Vol 27 April 2014
Anzac Day Honouring our veterans
Bill Kelly reflects on D-Day
Ben Roberts-Smith national hero and doting dad
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Phone: 1300 1 LOGAN* (1300 156 426) *Council’s 1300 number is only for use by customers within Logan City from a landline. When contacting us from a mobile phone or from outside Logan City, please phone 3412 3412.
Rochedale South
Our Logan, Our City magazine Managing Editor: Deanna Nott Editor: Natalie Newell News Editor: Amy McKenna Writers: David Shaw, Nicole Barclay and Rebecca Waters Graphic Design: Natalie Matthews Work Experience Writer: Kelly Palmer and Zac van Manen
Div 1
Daisy Hill
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Slacks Creek
Logan Central
Shailer Park
Berrinba Forestdale
Browns Plains
Div 7
To contact Our Logan magazine staff, phone 3412 4483 To enquire about advertising in Our Logan, phone Marion Lawie on 3412 4411
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New Beith
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Div 11
North Maclean
Produced by Logan City Council. None of the material in this publication may be reproduced without the permission of the Chief Executive Officer, Logan City Council.
Bahrs Scrub Windaroo
Div 9
Photo by Marc Grimwade
Mount Warren Park Buccan Chambers Flat
Front cover image: Ben Roberts-Smith
Div 12
Logan Reserve
Our Logan is produced and delivered to every household in Logan City at a cost of 60 cents per household.
Div 10
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All content accurate as of 13 March 2014.
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Cedar Vale Woodhill
Veresdale Scrub
LAST CHANCE! Have your say on the Draft Logan Planning Scheme 2014 Logan City has a new draft planning scheme
This is your chance to have your say on the Draft Logan Planning Scheme 2014
Currently, there are three separate planning schemes operating within Logan City, a legacy of boundary reform in March 2008.
The draft planning scheme is on public display for 60 business days, from 3 February 2014 until 30 April 2014.
The Draft Logan Planning Scheme 2014 will provide uniform standards for the whole city, reduce red tape and create a coherent plan for future growth.
Be sure to learn more about the plan online or in person, and have your say. You can view the draft planning scheme at: logan.qld.gov.au/draftplanningscheme or call 3412 4247 to talk to a planner. Submissions close at 5pm on 30 April.
Mayor’s Message Welcome to the April edition of Our Logan. It is hard to believe we are already one quarter of the way through the year. And like every month so far, April has plenty on offer to keep all in our community active and entertained. For me, and no doubt many others, Anzac Day is one of the most significant events on the calendar. Commemorated on April 25, Anzac Day is a day for all of us to honour our servicemen and women, pay tribute to their brave and selfless actions and invigorate our national pride and spirit.
Mayor Pam Parker Phone: 3412 3412 Email: mayor@logan.qld.gov.au @MayorPam
Here at Council we have decided to acknowledge Anzac Day by adopting an Anzac Day theme for this edition of Our Logan. This edition is brimming with powerful anecdotes and information about our important national day. And who better to feature on the cover than Corporal Ben Roberts-Smith, recipient of the Victoria Cross for Australia and Medal for Gallantry? One of our national heroes, CPL Roberts-Smith showed there is more to him than his war service when he sat down with Our Logan staff – including what it is like being a father, the White Cloud Foundation, his lucky charm, and which three people he would love to invite to dinner. There are plenty of gems in this magazine, including your chance to win a share of $5,000 worth of prizes as part of Council’s Hidden Gems photography competition. If you fancy yourself as a bit of a photographer and love this great city of ours, turn to page 11 and see how combining these two elements could help you win. Before your mind turns to Easter church services, Easter eggs and holidays, make sure you take the time to read the latest information on Council’s Draft Logan Planning Scheme 2014 on page 2 and remember to provide feedback during the notification period. By doing so you will have a say on the new scheme which will be used to guide future development across the city. Until next month, Mayor Pam Parker
ABOVE: Official opening of the new Logan Women’s Health & Wellbeing Centre with manager, Stacey Ross.
RIGHT: Many thanks to the Gold Coast Suns AFL team that recently visited Logan schools and libraries, with Suns player and former Springwood Junior, Alex Sexton.
Mayor Parker with Australian land-speed record holder Trevor Slaughter at the recent BDS Logan Sports Awards.
Opening a new park shelter at Logan River Parklands thanks to a generous flood relief donation from the Panjin People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries.
Ben Roberts-Smith
national hero and doting dad Victoria Cross for Australia and Medal for Gallantry recipient Corporal Ben Roberts-Smith sat down with Our Logan in the lead-up to this year’s Anzac Day commemorations to talk about life as a soldier, role model and adoring dad.
The Victoria Cross for
BEN’S TOP 10 Our Logan put CPL Roberts-Smith on the spot with 10 quirky questions. Scan the QR code for more.
Australia is the country’s highest military honour, awarded for the most conspicuous gallantry, or a daring or preeminent act of valour or self-sacrifice, or extreme devotion to duty in the face of the enemy. Source: Department of Defence.
Read why Corporal RobertsSmith received his honour by scanning the QR code.
CPL Roberts-Smith is hoping to be in Logan soon to pay a special visit to a very special little Logan boy. Look out for the story in the May edition of the Our Logan magazine.
CPL Ben Roberts-Smith at the Australian War Memorial with wife Emma and twins Eve and Elizabeth.
orporal Ben Roberts-Smith VC, MG is one of Australia’s most recognisable soldiers.
As one of only four Australians to have received a Victoria Cross for Australia medal, CPL Roberts-Smith is the face of the country’s involvement in modern day conflict – a responsibility he does not take lightly. “One of the biggest things for me is that I’m considered a role model, which is still a strange thing to say, but I’m very conscious of that and for me to make a mistake is not acceptable,” he said. “The institution of the Victoria Cross is far greater than I am. They’re not looking at me as much as they’re looking at the award and what it stands for; what it means to Australians. “It’s a privilege to have and it also comes with a burden – to make sure I live up to it.” Recognising Anzac Day is a family tradition for the 35-year-old and, while the way he commemorates the day has changed over the years, it’s one that will continue.
“My main effort is to get to a service at dawn to pay my respects and to have my family involved,” he said. “I spend the rest of the day with my colleagues remembering our friends who aren’t with us anymore, thinking about others that have given us the reputation we have as soldiers and just enjoying the day together because we know what it means from a really intimate perspective. “What it entails for me now is a lot of representational duties which I accept with open arms. It’s an important and powerful message that can be portrayed if it’s done correctly, so I’m
more than happy to get involved with national events. “I like the fact that I get the honour of doing things like I did last year, reading the names of the fallen and some anecdotes from soldiers in Afghanistan. That was very special and a great privilege for me to be able to do that, to be able to represent contemporary soldiers.” When asked if he would encourage others to follow in his footsteps, CPL Roberts-Smith, now an Army Reservist, answered without hesitation. “Absolutely. It’s a great career by way of getting life skills as well as good technical skills that you can take into life after the military,” he said. “I don’t think there’s any job that’s better in preparing you for the real world.” CPL Roberts-Smith said being born into a military family instilled values in himself that he and wife Emma were hoping to pass on to their three-year-old twin daughters, Eve and Elizabeth. “The only male who hasn’t served in the military is my brother. He’s an opera singer instead,” he said. “My daughters will never know me as a serving soldier, which is one of the reasons I left when I did. “It’s a hard life for families. It’s much harder on them than it is for us. I would do exactly what my parents did – make sure they know why we celebrate things like Anzac Day and why Remembrance Day is important, because a lot of family members go without their loved ones so that we can enjoy the ‘freedom’ we have. “I want my daughters to understand what that means and what others have sacrificed for us.
“People always talk about freedom. On Australia Day I kept hearing people say ‘I love our freedom in Australia’ but it’s not free. It’s a big cliché – freedom is not free.” He must be doing something right, having being named 2013 Father of the Year by the Australian Father’s Day Council for his devotion to his family and contribution to the country. “My wife’s still confused about it,” he said. “It was really to represent defence families and what they sacrifice – both men and women. “All that time we spend away from our kids is so that, hopefully, people in Australia can have quality time with theirs without fear of terrorism and acts of violence.”
White Cloud Foundation An issue close to CPL Ben Roberts-Smith’s heart is depression, with more than one million Australians diagnosed every year. Together with founder Dr Adam Scott, he is currently working to establish virtual clinics – multi-disciplinary facilities where people can access the help they need, over the internet, for free. The pair will open their first pre-clinic at Queensland University of Technology this month, with more centres in other states in the pipeline. “It’s not always a psychologist that you need to see. It might be a sociologist or a dietician or a physiologist – someone who might be able to help you with what your specific problem is,” CPL Roberts-Smith said. “You can log in to the QUT website from Logan and get the same service as someone logging in from the Kimberley.”
Women in the Army
Defence Force Recruiting’s Women in Army team leader Captain Jessica Boyd (right) and Corporal Jessica Costa.
Former Logan locals and now members of the Australian Regular Army, Captain Jessica Boyd and Corporal Jessica Costa spoke to Our Logan about growing up in the city, why they joined the Army and why they think other women should do the same. What suburb of Logan did you live in? JB: Originally Springwood, then during Year 12 I lived in Slacks Creek. JC: I lived in Bethania. What is your favourite place to visit in Logan? JB: The Logan North Aquatic Centre! Plenty of good times to be had there. JC: If I am in the area, I like to drive past our old house. I had such a great childhood and it makes me somewhat nostalgic! Tell us about your role within the women in army Defence Force Recruiting program. JB: I am truly energised about sharing the opportunities that the Army has to offer with women who don’t necessarily have a predisposition to service or, frankly, have never considered us an option. I wish I had known what was on offer when I was younger. Now being in a position to share it with other women is easily the best job going in the Army. JC: Essentially, CAPT Jess Boyd and myself provide information and mentoring to females of all demographics about service life and job opportunities that they may otherwise have not considered due to a false interpretation of the Defence Force and, in particular, Army.
What would you tell logan’s young people about being in the Defence Force? would you encourage them to join? JB: I am not sure I have enough pages to share it all on! I guess the best part about being in the Army, other than serving your country, is that you can come along with
your Year 10 certificate and, not only will Army pay you a minimum wage of $55,000 a year, but it will give you all the qualifications and equipment you need. JC: Yes definitely! The Defence Force is obviously fantastic in terms of pay, benefits and job security, those are facts. What I would like to tell them about is the travelling, friendships and experiences they will have and make throughout their career in Defence. I have been to countries that I would never have visited if I were not in the Defence Force, I’ve played on sporting teams and have experienced fitness to a level that I otherwise thought was unachievable. What has been the highlight of your Army career so far? JB: Commanding soldiers and being responsible for capability. Being able to support humanitarian operations at home with more than 30 soldiers and transport at my command is exciting and really rewarding when the job is completed successfully. JC: A deployment to the Middle East. I spent eight months overseas but it could not have been a better experience. What do you think about on Anzac Day? What does it mean to you? JB: It’s a time for us to take stock of where we are as a nation; to be thankful and truly grateful that there are soldiers, sailors and airwomen and men who are willing to lay it all out for the country and people who mean so much to them, regardless of the cause. It’s a day to celebrate our achievements and to remember. JC: I like to reflect on the soldiers who have died in all wars and under all circumstances relating to war. I also think of current serving members overseas and veterans that were lucky enough to survive the wars. Above all, I am thankful.
The facts about water pricing in Logan City
the facts for Logan residents: We purchase bulk water from the State Government for $2.63 per kilolitre (2013/2014 price). The State Government is charging different annual bulk water prices for each local government area to pay for the region’s water grid until 2017/2018. After that, all bulk water prices will be the same, no matter where you live in South-East Queensland. Unfortunately this means we are paying more here in Logan City than our neighbours in spite of Council lobbying the State Government of the day for equal bulk water prices for all Councils. In 2013/2014, this bulk water cost increased by 10.3% and will rise by 9.3% in 2014/2015. When the water reaches Logan, we circulate it through our water reservoirs and pipelines into your homes and businesses. This, along with maintaining and operating our $879 million water infrastructure network, as well as the
Our Council-owned water business is required to operate under legislation. The Queensland Competition Authority monitors and regulates water pricing in South-East Queensland. It has recently audited our water pricing and found that our revenues are below prudent and efficient costs and there is no evidence of us overcharging, and we intend to keep it that way. There is very little we can do to reduce the cost of providing water services to our community, but we provide excellent customer service and are planning for the infrastructure required for the population growth coming to Logan in the future. There are many easy ways to save water in and around your home, business or school. Reducing your water consumption will not only save money, but will help reduce the impact on the environment. Learn more about Logan’s water and wastewater services and how you can save water at www.logan. qld.gov.au/water
Logan City Council Water Consumption Pricing $3.59 per KL State Government bulk water $2.63
Your home
*Figures based on 2013/2014 Logan City Council budget
That said, there are some factors that contribute to our pricing that we cannot control.
State Gov.
It is true that Logan City residents and businesses pay more for their water services than some others in the region.
Logan City Council therefore charges customers $3.59 per kilolitre to cover the full costs of supplying water to properties. Again, note the State Government’s bulk water charge makes up 73% of this price. We also charge service or connection charges for properties to have access to our water supply networks. The total charge, which includes a return on capital, to provide water to our customers ensures that we are able to provide and maintain a prudent and efficient water network into the future. Like all Councils and water boards, any return above the operational costs help offset general rates for the community.
$0.96 Logan City Council Services
You may have seen reports in the media lately about the varying costs of water in different parts of South-East Queensland.
cost of electricity, costs us 96 cents per kilolitre on top of the $2.63 per kilolitre bulk water charge.
and community 7
Remember our fallen heroes
Barry Murray, centre, and Cr Graham Able, far right, with fellow military history enthusiasts.
Thousands of lives were lost and countless more changed forever on the beaches, rugged mountain ranges and sheer cliffs of Gallipoli as young men put the freedom of their countrymen ahead of themselves. Almost a century on, there are 21 war cemeteries in the Gallipoli area, an ever-present reminder of the 60,000 Australians who lost their lives. Here in Logan, Marsden Library’s military history group hosts a monthly catch-up for veterans to discuss Australia’s past and present conflicts. Vietnam War veteran, Jack Tattis, first enlisted in the Army in 1965 and said the monthly group provided an opportunity to meet with like-minded people. “As a Warrant Officer Class 2, I served 20 years in New South Wales, Queensland and was part of the Australian contingent in the Vietnam War. Our involvement in Vietnam remains the longest of any war in the nation’s history,” he said. “I retired in 1985 at the age of 50 but 8
still carry on the annual Anzac Day traditions by joining the march in town. “I hope Australia’s future generations continue to carry on all the traditions we celebrate now.” Councillor Graham Able said it was both awe-inspiring and heartbreaking to hear the men share so many stories of bravery, pride and dedication to our country. “The Anzac’s name is one we wear proudly as a nation and carry such a great level of respect for,” he said. “It’s a day that not only marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australia and New Zealand, but serves in memory of Australian servicemen and women who have lost their lives in the line of war.
Safer crossings in Marsden The installation of a refuge island on Marsden’s Macarthy Rd will improve pedestrian safety. The minor upgrade will reduce hazards for children at the local primary school and dramatically improve road conditions for both pedestrians and drivers. The painted island is equipped with high visibility signs and pram ramps while lighting was installed on the previously unlit street. The upgrade cost about $20,000. Councillor Graham Able said any investment in safety was money well spent.
“At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.” (the Ode, For the Fallen by Laurence Binyon) The military history group meets on the fourth Monday of the month from 12.30pm-2pm at Marsden Library, 35 Chambers Flat Rd, Marsden. The next meeting is 28 April 2014. For more information, contact the Marsden Library on 3412 4180.
CR GRAHAM ABLE p: 3412 3412 e: grahamable@logan.qld.gov.au Division 5: Berrinba (part of), Browns Plains (part of), Crestmead (part of), Kingston (part of), Loganlea, Marsden and Waterford West (part of). Refer to map on page two for divisional boundaries.
n 25 April each year, the nation stops to pay its respects to our brave Anzac troops who waged a valiant battle far from the sanctuary of our shores.
They might look tough, but under the tattoos and leather, every burly member of this biker group has a heart of gold. Military Brotherhood secretary Joe Kacka, known by his club name of Mucho, together with mates and fellow members Harvo, Jase and Zulu, have just completed the epic Legacy Downunder Run 2014. The charity ride from Logan City to Perth and back again raised muchneeded funds for Legacy, a charity dedicated to supporting the loved ones of Australians killed during or after defence service. “We’re calling this the Military Brotherhood Route 66 ride,” Mucho said. “This is the first time any motorcycle club has done such a big ride that I know of, but the event itself is all about raising the money.” Stopping in small towns along the way, from Broken Hill and Ceduna to Eucla
money for Legacy
and Esperance, the group rattled its Legacy tins and asked for help from locals. “We’ve got two trikes, a trailer and a bike and a really big banner. We take our Legacy buckets and go out to the town and into pubs to get donations,” Mucho said while on the ride. “It’s a real eye opener. You come through these little towns where businesses are going under and people are doing it tough and they reach into their pockets and give. It’s extremely generous given those circumstances.” The ideals of Legacy and the Military Brotherhood go hand-in-hand. The Military Brotherhood was established five years ago for serving and exserving members of the Australian Defence Force to provide camaraderie, mateship and support. “The idea behind the club was purpose and a mission, it’s not all about riding,” Mucho said.
“The natural step for us was to look at Legacy. Now we have one big purpose; veterans, returned soldiers and the wives and kids of those we’ve lost.” The group asked Legacy to nominate a family it could support directly. And Legacy delivered. All funds raised on the ride will be directed, via Legacy, to the widow and two young children of a 40-year-old Lance Corporal who was killed while serving in Afghanistan. They’ve been told he was a “typical Aussie bloke, friendly, with a dry sense of humour and a natural charm. He had a comfortable ease. He would show respect to everyone he met.” “We have no idea where they live and we’ll never meet them unless the widow says, ‘I’d like to meet these blokes’,” Mucho said. “We’re trying to raise $25,000 for them. I don’t know if we’ll make it, but we’re going to give it an absolutely good shot.” Councillor Luke Smith said the group was highly valued. “These guys are providing a service so returned service men and women don’t fall through the cracks of society,” he said. “No government could afford to do the work they do. They are heroes fighting on a different battlefield.” Visit www.militarybrotherhood.com.au
CR LUKE SMITH p: 3412 3412 e: lukesmith@logan.qld.gov.au Division 6: Bethania, Meadowbrook, Tanah Merah, Loganholme, part of Cornubia and part of Waterford West. Refer to map on page two for divisional boundaries.
Big hearted bikers raise
Gallipoli choir experience to be remembered The choir will host a preview fundraising performance at the All Hallows School chapel, 547 Ann St, Brisbane, at 6pm on Saturday 5 April. Phone 0417 010 824.
Caitlin Reid is going to Gallipoli to sing at the Anzac Day service as part of her school choir.
Caitlin Reid, an accomplished singer and dancer, will make the trip with her school, All Hallows. The softly-spoken 16-year-old auditioned for the Anzac Day choir in August 2013 and was one of only 12 young women selected for the tour. “I’m quite proud because I wasn’t sure if I would get in,” Caitlin said. A member of the All Hallow’s chorale, Caitlin has been highland dancing since she was four and is known as the “musical one” in her family of four children, playing the flute at a grade six level and also learning to play the saxophone. She is also a cast member of the All Hallow’s school musical. The choir will visit historic war sites in Turkey before singing at the Anzac Day dawn service, Lone Pine breakfast and other commemorative events. “I do modern history at school and have learnt about Australia’s involvement in the different wars,” Caitlin said. 10
“Everyone learns about Simpson and his donkey and the Anzac landing, so it will be a great experience from that perspective.” Parents Andrew and Maria will be glued to the televised Gallipoli Anzac Day services, hopeful of a glimpse of their daughter’s performance. “It’s a wonderful, once in a lifetime opportunity,” Andrew said. “The teachers say the students are never prepared for the emotions and how overwhelming it is when they see the graves and war sites during the tour.”
Improvements to three parks in Division 7 have added to their popularity and appeal. Councillor Laurie Smith said new play equipment was installed at Sweetgum Park, Hillcrest, to replace some of the existing play equipment. “A new adventure play unit has been installed with climbing nets, a slide and other play items that benefit children’s balance and motor skills,” he said. “We’ve also installed a backhoe and gyro spinner merry-go-round, and painted the remaining play equipment to give it a fresh new look, while a shade sail is also being installed over the existing playground to provide sun protection.” Cr Smith said distance markers had been painted on the existing pathway to encourage people to run the circuit and use the fitness station and beep test area installed last year. “And to teach young children about road rules in a fun way, we’ve included painted road signage on the pathway,” he said. Shade sails have also been installed at Mitchell Park, Boronia Heights, and Seaton Park, Hillcrest. Cr Smith said further improvements, including all-abilities play equipment, were planned for Seaton Park, with a concept plan to be developed later this year. A concept plan for improvements at Ponderosa Park is also in the pipeline.
Councillor Laurie Smith congratulated Caitlin on her success and said she would come back from the trip with many great memories. “Attending an Anzac Day service at Gallipoli is an experience not many people get to experience in their lifetime, so singing at the service is something Caitlin will cherish for a long time,” he said. “I am planning to be at Anzac Cove next year for the centenary of the Anzac landing and like Caitlin, I’m full of anticipation about what the experience will bring.” Anzac tribute
CR LAURIE SMITH p: 3412 3412 e: lauriesmith@logan.qld.gov.au Division 7: Boronia Heights, Forestdale, Greenbank, Hillcrest, Munruben (part of), North Maclean (part of), Park Ridge (part of) and Park Ridge South (part of). Refer to map on page two for divisional boundaries.
Greenbank teenager will have the experience of a lifetime on Anzac Day, when she sings in the official ceremonies and services held at Gallipoli’s Anzac Cove.
Park improvements bring a fresh new look
Photo Competition #LOGANHIDDENGEMS
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The Healthy Logan program provides activities to encourage the Logan community to make healthy lifestyle choices.
Build water confidence Keep your family safe in and around water. Learn to swim at Aqualogan Laurie Lawrence Swim School.
BEAT IT: An innovative, tailored, 10 week light exercise and health program. Cost: $60 for 10 weeks Location: Logan Metro Sports Centre at Crestmead and Jimboomba Library Contact: 3089 5557 Programs commence in April with classes running twice a week.
Chronic Disease Self-Management Program: This six week program assists those living with a chronic disease to manage symptoms, get started with appropriate levels of exercise and healthy food, set goals and problem solve. Cost: Free Location: Hyperdome Library, Loganholme Contact: 1300 467 265 Program commences on 2 April 2014
Diabetes Self-Management Program: This six week program assists those diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. The program covers topics on, healthy eating, physical activity, stress management, medications and relaxation techniques. Cost: Free Location: 37 Wembley Rd, Logan Central Contact: 1300 467 265 Program commences on 28 April 2014
Register now for Term 2 22nd April - 6th July 2014 $16.50 per week. 25 mtr indoor heated pool.
Logan North Aquatic and Fitness Centre
BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL For further information on Healthy Logan visit www.logan.qld.gov.au This initiative was funded by the Australian Government.
Contact Logan City Council on 3412 5645. 11
A fear like no other “Things that you see and feel never leave you. I still remember like it was yesterday.”
“I remember standing in North Africa with a New Zealander on one side of me and an Australian on the other side and we got the signal to move and fight. We had 1,000 artillery guns opening up on us.
It may be more than 70 years since Bill Kelly trod the fields of battle, but the images and experience have left an indelible mark on the sprightly 91-yearold.
“It was deafening and frightening – I can assure you if you hadn’t prayed before, that was the time you started. Yet at the same time the fear didn’t bother me, we had a job to do and we did it; it was as if someone was watching over me and guiding me.”
As a 17-year-old living in Belfast, Ireland, Bill was faced with the toughest decision of his young life – continue in a job he hated in the mill or enlist in the Irish Army. “The job in the mill wasn’t for me so I took the day off and joined the army – back then I wanted to see the world,” the Greenbank RSL member said. As a member of The Royal Regiment of Scotland’s Black Watch, Bill set sail for North Africa in 1942 and found himself in the thick of the action in the Battle of El Alamein before standing shoulder to shoulder with his mates in the Allied invasion of Sicily. In June 1944, Bill and his regiment received a call to return to Britain. Within days, Bill was part of the momentous D-Day – the Invasion of Normandy on Friday 4 June. “I know it sounds strange but when I joined up the thought of war wasn’t in my mind – I guess there was a bit of fear and excitement but we really didn’t know what we were in for,” he said. “When you are in the middle of war a strange feeling comes over you; a type of fear, but it isn’t the fear you are used to.
Moving to Australia in 2000 after the death of Hazel, his English wife of 54 years, Bill said one of the most powerful memories of his World War II experience was during the Invasion of Normandy when 6,000 ships, including destroyers and landing craft, crammed the beaches.
frightening sights that people just expected you to forget,” he said. “But it isn’t that easy to forget. We saw sights you can’t forget. Like the bodies of the 30-member German platoon we came across after they were bombed – that sticks with you. As much as you want to, you can’t erase that image.” And after celebrating his 91st birthday on 11 November (Remembrance Day) last year, Bill is quick to credit his good fortune in surviving some of history’s fiercest battles and enjoying a long and healthy life to one thing.
“It is the power of positive thinking – that is what has got me through,” he said.
“We were being heavily bombarded by German artillery and had to send a message to England to get air support – it came in the shape of 1,000 British bombers and that was truly a sight I will never forget,” he said. “About 50,000 Germans died in that attack – it doesn’t bear thinking about. War is not pleasant; it never is. There is not much gain but an enormous amount of pain.” The end of World War II brought an end to Bill’s six years of service. He found himself faced with a battle of another kind – returning to his normal life. “It was not easy to readjust. You saw some
Bill will commemorate Anzac Day with his mates at Greenbank RSL, the same way he has since he arrived in Australia.
Bill Kelly served during D-Day - the Invasion of Normandy.
Not your usual office job
Former Logan resident Paul O’Donnell called Australia’s Top End his “office”.
Two years ago, Kingston’s Paul O’Donnell swapped his square metre Canberra office for 1.8 million square kilometres of the Northern Territory’s Top End.
p until recently, Paul, who is a Lieutenant Colonel in the Australian Army, was Commanding Officer of the North West Mobile Force (NORFORCE), a role he took up in December 2011 when he transferred from Canberra’s Army Headquarters to Darwin.
knowledge and skills he gained from his NORFORCE experience to his new charges at Fort Leavenworth. “NORFORCE is one of three Regional Force Support Units and each one is unique in its own way,” Paul said. “Like others, NORFORCE is an infantry unit but it specialises in surveillance and reconnaissance throughout the Northern Territory and the Kimberley region of Western Australia.
NORFORCE works with people throughout the area to recruit and train Reservist soldiers, many who know the region like the back of their hands. “Strong communities
“The other unique element is the regional training and development of our soldiers and our engagement with remote communities. Strong communities are important to us and help us achieve our mission.
are important to us and help us to achieving our mission.”
NORFORCE comprises many Indigenous Australians who employ their bush survival and tracking skills as they patrol the Top End for illegal activity, exploitation of protected areas and natural resources. Paul, 41, and his family have just shifted camp again – this time to the United States where he has taken up a new role as a military instructor at the US Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas. He said he hoped to pass on the
“We engage with these communities, regional organisations and we connect with Indigenous leaders, traditional owners and their elders because they act as our eyes and ears in remote areas. They know the land and they provide us with access. They know what’s not right and what’s out of place.” Photo and story courtesy of the Department of Defence.
Army career signals life of service
hen Regents Park resident Ron Lord was called up for national service in the 1950s, he made an early decision to join the regular Army. It was a decision that would start a lifetime of service – for country and community. Ron soon found himself deployed to the depths of a Korean Peninsula winter, as one of the nation’s first peacekeepers, guarding the fragile ceasefire between north and south. Volunteering as a signaller, Ron was on the switchboard when orders to withdraw came down the line. “The message came to move out so I plugged it through and took off for the last truck,” he said.
Ron has lived much of his life in Logan, settling in Kingston in 1968, a few years after his discharge from the Army. “We were one of the first homes in Silvern Estate, I’ve watched it grow,” he said. A founding member of Logan District RSL and Logan District Services Club (now known as Logan Diggers) Ron sees his work as a welfare officer at Greenbank RSL, running Korean veterans’ memorials and President of Browns Plains National Seniors, as another form of service.
“It was the best thing I ever did. If I hadn’t done that I don’t know what I would have been, it definitely put me on the right track.” A commemorative service for Korean War veterans will be held at Greenbank RSL on 19 July, with a national day of recognition held a week later on the 27 July at the Gold Coast memorial at Cascade Gardens. Below left: Ron Lord took the orders to withdraw from the Korean War.
“I was doing my apprenticeship as a carpenter/joiner when my national service came up. I said to myself ‘I think I’ll join the Army when my service is up’,” he said.
DIVISION 8 UPDATE • Regents Park’s Sunrise Park will benefit from a $160,000 facelift. The project will include a new pathway and revegetation work. Construction will start later this month.
CR CHERIE DALLEY p: 3412 3412 e: cheriedalley@logan.qld.gov.au Division 8: Browns Plains, Heritage Park, Park Ridge and Regents Park.
Refer to map on page two for divisional boundaries.
• Logan West Library will hold a ‘lock in’ for young people on Friday, 28 March from 5.30pm. The event, Library Raider, is a crime mystery night with fun activities and a pizza feast. Phone 3412 4160.
Road to recovery in Division 9 Project: Logan Reserve Rd, Logan Reserve • Construction of parking bay and kerb and channel in front of school. • Installation of stormwater pipe and inlets. • Installation of new footpath outside Logan Reserve State School. • Reconstructing and widening of the existing road and resealing. • Construction of open drains. • Reconstruction of residential driveways where necessary.
Councillor Phil Pidgeon acknowledged the projects would cause some inconvenience and delays, but said the results would be worth it. Motorists who use the popular thoroughfare, Logan Reserve Road, would see more than $2.3 million of improvements carried out over the next nine months. “The Logan Reserve Rd project has been a priority for some time, so it was great to see it finally kick off in January,” Cr Pidgeon said. “The project will address the needs of our growing community while improving drainage flow, reconstructing the existing road and providing a clear zone along the road’s shoulders.” Crestmead residents in nearby Trulson Dr are already benefiting from $550,000 rehabilitation works. Enhancements are also being made to the intersection of Sungold Rd and Andrew Ct in Chambers Flat. “Residents will see notable improvements to the area over the coming months, both in terms of ride-ability and safety as a result of these works,” Cr Pidgeon said. “The community has been extremely understanding and we really appreciate their patience while we work to improve the road infrastructure around the area.”
Project: Sungold Rd intersection, Chambers Flat • • •
Clean and reshape open drains. Strengthening of the existing road and resealing. The works are part of Council’s program to improve drainage and strengthen the pavement at the intersection.
Completion date: Early-April, weather permitting.
Project: Trulson Dr, Crestmead • Replacement of existing kerb, channel and stormwater pits. • Resurfacing of the existing traffic lanes, including the removal and replacement of the existing road to an approximate depth of 200mm of asphalt. • The project was identified as part of Council’s road rehabilitation program. Completion date: March 2014.
CR PHIL PIDGEON p: 3412 3412 e: philpidgeon@logan.qld.gov.au Division 9: Chambers Flat, Crestmead, Jimboomba, Logan Reserve, Logan Village, Munruben Forest, North Maclean, Park Ridge South, South Maclean, Stockleigh and Waterford West. Refer to map on page two for divisional boundaries.
A series of roadwork projects, costing more than $3 million, will improve conditions and motorist safety throughout Division 9.
Completion date: September 2014, weather permitting.
Change of scenery DIVISION 10 UPDATE
Keeping pace with those changes is a challenging proposition but one Councillor Darren Power feels his latest project is meeting. The demolition of the longstanding skate bowl at Roselea Park in Shailer Park has paved the way for a new modern facility that promises to prove popular with the many young families in the area. “The skate bowl has been a fixture of the Shailer Park community since the early 1990s, but the park was in dire need of a facelift not only to meet the expectations of the community but also for safety reasons,” he said. The new facilities include items such as playgrounds, picnic facilities, shaded seating and fitness stations. “I am excited about this project; it will be an extension of the already popular facilities on offer at the adjoining Homestead Park and will cater to children from four to 14 years of age,” Cr Power said.
Cr Power assured BMX riders who previously used the skate bowl they had not been forgotten. “I am working with Council staff to identify a suitable location in the Division to consider developing into a park for them,” he said.
Repairs to damaged sections of the kerb and channelling along Chatswood Rd from Kimberley Dr to Lyndale St are almost complete. Councillor Power said the works would also include the resurfacing of the road. Council’s new landscape plan for Shailer Park’s Plantain Rd will see the removal of select palm trees to improve visibility and traffic safety. Appropriate trees and low level planting will make the streetscape attractive and easy to maintain.
“But it is important to me that any future development is exactly what these riders need. That is why I am encouraging them to take an active role in all planning and design stages.”
Cr Power said BMX riders could provide feedback and suggestions to him at darrenpower@logan.qld. gov.au CR DARREN POWER p: 3412 3412 e: darrenpower@logan.qld.gov.au Division 10: Carbrook, Cornubia (part of), Daisy Hill (part of) and Shailer Park. Refer to map on page two for divisional boundaries.
As a community changes, so does its needs.
“It will be a place parents and grandparents can take their children and grandchildren with all ages able to enjoy the benefits of exercising outdoors with the fitness equipment.”
Local chocolatier a national leader Belgium and Beenleigh might be on opposite corners of the globe, but for Lynda Bos and the team at Poppy’s Chocolates, experiencing the essence of one of Europe’s leading chocolate producers is as simple as going to work. Originally founded as a wholesale supplier of chocolates to airlines and hotels in the early 1990s, Poppy’s Chocolates has transformed into a manufacturer of specialist chocolate products and artisan creations, earning a reputation for quality and creativity. The Beenleigh business recently supplied Logan Mayor Pam Parker with custom-made rocky road macadamia nut hearts as special Valentine’s Day gifts. Councillor Parker presented the sweet treats to her counterparts in the region, spreading the gift of friendship and reminding them that Logan City truly is the “Heart of South-East Queensland”. Poppy’s Chocolates is currently producing a range of hand-crafted Easter products, including bunnies and eggs. All are available for sale at the Spanns Rd business. All chocolate is hand-produced on site using chocolate made from Belgian recipes. Poppy’s Chocolates’ Lynda Bos and Mayor Pam Parker.
Business owner Lynda Bos said members of the public were welcome to drop in and watch the indulgent sweets being made.
Online global investment platform developed in Logan City
Logan property the hot topic at business lunch
Two long-term Logan residents Paul Watts and Bob Dunne, together with business partner Mike Dunne, have developed an innovative online application called CapitalRater and are currently marketing it to the world.
Reputable property adviser Michael Matusik recently sat down to lunch with Logan City business people to talk property.
The trio, two of whom are former CEOs of national and international software businesses, established the business Deliberate Capital Inc to develop CapitalRater – an online investment matching engine. CapitalRater improves the capital raising process by matching investors with companies seeking capital for either start-up or growth. Companies are able to selfassess their investment potential based on real world preferences from a wide range of investors. CapitalRater significantly reduces the time and effort required for companies seeking investment while allowing investors to easily find investment opportunities that otherwise may be missed. Visit www.capitalrater.com and www.deliberatecapital.com for more information.
As the guest speaker at the Logan Office of Economic Development’s Business for Lunch, Michael, an industry veteran, spoke about the current Logan City real estate market, property trends, the local property cycle and the outlook for 2014. Business for Breakfast and Business for Lunch events are held through the year. Register your interest by emailing loed@logan.qld.gov.au or call 3412 4888.
MICHAEL MATUSIK FAST FACTS: • 15,600 new jobs created in Logan City and Redlands in past 12 months. • Average house price for Logan City is $353,000. • Average weekly rents are $330 per week for a threebedroom home.
Video Workshop How to use video as a marketing tool for business growth. WHEN: Wednesday 9 April 2014 -10am to 1pm WHERE: Jimboomba Library and Community Centre BOOKINGS: Phone 3412 4888. Seats are limited!
Here’s what you can expect from the three hour workshop: • What to include in a 60-90 second video • How to set up the shoot • What capturing device to use • How to transfer and organise your files • Quick and easy editing • Publishing your video to YouTube • Distribute your video using innovative techniques • Fun and interactive delivery
April Events in Logan 4 5 23 24 30
Workshop wonders XII, Logan Art Gallery, Cnr Wembley Rd and Jacaranda Ave, Logan Central; (10am to 5pm) Tuesday to Saturday. The 12th annual exhibition showcases a selection of student works from the Logan Art Gallery workshop program. Finishes 10 May. Logan Artworkers Networking Events (LANE), Logan Art Gallery, Cnr Wembley Rd and Jacaranda Ave, Logan Central (2pm to 3.30pm) Calling all artists, designers and budding photographers. Professional photographer Marty Pouwelse will demonstrate the best way to easily and cheaply photograph your treasured art. Places strictly limited. Contact Logan Art Gallery on 3412 5519 before Wednesday 2 April. Meet Mary-Rose MacColl, Logan North Library, 2-6 Sports Dr, Underwood (10.30am) Qweekend columnist, Mary-Rose MacColl, discusses her novel, In Falling Snow; a story based around a field hospital in World War I that was staffed entirely by women. Contact Logan North Library on 3412 4140. 100 year anniversary of World War I, Logan Village Library, Wharf St, Logan Village (1.30pm) Join local RSL member Garry Alterator for a local perspective of Australia’s experience of World War I. Contact Logan Village Library on 5546 3839. Logan Finance Fair, Logan Central Community Centre, 9 Jacaranda St, Logan Central (11am to 7pm) Increase your consumer knowledge and choices in day-to-day financial decision making. Attend seminars and talk with experts about debt prevention, understanding credit, avoiding scams, reducing electricity costs and preparing for retirement. Contact Katherine Davie on 3884 9135 or katherine.davie@humanservices.gov.au.
Digging for Diggers Are you looking for Australian service records to help form your family tree? Dig into the depths of family history documented almost a century on from the World War I. Basic computer skills required. Bookings essential. Phone 3412 3412. 24 April (2pm) Greenbank Library, 145 - 167 Teviot Rd, Greenbank 28 Apr (2pm) Logan Central Library, 26 Wilbur St, Logan Central 29 Apr (1.30pm) Logan Village Library, Wharf St, Logan Village 30 Apr (1pm) Jimboomba Library, 18 - 22 Honora St, Jimboomba
For more things to do in Logan City, Go to www.visitlogan.com.au or download a copy of our latest events guide, Your Passport to events and activities in Logan City (March – May 2014).
Anzac Day Services 25 April Greenbank RSL Greenbank RSL Anzac Day commemorations will start with a dawn service at 5.30am in the southern carpark adjacent to Memorial Gardens. A gunfire breakfast follows at 6am before guests gather at 9.30am for a 10am march. The main service will start at 10.30am. Phone 3800 7746. Logan Village RSL Logan Village Anzac services will start with a dawn service at the Logan Village Cenotaph, Wharf St, at 4.28am and be followed by a gunfire breakfast. The annual parade will start at 9.30am and end with a second ceremony at the Cenotaph at 10am. Traditional Anzac Day festivities will be held at the Quinzeh Creek Rd club from 11am. Phone 0438 551 439. Logan Diggers Logan Diggers’ dawn service will start at 5.30am and be followed by a 6am gunfire breakfast. Live entertainment will be provided throughout the day and games of Two Up played in Crystal Palace from 1.30pm. Phone 3208 8122. Springwood Tri-Services RSL Club Participants in Springwood Tri-Services’ Anzac Day commemorations will assemble at 7am at Logan East Community Neighbourhood Centre, Vanessa Blvd. The march along Cinderella Dr to Springwood Park will start at 7.30am and be followed by a memorial service at 8am. Refreshments available at Springwood Bowls Club. Phone 3341 1908. Beenleigh RSL Beenleigh RSL’s dawn service will start at 5.30am at Beenleigh Memorial, Cnr Crete and James streets. A gunfire breakfast at Beenleigh RSL will follow. Guests will then assemble on Kokoda St for the annual march at 10am. Services will conclude at Beenleigh Memorial for the 11am service. Phone 3287 4000. Jimboomba RSL Sub-Branch Dawn service at the Jimboomba World War I Memorial on Honora St will start at 4.25am and be followed by a gunfire breakfast at Jimboomba Library and Community Centre from 5am. Gather at Jimboomba State School at 7am to march in the parade. Parade travels along Cusack Lane before finishing at Rotary Park for the main commemoration service at 7.30am. Phone 5546 0067. The Logan and Districts RSL Sub Branch The Logan and Districts RSL Sub Branch march will assemble at 8am for an 8.30am start at Kmart, Logan Central Plaza Shopping Centre. The main memorial service will follow at 9am at the Logan Cenotaph, corner of Jacaranda Ave and Wembley Rd, Logan Central. Refreshments available at Logan City Tavern afterwards. Phone 3290 4422 *Please note, a cost may apply for Anzac Day gunfire breakfasts.
Nominations close soon for the 2014 Logan Eco Awards. This year’s awards will again be presented at Logan Eco Action Festival (LEAF), with winners selected from the best eco activities across the city.
Easter and Anzac Day operating hours for Council services and facilities The availability of some Council services will change over the Easter and Anzac Day holidays. Key holidays:
Award categories:
Good Friday 18 April Easter Saturday 19 April Easter Sunday 20 April Easter Monday 21 April Anzac Day 25 April
• • • • • •
Council’s libraries, Mayes Cottage and Logan Art Gallery will be closed Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Monday and Anzac Day.
Previous winners include schools, leading commercial enterprises, and residents passionate about making a positive difference to their community.
Sustainable Household Community Eco Action Sustainable School Land for Wildlife Participant Sustainable Business Sustainable Food Business
Nominations: Nominations must be received by 5pm on 4 April 2014. For information and to nominate go to: www.logan.qld.gov.au/ecoawards
Winners will be announced at LEAF – the Logan Eco Action Festival on 8 June 2014. Griffith University, Logan Campus, University Dr, Meadowbrook
Carbrook, Beenleigh, Greenbank and Logan Village waste and recycling facilities will be closed on Good Friday. Waste and recycling bin collections will continue as normal. The Logan Recycling Market will be closed for the Easter period and on Anzac Day, but open for the remainder of the Anzac weekend from 10am to 5pm. Council’s aquatic centres at Beenleigh, Bethania and Eagleby will be closed for the Easter period and Anzac Day. Logan North Aquatic and Fitness Centre will be closed on Good Friday, open from 7am to 5pm on Easter Saturday, open 8am to 5pm on Easter Sunday and closed on Easter Monday and Anzac Day. 19
Community unites around Anzac tradition Anzac Day is a chance to commemorate the efforts and sacrifice made by servicemen and women in past and present conflicts. In Jimboomba, this year’s event will be particularly special, with the first community reception to be held following the Anzac Day service. RSL President Bill Malkin AM said the event, an informal morning tea, would focus on acknowledging and thanking the community for its support. “It can be difficult to find the time to catch up and talk to other veterans; previously we haven’t had an opportunity to organise a function after the main service,” he said. “This year we have. We’ve booked the Jimboomba Public Hall (opposite Rotary Park) and a number of charitable organisations are supporting the RSL to put together an informal function after the service where we can catch up and share memories.” Support for the veteran community runs deep in Jimboomba, with consistently strong attendance at both dawn and morning remembrance services. “The dawn service draws a crowd of between 1,000 and 1,500 people — it’s just wonderful,” Bill said. “We estimate about 3,000 people take part in the main service. “The community supports us exceptionally well throughout the year and especially on Anzac Day and Remembrance Day — they are amazingly generous people.” This year’s dawn service starts at 4.25am at the World War I memorial on Honora St (outside Jimboomba Library). The march will start at 7am, followed by the memorial service at approximately 7.30am. Jimboomba RSL’s Bill Malkin checking preparations ahead of this year’s Anzac Day service.
From board games to skate parks Council will head to the drawing board to design a new skate park for the Jimboomba community. The design project follows consultation between skate park users, Council staff and experts, Convic. Councillor Trevina Schwarz said while there was a basic facility in place, Council thought it was best to consider an expansion. “We want to make sure we get it right and that means hearing from the members of the community who use this park and its facilities,” she said. 20
Jimboomba Library will host a Teen Meet event on Thursday 24 April from 4pm. The event, Bring Back the Board Game, is suited to early teens and is a great opportunity for teenagers in the Jimboomba area to socialise and make new friends. Contact 3412 4190.
CR TREVINA SCHWARZ p: 3412 5511 e: trevinaschwarz@logan.qld.gov.au Division 11: Cedar Grove, Cedar Vale, Flagstone, Greenbank, Jimboomba, Kagaru, Lyons, New Beith, North Maclean, South Maclean, Undullah, Veresdale, Veresdale Scrub and Woodhill. Refer to map on page two for divisional boundaries.
Council caters to local youth
Sequel tells the next chapter of father’s life after war
Author John Hickman and Councillor Jennie Breene.
Tripping Over looks at life in post-war England in the 1950s and 1960s and delves further into John’s life of growing up in the shadow of a returned war hero. “It’s the true story of what happened to my parents, Bill and Alice, after 1946,” he said. “In many ways it was the book that I
DIVISION 12 UPDATE Beenleigh, Edens Landing and Eagleby residents will be able to walk with greater ease thanks to a series of new footpaths installed throughout the area. Councillor Jennie Breene said she had conducted an assessment of the area and the footpaths were installed following her recommendation and feedback from the community.
never intended to write but as so many readers wrote in asking what happened to them, my editor insisted I complete it. “As a child I sensed I was different, but not in a good way. I knew I had big shoes to fill. “Unfortunately, poor judgement and clumsiness seemed to dog my every move and I was almost killed on a disastrous wild horse ride. “Even as a teenager, I fell in love for all the wrong reasons. But I think the book is a bittersweet journey of triumph as well as disaster.”
which is due to be published this year. Councillor Jennie Breene encouraged local residents to read the books. “To now have two books published is a great achievement for John,” she said. “He has certainly had an interesting life and it comes across in his words. “The books are available for sale or you can borrow them from any of Council’s nine libraries.” Visit www.authorjohnhickman.com
John is planning a third book in the series, Sex, Lies and Crazy People, Safety around our schools is paramount and Councillor Jennie Breene has worked with Beenleigh State High School principal Matt O’Hanlon to help ensure local students make their way to and from school as safely as possible. A pedestrian crossing outside the Alamein St school has been installed at the request of Cr Breene and the Beenleigh State High School community. The crossing will improve student safety on the busy street.
CR JENNIE BREENE p: 3412 3412 m: 0411 658 297 e: jenniebreene@logan.qld.gov.au Division 12: Beenleigh, Eagleby, Edens Landing and Holmview (part of). Refer to map on page two for divisional boundaries.
Eagleby retiree John Hickman has penned a sequel to his book Reluctant Hero about his father’s World War II experiences, sharing the next chapter of the family’s story.
Springwood Central Principal Lorraine Collins, Councillor Lisa Bradley and Marcelle Pollington.
Anzac tribute
Marcelle makes magic in the classroom
ong-time Logan resident Marcelle Pollington is a very familiar face for many local students.
The 90-year-old Rochedale South mother of three is now in her 33rd year as a volunteer teacher; 28 of those years spent at Springwood Central State School.
“When people talk about saints, I always think to myself ‘been there, seen that’. They were the saints – they gave their lives for the communal good and that is true sacrifice of self.
Marcelle went to university at the age of 53 alongside her 18-year-old daughter but, unable to secure a paid job, she decided instead to volunteer. She has been teaching religious education and ethics to Years 6 and 7 classes ever since.
“That’s what I remember on Anzac Day.” Marcelle now spends Anzac Day
commemorating with Springwood TriServices.
“I’ll be going again this year. There’s very few of us on the ground now from World War II.” Councillor Lisa Bradley said Marcelle’s energy was inspiring. “Marcelle has a great sense of humour and great stories to tell,” she said. “That’s not only why the kids love her, it’s why everyone she meets falls in love with her.”
Major infrastructure works taking shape
“I think it has kept me alive at 90,” she said.
You may have noticed some extra construction workers and hazard signs on local streets recently as a number of major infrastructure projects get underway.
“I do it with a little bit of laughter and I do it with lollies.
Work has started on the second stage of the $2 million Rochedale South Master Drainage project. The project will increase the capacity of the stormwater system on Rochedale Rd, Greenview Ave, Esma St and Rangeview St.
Marcelle enlisted in the Air Force in 1942 at age 18 to serve during World War II, following in the footsteps of her father who served during World War I. She was posted to Townsville as a teleprinter operator. “I thought it would be a great adventure, but it was a bit too much of an adventure. It was horrific. “When messages came in that were immediate it would flash red and a siren went off. The messages would send the pilots out to engage with the Japanese. “We knew when they were going out because we’d see them go out in a
It is expected to be completed in August and will reduce the impact of local flooding issues. Kerb and channel, as well as stormwater inlets, were reconstructed on Underwood Rd, between Lancelot and Exilis streets, and on Rochedale Rd, between Underwood Rd and Sunnydale Ave, in preparation for road resurfacing works. Kerb and channel works on Daisy Hill Rd are also expected to be completed this month. The six-week project, from 219 Daisy Hill Rd to the Lawnton St intersection, cost approximately $260,000 and included the regrading of the existing earth drain.
CR LISA BRADLEY p: 3412 3412 e: lisabradley@logan.qld.gov.au Division 1: Daisy Hill (part of), Priestdale, Rochedale South, Springwood (part of) and Underwood (part of). Refer to map on page two for divisional boundaries.
“Other teachers only get half classes turn up. I don’t have any drop out.”
big formation, but we never saw them come back like that. We lost a lot of beautiful young men and the average age was around 22 years.
SES caption: Logan SES group leader Trent Becker with fellow volunteers.
Cityof Choice
Festival promises to hit the right notes
The calm after the storm When disaster strikes, there are three letters that immediately evoke a sense of calm - SES. Since 1975, the State Emergency Service has been coming to the rescue of the Logan community – the brave volunteers in their iridescent orange overalls leaving their all too familiar calling card of blue tarps and relieved residents in their wake. Known affectionately as the “Orange Angels”, the SES has six depots in Logan City: Logan Central, Beenleigh, Logan Village, Park Ridge, Jimboomba and the headquarters in Winnetts Rd, Daisy Hill. Jimboomba Depot, the most recent addition to the SES ranks, opened its doors in January and was officially opened on Wednesday 12 March. Logan SES Controller Jim Ferguson said there were currently 202 volunteers on his books with approximately 150 actively assisting when required. “The first SES opened in Logan in 1975 and was based in Woodridge – back then the depot was called Woodridge-Kingston Depot,” Mr Ferguson said. “Since then, our volunteers have been coming to the aid of Logan residents and surrounding council areas during storms, flood events, traffic control, bushfire, to help search for missing people, and forensic searches to name a few. “These same volunteers have also left the comfort and security of
their own families and homes to help communities in crisis after natural disasters in Charleville, Grantham, Esk, Lockyer Valley, Ipswich and Roma.” With the youngest Logan SES volunteer only 17 years of age and the oldest in their late-70s, Mr Ferguson said there was “a job for everyone” in the SES. “We have two family units with us at the moment – two sets of mum, dad and their kids, which is great to see. “There has also been an increase in the cultural diversity of our group.” He said the group included Sudanese, German, French, Swiss, Filipino, South African and Israeli to name a few. “The cultures represented in Logan SES helps ensure we can cater more effectively to the diverse Logan City community.” And even when there is a reprieve in the need for emergency assistance, SES volunteers continue to lend a hand. “We are currently fundraising for the Cancer Council and will host a charity Orange Ball at Canterbury College on 12 July. Tickets are $50 and all profits will be donated to the Cancer Council,” Mr Ferguson said.
A grand musical production – bigger and better than Logan City has ever seen before – is on its way. Earlier this year, Council endorsed a two-year partnership with Queensland Music Festival (QMF), spearheaded by artistic director and jazz star James Morrison, to deliver ‘Logan’s Musical Celebration’ in mid-2015. Mayor Pam Parker said the exciting initiative would be a “festival created by the community, for the community” and would meet an area identified as a priority in the Logan: City of Choice Action Plan. “An outcome from last year’s Summit was to establish a signature event that is community owned and driven and encompasses different elements including music, food, dance and more. “The partnership with QMF ticks all the boxes with the added benefit of having some of the best in the business helping to develop it into a milestone event.” Councillor Parker said the community would be involved in every step of making the festival a reality; from deciding the name and theme of the show, to being part of the production and, of course, being there to enjoy the festivities. QMF Artistic Director James Morrison said that he could not wait to start working with the Logan community on the project. “I’m delighted that we will be working with Logan City Council and the entire community to create this fantastic signature event to celebrate the incredible talent that exists in the Logan region,” he said.
People interested in joining Logan SES or wanting to buy tickets to the Orange Ball can contact Mr Ferguson on jimferguson@logan. qld.gov.au 23
flu program
for seniors and those most at risk Influenza vaccination is strongly recommended and free for: ● All persons aged 65 years and over ● All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 15 years and over
● All pregnant women at any stage during pregnancy ● Medical Conditions (ie Diabetes, severe Asthma, Obesity etc)
Have you ever wanted to meet the Easter Bunny? Come to one of the Toddler
Time or
Story Time sessions at Logan City
Council Libraries in April for your chance to meet the Easter Bunny.
FREE flu vaccinations are available at: Monday 14 April Tuesday 15 April
Noon to 1.30pm Beenleigh Library, Crete St, Beenleigh 9am to 10.30am Logan North Library, Cnr Sports Dr and Springwood Rd, Underwood Tuesday 15 April 9am to 10.30am Logan West Library, 69 Grand Plaza Dr, Browns Plains Tuesday 15 April Noon to 1.30pm Beenleigh Senior Citizens Centre, 20 Alamein St, Beenleigh Tuesday 15 April 12.30pm to 2pm Logan Central Library, 26 Wilbur St, Logan Central Wednesday 16 April Noon to 1.30pm Caddies Jimboomba, 19-33 South St, Jimboomba Tuesday 22 April 9am to 10.30am Marsden Library, 35 Chambers Flat Rd, Marsden Tuesday 22 April Noon to 1.30pm Hyperdome Library, 66-70 Mandew St, Shailer Park
Logan Metro venue hire! As enterprising and impressive as you, for when you want impact and influence...
Find your “Meet the Easter Bunny” session times in Your passport to events and activities in Logan City or at logan.qld.gov.au/libraries
Your awesome story with author and illustrator Peter Carnavas Like drawing and telling stories? Join author and illustrator Peter Carnavas in a hands-on workshop and learn how to tell your own story through illustration. Free sessions for primary school aged children. Mon 14 Apr, 9.30am - 10.30am Contact 3412 4180 Mon 14 Apr, 11.30am - 12.30pm Contact 3412 4160 Mon 14 Apr, 2pm - 3pm
Launches and previews
Contact 3412 4190
Promotions and presentations
Tue 15 Apr, 11am - noon
Meetings and training
Contact 3412 4100
2,395sqm arena
Tue 15 Apr, 1.30pm - 2.30pm
Logan Metro you’ll be surprised by our versatility! 357 Browns Plains Rd, Crestmead insportslogan.com.au
3412 5941
Contact 3412 4140 Tue 15 Apr, 3.30pm - 4.30pm Contact 3412 4120 Wed 16 Apr, 11am - noon Contact 3412 4130 Wed 16 Apr, 1.30pm - 2.30pm Contact 5546 3839 Wed 16 Apr, 3.30pm - 4.30pm Contact 3297 5158
Marsden Library Logan West Library Jimboomba Library Logan Central Library Logan North Library Hyperdome Library Beenleigh Library Logan Village Library Greenbank Library
TRIPLE JUMP FACTS • World Record Holder (Male): Jonathan Edwards, from the UK, jumped 18.29m (60ft 0.78 in) in 1995. • The Aust Men’s Triple Jump Record Holder: Ken Lorraway, from ACT, jumped 17.46m in 1982. • Aust U20: Henry Frayne, jumped 16.58m in 2008.
Michael won gold at the recent Queensland Championships. Pictured above with Cr Russell Lutton and Michael’s mother, Queen.
Michael Otuomon - dreaming big The Logan Central 16-year-old found himself standing on the top of the medal dais at the recent Queensland Athletics Championships for the triple jump after posting a personal best leap of 13.67m, 13cm ahead of his closest competitor. The Year 12 Woodridge High School student will now challenge the best triple jumpers his age in Australia when he travels to Sydney this month for the national titles. His flair for the hop, skip and jump has also seen him qualify for the Australian team for the Oceania Games which will be held in the Cook Islands in June.
Deputy Mayor Russell Lutton said Michael’s achievements were even more impressive considering he had only been training for the event for one month and joined his athletics club, Fast Track Athletics, two weeks later. “Not only is Michael an undoubtedly talented athlete, but he is an extremely humble and likeable young man,” he said. “He got involved in the sport for fun and has quickly shown his talent. He has been working hard with his coach Tui Edwards and just continues to improve.” Cr Lutton has helped Michael inch closer to achieving his dreams by contributing to his travel costs from his Community Benefit Fund.
DIVISION 2 UPDATE • The BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Hindu Mandir in Kingston was officially opened in mid-February. Cr Lutton attended the auspicious vedic opening ceremony which was carried out by senior sadhu Sadguru P.Pujya Ishwarcharan Swami. The hindu temple is located at 45 Clare Rd, Kingston. • Cr Lutton will join members of the Logan City community and council staff in the Rio Tinto Ride to Conquer Cancer on 16 and 17 August. Riders interested in joining the ride can contact Cr Lutton on russelllutton@ logan.qld.gov.au.
But it isn’t just his athletics Michael is working hard at – he is also juggling his Year 12 studies and has his sights set on an engineering degree at Griffith University. “Michael is a great example of the focused and talented youth in this city; he has set himself two goals and is doing everything he can to make them a reality,” Cr Lutton said. With the opportunity to qualify for the Youth Olympics in China in August, Michael is determined to remain focused. “I would really like to medal at the national titles and have set myself the mark of jumping 14m in the near future – I think I can do that now I am training properly,” he said.
CR RUSSELL LUTTON p: 3412 3412 e: russelllutton@logan.qld.gov.au Division 2: Woodridge, Logan Central, Kingston and Underwood. Refer to map on page two for divisional boundaries.
ichael Otuomon believes in dreaming big. And when you combine these dreams with his natural athletic ability, he is bound to go far.
Logan local remembers life in the British Army When Joy Ploenges looks at the medals she received from the British Army, her face comes alive with pride.
Joy and Allan moved to Australia in 1968 and, less than a year later, Allan was posted to Vietnam for 12 months.
Joy has seen both sides of military service, having served with the Queen Alexandra Royal Army Nursing Corp before watching her husband, Allan, go to war in Vietnam.
In 1972, following his return, the couple moved to Logan where they have remained, volunteering as members of the RSL and Springwood Tri-Services RSL Association.
Raised in Trinidad, Joy and her older sister made the move to London to study nursing.
“The Springwood Sub Branch has put monuments in 19 Logan schools and members visit their Anzac Day services,” she said.
“I could continue being a student nurse while wearing these uniforms.” She signed up and shortly after joining, at just 20 years of age, was posted to Malaysia. “As a young person, it was exciting. Malaysia is not a place I ever would have thought of going to,” she said. “I was able to do my training and see the world.” She served 18 months before meeting Allan who was also posted in Malaysia with the Australian Army. They married and shortly after she was discharged from the British Army.
“I love that the kids have really taken it on board. It’s comforting to have schools approach us asking to be part of our parade. It’s grown in numbers significantly.” The RSL is trying to encourage more young people to join to help ensure the Anzac legacy lives on and the support network for returned servicemen and women continues. “We’ve done the same thing so we understand, it’s as simple as that,” Allan said. “We also provide access to pension officers because if you don’t know your way around the system, it can be very hard to navigate by yourself. We assist members to put them on the right track in their quest to receive the treatment and benefits they may be entitled to.” Councillor Steve Swenson said the couple’s pride and excitement about the honour of serving the country was infectious. “The commitment of Joy and Allan, with others at Springwood Tri-Services, to working with local schools will help ensure the spirit of Anzac Day continues,” he said. “The group’s efforts have already seen the Anzac Day march grow and will encourage the next generation to carry on the flame.”
Joy Ploenges today (above) and as a 20-year-old when she enlisted with the British Army. (right)
CR STEVE SWENSON p: 3412 3412 e: steveswenson@logan.qld.gov.au Division 3: Daisy Hill (part of), Kingston (part of), Slacks Creek, Springwood (part of) and Underwood (part of). Refer to map on page two for divisional boundaries.
“We were both at the same hospital in England and not long after, we started noticing the military uniforms and I thought, ‘this is interesting’ – you could still do your training while you were in the British Army,” she said.
Anzac tribute
Labour of love set to be revealed on Anzac Day Councillor Don Petersen (second from left) takes a sneak peak at the restored Blitz vehicle with Logan Village RSL members Tery Hurst, Terry Flanagan, Richard Love, Keith Newman and Dennis Love.
A labour of love involving the entire Logan Village community will be unveiled at the town’s Anzac Day parade on 25 April. ‘The Blitz’, a two-wheel drive 1944 Ford V8 is believed to have served as an ambulance at Camp Cable – now home to the Yarrabilba development – in 1944. Logan Village resident Tery Hurst bought the vehicle 10 years ago with the intention of restoring it but donated it to the Logan Village RSL last year after realising he had “too many cars, but not enough time”. “It’s important it be here 100 years on from the start of World War I and almost a century after the first Anzacs landed at Gallipoli,” he said.
“There’s been several thousand dollars worth of work done to the vehicle so far, mostly thanks to local businesses that have donated parts and labour. The community has also donated funds towards the project through raffles and donations.”
followed by a gunfire breakfast. The town’s annual parade starts at 9.30am and concludes with a ceremony at the cenotaph at 10am. Traditional Anzac Day festivities, including games, are held at the club, located at Quinzeh Creek Rd, Logan Village from 11am.
Councillor Don Petersen said he was pleased to see The Blitz become a focal point of this year’s Anzac Day commemorations. “The project has been driven by father and son team, Dennis and Richard Love, and I think the community can be rightly proud on Anzac Day when it makes its debut in the parade,” he said.
with Mayor Pam Parker and Councillor Don Petersen 10am to noon Friday 4 April 2014 Zaraffa’s Coffee, Shop 5 Holmview Central Shopping Centre, Logan River Rd, Holmview.
The Logan Village Anzac Day services start with a dawn service at 4.28am,
Safer conditions on the way for Wuraga Rd
The 1.7km section between Dairy Creek and Prangley roads is being widened to nine metres, while the intersection of Menora and Wuraga roads will be realigned to improve driver visibility and intersection safety. Minor stormwater works will also be undertaken. With approximately 28,000 vehicles using Wuraga Rd each week, Councillor Don Petersen said the
project would be well-received. Enhanced line marking, including a marked centre line, edge lines and guide posts, will be included in the project. The project should be completed in June, weather permitting, and motorists should seek alternative routes if possible to avoid any traffic interruptions while the work is done. The project is part of Council’s $65 million 2013/2014 capital roadworks and drainage program.
CR DON PETERSEN p: 3412 5504 e: donpetersen@logan.qld.gov.au Division 4: Bahrs Scrub, Bannockburn, Belivah, Bethania, Buccan, Cedar Creek, Holmview, Jimboomba, Logan Village, Mount Warren Park, Mundoolun, Tamborine, Waterford, Windaroo, Wolffdene and Yarrabilba. Refer to map on page two for divisional boundaries.
A $3.7 million project to improve traffic safety at Wuraga Rd, Bahrs Scrub, has started.
Long-time lieutenant says ‘give it a go’ Lieutenant Kimberley Healy (pictured left), joined the Australian Defence Force 10 years ago and hasn’t looked back. In fact, she encourages others to try it themselves. “If you enjoy a challenge and doing things out of the ordinary, get involved, put your application in and see how you go,” she said. “You get to do things people don’t get the chance to do and go to places you’ve never even heard of.” To find out more, visit defencejobs.gov.au or call 131 901.
Shailer Park graduate now Army Officer Mt Warren teenager Zackary Ryan, Maritime Warfare Officer (ADFA), and Lieutenant Kimberley Healy.
Junior maritime officer makes big dream a reality Mount Warren Park teen Zackary Ryan is on his way to Canberra having been recently appointed as a junior maritime warfare officer. The 17-year-old graduated from Canterbury College last year and said it had been a long-held dream to join the Defence Force. “I’ve always had a passion for the ocean and the water and it’s a great opportunity to defend your country in such a magnificent way,” he said. While Zackary is the first in his immediate family to join the Australian Defence Force, he has always admired his distant relatives who have served and has enjoyed Anzac Day with his family since he can remember. “My family is quite passionate about the dawn service, we go every year in Beenleigh, and we’ve been ever since I was little,” he said. Zackary is now in Jervis Bay where he will complete his initial training at HMAS Creswell’s RAN Naval College. He is posted to Creswell for about six months before moving to Canberra’s Australian Defence Force Academy to undertake a Bachelor of Science, putting him in good stead to ultimately work in marine science and oceanography. “Being in the Defence Force is just a fantastic way of life and opportunity,” he said. “It’s a fantastic atmosphere and the people you meet are unbelievable.”
A friend of Shailer Park’s Kai Callebaut gave him the chance to engineer his dream career. Having recently graduated from Rivermount College, Kai is now an Officer in the Australian Army, and enrolled in a civil engineering degree at Canberra’s Australian Defence Force Academy. A school friend told Kai about careers in defence and as soon as he did a little research, he knew he wanted to become an Army engineer. “I knew that’s what I wanted to do when I saw how versatile they are and the different kinds of projects they get to work on,” he said. As well as his formal study, Kai plans to keep playing rugby, basketball and volleyball. “Crossfit is something I’m looking forward to starting,” he said. “I like to keep fit and try new things.” Having embarked on his four-year journey, Kai is looking to come home with more than just a degree. “Through this process, I have gained confidence and become more at ease with public speaking,” he said. “I want to be a leader.” Kai Callebaut from Shailer Park received his appointment certificate from Colonel Jason Hedges, Deployable Joint Force Headquarters.
Logan’s own pirate hunter Bethania’s Stephanie Ellis has spent the past six months chasing pirates with the Royal Australian Navy. Stephanie missed her first Christmas with her family as a serving sailor with HMAS Melbourne in the Middle East Area of Operations conducting anti-piracy patrols. The Leading Seaman is in her sixth year serving in the Navy and recently played a part in intercepting nine suspected pirates off the coast of Somalia. She said she was proud to be part of such a successful operation. “It was a good feeling to be putting our training into practice in a real life scenario,” she said. “When we finished our work, we knew by doing our job well we had protected several international merchant ships and ensured the safety of their crew.” Stephanie is no stranger to spending time at sea. She has sailed around Australia, to Samoa, Hawaii and San Diego and now the Middle East. As a Maritime Logistics – Supply Chain sailor, Stephanie is responsible for the requisitioning, purchasing, receipt, storage, issue, return and stock control of stores items required by the ship. “I’m part of the team that keeps the ship afloat with a constant supply of goods from paper towelling to high tech weaponry,” she said. “I’m also a member of the Special Sea Duty party and perform in a number of vital seamanship evolutions at sea.”
Pirate hunter Stephanie Ellis from Bethania. Photo courtesy Department of Defence.
Some lucky Logan City residents had the perfect start to the day recently thanks to Channel 9‘s Today Show. The Today Show jeep dropped by Logan City Rec Club in Kingston in late-February to hand out sample bags to residents and have their photo taken with a coveted gold Logie.
Earlier this year, the Buddha’s Light International Association Priestdale of Queensland’s Loving Care Group generously donated $1,500 towards the work of the Mayor’s Caring Women United group, which supports the local community through school classroom reading programs and community volunteering. Cr Lisa Bradley accepted the cheque on behalf of Mayor Pam Parker. 29
Anzac Day biscuits are a favourite tradition.
The ode The ode is a familiar part of Anzac Day commemorations. It is the fourth stanza of the poem For the fallen by Laurence Binyon. The most well-known lines are: They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.
The history and traditions of Anzac Day
Anzac biscuits It is thought Anzac biscuits were carefully created by a team of women on the home front. The women were hoping to create a biscuit that could be easily transported without spoiling to the men on the frontline. The ingredients also needed to be readily available. The result is what we know and love today, with rolled oats, coconut and golden syrup becoming a favourite tradition. •
1 cup rolled oats
1 cup desiccated coconut
¾ cup sugar
115 grams margarine
2 tablespoons boiling water
1 dessertspoon golden syrup
½ teaspoon baking soda
Mix dry ingredients in bowl. Put margarine, boiling water, syrup and baking soda in a saucepan and melt. Combine with dry ingredients. Put teaspoons of the mixture on a buttered tray and cook in a moderate oven (180 degrees) for about 10 minutes.
Learn more about our Anzacs by scanning the QR code 30
When Australian and New Zealand Army Corps soldiers landed at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915, they could not have imagined they would forever be honoured as heroes. Known as “ANZACS”, the soldiers were integral to the allied mission to capture the Gallipoli peninsula and knock Turkey out of the war. Both sides suffered heavy casualties and endured great hardships – more than 8,000 Australian soldiers were killed during the eight-month campaign. Anzac Day was officially named in 1916 and by the 1920s, Anzac Day had been established as a national day of commemoration for the 60,000 Australians who died during World War I. Ninety-nine years later, we continue to mark the Gallipoli landing and subsequent conflicts with dawn vigils, marches, memorial services, reunions and games of two-up. Anzac Day is a time when Australians remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice and those who continue to serve our country.
Sunday 4 May 2014
Mayes Cottage & the Kingston Butter Factory, Kingston
10am - 2pm
Enjoy free entertainment and family fun! Market stalls, food and drinks available for purchase.
Step back in time
and celebrate Logan’s heritage at The Time Before Festival (previously Mayes in May). This free event, held at Logan’s most historic addresses, Mayes Cottage and Kingston Butter Factory, makes for a great family fun day out. The cottage will be open with museum displays and free guided tours. For kids there will be pony rides, animal farm, face painting, and tomato planting. There will also be pig racing, sheep shearing displays, vintage cars, whip cracking, craft and hobby demonstrations, country music and much more.
Getting There Catch public transport to Kingston Train Station or park at the Kingston Butter Factory (Milky Way, Kingston) and get the free shuttle bus to Mayes Cottage. The bus will run regularly between 10am and 2pm and accommodates prams and wheelchairs. For more information:
Phone: 3412 4819 Email: events@logan.qld.gov.au
The Time Before Festival is supported through funding from the Australian Government’s Your Community Heritage Program.
4 April – 10 May 2014 Marty Pouwelse: Beauty of Nature’s fury
Beauty of Nature’s fury is an exhibition of extraordinary photographs by professional photographer and ‘storm-chaser’, Marty Pouwelse. Many of these images feature spectacular lightning storms over Logan. This project is supported by the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF). RADF is a Queensland Government, through Arts Queensland, and Logan City Council partnership to support local arts and culture. Marty Pouwelse, Pittsworth lightning (detail), 2012, digital print on paper. Image courtesy the artist.