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PJ Benton, Barbara Birge, Sam Bowles, Kristin & John Bradberry, Olivia & Steve Cohen, Jeanie & Tom Cottingham, Leslie & John Culbertson, Sarah & Larry Dagenhart, George Dewey IV, Jill Dinwiddie & Bernie Hargadon, Colette Forrest, Berhan & Michael Gallis, Deidre & Clay Grubb, Sharon & Rob Harrington, Dee-Dee & Cammie Harris, Gary Harris, Liz & Cy Johnson, Hal Kempson, Cynthia & C. Ray Kennedy, Missy & Will Miller, Sally & Bob Miller, Meredith & John Murchison, Sarah & Tony Lathrop, Maria & Nash Long, Jamie & Hunter McLawhorn, Chandra & Chris Ogunrinde, Peter Pappas, Claudia & Andrew Plepler, Sarah & Walter Price, Pat Rodgers, M.A. & Jim Rogers, Laura & Mike Schulte, Tonya & Stoney Sellars, Kate & Phelps Sprinkle, Anne & Robert Stolz, Rubye Wallace, Fred Whitfield, Marvin Wilson


Charlotte Mayor


IRVIN MAYFIELD THE SALOON AT THE N.C. MUSIC FACTORY 900 NC MUSIC FACTORY BLVD, CHARLOTTE, NC 5:30 - Pre-Show Host Committee Reception 6:30 - Performance MONDAY, APRIL 30, 2012 Suggested Host Committee Contribution Levels $4,000 - Co-Chair, $2,500 - Host, $1,000 - Sponsor, $500 - Patron, $250 - Friend Individual Tickets: $100 Young Professionals: $50 *TO RSVP or TO JOIN THE HOST COMMITTEE PLEASE CONTACT SARA FORMAN AT 704.584.9195 OR SARA@ANTHONYFOXX.COM* Paid for by the Anthony Foxx Committee. www.anthonyfoxx.com

April 30th Birthday Celebration Yes! Count me in! Sorry, canʼt make it Enclosed, please find my contribution in the amount of: $_______________ PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: “THE ANTHONY FOXX COMMITTEE” FOR CREDIT CARDS, PLEASE FILL OUT CREDIT CARD FORM. MAIL BOTH TO: PO BOX 34065, CHARLOTTE, NC 28234 NO CASH CONTRIBUTIONS ACCEPTED. Name: ________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ City: __________________________ State: __________ Zip: ____________ Phone (c):__________________________ (w): _______________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________________ Employer: _________________________ Occupation: _________________ Signature: ____________________________________________________ Credit Card Number: _____________________________________________________________ We accept personal Visa, Master Card & American Express Cards.

Expiration Date: ___________ Security Code: _______________

For questions, contact Sara Forman at 704.584.9195 or email Sara@AnthonyFoxx.com Contributions are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. Individuals are limited to contributing $8000 per election cycle ($4000 Primary and $4000 General). Corporations are prohibited from contributing to the Anthony Foxx Committee. Federal and North Carolina state law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer of individuals whose contributions aggregate in the excess of $50 per year to the Anthony Foxx Committee. Paid for by the Anthony Foxx Committee. www.anthonyfoxx.com

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