & Arts, said he would like to start construction in early 2021, with the goal of having some amenities open by the end of 2021. Developing a park in Ward 3 was part of Chesterfield’s new Parks & Recreation Master Plan, which was completed in 2019. “A park in Ward 3 has been much desired by our city residents; this is great news not just for Chesterfield residents but also for everyone who visits Logan University will lease land to Chesterfield Parks, Recreation & Arts, providing the groundwork for the first and only park in our parks,” Thomas Chesterfield’s Ward 3. Pictured is an artist’s rendering and is subject to change. LOGAN.EDU/GIVE



Virtual Fitness Classes Keep Patients Engaged at Wisconsin Clinic Jacob Kornetzke, DC (’17), MS (’16) has been passionate about chiropractic care and helping others since he was young.

Jake Schrom Dr. Jacob Kornetzke works with fitness instructor Charity Wolf. 18 FALL 2020 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY

“Growing up, my mom had chronic migraines. After years of taking dozens of different pain medications, a friend referred her to a chiropractor,” Dr. Kornetzke said. “That doctor made a huge difference in her life, which I witnessed firsthand when tagging along to her adjustments. I was immediately intrigued and knew I wanted to be a chiropractor when I grew up.” So, that’s what he did. Dr. Kornetzke graduated from Logan in 2017 and then moved back to his home state of Wisconsin. He eventually landed at Creekside Chiropractic & Performance Center, where he’s now practiced for a year and a half. “Creekside has been an amazing place to work. We see a wide variety of patients every day, but our niche is in the sports rehabilitation area,” said Dr. Kornetzke. “This is great for me because on a daily basis I’m able to use a lot of my certifications and skills in an area that I’m really passionate about.” In March, everything changed for Dr. Kornetzke and everyone else at Creekside. “Right before the pandemic began, Creekside hired a new trainer to host some fitness classes for our patients,” Dr. Kornetzke said. “After businesses started closing down, we still wanted to utilize her skills and knowledge, so we came up with the idea of offering virtual fitness classes.” Charity Wolf, the instructor who leads the classes, hosts them on Facebook Live, allowing anyone with access to the internet to participate. In addition, she uploads the videos to an online portal so people can access them at any time if they were unable to join the class live. Classes are held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and range from yoga to high-intensity interval training to cardio kickboxing to bootcamp and just about everything in between. “The virtual fitness classes give our patients the opportunity to move and challenge themselves. Every day, our job as chiropractors is to ensure patients’ joints are moving properly to guarantee proper function,” said Dr. Kornetzke. “These virtual classes give patients the ability to put that improved function to use and improve their health in other areas.” The community is loving the virtual fitness classes, and Dr. Kornetzke doesn’t foresee them ending anytime soon, even when things return to normal. “Working out at home is so much more comfortable and convenient for a lot of people. Plus, we’ve all loved being able to continue serving our patients in a brand new way,” Dr. Kornetzke said.


Women’s Health Symposium Available On-Demand Open to Doctors of Chiropractic interested in learning more about treating female patients, the 2nd Annual Women’s Health Symposium covers meditation, yoga, stress relief, labs, radiology, pain reduction and so much more. This year’s symposium is delivered in an online, on-demand format and presented by Logan University in conjunction with the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) Council on Women’s Health. “It is so important that every woman—regardless of race, religion or socioeconomic status—receive the care they need and deserve. The Women’s Health Symposium and ACA Council on Women’s Health serve as the support chiropractic providers need in order to deliver current, evidence-informed, patient-centered care, and encourage them to serve as advocates for their female patients,” said Kristina Petrocco-Napuli, DC, MS, FICC, FACC, assistant dean of the College of Chiropractic at Logan and president of the ACA Council on Women’s Health. With up to 12 hours of continuing education credits available, the Women’s Health Symposium features lectures and presentations from six female experts in integrated care:

Infusing Patient Centered Care with Integration (1 hour)

Labs, Ladies and Protocols (3 hours) Cindy Howard, DC, DABCI, DACBN

Kristina Petrocco-Napuli, DC, MS, FICC, FACC

Developing a Whole-Hearted Practice for Patient Well-Being (2 hours) Cheryl Houston, PhD, RD, LD, FAND, CHES

Imaging for Female Health (2 hours) What Could Be Walking Through Your Door? (1 hour) Alicia M. Yochum, RN, DC (’11), DACBR, RMSK

Chiropractors as Women’s Healthcare Media Experts (1 hour)

Yoga for the Female Patient (2 hours) Catherine Wonders, DC

Karen Erickson, DC

Thank you to our generous sponsors for supporting the Women’s Health Symposium: NCMIC, Protocol for Life Balance, Titan Chiropractic Tables, Standard Process, Sole Supports and Center for Diagnostic Imaging. Registration for the on-demand program is available through December 15, 2020, at www.Logan.edu/womens-health-symposium.




Dr. Donald Raithel Donald Raithel, DC (’62) based his life on three guiding principles: service, family and the love of chiropractic medicine. At the end of his life, he had one final act of service: He donated his body to Logan University in the name of science. It was something his kids always knew he wanted to do. “I know my dad wanted to help, his seizures and walk on his own and donating his body was a way instead of relying on a walker. My to give back to the school that dad took a lot of joy from those had given him the opportunity to accomplishments.” move from being a bag boy at the That life of service now lives local grocery store to a Doctor of on at Logan more than 50 years Chiropractic,” said Jeff Raithel. after Dr. Raithel graduated. Vyvyan Dr. Raithel’s family said he prided Moore is the longtime director of himself on a hard work ethic and a Logan’s donation program. She dedication to service. He paid for considers it her life’s calling. his Logan education by running “I’ve had a 34-year admiration parts on the McDonnell Douglas for this school and the good it assembly line floor and by working does in the world. Leading this as night watchman for Whelan anatomical donation program, Security and Pinkerton. especially as someone who has After graduating in 1962, lost a spouse, is meaningful,” said Dr. Raithel learned from a friend Vyvyan. “It is remarkable for the Dr. Donald Raithel receiving his diploma that the small southern Missouri students to have this opportunity to town of Charleston was losing its view the intricate and complicated only chiropractor. He loaded the U-Haul, and he, his anatomy of the human body. It wouldn’t be the same in a wife and five kids headed south to near the Missouri computer-generated setting.” Bootheel to start their next chapter. Times were tough, but For decades, students and faculty have honored those through many economic ups and downs, Dr. Raithel kept who donate their bodies to Logan each year with a working multiple jobs, including tending to his patients. As memorial service. Family members are invited to attend a chiropractic treatment gained wider acceptance, he grew his reverent service in the Pavilion, and students speak from the practice and cemented himself as a pillar of the Charleston heart about what these donations mean. community. Dr. Raithel’s family encourages others to talk to their “Charleston is a very small town, so you see the same family members early and in detail if they know a donation people often. I could see improvements in his patients is part of that person’s end-of-life plan. myself,” said Jeff. “Several were farmers or long-haul truck drivers who often had chronic low back pain, and many For more information on donating your body to science at Logan, told me how much chiropractic care helped. There was a please contact Vyvyan Moore at Vyvyan.Moore@Logan.edu or young boy with cerebral palsy who Dad helped to slow 636-230-1735.



Dr. Thomas + Dayna Smith Scholarship Offers Relief to Students in Need Thomas Smith, DC (’69) understands many college students struggle to make ends meet, especially as the cost of higher education continues to rise. “It was tough both personal and putting myself through professional,” Dr. Smith chiropractic college,” Dr. said. “I believe I received Smith said. “I worked the finest and most nights at St. Louis well-rounded instruction Lambert International possible. I left Logan Airport and spent with the ability to weekends bartending. change lives.” Things were tight.” After graduating, Dr. Smith’s experience Dr. Smith worked as well as his desire as an associate at a to give back to the chiropractic clinic in next generation of Wadsworth, Ohio, chiropractors inspired for four years before him to create the Dr. opening Wooster Dr. Thomas Smith (right) and his wife, Dayna, outside Wooster Chiropractic Center Thomas + Dayna Smith Chiropractic Center, Scholarship, which awards a holistic practice that $500 to one student per trimester. treats hundreds of patients, from student athletes to “I understand $500 is not necessarily going to pay all of individuals with chronic migraines and seizures to those the bills, but it’s one small way to help out,” Dr. Smith said. with orthopedic conditions. He also continued his studies, “It gives students a breather and a chance to catch up on earning a master’s degree in radiology. He is currently other things that might be more important.” working to become a Fellow of the Academy of Chiropractic In addition to demonstrating financial need, recipients Orthopedists (FACO). of the Dr. Thomas + Dayna Smith Scholarship must be “My passion is taking care of people who do not have Ohio residents. Dr. Smith was born in Canton, Ohio, and anywhere else to turn,” Dr. Smith said. “Providing relief has owned and operated Wooster Chiropractic Center in to patients is what drives me. It’s what gets me up in the Wooster, Ohio, for 46 of his 51 years in practice. morning and what makes me want to work late. It’s given Dr. Smith’s father-in-law and brother-in-law were both me spark all these years.” chiropractors and encouraged Dr. Smith to pursue a career Dr. Smith hopes the Dr. Thomas + Dayna Smith in chiropractic. He decided to attend Logan University, Scholarship will prompt recipients to give back to their own where his father-in-law, L.C. Camp, was also a member of communities, and especially Logan University. the Board of Trustees. “I’ve had scholarship recipients write me thank-you “If I had gone to any other chiropractic college, I notes,” Dr. Smith said. “I always ask them to pay it forward would not have experienced the same level of success, because no one ever did anything by themselves.”




Advancing Education Through Business and Career Partnerships Our Logan University partners have been and always will be a vital part of our campus and community. Each gift helps our students become innovative leaders in health sciences and chiropractic care. The Office of Institutional Advancement has introduced a new, holistic engagement opportunity for businesses and organizations. The Business and Career Partnership Initiative invites organizations to join with Logan to positively impact not only their own business but also current Logan students and the thousands of future patients alumni and students will treat. “The Logan Business and Career Partnership Initiative facilitates an organization’s access to the entire University with a single point of entry,” said Theresa Fleck, MA, CFRE, vice president of institutional advancement. “Our coordinated approach allows us to identify and develop a comprehensive, university-wide relationship with your organization at a variety of donation levels and benefits.” As a partner, Logan’s Institutional Advancement team will help businesses and organizations engage with the University’s community of 15,000 alumni, donors, faculty and friends to grow their brand

exposure and promote their products and services. In addition, partners will be connected to Logan’s campus of more than 1,000 students to highlight career opportunities, clinical experiences and more. As a higher education institution developing the health care leaders of tomorrow, Logan is committed to ensuring our students are trained using state-of-theart, effective techniques and equipment. As a Business or Career Partner, your donation will help fund ongoing improvements in Logan’s curriculum, facilities and equipment, helping us ensure that commitment to excellence continues. Business and Career Partners will be recognized as organizations that care deeply for Logan and will be acknowledged in a number of ways throughout the year,

including exposure in The Tower magazine and monthly e-newsletter as well as invitations to special events. To learn more about the initiative, including the various sponsorship levels and benefits that are available, visit www.Logan.edu/Partnerships or contact Logan’s Office of Institutional Advancement at 636-230-1922 or Development@Logan.edu.

Have you made your IRA distribution this year? Once you reach the age of 70 ½, the IRS requires individuals to take a required minimum distribution from Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA). But did you know you can avoid a tax burden by making it a qualified charitable distribution? This satisfies the requirement for a minimum distribution and allows you to support a charitable organization, such as Logan University. Here’s how to get started: • Contact your financial advisor or banker. • Make a distribution direction from your IRA to Logan before the end of the year. • Donate any amount desired up to $100,000 from your IRA contributions, tax-free.


If you are interested in learning more about how to make a gift through your IRA, contact Logan’s Office of Institutional Advancement at 636-230-1922 or Development@Logan.edu.

Enhance your degree. Advance your practice. Expand the scope of your natural health care practice with a Master’s in Nutrition & Human Performance or Master’s in Sport Science & Rehabilitation from Logan University. Offered completely online, our award-winning master’s programs let you learn where and when works best for you.

Logan alumni apply for free (waiver code LM50). Get started at logan.edu/dual-degrees.




CDI Gift to Logan University Is Fueling Radiology Research, Improving Patient Care In spring 2020, the Center for Diagnostic Imaging (CDI) upgraded Logan University’s X-ray system to a UMG/Del Medical radiographic system that features a dose area product meter in the collimator that allows for measuring and recording the radiation exposure for every view performed on every patient. CDI is one of the top providers of high-quality diagnostic imaging and interventional radiology services in the U.S. It operates six outpatient diagnostic imaging centers in St. Louis. CDI targeted the Norman W. Kettner Imaging Center for donation because of its stellar reputation in the radiology community of St. Louis. The new system enables Logan to

perform X-ray dose-related research and allows aspiring DCs to train on the most cutting-edge tools and technology. D. Robert Kuhn, DC (’86), DACBR, ART® and director of diagnostic services, weighs in on how it is benefiting the University and Montgomery Health Center patients: Why is the CDI system superior to others? This is a relatively new, more affordable form of digital radiology (DR) imaging that allows us to access and read images much more quickly than older computed radiology (CR) systems. With the DR system, the image goes directly to the preview computer and then gets pushed to the reading station. By the time the patient

has changed back into their clothes, we can be looking at the image and include the clinician and sometimes the patient in the conversation, if appropriate. How has it impacted patient care? The image quality is superb. This is important because our clinicians rely on quality imaging to aid in the proper understanding of their patient’s presentation and to inform their clinical decision-making. The unit’s design allows us to produce high-quality images in a very short time period, which is a benefit for patients in pain or with time restrictions. Are any research activities taking place using the system? Gary Guebert, DC, DACBR is our radiation safety officer. He has begun to collect data related to patient exposure through the use of a dose area product (DAP) unit, which is used to estimate the risks of radiation exposure. The data we collect will be aggregated with data from other institutions to achieve a broader understanding of the attendant risk associated with diagnostic imaging. Why is this important to the DC curriculum? We have five X-ray courses that educate our students in the full range of musculoskeletal radiology. We’re going to see conditions on X-rays we can’t treat as chiropractors, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t know how to identify those conditions. For example, we recently found evidence of an aortic aneurysm that had grown large enough that it needed to be addressed—it was presenting as low back pain. We train our residents that if you see something on the image, you are responsible for alerting the patient’s clinician and recommending the appropriate follow-up.

Drs. Robert Kuhn, Norman Kettner and Gary Guebert 24 FALL 2020 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY


Dr. Vitaly Napadow’s Howe Oration Details Groundbreaking Neuroscience Research On October 16, Logan University hosted the 13th Annual Joseph W. Howe Oration in Diagnostic Imaging. The keynote speaker was Vitaly Napadow, PhD, LicAc, associate professor at the Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Dr. Napadow has been an adjunct faculty member in radiology at Logan since 2005. He also was the first postdoctoral research fellow funded by the Logan-Massachusetts General research collaboration led by Norman Kettner, DC, DACBR, FICC, dean of research and professor emeritus of Logan’s Department of Radiology. The oration began with an introduction by Bruce Rosen, MD, PhD, director of the Martinos Center, professor of radiology at Harvard Medical School and professor of health sciences and technology at the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology. Dr. Napadow’s presentation was titled “Neuroimaging the pain experience and brain mechanisms of efficacy: A 20-year Logan-Martinos collaboration.” It detailed the groundbreaking research Logan and Massachusetts General Hospital researchers have conducted to better understand the neuroscience underlying integrative approaches to health care. Among the findings discussed were the importance of therapeutic alliance in improving clinical outcomes. Therapeutic alliance between patients and clinicians is an important part of acupuncture, as well as other clinical therapies such as chiropractic care and psychotherapy. Hypothesizing that patient/acupuncturist concordance in neural activity within the social mirroring circuitry is linked to therapeutic alliance and analgesia, Dr. Napadow’s research used hyperscan neuroimaging, which is defined as synchronous neuroimaging of more than LOGAN.EDU/GIVE

one individual, to assess cortical and sub-cortical concordance. The data collected from randomized fibromyalgia patients paired with acupuncture clinicians in synchronous fMRI scans proved the hypothesis correct. Patients who had a chance to experience a positive social interaction with their clinicians before receiving treatment reported greater analgesia, or pain relief, following treatment. Furthermore, a separate analysis showed that the best clinical outcomes came from clinicians who mirrored their patients’ facial expressions. Among patients reporting increased pain relief, this showed up on fMRI scans as greater dynamic concordance in the temporoparietal junction (TPJ), an area of the brain that processes information from the visual, auditory and somatosensory systems. The TPJ is also crucial in “theory of mind,” the ability of individuals to perceive the beliefs, emotions, intentions and perspectives of themselves and others. Dr. Napadow suggested that this is essential for positive social interactions such as those

Dr. Vitaly Napadow

Dr. Bruce Rosen

experienced when therapeutic alliance occurs. Other studies have shown that theory of mind allows for greater TPJ activation than empathy. “A speculation that arises from this,” Dr. Napadow said, “is that clinician training in theory of mind may prove to be even more important than empathy training for building therapeutic alliance and improving clinical outcomes.” The full presentation can be viewed at Logan.edu/live-from-logan/. LOGAN UNIVERSITY • FALL 2020 25


Commitment to Helping Others Inspires Servicemember to Pursue Chiropractic Howard Bobo, trimester 2 DC student, realized his life’s calling at a young age after the loss of a loved one. “My mom passed away when I entered high school,” Howard said. “A lot of people were there to help me get through it, and as a result, my family grew from it. That sparked my desire to help and serve others. To me, joining the military was the best way to do that.” During his freshman year at Arkansas State University, Howard met with an Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) recruiter. After learning more about the program, which prepares college students to become future officers, Howard signed up. For four years, Howard spent hours each week learning skills such as rappelling, marksmanship and orienteering. His studies also included military operations and tactics, team dynamics and peer leadership, ethical decision-making and cultural awareness. Upon graduation, Howard committed to serving as an officer in the Army National Guard. “The ROTC program gave me an opportunity many people don’t get,” Howard said. “In addition to earning my bachelor’s degree, I commissioned straight out of college as a second lieutenant. As a 23-year-old, I was in a unique position of authority overseeing troops of all ages. I was their counselor when they needed help and assumed responsibility for their actions.” Although Howard has not yet been deployed overseas, he has had the opportunity to serve and train in a variety of locations, including Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri, Camp Dodge in Iowa, Fort Knox in Kentucky and Camp Robinson in Arkansas. He is currently preparing for a sabbatical from his studies to train at Fort Polk in Louisiana. “We’ll be tested on everything we’ve been training for during the last four years,” Howard said. “It is treated as closely to a deployment as possible. We will have limited communication with the outside world, so we 26 FALL 2020 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY

will be better prepared if we are mobilized or called into action.” Although learning how to lead troops and plan missions has been a valuable experience, Howard is most grateful for the perspective he has gained since joining the National Guard. “It has opened my eyes and allowed me to see what people go through on a daily basis,” Howard said. “I’ve been able to grasp the bigger picture of the different things people struggle with and how I can help them.” Howard’s dedication to serving others also stirred his interest in chiropractic. After marrying his wife, Kaleigh, in 2016, he started working as a radiologic technologist in his father-in-law’s chiropractic practice in his hometown of Hardy, Arkansas. He gradually performed more managerial work as his passion for chiropractic grew. “I saw patients come into the clinic telling stories about how they were at the end of their rope with medical interventions, prescriptions and surgeries that weren’t working,” Howard said. “After receiving chiropractic treatment, they’d have an entirely new outlook on life. They transformed into new people who could do things they forgot were even possible for them. Watching that made me think, ‘This is where I need to be and who I need to become: someone who can allow people to live life with fewer inabilities.’” Driven by the dream of working alongside his father-in-law and helping grow his practice, Howard decided to pursue his DC at Logan after touring campus. “Being from a small town, I immediately liked Logan’s intimate community,” Howard said. “I knew I could come here and feel like I was part of a family. I was also very impressed with its state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, especially the Force Sensing Table Technology that helps us perfect our adjusting

techniques to become the best possible chiropractors.” Since enrolling in Logan’s DC program, Howard has continued to work in his fatherin-law’s practice, serve in the National Guard and raise a growing family. He currently has a 3-year-old son named Liam and a 2-year-old daughter, Magnolia. “I don’t always get to see my family as much as I would like, but on the flip side, the little moments become all the more rewarding,” Howard said. “Having two little kids tackle me with hugs and kisses is the greatest reward after coming home from school or from a grueling training weekend.” Although juggling school, service and family can be overwhelming, Howard said the lessons he has learned in the National Guard help him maintain a positive outlook. “In the Army, they teach us to hunt the good stuff,” Howard said. “If you fixate on everything wonderful and beautiful in your life, the bad stuff doesn’t have time to catch up.”

Dr. B.E. Doyle Scholarship Supports Veteran Students The Dr. B.E. Doyle Scholarship, established by the family of the late Bill Doyle, DC, who served in the U.S. Marine Corps, awards $1,000 annually to a veteran student. In addition to the newly added criteria of being a veteran, applicants must also be currently enrolled in Logan’s DC program, have a GPA of 3.5 or above and demonstrate financial need. Applications will be made available in early 2021 through the Office of Financial Aid.


Howard Bobo with his wife, Kaleigh, and their children, Liam and Magnolia




Online Degree Programs Provide Major Benefits During the Pandemic Robin Boyd Robin Boyd, online education savant, is wrapping up her final trimester at Logan as a student in the Bachelor of Science in Human Biology online program. After moving from California to a small town in Wyoming in 2009, Robin realized a need for health care providers in the area. She aspired to be part of the solution and began taking online classes at a local community college. Her passion for biology was ignited by an enthusiastic professor, and after earning a two-year degree, Robin decided to pursue an online bachelor’s degree in biology. She was drawn to Logan University because its values and ideals aligned with her own opinions regarding health care practices. She was intrigued by the way Logan highlighted other forms of therapy and treatment in addition to the traditional biomedical aspects of health care. “Since my first day as a Logan student, my professors have been incredibly helpful and encouraging. Now, in the middle of a global pandemic, they’re so compassionate and understanding through every challenge we’ve faced,” Robin said. “They recognize the emotional toll of quarantining on top of all these other lifestyle changes their students have been forced to make, and they’re super communicative and encouraging, which is extremely helpful.” When the COVID-19 pandemic first began, Robin felt comfortable and confident helping her six school-aged children log on to their Zoom meetings and teaching them how to use Canvas. She credits her familiarity with these platforms to her experience at Logan. “Because my degree program at Logan is completely online, I felt very equipped to handle my children’s transition to virtual 28 FALL 2020 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY

“Earning a degree online is totally doable, especially at Logan. The professors are consistent in all aspects of their classes, and they’re quick to grade and give feedback on your work so you know how you’re doing,” said Robin. “I would also encourage online students to form relationships with their teachers and their classmates. Those relationships will make all the difference, and you might even make a few new friends.”

Hong Taek Choi, DC

Robin Boyd

learning earlier this year,” said Robin. In addition to being “supermom” at home, Robin said her classes at Logan have also helped in her day job of substitute teaching. “The classes I’ve taken at Logan have better prepared me for teaching, even at the elementary level,” Robin said. “Having that deeper level of knowledge and understanding of science allows me to address student questions that most substitutes probably wouldn’t be able to answer.” Robin hopes to encourage other students who are working toward an online degree or students who have had their in-person classes shifted to online in this new, socially distanced world.

Hong Taek Choi, DC was born and raised in Seoul, South Korea, where he’s lived for more than 30 years. From a young age, Dr. Choi was interested in health care and helping others. “I’ve always been captivated by natural and holistic health care methods, so when it came time to choose a degree program and university, I knew chiropractic was the field for me,” Dr. Choi said. He graduated from Hanseo University in South Korea with his Doctor of Chiropractic degree in 2014. Since graduation, Dr. Choi has been working at an integrative clinic called Holistic Bodywork in Seoul, South Korea, where he oversees the clinic’s programs and management as representative director. With a few years of professional chiropractic experience under his belt, Dr. Choi decided to further his education and began looking for an online program that would progress his career. As a health care provider, he wanted to begin treating patients’ sports and rehabilitation performance concerns rather than just pathological issues. “Logan was the only school that offered both a sports science program and a chiropractic program,” Dr. Choi said. “As I’m already quite passionate about chiropractic

S TU DE N T L I F E away, I still feel cared for as part of the Logan community.”

Anna Christen (Sister Mary Amata)

Dr. Hong Taek Choi

care, knowing Logan offered both degrees told me that the University’s values and ideals would match well with my own passion for holistic health care.” Now in his third trimester, Dr. Choi has mastered handling the responsibilities of his day job, online education and personal life— all while in the middle of a global pandemic. “The online degree programs at Logan are highly accessible,” Dr. Choi said. “I don’t feel the pandemic caused any issues with my education because I was always able to access any documents, assignments or resources I needed, even being on the other side of the globe from Logan’s campus.” Dr. Choi credits his professors for aiding their students through these unique times. “The professors have all been extremely passionate about the topics they teach. They truly want their students to learn as much as possible, and they make themselves readily available for questions or to review material with us whenever we need it,” said Dr. Choi. “Even though I’m thousands of miles and multiple time zones LOGAN.EDU/GIVE

“I felt prepared to help my students and fellow teachers master the online programs and make the best of a difficult situation.” – Sister Mary Amata

Bachelor of Science in Human Biology student Anna Christen has been drawn toward the religious life ever since she was a child. As she grew older, the desire to serve her God and those around her became even stronger. “I began my journey in the religious life in 2013 with the Dominican Sisters of Wanganui in Tynong, Australia. One year This flexibility also allowed Sister Amata later, I received the habit of the Dominican to continue her education while quarantining Order and the religious name of Sister Mary during the COVID-19 pandemic. Amata,” she said. “I completed my training “While New Zealand was in lockdown, in Australia, where I then lived for four years St. Dominic’s had to shift to online learning, before moving to New Zealand.” which was very challenging for many of the Sister Amata entered the convent in students and the Sisters,” said Sister Amata. New Zealand with a background in science, “Fortunately, I felt comfortable handling having worked as a licensed practical nurse these changes because of my experience as at an asthma, allergy and immunology an online student at Logan. I felt prepared clinic in Topeka, Kansas. When she received to help my students and fellow teachers her new appointment from the Dominican master the online programs and make the Sisters of Wanganui, she began teaching best of a difficult situation.” science, among other courses, to young girls at St. Dominic’s College in New Zealand. Wanting to deepen her expertise in science and teaching, Sister Amata decided to further her education and began looking for an online program that had a primary focus on biology, chemistry and physics. “Logan was the only university I could find that offered a Bachelor of Science in Human Biology,” she said. Now in her eighth trimester, Sister Amata is excited to graduate in a few months and put her degree to use in the classroom. She said she’s appreciated the flexibility of Logan’s online degree program, which made it easy to fit into her other obligations Sister Mary Amata teaching science in New Zealand as a religious and as a teacher. LOGAN UNIVERSITY • FALL 2020 29


Future Leopard Weekend Goes Virtual Future Leopard Weekend happens three times a year to allow prospective Logan University students and their families to experience campus and mingle with faculty and students. In response to COVID-19, the event went virtual this fall. Since the pandemic began this spring, Lulu Brinkley, director of admissions, has remained determined to give students and their families the same great experience they would normally receive in person and on campus. The virtual event, held October 3, prospective students feel comfortable and the campus tour interactive. Prospective featured live speakers with sessions on how informed about what Logan has to offer students and student ambassadors utilized to pay for a Logan degree, job prospects students. She said the event was engaging, the live chat throughout the event to ask and resources, curriculum overview and on-topic and reflected the student-centered questions and engage with each other. clinical opportunities. There were also culture of Logan’s campus. The virtual campus tour used professional interactive demonstrations—including a live “For students to make an informed video to avoid any buffering or awkward adjustment by Professor Daryl Ridgeway, decision about their education, they need to transitions between buildings. DC (’97)—a live tour “The campus of campus and plenty tour was seamlessly of opportunities for executed, and everyone Q&A with faculty and was transported student ambassadors. via video to many Megan Mattox, noteworthy locations on trimester 3 DC campus,” Megan said. student, attended “The technical aspect the virtual event as a of lag-less transitions student ambassador. from one location or She said the event speaker to another was unquestionably was impressive and a success, and she a great illustration of enjoyed the chance for the professionalism student ambassadors Logan delivers.” to connect with Lulu said that both prospective students live events—virtual and answer their campus tours and Dr. questions, just as she Ridgeway’s hands-on did when she was a virtual demonstration— prospective student went smoothly attending a Future and worked well as Leopard Weekend interactive elements. Student ambassador Megan Mattox enjoyed the chance to connect with prospective students and in person. Both sessions allowed answer their questions. “Everyone involved in prospective students the event was friendly, to ask questions and professional, supportive and knowledgeable, see the community and campus in action,” participate, just as they would in person. representing what future students can Lulu said. “We want to provide students “In such an uncertain time, everyone expect of Logan’s campus culture,” Megan with opportunities to make the decision that pitched in and made this first virtual Future said. “Those are some of the reasons I is best for them.” Leopard Weekend a reality,” Lulu said. “As chose Logan and why I’m proud to be a To pull off a virtual Future Leopard a community, we’ve always come together Logan student today.” Weekend, Lulu and the admissions team to do what is best for our students, and the Megan also felt the event helped had to use technology in new ways to make pandemic hasn’t changed that.” 30 FALL 2020 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY


Admissions Team Supports Prospective Students Through COVID-19 When the pandemic hit, the Logan University Office of Admissions had to pivot from in-person outreach to prospective students to virtual campus visits and meetings. Normally, admissions hosts 20-30 presentations a semester to attract new students. This fall, more than 130 virtual presentations are scheduled so far. Up until July, in-person campus visits were cancelled. They have now resumed with careful limitations to keep prospective students and the Logan community safe. Only six students with two guests each are allowed per tour. “We had to think about how we could bring students to campus safely while providing the best experience on campus,” Director of Admissions Lulu Brinkley said. In addition to figuring out how to virtually introduce potential new students to the Logan community, the admissions team had to determine how to help students feel comfortable moving in the middle of a pandemic. Admissions decided to add a new role as “transition counselor” to a couple of staff members to help students find housing while searching in person is not an option for many. These counselors research housing in the area that fits within a student’s budget while making sure they will have adequate access to campus. Sharon Klingmann, trimester one Doctor of Chiropractic student, said admissions has been overwhelmingly supportive during her transition to Logan. She is originally from Columbia, Missouri. “It’s a scary time, and I jumped into the process of enrolling at Logan blindly,” Sharon said. “Every single one of my needs have been taken care of.” Sharon said she was impressed by how friendly and communicative admissions was throughout the process. They shared with her all the helpful tools she needed to get started, including financial aid and general campus and course information, and Lulu even shared her personal phone number LOGAN.EDU/GIVE

Senior Admissions Coordinator Robert Hartweck leads prospective students on a tour of campus.

with Sharon while she was in town visiting the school alone to make sure she had everything she needed. Lulu said the greatest success admissions has had during the pandemic was implementing a monthly webinar series. These webinars cover a range of topics, from women in chiropractic to sports chiropractic, different adjustment techniques and more. In addition to being a great educational tool, the webinars give prospective students the opportunity to interact with faculty and ask questions.

The admissions team continues to plan additional webinars to cover even more topics; all the replays are available to view at vimeo.com/loganacademicvideos. Lulu said the goal of admissions is to make sure students feel supported and ready to tackle their education at Logan— that’s the case during “normal” times as well. Whether that support is setting up childcare or arranging conference calls with family members to talk through concerns, the Logan admissions team is ready to help. LOGAN UNIVERSITY • FALL 2020 31


Class of August 2020

Matthew C. McPeak

Brittany M. Held Vice President

Na’Kea A. Shepherd Secretary Athletic Director

Abigail M. Smith Treasurer

Education Coordinator

Tessa L. Anderson

Linsey H. Bechert

Nicholas A. Binder

Hannah E. Bressler

Matthew J. Bryan

Blake E. French

Chad J. Gillis

Ismael Gonzalez

Eve M. Greenwell

Joseph R. Haddad

Austin R. Jones

Kassidy D. Kasperski

Robert M. Kasperski

Nate E. Kinnison

Allison F. Marshall

Ria Q. McCadney

Tim T. Nguyen

Tela M. Perez

Jacob A. Schmitz

Moynica S. Tapia-Parott

Brooke A. Thietje



Emily G. Veazey

Doctor of Chiropractic Graduates

Caitlin E. Farmer

Katelynn R. Jones

Zakir Ahmad

Noah A. Aldridge

Adam T. Aleto

Tershelle T. Burrows

Tanner J. Burt

Kristi L. Church

Siera M. Draper

Andrea D. Esau

Daniel P. Hartwell

John W. Hawkins

Ashley M. Howe

Madison N. Huot

Justin F. James

Ryan A. Klepko

Ashley M. Krahn

Landon N. Lockridge

Eric T. Lux

Ryan A. Power

Kennedy N. Rensing

Patrick S. Rivelli

Damien Sampson

Kennedy J. Volkart

Christopher R. Weilandich

Gabriel M. Zecher

Education Coordinator

Athletic Director




R E C OG N I Z I N G S U CCESS BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREES Human Biology Emily Lisandra Colón Rivera Agnieszka Lechwar Christina Lowe, Summa Cum Laude Tiffany Mitchell, Summa Cum Laude Life Science Noah Chance Banks, Cum Laude Jonathan Hubbard Boebinger Michaela Kile Levi Miller, Summa Cum Laude Rachel Elizabeth Owens Patrick Rebadow, Summa Cum Laude Trenton Rogers, Summa Cum Laude

Charity Salyers, Magna Cum Laude Jeffrey Veilleux

MASTER OF SCIENCE DEGREES Health Informatics Christy Hixson* Aileen Vizcayno** Valedictorian Academic Excellence Award Aileen Vizcayno Nutrition and Human Performance Adekemi Linda Ronke Adejare* Jake Barney** Mikayla Beranek Nicole Berry Ashley Brader* Angela Marie Brinker**

Dr. Damien Sampson 34 FALL 2020 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY

Casey Michelle Brooks** Halley Burkhardt** Heather Carlton* Heather Clemons Paula A. Courtemanche** Alexis Sherette Davis* Joshua W. Dowdy, DC Kristina Duryea* Jose Espinosa** Megan Nicole Green* JoBeth Guerra Dianna Marie Haberberger** Ashley Marie Hart Andrianna Hauck** Erin Heidenreich Alnessa La’Sha Hickmon Camie Lyn Holmes** Anna C. Klingenberg** Andrea Kloster** Gregory Lafortune Taylor Joan Lerum** Maria Montoya** Anna Leigh Mullane Abigail Nix** Opeyemi Modupe Oni** Emily Lynne Peterson** Kristen R. Pinckard** Thomas Prather** Pamela J. Raphael Colton Razo Raeghan Loree Romero** Kathleen Schindler* Alicia Elizabeth Scott** Daniel P. Sellitti* Amelia M. Semovski Ryan P. Tierno** Mariah Ann Toth Lianne M. Weller Lauren Mechelle Morse Willis** Christopher Winans Valedictorian Academic Excellence Award Jake Barney Angela Marie Brinker Casey Michelle Brooks Paula A. Courtemanche Jose Espinosa Dianna Marie Haberberger Camie Lyn Holmes Anna C. Klingenberg Andrea Kloster Taylor Joan Lerum

Abigail Nix Opeyemi Modupe Oni Kristen R. Pinckard Thomas Prather Raeghan Loree Romero Alicia Elizabeth Scott Lauren Mechelle Morse Willis Sports Science and Rehabilitation Barvin Abdul Mohideen Keyana Brantley Kendra Kay Clamors Ashley Noel Critchfield, DC Amber Escamilla** Jake Gilbert Gina C. Goff** Lauren Nicole Haggett** Phillip Justin Halley Andrew Joseph Huffman, DC Kaitlyn Elizabeth Keith* Dr. Thaddeus James Keklak* Nate Edward Kinnison* Samantha A. Mayer-Hernandez** Kaylee Maynard Tim The Anh Nguyen John Nichols, Jr.* Todor Pandov* Anthony Charles Pacheco, DC Megan L. Smith* Andrew Ashur Tamras Thomas Watt* Jordan Wissinger** Valedictorian Academic Excellence Award Amber Escamilla Gina C. Goff Lauren Nicole Haggett Samantha A. Mayer-Hernandez Jordan Wissinger

DOCTOR OF HEALTH PROFESSIONS EDUCATION Rachel Huston** Jeffrey Steven Montoya* Monique Tahisha Ratti** Michelle Reynolds** Hope K. Taylor** Melinda R. Turner*

RE C O GN I Z I N G S U CCE S S Logan RESPECT Award Tershelle Theresa Burrows

Valedictorian Academic Excellence Award Ashley Marie Howe Outstanding Faculty Awards College of Chiropractic Outstanding Pre-Clinic Faculty Award Jane Wibbenmeyer, DC College of Chiropractic Outstanding Clinic Faculty Award Alan Banaszynski, DC, MSW Mero Nunez, DC University Mission Awards Diversity and Inclusion Award Na’Kea A. Shepherd Evidence Informed Award Jacob Aaron Schmitz

Dr. Hannah Bressler

Valedictorian Academic Excellence Award Rachel Huston Monique Tahisha Ratti Michelle Reynolds Hope K. Taylor

STUDENT & FACULTY AWARDS & RECOGNITIONS College of Health Sciences Outstanding Faculty Awards University Basic Science Outstanding Faculty Award Meadow Campbell, PhD College of Health Sciences Outstanding Faculty Award Joy Short, PhD, RD University Mission Awards Leaders Made Award Rachel Huston Thomas Prather

Leaders Made Award Emily Veazey

Service Award Abigail Marie Smith President’s Honor Roll Eve Marie Greenwell Ashley Marie Howe Kassidy Dayne Kasperski Hugh B. Logan Awards Hugh B. Logan Outstanding Staff Award Michael Chappell, MAT Hugh B. Logan Outstanding Faculty Award Donna Mannello, DC Hugh B. Logan Clinic Excellence Award Kassidy Dayne Kasperski **With High Distinction *With Distinction

Service Award Tiffany Mitchell President’s Honor Roll Gina C. Goff Tiffany Mitchell Jordan Wissinger Doctor of Chiropractic Academic Honors Summa Cum Laude Eve Marie Greenwell Ashley Marie Howe Magna Cum Laude Kassidy Dayne Kasperski Nate Edward Kinnison Jacob Aaron Schmitz Emily Veazey Cum Laude Matthew John Bryan Caitlin Farmer Robert Matthew John Kasperski Dr. Jeffrey Montoya




Global Chiropractic Organizations Look Toward 2021 WFC Encourages Chiropractors to #BeEPIC, Updates Important Policies WORLD FEDERATION OF

CHIROPRACTIC The World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC) continues to promote its #BeEPIC campaign to encourage chiropractors Dr. Vivian Kil, WFC to be evidencePresident 2020-2022 based, people-centered, interprofessional and collaborative. In September, the WFC relaunched its 20 Principles document, expanding on the statements made when it was first published in September 2019 and emphasizing the WFC’s mission to advance awareness, utilization and integration of chiropractic internationally. The WFC 20 Principles can be viewed at wfc.org/principles. Following the tragic events in Minneapolis in May 2020 and the global protests that followed, the WFC has also updated its Equity, Diversity and Inclusion policy. The policy sets out the WFC’s position on all forms of discrimination and makes a number of commitments relating to matters of discrimination, recruitment, inclusivity and complaints involving harassment and bullying. The new policy can be found at wfc.org/equity. The WFC has announced that it will hold its 2021 Biennial Congress in the city of Kuala Lumpur. Held in partnership with 36 FALL 2020 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY

the Association of Chiropractic Malaysia, the Congress theme will be “EPIC2021: Global Spine Care for the New Normal.” The theme of the 2020 World Spine Day, held each year on October 16, was “Back on Track.” Coordinated by the WFC, the day of action highlighted the global burden of spinal pain and disability with a specific emphasis on the difficulties faced by people as a consequence of lockdown restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Events were held throughout the world, with students at Logan University taking an active role. The WFC acknowledges Logan University as its Premier Corporate Partner and thanks Dr. Clay McDonald and members of the board for their ongoing support.

spread of COVID-19, many in-person educational opportunities have been cancelled or delayed indefinitely. Ondemand webinars on Learn ACA are available online 24/7 and can be accessed on your schedule. ACA is now offering 13 continuing education (CE) credits free of charge for ACA members. ACA is a PACE-approved provider as well as an approved provider in California, where Learn ACA now offers more than 60 on-demand webinars approved for CE credit. Earn and track CE credits with ease at learn.acatoday.org.

FICS Offers Valuable Resources to Aspiring Sports Chiropractors

Earn Up to 13 CE Credits for Free With Learn ACA

The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) continues its work to deliver on-demand online education from some of the chiropractic profession’s most knowledgeable Dr. Robert C. Jones subject matter ACA President experts and respected thought leaders through its online education platform, Learn ACA. Due to CDC social distancing guidelines established to slow the

While the sports world has slowed down in 2020, International Dr. Keith Overland Federation FICS Secretary General of Sports Chiropractic (FICS) is looking toward the future. Sporting events in the U.S. and around the world will eventually return. The competitive spirit in athletes and fans will light the fire, and we will soon hear again, “Let the games begin.” We expect a slow increase in competitions throughout 2021, and as they make plans to resume, many have requested sports chiropractors to help care for athletes’ injuries and bolster performance. At FICS, we continually encourage


students to consider sports chiropractic. Logan University holds an Educational Institution membership with FICS, which means students have the opportunity to gain exposure to the many opportunities FICS offers within the world of sports chiropractic at no additional cost. Your membership will keep you up to date with all the exciting events and sports chiropractic news around the world. If you are not following FICS on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, we encourage you to jump on and subscribe so you can get all the latest updates and ensure you don’t miss opportunities like our student scholarships or the free educational webinars uploaded to YouTube. We also encourage Logan graduates to get involved with the American Chiropractic Association Sports Council (ACASC). Membership with ACASC will give you the benefit of being a member with FICS. For any information or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to FICS at admin@ficsport.org.


Leaders Made ... Continued from page 5 Sydney entered the student clinics at Logan this trimester and will soon be looking to utilize the connections she has made through WCCS as she nears graduation. “Within Logan, I’ve had a lot of opportunities to meet other people and learn about everything chiropractic encompasses,” Sydney said. “I’ve also been able to learn and grow as a person.” Sydney hopes to continue sharing the knowledge she gains from Logan with chiropractic students around the world in her position as Americas West Coordinator. “I enjoy advocating for students all over the world in their individual chapters,” Sydney said. “Not only does WCCS help you meet students in other countries, but it also helps you understand how chiropractic is viewed and performed around the world.”

a better trainer for my athletes and something I definitely needed to do,” Willie said. During his last trimester at Logan in the Master of Science in Sports & Rehabilitation program, Willie had the opportunity to intern at DASA, and it was that experience that helped him find his true passion. He’s also grateful that Logan provided him with opportunities to take classes with chiropractic students and that the University prioritizes diversity. At DASA, Willie also works with student interns. His goal is to expose them to different experiences so they can find something they want to commit to 100 percent—which is what Willie strives to do in his job and for his athletes every day. Willie values the friendships and bonds he’s created with his athletes and their families, some of which he’s been working with one-onone for years. “Being able to see and be a part of our athletes’ journeys and seeing them progress and improve every day shows just how rewarding my job is,” Willie said. “The impact is often even greater extending to our athletes’ families, and that makes me love my job even more.”

WILLIE OCAMPO, MS (’17) has always known he wanted to help athletes who are physically or intellectually impaired. As the lead adaptive training exercise physiologist for the Disabled Athlete Sports Association (DASA)—a nonprofit that provides adaptive sports and fitness to individuals with physical disabilities, visual impairments and those who are hard of hearing— Willie provides individual training to athletes with physical disabilities. DASA is also recognized by the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee as a U.S. Paralympic sports pipeline. “At DASA, we develop relationships with our athletes, and the atmosphere is very family-oriented,” Willie said. “Having a one-on-one personal experience with an athlete is important to me because it gives me the opportunity to see their journey from start to finish.” Feeling like he could take his position and ability to help those in need to the next level, Willie recently completed his Adaptive & Inclusive Trainer Certification through the Adaptive Training Academy (ATA). “I approached this certification as a way to be Willie Ocampo with DASA athlete Benjamin Rees




Faculty and Staff News

Student News

Congratulations to…

Congratulations to…

Ashley Ruff, DC, who has completed her three-year diagnostic imaging residency in chiropractic radiology and transitioned to a Radiology Fellow.

Jenna Beavon, Alice Cardonaotero, Janay Collier and Lydia Krzyzak, who were each awarded $500 through NCMIC’s Bucks for Boards scholarship program to help defray the cost of NBCE chiropractic board exams.

Gabrielle Cole, MS, adjunct faculty and founder and codirector of the Fit and Food Connection, who was honored with the Special Recognition Award by North County Incorporated (NCI) during its 43rd Annual Leadership Breakfast. The NCI Leadership Awards recognize local leaders for their contributions to the North County region.

Alumni Notes Congratulations to… Class of 1999 Quinn James, DC, who was named 2020 Chiropractor of the Year by the Missouri Chiropractic Physicians

Association. Dr. James has been awarded this honor three times over 20 years in practice —2008, 2017 and 2020—the most a Missouri chiropractor has ever received the award. Class of 2009 Kyle Waltz, DC, who was named as one of the five best chiropractors in Charlotte, North Carolina, by Kev’s Best. Dr. Waltz practices at Charlotte Chiropractic Center, PLLC.

In Memoriam Class of 1986 Andrew Jackson “Jay” Kessinger IV, DC, ND, DABCI, DABCN August 29, 2020

Dr. Quinn James accepts his award from MCPA past president Dr. Robert Kessinger.

Class of 1990 Dorothey Anne “Dottie” Pernell Saunders, DC September 26, 2020 Class of 2000 Chad Schnarr, DC September 24, 2020 Carl Holzschuh, father of Robert (Bob) Holzschuh, maintenance/grounds supervisor and grandfather of Danielle Klobe, student involvement coordinator. June 28, 2020 Verla Rodenbaugh, mother of Linda Rodenbaugh, DC (‘06) August 3, 2020 Logan’s Department of Radiology celebrates Dr. Ashley Ruff (third from right) completing her diagnostic imaging residency. 38 FALL 2020 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY

A.C.E.S. Workshop


In July, Logan University hosted its fourth annual A.C.E.S. (Anatomy Centered Education and Science) Workshop for area high school students, organized by Dana ​Mercer, DC, MS, professor and director of strategic partnerships for the College of Chiropractic. Students were socially distanced throughout the Purser Center, per COVID-19 guidelines, to ensure the safety of students and instructors. Logan hosted the largest group of participants to date, and the program for 2021 is already filling up fast. The A.C.E.S. Workshop provided a unique opportunity for small group hands-on learning with physicians and professionals from various medical professions. Students were able to learn about suturing, skin stapling and removal, cadaver dissection, radiology, orthopedics, and health and wellness in addition to core anatomy.









1851 Schoettler Road | Chesterfield, MO 63017

P OS TG RAD U AT E EDU CA T IO N | November 2020 – March 2021 The Postgraduate Department remains committed to our graduates’ ongoing development and is pleased to offer the following continuing education programs. Please note, various seminars have been postponed due to COVID-19, and some programs will be temporarily hosted online. The Postgraduate Department will keep constituents updated and informed at www.Logan.edu. Please direct any questions or suggestions to Postgrad@Logan.edu or 1-800-842-3234. ON-DEMAND Activator Technique Interactive Virtual Training Module 1: Basic Scan Protocol of the Activator Method Module 2: Upper Extremities Module 3: Lower Extremities Women’s Health Symposium Presented in conjunction with the American Chiropractic Association Council on Women’s Health Multiple Speakers For additional online postgraduate programs on relevant topics in chiropractic, visit ce4chiros.com. LIVE PROGRAMS Location is Logan University campus unless otherwise indicated. November 7-8 Research Evidence to Support Spine Care Instructor: Bryan Bond, DC, MS, PhD

November 21-22 Insurance Consultant Certification Program Session #8 Instructor: Mario Fucinari, DC, CCSP, APMP, CPCO, MCS-P Basic Acupuncture Instructor: Nicholas Gatto, DC, Dipl.Ac December 12-13 Holistic Family Practice Instructor: Mackenzie McNamara, DC, IHS, FASA Basic Acupuncture Instructor: Nicholas Gatto, DC, Dipl.Ac January 9-10 Advanced Acupuncture Instructor: Nicholas Gatto, DC, Dipl.Ac

January 16-17 Basic Acupuncture Instructor: Nicholas Gary Ditson, DC, LAc, DABCA February 13-14 Advanced Acupuncture Instructor: Nicholas Gatto, DC, Dipl.Ac February 20-21 Basic Acupuncture Instructor: Nicholas Gatto, DC, Dipl.Ac March 20-21 Basic Acupuncture Instructor: Nicholas Gatto, DC, Dipl.Ac Advanced Acupuncture Instructor: Mary Jennings, DC, Dipl.Ac, LAc

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