Resource guide 2017

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2017 Faulkner county


Find the perfect retirement community

Serving senior citizens is a rewarding and fun career, according to those in the profession, and one that can be done for generations of men and women who have contributed so much for local communities. When making a decision for senior living and long term care, making the right decision is a crucial step. Some things to consider are: • Finding the right fit. Considering the proper level of services provided is essential because making a move later is taxing and stressful for the resident.

• Safety. An effective, attentive and considerate team of professionals will ensure quality care giving and meeting needs for a client and their families. • Comfort. A resident will want a place to call home for years to come. Be sure the choice you make for senior and retirement living is one that is comfortable, warm and welcoming. Be sure that any long term living facility encompasses the community outside its walls as well. Residents will enjoy being involved in

local activities on college campuses and with county senior centers for example. Highlights of a “good” facility include 24/7 Services, easy accessibility to staff and security and an overall sense of compassion and relationship building on behalf of staff members and residents alike. One mistake many people make in choosing the move to a retirement/senior living community is waiting too late. It is important to make the choice when opportunities to enjoy the atmosphere, activities and friendships are high priorities in one’s life.


Choosing ear, nose & throat specialist Ear, nose, and throat physicians are finding more solutions for patients than ever before, as professionals in the industry are solving problems affecting the daily lives of millions of American patients. Looking first for a local practice that provides comprehensive care for both adult and pediatric patients is a good start for treating problems ranging from ear infections to head and neck cancer. Some specialty areas that may be offered include allergy testing and treatment (both medically and with immunotherapy for patients suffering with allergicrhinitis), sleep apnea management, balloon sinuplasty (recently approved and less invasive method to treat chronic sinus infections) and hearing problems, including providing and servicing hearing aids. When sinus problems occur, sufferers know all too well the strain on the air

spaces in the bones around the noses and eyes. Blockage of mucus can cause severe infection or acute sinusitis. Allergies, colds, pollution, cigarette smoke, and even hormone changes with pregnancy are among some things that can contribute to these problems. Professional ear, nose, and throat physicians can provide outpatient solutions to sinus problems. However, sometimes, there are sinus infections that are resistant to medical management. Balloon sinuplasty is an FDA approved, safe and effective procedure to treat chronic sinusitis symptoms. The techniques and instrumentation are currently being used by otolaryngologists both in the operating room and the clinic to treat the symptoms of chronic sinus disease. Multiple studies have shown both the safety and effectiveness of balloon sinuplasty. With this technique, there is no cutting away of tissue. Only a small balloon is used to dilate the opening to the sinuses thereby providing relief of the symptoms of chronic sinusitis. The recovery time is decreased with this procedure, usually allowing patients to return to work as soon as the next day. While the technique does not cure all sinus problems, in carefully selected patients, it can provide a less invasive and very effective treatment for their sinus issues. Types of care services to consider when choosing an ENT include: • Allergy management — diagnosing and treating upper respiratory tract problems caused by allergies. Choosing a physician who is also a surgeon and specialist, other non-allergic causes of upper respiratory tract problems can be diagnosed and treated. When needed, testing using the Immunocap blood test can be

used to determine the specific offending allergen and tailor immunotherapy either as allergy shots or sublingual drops for treatment. Comprehensive allergy management can often provide lasting relief for allergy problems. • Curbing snoring problems — sometimes a symptom of a more severe problem known as sleep apnea. An ENT physician can treat the soft palate with an outpatient and even in office procedure that can often resolve the problem of snoring. This condition markedly increases the risk for heart attacks, strokes, and even car accidents. Diagnosing sleep apnea requires an overnight sleep study. Relief can be achieved using a small mask and machine to help one breathe at night or even surgery to remove obstructing tissue from the airway. • Improving overall hearing health — identifying hearing problems and providing sound solutions. Your medical professional can treat ear infections, perforated ear drums, and hearing loss. A trained audiologist is also available to treat problems with sensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus. Hearing loss associated with aging and noise exposure is a treatable condition using state of the art, digital, programmable hearing aids. The newest generation of hearing aids provides exceptional sound quality and comfort unlike older technology. • Ability to perform head and neck surgery — Other doctors often refer patients to an ENT professional. ENT physicians are trained to treat problems with tumors or masses in the head and neck, thyroid disease and tumors, hoarseness, swallowing issues, and salivary gland problems. When seeking the best comprehensive ENT care, seek a practice that will address overall issues and one that is willing to answer any and all questions you may have concerning care now and for your long term health.


Searching for the right mortgage lender

A customer seeking mortgage lending should get advice from a reputable company — one that will inform the customer of their options, including long term fixed rate mortgage loans. The customer has the ability to finance a home and obtain a fixed interest rate for a period of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years. Depending on the borrowers need, property location and total family income the borrower may be able to obtain a loan that requires a reduced down payment. The mortgage professional will be able to counsel a borrower concerning the mortgage process and what will be required and understands what will be needed to make a deal work. The faster a potential borrower can provide the mortgage professional with information they need, the faster an approval can be in hand. The mortgage professional will run your credit report. In some cases your credit

may not be where it needs to be in order to finance a home right away, and the mortgage professional can suggest what you can do to clean up credit in order to obtain financing at a later date. The mortgage professional will create a realistic expectation for when you should have your loan approved and be ready to close. Your mortgage loan is a process and can’t be approved overnight. Be patient. Both you and your mortgage professional want one thing — you to close on your home. One mistake many customers make is thinking that obtaining financing on a home will be a fast process. They don’t always understand why they are asked to provide certain documentation. The loan process can be lengthy at times due to many elements involving the borrowers credit, assets and the property appraisal,

just to name a few. The mortgage professional will review the loan file and must document all aspects of the file. The mortgage professional will communicate what supporting documentation is needed. Get the requested information to the mortgage professional as quickly as possible. Finally, listening and communication are essential on behalf of both parties. The mortgage professional must be able to take the information provided by the customer, assimilate the information and communicate with the customer what loan product will work best. The mortgage professional must inform the customer why the loan product will work best and what is needed from the customer in order to get the loan approved and closed.


How to find the best after hours medical clinic How to see a doctor when the clinic is closed? What happens when sickness or injuries occur after hours or on weekends? Of course, the emergency department is open, 24-7. By their nature, emergency departments treat the most serious conditions first and not all conditions are true emergencies. Many non-life threating health issues do need urgent care and sometimes a sick child or adult needs attention when their regular physician’s office is closed, whether it is an emergency or not. A good option when you can’t get in to see your regular physician is an afterhours/weekend clinic. There are several such clinics in the Conway area. No appointments or referrals are required. As with any medical visit, patients or their loved ones should bring a list of medication they are currently taking to

help the clinic staff determine the most effective and appropriate treatment. When are they open? Always call before getting in the car. While they are all open after hours and weekends, individual clinic hours will vary. What conditions do they treat? Most of the clinics can treat fever, colds, flu, earaches, sore throats, sinus infection, urinary tract infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, allergies, asthma, cuts, contusions, simple lacerations, sprains, strains, minor fractures, bites, stings, rashes and conduct medical screenings for such conditions as diabetes, cholesterol, and sexually transmitted diseases. Of course, serious medical conditions such as a suspected heart attack or stroke, multiple broken bones, advanced pneumonia, and other life-threatening conditions must be treated at the emergency department.

The clinic doctor will refer patients to the closest emergency department if the condition is more serious than the patient expected. How much will it cost? Will the clinic accept your insurance, including Medicaid and Medicare, or will you have to pay in cash? Clinic visit costs can vary depending upon what services you receive. Not all clinics accept Medicaid or Medicare. Are laboratory testing or imaging services easily accessible? These services are sometimes needed to help the physician make a diagnosis. Is the clinic staff willing to share treatment notes and test results with your family doctor? A follow-up appointment may be needed.


Tips to finding a lawn service professional Lawncare is one of the most important things homeowners should plan for year round, and hiring professional services to do the heavy lifting is one way to ensure the best possible results no matter the weather, growing season, pest problem or curb appeal challenge. When hiring a company to keep up appearances on your property, it is important to consider four key things: • Do they guarantee work? • How long have they been in business? • Are they local? • Do they have references? Asking these questions ahead of time will help you eliminate headaches that can come with big home projects.

By hiring locally, you also help the economy and get expert advice from lawn care professionals that know the local landscape; it’s benefits and challenges. A quality lawncare service will provide weed eradication, which creates a healthy green space and therefore helps the environment. Cheap lawncare is not good, and good lawncare is not cheap! Lawncare is an ongoing process, and untreated turf and landscapes will deteriorate in a hurry. The spring is a crucial time to take care of pre-emergent weeds, with turf care applications. Maintenance during the spring is important, as spring rains cause grass to grow

and landscapes call for fresh trimming and mulching. Lawncare services should be able to help educate on the best materials and fertilizers for different landscapes. Any reputable service will also have the ability to control insect and disease problems with preventative solutions. Lawn care professionals will also instruct homeowners before application of pesticides in order to provide the safest environment for your family and pets. A good service will be happy to disclose all treatment techniques with a client and go over any and all questions they may have prior to any work done.


Picking a bakery for your needs Being a hometown bakery involves a variety of great customers, according to the best in the business. It is likely that way because, generally speaking, pastry chefs and customers alike enjoy the experience of either baking a daily pastry of perfection or a custom birthday cake. Customers often become like a bakeryfamily and customer service is the crux of the whole business. It is a business built on relationships and communication. According to industry experts, necessary attributes for bakery employees while dealing with customers are communication, concern, respect, and giving customers full attention.

The baking business is the busiest during any given holiday season, with the main push in the two weeks prior to Christmas, the week of Thanksgiving, Valentine’s Day, Easter, and the whole month of May, in preparation for Mother’s Day, graduation and the peak of wedding season. A good bakery will prepare staff for the long hours and days that come with holidays. It also will keep shelves stocked for walk-in customers, even in the busiest seasons. Technology in the baking industry has leaped beyond icing kits of yesterday, as modern kitchens use consists computers and printers which work together

to print edible images with edible ink and paper to place on cakes and even on cookies! Many individuals and businesses in and around Faulkner County take advantage of this technology for all kinds of occasions at their favorite hometown sweet shops and bakeries. Some bakeries will offer breakfast items, whether it be sweets, a biscuit or croissant sandwiches. Lunch items may also appear on a given menu and can include sandwiches and other specialties. Gift items also can be a draw at hometown bakeries, as convenience is a big key to pleasing customers.


Maximize your hearing Hearing loss is one of the most common chronic conditions in The United States and affects more than 10 million Americans over the age of 65. According to the National Center For Health Statistics it is more common than cataracts, diabetes and orthopedic problems. Hearing loss may be acquired by heredity, the normal aging process and exposure to loud sounds. All of these conditions create cochlear nerve damage and are treated through the use of hearing aids. Often, people are incorrectly told that their hearing loss cannot be helped – this is not true. The correction for this type of loss is the use of hearing aids because there is no surgical or pharmaceutical treatment available. Symptoms of hearing loss include: • Complaining that other people mumble when they speak or speak too fast. • Difficulty understanding individuals in a group or restaurant • Often needing to ask others to repeat what they are saying • Turning the TV up so loud that others complain • Tinnitus, often described as hearing crickets, ringing, buzzing or roaring sounds In addition to the obvious problems associated with hearing loss, a National Council on Aging study found that untreated hearing loss can lead to anxiety, depression, paranoia, anger and insecurity as a result of not being able to actively

participate in conversations. Individuals in the study who wore hearing aids reported improvement in family social relationships. The Earlier The Better Early intervention in treating hearing loss with hearing aids is critical. Patients with hearing loss rarely complain of actual loss of hearing but rather complain of an inability to understand speech. Speech understanding is a cognitive activity that requires regular stimulation. If the ears are not picking up sound and sending it to the brain properly the ability to understand declines because of a lack of stimulation. When a person with hearing loss needs to wear hearing aids and does not, over a period of time their ability to understand words diminishes. It’s a case of use it or lose it. Hearing Aids Improve Hearing Hearing aids can’t restore your hearing to the level of an 18 year old but patients wearing modern hearing aids often comment that it’s the closest to natural hearing that they have experienced in many years. Modern hearing aids can be so small and comfortable that patients get used to them within the first few days. Digital technology has eliminated the whistling and squealing often associated with hearing aids from previous decades and computer technology allows your audiologist to program an exact prescription for each ear to exactly match your hearing loss. Most hearing aids today can

directly BlueTooth connect, or link to a compatible cell phone so that telephone conversations go straight into the users hearing aids. This dramatically improves ease of listening over the telephone. Where to Seek Help Doctors of Audiology (Au.D.) are the health care experts to seek out for problems related to hearing loss and should be the first contact a patient makes if hearing loss is suspected. They are specially trained in the diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss and hearing related disorders. Many Audiologist have independent offices and some work in Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialty offices. It is advisable to avoid mail offers for “free hearing tests” and high pressure hearing aid sales stores that have multiple offices throughout the country where the emphasis is on selling the patient a hearing aid. Senior adults are especially vulnerable to these gimmicks and often report being unhappy with their decision. Insurance Coverage For Hearing Aids Policies and coverages vary considerably but coverage for hearing aids has becoming more available in recent years. Many active and retired State and Federal employees have standard policies that cover most or all of the cost of today’s hearing aids. Your provider should be able to verify your individual policy coverage during your initial visit.


Find an attorney who’s best for you

The Top Five Things You Should Know... 1. Clarify your objectives to better match your needs and expectations with the right attorney for you. 2. Use the referrals of personal and business acquaintances and the state Bar Association to make a list of potential candidates. 3. Narrow your list by finding out about attorney reputation and experience. 4. Interview potential candidates by including in your discussion questions about their experience and success with cases of a similar nature, as well as fee structures and costs generally associated with your kind of case. 5. Feel confident in your decision, knowing that you have researched the options open to you thoroughly! Evaluate your needs, then do your homework Selecting an attorney who can effectively represent your personal or professional interests is one of the most important decisions you will make. Naturally, you will want to be able to trust your attorney with some of your most significant and sometimes sensitive issues; your confidence in the attorney you choose is critical. Having a clear understanding of your objectives is an integral part of finding the attorney who is best equipped to help you achieve your desired results. By keeping a few general guidelines in mind, you could be well on your way to making the most informed choice possible. How Do I Know if I Need an Attorney? There are many instances in life in which you might need to engage the services of an attorney, and as with many other professions, attorneys generally choose an area in which to practice. For example, if you are writing or revising your will, you may want to seek the advice of an attorney who practices in estate planning. If you (or a loved one) has

been seriously injured in an accident through no fault of your own, or if you have been the victim of medical malpractice, you may want to consult an attorney who has a proven track record of experience and success in trial law. In any case, you should first evaluate your specific needs and objectives and then seek to match those requirements with an attorney who has the appropriate qualifications and with whom you feel comfortable. How Can I Find an Attorney who Can Help Me? Once you have clarified your objectives, you are ready to make a list of potential candidates. This list can be compiled using information based on personal referrals from others you know who currently have or have had needs similar to your own. If you are already acquainted with an attorney, ask for recommendations. Today, many attorneys utilize advertising as a means of “getting the word out” about their skills and areas of practice. Additionally, you can research attorneys who have established a presence on the worldwide web. Bear in mind that, as with any brochure or paid advertisement, Web sites promote the services of a specific attorney or firm and may contain information of a semi-objective nature. Another valuable resource is the Arkansas Bar Association. Although the Bar Association does not provide referral resources, the organization can provide you with a list of attorneys who practice in the area of emphasis for which you need expert advice. You Have Your List. Now What? Now that you have a list of candidates, you can begin the process of choosing the right attorney for your purposes. You have already researched the attorneys and firms on your list using the resources at hand such as brochures, personal/professional references and web sites. Armed with that knowledge, you should begin contacting the attorneys in whom you are most interested and schedule interviews with them. The interview process is the appropriate time for you to ascertain the particulars of your potential working relationship, should you choose that attorney or firm. As you detail your needs and expectations, firms should be able to let you know such things as the name of the attorney who will be charged with handling your affairs, the last time a

similar case arose as well as its outcome, and how the firm stays up-to-date in that area of the law. Be mindful that experience matters in important legal issues. Additionally, if more than one attorney will be assigned to your matter, ask to speak with all the members of the team who will be of counsel. Further, ask for a general time line for the expected resolution of matters of the kind for which you are seeking services and convey your expectations for being updated periodically during the process. Finally, be sure to discuss the fees and costs associated with the type of work you are requesting. Many attorneys and firms bill hourly, while others utilize a flat-fee payment arrangement. For some cases, a retainer fee (a lump-sum payment) is required; thoroughly investigate the costs covered by a retainer agreement so there are no surprises down the road. Other costs of which you should be aware include long-distance phone, copy and deposition charges as well as mailing or expert witness fees. Do not be alarmed if an attorney cannot provide you with an exact, to-the-penny cost; however, do ask him or her to identify the types of services your case generally requires. Other attorneys only charge on a contingency basis and charge a percentage if they actually win a lawsuit on your behalf. Choosing the Right Attorney At this point, you have conducted your research and met with prospective firms and attorneys. Hopefully, you have been able to gather enough information to make a selection with which you can be completely satisfied. The time you have invested in finding the right attorney to handle your needs is about to pay off. As you make your decision, you will want to keep in mind such things as your budget, your time line for resolution if applicable, the number of similar cases with which your prospective candidate has experience and success, and the rapport you established during the interview process. All of these aspects will combine to help create your level of confidence in your chosen attorney’s abilities and will hopefully result in a mutually advantageous relationship. Now that you have made the most informed choice possible, you can enjoy the benefits of having selected an attorney who meets all of your needs.


Selecting a pediatrician

Searching for a pediatrician for your beloved children is one of the most important searches you will make in your lifetime. You may need a pediatrician to care for your newborn, or you may need to find a doctor after moving to a new town. Whatever the reason, the best thing to do is ask others for recommendations. Ask your friends, your family, your co-workers – anyone who has small children will have an opinion on who is the most congenial, the most caring, the most compassionate pediatrician in town. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, pediatricians are trained to: • Help you determine healthy lifestyles for your child and useful ways to role model your choices. • Offer advice to prevent illness and injuries. • Provide early and appropriate care of acute illness to prevent its progression. • Treat life-threatening childhood conditions requiring intensive care. • Guide you in anticipating your child’s needs from newborn to 21. If you are looking for someone to care for your newborn, start your search while you are pregnant. Give yourself time to research the options in your area before the baby arrives. You can even ask your obstetrician to suggest names of good pediatri-

cians. Other good sources for recommendations might be your childcare provider, if your child will be attending a day care or nursery, or the children’s minister at your local church. These folks come into contact with parents and children on a daily basis and normally have their ears and eyes open for information. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests visiting with the pediatricians you are considering. Both parents should attend the interviews and take notes, if necessary. Questions can range from billing matters to how the doctor handles emergency calls. Other recommended questions from the American Academy of Pediatrics include “how soon after birth will my baby need to visit,” “are you available by phone and e-mail,” and “who is your backup pediatrician when you are on vacation.” If you choose a clinic with multiple doctors, ask if your child will see the same doctor each time or will it vary upon the doctor’s availability. Also check to see if the pediatrician is certified at the nearest local hospital, and ask where you child would be hospitalized in case of serious illness. Some insurance companies have an approved network of physicians, so you might be required to choose from this list – check early on with your insurance agent.

If you have moved to a new town and don’t know many people, you can still ask questions in order to choose the best pediatrician. Hospitals and medical societies will have lists of pediatricians. And don’t feel ashamed to ask your new neighbors who have children – most parents are glad to share their knowledge in order to keep children happy and healthy. You can also ask your child’s former pediatrician for recommendations. Be diligent in your search for a pediatrician by looking at the credentials of those contending for the job. Pediatricians can be certified with the American Academy of Pediatrics after extensive training, in addition to earning their medical degree at a reputable university. Most importantly, make sure that you feel comfortable with the pediatrician. Does he or she talk to you with words you can understand rather than medical “initials”? Does the doctor seem to be compassionate about caring for those who are ill, no matter the age? If you choose the best pediatrician for your child, he or she will have a friend and advocate for many years to come. By taking your initial search seriously, you can help shape your child’s life in a positive fashion from his or her first days.


Choosing a spine & pain clinic to meet your needs

Pain management and care should be focused on the patient, and a specialty clinic that will foster a relationship with a patient is essential. A clinic that employs liaison prepared to work directly with medical providers on a number of levels is key to success. A true Specialty Pain Clinic, will require referrals of patients from a primary care physician. In some cases, these clinics will have unique procedures that do not require referrals if a procedure is not covered by insurance. When seeking a pain management provider, it is important to first examine the healthcare team available to the patient. Seeking answers about the credibility of the clinic, its doctors and staff are among the most essential first steps. Then, it is always a good idea for a patient to make sure the clinic they consider is accessible and available regularly. Online reviews of a clinic are valuable resources. Patients may also consider a local pain management provider over satellite clinics associated with bigger market health-

care. In some cases, shopping locally for healthcare can offer a myriad of accessibility and technological options smaller satellite clinics may not have available, such as the ability to perform on-site procedures and specialized equipment. Traffic in a pain management clinic tends to rise in winter months, primarily because many patients with chronic pain have more challenges during this time of year. Other times, insurance policy changes at the end and the beginning of a year cycle can play a role in what healthcare options are covered, and patients take advantage of existing plans and beginning new ones. Pain management clinics are equipped to answer questions and find the right plan of action for each case, and local experts encourage questions on the topic. Specialty pain clinics that are truly patient-centered will keep up to date with current technology, including using innovative real-time radiology machines, allowing healthcare professionals precision and accuracy to target the source of

pain. Image guidance is the key to pinpointing and properly diagnosing ailments of each individual person/patient, experts agree. Staying on top of technology doesn’t only involve the tools and imaging machines, but also applies to online and social sites, which many times include informational videos for conditions treated and animated videos for procedures offered. These kinds of technologies, now common offerings of specialty clinics, allow a patient the ability to better understand their individual problems and to be prepared before they are seen for an appointment. People who have tried traditional medical procedures or medicine are finding more options through pain management professionals. Finding compassionate, patient and caring healthcare providers goes a long way in the pain management process as well. A good bedside manner should be part of the whole package for any patient.


Selecting the right medical facility

Communities nationwide have a rapidly increasing selection of health care options. The concept that “one facility meets every need� can be appealing, but how do you select the right hospital for your family? There are a few key questions you should ask before reaching your decision.

Do you have specific health care needs? Consider first whether any family member has specific health care needs that need specialized treatment. For example, do you plan to have children soon and need a medical center with neonatal care where you can deliver your baby and receive pediatric care all within the

same hospital? Will anyone need cardiovascular surgery that would require comprehensive follow up care including cardiac rehabilitation? Once you have determined whether anyone in your family needs specialized care, you can begin to look at what each facility you are considering offers and whether it meets or ex-

Also, learn where your PCP has admitting privileges. Your doctor can help recommend specialists or surgeons at the hospital with which they are most familiar and comfortable. It’s best to establish this information now, and avoid having to make a hasty decision later or in the event of an emergency. Regardless of whether you have a PCP, learn whether the hospital you are researching employs hospitalists. Hospitalists are physicians who are responsible for the overall care of patients while they are hospitalized. If you have a PCP, the hospitalist will communicate your condition and follow-up treatment plan with your primary care doctor. Hospitalists are available to patients 24/7 while the patient is hospitalized, a practice that is especially beneficial since primary care physicians must divide their time between private practice and the hospital. The hospitalist serves as a main point of contact for patients and works with every member of an individual’s medical care team, from surgeons, to nurses, to therapists and more. Comprehensive care In keeping with the “one place does it all” concept, explore everything the hospitals on your short list provide. When surgery, therapy and follow-up care can all take place within the same medical center, and with health care professionals who collaborate as a medical team, it is often much more convenient for the patient, and outcomes are better, when there is continuity of care. Treatment afceeds your short and long-term needs. ter surgery, after an injury, or for a chronic Do you have a PCP? disease doesn’t always end when a patient If you have a Primary Care Physician is discharged. (PCP), ask for their input on which hos- Follow-up care such as rehabilitation in pitals offer the best care, especially if you the form of physical therapy, pediatric have certain health care needs that may care after labor and delivery, or behaviorrequire a multi-disciplinary approach. al issues for example, require longerterm

outpatient or sometimes inpatient care. When that care is offered at the same medical facility, not only is it more convenient, it benefits the patient in the long run. Convenience Convenience is a consideration that is two-fold. First, does the hospital you are considering offer care in enough disciplines to provide your family with all of the health care options you need within that particular hospital? Secondly, how important to you is it that your hospital is close to home and family? It’s not uncommon for local hospitals to offer all of the services found in major metropolitan medical centers, but don’t assume that so-called satellite hospitals in your community offer comprehensive care. Satellite hospitals may offer care in a particular specialty, but they may not offer comprehensive care in that area. Be sure to inquire. The convenience of having access to comprehensive health care that is just miles from home is appealing. Plus, local hospitals employ members of the community so it’s sometimes easier to form beneficial relationships with the physicians, nurses and staff who will be treating you and your family. Quality and reputation Patient outcomes and safety are always the priority at hospitals. There are a number of websites that list hospitals’ ratings on safety, quality, patient outcomes, patient feedback and other key metrics. It’s always a good idea to ask friends and colleagues who have been treated at a particular hospital for their feedback on their personal experience. While there are always exceptions, firsthand experience is often the best gauge of the quality of the staff and the facility overall.


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