Sweaty Palms – Natural Cures for Sweaty Palms Sweaty palms, sweaty hands, what’s the difference? Either way when you shake someones hand or touch them tenderly, they are going to shy away from your touch. The common knowledge today is that sweaty palms are caused by nervous tension, stress or anxiety. This is accurate for the most part, but there are people out there who suffer from this condition without feeling a bit of nervousness or anxiety. For those that experience sweaty palms without anxiety, they should be sure to check with their physician to rule out any underlying medical cause.
http://www.excessivesweatingrelief.com/sweaty-palms-natural-cures and it is more common than one would think. Once you have overruled any underlying medical condition, there are many types of natural treatments and home remedies that can provide relief from the condition. Not so long ago, the medical community believed that sweaty palms were the result of psychosomatic (symptoms produced by the mind and triggered in the body by the brain) illness. Today it is common medical opinion is that the crisis is just due to a physical condition.
No More Sweaty Palms
Foods that contain iodine which is a highly reactive element should be avoided to alleviate your sweaty palms. Foods to avoid are asparagus, broccoli, 1
beef, turkey, liver and white onion. The tannic acid in tea can provide relief by removing some of the toxins associated with these foods and help to reduce your sweaty palms. To get the benefit of the tea, soak five bags of tea in a quart of water. Cool down the tea and soak your hands in it for ten to fifteen minutes every day. The tannic acid acts as a natural antiperspirant for your hands and it also contains antioxidant properties that can control the odor of the sweat that your body produces.
Drink sage tea because it has properties that reduce sweating in general and it will help to moderate your sweaty palms. A healthy diet and drinking plenty of water will keep your body functioning properly while it helps to control your sweaty palms. It is pretty obvious, that if you optimize your body’s performance through a healthy diet, it will have fewer toxins to remove and will not have to produce as much sweat.
Never use baby powders or talcum powder on your hands, because this will simply aggravate the condition by blocking the palm’s ability to release heat through the pores. Another disadvantage is the mess that results when the sweat mixes with the powders!
Some people find that an antiperspirant rubbed on their hands has a temporary beneficial effect on the condition. There are many natural antiperspirants on the market and I would recommend that you only use natural products. An antiperspirant that is rubbed on the hands is capable of reducing the amount of sweat that your palms produce. It is up to you to experiment and find the one that works best for you. 2
Medical Procedures
Severe excessive sweating in the palms that cannot be relieved through natural remedies can be treated with surgery. That is the most invasive of all of the procedures and as of now, it is the only permanent cure for the problem. Keep in mind that surgery is only recommended for the most severe cases and should only be considered after consulting both your physician and surgeon.
Natural remedies can be very effective in most cases and they cost way less than surgery. For a very few people, surgery is the only answer. The surgical procedure is known as “endoscopic thoracoscopic sympathectomy� and it can be performed in the hands, feet, armpit and also the face.
While researching recent studies regarding excessive palm sweating, I came across an interview with Dennis A. Damiles, an RN (registered nurse) who is noted for his masters in Memorology (Memorology is an innovative awareness and memory enhancement program designed for those who want to upgrade the quality of their learning potential).
He was asked about his knowledge of the condition commonly called, sweaty palms. He stated that he had experience assisting a doctor performing Botox Palmar injections on a person suffering from the disorder. He described the procedure: the hands were washed and dried, then, under the doctor’s supervision, he wiped the palms with an iodine solution and then bathed the palms with iodine 3
reactor solution. The areas that darken showed where the overactive sweat glands were located. The doctor then injected each of the darkened areas with the Botox solution. The palms received approximately 15 injections each which caused them to swell approximately 20% in size. The patient reported to the doctor that the treatment worked as described for four days before the sweating returned to exactly the same level that he had when he went in for the procedure! The patient said “it’s too costly for a procedure that lasts only 4 days”. The patient also stated that during the four days that he was free of the sweaty palms, he could hardly use his hands due to the numbness!
Damiles was not impressed with the medical treatments that he had witnessed for treating sweaty palms, so he set about looking for natural remedies. During his time working as PDN, he suggested that similar patients use a treatment called the “Salt and Water Method”. Prepare a 1/4 gallon of water mixed with 3 table spoons of salt. Cool the solution and and soak your hands for four or five minutes each day. The solution deactivates the sweat glands in the palms and cools the hands so that the sweat glands are not stimulated to make sweat.
The Chinese have used acupuncture as a natural homeopathic management tool for centuries for a variety of physical ailments. Acupuncture has been proven to be very effective in treating sweaty palms. A qualified acupuncturist can perform the procedure and stop your sweaty palm syndrome. This procedure is effective an nowhere near as invasive as surgery or electroshock treatments.
Natural remedies for sweaty palms are the preferred way to treat sweaty palms. The invasive surgical alternative should only be considered after all other treatments have been tried. There are so many different natural remedies available that some combination will work for almost everyone. There is no need to resort to radical invasive procedures when a combination of diet, physical exercise, antiperspirants and stress relief techniques can bring the same or better results.
To continue reading the rest of the article and find out our recommendations, please click here: http://www.excessivesweatingrelief.com