Design meeting discussing points
Monday 14-01-2019
Crystals on fabric Coating with algae on paper -> bioplastic Explain everything, is it possible to make it in the Bijlmer (self sufficient) -> check if it is fitting with the concept? Upcycling -> is used a lot in the concept, but it is not really what they do by design -> it is not the right word – Conclusion: Upcycling eliminated -> will not work in the designs (brander need to talk with design team about this!) Creating with nature -> or another word instead of: artificial nature Concerns: Will the concept be in line with the designs in the end? -> solution we will have to work backwards, from design to concept Confused in which direction we will going in the designs -> creating with nature or multifunctional or both?! Now in concept words as dark and fear are saying but Friday at the design meeting we were more at the celebrating side like colour and happiness. Did they miss it the concept or is it not clear enough? Miscommunication? It is not visual and textual clear in the concept! (for the designers) What to do now: - Designers: Making a mood board -> visual more clear for the designers -> It are to many options not a clear direction right now. Use also keywords to make the mood board stronger. - First design and then work backwards to the concept (changing, link it) -> not enough time to do it the other way around, because the designers need the time to make it.
Brightness not the dark side only! Self-sufficient are we realizing that this will have to come back in the designs -> materials from the Bijlmer -> this will work! To Do: Branders have to give the “why” -> why is it designed this way -> so we need to summarize/give notes about the sketches and final designs, so the branding team can give answer and visualize the whole idea by the event presentation
Overseeing the sketches and ideas: -
Flowy parts (linked to the celebration part) and included the paper idea in the sketches. Flows, create momentum when you walk -> movement, dynamic. Crystals included and make layers -> showstopper idea: more based on the festival -> use of the natural fabrics Used visuals form the mood board for inspirations to sketch -> building stuff, shaping, new silhouettes, details focused -> corsets etc. (think in general on the unisex idea) Layering, big sleeves, mix different fabrics Talked about evolving with branders -> ideas: use paper for skirts -> make layers -> from natural fabrics to crystals Crumble up the paper, strings in the seam Design: crochet underneath layer and on top a crystal layer Use of crochet Layering, folds and movement
Overall feeling: they are already a little bit on the same page, they have to link designs Now they need a more specific/clear concept to get it all in line -> designers will visual there ideas and give key words that will represent the designs and ideas -> give it to the branders to include it in the concept, make it a whole Don’t forget it is a unisex collection -> include the feminine part Summarize: No upcycling Evolving Self sufficient Layers, Flowy -> movement More focused on the celebrating side (Brightness) -> not the darkness side (words as fear and dark) Creating with nature -> not made with nature