Sweating Too Much?
Profuse sweating can be a truly life altering condition. Human beings are social animals by nature and anything that puts them out of their element with their social group is a potential life altering situation. Excessive sweating makes you self conscious, anxious and unable to interact with people at your optimum level. The worse your condition gets, the worse you perform in social situations, whether it be dating, family or business. Some people are so overwhelmed by their condition that they totally drop out and refuse to be around people at all. You need help before it gets this far out of control.
Well then congratulations! You have landed at the right place, because in this article I will set you on the path to completely eliminating your excessive sweating problem http://www.excessivesweatingrelief.com/too-much
In a lot of cases, people are dealing with excessive sweating from their underarms, face, head, back or even palms. No need to feel like you are the “Lone Ranger�, because there are thousands of people suffering everyday with excessive sweating. On the other hand, you can relax a little, because the condition can be completely cured, and best of all, with natural treatments and remedies!
There are a lot of things to take under consideration when dealing with excessive sweating. To make the complex simple, in most cases of excessive sweating, the sweat glands go into hyper-drive and flood the pores of the the skin 1
with perspiration. Some times excessive sweating is caused by an underlying medical condition, such as diabetes mellitus, over active thyroid glands or thyrotoxicosis, and other different types of skin related conditions. Before you start with any natural remedies, you should consult your physician so that you can rule out any underlying medical conditions. If you do find a preexisting condition, your doctor is the one to handle it.
Once you have ruled out a medical issue, you can move on to natural remedies. Let’s take a look at some of the natural remedies that can be of use in controlling excessive sweating.
1. Always make sure that you use a good antiperspirant, preferably one that is made with aluminum chloride as the key ingredient, because aluminum chloride naturally suppresses sweating.
2. Try to wear loose fitting cloths, like T-shirts and make sure you avoid clothing that are made with synthetic fabric.
3. Your diet plays an essential role in getting control over excessive sweating. Make sure you don’t consume too much alcohol, oily food, caffeine, spicy food and junk food because they all stimulate the body which requires it to increase sweat to cool back down.
4. Avoid stress, tension, depression and anxiety because they all contribute to the body creating sweat. Trying to make yourself comfortable, reducing your anxiety and stress levels, will go a long way to reducing excessive sweating. 2
The Natural Benefits Of Vinegar
Vinegar proves useful both internally and externally. Drinking a vinegar based formula two to three times a day , a half hour before or after each meal, can help reduce sweating in little over a week. Just mix two teaspoons of honey with two teaspoons of vinegar. The honey helps mask the bitter taste of the vinegar. White vinegar is very effect externally in eliminating the odor associated with sweating. Just rub white vinegar onto the affected areas and it will help dry out your sweat pores. Another helpful tip is to add a few drops of vinegar to your bathwater prior to bathing.
Herb Tea
Sage tea is noted for its ability to reduce sweating. Sage is high in vitamin B and magnesium, which cause the sweat glands to slow down. Try drinking one or two cups of the tea per day. Most herbalists suggest that you not boil the sage to long, because extended boiling may release toxins from the sage into your tea.
Tomato Juice Drinking both tomato and grape juice are great ways to regulate your body’s temperature. Reduced body temperature can help reduce sweating. Both juices are loaded with antioxidants which will improve your health in general. There are studies that suggest that drinking tomato juice regularly can help reduce your risk of developing cancer and heart disease. 3
Clothing Can Affect Your Condition
It is very helpful to wear natural fibers that breath well because they help cool your body which in turn reduces the need to sweat. Synthetic materials such as polyester and nylon do not breathe well and should be avoided. Try to stay with natural fibers that breathe well, like cotton, wool and silk.
If you try some of these remedies, you will be well on your way to handling your excessive sweating problem. All you need to do is make a plan and tackle it one day at a time. With a little consistency and hard work, you can beat excessive sweating.
To continue reading the rest of the article and find out our recommendations, please click here: http://www.excessivesweatingrelief.com