Meeting Minutes #1
Meeting held at: Sabrina’s Place
This meeting is for everyone to voice their concerns about their role in the group so far, scheduling, and any other issue they have worries about.
Present members’ concerns and relevant general comments:
1. Laura (design): all good, only concern is about designers being on the same page. Laura suggests meeting up to make sure the collection is cohesive. (Sabrina is holding a meeting tomorrow for designers to fix that)
2. Daam (design): concerned for the amount of texts that were sent in the group chat, he believes it needs filtering. Everyone agreed to think twice before sending texts in the group chat.
3. Clara (design): concerned about the schedule overall since they want us to work on an innovative idea yet still start with designing.
4. Julia (management INT): wants meeting of little groups rather than only have big group meetings. (Sabrina is scheduling meetings and that will be discussed further later)
5. Lois (branding): all good
6. Kata (management INT): all good, thinks we should have an instagram account. Juliette is part of AMFI social media team. Juliette suggested we send her interesting behind the scenes footage and she might post it on AMFI’s bts account. IDEA: what will social media look like in 11 years? maybe that’s what we do
7. Tjade (): Will be taking pictures of the process, asks everyone to send vids and pics because he can’t be everywhere to document. Is concerned about only having one task. (Sabrina will figure out a new schedule to shift people around when they are free)
8. Charlotte (branding): will be video taping the process. She’s already editing the first vlog from the kick-off. She’s concerned about how she’ll take vids of everything, and wants to work on something else as well because she wants to be seen in the process. (Sabrina is already on it, making schedules and timetables)
9. Austin (design): all good with schedule. Concern is about putting together the research because everyone is doing a small part and isn’t sure if we’re all on the same page. (Sabrina and the team will put the presentation together so there’s no need to worry about that)
10. Amber: will design and sew, good with schedule. Concerned about time and how we’ll sew everything in time (further schedules and meetings will deal with that)
11. Bri (design): designing and sewing, all good with the schedule.
12. Emma (branding INT): will be working on the text part of the brand book, mentions that she needs to have everything together to write the brand book
13. Sara (management INT): only concerned about everyone not having the same level of knowledge which may end in the collection being shallow - research will need to be summarised for brand book - everyone needs to read everything so we all know the same content
14. Juliette (branding INT): doing visuals and film, excited about working with that, concerned with how we’re going to tell the story. (Sabrina will explain that in the next step)
15. Julia (branding): wants to do a little more on design because she did the first year of design
16. Chrissy (design): all good with schedule, wants to do drawing and sketches but needs some help. Julia (branding) wants to help! She also wants brander to help with a collection book.
17. Sanne (branding): will be putting brand and collection book together no concerns
18. Sanne (she wears glasses, I couldn’t get her department): will work on visuals for brand book. One concern about what is meant by visuals? Answer: images, illustrations online or offline…
19. Martijn(): focus on film & photo- concern about people division. He thinks it might be too big or too small but knows we’ll have to figure that out
20. Sabrina (Our manager): Want everyone to shine and be treated with compassion. Really wants everyone to engage in the process.
Discussion on how on promo film: The promo film is for the start of the show to get people excited.
Discussion on collection book:
Daam wants to make a digital book and then print it.
Should there be a trim (haberdashery) board? Suggestions to not have a regular collection book and trim board because this is our chance to do something different, ideas are welcome but it’s gotta be realistic because we’re short on time.
Collection book QR scan idea (laura) maybe next to it put a textile book, makes things easy
Dam has one more question- is there another designer who is a head for management the garments? (Sabrina will place people)
Sabrina’s discussion points
Order goes as follows:
- Doing research and constructing research
- Presenting the research
- Brand book - concept starting point and guideline of how everyone will work -asap after research
- collection and promo film
- shoot
- collection book
- stand - can already start working on the installation stand
Collection question from sabrina - Can we have two male and two female?
Answer: depends on concept
Since there are 8 designers, Sabrina wants 4 outfits, rather than 3, so that designer all have something to do
The requirements are: to make 6 designs and picking 3
All designers agreed with making 4 to set the bar higher: conclusion is to talk to teachers about it
Discussion on the no borders concept: how to implement ideas? with gender and with sizing…
Sabrina was thinking in terms of models, one from every ethnicity
Conclusion: everyone is to write their vision of no borders
Everyone agrees that models are not perfect looking and of different ethnicities
maybe a girl/ boy looking models by transforming the face, masks are a good idea, doesn’t need to be extreme.
Daam is into drag, has idea: cool drag make up artist he wants to show us
conclusion of this discussion: we need to wait for another meeting
We need to filter everything and make sure it’s not a soup
Note from Juliette: SKA got people out of the depression of slavery, with ska music they could celebrate individuality within their own group.
Bri worked with water pollution
all sustainability and design - depends on concept and availability of material
what is zero waste? with pattern making, we can use the waste for accessories like bags, you can go crazy with sustainability concepts like alexander mcqueen
sustainability: we need to know the concept, if its about tech then we need to work with recycling
Designer have points when working with design and sustainability - multi functional for genderless, zero waste is one we need to use (look at daam’s book)
Discussion on Brand book:
Brand book is a tool for designer to use but a connection point for the customer also to get an impression on the brand
we don’t want a regular one
maybe a video?
maybe use a touch pad
- Vlog was shown
- tumblr team and manager construct everything
everyone has access to the tumblr map in the drive
Next thing to do is
-trip to bijlmer
***ASK Tjade about neighbourhood research, Sabrina also knows some history, Juliette knows about the municipality building new own housing
Who wants to go? and what pictures do we want to take?
Split up the 5 people to go around the neighbourhoods
People volunteers: Laura, christi, clara, Tjade
**please shoot horizontal***
For everyone:
After we construct presentation
Write down ideas for concept (Assignment)
for the meeting after the presentation