Logan University - Summer Tower 2019

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Simulation Lab Enhances DC Mastery of Manipulation

Logan Alumnus Keeps St. Louis Blues in Winning Shape College of Health Sciences Increases Programs, Enrollment Logan MS Student Co-Leads Study on Music’s Effect on Patients




In This Issue

6 Collaboration in Cuba In May, Logan University representatives embarked on the first official working collaboration with Cuba’s Institute of Sports Medicine

5 Leaders Made 6 Mission Forward 8 College of Chiropractic 12 College of Health Sciences 16 Alumni Feature

12 Opportunity Abounds Grads from Logan’s College of Health Sciences are using their degrees to fuel success 22 For the Future A family with a century of chiropractic history shares why they give back through the Dr. Arthur L. McAuliffe Scholarship 24 A Win-Win Students share how Logan’s work-study opportunities help fund and enhance their education

17 Research 20 Logan Connects 21 The Insider 22 Donor Snapshot 24 Student Life 26 Spring Symposium 30 Graduating Class 32 Recognizing Success 34 Admissions 36 Under the Tower 37 Industry Update 39 Postscript





24 The Tower is a publication of Logan University for alumni, students, employees and friends of the University

THE TOWER Vol. 2, SUMMER 2019 The Tower is published three times a year: Spring, Summer and Fall. On the Cover Cover credit: Sierra Carter Photography: Michael Chappell, James LeBine, Sierra Carter The Tower is produced by the Department of Marketing and Communications. Reader comments can be emailed to Tower@logan.edu. THE TOWER Logan University 1851 Schoettler Road Chesterfield, MO 63017 Tower@logan.edu | Logan.edu 1-800-782-3344



In appreciation of Ronald Grant, DC (1933-2018) and to commemorate his legacy, the Faculty Senate of Logan University placed a memorial bench in his honor near the entrance of the Montgomery Health Center. Dr. Grant was a member of the Logan Board of Trustees, Chief of Staff for Logan Health Centers and former health center clinician and professor. He mentored many Logan students and faculty members throughout his service to the University.

Logan graduate Stephen Clarke, DC (1982) of New Jersey served as one of two lead plaintiffs in a class action lawsuit against Cigna Corp./American Specialty Health Group, Inc. (ASH) that was recently settled for $11.75 million. The suit was brought on behalf of all out-of-network chiropractors throughout the United States who had claims improperly denied for services provided to Cigna plan members. The settlement is a huge win for patients as well as DCs who have had care denied, and it sends a message to insurance carriers for intolerance of improper practices. The Association of New Jersey Chiropractors is leading an initiative to educate legislators throughout New Jersey on the tactics that were used to deny their patients care.



Logan University has partnered with Grambling State University in Grambling, Louisiana, on an articulation agreement that establishes a new 3+3 dual-degree, pre-chiropractic program between the two institutions. The program makes it possible for qualified students to earn both a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Grambling State and a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Logan University in just six years—one year less than the traditional academic study required by a DC degree program.

Logan’s 18-hole, championship-style disc golf course underwent several upgrades, including a practice basket, kiosk, course signage, tee pads and a new layout, all of which help improve the player experience. Director of Sports & Activities Robert Powell worked closely with the St. Louis Disc Golf Club, which provided recommendations to improve the course. The new design features two nine-hole loops and navigation signs to help facilitate the flow of the course. It is open to the public.

Are you receiving our monthly alumni newsletter and invitations to alumni events? If not, please email us at Alumni@Logan.edu to be added to our list. LOGAN UNIVERSITY • SUMMER 2019 3


Since Logan University started as Logan College of Chiropractic in 1935, the world and our health care needs have evolved. And we’ve evolved right along with them, growing in our role as a leader in health care education but remaining rooted in chiropractic’s collective knowledge of biomechanics, anatomy and physiology, nutrition, lifestyle and exercise. As we’ve grown, so has awareness of chiropractic and its role in a healthy lifestyle. We’re seeing chiropractors treat professional and college-level athletes, helping maximize their performance. Chiropractors are also increasingly working alongside other medical professionals in major health care systems and within Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense, addressing chronic pain and helping patients avoid a potentially deadly addiction to opioids. 4 SUMMER 2019 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY

Our vital role in solving the opioid epidemic has been at the forefront of guidelines by major health organizations such as the FDA, the CDC and The Joint Commission, all of which have recommended nonpharmacological approaches to chronic pain ahead of medication. And the momentum doesn’t stop there. We’re responsible for continuing to educate and advocate for the future needs of our health care consumers. Logan’s College of Health Sciences is vital to this mission. We started the College in 2013 with just two degrees—a master’s in Sports Science & Rehabilitation (MS-SSR) and a master’s in Nutrition & Human Performance (MS-NHP). Since then, we’ve graduated 636 MS-SSR students, 411 MS-NHP students and 590 bachelor of science students. We’ve also expanded the College, adding a Doctorate of Health Professions Education and the Master of Science in Health Informatics, which are filling voids in health care. These degrees stand on their own as valuable assets to individuals forging a career in health care while also complementing chiropractic’s core values.

In the spring of 2020, our expansion continues with a new dietetics track in our nutrition degree and a master’s degree in pediatrics. Our innovative dietetics track will play a key role in our nutrition degree program going forward. To satisfy the dietetics internship requirement, students will treat patients in Logan’s health centers alongside our DC students, as well as other more traditional settings for dietitians in the future. With the addition of a master’s in pediatrics, Logan is training future DCs to care for patients throughout every stage of their lives. Of course, we wouldn’t be where we are without our dedicated faculty, our passionate alumni and our students eager to change their patients’ lives. The partnerships we’ve forged along the way are also vital to our success. Partnerships with organizations like Affinia Healthcare, CareSTL Health, Veterans Affairs, Department of Defense and Paraquad allow our students to learn to treat patients from every walk of life and to work within top health care organizations around the world. Each one of our partners aligns with our mission. Together, we are leaders and we are cultivating the next generation of leaders to come.


Logan University is a community of extraordinary leaders. Learn how these individuals are making an impact in their own communities, careers and beyond. More than 50 years ago, ARLAN FUHR, DC (1961) co-invented the Activator Method, now the world’s most widely used adjusting technique that is employed by more than 70 percent of all chiropractors and taught in nearly every chiropractic college in the world. Today, the chairman and founder of Activator Methods International continues to innovate. He most recently created a flagship virtual learning system for Doctors of Chiropractic and students around the world. Activator Methods has partnered with the world leader in virtual training to create Activator Institute VT, a fully immersive, technology-enabled learning platform designed to teach chiropractors and students how to use the Activator Method without leaving their homes. Dr. Fuhr and his colleagues guide each lesson, which is comprised of a series of short, interactive videos and competencybased learning algorithms. Lessons can be accessed via any device, and the easy-to-use platform allows the user to stop, start, pause and repeat lessons to ensure comprehension as well as track their progress as they advance through each module. Users can currently earn up to 24 continuing education credits through the Basic Scan Protocol and Extremities courses. Dr. Fuhr said in the near future, the Activator Institute VT will be accredited for 24 credits and translated into multiple languages worldwide. For more information, visit activator.com/activator-institute-vt/. LOGAN.EDU/GIVE

Long before deciding to pursue her degree in nutrition from Logan University, CARLA SANDERS knew she had a passion for helping others. She’s currently a sergeant in the New Jersey Army National Guard (NJARNG), where she has served as a medic for the past 15 years. Carla is now deployed with infantry in the Horn of Africa, where she works in a clinic in a small Air Force/ Army outpost. Carla decided to earn her nutrition degree while working as a medical social worker for the NJARNG. “I witnessed how unbalanced we live as a society,” she said. “The Army is overhauling physical standards, and the Reserves are not prepared. A lot of reservists have the added complication of trying to focus on civilian careers while maintaining military obligations, all the while lacking a lot of the health benefits of active duty soldiers.” Many in the Reserves, she added, never learned basic nutrition or how to care for

an injury or their mental health. Her goal is to help these individuals. “Since the body is made in the kitchen, not the gym, a degree in nutrition seems pretty essential,” Carla said. Logan’s small size appealed to Carla because she believes the relationships you make in the classroom are an important part of your education. She hopes the flexibility of the online format will help her adjust upon her return from Africa. “I experienced adjustment disorder after returning from my first deployment, and I am anticipating more adjustment issues when returning home this time. I want to have the time and resources set aside to make sure my transition is smooth and healthy,” she said. In the future, Carla plans to be heavily involved in NJARNG’s health program. “This aims to educate soldiers in healthier, more sustainable lifestyles to ensure they are always mission-ready and self-sufficient,” she said.

Carla Sanders (far left) with fellow medics at a K9 medical class LOGAN UNIVERSITY • SUMMER 2019 5




Opportunities come in all shapes and sizes. What began several years ago as a speaking opportunity through the Federation of International Chiropractic Sports has now evolved into an educational exchange of information between Logan University and the Institute of Sports Medicine, the health care provider for elite athletes in Cuba. Over the course of one week in May, approximately 30 medical doctors and students, physical therapists and coaches for Olympic athletes gathered to gain insights and knowledge from Logan’s Dean of the College of Chiropractic, Vincent DeBono, DC, CSCS, as well as Associate Professor Dana Underkofler-Mercer, DC, MS and Trimester 9 students Amanda Mathwig and Sheldon Stuckart. The trip represented the first official working collaboration between Logan and the Institute of Sports Medicine and included information-sharing and hands-on

chiropractic care—a model that Logan hopes to replicate several times a year. Although Cuba is a mere 90 miles from the Florida coastline, it remains an isolated country in terms of access to chiropractic care. Since there are no laws to practice chiropractic in Cuba, it is simply not available as it is in the U.S. and other countries. Nevertheless, Cuba is known internationally for its sports medicine approach and high performing athletes, thanks to the Institute, which keeps Cuba’s athletes in peak condition and is dedicated to researchbased practices. Dr. DeBono said while Cuba and the

U.S. take a similar approach to athletic training, some therapies that are used in chiropractic are still unknown to most of the sports medicine community on the island. “They had many questions about movement patterns in the chiropractic approach and were curious as to what we

Upper left: Dr. Dana Underkofler-Mercer conducts laser therapy on an athlete. Upper right: Logan student Sheldon Stuckart with Dr. Cabrera from La Predera Hospital and Dr. Làzaro from the Institute of Sports Medicine in Cuba At left: A translator explains how Logan clinicians are treating a patient. Above: Dr. Vince DeBono, Sheldon Stuckart, Amanda Mathwig and Dr. Dana Underkofler-Mercer 6 SUMMER 2019 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY


Logan students and clinicians with medical doctors and students, physical therapists and coaches from Cuba

were doing and why,” he said. “Through a translator, we shared our knowledge of various therapies, including blood flow restriction and kinesiology taping, and had the opportunity to demonstrate these methods on professional and Olympic-level athletes who wrestle, fence and play table tennis.” Dr. Underkofler-Mercer showed Class IV laser therapy, which is used to reduce inflammation in musculoskeletal injuries. She said she was thrilled to showcase technology that was new to those attending Logan’s lectures in Cuba. “Any time we can share best practices is an opportunity to raise awareness for our profession as well as conservative, nondrug patient care,” she said. “The doctors and sports professions were extremely welcoming of that.” Logan students Amanda and Sheldon, LOGAN.EDU/GIVE

who earned the opportunity to travel to Cuba through an application, assisted Drs. DeBono and Underkofler-Mercer with patient care and led case studies. Sheldon said he was enlightened by Cuba’s emphasis on the biopsychosocial model and how the mental state affects personal training. “In Cuba, there is much consideration for the well-being of the athlete and how a day off or a vacation can affect their physical performance and emotional status.” He said the experience also helped shed light on cultural differences of patients. “Before Cuba, I had a Spanishspeaking stroke patient who had lost range of motion in her left shoulder due to a stroke,” he said. “At that time, I didn’t realize how emotionally in tune her culture was with reading facial expressions. Now knowing the importance of the

psychosocial state in the culture I was able to be more aware with my social cues and expressions within the treatments during her visits.” Amanda said the trip not only provided valuable takeaways on Cuba’s culture and health care system but also made her appreciate the access she has to information and resources. “At the end of the day, regardless of the political situation, people are people, and everyone desires health care that works and a model that is best for patients,” she said. “Seeing their thirst for knowledge made me feel blessed and also helped light a fire inside myself to help patients and to help educate others.” Dr. DeBono said he hopes to return to Cuba this fall with another set of Logan students and focus more on clinical care during their stay. LOGAN UNIVERSITY • SUMMER 2019 7


A WIN for the AGES

Logan Alumnus Dr. Mike Murphy Takes Part in Hockey Championship

It took several days for Mike Murphy, DC (1995) to get through the 500 texts he received after the St. Louis Blues clinched the Stanley Cup for the first time in franchise history. For the past 22 years, Dr. Murphy has served as the official chiropractor for the St. Louis hockey team. He admits that June 12 “was a pretty surreal moment” of his career. “We’ve come close a few times, but in order to win the Stanley Cup, a lot of things have to go your way … good players who stay healthy and, of course, winning 16 games in the playoffs. It all just came together this year.” Dr. Murphy was just two years out of Logan when then-Blues hockey player Kelly Chase came to him with a rib injury. “During my time treating Kelly, I asked if I could talk to his trainer about the injury. When I did, the trainer said he appreciated that phone call,” Dr. Murphy said. “He then followed up with another player who had a back injury and asked me to take a look.” That was the beginning of Dr. Murphy’s long-standing relationship with the Blues. He doesn’t remember when his position became official … he just started providing more chiropractic care, travelled with the team, and eventually he earned the trust and friendship of the trainers, coaches and players. 8 SUMMER 2019 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY

“I think what makes the win so cool is getting to share it with all the people who work hard on the team, from the management and coaches to the business office, equipment staff and media staff.” – Dr. Mike Murphy Having played hockey during college in Canada, Dr. Murphy’s knowledge of the sport helped him understand and anticipate players’ injuries. He also received great preparation treating countless professional athletes as the official team chiropractor for the St. Louis Rams as well as the St. Louis Cardinals. While Blues players’ injuries increased and intensified over time,

the basics of Dr. Murphy’s care remained the same, and he always believed in an integrated approach to taking care of an athlete. “I love how our medical team works together,” he said. “We all know each other’s strengths and what we bring to the table, and we’re in communication with each other. Just as the players all have their positions and plays on the ice, so do we, and that’s a benefit to the team.” Those tight-knit connections were critical during the playoffs when the team traveled all over the country. During this hectic time, Dr. Murphy continued treating patients at his practice, Performance Chiropractic, in Chesterfield, Missouri, often working an 8-hour shift after returning home from a game at 3 a.m. “I think what makes the win so cool is getting to share it with all the people who work hard on the team, from the management and coaches to the business office, equipment staff and media staff,” he said. “When you’re traveling with these people on planes and eating dinners together, the team’s success is really everyone’s success.”


Dr. Mike Murphy with St. Louis Blues defenseman Colton Parayko LOGAN.EDU/GIVE

Dr. Mike Murphy with the Campbell Bowl—awarded to the NHL Western Conference playoff champions

Dr. Mike Murphy with St. Louis Blues left-wing Pat Maroon LOGAN UNIVERSITY • SUMMER 2019 9


New Simulation Lab Brings Cutting-Edge Training Tools to DC Students Daryl Ridgeway, DC (1997), associate professor, recalled learning to adjust for the first time and how students would often practice on table cushions and other inanimate objects before drumming up human volunteers. Those days are over. This summer, Logan unveiled a new Simulation Lab featuring Force Sensing Table Technology (FSTT) to aid students in developing the expert motor skills needed to deliver spinal manipulation. FSTT uses integrated force plate technology and handheld sensors to provide users with instant feedback on their performance. Students perform manipulations on a mannequin strapped to the table; the mannequin consists of a reinforced skeletal structure encased in foam designed to mimic the feel and compliance of a human. A computer then instantly displays the student’s force-time profile that includes preload values, force amplitude, rate-of-rise in force and the duration and direction of

Dr. Kimberly O’Reilly and Dr. Daryl Ridgeway at the Simulation Lab ribbon-cutting ceremony 10 SUMMER 2019 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY

impulse. It compares the student’s profile with the ideal level of force and speed. “This allows students to learn quickly to modulate all aspects of the adjustment and to adjust these parameters for each type of patient—a 12-year-old gymnast is going to require different force and speed than a 300-pound adult,” Dr. Ridgeway said. “This eliminates the gap between learning to ‘pose’ the adjustment and being able to actually perform a full thrust as one would on a true patient. Psychomotor skills are greatly enhanced in a much shorter period of time.” FSTT was brought to the Logan campus after careful consideration of other technology on the market. Dr. Ridgeway, along with Logan professors Jeff Kamper, DC (1990), DCBCN and Jason Goodman, DC (1998), traveled around North America testing all the options. “This is absolutely the best in the business,” Dr. Ridgeway said, noting that Logan is among only a handful of schools with FSTT available. Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College developed FSTT. Among its developers was Logan graduate John Triano, DC (1973), a leading expert in spine care research and chiropractic procedures. Dr. Triano serves as co-director of Conservative Medicine and director for the Chiropractic Division at the Texas Back Institute, a multidisciplinary spine facility.

Force Sensing Table Technology

At the Simulation Lab ribbon-cutting, Kimberly Paddock O’Reilly, DHEd, MSW, Logan’s executive vice president of academic affairs, announced that Logan President Dr. Clay McDonald and the Board of Trustees had approved the budget to purchase two additional tables to join the one already installed in the Lab. “The Simulation Lab came about thanks to Dr. Ridgeway’s vision and feedback we received from students who wanted increased opportunities to practice their adjusting skills,” said Dr. O’Reilly. The Simulation Lab will be built into the DC curriculum and will also be accessible to DC students to practice outside of class. “Our goal is to provide students with the largest state-of-the-art simulation lab in the country and the most state-of-the-art learning environment of any university,” Dr. Ridgeway said.


Logan Acquires Blood Flow Restriction Training System Dean of the College of Chiropractic Vincent DeBono, DC, CSCS, helped acquire new technology for Logan’s Human Performance Center in May. Logan is the only chiropractic college to have the Owens Personalized Blood Flow Restriction Training System. Using specialized tourniquets for the arms or legs, the system applies a certain amount of pressure to restore muscle. While normal muscle-building exercises use high weight and low repetition, in muscle loss scenarios—such as postsurgical rehabilitation—blood flow restriction training uses low weight and high repetition. Dr. DeBono said the system can benefit patients in a variety of health care settings,

Logan Gifted Lasers from Avant Wellness Systems

from the VA, where it can be used to help salvage limbs and delay amputations, to fall prevention and care for older patients. “For us, movement is medicine, and when people stop moving, they feel weak,” said Dr. DeBono. “Blood flow restriction training is a proactive approach to muscle atrophy, and it can be especially effective with the senior population in helping reverse age-related sarcopenia (the generative loss of skeletal muscle mass).”

Logan was recently gifted two lasers from Avant Wellness Systems as part of its Laser Gift Program. The LZ30-Z therapy lasers are equipped with red and infrared diodes, which can be used for pain relief and rehabilitation to support the body’s healing and recovery process. The Avant Laser Gift Program is offered to active environments like Logan’s classrooms and clinics to spread wellness and treatment. The lasers are cordless, compact and lightweight as well as expandable to allow users to add more features over time. They are also fully programmable and can store up to 500 presets to control every aspect of treatment. The lasers will be housed in Logan’s health centers and available for clinician and student use. From left: Dr. Vincent DeBono, Dr. Amy Koch, patient Blake Freed and Logan student Emily Veazey LOGAN.EDU/GIVE



Strength in Numbers: Logan’s College of Health Sciences Thrives, Looks to Expand Health care is one of the fastest-growing and most in-demand professions with no signs of slowdown in sight. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of health care occupations is projected to grow 18 percent by 2026, adding about 2.4 million new jobs across the U.S. For the past six years, Logan has been cultivating its College of Health Sciences, adding programs that both answer market demand and complement the University’s flagship Doctor of Chiropractic program. The result? A 52 percent growth in enrollment over the last 5.5 years. Today, more than 900 students (representing just more than half of Logan’s total enrollment) are enrolled in Logan’s College of Health Sciences. Affordability and accessibility, thanks to the online format, are drawing students from all 50 states as well as 18 countries, including Egypt, the Philippines, Argentina, Bermuda, Malaysia and New Zealand, to name a few. Dean of the College of Health Sciences Sherri Cole, PhD, MBA, RT(R)(M) says the message is clear: “We’re here, we’re growing and we’re looking to add new programs that address the critical shortage of jobs in health sciences around the world,” she said.


Logan has always led the pack as far as diversifying its career pathways. Before the University officially established the College of Health Sciences, Logan was the first chiropractic college to offer a dual degree option, allowing students to earn their master’s degrees in sport science and rehabilitation or nutrition and human performance at the same time as earning their DC. As the health care landscape continues to change, there is both a need and an opportunity for Logan to be a key player. Dr. Cole said it all goes back to patientcentered care. “Programs like Logan’s Doctorate of Health Professions Education (DHPE) are helping put qualified educators in the classroom to teach the next generation of health care professionals,” she said. “We’re seeing nurses, health administrators and even insurance company vendors enroll, as these are the people teaching our doctors how to use equipment or conducting professional development programs for educating hospital staff.” Qualified professionals with knowledge of health informatics are also in need, which Logan is addressing through its

Logan’s College of Health Sciences Degrees • Doctorate of Health Professions Education • Master of Science in Sports Science & Rehabilitation • Master of Science in Health Informatics • Master of Science in Nutrition & Human Performance • Bachelor of Science degrees in Human Biology and Life Sciences • General Education Program Coming in Spring 2020: • Graduate-level dietetics track within the MS-NHP

Master’s in Health Informatics program. “Today, hospitals track everything and need people to understand how to make technology work to maximize quality care,” Dr. Cole said, adding that Logan is working with employers in dialysis, weight counseling, pediatrics, radiation and others to determine what areas are lacking and what skills they look for in job candidates. “There’s room for growth while staying true to the principles and philosophy upon which Logan was founded,” she said. “As we look to add tracks and elevate the student experience through collaborative opportunities, we strive to offer robust and dynamic programs that are shaping tomorrow’s leaders in health care.” Read on for success stories from recent College of Health Science graduates and current students.


Michelle Marsicek: Master of Science in Health Informatics Michelle Marsicek, MS (2019 Valedictorian) plays an important role in improving clinical trials and advancing treatment for numerous diseases. Her career as a clinical systems designer at AbbVie, a biopharmaceutical company based outside Chicago, was made possible through her Master’s in Health Informatics, which she earned from Logan University in April. “I am creating an online system that captures data from the research sites and uses that data to file applications with the FDA. I’m also working on data capture systems for questionnaires that patients complete at home and designing systems that allow research sites to order drugs,” she said.

Michelle already had extensive experience in the world of clinical trials before beginning her studies at Logan. For five years, she was a clinical research coordinator at the US Oncology Network, a job she maintained full-time while completing her health informatics coursework. She also spent time as a clinical research coordinator for Lutheran General Hospital and a clinical researcher and grant writer for Ballard Healthcare, both located outside Chicago. “I saw the direction clinical trials were heading,” said Michelle of her decision to pursue her master’s degree. “Information and data analytics are playing an increasingly larger role in clinical trials. I knew there would be a lot of opportunities opening up, and I wanted to shape how systems are designed and built. It’s an important emerging field.” Even though the health informatics classes are online, Michelle said she still learned a lot about working together on a team to solve technology problems. “Those lessons carry over to the bigger projects I’m now a part of,” she said, adding that the program overall gave her an excellent understanding of the technical aspects of health care, including data systems and statistics, that she now relies on routinely in her new role.

Dr. Alexander Elahi: Master of Science in Sports Science & Rehabilitation

Michelle Marsicek LOGAN.EDU/GIVE

During his first adjustment, Dr. Alexander Elahi (2018 Valedictorian) was struck by his chiropractor’s knowledge in three areas: sports, physics and education. Those qualities stuck with him, and while he was earning hours needed to become a physical therapist, Alex was convinced to give chiropractic a try. “The chiropractors I was working with were both Logan graduates, and Dr. Jon Dunbar had earned his Master’s in Sports Science & Rehabilitation (MS-SSR). They said, ‘anything a PT can do, a chiropractor can do. You need to look into this track.’ Both Drs. Dunbar (2012) and Chin-Wan

Dr. Alexander Elahi

Cho (2006) were sharp chiropractors and I thought, “I need to do what they’re doing.’” Alex said since it was his end goal to provide rehabilitation, the option to earn the MS-SSR and Doctor of Chiropractic degrees concurrently was appealing. “Everything aligned for me in the Human Performance Center and in my classes, where I was surrounded by others doing the same thing,” he said. “We bounced ideas off each other and talked through how we could supplement a patient’s care with home exercises. We would read and discuss something in my MS-SSR class and then the following week, we would be treating someone with the exact same injury.” Before graduating, Dr. Elahi completed a master’s level internship at CHI Healthcare in Rockville, Maryland, where he was mentored under Sarah Potthoff, DC in rehabilitation protocols, patient instruction and exercise programs. Today, Dr. Elahi practices as an associate at Loebig Chiropractic and Rehab in Great Falls, Virginia, where he sees patients of all ages and abilities. He credits his instructor Jeffrey Tucker, DC (2005) for changing the way he views sports rehab. LOGAN UNIVERSITY • SUMMER 2019 13


“A lot of sports-focused chiropractors get out of school and start working with professional, collegiate and high school sports teams,” he said. “The way I look at is everyone’s an athlete, they’re just an athlete in their own way. The same principles apply.” Dr. Elahi will be working toward becoming a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician in the near future.

Megan Arel: Master of Science in Nutrition & Human Performance Megan Arel always had an interest in nutrition, but for many years, the fear of pursuing a career in science put her on a different path. It wasn’t until she started having success with her blog “Plantiful Journey,” that she considered a change. “I remember thinking, ‘where do I want to be and how am I going to get there?,’” she said. “I loved the creative side of the blog, but I didn’t want to give advice and steer someone in the wrong direction. I wanted to provide information that was legitimate and backed by science.”

Megan started her search for accredited, evidence-informed programs that would provide a flexible schedule. She found what she was looking for at Logan, and put the program to the test with her fulltime work schedule and three moves. “I couldn’t have done a traditional in-person degree program,” she said. “I love the way the classes were arranged and how they provided a variety of opportunities to explore different areas on your own.” Slated to graduate from Logan’s Master’s in Nutrition & Human Performance (MSNHP) in December, Megan said she feels confident in starting her own business and collaborating with other professionals. She is currently fine tuning her skills and applying her knowledge through an internship with clinical nutritionist Sasha Hope, owner of Flatirons Integrative Health & Nutrition in Boulder, Colorado, and online instructor for Logan’s MS-NHP. Megan said she enjoys the fact that she can learn from Dr. Sasha both as an instructor and a mentor in a clinical setting that specializes in the gutbrain connection. Following her graduation, Megan hopes to continue working with Dr. Hope and focus on expanding her blogging business into a wellness platform that can be accessible for anyone, anywhere. “Living in Colorado, a wellness mecca, I look forward to the inspiration of my environment, coaching individuals into having the right lifestyle and helping those who’ve been given a diagnosis by providing the tools and support to advance their health,” she said. “I will be able to understand their struggles and help them make lifestyle changes to optimize their life without it being overwhelming or feeling out of reach.”

Dr. Angela Belnap: Doctorate of Health Professions Education


Angela Belnap, DHPE (2019), MS, CMA (AAMA) says Logan’s DHPE program is the missing link in health care education. “Most teachers in health care come from a health care background,” she said. “You have to be an industry expert, but you don’t

Dr. Angela Belnap

always get the educational component. Just because you can teach doesn’t mean you are effective. This program is designed to teach people who are experts in health care to be experts in educating others.” Though not a teacher herself at the time, Dr. Belnap was working at Salt Lake Community College in Utah when a teaching opportunity presented itself. After completing her master’s degree, she searched for a doctorate degree program that would provide the skills necessary to be a competent health care educator. “Having completed much of my higher education online, I came into this thinking I had a good idea of what would be expected of me and what I could expect,” she said. “Instead, I was surprised by the amount of collaboration within the courses and Logan’s outreach to online students. I feel more a part of the Logan community than I do other institutions for which I am an alumnus, even though I have only set foot on campus for graduation.” Dr. Belnap said a big strength of the program is that it is interdisciplinary. She


said it was interesting to see the different perspectives of individuals in her classes, from clinical educators and nursing educators, to a chiropractor who wants to start teaching. “I felt the program really provided a strong collaborative environment for a variety of career paths,” she said. Today, Dr. Belnap is an assistant professor and was recently asked to transition from the assistant program coordinator to program coordinator for her college’s medical assistance program. In that role, she will help turn the traditional medical assistance program into a hybrid offering of online and classroom courses.

Copper Inabangan: Bachelor of Science in Human Biology When Copper Inabangan decided to pursue a degree in biology as his first step toward medical school, he was actively

serving in the U.S. Air Force and required a non-traditional program. Logan University’s online Bachelor of Science in Human Biology quickly rose to the top of his list. Although his schedule demanded an online program, he says the format worked with the support of other students and Logan. “I always preferred traditional classes, so taking classes online was an adjustment,” he says. “My academic success coach, Casey Bryzeal, was supportive and answered every question I had. I ended up learning how to manage my time better and became a more independent learner.” When Copper traveled to the Philippines with the Air Force on a humanitarian mission, he said the faculty was accommodating and allowed him to complete coursework early in preparation for military order. “I’m so thankful that Logan offers this program because not everyone can attend traditional classes,” he said. Although his time as a Logan student has

ended, Copper is maintaining a relationship with the University as a member of its undergraduate advisory board. The advisory board helps counsel the University regarding its strategic plan for its educational programs, supervised experiential learning and outreach programs, explains Atanas Ignatov, PhD, MS, program director of Basic Science. “Copper will provide insights into the quality of the undergraduate program, recommend improvements and suggest how we can steer the program to meet the needs of alumni,” Dr. Ignatov says. “Copper’s feedback and insights on the Bachelor of Science in Human Biology program will help us improve student experience and increase student success.” Next, Copper has his sights set on medical school—a career choice inspired by his childhood in the Philippines, which is a medically underserved area.

Copper Inabangan LOGAN.EDU/GIVE



For the Love of Chiropractic At age 90, Ted Economou, DC (1960) shows no sign of stopping. In fact, he says, he has no plans for retirement. “I just can’t imagine doing anything else,” said Dr. Economou. “I still enjoy every day. I get to come to work and help my patients. It’s a very rewarding career.” It was 1957 and a young Economou had just returned from post-war Germany, where he had served in the Army. Eager to start a new career, he put down roots in his small Indiana hometown of Hammond. Business was booming, and he landed a job at the Ford assembly plant in nearby Chicago. Dr. Economou was the third of 10 siblings in his boisterous, tight-knit Greek family. But something happened that summer that would forever alter Dr. Economou’s life plan. Bessie, his older sister, became seriously ill. Doctors struggled to find a cause or cure for her crippling stomach pain. That’s when a neighbor suggested a local chiropractor—

“Do not lose the Logan method. We have to keep it going because it transforms lives. You don’t need a computer or fancy equipment. All you need is your mind, your hands and an open heart. Healing is our mission in life and you can’t forget how much it transforms our patients.” – Dr. Ted Economou 16 SUMMER 2019 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY

Dr. Verner Klutz. When Bessie was treated and finally out of pain, Dr. Economou was eager to meet Dr. Klutz. “I wanted to understand this profession about which I knew so little. He told me if I really want to be a chiropractor, I needed to get into Logan in Normandy, Missouri. There was no other way. He said Logan was the only place I should go. He stressed the superiority of the Logan Basic method and how it was quickly becoming the dominant practice in the field.” Dr. Economou headed for St. Louis, where Dr. Vinton Logan, then president, Dr. Ted Economou adjusts a patient. personally greeted him and was enthusiastic to he said. “Patients tell me time after time share what was happening on his growing ‘you’ve changed my life.’ That is what keeps campus. As Dr. Logan described Logan me going and wanting to always do more.” Basic, he showed the prospective student To this day, Dr. Economou insists that before and after X-rays of spines and deciding to attend Logan was one of the shared the success stories that went with best decisions of his life. He not only them. In all, they viewed 5,000 slides, and learned valuable techniques to restore Dr. Economou’s next step became clear. health, but he also walked away with life “I had to do this,” he recalled. “I had the lessons from Dr. Logan: Be rooted in faith, G.I. Bill from the Army, and that’s when I spend less than you make and give back to decided right there I was going to quit my a cause that matters to you. “For me, that job at the Ford plant and go to Logan to was always Logan and my community.” become a chiropractor.” Today, he too has a lesson for Logan After graduation, Dr. Economou’s small DCs: “Do not lose the Logan method. We office in Hammond grew, but slowly. The have to keep it going because it transforms local bank refused to give him a loan, so lives. You don’t need a computer or fancy Dr. Economou paid the bills by substitute equipment. All you need is your mind, your teaching. Eventually the practice took hands and an open heart. Healing is our off. This year marks his 58th year as a mission in life, and you can’t forget how chiropractor. much it transforms our patients.” “The reason I appreciate this profession is my ability to constantly see good results,”


Logan Graduate Studies Effect of Music to Calm Parents, Children Kristy Shaughnessy, MS (2019) co-led a study examining the effects of relaxing music on pediatric patients and their parents. The research, “A Kristy Shaughnessy pilot study on ‘The Magic Mirror’ harp music as a costeffective biofeedback/neurofeedback tool to build intergeneration resilience,” was a collaboration between Kristy; Anu French, MD, FAAP, ABoIM, pediatrics and integrative medicine clinician at SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Pediatrics in St. Louis; and William Collins, PhD, BCN, boardcertified neurotherapist at Collins and Associates. Kristy, who earned her Master of Science in Nutrition and Human Performance from Logan in 2019, presented the research at a poster session at the American Academy of Pediatrics Conference, held in Orlando last November. Using a MUSE headband—a guided meditation biofeedback device—and the MUSE Monitor app to record brainwave neurofeedback patterns, the team examined how calming music would impact 25 pediatric patients and their parents. The patients represented various genders, ages, races and diseases, including PANDAS/PANS, autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety, speech delay and more. At the first visit, the researchers completed a 60- to 90-second MUSE headband biofeedback session with each patient and parent, where each listened to relaxing music while the MUSE headband LOGAN.EDU/GIVE

offers a way to calm minds naturally. This tracked their brain activity. Each patientis important because it sets up the children parent pair was then instructed to listen to and parents for success, especially for the “The Magic Mirror” by Amy Camie—a solo children as they get older.” harp CD that has been shown to have a Learning how to control their minds is positive impact on brainwave frequencies especially important for these children, and immune function—at home once a day as it has been shown that building for two weeks. When the parent-child pair intergenerational resilience can reverse returned to the office for a second visit, the negative psychosocial and neurothe researchers administered a follow-up immunologic effects of toxic stress. MUSE headband biofeedback session. In the near future, Kristy, Dr. French and Each patient-parent pair also completed a Dr. Collins hope to expand the research to resilience and quality-of-life questionnaire a wider range of patients and parents. at both visits. While the pre- and postharp music MUSE monitor data did not show statistically significant changes, the selfreported results did. Children and parents reported improvement in measures of resilience—including internal beliefs, relationships, selfcontrol, initiative, ability to relax, and emotional control. They also reported improvement in measures of quality of life, including quality of sleep and ability to focus. “Our goal was to determine how we can help children and their parents at the same time,” Kristy said. “As an alternative to Kristy Shaughnessy discusses her research at the American Academy of medication, music Pediatrics Conference. LOGAN UNIVERSITY • SUMMER 2019 17


Dr. Napadow Earns Prestigious Radiology Award Vitaly Napadow, PhD, LicAc, adjunct faculty member in Logan’s Department of Radiology, earned the 2019 Distinguished Investigator Award presented by Dr. Vitaly Napadow the Academy for Radiology & Biomedical Imaging Research. The award recognizes researchers for their accomplishments in the field of medical imaging. Dr. Napadow was among 38 individuals awarded this year. In addition to his duties at Logan, Dr. Napadow is director of the Center for Integrative Pain Neuroimaging and associate professor for the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at Massachusetts

General Hospital, the primary teaching hospital for Harvard Medical School. In addition, for nearly two decades, Dr. Napadow has collaborated on research with Norman Kettner, DC, DACBR, FICC, chair of Logan’s Department of Radiology. “This award is very special to me, as it reflects not just a singular accomplishment but productivity over my career,” Dr. Napadow said. “Having the support of Dr. Norman Kettner and Logan University has been important in stabilizing and supporting my lab, allowing for many of the high-impact publications that have led to this award.” Among other qualifications, each award honoree must be listed as first or senior author in at least 25 peer-reviewed scientific research publications. Much of Dr. Napadow’s work deals with chronic pain. He recently published research funded by a National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health grant that supported longitudinal neuroimaging studies of

acupuncture for chronic low back pain. “Our recent publications further identified functional brain connectivity signatures for pain perception, and used machine learning approaches to objectively predict pain intensity across different low back patients,” he said. Dr. Napadow describes chronic pain as a major societal health burden that touches nearly all of us. “Wider research into nonpharmacological therapies for pain, such as acupuncture and spinal manipulation, is important, since critical decisions by our health care systems should be based on a solid research foundation,” he said. “I’d like to think that at least some of my lab’s research has contributed to this evidence base.” Dr. Napadow and other award honorees will be inducted into the Academy’s Council of Distinguished Investigators in November during a ceremony at the Radiological Society of North America’s 2019 annual meeting in Chicago.

Research on Ulnar Nerve Instability Published in the Journal of Ultrasound The ulnar nerve, which runs around the elbow, can subluxate, sliding across the ulna, and also dislocate. This aberrant nerve movement is called ulnar nerve instability (UNI), a fairly common condition. UNI can occur in both patients with neuropathy and in those who are asymptomatic, but it is suspected that the condition in the symptomatic will eventually lead to neuropathy even in patients who initially experience no pain. A new study published in the March issue of the Journal of Ultrasound supports this theory. The study’s first author is Stacey Cornelson, DC, Logan’s Fellow in Diagnostic Radiology. Senior author is Norman W. Kettner, DC (1980), Jake Schrom DACBR, FICC, professor and chair of the Department of Radiology. 18 SUMMER 2019 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY

Titled “Ulnar nerve instability in the cubital tunnel of asymptomatic volunteers,” the study used high-resolution ultrasound on the elbows of 42 asymptomatic Dr. Norman Kettner individuals (84 elbows total) to observe the ulnar nerve during flexion of the elbow. First, the researchers sought to determine whether the nerve stayed in the cubital tunnel, which the nerve moves through, or demonstrated

UNI. They also measured the size of the nerve by its cross-sectional area (CSA). Finally, the study measured participants’ pressure pain threshold using an algometer, a device that compresses the patient’s nerve until he or she feels transient pain. The position of the elbow was an important factor: When the elbow was flexed, it puts pressure on the cubital tunnel and the ulnar nerve, which can cause edema and enlargement. This can, in turn, lead to inflammation, fibrosis and even nerve damage. Repetitive mechanical stress on the nerve resulted in increased CSA, a metric typically observed in peripheral neuropathy. The research found that individuals with UNI were the dominant group, making up 56% of the sample. In observing an

R E S E A R CH increase in CSA in patients with UNI, the study also validated the correlation between increased CSA and the possible development of ulnar nerve neuropathy. “It’s been noted that the ulnar nerve in some patients subluxates or dislocates, and some of these individuals have pain while others do not—it’s inconsistent,” Dr. Kettner said. “In the past, ulnar nerve

instability had been considered a normal variant. This is the first data set to imply that this condition could be the beginning of neuropathy—these individuals may develop a problem in the functioning of the ulnar nerve.” Dr. Kettner noted that ultrasound technology is becoming increasingly dominant in musculoskeletal and peripheral

nervous system research because unlike an MRI, ultrasound is cost-effective and allows for the functional assessment of patients. “Ultrasound allows us to examine the patient and perform maneuvers that stress and briefly intensify their pain while examining the painful tissues and monitoring their behavior over time,” he noted.

Research Presented At AAC-RAC Highlights Athlete Injury and Treatment Melissa Engelson, DC, MS (2012), DACBSP, CSCS, ICCSP regularly treats athletes in Logan University’s Human Performance Center. She recently had two studies Dr. Melissa Engelson presented on her work at the 2019 Association of Chiropractic Colleges Research Agenda Conference (ACC-RAC). The first, “Effects of high-intensity interval training and strength training on endurance and coordination in a patient with a brain stem injury,” was a case study on a 66-year-old patient with a history of brain stem stroke, which had affected his balance, left-sided coordination and motor control. He also was a high fall risk without his walker. The patient came to Dr. Engelson to train for a specific goal: completing a onemile walk in an hour. “Given the nature of what he was trying to do and his physical limitations, we had to figure out what kind of program might help him get close to that goal,” Dr. Engelson said. Dr. Engelson implemented a six-week training program with three weekly sessions of strength training and cardiovascular workouts and three weekly sessions of LOGAN.EDU/GIVE

therapeutic activity to help him improve control of his walker. The patient’s strength training included two days focusing on the lower body and one on the upper body. Cardiovascular exercises incorporated modified high-intensity interval training (HIIT) principles. Although the patient ultimately didn’t make his goal, he was pleased he was able to complete the majority of the race on his own versus relying on family members to support him. The case study illustrates that HIIT and strength-training principles are effective in training patients with brain stem strokes. The second study was titled “Eccentric loading used in reducing chronic fascial tear of hamstring in a high school sprinter.” Cami Stastny, DC, MS, CCSP, resident in Logan’s Human Performance Center, was presenter and lead author and joined Dr. Engelson at ACC-RAC. The case study detailed the diagnosis and treatment of a 17-year-old track athlete with a history of chronic hamstring issues. During the 2017-18 track season, he received physical therapy for three hamstring strains on his left leg. His injury resurfaced after each bout of treatment, and he became fearful of running at his top speed—not great for a sprinter with his sights set on making a college team. Although hamstring strains are common in sprinters, diagnostic ultrasound revealed his injury was actually a torn fascia with scar tissue surrounding the sciatic nerve. He also displayed decreased strength in his

posterior chain, his pelvic stabilizers and his core. Previous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of eccentric strength training in treating hamstring injuries, so Drs. Stastny and Engelson incorporated eccentric strengthening for his hamstrings and glutes. His treatment also included anti-rotation work for his core, deep soft tissue work in his hamstrings, deep trigger point therapy and muscle stripping to break the fascia loose. Drs. Stastny and Engelson also observed and corrected the patient’s running form. “Evidence states the hamstring muscles work eccentrically during sprinting and function as a brake to slow knee extension and oppose the quads’ concentric contraction,” Dr. Stastny said. “Since the eccentric contraction generates such high intrinsic forces within the hamstring muscles, it is important that they are in proper balance or else it can result in an injury. It has also been supported that a strong core is essential in helping with stability of every athlete, and we felt we needed to address this as well to make him a more dynamic athlete and help with his recovery.” After a dozen rounds of treatment, the patient’s hamstring was stronger, his functional movements had improved, and he was able to once again run at top speed without pain. A follow-up ultrasound showed partial healing to his fascia and decreased hyperemia in the facial plane. LOGAN UNIVERSITY • SUMMER 2019 19


Logan Hosts First Symposium for ACA Women’s Council The ACA Women’s Council on Women’s Health will be hosting its first symposium, September 28-29 on Logan’s campus. The event, “Caring for the Female Patient Throughout Her Physiological Journey,” will feature nationally known women’s health experts on topics such as nutrition and heart disease, brain health, posture, pelvic floor dysfunction, breastfeeding dysfunction and more. Logan faculty member and ACA Women’s Council President Kristina Petrocco-Napuli, DC, MS, FICC, FACC said she’s excited to bring to light topics that are not regularly discussed in the chiropractic profession. She said her goal was to secure high caliber speakers from around the country who are experts in women’s health, and she hopes that those attending will leave with new strategies for the female patient population. “Our profession needs this, and I think it’s been a missing piece for a long time because women proactively seek health and wellness for pain, and practitioners are asking, ‘how can I practice evidence-based, patient-centered care?’” she said. Dr. Petrocco-Napuli emphasizes that while the event is focused on female health, it is open to all.

Women’s Health Symposium Schedule

Saturday, Sept. 28 12-12:50 p.m.

Welcome and Panel Presentation: Propelling the Health and Wellness of Our Female Patients Cindy Howard, DC, DABCI, DACBN, FIAMA, FICC; Jay Greenstein, DC, CKTP, CGFI; Mike Bagnell, DC; Annette Schippell, DC; and moderator Kristina Petrocco-Napuli, DC, MS, FICC, FACC

1-2 p.m.

Special Presentation: The Aging Spine: Treatment Options Arlan Fuhr, DC 20 SUMMER 2019 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY

2-3 p.m.

The Power of Posture in Women Karen Erickson, DC, FACC

What Chiropractors Need to Know to Support their Breastfeeding Patients Sarah Radabaugh, DC

3-3:50 p.m.

Late Lunch Buffet and Vendor Expo 4-5:50 p.m.

Chiropractic Exponentially: Building the Practice and Profession of the future Jay Greenstein, DC

Taping for the Female Special Population Milica G. McDowell, MSPT, DPT, ACSM-HFS

6-6:50 p.m.

Panel Presentation: The Value of Whole Health for the Female Patient May Bagnell; Jimmy Demetrious, DC, FACO; Delilah Renegar, DC, DACBN, DABCI, APCM; Milica G. McDowell, DPT; and moderator Katie Pohlman, DC, DICCP, MS, PhD(c) Raffles | Book Signings

Sunday, Sept. 29 8-9:50 a.m.

Urinary Tract Infections vs Cervical Dysplasia: Commonalities and Associated Conditions Cindy M. Howard, DC, DABCI, DACBN, FIAMA, FICC

The Female Brain: Brain Health and Wellness Michael Bagnell, DC

10-11 a.m.

PART 1: Going Beyond the Diagnosis: Women and Autoimmune Disease Annette Schippell, DC

PART 1: Cervicocranial Headache and Associated Disorders Affecting Women James Demetrious, DC, FACO

11-12 p.m.

Lunch and Vendor Exhibition 12-1 p.m.

PART 2: Going Beyond the Diagnosis: Women and Autoimmune Disease Annette Schippell, DC

PART 2: Cervicocranial Headache and Associated Disorders Affecting Women James Demetrious, DC, FACO

2-3 p.m.

Cardiovascular Disease and Women Delilah Renegar, DC

Diagnostic Imaging in Women’s Health Daniel Haun, DC, DACBR

Registration $225 Regular Registration $199 Member Registration $89 Student Registration $199 Early Bird $179 Member Early Bird (Tuition must be received by September 13, 2019 to qualify for Early Bird discount) Registration is available through Logan’s Postgraduate Department online at Logan.edu/postgrad or by emailing postgrad@Logan.edu or calling 1-800-842-3234.


Theresa L. Fleck, MA, CFRE As the vice president of institutional advancement, Theresa L. Fleck, MA, CFRE serves on the President’s Cabinet and works to raise funds in support of Logan University’s mission and vision. She does so by building relationships with Logan alumni, friends, families and donors, and relying on her experience to ensure the University flourishes.

What brought you to Logan University this spring? I have been in the fund development field for almost 20 years, and the opportunity to serve as the vice president of institutional advancement at Logan University was the chance of a lifetime! I am also passionate about the countless ways that chiropractic care has improved my migraine pain and overall health. I feel tremendously blessed to be in a position where my professional experience can also benefit a field that has helped me and my family.

What are your goals for alumni development and advancement? My goal for the Institutional Advancement Department is to build long and lasting relationships with the individuals, corporations and foundations that care deeply about Logan University and are committed to excellence in health sciences, education and service. Each relationship is unique, and all are important. It is my job, and the job of my staff, to make sure everyone feels appreciated and valued, and that Logan has the resources it needs to be successful and sustainable.

How has your background prepared you for this role?

Most enjoyable moment so far?

I have a master’s degree in nonprofit management from Washington University in St. Louis and have developed strategy and executed fundraising plans for a wide range of nonprofit organizations, including universities, independent schools, social service agencies, international non-governmental organizations and the arts. I am also a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE), currently sit on the board of the Association of Fundraising Professionals St. Louis Chapter (AFP), and am a former board member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals Rhode Island Chapter.

I had the opportunity to meet a number of our alumni at the Spring Symposium in May. It was a great chance to connect, put faces to names and learn more about Logan’s history. I was tremendously impressed by every individual I met—we have some very accomplished alumni! It is truly amazing that there is so much passion and love for Logan, and I feel fortunate to be working at an institution with such support.




The McAuliffe Family Each year, the Dr. Arthur L. McAuliffe Scholarship is awarded to an outstanding Logan student to recognize their achievements in the chiropractic field. For the four generations of the McAuliffe family in the practice, this scholarship serves as a memorial to the man who fostered a passion and belief in the art of of chiropractic and inspired them to continue his legacy. “Chiropractic was such a huge part of our lives growing up. We got adjusted if we were sick; we got adjusted if we were healthy. It was all about maintaining good health and a positive attitude,” said Dr. Arthur McAuliffe Jr.’s son, Dr. Terence McAuliffe. The St. Louis native acquired this forward-thinking mindset from his father, who had first learned it from his father. Dr. Arthur McAuliffe Sr. graduated from St. Louis Chiropractic College in 1923 and started his practice in south St. Louis, making the McAuliffe family quite possibly one of the longest-practicing chiropractic families in the country. The family will be coming up on 100 years of practice in just a few years. Now, nine of Dr. Arthur McAuliffe Sr.’s children and grandchildren are in the profession. Following in Dr. Arthur McAuliffe Sr.’s footsteps, Dr. Arthur McAuliffe Jr. graduated from Missouri Chiropractic College in 1953. He then earned his Diplomate in Orthopedics in the early 1970s. After earning his Doctor of Chiropractic degree, he moved to Columbia, Illinois, where he practiced for the rest of his life. Dr. Arthur McAuliffe Jr. was instrumental in solidifying the career paths of his children and grandchildren. He


Dr. Arthur L. McAuliffe Jr.

never told his children that they should be chiropractors; rather, he showed such a passion for his craft that it was hard for them not to want to be a part of it as well. “Just like our father, my siblings and I never told any of our kids to be chiropractors,” said Dr. Terence McAullife. “We wanted them to do that on their own. We even encouraged them to pursue other careers, so that if and when they chose chiropractic, they made that decision on their own.” There’s no doubt that Dr. Terence McAuliffe has had an influence on his own children when it comes to their careers, but he knows that his father continues to be a major driving force. After graduating from National College of Chiropractic in 1983, Dr. Terence McAuliffe opened his own practice near Baltimore, Maryland, where he now works with his two sons, Dr. Conner McAuliffe and Dr. Terence McAuliffe Jr. Over the years, more family members have gone down the chiropractic path. Dr. Arthur McAuliffe Jr.’s other son, Art, also attended Logan, as did his grandson, Kevin. His daughters, Kathy and Kerry (with her husband Dr. Jeff Muneses), as well as his granddaughter Kara, are also practicing chiropractors. His other granddaughter Jaime is



currently attending Parker University in Dallas. With so many family members in the business, it’s impossible to doubt the influence that Dr. Arthur McAuliffe Jr. had on his family. The children recalled the days they would go down to their father’s office in the basement to get adjusted, and noted their appreciation for the level of passion both their father and grandfather had for their professions. The McAuliffe family noted Dr. Arthur McAuliffe Jr.’s dedication to overcoming the idea that chiropractors were “second-class citizens.” He wanted to prove that chiropractors were in many ways equal to medical doctors and remove the stigma that they are “just chiropractors.” That dedication and passion for his practice is what led the McAuliffe family to establish the Dr. Arthur L. McAuliffe Scholarship to memorialize their father and grandfather. The scholarship was established by Dr. Arthur McAuliffe Jr.’s wife, Theresa, and their eight children,

along with his sister, Marilyn. The McAuliffe family knew Logan was the perfect place for the scholarship, as Dr. Arthur McAuliffe Jr. attended many homecomings over the years and regularly spent time walking around campus and visiting the bookstore. He was also on the Logan Board of Trustees and had a close relationship with former Logan President George A. Goodman, DC. The McAuliffe family is honored to continue the legacy of their father and grandfather through a scholarship that helps the future of this profession. “Knowing this scholarship is available to help lessen the cost of education is critical,” said Dr. Terence McAuliffe. “Our father always used the expression ‘a family in the trenches’ when describing us. We’re not famous for what we do, but we’re on the ground doing the work, letting people know about this phenomenal healing art and trying to make a difference in the community.”

From left: Dr. Jeff Muneses, Jaime McAuliffe, Dr. Kevin Clark, Dr. Kathy McAuliffe, Dr. Terence McAuliffe, Dr. Kerry McAuliffe-Muneses, Dr. Conner McAuliffe, Dr. Kara Lamack and Dr. Terence McAuliffe Jr. (Not pictured: Dr. Arthur L. McAuliffe III)




Work-Study Provides Learning Opportunities What you give to others comes back to you ten-fold. That’s how three Logan students feel about participating in the University’s work-study—a program that allows students to further their work experience and education while helping offset their education costs. According to Kristen Keele, Logan’s financial aid specialist, 150 students are currently taking advantage of Logan’s workstudy program for the summer term. They fill 28 unique positions spanning 14 different campus departments. Students say they find that the program not only helps advance their own knowledge and leadership skills but also allows them to give back to their classmates. Meet Emily, Brian and Kristen—three work-study students who are making the most out of their on-campus jobs while pursuing their careers.

Emily Veazey “When you begin your journey at Logan, you’re not just starting at a university. You’re becoming part of a close-knit community… a family.” Being able to help other members of this “family” is what inspired Trimester 7 student Emily Veazey to take part in the work-study program, where she serves as a tutor. “I was immediately interested and thought it would be a great way to help others and further my education at the same time,” she said. Emily is an advocate for the work-study program because she believes everyone

Alec Dragelin and Kevin Steinhaus, co-presidents of Logan’s Rehab 2 Performance club. Emily Veazey tutors other students through Logan’s work-study program. 24 SUMMER 2019 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY

“What it boils down to is lifting each other up and helping each other become the best future doctors we can be.” – Emily Veazey is able to benefit from it. Tutoring is not only helpful for students having difficulties in their classes, but it’s also helpful for the tutors themselves. “Being a tutor helps me review past information. It’s a great way for me to keep old topics fresh in my mind, which helps me a lot when reviewing for my boards,” Emily said. She loves seeing others succeed, adding that the most rewarding part is when a tough topic she’s been helping someone with finally clicks for them. “What it boils down to is lifting each other up and helping each other become the best future doctors we can be,” she said.


“Even when I first started at Logan and was in a sea of people I didn’t know, being part of the work-study program always made me feel like I had a place I belong.” – Brian Sylve Brian Sylve When it comes to his future, Trimester 8 student Brian Sylve is all about seeing the big picture. Since his first trimester at Logan, the work-study program has allowed him to pursue a side passion: event production work. “I love having such a big hand in helping things run smoothly at the Purser Center,” he said. “Being behind the scenes and seeing an event come together

is really a rewarding feeling.” Brian enjoys the ability to work on campus through a program that works with his schedule. Because of that, he says, “It makes it so much more convenient to be a full-time student and give 100 percent to your job as well.” He also dedicates his time to tutoring fellow students. “I’ve always enjoyed teaching; it runs in my family,” Brian said. “So, to me, tutoring was the perfect way to get involved in something I’m passionate about while furthering my education.” Each week, Brian dedicates about 10 hours to tutoring biochemistry. “Tutoring for a difficult course is simultaneously challenging and rewarding. Biochemistry is a course I enjoy, so I love seeing people succeed at it,” he said. Brian said work-study is not just a source of income but also a supplementary education tool that proves to be a tremendous support system. “Even when I first started at Logan and was in a sea of people I didn’t know, being part of the work-study program always made me feel like I had a place I belong.”

Kristen McClellan


For Trimester 5 student Kristen McClellan, working in Logan’s anatomy lab has been unlike any experience she’s ever had. Her fascination, combined with the opportunity to learn, was a natural fit for work-study. “My undergraduate degree is in agriculture, so coming to Logan, I didn’t have much science-based experience,” Kristen said. “The faculty in the anatomy lab really helped me get acclimated and made the transition so much easier.” The anatomy lab serves as an integral part of a student’s education and provides an opportunity for others to explore, learn and gain a better understanding of the structures and complexities of the human body. During her time there, Kristen immerses herself in interesting opportunities to further her education. One of her favorite projects has been dissecting a new cadaver for

Kristen McClellan

Logan’s “Tour of the Body” program. She said the work-study position has helped her better herself as a student and pushed her to go beyond her comfort zone. “I’m not the same person I was when I started in this program,” she said. “The growth and personal development that this program encourages allowed me to discover this new, improved version of myself.”

“The faculty in the anatomy lab really helped me get acclimated and made the transition so much easier.” – Kristen McClellan




SYMPOSIUM 2019 Another successful Spring Symposium is in the books, thanks to the 653 attendees, 53 exhibitors and 24 speakers who attended.


SP R I N G S YMP O S I U M The four-day event in May gathered Logan faculty, staff, alumni and friends to exchange knowledge, research and best practices to advance the chiropractic profession. Highlights included presentations by Cleveland University President Carl Cleveland III, DC; President and Co-Founder of Activator Methods Arlan Fuhr, DC (1961); and President of the Food Enzyme Institute Howard Loomis, DC (1976), FIACA. Suzanne Seekins, DC (1990), DICS was presented the Dr. Beatrice B. Hagen Award for her passion for chiropractic and work with Global Children’s Health, Inc., a nonprofit organization she founded to bring holistic and sustainable health care to orphans. Additionally, Logan University President Dr. Clay McDonald presented his annual State of the University Address, which began with an emotional reminder of the role chiropractors can play in solving the opioid crisis that continues to plague the nation.










Class of April 2019

Jessica F. Billham

Sara M. Qualy

Sara L. Riegel

Alec J. Dragelin

Alexander J. D. McGuire

Ashdin N. Billimoria

Timeca C. Brown

James A. Calvert

Tara J. Carlson

James K. Chick

Nicholas J. Essington

Brady R. Fergola

Amelia N. Foreman

Ashley M. Fuller

Keya M. Gordon

Jason Hilla

Jessica R. Holland

Lianna P. Hunt

Evan M. Johnson

Cody M. Jones

Colby A. Lovelace

Joshua D. Majerus

Kelsi R. McClure

Mark L. Munchel

Kelsey J. Nipper

Melissa J. Rieger

Jacob L. Roland

Kaitlynn K. Rosier

Philip C. Ross

Brittany M. Simmons



Vice President



Educational Coordinator

Doctor of Chiropractic Graduates

Kemmy K. Ritter

Jawad M. Salman

Lucas A. VanPelt

Forrest B. G. Allen

John D. Belovich

Cami L. Cleaveland

Matthew J. Crawford

Chohnice P. Daniels

Derek M. Dimenna

Matthew J. Essington

Austin T. Gore

Trevor S. Hartmann

Hunter M. Heintzelman

Taylor A. Helms

Nicholas J. Hill

Antonios E. Katakis

Benjamin C. King

Ryan W. Krack

Henry J. Laux

Lindsey M. Linne

Courtney J. Pesta

Nicholas A. Pyle

Zachary L. Ratliff

James M. Reichert

Aleena Riaz

Kevin Z. Steinhaus

Skyler J. Stevers

Anthony W. Turner

Amanda M. Wiechens

Kelly J. Yergan

Educational Coordinator


Athletic Director

Athletic Director



R E C OG N I Z I N G S U CCESS BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREES Human Biology Toni Rae Besch Moody Copper Labast Inabangan Life Science Jay Cochran Deborah J. Curry Joseph Doll Dalton Ray Grant Shelby Nicole Hummel Pamela J. Leitner Jose Osorio Madison Lynn Owens Thomas Eric Resz Alexa M. Smith Kyle Sutherland Timothy Villaverde Cathy Thi Vo Brittany Mikelle Scott

MASTER OF SCIENCE DEGREES Nutrition and Human Performance Alison Allen Magna Cum Laude Nicholas John Backhaus Christi Lyn Chapman Bellmore** Summa Cum Laude Randy Eugene Boozer** Summa Cum Laude Heather Marie Bradle** Summa Cum Laude Anthony Burks

Maria Camila Caicedo Tiffany Linnette Cheatham Randi Leigh Cianciotti Summa Cum Laude Kaitlin Cofer Magna Cum Laude Natalie Cowan Summa Cum Laude Sadie Lea Alice Creney Magna Cum Laude Tayler A. Davis** Summa Cum Laude Kara Louise DiTucci** Summa Cum Laude Breonna Lue Duma Rebecka Fillion Shirley R. Godoi Cum Laude Kristy Lynn Gordon** Summa Cum Laude Elizabeth Lynn Homan** Summa Cum Laude David Anderson Howington II** Summa Cum Laude Brianna Hunter Magna Cum Laude Tangela James Chucky S. Jordan Lama Kazan Taylor Kesselring Brooke Renee Kidd** Summa Cum Laude Edward Andrew Kozar, DC Cum Laude Carrie A. Lane** Summa Cum Laude Ellen McCleave**


Summa Cum Laude Sara Mir** Summa Cum Laude Judith Osman-Amir Meagan C. Owen** Summa Cum Laude Tawni Pendleton** Summa Cum Laude Amanda Pickett Cum Laude Ruby Kaye Rahn** Summa Cum Laude Jennifer Anne Ranieri** Summa Cum Laude Erin Riley** Summa Cum Laude Carla Davina Robinson Kristy Kelly Shaughnessy** Summa Cum Laude Caitlyn Sheppard** Summa Cum Laude Shelley Sherman** Summa Cum Laude Katey Nicole Spach** Summa Cum Laude Holly Lynn Testut Heather Jean Tobey** Summa Cum Laude Amber Lee Trejo Cum Laude Katelyn Trombetta Cum Laude Amanda Wardlaw Kristen Waters Quinton Randle White Emily C. Wicklund Cum Laude Halie Winfrey

Lisa Nicole Winmill** Summa Cum Laude SiRay Zhan Health Informatics Michelle Marsicek** Summa Cum Laude Ejiro Obayomi Tobias Odera Philip J. Sampson** Summa Cum Laude Sports Science and Rehabilitation Apollo Alva Cum Laude Ashdin Billimoria Emily Elizabeth Blau Timeca Chrystele Brown Sharonda Smoote Troy Emhoff Summa Cum Laude Tate W. Gordon Jordan Daniel Hannah** Summa Cum Laude Najeè L.W. Harris Jason Hilla Bethany M. Hulsizer Lincoln Gregory Johnson** Summa Cum Laude Colby Lovelace Nicole Maddox Juan Fernando Melgoza Jr. Summa Cum Laude Kyle Moore Karissa Ann Reed** Summa Cum Laude

RE C O GN I Z I N G S U CCE S S Ingrid Rodriguez Cum Laude Philip Charles Ross Jawad Munther Salman Alexander Sarpa Tyler James Specht Cami Stastny, DC, CCSP** Summa Cum Laude Miranda Stults Magna Cum Laude Cassandra Lee Thomas Summa Cum Laude Gabrielle Larisa Thomas Cum Laude Ronald Thompson Magna Cum Laude Yankar Vazquez Cum Laude Larry Steven Washington Jr. Amanda Marie Wiechens Adam G. Wilkerson Magna Cum Laude **Indicates Valedictorian Academic Achievement Award

HONORS AND AWARDS Doctor of Chiropractic Valedictorian Academic Achievement Award Lindsey Marie Linne Summa Cum Laude Lindsey Marie Linne


Magna Cum Laude Jessica Faith Billham James Austin Calvert Forrest Benjamin Gordon Allen Alec James Dragelin Cum Laude Amelia N. Foreman Austin T. Gore Courtney J. Pesta Zachary Luke Ratliff

Hugh B. Logan Clinic Excellence Award Alec James Dragelin

Elizabeth Homan Brother: Dr. John Homan, DC (2016)


Henry Laux Father: Dr. Jimmy Laux, DC (1992) Grandfather: The late Dr. Ken Laux Sr., DC (1963)

Matthew Essington Mother: Dr. Carolyn Essington, DC, MS (1991 and 2017) Father: The late Dr. Jay Essington, DC (1991)

President’s Honor Roll Forest Benjamin Gordon Allen Jessica Faith Billham Alec James Dragelin Lindsey Marie Linne

Nicholas Jerome Essington Mother: Dr. Carolyn Essington, DC, MS (1991 and 2017) Father: The late Dr. Jay Essington, DC (1991)

University Mission Awards

Jessica Holland Sister: Dr. Amber (Butler) Holland, DC (2009)

Diversity and Inclusion Award Chohnice Paulynn Daniels

Nicholas Pyle Great Grandfather: Dr. William N. Coggins, DC and Former President Logan University (1940) Grandfather: Dr. Michael D. Horine, DC (1957) Grandmother: Dr. Virginia Coggins Horine, DC (1951)

Evidence Informed Award Sara Lynn Riegel Jawad Munther Salman Kristy Kelly Shaughnessy Service Award Jessica Faith Billham Keya M. Gordon Kemmy Klein Ritter Maximize Human Performance Award Moody Copper Labast Inabangan Colby Lovelace Sara Michelle Qualy Jawad Munther Salman



Summer 2019 Doctor of Chiropractic White Coat Ceremony



Summer 2019 Doctor of Chiropractic White Coat Ceremony





Faculty and Staff News Congratulations to … Patrick Montgomery, DC (1976), MS, FASA, FICC, professor, who was recognized by the Association for the History of Chiropractic (AHC) for his service to the organization for the last 12 years as director, 2nd vice president, 1st vice president and, most recently, president. Dr. Montgomery was also elected as secretary of the Faculty American Chiropractic Association (FACA) and named editor of both the AHC Bulletin and the FACA Faculty News. Kelly Brinkman, DC (1990), MCS-P, associate professor, who passed the Certified Professional Compliance Officer course through Advancing the Business of Healthcare. Ross Mattox, DC (2007), RMSK, clinician and assistant professor, who completed 100 hours of insurance/peer review certification as well as 300 hours of acupuncture training. Larry Olsen, MAT, MPH, DrPH, MCHES, adjunct faculty, who was appointed associate editor for the Journal of American College Health. Jason Napuli, DC, FICC, adjunct faculty, who was

appointed to serve as a member of the World Federation of Chiropractic’s Public Health Committee. Leslie Reece, DC, resident in the Human Performance Center, who passed the Certified Chiropractic Sports Practitioner exam, gave a podium presentation of a case study at the 2019 Annual Chiropractic Sports Sciences Symposium, and completed level one of the Selective Functional Movement Assessment certification. Warren McDonald, PhD, adjunct faculty, who was appointed by the North Carolina General Assembly to serve on the Board of Trustees of Fayetteville State University and was elected to the executive committee of the Board of Trustees of Cape Fear Valley Health System as secretary/ treasurer. Dr. McDonald also recently completed the second edition of his text, Health Care Strategic Management: Concepts and Practical Applications, which is now used by most health administration programs in the nation. Sheryl Walters, MLS, associate librarian and instructor, who was a panelist at the 2019 Association of College and


Research Libraries Conference in Cleveland, Ohio, discussing “How academic libraries are engaging readers with popular eBooks and audiobooks.” She was also invited to serve as a committee member for Index to Chiropractic Literature. Deborah Salvatore, MS, RDN, CDN, adjunct faculty, who received an adjunct award at Long Island University Post in New York, where she also teaches. Lee Van Dusen, DC, vice president of strategic performance & continuous improvement, who was named to the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Board of Examiners for 2019. The Baldrige Award is the nation’s highest honor for

organizational innovation and performance excellence.

Student News Congratulations to … Alex Midkiff and Seth Kintigh, Trimester 6 DC students, who won the doubles consolation round at the 2019 USA National Collegiate Racquetball Championships in Tempe, Arizona, in April. The Club Hockey team, which won the Arch Hockey Championship for the 2019 Spring Upper A division in June. The Coed Club Softball team, which took second place in the Chesterfield Parks and Recreation coed softball league.

Spring 2019 Arch Hockey Champions, the Logan Club Hockey team


Alumni Notes Congratulations to … Class of 1983 Scott Bautch, DC, president of the ACA Council on Occupational Health, who was featured in a May article by Mattress Advisor on how mattresses can contribute to back pain and how to go about finding the right one.

Chiropractic Organizations Advance Mission, Gain Global Support ACA Announces New Interprofessional Collaborative Spine Conference, Joins Coalition to Fight the Opioid Epidemic

Class of 2018 Jonathan Free, DC, who was selected as a chiropractic resident at the VA Connecticut Healthcare System. His residency began in July.

In Memoriam Class of 1956 Norman Ralph Fasulo, DC April 29, 2019 Class of 1979 Steven Engen, DC May 15, 2019 Class of 1981 John S. Kovar January 6, 2019 Class of 1983 Milton Brian “Doc” Jacobsmeyer, DC April 19, 2019 Class of 1993 Christine Hurley, DC May 12, 2019

Share Your News Do you have a noteworthy mention or announcement? Please send to Tower@Logan.edu for consideration. LOGAN.EDU/GIVE

The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) continues its work toward encouraging interprofessional collaboration, fighting the opioid epidemic and expanding Dr. Robert C. Jones access to ACA President chiropractic services. ACA recently announced the Interprofessional Collaborative Spine Conference (ICSC), a new event that brings together researchers and practitioners from the chiropractic, physical therapy and osteopathic professions. The unique event will focus on improving patient outcomes by using manual therapy and other nonpharmacological approaches to pain management. Learn more at acatoday.org/icsc. In early May, ACA joined the Voices for Non-Opioid Choices Coalition (Voices), a newly formed nonpartisan group dedicated to preventing opioid addiction by increasing patient access to non-opioid approaches and therapies, such as chiropractic, as a first-line approach to treating and managing acute pain.

Additionally, ACA is continuing its work to reintroduce a bill that would increase access to chiropractic services for Medicare beneficiaries. A similar bill introduced in 2018 is being used as a starting point for a 2019 bill and was a focal point at ACA’s 2019 annual meeting. The proposed legislation would simply update the current Medicare statute and allow patients to access all Medicare-covered benefits permitted under a chiropractor’s licensure. Learn more about ACA’s efforts at acatoday.org/blogs. Opportunities for continuing education are always available through Learn ACA. Our on-demand online education offerings feature knowledgeable subject matter experts and respected thought leaders. Visit learn.acatoday.org to learn more.

FICS Launches New Course, Looks Forward to 2020 Youth Winter Olympics

It’s the middle of the year, and things are flying. FICS launched Dr. Pete Garbutt its new course, FICS President the International Certificate in Sports Chiropractic (ICSC), which includes up-to-date modules in the online program. For those who have former certificates (ICCSP and ICSSD), you can upgrade to the Continued on page 38 LOGAN UNIVERSITY • SUMMER 2019 37

Chiropractic Organizations Advance Mission, Gain Global Support Continued from page 37 ICSC by completing the head injury module at a discounted rate. After 10 years at the same price, there will be a fee increase in October; upgrade now for current prices. FICS has been creating more opportunities for involvement in events around the world than ever before. We are building strong relationships with numerous international federations that request FICS chiropractors, such as the 2020 Youth Winter Olympics in Lausanne, Switzerland. Head to the FICS website for more information on events. In Berlin, we saw the presentation of the Roberto Clemente Award to Dr. Tom Greenway of the U.K. Dr. Greenway has made significant contributions to FICS and the world of sports chiropractic over the years and was a worthy winner amongst a strong field. Many thanks to Dr. Clay McDonald and the involvement of Logan University in sponsoring this prestigious award.


CHIROPRACTIC by Ministers of Health and senior officials from the U.N.’s 194 Member States. The weeklong event features a number of side meetings and technical briefings. These included the

Dr. Richard Brown WFC Secretary-General

launch of the WHO Global Report on Complementary Medicine 2019, where Secretary-General Dr. Richard Brown represented the WFC, alongside ministers and WHO officials, and spoke on the inclusion of chiropractic in health systems development. In January, the WFC was approved as a non-state actor for an additional three years. With just over 200 non-state actors, official relations with WHO is considered a prestigious appointment. The WFC’s 2019-22 strategic plan outlines its support of WHO strategies and programs as well as the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals relating to ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all ages.

WFC Represents Chiropractic at the 72nd World Health Assembly The WFC visited Geneva in May for the 72nd World Health Assembly (WHA72). As a non-state actor and the only chiropractic organization in official relations with the World Health Organization (WHO), the WFC brings a delegation to the WHA each year. This year, the WFC was joined by members of the World Congress of Chiropractic Students and the Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health. During a busy week of meetings, members of the WFC delegation met with WHO representatives from the departments of global health workforce; traditional, complementary and integrative medicine; disability and rehabilitation; healthy aging and life course; data and analytics; and integrated people-centered health services. The WHA is held at the headquarters of the United Nations and is attended 38 SUMMER 2019 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY

WFC members at the 72nd World Health Assembly


Logan Dedicates George A. Goodman LRC This spring, Logan University honored the late Dr. George A. Goodman, Logan’s sixth president, with the dedication of the George A. Goodman D.C. Learning Resources Center. After graduating, Dr. Goodman Chiropractic. Logan President Dr. Clay McDonald continued advocating for chiropractic In 1993, Dr. Goodman became recognized Dr. Goodman’s many legislation in 1974 wherein the federal president at Logan, where he contributions, such as the University’s government finally recognized the U.S. demonstrated his leadership and vision debt-free status, additional buildings Council on Chiropractic Education as by creating the Master of Science in and facilities, and his vision to expand an accrediting agency for schools of Sports Science and Rehabilitation and the Logan College of Chiropractic to chiropractic. His role was recognized by Master of Science in Nutrition and Human Logan University. then Logan President Dr. William Coggins, Performance programs, embarking on “He had a commitment to lifelong who awarded Dr. Goodman with Logan’s a campaign of community involvement learning and continuous quality last-ever issued Ph.C.—Philosopher of and spearheading chiropractic’s inclusion improvement, assuring that we are relevant in the VA. He for years to come,” was passionate Dr. McDonald said. about continuing “His contributions education for were invaluable.” chiropractors and Close friend and worked tirelessly Faculty Senate to build Logan’s President Patrick Postgraduate Montgomery, DC, Department as a MS, FASA said way to expand the Dr. Goodman was profession. a champion of “He was a giant the chiropractic of our profession profession, and he bled starting as young Logan Blue,” Dr. as a student at Montgomery said. Logan during the Dr. Goodman’s 1960s. “With son, Jason two of his closest Goodman, DC, said friends, Blair that the dedication Alden and Gary of the LRC was Ditson, he started exciting for the a chiropractic entire Goodman political family. “It’s a truly action group, fitting honor for my appropriately dad, who spent 44 named Action,” Dr. years of his life at Montgomery said. Logan,” he said. “I “This group’s goal wish my dad had was to help secure the opportunity to positive legislation Drs. Jason Goodman, Clay McDonald and Patrick Montgomery at the LRC dedication and ribbon-cutting ceremony be here today.” in Jefferson City.” LOGAN.EDU/GIVE




1851 Schoettler Road | Chesterfield, MO 63017

P OS TG R AD U AT E EDU CA T IO N | August – November 2019 August 10-11 Musculoskeletal Diagnostic Ultrasound Certification – Session #8 (The Ankle) Instructor: Ross Mattox, DC, RMSK

September 14-15 Advanced Acupuncture – Session #4 Instructor: Zev Myerowitz, DC, Dipl.Ac. (NCCAOM), L.Ac.

August 17-18 Advanced Acupuncture – Session #3 Instructor: Lisa M. Holt, DACM, L.Ac. (NCCAOM), RN, CPC, CRP, FASA

September 14-15 Basic Acupuncture – Session #4 Instructor: Lisa M. Holt, DACM, L.Ac. (NCCAOM), RN, CPC, CRP, FASA

Basic Acupuncture – Session #3 Instructor: Zev Myerowitz, DC, Dipl.Ac. (NCCAOM), L.Ac.

September 21-22 EndoNasal Technique Instructor: Michael Fiscella, DC, DABCO, FACO

August 24-25 An Integrated Chiropractic Approach to Managing Acute and Chronic Low Back Pain Instructor: Linda Wheatland Smith, DC September 7-8 Musculoskeletal Diagnostic Ultrasound Certification – Session #9 (The Foot) Instructor: Patrick Battaglia, DC, DACBR

September 28-29 Special Event – The Women’s Health Symposium Multiple Instructors October 5-6 Musculoskeletal Diagnostic Ultrasound Certification – Session #10 (Review & Assessment) Instructor: Ross Mattox, DC, RMSK

Location is Logan University Campus unless otherwise noted.

October 5-6 The Total Patient Multiple Instructors October 12-13 Advanced Acupuncture – Session #5 Instructor: Zev Myerowitz, DC, Dipl.Ac. (NCCAOM), L.Ac Basic Acupuncture – Session #5 Instructor: Lisa M. Holt, DACM, L.Ac. (NCCAOM), RN, CPC, CRP, FASA October 19-20 The Compliance Seminar Instructors: Ty N. Talcott, DC, CHPSE and Howard Levinson, DC, CFE, AHFI, DABFP October 26-27 Overview of Autism Spectrum Disorders and Supporting Vibrant Health on the Spectrum Instructor: Janet Lintala, DC

November 2-3 5 Highly Effective Acupuncture Treatment Patterns (The Sunderlage Protocols) Instructors: Gary Ditson, DC, Dipl L.Ac and Nicholas Gatto, DC, Dipl.Ac. November 9-10 Advanced Acupuncture – Session #6 Instructor: Lisa M. Holt, DACM, L.Ac. (NCCAOM), RN, CPC, CRP, FASA November 9-10 Basic Acupuncture – Session #6 Instructor: Zev Myerowitz, DC, Dipl.Ac. (NCCAOM), L.Ac. November 16-17 The Specific Chiropractic Adjustment: The Technique Seminar Multiple Instructors For additional information and dates or to register for postgraduate seminars, visit Logan.edu/alumni-friends, call 1-800-842-3234 or email Postgrad@Logan.edu.

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