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SoftPress PH
SoftPress Publishing House was founded in 1995. Now it is the biggest publishing house in the country, specialized in information and communication technologies, B2B and Internet projects, taking an active part in the life of the market. Current projects are: Magazines: hi-Tech PRO, hi-Tech Communications world, hi-Tech My computer, hi-Tech at School, hi-Tech DVD supplement; B2B titles: Telecom, Telemir, SMART, MM Money & TEchnologies, Panorama; Newspapers: Channel Partner, DK-Zvyazok, Read!; annual catalog Navigator; literary magazine Sci-Fi Reality; Web-sites: hi-Tech.ua, ITware.

Юрій Пуста

katya katya

Yura Sinchuk

Roman Rybakov

Alexeï Lipov

Marco Martinelli

Misha Novikov

Asteriks M

Сергей Темчур


Ярослав Плахотнюк


Дмитрий Кузнецов

Serj Diskmaster

Evgeny Tsyplenkov

Can Raa

Anastasia Bilevich

Ivan Ivanov

Валентина Сиволап

Ксения Ковач

Сергей Король

Абрамович Руслан

Andriy Gxlxy

Dmitriy Gusev

The Life News

Максим Несветаев

Hajime Kirihara

Maija Dreimane


Torrence Boone