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Final Major Project

Architecture Drawings By Lola Osunneye

STATEMENT OF INTENT This project will include drawings of Architecture Designs, drawn from Secondary

images. To make the project my own, my iniCal idea is to draw houses around the area in which I live in and as a final conclusion I will be photographing my home and producing drawings of different secCons and angles of my House. My career choice is Architecture, so this project will be beneficial for me, I will also be learning how to draw accurately thinking about scale and 3 point perspecCves. Most people don’t noCce the intriguing work of Architects these days and ever since I’ve been studying Interior Design , I appreciate these buildings much more and by drawing my House is to point across to people the beauty of it all and the idea of appreciaCng what you have.


Klara Ostaniewicz

ARTIST RESEARCH It was quite difficult to find an arCst that specialises mainly on Architecture drawing. Through my research I came across Klara Ostaniewicz who is well known for her observaCon drawing of popular buildings by amazing architects around the world. I love the way she acknowledges the beauty of Architecture. She uses pencil to draw these architectural structures and colour to make it look life-­‐like. She uses the colour yellow frequently which brightens up the picture and the main colour which allows the drawing to look real. She's very talented, pencil usually produces a boring black and white effect and the colour definitely adds originality to her work and makes the drawing more appealing to look at. Her drawings are very detailed using a 2B pencil she includes intriguing shading from one light shades to dark, you can see every liSle aspect of the buildings form. I think the combinaCon is very soT and subtle, soothes the image, very accurate that its easy to recognise what building it is. Some of her drawings are in pencil only, viewing perspecCve and scale in a professional way. I'm excited to start drawing using the same technique being inspired by her lovely sketches.

This is my first aSempt at interpreCng Klara's work. I observed that she draws buildings from pictures so I began researching into architectural buildings and picked a few that I found interesCng to draw. This is a house designed by an Architect called Yasuhiro Yamashita. I used different shades of pencils from 2B to 2H and used a yellow colouring pencil for the car. It took a while to sketch the building in a close to accurate scale, once the line drawing was finished, I found it easier adding the shading. I think the finished drawing looks good and the connecCon with the wire and window is cool as it really looks like a realisCc reflecCon. The areas which are in colour wasn't just coloured in deeply but treated like a shading pencil. For the car, I looked closely at the original and added a slight green at the boSom and a lightly shaded yellow at the front. I'm pleased with the shading on the window which reflects the sky, I believe that area of the drawing allows the sketch to look more realisCc.


Zaha Hadid is one of my favourite architects. I absolutely love her work and her curvaceous sensaConal structures. She's really inspired me to be a great architect, so I look at some of her buildings that I admire and this was one of them. From this angle the building appears like a futurisCc spaceship; I love it that most of her work are uniquely designed that you wouldn't imagine them to a building and the fact that they are is intriguing to see. The drawing took a long Cme to complete , as I wanted to include every to include every single detail. I used different shades of pencils from light to dark, I wanted this drawing to be pencil only as my ArCst Klara also produces drawings that are just pencil, she's also drawn a series of Zaha Hadid's buildings. ATer a rough shading , I used a coSon bud end to smudge the bits that needed to blend. Overall the drawing is really good and I'm pleased with my shading and the idea that the drawing looks futurisCc and idenCcal to the picture it was drawn from. With the picture being black and white is was easier to shade, picking out the dark and light areas, it was also easier for me to choose what pencil shade that's closer to the shade on the picture.

SUNFLOWER BUILDING This is another building designed by Zaha Hadid. I decided to do this in pencil only as well. I like it that drawing looks realisCc, It is clear that I didn’t just copy the picture and the other thing that is the same in the outer overhead structure, I only included a few people to save Cme placed them in different places by improvising.

Klara O drawing

In this drawing , I added more colour using yellow frequently like my ArCst Klara does. The yellow in the drawing represents light and with every thing else done in pencil, the coloured area definitely draws your aSenCon

I didn't’t get to finish this drawing but I admire its shape, it is also a perspecCve drawing with its pointy edges that slant down the page to meet at one point. Its quite different to the original, as I used a lighter shade of yellow for the windows and a lot more shading on the coloured areas which came out effecCve.


I researched into old interior designs and this is a 1945 living room in The Gilbert and

Martha G. Tompkins House and photography by Ezra Stoller/ESTO who specialises in black and white images of old architecture. Although, this interior space is very old it sCll appealing to look at with its finely carved bricks and lovely fire place, its windows are always quite wide which would allow a lot of natural lighCng in. I think this drawing is my most effect, the shading is perfect and I think it looks beSer by using my iniCaCve to colour the chairs in brown.



Jean Haines

ARTIST RESEARCH Klara Ostaniewicz

LINE DRAWING ATer producing some very detailed drawings, I wanted to do something more simple so I looked into line drawings and discovered my chosen arCst also specialises in it. The drawings are very basic but sCll look interesCng having that storybook aspect

These are some line drawings done using biro pen.



PERSPECTIVE DRAWINGS Architecture includes a lot of perspecCve drawings so I decided to pracCce this form of drawing. I would say is my best outcome because you can visualise where it would meet at one point. The kitchen was drawn from a magazine and I found it interesCng that drawing this way you focus more on the visible shapes and not just drawing a picture exactly how it is. This type of drawing can be done freehand, but I used a ruler instead so it can look neat and more refined.

It was drawn and shaded in pencil, I cropped a secondary image of a woman to make the drawing look more realisCc and I think it blends well, I also sized the image to fit the right scale of the drawing. The combinaCon of both suits as it looks like she's an observing kitchen inspector.


ATer drawing buildings that I admired, I moved on to taking pictures of my house in different angles so I can then start sketching from them.

From the images I took of my house, I created these drawings following the basic idea inspired form my arCst. In some of the drawings I added colour, I also added silhoueSed people to add more depth to the drawing, making it more realisCc, forming a contrast with the drawing being cartoony

Houses around the area I live.

This is a drawing of my house from an angle. It took a long Cme to do but the outcome was pleasing. I was delighted to see people reacCon on how I actually drew every single brick. It was also nice to acknowledge the amount of bricks I had on my house. The drawing was done using pencil, I then added colour using blue and green. There were some mistakes as I didn’t consider the angle enough so the bricks that were meant to follow looked wonky and it was too late to make amendments because the drawing would look messy . I decided to go back to the detailed drawings as the line drawings were experiments and I thought the more detailed ones are my most effecCve and overall I was saCsfied with the result.









PRACTICAL WORK To further the project I looked at other ways to represent architecture and its 3D forms and these are some pracCcal examples I produced. I researched into pop up architecture to transform my 2D drawings into something more 3D. I think the bridge worked well the most, using photocopier paper which is quite thin and flappy.

I used that type of paper because I wanted a pure white background and I figured it would be easier to fold and manipulate, the black open shapes were cut using a scalpel. The same process was used for the other two and I always leT two sides/flaps that will be connected to the paper to hold the middle and when the flaps were glued to the paper and the middle of the paper was folded it pushed out the drawing

OLAFUR ELIASSON This is a laser cut book called ‘Your House’ by Olafur Eliasson. Its consists of 454 pages which was individually cut by a laser cut. The 3d drawing was based on his house in Copenhagen, Denmark. All the cut pages corresponds to 2.2 cm of the actual house and he allows the viewer to slowly make their way through the rooms of the house from front to back and its like a physical and visual scenario. It also relates to pop up books and the interacCon is very engaging, it differs itself completely from a basic drawing and creates a model in a book.

EVALUATION In conclusion, I enjoyed working on this project, mainly because I got the opportunity to choose what I wanted to do. I chose to work on Architecture drawings because I would love to be a great Architect in the future. I also thought by going to university to study architecture, I might not get the chance to do more fine art based drawings so it would be a good opportunity to take advantage. The project was certainly beneficial for me and more of a learning process, working on how to sketch buildings realisCcally considering scale and perspecCve. I believe the arCsts I was inspired by were good choices and really helped me to create lovely drawings. It allowed me to try out a different way of drawing, mixing bright and warm colours together to create something interesCng. I would've preferred to have a theme so it gives me more sense of direcCon, at first the project looked lost but as it progressed it became beSer. If I had the chance to do it again, I would include detailed plan drawings and explore different media’s for example ink or graphite.

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