Logan University - Spring Tower 2019

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Preserving Our Past, Ensuring Our Future

Logan to Offer Graduate-Level Dietetics Program Student Advocates for Logan, Chiropractic in Puerto Rico Grief Shapes DHPE Professor’s Unique Approach to Education




In This Issue

5 Pediatric Wellness Chiropractic care transforms quality of life for mom and baby

5 Patient Success

16 Sharing Knowledge Record number of Logan faculty members to present research at 2019 ACC-RAC

12 College of Health Sciences

21 Students Mentor Students Leopard Leaders mentoring program offers helping hand for new students

19 Student Life

22 Alumnus Invests in Logan Dr. Ronald Nowman gives generously to University through IRA

25 Spring Symposium

8 Mission Forward 10 College of Chiropractic 14 Leaders Made 16 Research 18 Logan Connects 22 Donor Snapshot 24 Logan Legacy 30 Graduating Class 32 Recognizing Success 34 Admissions 36 Under the Tower 37 Industry Update 39 Postscript





20 The Tower is a publication of Logan University for alumni, students, employees and friends of the University

THE TOWER Vol. 3, SPRING 2019 The Tower is published three times a year: Spring, Summer and Fall. On the Cover Photo credit: Justin Borgstede The Tower is produced by the Department of Marketing and Communications. Reader comments can be emailed to Tower@logan.edu. THE TOWER Logan University 1851 Schoettler Road Chesterfield, MO 63017 Tower@logan.edu | Logan.edu 1-800-782-3344



Forty Logan University students and nine faculty and staff members attended the American Chiropractic Association’s Annual Conference—NCLC 2019—in Washington, D.C. in January. While there, students attended Student American Chiropractic Association (SACA) national board meetings and represented patients and advocated for chiropractic care with members of Congress on Capitol Hill. They also attended education sessions on evidence-based care, ethics and patient care, and practice management. The theme of the 2019 conference was Leading Chiropractic.

Research from two Logan faculty members was accepted by the 15th World Federation of Chiropractic Biennial Congress in Berlin, March 20-23. Dennis Enix, DC, MBA, professor, presented a platform lecture on a study titled “The effect of manipulation on sacroiliac joint motion,” which he co-authored with a professor from Baylor University. Dr. Enix has presented at the WFC Biennial Congress every year since 2009. Additionally, an abstract titled “When was the first chiropractic research paper? Composing the timeline of chiropractic’s scientific evolution” was accepted for a poster presentation. The abstract was a collaboration between Professor Patrick Montgomery, DC, MS, FASA, FICC and chiropractors from other institutions around the globe.


Logan’s Master of Science in Nutrition and Human Performance degree program was recognized by OnlineMasters.com as one of the best online master’s in nutrition programs in the country for 2019. Every online Master in Nutrition program in the U.S. was analyzed, with only 41 making it to the final list. Logan was ranked No. 9.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?” To celebrate Dr. King’s charitable spirit, on January 22 Logan University faculty, staff and students joined forces to make 26 fleece tie blankets, which were donated to Project Linus. For more than 20 years, Missouri-based Project Linus has been providing new or handmade blankets to children with a mission to “provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need.”

Are you receiving our monthly alumni newsletter and invitations to alumni events? If not, please email us at Alumni@Logan.edu to be added to our list. LOGAN UNIVERSITY • SPRING 2019 3


At Logan University, everything we do is rooted in chiropractic’s core philosophy of delivering care that is evidenceinformed, conservative and patient-centered. We are committed to making this approach accessible to all, whether patients are grappling with injury or pain or simply want to improve their general health. To accomplish this, it is essential that we continue our hard work of demonstrating the value of chiropractic, as well as creating opportunities to integrate into the broader health care environment. This has long been our goal, but the need is greater than ever, with the opioid epidemic resulting in tragic outcomes because individuals received an addictive medication— rather than the relief our profession can offer—in answer to their pain. We’ve made great strides toward this integration, as evidenced by the 4 SPRING 2019 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY

diverse patients our clinicians and chiropractic students are treating right here in our backyard and around the globe. They include veterans, university athletes, the disabled, the very young and the underserved and underinsured. Our alumni are practicing in rural and urban areas, in gyms, wellness centers and hospitals, within corporations, at academic institutions and in health centers and clinics. Our reach into the community grows every year, and we’re making a real difference in hundreds of patients’ lives each week. At Logan’s clinic at CareSTL Health, a federally qualified community health center, Dr. Ross Mattox is not only bringing patients pain relief through chiropractic adjustments, but he is also educating and empowering patients to change their lives through diet and exercise. His influence extends far beyond pain relief and is resulting in patients gaining confidence and losing a need for dangerous medications. This, of course, is just one example of many that show the power of patient-centered, integrated care that doesn’t begin and end with a prescription pad.

An important part of our goal to expand our patient base in more places is our growing list of degree offerings, which all share the science of biomechanics, anatomy, nutrition, lifestyle and exercise, complementing chiropractic beautifully. Our newest degree program is an advanced degree in dietetics being offered through the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetic’s early adopter demonstration program that seeks to better prepare registered dieticians for future health care needs. Through our participation in this program, we are playing a direct role in shaping the future of health care education. As health care continues to evolve, we will, no doubt, see more demand for qualified health care professionals who can address the needs of our patient population. Logan graduates will be prepared to meet these challenges. And they’ll be armed with evidence-based practices, clinical and research experience, and successful outcomes. The future is waiting, and we’re more than ready.


Gentle Touch, Profound Results: A Logan Pediatric Clinic Success Story Born four weeks early, Blake Boyd had a rough transition into everyday life. first time he didn’t have a blood-curdling that she was wonderful and her demeanor Blake spent his first eight days in the cry,” she said. was amazing. I trusted her because of the neonatal intensive care unit on a feeding Over the next few weeks, Ashleigh way she explained things and how she tube. He experienced severe acid reflux, and her husband took notice of other communicated with Blake. She talked to causing him to spit up profusely every improvements in Blake’s health and wellhim like a human, and she took action that 20 minutes. His eyes failed to track being—his appetite increased, his acid first day.” movement, and he had trouble with reflux went away, he was able to turn his Ashleigh learned that in the case of simple things, such as turning his head or head both ways and grasp objects with her son, chiropractic was not about grabbing for objects. his hands. making adjustments but rather altering “He was miserable,” said his mom, As Blake’s condition improved, his his neurological communication system Ashleigh Boyd of O’Fallon, Missouri. appointments decreased from three times a through craniosacral therapy. This approach “He wasn’t sleeping and he just wasn’t week to once a week. Now, at responding in ways he 7 months old, Blake sees Dr. should.” Périllat every three weeks for Ashleigh was especially approximately 15 minutes. attuned to Blake’s care, as “I think there’s a she is an emergency room misconception among people and intensive care unit nurse. about chiropractic,” Ashleigh She took advantage of her said. “They think it is about access to resources, experts cracking and snapping bones, and clinical data, “but I wasn’t but they don’t realize how finding any answers as to the neurological function what was going on with Blake communicates with the body. and how we could help him,” Life has been a lot easier she said. knowing this is an option.” Some suggested that Ashleigh chokes up as she Ashleigh have Blake evaluated talks about the effect Dr. by physical and occupational Périllat and chiropractic care therapists. But it was has had on her infant son. Ashleigh’s CrossFit instructor Seven-month-old Blake Boyd is entertained by his mom, Ashleigh, while receiving care She now feels that she can who set her on a path. The from Dr. Muriel Périllat and student Lydia Scherle. be a voice for others. “Being instructor told her about Logan a health professional for 15 University, Muriel Périllat, DC, years, I had never seen or heard anything uses a gentle touch and manipulation to MS and her specialized like what we saw in Blake. I can tell you it relieve pain and dysfunction. During the work in pediatric chiropractic. was scary,” she said. “I’ve always been an first appointment, Ashleigh began to see Ashleigh said she was open to advocate for continuing education. Having immediate changes. Blake’s fists, which had conservative care and finding a more been through this, I think there needs to been closed tightly for months, opened for holistic approach for her son. Still, she be more public awareness, so more lives the first time. His body, which had been was wary. can be touched and quality of life can stiff and rigid, began to ease. “I was able “Going in, I was really nervous,” she be improved.” to put him in his car seat, and it was the said, “but after meeting Dr. Périllat, I found LOGAN UNIVERSITY • SPRING 2019 5


Grooming the Next Generation of Pediatric Chiropractors Trimester 10 student Kelsi McClure’s career calling came in the delivery room where a friend was having a baby. After struggling to decide what kind of chiropractor she wanted to be, Kelsi said the experience confirmed her decision to pursue pediatric chiropractic. “I’ve always been drawn to children, and being able to interact with children has never been challenging,” she said, noting she was a part-time nanny. “I also learned how to connect with children, understanding that you have to be on their frequency first.” Kelsi immersed herself in pregnancy and early childhood care knowledge, becoming a certified birth doula and enrolling in pediatric courses taught by Associate Professor Mary Unger-Boyd, DC, DICS, CACCP. Naturally, she secured a spot working with Muriel Périllat, DC, MS, who oversees pediatric chiropractic services at Logan’s Montgomery Health Center. Dr. Périllat embraces the opportunity to provide patient care and teach at the same time, which is a departure from her former role as Dean of Clinics. The education, she said, is in the interaction. “To be able to provide both care and knowledge in one-on-one situations with students is invaluable,” she said. “Every day is different with various conditions and cases.” Parents seek chiropractic care for their children for a variety of reasons, such as eye-tracking issues, lack of balance and coordination, muscle diseases, colic, acid reflux and cranial distortions. Others look to chiropractic care to support normal development and growth of the child. For Kelsi, learning how to apply her chiropractic skills and clinical knowledge to pediatric patients required an additional skill set. 6 SPRING 2019 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY

“Infants and children have autonomy over their bodies. They read your body language, how you touch them,” Kelsi said. “Learning how to adjust softly and effectively under Dr. Périllat’s guidance was critical.” Dr. Périllat creates a progressive learning environment where patient interaction starts minimally and increases over time as the interns develop their skills. This approach, Kelsi said, creates the space and confidence to hone one’s skills. Following her rotation with Dr. Périllat, Kelsi started a 15-week preceptorship under James Kravis, DC (1986) and Todd Sonquist, DC (2013) at Correct Care Family Chiropractic in Livonia, Michigan. Kelsi will graduate from Logan in April 2019 and will work as a full-time associate at Correct Care, where she plans to focus on family wellness, fertility, perinatal care and pediatrics. Kelsi said one of the most important aspects of working with children is developing trust with the child as well as the parents, and then navigating those relationships. “People have different perceptions of chiropractic, and for some it’s about healing low back pain. In their minds, if they don’t have pain, they don’t need chiropractic care,” she said. “With a child, it’s so different. Children may not necessarily come to us in pain, yet they might display other symptoms of dysfunction. Helping people understand the complexities of what chiropractic can do has been an important part of the job.”




Logan Expands Degree Options With Dietetics Program For some time, the dietetics industry has faced a significant problem: To practice as a registered dietitian (RD), students must complete supervised practice experiences overseen by an RD, but there are only enough slots to accommodate roughly half of the need in any given year. That is soon changing, and Logan University’s new graduate-level dietetics program is playing a role in revamping the system. In 2017, the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) invited colleges, universities and organizations sponsoring nutrition and dietetics programs to apply to its early adopter demonstration program, which will test different education models to see if they are effective in producing RDs who are prepared for emerging health care needs. Logan was among the first 21 applications accepted and will be offering one of seven new graduate-level dietetics programs in the country. Logan’s RD program will be offered online through the Master of Science degree in Nutrition & Human Performance starting in fall 2019. ACEND will use data collected from Logan and other selected programs to determine what models are viable by 2024. Whereas a bachelor’s degree was previously required to practice as a dietitian nutritionist, the new model will require RDs to earn a master’s degree to gain the greater depth of knowledge and skills that the industry needs. The goal of this change is to prepare RDs to fill gaps within the health care system and to increase RD integration within medical teams. “We want to offer students more innovative, integrated, interdisciplinary education,” said Sherri Cole, PhD, MBA, RT(R)(M), Dean of the College of Health Sciences at Logan. Logan RD students will be able to complete internships at one of Logan’s


“This program will prepare students to meet the challenges in the health care system today and in the future, including the need to develop skills working in interprofessional teams.” – Dr. Cheryl Houston

health centers. While the overall internship program will be overseen by Theresa DeLorenzo, DCN, RD, who serves as program director of Nutrition & Human Performance, interns will now be able to report directly to Logan chiropractic clinicians rather than RDs. She said this arrangement will help solve the internship shortage, as students previously had to be supervised by an RD in clinical settings. “We’re taking an integrated approach to internships, and we’re solving a real problem by using Logan chiropractors to work collaboratively with a clinical coordinator to oversee the students in the clinical setting,” she said.

Although internships will initially be limited to Logan’s St. Louis-based health centers, Logan hopes to add sites all across the country, making it convenient for online students based elsewhere. In the meantime, the University plans to assist students with finding short-term housing (internships typically last anywhere from six months to two years). Logan’s participation in ACEND’s pilot program is a natural fit for the University’s mission to be a leader in health care education. The dietetics track will bring much-needed medical nutrition therapy and nutrition education to clinics serving patients with many chronic conditions, such as hypertension, diabetes and obesity to name a few. “We are committed to providing a well-rounded curriculum grounded in evidence-informed practice that provides opportunities to deliver nutrition care to the St. Louis community,” said Cheryl Houston, PhD, CHES, CFCS, RD, LD, FAND, program director of the Doctorate of Health Professions Education. “This program will prepare students to meet the challenges in the health care system today and in the future, including the need to develop skills working in interprofessional teams. Dietetic concentration students will have the opportunity to collaborate with chiropractic students, first in the Assessment Center and then in the clinics, to provide excellence in health care delivery and patient education by viewing the patient holistically.”


Preceptorship Program Expands Clinical Opportunities for DC Students Logan University’s Preceptorship Program allows qualified Trimester 10 Doctor of Chiropractic students to work in a clinical atmosphere outside the campus setting and gain real-world experience. Logan strives to transform chiropractic clinical education by continuously adding meaningful and engaging clinical sites to its already robust list of partnerships. Logan is also working external clinical experiences earlier into its curriculum. To date, students have completed preceptorships at more than 400 unique clinical sites around the world, from private practices to community health centers to universities. DC Perspective: Dr. Lauren Hendrix Lauren Hendrix, DC (2010), MS (2013) has been hosting Logan preceptors, master’s interns and chiropractic assistants for the past four years at her private practice, West County

Dr. Lauren Hendrix with Trimester 3 student Shelby Hummel.

Spine & Joint Chiropractic Clinic in Ellisville, Missouri. “Logan provides an invaluable education to set students up to be successful in practice. Getting an early opportunity to apply that knowledge in a successful chiropractic office helps students fine-tune their skills prior to graduation,” she said. Dr. Hendrix, who concentrates her practice in treating spinal pain and extremity injuries, said hosting Logan students keeps her on her toes because they often share the latest research and facilitate productive discussions on patient care, technique and office management. As a Logan student, Dr. Hendrix studied as much research as she could get her hands on and worked as a chiropractic assistant, which helped her develop her office management skills. Today, Dr. Hendrix strives to help her own preceptors and interns develop whichever skill or knowledge base they feel needs improvement. “I would encourage all students to take advantage of Logan’s Preceptorship Program and challenge their clinical skills,” she said. “Nothing will prepare you more for practice.” LOGAN UNIVERSITY • SPRING 2019 9


Big LEAGUES Playing in the

Logan Alumna Dr. Emma Minx Finds Dream Job with the Chicago Bears As one of only two female chiropractors working in the National Football League (NFL), Emma Minx, DC (2014), CCSP, MS sees her role with the Chicago Bears in some ways like an offensive lineman. She’s clearing a path for others behind her. “I feel a responsibility to create opportunities for others,” she said. “If I was unable to get the job done, that could affect women getting jobs in the NFL or other male-dominated fields. It is a challenge, and I am constantly evaluating


and determining new ways to rise above expectations.” Working alongside her colleague, Stuart Yoss, DC, Dr. Minx provides care to enhance athletic performance, treat injuries and minimize the risk of future injuries. Dr. Minx is a former student athlete. She played softball at Glenbrook North High School, located on Chicago’s suburban North Shore, and at DePauw University, where she suffered several injuries that enhanced her appreciation for what athletes must do to stay fit and perform. She gained experience working with athletes by returning to her high school alma mater and working in the athletic training department. When she first started working with the Bears, Dr. Minx was excited and anxious. “I told myself, ‘You’ve been doing this for almost four years. These guys aren’t any different than any other patient who has laid on your table. A hip is a hip.’” Dr. Minx said the experience has made her a better chiropractor by

Dr. Emma Minx with Dr. Karen Slota, team chiropractor for the Detroit Lions


“I feel a responsibility to create opportunities for others ... It is a challenge, and I am constantly evaluating and determining new ways to rise above expectations.” – Dr. Emma Minx

refining her adjustment and treatment skills. She treats Bears players after practice twice a week and before each game. She can also be found on the sidelines of most home games and sometimes travels with the team for away games. “The most beneficial thing I did to prepare myself for this opportunity was work with my high school alma mater,” Dr. Minx said. “Working in an athletic environment, even on a small scale, was great preparation for working in the NFL. Everyone on the staff has something different to offer in an injury situation, and working with high school teams taught me how to be a team player.” For Dr. Minx, the most rewarding part of being a chiropractor is helping people get back to doing what they love, whether that’s on the field or in practice at Bannockburn Chiropractic & Sports Injury Center in Northbrook. Pain can limit the potential of a talented athlete, a runner’s ability to take an easy jog and even a mother’s ability to pick up her baby. “When I see that smile come across a patient’s face,” she said, “it tells me I’ve done my job and they’re on the path to feeling better.”



DHPE Professor Uses


to Shape Philosophy as an Educator Chenee Gilbert, Ed.D, Ed.S., adjunct faculty in Logan’s online Doctorate of Health Professions Education (DHPE) program, grew up in Miami, Florida, in a family full of educators and pastors. From a young age, she knew that she too would become an educator. What she didn’t know is how one event in college would ultimately shape how—and what—she taught others.

During Dr. Gilbert’s sophomore year studying elementary education at Florida A&M University, her mother died from cancer. “My whole world changed as I was on the cusp of adulthood,” Dr. Gilbert said. Although she was always a good listener and trusted confidant for her friends and family, Dr. Gilbert didn’t confide in anyone about her mother’s death. Eventually, she began writing her feelings in a journal— lashing out at God, explaining the jealousy and pain she felt when she saw her friends enjoying time with their moms. Fast forward to 2007, when, as a fourth-grade teacher in Atlanta’s innercity schools, Dr. Gilbert’s grief experiences helped her recognize unaddressed grief in her students—in particular, three male students who were demonstrating disruptive classroom behavior. After a bit of digging, she discovered the root cause for these behavior issues was, in fact, grief from incarcerated family members or loved ones addicted to drugs. To help her students cope, she decided to make her personal journals from her mother’s death into a children’s book. “Everyone in the classroom had a story to share about someone they missed or lost,” Dr. Gilbert said. “Once they understood how to release their emotions in positive ways—dancing, singing, karate, to name a 12 SPRING 2019 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY

few—they got back on track, their grades improved and they stopped acting out. “They were smart students; they just had issues no one was talking about and needed a space to get it out,” she said. “I felt that God spoke to me and charged me to be a vessel within the community to educate our youth on what grief is, equip them with coping strategies and dispel myths.” From the first children’s picture book, Dr. Gilbert developed a grief series for students 11 years of age and older—chapter books with questions to prompt students and to show them they can share their feelings. “Grief is a journey, an emotional roller coaster,” Dr. Gilbert said. “Grief is not limited to death. It can be divorce, job loss, sickness, pet loss, loss of a limb, etc. The word ‘grief’ simply refers to a huge change or loss in your life, and when that happens we have to embrace and adapt to a new normal.” Although no longer an elementary education teacher, Dr. Gilbert’s grief work, as well as her research and development of strategies to enhance teacher preparation programs, has shaped her philosophy as an educator, including her role as adjunct faculty in Logan’s DHPE program. “I was attracted to this program at Logan because I’m an educator at heart,” Dr. Gilbert said. “This course was different

because it’s centered on how to implement a program—what do you want to see changed, and what steps do you need to follow to get there? I do that working with the grieving youth. “I like learning from others, and I like relaying my knowledge and realistic experience,” she said. “I enjoyed teaching younger kids, but I enjoy higher education so much more because I can understand where they’re coming from as working adults.” As a former online student for her specialist and doctoral degree programs, Dr. Gilbert also understands the challenges of an online learning environment and works to ensure each student is engaged in discussion and supported in classwork. “I always encourage students to reach out to me—I don’t ever want to make students feel like a burden for asking a question or treat them like they’re just a number,” she said. When Dr. Gilbert is not actively teaching, she works individually with children and families, co-facilitates a community Grief Share group in Atlanta and hosts grief workshops at schools, churches and nonprofit organizations. To learn more about Dr. Gilbert’s grief books, visit www.iamcheneegilbert.com.


“I was attracted to this program at Logan because I’m an educator at heart,” Dr. Gilbert said. “This course was different because it’s centered on how to implement a program—what do you want to see changed, and what steps do you need to follow to get there? I do that working with the grieving youth.” – Dr. Chenee Gilbert



Logan University is a community of extraordinary leaders. Learn how these individuals are making an impact in their own communities, careers and beyond. JOSEPH LITTLE, DC (2017) is using chiropractic to take brain rehabilitation to the next level. He recently opened The BRAIN (Brain Rehabilitation and Integrated Neurology) Center in Hudson, Ohio, where he implements noninvasive neurological and musculoskeletal therapies. They are aimed at reconnecting and improving the efficiency of neural pathways—supporting the principle that brain activity promotes brain reorganization. Dr. Little became interested in chiropractic in an effort to help his brother, a military veteran who experienced post-traumatic stress disorder and mild traumatic brain injury. Doctors prescribed medication, but his brother’s condition only seemed to worsen. “I heard of chiropractic physicians applying brain optimization therapies in practice and seeing profound improvements where other treatment interventions failed,” he said. His brother went on to undergo these therapies. After seeing firsthand how they helped, Dr. Little decided to pursue a career in chiropractic medicine to help people with similar issues. Today, Dr. Little treats patients suffering from a range of neural issues, from mild traumatic brain injuries, post-concussion symptoms, vertigo and migraines, to those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, fibromyalgia and Asperger’s Syndrome. “Our clinic utilizes a number 14 SPRING 2019 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY

of different modalities in patient care, but chiropractic plays a foundational role in our approach to various conditions and treatment outcomes,” he said. “Chiropractic manipulation therapy can be a powerful tool when addressing many neurological conditions.” ADAM HRINCEVICH, PHD teaches online undergraduate courses at Logan in addition to teaching nearly 750 students a semester at Louisiana State University (LSU) in Baton Rouge. It can be difficult to build relationships with online students, but Dr. Hrincevich plans to draw on his experiences offering

students a “humanitarian bonus” at LSU to similarly engage his students at Logan. The idea for humanitarian bonuses came after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans in 2005. “Usually, students participate in volunteer activities or humanitarian efforts in addition to their academics,” he said. After Katrina hit, a student asked about hosting a clothing drive for a homeless shelter. Seeing an opportunity to tie academics to philanthropy, humanitarian bonuses were born. At the end of each semester, students can earn a humanitarian bonus (an extra point on their final exam outside of any academic bonus or curve) if they complete an act of service for the community or area nonprofit. Help can range from donating blood to the American Red Cross to donating items to animal rescue agencies. Student response has been tremendous.

A donation drive organized by Dr. Adam Hrincevich and his students to benefit an animal rescue agency

L E A DE R S MA DE “It’s a win-win situation for everyone,” he said. “Students go above and beyond, not just to get an extra point on their exam, but also because they are excited to help. It’s something that everyone can participate in on some level.” The initiative is so successful that the American Red Cross typically contacts him about having students participate each semester. Dr. Hrincevich hopes to bring humanitarian bonuses to online students at Logan so they too can experience the benefits. “It’s common to feel isolated taking an online course. Integrating these bonuses would give students a sense of community and purpose.” TIFFANY STAGEMAN is a professional equestrian and is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Life Science through Logan’s online degree program. A native of St. Louis, Tiffany moved to California in January 2018. When the Woolsey and Hill fires broke out in Southern California last fall, Tiffany jumped at the chance to help her community. With her coworkers at Elvenstar Farm in Moorpark, California, she got to work evacuating endangered horses. “The fires started the afternoon of November 8,” she recalled. “I had just returned from a sixweek-long work trip two days prior, so I was exhausted, but the adrenaline kicked in. My coworkers and I worked throughout the night of the 8th and into the 9th and 10th. We spent about 40 straight hours hauling horses from burn areas to safety. “While evacuating, we had to work diligently and swiftly, so there wasn’t a lot of time to take in the surroundings,” she said. “Our adrenaline was pumping to get horses on trailers and to safety.” Tiffany and her coworkers saved about 75 horses. While the rescued horses were housed at Elvenstar Farm, she and her staff fed them and cleaned their stalls. Some horses stayed at the facility for a few weeks because their original facilities were destroyed, but today, all of the horses are back with their owners. Tiffany’s passion for horses is the reason she is studying at Logan. “Eventually, I want to get more in depth with chiropractic, particularly with equines, as that is what I work with daily,” she said. “Chiropractic care does wonders for both humans and equines, and someday I hope to be able to educate others on that as well.” LOGAN UNIVERSITY • SPRING 2019 15


2019 ACC-RAC Conference Features Logan Research A dozen Logan University faculty members attended the Association of Chiropractic College’s 26th Education Conference and Research Agenda Conference (ACC-RAC) March 14-16 to present research relating to competencies and collaboration. Below are the accepted platform and poster presentations submitted by Logan, representing the largest group ever accepted from Logan’s radiology department, as well as a strong showing from Logan’s integrated clinics and Sports and Rehabilitation Active Care Clinic.

PLATFORM PRESENTATIONS Sonography of asymptomatic ulnar nerve instability Norman Kettner, DC, DACBR, FICC; Federico Villafane, DC, DACBR; Stacey Cornelson, DC; Roberta Sclocco, PhD Spinal manipulation increases cortical salience network connectivity in cLBP Norman Kettner, DC, DACBR, FICC; Vitaly Napadow, PhD; Kylie Isenburg; Dan-Mikael Ellingsen, PhD; Ekaterina Protsenko, PhD; Ishtiaq Mawla, PhD; Matthew Kowalski, DC; David Swensen, DC; Deanna O’Dwyer-Swensen, DC; Robert Edwards, PhD; Marco Loggia, PhD Neural arch bone marrow edema and spondylolysis in adolescent cheerleaders: A case series Ashley Ruff, DC; Stacey Cornelson, DC; Courtney Wells, DC; Norman Kettner, DC, DACBR, FICC Bilateral hip cam-deformity and earlyonset osteoarthritis Daniel Ault, DC; Ashley Ruff, DC; Stacey Cornelson, DC; Aimee Jokerst, DC, FIAMA; Norman Kettner, DC, DACBR, FICC


Dynamic vascular thoracic outlet syndrome: A case report Stacey Cornelson, DC; Forrest Allen, DC; Mero Nunez, DC; Norman Kettner, DC, DACBR, FICC Anatomic variation of the sciatic nerve utilizing sonography Stacey Cornelson, DC; Norman Kettner, DC, DACBR, FICC Chiropractic co-management of two patients with low back pain and bullets in or near the spine Ross Mattox, DC, RMSK Spinal epidural hematoma in a patient on chronic anticoagulation therapy performing self-neck manipulation: A case presentation Patrick Battaglia, DC, DACBR Point of care ultrasound in a chiropractic clinic: A case series demonstrating value added Patrick Battaglia, DC, DACBR Demographics of patients referred for chiropractic care within one federally qualified health center Ahmad Abdella, DC; Patrick Battaglia, DC, DACBR Health care student knowledge of psychosocial factors associated with low back pain: A narrative review Kelsey Lewis, DC; Patrick Battaglia, DC, DACBR Eccentric loading used in reducing chronic fascial tear of hamstring in a high school sprinter Cami Stastny, DC; Melissa Engelson, DC, MS, CCSP, DACBSP Recovery expectations for apophysitis in year-round single sport athletes: A case series on Osgood-Schlatter disease management Cami Stastny, DC; Melissa Engelson, DC, MS, CCSP, DACBSP

A case study in the use of therapeutic laser in wound healing of a pressure ulcer Dana Underkofler-Mercer, DC, MS; Emma Minx, DC; Christopher Belics, DC, MS; Benjamin Heasty, DC; Tyler White, DC; Bobby Prichett, DC, CCSP

POSTER PRESENTATIONS Sonography of gluteal muscles and sciatic nerve in a 37-year-old with chronic spinal cord injury Stacey Cornelson, DC; Devon Ackroyd, DC, CSCS; Norman Kettner, DC, DACBR, FICC Sonoelastography of the trunk and lower extremity muscles in Duchenne muscular dystrophy Stacey Cornelson, DC; Ashley Ruff, DC; Muriel Perillat, DC, MS; Norman Kettner, DC, DACBR, FICC Lisfranc ligament injury in a 23-year-old female with multimodality imaging Carrie Santore, DC; Stacey Cornelson, DC; Patrick Battaglia, DC, DACBR; Norman Kettner, DC, DACBR, FICC Improved cranial nerve sensation in a patient with occipital neuralgia with scar mobilization Devon Ackroyd, DC, CSCS A case of flexor carpi radialis tenosynovitis mimicking carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosed by diagnostic ultrasound Ahmad Abdella, DC; Patrick Battaglia, DC, DACBR Effects of high-intensity interval training and strength training on endurance and coordination in a patient with a brain stem injury Melissa Engelson, DC, MS, CCSP, DACBSP Contraindications in certain types of chiropractic manipulative therapy (CMT) for the connective tissue disorder patient: A case report on chiropractic management and Ehler-Danlos syndrome Erika Evans, DC


Logan University Clinicians Studying Ulnar Nerve Hypermobility in Young Athletes It may not show up in the box score, but Brett Winchester, DC (2003) is leading a research project that could have a profound impact on Dr. Brett Winchester young baseball pitchers. Dr. Winchester has teamed up with a group of co-investigators at Logan who are using ultrasound to study ulnar nerve hypermobility. They are looking at how the condition affects the athlete’s performance on the field over time. Dr. Winchester’s teammates are: Patrick Battaglia, DC, DACBR, clinician and assistant professor; Tyler White, DC; Ross Mattox, DC,

RMSK, clinician and assistant professor; and Norman Kettner, DC, DACBR, FICC, chair of the Department of Radiology and professor. “While the damage may be no big deal when you’re 14 years old, it may require intervention by the time you’re 18,” said Dr. Winchester, who also is a consultant for several Major League Baseball teams. Ulnar nerve hypermobility affects approximately 10 percent of the population, with many suffering no impairments. But it can cause numbness and/or elbow pain when not addressed. The researchers are collecting data from male amateur pitchers between the ages of 14 and 18 from pitching academies in St. Louis. The data will include a large sample size from each age group, allowing for an in-depth look at the prevalence of the condition and its impact on performance. Ultrasound offers a few significant

advantages over more routine imaging modalities, such as MRI, Dr. Winchester said. “When young athletes come in with elbow pain, it is typically one of three things: the ulnar collateral ligament, the ulnar nerve or the flexor tendon mechanism. All three can be assessed with ultrasound,” he said. “Unlike MRI, ultrasound can show how the nerve moves in real time. Also unlike an MRI, ultrasound is cost-efficient and well tolerated by patients.” The current treatment protocol for symptomatic ulnar nerve hypermobility is surgery to permanently bring the nerve forward. However, many people do not respond to this treatment. Dr. Winchester said he hopes research will shed light on whether surgery is necessary and whether athletes can continue to perform at a high level with the condition.

Dr. Norman Kettner Presents Posters at IASP World Congress, Society for Neuroscience Norman Kettner, DC, DACBR, FICC, professor and chair of Logan University’s Department of Radiology, presented two posters at the 17th annual International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) World Congress on Pain, which took place in September 2018. The largest meeting devoted to clinical research in pain, the World Congress brings together top experts in pain research, as well as clinicians, health care providers and policymakers. The first poster, “Brain mechanisms of cognitive and emotional responses to

expected clinical pain and their modulation by manual therapy: A fMRI study in chronic low back pain,” detailed Dr. Kettner’s research that was published in the Journal of Pain in late 2018. Using functional MRI (fMRI), this research investigated the brain processes underpinning pain anticipation and fear of movement in patients with chronic low back pain and demonstrated how two spinal manipulation techniques (grade 3 and grade 5 mobilizations) lessen pain anticipation and fear of movement. The second poster Dr. Kettner presented at the IASP World Congress was titled “S1

hand area functional connectivity is altered in carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) patients and linked with median nerve conduction velocity.” The research used MRI to explore how resting state functional brains vary between healthy controls and individuals with CTS. Among other findings, the research concluded that CTS patients have increased connectivity between the S1 hand area, contralesional to the most affected hand, and anterior insula—a key affect and salience processing region and Continued on page 37 LOGAN UNIVERSITY • SPRING 2019 17


Tour of the Body: A Window to Anatomy For more than five decades, Logan’s anatomy lab has served as an integral part of a student’s education and provided an opportunity for others to explore, learn and gain a better understanding of the structures and complexities of the human body. In 2018 alone, hundreds of individuals— from nurses and emergency medical technicians to optometry students—visited Logan’s anatomy lab through a program called Tour of the Body. While other universities offer an anatomy experience as a portion of a credited course or for a cost, Tour of the Body is a free service geared toward the University’s mission to engage with the broader community. Logan Assistant Professor Meadow Campbell, PhD, says each tour can be customized to the group’s interest, but in most cases visitors will hold organs or perform procedures, giving them a chance to either refresh their knowledge or gain a new perspective. “The tours are quite literally and figuratively a visceral experience,” she said. “Most of the people who come through the tours have never seen or touched a human cadaver before.”

Jake Schrom


Often, people are surprised at the size of various structures and fascinated by the brain, said Dr. Campbell. “‘I’m holding all of someone’s memories, thoughts and feelings in my hand’ is a sentiment I’ve heard many times,” she said. For more experienced visitors who have studied and/ or dissected other mammals, Tour of the Body offers them a chance to relate what they know about a rat, cat or pig, for example, to a human. Dr. Campbell said this connection helps them understand their own body at a deeper level.

Upper-trimester students benefit as well, by serving as guides. Dr. Campbell said the student tour guides are highly knowledgeable about human anatomy, and they are also personable and engaging teachers with a passion to share their knowledge with the community. “Our guides demonstrate structures, ask questions, draw connections between regions of the body and often try to tailor the tours to each individual audience,” said Dr. Campbell. “By the time our students get to the point where they could be a guide, they are often several trimesters removed from their anatomy courses, so it offers them a chance to refresh this foundational knowledge. I often hear, ‘I had no idea chiropractors had to learn this much anatomy!’” Dr. Campbell says she doesn’t know of another program like the Logan University Tour of the Body. “It’s truly a community service, and many visitors leave with a renewed appreciation for overall health and well-being.”


Logan Hosts World Congress of Chiropractic Students Logan University hosted the regional meeting of the World Congress of Chiropractic Students (WCCS) March 1-3. Approximately 60 students attended, representing seven schools. The event included presentations by 10 speakers, a speaker panel allowing students to ask questions and a community service activity that had students decorating cards for a local nursing home. Logan’s relationship with the WCCS dates back to the organization’s inception in 1980, when Logan hosted 11 chiropractic colleges at the first Annual General Meeting (AGM). Today, WCCS is a student-driven, student-planned international collaboration of approximately 150 chiropractic students with the purpose of advancing and uniting the global chiropractic profession through inspiration, integrity and leadership. Each year, the WCCS’s 25 chiropractic institutions convene at the AGM, with one school from each region selected to host a regional event. Tiffany Huang, a Logan Trimester 8 student and WCCS member,

Logan WCCS students at the AGM in South Africa

said she enjoys being part of an organization that makes a difference for students in the chiropractic profession. She has gained great experience through WCCS and through her

involvement has traveled to some incredible places like South Africa, San Francisco and Atlanta. “In 2017, I was at the AGM in San Francisco, walking through Life Chiropractic College West’s campus. Students and faculty stopped me because I was wearing a Logan University sweatshirt and said they were so impressed that I was there, as I was missing schoolwork, projects and exams,” Tiffany said. “It opened my eyes to how prestigious Logan’s reputation is all over the globe.” Recently, Tiffany has been busy planning and organizing the WCCS Americas Regional Event with the help of Danielle Ader, student involvement coordinator at Logan. The regional event featured several Logan faculty as speakers, including Norman Kettner, DC, DACBR, FICC; Patrick Montgomery, DC, MS, FASA and Ralph Filson, DC.



Students Helping Students: Keven Caban Talks Chiropractic, Logan with Puerto Rican Undergrads Logan University recruits students from all over the world, and this past winter break, Trimester 5 DC student Keven Caban got to lend a hand during his trip home to Puerto Rico. With the help of Logan’s admissions team, he coordinated and hosted a lunch and meet and greet with students from the University of Puerto Rico’s Aguadilla and Mayaguez campuses who were interested in learning about chiropractic and Logan. What motivates you to spread the word about chiropractic and Logan? Ever since I started my studies at Logan, I’ve volunteered during the Future Leopard Weekend. I’ve always been the type of person who likes to help and reach out to others. When I visited campus for the first time, every person who helped me during the process made it easy and made me realize that I also wanted to help incoming students.

What’s the No. 1 thing you think potential students should know about Logan? While I was researching chiropractic schools, I was attracted to the fact that Logan is one of the top five schools when it comes to academic success. Once I visited campus, I saw that Logan prepares students

with hands-on work, such as human cadavers and standardized patients, from day one.

What did the students in Puerto Rico want to discuss? The students asked questions about financials as well as the clinical opportunities Logan provides. Knowing that Logan provides a clinical experience from start to finish, compared with many other schools that don’t offer that until almost the last year, is a huge game-changer for some of these students.

What attracted you to the profession? I’m an athlete, and we all suffer injuries at some point. In my particular case, I had a knee injury during my freshman year of college basketball. I was sidelined the entire

Keven discussing Logan with prospective students

year—I could barely walk or even get out of bed by myself. A doctor wanted to perform surgery, but I was opposed because it would mean I’d be unable to play basketball for even longer. I did some research and saw a chiropractor for a second opinion. He got me up and going after just a couple of visits. Ever since that, I’ve been in love with chiropractic and the way it helped me prevent surgery. I want to help athletes prevent surgery, recover and improve performance.

Any plans to return to Puerto Rico in the future?

Keven Caban coordinated and hosted a lunch and meet and greet with students from his native Puerto Rico. 20 SPRING 2019 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY

I’m still considering my options. For now, I want to see the opportunities that life can present me and see where chiropractic will take me. Eventually I would love to go back home to Puerto Rico and run my own clinic.


Leopard Leaders Mentor New Students Transitioning from a traditional undergraduate program to an advanced doctoral degree program can be a challenge. Fortunately, students in Logan’s Trimester 1 Doctor of Chiropractic program have access to a helping hand. The Leopard Leaders mentoring program pairs Trimester 1 DC students with a Trimester 2 through 8 student. This gives new students a “go-to” person when they have questions about classes, need help studying or just want to take a break from school. Sheldon Stuckart, Trimester 8 student and student leader of Leopard Leaders, says the program was immensely helpful when he was new on campus. “I came to Logan not knowing anyone or anything about chiropractic care. It was scary,” Sheldon said. “Having someone who has been through exactly what I was going

through was incredible. My mentor had such a positive impact on my first trimester, and we are still friends today.” After he completed his first trimester, Sheldon knew he wanted to be a mentor and give back to the program that helped him so much. He graduated into his current role, leading and training the other mentors. “Mentors are there to support their mentees on and off campus. When something outside of school is causing a student stress, it can really take a toll on their schoolwork,” Sheldon said. “Mentors provide a shoulder to lean on, regardless of the situation, because they are such a big

part of their mentee’s support system.” Sheldon works with Danielle Ader, Logan’s student involvement coordinator, to pair Trimester 1 students with a mentor, with the goal of leaving no Trimester 1 student unaided. “When the program first started, only 15 to 20 people signed up,” Danielle said. “This past fall class had 153 students, approximately 100 of whom were paired with a mentor. I’ve seen this program do great things for so many people—I hope next year, we can say every Trimester 1 student has a mentor.”



Dr. Ronald G. Nowman Ronald Nowman, DC (1958) has always lived frugally and invested wisely. That lifestyle, along with 50 years of success as a chiropractor, has allowed him and Mary to give generously to Logan University. Recently, the Nowmans learned through their private banker about a different way they could donate to Logan—making a qualified charitable distribution from their individual retirement account (IRA). Once you reach the age of 70½, the IRS requires individuals to take a required minimum distribution from their IRA. That distribution withdrawal, however, comes with a tax burden. By making it a qualified charitable distribution, an individual can donate any amount desired up to $100,000 from their IRA contributions tax free. This option does three things: it reduces your tax burden by eliminating the possibility of getting pushed into a higher tax bracket; it satisfies the requirement for a minimum distribution; and it allows you to support a charity of your choice. Additionally, the withdrawal can take place anytime throughout the year. “In simple terms, the gift is from your assets, not your checkbook,” Dr. Nowman said. Dr. Nowman hopes that sharing his story of making qualified charitable distributions through an IRA plants the seed for others to do the same. “There’s a satisfaction that comes along with giving, and it never occurred to me to do it this way,” he said. The Nowmans donated $10,000 to Logan through their IRA. The donation will benefit the Forever Chiropractic, Forever Logan Endowed Scholarship Initiative, which provides tuition scholarship support to current and future Doctor of Chiropractic students.


“Winston Churchill once said, ‘We make a living by what we earn—we make a life by what we give,’” said Dr. Nowman. “Without my education from Logan, I wouldn’t have had the ability to earn … and I never would have had the money to give back.” Check with your financial advisor or banker for more information about making a gift through a retirement fund.

The Forever Chiropractic, Forever Logan Endowed Scholarship Initiative is an opportunity to support chiropractic scholarships into perpetuity. A donation of $10,000 provides tuition support for today’s chiropractic students at Logan and generations of chiropractic students to come. Learn more about creating a legacy by calling the Office of Development at 636-230-1704.



Drs. Brooke and Jordan Hawkins Mentoring soon-to-be graduates from Logan’s Doctor of Chiropractic program is a passion for Brooke Hawkins, DC and Jordan Hawkins, DC. “We really enjoy connecting with students, developing a mentoring relationship and helping them succeed in the future,” Brooke said. Since 2017 the doctors have been aiding students through the “Drs. Jordan and Brooke Hawkins Scholarship,” which awards one Trimester 7-10 student a scholarship and mentorship to encourage them to finish strong. So far, there have been six scholarship recipients. “We love giving back to current Logan students and the chiropractic community as a whole. In meeting with many students, we realized that sometimes it’s hard to know what to do upon graduation, so we hope our mentoring helps guide them to success,” Brooke said. “Especially students from small towns, like us. We like to share our experience of coming back to our small hometown and building a thriving practice.” High school sweethearts, Drs. Brooke and Jordan Hawkins grew up in Loogootee, Indiana, a small town of 2,800 residents, about 240 miles due east from Logan. They came to Logan together with an interest in becoming DCs and enrolled in the Accelerated Science Program (now called Flexible Accelerated Science Track). Brooke earned a bachelor’s degree in human biology and Jordan a bachelor’s degree in life science. They went on to earn their Doctor of Chiropractic degrees and moved back to their hometown in 2011 to start their own practice.


Hawkins Health Center in Loogootee has become a wellknown family wellness practice serving the needs of the community. The practice has grown over the last nine years, treating children and adults, and now has four doctors on staff. “As a chiropractic practice in a small town, many of our patients come to us as a significant source for their health care needs,” says Brooke. “Our care for the community has helped us grow the practice bigger than we ever imagined.” Today, they enjoy sharing their knowledge of building a practice from the ground up with the next generation of chiropractors. “My best advice for young chiropractors is to follow their dreams—this is one of the best professions to work in, and we are always here to help and support those starting their careers,” Brooke said. “Being a chiropractor and helping the community with its health needs, especially in our small hometown, is incredibly rewarding.” Do you have a story to share about why you give to Logan? Email Alumni@Logan.edu. Visit Logan.edu/Give for giving options.



Thank you to our generous donors who supported the renovation of Logan’s Tower!

Anonymous Dr. Max Ahlers Dr. Don Altman Dr. Thomas Anderson Mary Jane Bahr Dr. Christine Becker Judith Benjamin Fred Berghaus Dr. Donna Boylan Dr. Boyd Bradshaw Dr. Kelly Brinkman Dr. Richard Bruns Dr. Jon Buriak Dr. Carmen Clemenson Dr. Adam Coxon Dr. Stephen Dalsing Dr. Michael Dalton Dr. David Darr Dr. Jonathan Dean Bob & Kathy DeBord Dr. Marcus DeGeer Dr. Justine DeMaio Ellen Dickman Dr. Paul Dodson Natacha Douglas Dr. Victor Drobnic Dr. Paul Eberline Dr. Theodore Economou Dr. James Edwards Erica Ehrhard Dr. Jay Elliott Dr. Peter Feldkamp Dr. Ralph Geary Dr. Edward Glover Dr. Jason & Jessica Goodman Dr. Ronald Grant Dr. Tom Greenawalt

Dr. Dan Greene Dr. Michael Haydel Dr. Paul Henry Dr. Richard Hilton Lynelle Hinden Charles Hite Dr. John Hobday Dr. Debra Hoffman Gregg Hollabaugh Dr. Lester Holze Dr. Cheryl Houston Dr. Ray Howell Dr. John Hyland Ginger Jackson Dr. Robert G. Johnson Dr. Martha Kaeser Dr. Gerald Kari Dr. Joseph Kayser Dr. Norman Kettner Adil Khan Dr. Wayne Kirchner Dr. John Kovar Drs. Robert & Kathleen Kuhn Dr. Joseph Lane Dr. Alberto Lopez Dr. George Lukovsky Dr. Robert Lynch Bryan & Sandy Maddox Dr. Carl Makarewicz Dr. Marc Malon Dr. Clay McDonald Dr. Brian McGaughran Dr. Brad McMath Dr. Aaron McMichael Dr. Rick McMichael Dr. Ryan McMichael Dr. Steven Mirowitz


Gary Mohr Dr. Patrick Montgomery Vyvyan Moore Robert Myers Dr. Mark Napoliello Dr. Gerald Newman Dr. Naomi Nichols Dr. Ronald Nowman Dr. Kimberly O’Reilly Carl Pallasch Dr. David Parish Dr. Muriel Perillat Dr. Paul Phipps Dr. Charles Plante Dr. David Poe Dr. Charles Price Dr. William Purser Dr. Dorothy Rasmussen Estate Craig & Emily Ratliff Dr. Charles C. Rawlings Dr. Charles F. Rawlings Dr. Vance Rawlings Dr. Cynthia Riley Dr. Jeffrey Rosell Dr. John Rowe Dr. James Rugenski Dr. Carl Saubert Dr. Richard Scott Dr. Brian Snyder Robert Snyders Dr. Kirtland Speaks Dr. Jeffery Sterner Estate Dr. Leonard Suiter Dr. Michael Taylor Dr. Kenneth Teater Rebecca Thomas Stacey Till

Dr. Chris Triantafilou Dr. Nicholas Ungaro Dr. Lee Van Dusen Dr. Bruce Wahl Dr. Brian & Ann Walsh Sheryl Walters Bill Wharton Dr. Barry Wiese Dr. Rodney Williams Dr. Alan Wolchansky Dr. Kurt Wood CI Select Commerce Bancshares, Inc. Common Ground Public Relations Dovetail Brand Communications Drury Hotels Etegra, Inc. Freund & Co Investment Advisors, L.C. GlassTek Kopytek, Inc. Missouri State Chiropractors Association Moneta Group Monkey Brain Promotions TRi Architects UHY Advisors St. Louis Wright Construction Services, Inc. Special thanks to Maryknoll Seminary



S P RING SY MPOSIU M Reshaping the Culture of Health Care with Chiropractic On campus and at the Marriott St. Louis Airport Hotel

May 2–5, 2019

Join colleagues, faculty and staff for the sixth annual Logan University Spring Symposium, featuring speakers, continuing education opportunities, chiropractic exhibitions, social and networking events and an invitation-only State of the University Address by Logan President Clay McDonald, DC, MBA, JD. LOGAN UNIVERSITY • SPRING 2019 25


Schedule of Continuing Education and Events THURSDAY, May 2


10 a.m.

7 a.m.

1 – 1:50 p.m.

7:30 – 8:20 a.m.

The Chiropractic Adjustment: The Centerpiece of Chiropractic

Shaping the Cultural Authority of Chiropractic: Improving Health – Reducing Health Care Costs – Enhancing the Care Experience

Logan University Campus Registration Opens

Alex Vidan, DC Dr. Vidan (2004) is an internationally known speaker on chiropractic. In this session, Dr. Vidan explains why the specific adjustment is central to the chiropractic practice and why it makes the profession unique to all other health care systems. 2 – 2:50 p.m.

Perfecting Your Adjusting Skills Daryl Ridgeway, DC Dr. Ridgeway (1997) teaches chiropractic technique at Logan University. In this session, Dr. Ridgeway will introduce the Force Sensing Table Technology. This table incorporates cutting-edge technology to aid practitioners in developing the motor skills used to deliver spinal adjustments. 3 – 3:50 p.m.

Adjusting the Athlete Ralph Filson, DC Dr. Filson (1969) is an acknowledged expert in the treatment of athletes. He served as team chiropractor for the St. Louis Rams football team from 1999-2002 and for the St. Louis Cardinals from 2001-2010. In this session, Dr. Filson discusses the importance of the chiropractic adjustment to treat injuries, prevent injuries and enhance performance in athletes. 4 – 4:50 p.m.

Why Chiropractors Need a Quick and Convenient Stress Screening Procedure Dennis Frerking, DC, FIACA Dr. Frerking is the director of clinical services for the Food Enzyme Institute. In this session, Dr. Frerking demonstrates a quick and convenient method of screening patients for stress points to ensure better understanding of the cause of symptoms. 5 – 7 p.m.

Purser Center Social Event Sponsored by Loomis Enzymes®


Marriott St. Louis Airport Hotel Registration Opens

11 – 11:50 a.m.

Part 1: Reshaping the Culture of Women’s Health – Menstruation to Menopause Stephanie Zgraggen, DC, MS, CNC, CCN In the session, Dr. Zgraggen presents an indepth overview of the principles and pathways of the female hormone physiology from menstruation to menopause. She also talks about how to support the female patient to improve her overall health status.

Carl Cleveland III, DC Dr. Cleveland is the president of Cleveland University in Kansas City. In this session, Dr. Cleveland addresses how the growing body of scientific evidence has demonstrated that spinal function impacts central neural function in the spine and brain in multiple ways. Much of this evidence suggests a role for the DC beyond the management of back and neck pain.

12 – 1:30 p.m.

8:30 – 9:20 a.m.

1:30 – 2:20 p.m.

Arlan Fuhr, DC Dr. Fuhr (1961) is the co-founder and chairman of Activator Methods International Ltd., and president of the National Institute of Chiropractic Research. In this session, Dr. Fuhr discusses the new limits of safety for adjusting pediatric patients in the first 90 days of life per Dr. Aurelie Marchand (in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics). He will also discuss the latest research in osteoporosis.

Stephanie Zgraggen, DC, MS, CNC, CCN

Adjusting Safety from Pediatrics to Geriatrics and How Logan University Has Led the Way

9:20 – 10 a.m.


Sponsored by National Chiropractic Mutual Insurance Company 10 – 10:50 a.m.

Obstacles are Opportunities in the Chiropractic Lifestyle Alex Vidan, DC and Sara Vidan, DC In this session, the dynamic team of Drs. Alex (2004) and Sara Vidan (2004) discuss the research on the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and provide practical applications for your practice. Dr. Alex Vidan served as the team physician for the St. Louis Cardinals and the Washington University’s men’s rugby team. Dr. Sara Vidan was honored with a Distinguished Service Award from Logan and is a respected lecturer on chiropractic care.

State of the University Address & Scholarship Lunch (by invitation only) Clay McDonald, DC, MBA, JD Sponsored by Standard Process Dr. McDonald, President of Logan University, hosts a luncheon to welcome special guests and presents the State of the University Address.

Part 2: Reshaping the Culture of Women’s Health – Menstruation to Menopause 2:30 – 3:20 p.m.

Laboratory Testing: Improving Outcomes of the Chiropractic Practice Van Merkle, DC, DABCI, CCN, DCBCN In this session, Dr. Van Merkle (1982) discusses testing parameters to rule out serious disease; basic guidelines and recommended lab ranges on reading a blood test; when to make referrals to an MD; reducing liability to DCs; laboratory testing to verify patient pain, inflammation and progress; and taking on tough cases with confidence using objective laboratory testing. 3:20 – 4 p.m.


Sponsored by Radiologic Resources, Inc. 4 – 4:50 p.m.

Promote Your Practice Through Public Health Ted Forcum III, DC, DACBSP, ICCSP, FCC, CSCS, CES, PES, RTP In this session, Dr. Forcum discusses how to integrate public health issues into your practice to help patients understand the impact of these issues on their health care.

SP R I N G S YMP O S I U M 5 – 5:50 p.m.

9:20 – 10 a.m.

4 – 4:50 p.m.

Expanding Your Impact: Making Chiropractic the Keystone for Health & Wellness

Sponsored by Doctors Supplement Store

Why Chiropractors are the Doctors of Choice for Injuries

Eric Nepute, DC An author and speaker, Dr. Nepute (2006) is a certified anti-aging practitioner and a certified internal health specialist practitioner. In this session, he discusses how to make an impact in your community by looking beyond the traditional ideals of chiropractic to reshape the health care landscape.


10 – 10:50 a.m.

The Chiropractor’s Role as Primary Care Physician

Sponsored by ChiroThin LLC

Suzanne A. Seekins, DC, DICS Dr. Seekins (1990) is this year’s recipient of the Dr. Beatrice B. Hagen Award. She is a recognized expert on chiropractic orthopedics and the first chiropractor to teach a pediatrics seminar in South America. In this session, Dr. Seekins discusses the future of chiropractic and how the profession is optimally positioned to serve the growing demands for high-quality health care in the United States.

7 – 9 p.m.

11 – 11:50 a.m.

6 – 8 p.m.

Mix & Mingle with Chiropractors and Chiropractic Suppliers

Benefactor Dinner

Fine Tuning the Culture of Pediatric Chiropractic

SATURDAY, May 4 Registration Opens

Sharon Vallone, DC, FICCP and Eric Epstein, DC Dr. Sharon Vallone is the board chair of Kentuckiana Children’s Center and the 2016 recipient of the Dr. Beatrice B. Hagen Award. Dr. Eric Epstein is a staff doctor with Kentuckiana Children’s Center. In this session, Drs. Vallone and Epstein discuss the current culture of pediatric chiropractic and explain how chiropractic leads to better health in children with special needs.

7:30 a.m. – 8:20 a.m.

12 – 1:30 p.m.

Dr. Clay McDonald, President of Logan University, hosts the Benefactor Dinner in the Marriott Hotel Grand Ballroom to celebrate and appreciate our generous donors.

Marriott St. Louis Airport Hotel 7 a.m.

My Seven Decades of Growth with Logan University: The Continuing Education of a Chiropractor Howard Loomis, DC, FIACA Dr. Loomis (1986) is the president of the Food Enzyme Institute and a sought-after speaker and author. In this session, Dr. Loomis discusses his seven decades of growth with Logan University, including the evolving teaching methods, increasing research and technological advances in chiropractic education. 8:30 – 9:20 a.m.

Methylation Pathway Abnormalities and the Clinical Implications Dan Fazio, DC Dr. Fazio (2009) is owner of Aequa Health and Wellness in Ellisville, Missouri, where he practices chiropractic, acupuncture and nutrition. In this session, Dr. Fazio discusses methylation pathway abnormalities and the clinical implications. He will provide a brief background of methylation pathway abnormalities with case studies, testing protocols and complementary treatment with chiropractic and nutraceutical inputs.

Mark Floyd, JD In this session, Mr. Floyd discusses chiropractic expertise in treating and documenting chiropractic care of the injured. Mr. Floyd has vast experience working with chiropractors for automobile accidents and workers’ compensation injuries. He understands chiropractic and recognizes the importance of chiropractic care for injured patients. 5 – 5:50 p.m.

Women’s Health: An Overview of Women’s Health Topics Kristina Petrocco-Napuli, DC, MS, FICC Logan faculty member Dr. Petrocco-Napuli is a nationally known speaker on chiropractic and women’s health. In this session, she discusses a number of topics related to health and chiropractic care for women. She will also provide an overview of the upcoming ACA Council on Women’s Health Symposium at Logan in September.


St. Louis Airport Marriott 7 a.m.

Registration Opens

Lunch on Your Own

7:30 – 9:20 a.m.

1:30 – 2:20 p.m.

Lori Holt, RN-BC Ms. Holt is a professional relations representative with NCMIC Group, Inc. where her expertise includes medical practice, documentation, informed consent, ethics and employer dilemmas. In this session, Ms. Holt discusses documentation strategies and red flags, and social media risk management.

The Multi-Disciplinary Practice Mark Eavenson, RN, DC Dr. Eavenson (1988) is the owner of Multicare Specialists in Granite City, Illinois. In this session, he describes a successful multidisciplinary practice and how to treat the patient from multiple points of medicine. Dr. Eavenson believes chiropractic care is the gatekeeper for good health, serving as the first line of treatment for many patients and understanding that often there is also a need for traditional medical care. 2:30 – 3:20 p.m.

Education vs. Selling: Understanding the 5 Primary Kinetic Chains Alan C. Smith, DC, FICPA In this session, Dr. Smith discusses the anatomical and functional makeup of the five primary kinetic chains with application of its biomechanical and clinical significance to the patient. 3:20 – 4 p.m.


Risk Management

9:20 – 9:30 a.m.


9:30 – 11:20 a.m.

Ethics and Boundaries Howard Levinson, DC, CFE AHFI, DABFP Dr. Levinson (1984) is a certified fraud examiner and an accredited health care fraud investigator. In this session, Dr. Levinson discusses definitions and examples of ethics, morals and professional boundaries in the workplace. He will also address various state board rules and regulations regarding ethics and boundary violations and present case examples of poor ethical considerations regarding fraud/ waste and abuse/boundary violations. LOGAN UNIVERSITY • SPRING 2019 27


Suzanne Seekins, DC Owner Fit For Life Health Services

Certified craniopath. Diplomate of the International Craniopathic Society. Member of Who’s Who in American Colleges. Past president of Sacro Occipital Research Society International. Business owner. Leader in holistic medicine. Mother of four. Dr. Suzanne Seekins, a woman who truly does it all, is the 2019 recipient of the Dr. Beatrice B. Hagen Award, which will be presented during the Spring Symposium. She will address the need for chiropractors to turn back to the original, philosophical roots of the past and share her experiences of


traveling the world to bring holistic and sustainable health care to orphans. Dr. Seekins has served the Naples, Florida, community since 1997, when she founded Fit For Life Health Services. “Chiropractic care is about treating the entire body, and sometimes we need to be reminded that chiropractors are very much primary care physicians,” Dr. Seekins explained. “We should be treating everything from ear infections to digestive problems, not solely back and neck pain.” Dr. Seekins is an expert in prenatal and pediatric chiropractic care and has taught these subjects internationally since 1993. She was the first to bring pediatric chiropractic and cranial techniques to South America when she taught in Chile in 2017. It was while traveling the world that Dr. Seekins was exposed to the urgent health care needs of orphans in underserved areas of the globe. As a mother of four children raised with natural medicine, she felt a call to help. In 2017, Dr. Seekins founded Global Children’s Health, Inc., a nonprofit organization designed to bring holistic and sustainable health care to orphans throughout the world. The organization made its first trip to Tanzania in November 2018. Her team stayed 10 days and provided chiropractic care and overall physicals, checking the children’s ears, eyes, lungs and heart. Dr. Seekins and her team also helped improve hygiene habits by educating

“Chiropractic care is about treating the entire body, and sometimes we need to be reminded that chiropractors are very much primary care physicians.” –Dr. Suzanne Seekins

mothers and grandmothers about encouraging children to do simple things, like wash their hands with soap. “As soon as I’m able to identify more orphanages in other countries, we will be making a few trips every year,” Dr. Seekins said. “In the end, our goal is to serve as many orphans as possible.” Passionate about alternative and complementary medicine since earning her Doctor of Chiropractic from Logan in 1990, Dr. Seekins has studied numerous healing methods, including cranial techniques, visceral manipulation and nutritional therapies.


SPRING SYMPOSIUM SILENT AUCTION Opportunities to donate silent auction items, such as gift certificates, gift baskets or merchandise, are still available. Tax-deductible monetary donations are applied directly to the Forever Chiropractic, Forever Logan Endowed Scholarship Fund. Send donations by mail c/o Kathleen DeBord at Logan University, 1851 Schoettler Road, Chesterfield, MO 63017, or bring it to the event. Pickup can be arranged. Contact Nicole Bennett, DC at 239-849-1460 or nbennettdc@gmail.com for questions.

Registration for the 2019 Spring Symposium is available online at Logan.edu/Symposium, by calling 1-800-842-3234 or 636-227-2100, ext. 1960, or by filling out and mailing the form to Logan University Alumni & Friends House, 1851 Schoettler Road, Chesterfield, MO 63017. Checks may be payable to Logan University.

Hotel Accommodations: Marriott St. Louis Airport 10700 Pear Tree Lane St. Louis, MO 63134

Logan rate: $95 per night (book before April 18)

Cost: $99 per Symposium registration by April 18 (includes both social events)

Free parking available

$129 after April 18 Guest fees for social events are listed below.

Book online through Logan.edu/Symposium or call 314-423-9700

Registration Form Prefix




Maiden Name (if applicable)

License #






Email Address

How did you hear about the Symposium?


Symposium Registrant $99 by April 18; $129 after April 18


Guest cost for social events: Purser Center Social Event Mix & Mingle Reception

x $20 = $ x $20 = $

Pay by phone with your credit card by calling 1-800-842-3234 or 636-230-1960 Or mail check (payable to Logan University) to: Logan University Alumni & Friends House, 1851 Schoettler Road, Chesterfield, MO 63017 Or register online at: Logan.edu/Symposium

Total number of attendees: Amount enclosed


*If a refund is requested, a cancellation fee of $25 per registrant will be applied. Allow 2-3 weeks after Symposium for a refund.



Class of December 2018

Jonathan J. Free

Thomas Kauffman

Emily L. Wills

Katherine P. Mugerditchian Treasurer

Education Coordinator

Education Coordinator

Athletic Director

Caleb A.Brill

Milton A. Brinza, II

Joshua M. Budzinski

Evan R. Bumgarner

Brittni K. Chapman

Ethan D. Coghill

Jamison C. Cramer

Zachary T. Gassman

Nathan N. Gilkey

Nicholas J. Gingell

Emmalene F. Glover

Gabrielle V. Goldach

Nicholas A. Gonzales

Brandon M. Goodpaster

Justin D. Hochstetler

Paul M. Hrvol III

Olivia J. Johnson Beauchamp

Annika M. Jordan

Justin T. Kelly

Zachary J. Knowlton

Tessa M. LaRue

Martina C. Peterson

Sandy Pham

Jonathan L. Rall

Brody W. Reinholt

Elizabeth C. Rooker Ortega

Ashley M. Sanchez

Alyssa M. Troutner

Peter W. Vercellino

William D. Voges-Thwing

Justin D. White

Amy C. Williams


Vice President



Samantha N. Brish

Katelyn E. Nielsen

Brittlyn M. Bos

Doctor of Chiropractic Graduates


Maye K. Abdella

Jacob N. Alvis

Curtis P. Anderson

Taylor J. Anderson

Tyler A. Arsenault

Jason A. Baker

Elijah J. Bowers

Velizar E. Dell

Sara C. Dennison

Lauren M. DeVolder

Grady G. Donohoe

Daniel R. Edwards

Alexander J. Elahi

Charles F. Galdolfi III

Jaclyn J. Goslin

Jessica L. Griffin

Jerrell J. Hardison

Zachary T. Hefner

Raquel M. Heisse

Tyler E. Hicks

Timothy J. Hillis

Rebekah J. Lawson

Mariah C. Lyle

Shena A. Martin

Lindsay A. Norton

Daniel D. Nye

Ryan A. Oblander

John W. Peters

Anna E. Schwartz

Brandon K. Sieg

Tyler J. Specht

Josef B. Stachowicz

DeAnna N. Stevenson

Alex M.Taylor

Not Pictured: Payton R. Jordon Zachery Lesniak Emily Welch Katie B. Wood

Nathaniel C. Wood

Aaron E. Zimmerman

Sara M. Zimmerman



Daphney Maxime Adelphin Autumn Bates Jantzen Bradford Human Biology Dana Bufford St. Michael Oluwademilade Adeniyi Devin Andrew Byrd Jasmine Delynn Carter Christian J. Carter, DC Stephen Edward Galindo Adee Cazayoux Molly White Summa Cum Laude Sherry Choi, DC Life Science Ginna Gail Cortese Ian Costello Erin Darling Joseph Doll Magna Cum Laude Alexa Elizabeth Gengelbach Jodie Davidson Anthony Gott Madeline De Freitas Matthew Hollstein Kayla Lou Diemer Nathan Lax Lacy Eynon Ashley Nicole McCool Ivette Goicouria Jose Osorio Jennifer Gollub Martina Christine Peterson Michelle Harkins Carter** Aaron Schoenecke Summa Cum Laude Reed David James Schulze Jessica M. Hermanofski Kyle Sutherland Summa Cum Laude Rachel Irene Wilkins Kaitlin Hire Caitlin Worsham Magna Cum Laude Samson Jagoras MASTER OF Jasdeep Kaur SCIENCE DEGREES David Lambert Corinne Larson Nutrition and Human Sommer Layman Performance


Guy Levy Magna Cum Laude Rebecca Lutz Katherine A. Meegan Jourdan Lewis** Summa Cum Laude Nicole Terry Merrell** Summa Cum Laude Khadijah Amaefula Muhammad Kebe Nicole Netkin Michelle Lynn Niedermaier Kelsey Jean Nipper Brynn Carpenter Carley Normandin Andrew Peplinski** Summa Cum Laude Ashley Romรกn Ramos Magan Charlene Romig Stephanie R. Scott Denise Marcelle Speer Crystal Suter** Summa Cum Laude Audrey Lee Taylor Karnique Thorpe Magna Cum Laude Roger Tyre Summa Cum Laude Marcos Andres Villarreal, DC

Adam Virgile Alyssa Wells Sports Science and Rehabilitation Forrest Allen Summa Cum Laude John Donald Belovich Summa Cum Laude Samantha Nikole Brish Summa Cum Laude Evan R. Bumgarner Summa Cum Laude Ethan D. Coghill Richard Byron Dale Alexander John Elahi ** Summa Cum Laude Charles Francis Gandolfi III Cum Laude Austin T. Gore Summa Cum Laude Maurice Ickes Summa Cum Laude Antonios Katakis Caitlin Marie Klima Magna Cum Laude Zachary Knowlton Tiffany Rae LeFever

RE C O GN I Z I N G S U CCE S S Aaron Massa, DC Magna Cum Laude Julia McChesney** Summa Cum Laude Matthew Robert Lee Mokriakow Magna Cum Laude Nkechinyere D. Nnadi Cum Laude Marisa Elizabeth Perez Magna Cum Laude Brittany Ramirez, DC Magna Cum Laude Robyn Marie Reust Magna Cum Laude Lexii Nichole Studley Summa Cum Laude Le’Nette M. Ward Cum Laude

Summa Cum Laude Tyler Aaron Arsenault Grady Donohoe Olivia Johnson Beauchamp Lindsay Ann Norton Peter William Vercellino

**Indicates Valedictorian Academic Achievement Award

Cum Laude Alexander John Elahi Payton Reid Jordan Zachery Lesniak Mariah Cheyenne Lyle Katelyn Nielsen Elizabeth Catherine Rooker Ortega Anna Eleanor Schwartz Josef Bernard Stachowicz

HONORS AND AWARDS Doctor of Chiropractic Valedictorian Academic Achievement Award Lindsay Ann Norton

Magna Cum Laude Samantha Nikole Brish Sara Catherine Dennison Zachary Thomas Gassman Nathan N. Gilkey Nicholas Gonzales Jaclyn Goslin Justin Hochstetler Jonathan Louis Rall Alyssa Morgan Troutner Emily Louise Wills

President’s Honor Roll Tyler Aaron Arsenault Sara Catherine Dennison Grady Donohoe Stephen Edward Galindo Nathan N. Gilkey Nicholas Gonzales Jaclyn Goslin Justin Hochstetler Maurice Ickes Olivia Johnson Beauchamp Guy Levy Brynn Carpenter Carley Normandin Lindsay Ann Norton Andrew Peplinski Jonathan Louis Rall Lexii Nichole Studley Alyssa Morgan Troutner Peter William Vercellino

Adam Virgile

University Mission Awards

Jason Alan Baker Father: Mark Baker, DC (1985)

Diversity and Inclusion Award Alyssa Morgan Troutner Evidence Informed Award Alexander John Elahi Alyssa Morgan Troutner

Service Award Samantha Nikole Brish Jonathan Joseph Free Alexa Elizabeth Gengelbach Brittany Ramirez, DC Maximize Human Performance Award St. Michael Oluwademilade Adeniyi Curtis Paul Anderson Grady Donohoe Stephanie R. Scott Hugh B. Logan Clinic Excellence Award Jonathan Joseph Free


Ryan Allan Oblander Father: Gregory Oblander, DC (2006)



Spring 2019 Doctor of Chiropractic White Coat Ceremony



Spring 2019 Doctor of Chiropractic White Coat Ceremony




Board of Trustees Logan University Board of Trustees welcomed new members and renewed existing members on the Board of Trustees. Jade Dominique James, MD, MPH, was named a Board Trustee and Rick Stevens was named an advisory member Dr. James to the board. The following were renewed in their positions on the board: Keith Overland, DC, CCSP, FICC as an advisory member and Roger L. Schlueter, Gregg E. Hollabaugh and Nicole Bennett as Trustees. Dr. James is an obstetrician gynecologist at SSM Health DePaul Hospital in St. Louis. She previously worked at Myrtle Hilliard Davis Comprehensive Health Centers (now known as CareSTL Health) and served as Deputy Director for the St. Louis County Department of Health.

evidence-based data to drive profitability and patient, physician and employee satisfaction at Rick Stevens multi-facility and singlehospital health systems.

Faculty and Staff News Congratulations to … Jason Napuli, DC, adjunct faculty, who received his Fellowship in the International College of Chiropractors. The Fellow designation is bestowed upon those whose contributions have made or will make significant impact upon the science of chiropractic and to those who render valuable and meritorious service to the profession.

Rick Stevens is president of Christian Hospital & Northwest Healthcare (BJC Healthcare). He has more than 25 years of experience in deploying 36 SPRING 2019 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY

Logan’s Staff Council Award Recognition Every month, Logan University staff are given the opportunity to nominate a colleague in recognition of the hard work he/she does at Logan. The purpose is to formally highlight and show appreciation for our dedicated campus staff. The following individuals were recognized during the fall 2018 trimester: Nancy Armstrong, Executive Assistant Jean Blue, Public Service Associate Dawn Brokaw, Office Assistant Erica Collier, Administrative Assistant Erica Ehrhard, Admissions Operations Supervisor Cheryl Maestas, Secretary Mike McCue, Mailroom Coordinator Kenny Payer, Help Desk Consultant Marianne Peacock, Academic Success Coach Sara Thoele, Patient Service Representative Andrea Weise, Payroll and Accounting Specialist John Zeuschel, Help Desk Technician

Dr. Kristina Petrocco-Napuli, Dr. Jason Napuli and Dr. Clay McDonald

In Memoriam Class of 1980 Michael Lee Dalton, DC April 3, 2019 Dr. Dalton practiced at Dalton Clinic of Chiropractic in Aurora, Colorado, alongside his daughters Alana Dalton, DC (2010) and Leanne Dalton, DC (2012). Rudolf “Rudi” Peter Vrugtman December 24, 2018 Vrugtman taught business courses at Logan for more than 20 years. He also wrote the textbook entitled “Starting a Chiropractic Practice,” which was used at Logan and numerous other chiropractic universities around the country. He passed away at the age of 71 in Virginia.

Student News Congratulations to … Grant Elliott, Trimester 8 DC student and online student in the Master of Science in Sports Science and Rehabilitation program, who was named the National Student Club President for Rehab2Performance.

Alumni Notes Congratulations to … Class of 1989 Kathy Boulet, DC, DAAPM, FIACA, CCAC, who was reelected to the American Chiropractic Association Board of Governors and appointed as a member of the Nominating Committee. Stephen L. Graham, DC, who authored the book, “Don’t Get the Screws Put to You: The Official Handbook for a Strong, Pain-Free Back.” Available on Amazon. Alisa Mitskog, DC, who was reelected to her second term in the North Dakota House of Representatives. Class of 1991 John Simmons, DC, who was elected to the Missouri House of Representatives in District 109.

Class of 1992

Class of 2011

Stephen Heney, DC, DACNB, CCSP, who is serving a two-year term as president of the Massachusetts Chiropractic Society after being sworn in at the fall 2017 Annual Convention.

Holly Tucker, DC, MPH, CHES, FASA, who was one of five new members named to the Council of the World Federation of Chiropractic for 2019-2022, representing the U.S.

Class of 2004

Class of 1955 Larry “Pete” Link, DC November 3, 2018

Jonathan Wilhelm, DC, MS, CCSP, CCEP, CSCS, ICSSD, who was honored as the 2018 Sports Chiropractor of the Year by the American Chiropractic Association Sports Council. Class of 2010 Carly May Zuehlke, DC, CCSP, MS, FICC, who received the Fellow of the International College of Chiropractic award at the Annual General Meeting of the American Chiropractic Association Sports Council.

In Memoriam

Class of 1967 Duane A. Grierson, DC December 16, 2018 Class of 1980 “Carl” Wayne Dice II, DC, DACBOH February 17, 2019 Class of 1985 Carmelo Calandro Jr., DC October 29, 2018 Theodore Hiller, DC May 13, 2017 Class of 2004 Rachel Boehmer, DC January 17, 2019

Research Roundup Continued from page 17 the area of the brain that processes pain. This research, Dr. Kettner said, will contribute to outcome measures and help change how pain is treated, reinforcing previous research that points to measures like manipulation and meditation to weaken the connectivity contributing to pain. Dr. Kettner also presented a poster at Neuroscience 18, the Society for Neuroscience’s prestigious annual conference that attracts neuroscientists from all over the world. Titled “Stimulus frequency modulates cardiovagal and brain responses to respiratory-gated auricular vagal afferent nerve stimulation

(RAVANS),” the research used fMRI to investigate the effect of the stimulation frequency of the vagus nerve on heart rate variability responses. Previous studies demonstrated that stimulation of the vagus nerve—the body’s primary control system for metabolism and the immune system—through the ear’s cymba concha is an effective, noninvasive therapy for a variety of conditions, including depression and seizures. This study looked at the ideal frequency of stimulation by monitoring responses in the brain stem. The results suggest that stimulation of 100Hz and greater results in a stronger response.


Industry Organizations Raise Awareness, Advance Care and Access ACA Makes Progress on Efforts to Expand Chiropractic Access, Protect DCs and Promote Diversity

The American Chiropractic Association’s (ACA) efforts to expand access to chiropractic services, protect ACA president chiropractors Robert C. Jones, DC who travel with sports teams and equip DCs to provide culturally competent care have yielded important progress in recent months. In mid-November, legislation championed by the ACA to increase Medicare coverage of chiropractic services was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives. The bill, H.R. 7157, does not add any new services under Medicare; it simply would Continued on page 38 LOGAN UNIVERSITY • SPRING 2019 37

Industry Organizations Raise Awareness, Advance Care and Access Continued from page 37 allow chiropractors to provide Medicareapproved services that are within the scope of their license. To date, more than 45 national groups and state associations have signed on in support. In other news, President Trump signed into law the Sports Medicine Licensure Act in October 2018, which will protect chiropractors who travel with sports teams by ensuring that their license and liability insurance remains in effect even when they cross state lines. The ACA worked hard to ensure that chiropractors would be included in the list of eligible providers. In January, Congress introduced bipartisan legislation supported by ACA to expand chiropractic access to military retirees and members of the National Guard and Reserve through the Department of Defense’s TRICARE health program. With the assistance of its new Diversity Commission, the ACA also published a statement on diversity in early December, acknowledging the importance that cultural competency plays in the chiropractic profession’s ability to deliver quality health care, improve patient outcomes and engage in public health initiatives. Learn more at acatoday.org.

the launch of the new FICS education program. Many hours have been dedicated to upgrading the FICS program with contemporary information in our new online modules and hands-on workshops. These provide great preparation for those interested in becoming international sports doctors or helping out at FICS events. In addition, completing these modules and workshops will be necessary to qualify to work at the World Games in Birmingham, Alabama, in 2021. The Berlin meetings in conjunction with the FICS Foundation saw the second awarding of the Roberto Clemente Award. Sponsored by Logan University, this recognition was given for outstanding volunteer service in sports chiropractic. With some remarkable nominations, this award provides an opportunity to honor a great servant of the profession. In 2019, FICS will also launch a member recognition program for attending events. No doubt you’ll be seeing plenty of Logan grads among those receiving this recognition for their service to athletes under the FICS banner. The new FICS E-News Magazine will have in it all this and more.

FICS Debuts New Online Modules and Hands-On Workshops

WFC Launches New Strategic Plan and Raises Awareness of Spinal Pain

2019 is upon us, and the world of sports chiropractic is Dr. Pete Garbutt on the go. The FICS President Berlin General Assembly is just around the corner, where we will see 38 SPRING 2019 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY

The WFC has launched its new Strategic Plan for 2019-2022. The WFC mission is to advance awareness, utilization and integration of chiropractic internationally, with strategic pillars of support, empowerment, promotion and advancement of the chiropractic profession around the world. The WFC, in association with the Association of Chiropractic Colleges (ACC), celebrated a successful Education Conference, which took place in London. Dr. Clay McDonald, chair of the ACC and


CHIROPRACTIC president of Logan University, addressed the delegates, speaking to the theme of the event, “Empowered To Teach, Inspired To Dr. Richard Brown Learn: Creating WFC Secretary-General Excellence in Chiropractic Education.” In October, the WFC again spearheaded World Spine Day to raise awareness of spinal pain and disability around the world. The theme of #LoveYourSpine was picked up in every one of the WFC’s seven world regions, with chiropractors and other disciplines participating in local and national campaigns and activities. With strong media coverage in many countries, it is estimated that the 2018 World Spine Day reached over one million people. The WFC recently announced the reappointment of Professor Greg Kawchuk as chair of its Research Committee. Dr. Kawchuk has led the Research Committee since 2015 and leads a team of highly respected international chiropractic scientists. Berlin attracted chiropractors from around the world with the joint Congress of the World Federation of Chiropractic and European Chiropractors’ Union. EPIC2019 was an outstanding success, featuring world-class speakers and a diverse selection of workshops. To find out more about the work of the WFC and chiropractic around the world, read the latest WFC’s Quarterly World Report at bit.ly/QWR2019JAN.


Finding Success in Patient-Centered, Evidence-Based Practices Logan University and Logan’s Student American Chiropractic Association hosted Ray Tuck, DC and Lee Matthis, DC of Tuck Chiropractic Clinic for a reception and lecture on February 11. Drs. Tuck and Matthis discussed finding success in patient-centered, evidence-based practices, using their experiences operating within a large multi-clinic group practice in Virginia. Seven years ago, their organization’s leadership team started a rigorous examination process with the goal of rethinking the private practice model. Dr. Tuck recalled, “We looked at everything we were doing and why we were doing it that way, from paperwork and access to the very questions we were asking our patients. We also looked at how we could be more sustainable in today’s health care environment and how we could provide solutions for our patients’ needs.” Over the course of eight months and many hours of interviews revealing the perceptions of their patients, staff and other doctors outside their practice, Drs. Tuck and Matthis learned that patients want to be educated, respected and included in the decision-making process. They also learned that patients wanted a health care advocate. What this all measures up to is a desire for patient-centered care, which translates to care that is efficient and effective, comes with more options and higher success rates and meets patient goals on their terms, allowing them to be the CEO of their health care team. “So how do you create a consistent patient-centered care experience with 16 doctors?” asked Dr. Tuck. “We started discussing what a great doctor looks like … we didn’t just define it, rather we implemented it, and we now measure it

and provide feedback for continuous improvement.” This process also guides future decision making, allowing the doctors to be more successful in driving patient volume. In the end, Dr. Matthis explained that they not only are providing better quality of care to their patients, but also their practice is a better place to work. “The patients also see the value in that,” Dr. Tuck added. From left: Dr. Patrick Montgomery, Dr. Jason Goodman, Dr. Ray Tuck, “A successful practice Dr. Vincent DeBono, Dr. Lee Matthis and Dr. Dana Underkofler-Mercer encompasses happy patients, aspects of the practice to improve and happy employees and healthier considering the information needed to communities,” said Dr. Matthis. “We achieve drive changes.” this by aligning measurements, identifying

Dr. Ray Tuck (left) and Dr. Lee Matthis (right) with members of Logan’s Student American Chiropractic Association LOGAN UNIVERSITY • SPRING 2019 39



1851 Schoettler Road | Chesterfield, MO 63017

P OS TG R AD U AT E EDU CA T IO N | May – June 2019 May 2-5 Spring Symposium Multiple Instructors May 11-12 Graduate Level Acupuncture – Session #5 Instructor: Zev Myerowitz, DC, Dipl.Ac. (NCCAOM), Lac. May 18 Biomechanics of Golf Instructor: Michael Murphy, DC

June 1-2 Ischemic Compression and Neural Fascial Chiropractic Adjustments Instructor: Michael Fiscella, DC, DABCO, FACO June 22-23 Clinical Biomechanics and Functional Assessment of Musculoskeletal Disorders Instructor: Bryan Bond, DC, MS, PhD (cand)

Location is Logan University Campus unless otherwise noted. June 29-30 Advanced Acupuncture – Session #1 Instructor: Lisa M. Holt, DACM, L.Ac. (NCCAOM), RN, CPC, CRP, FASA June 29-30 Basic Acupuncture – Session #1 Instructor: Zev Myerowitz, DC, Dipl.Ac. (NCCAOM), Lac.

For additional information and dates or to register for postgraduate seminars, visit Logan.edu/alumni-friends, call 1-800-842-3234 or email Postgrad@Logan.edu.

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