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Homework Answers – Week Six Grammatical code and notations: Look up Philippians 1:27 in the Key Word Study Bible. 1. What is the grammatical code for “conduct”? pim - Look up the code, what is the full name of the code? present imperative - What is the number associated with the “grammatical code”? 37 - Look up the number; what is the grammatical notation definition for that number: is a command to do something in the future and involves continuous or repeated action. When it is negative and prohibits an action, it usually carries with it the implication of stopping an action that has been taking place. 2. What is the grammatical code for “come” and “see”? apt - Look up the code, what is the full name of the code? aorist participle - What numbers are associated with the grammatical code? 6, 32 - Look up the numbers, what are the grammatical notation definitions: 6: expresses simple action, as opposed to continuous action. It does not in itself indicate the time of the action. However, when its relationship to the main verb is temporal, it usually signifies action prior to that of the main verb. 32: Participle is a verbal adjective. It has a wide range of possible meanings, some of which can only be inferred from the context. It is often best translated by the English participle. 3. What is the grammatical code for “striving”? ppt - Look up the code, what is the full name of the code? present participle - What is the number associated with the “grammatical code”? 39 - Look up the number; what is the grammatical notation definition for that number: expresses continuous or repeated action. It does not in itself indicate the time of the action, but when its relationship to the main verb is temporal, it usually signifies action contemporary with that of the main verb. 4. Re-write the verse including the grammatical notations: It is a command to continually conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ; so that whether I simply come and see you or remain absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind continually striving together for the faith of the gospel.

English words in Greek Letters. This page introduces four Greek letters that do not look like English letters. See pronunciation guide. Instructions: Read all three words written in Greek letters, then circle the word that corresponds to the English word given on the left.

1. robe ρωβ ________________________ 2. dart δαρτ _________________________ 3. parrot παρροτ _________________________ 4. can καν __________________________ 5. bone βων

Pronunciation Guide:

π= p ρ= r ω = long “o” ν= n

Names from the Bible: These are spelled as they appear in the Greek New Testament. Match the Greek to the English equivalent. d c a b

τιµοθεοζ Φιλιπποιζ δουλοζ παυλοζ

a. bond servant (Transliteration: doulos G1401) b. Paul c. Philippi d. Timothy

Fill in the blanks with the English equivalent of the Greek word: Philippians 1:1 (NASB) “παυλοζ Paul and τιµοθεοζ Timothy,

δουλοζ Bond Servants of Christ Jesus, to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Φιλιπποιζ Philippi, including the overseers and deacons”

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