5 3 e u iss I.F.M is an independently produced fanzine. It is run by a small group, who collaborate issues every month. The crew at I.F.M would greatly appreciate any help from its readers, be it in Melbourne or elsewhere. You can help out by printing up extra copies, donating money to cover costs and by submitting your own article.
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WORKING GROUP UPDATE. The most recent meeting was held on the 11th July at the MVFC offices. It appears that at present those involved are making good progress into improving fan relations and the treatment of fans by the authorities. Whilst not being able to go into detail, IFM can reveal that the basic goal is for all parties (the club, VicPol, NT as well as MOPT, Venue Management and the security firms - minus the anti-terrorist department) to agree on processes and strategies that will give back freedom to the fans and reduce or remove (where possible) the unnecessary intervention of the security and VicPol. While it is no secret that at times rules and the law have been broken, the
most important argument for the NT is to make the authorities understand that we - as fans - don't necessarily condone unlawful behaviour, but regardless of what goes on, all fans/spectators should be treated like regular human beings. Often the worst incidents have come about due to the unnecessary intervention of the Police or ACG, the best example of this was the GC match at Swan St late last season. If this can be achieved, with the right people involved and in constant communication the NT will gain trust and respect (as well as give some back) and you can be sure that over time we will get our rights back. The right to express our love for the colours and the city, the right to voice our opinions
through banners, the right to display supporters group banners without being targeted, the right to support how we see fit. IFM can reveal that at this point in time, the use of message banners without prior inspection is allowed as the NT has rarely, if ever crossed the line in terms of poor language and/or offensive content (however we are required to inform stadium management that an oversized banner will be brought into the stadium as this is not in line with their conditions of entry). Although some may not see anything special, this is something that the NT feels strongly about as everyone has the right to freedom of speech, football fans included. This is a small step toward a better environment for all of us to support in, but it will take some time and cooperation until the active fans gain complete control once again. As we get closer to kick off IFM and OTB will continue to update its fans with the progress of this particular working group. The next meeting is scheduled for early August where it is expected members of stadium management will enter discussions. IFM would like to reiterate that these discussions are not "formal agreements" and are in no way a legal obligation for any individual fan or any of the supporter groups in the NT. The
discussions simply aim to provide the authorities with the knowledge they require to improve their understanding of football fan culture first hand. Through these discussions the NT hope to create an environment where police and security are almost non existent and are not required on match day. It also aims to provide a consistent approach to crowd management of active fans (regardless of the stadium, the opposition or the incident). The inconsistent approach from the authorities has caused a lot of confusion amongst the active fans which often lead to unecessary incidents. As a result the NT expects to be granted the freedom to display flags and banners as it once did as well as prematch choreographies including the use of pullovers. It must be noted that no matter what opinion you hold, there are some activities that must be managed better including the use of flares, which at this time will do more harm than good. Ultimately this is about respect, as fans we must respect each other, the groups that make up the NT, the independents that stand in the NT, the leaders and capo(i) in the NT and of course those who have to manage the NT.
FFA Chase One Man, But Sacrifice a Town! WHEN HARRY KEWELL MADE HIS INTENTIONS CLEAR ON A RETURN TO HIS HOMELAND, THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT THE FFA WOULD HAVE BEEN JUMPING FOR JOY. IT TRULY WOULD BE A DREAM COME TRUE, REGARDLESS OF WHERE HE ENDED UP. HAVING ONLY PLAYED JUNIOR FOOTBALL IN AUSTRALIA, WHICH EVER CLUB IS SUCCESSFUL IN SIGNING THE AUSSIE INTERNATIONAL WOULD BE THE FIRST CLUB KEWELL HAS REPRESENTED AT SENIOR DOMESTIC LEVEL. Sydney and Melbourne seemed the likely locations for Kewell, being the two biggest markets in the competition, however Brisbane also seemed a possibility despite struggling financially. Newcastles Nathan Tinkler also decided to enter the race, but a lack of funds limited the opportunities that could be achieved elsewhere. All in all, there could be no issues as it has created some positive publicity for the league and its major players in what would otherwise be a time of hibernation. As the stories continued to surface, Melbourne Victory emerged as the front runners in a deal that would see Harry earn as much money as he was worth. Harry would reportedly pocket a percentage of the extra income he
would create. At one stage the clubs turned to the FFA to ask for assistance, as the signing would be a huge boost for the entire competition. The FFA made it clear they would not assist the Melbournians, but did not rule out helping the other states, most notably Brisbane who is coincidently owned by the FFA...surely a conflict of interests? As the saga continues what has surprised this fan is not the fact that a genuine superstar of the game wants to come back to finish his career in our dwindling football competition. It's not the type of deal, which will surely open the door for other big name players to come to the land down under. It's not even that a player such as Harry is risking earning some big guaranteed
dollars in the U.S or Middle East. It's the simple fact that so far the FFA seem to be doing all in their power to lure one man who will only be around for a few years, but chose to crush the dreams of the entire North Queensland area, in an area that is/was arguably the closest model to a community based club. The people of North Queensland will have to be won back, after they were told that they were a liability to the game after 2 seasons of participation in the A-League. Many people outside of the North Queensland area were frustrated and disappointed, even moreso because of the failed world cup bid which some say is the only reason why they were admitted into the league in the first place. It's yet another example on a growing list of failed objectives to add to. Which brings us back to the Harry
Kewell saga. What would it say to the people of North Queensland if an FFA run Brisbane Roar were given the assistance from the governing body to sign this one player, which may turn out to be as unsuccessful as the Fury? All the stories and the speculation seems like just that. The league is getting more publicity and the game is getting more attention from the general public then the build up to the Melbourne derby or a Grand Final and it's a smart thing to use the story to maintain interest in the game when essentially nothing is going on. The biggest risk in the deal is in fact the game itself, wherever Harry ends up, the FFA have to stay out of it to ensure the integrity of the deal remains in tact. The last thing the FFA need is to upset yet another valuable market.
SPECULATION According to an article posted on theworldgame.com.au, Harry's manager stated that: - I f Harry plays for a team in the A-League he does not get paid for any of his home games -H e only gets paid an equivalent of 70 per cent of gate takings for away games if his presence generates more people than that particular club's average. -M ost importantly the clubs will not miss out on any part of their home gates because the money paid to Kewell will come from the FFA. So the club who signs Harry will effectively do so for nothing, his wages will come from the FFA. The same organisation the did not want to help the Fury and it's 23 players. Kewell could potentially earn more than what it would have cost the FFA to keep the Fury in the competition.
NOTICES. Everyone To ADELAIDE!!! Don't forget to organise your trip to Victoria's true sporting rivals across the border. With this being the first and only trip to the Rad in season 2011/12 and Sydney away not coming till March, this will be one not to miss. And if you've booked with tiger, don't stress, the car convoy will guarantee arrival before the game and provide plenty of entertainment. Get your mates together and fill a car, bus and everything in between. Melbourne Boys...Still #1
Bring Back The Tifo Pre-Season After an average season in the stands (where tifo is concerned), the NT wants to encourage all fans to make (or help make) the smaller flags and standards that once filled our section in our first few seasons. And most importantly bring them and use them on gameday.
Celtic vs Melbourne 1-0 Port Melbourne vs Melbourne 0-2, Allsopp, Broxham Melbourne will host Springvale White Eagles behind closed doors at Olympic Park on the 24th of August before travelling to Carrara to face Gold Coast United on the 4th of September. The following week Melbourne will make its annual trek to Launceston where it will host Brisbane.
Celtic v Melbourne Friendly