Reveal conceal by lola

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Unit 18: Collabora/ve working in Art & Design Lola Osunneye Louise Gunn Trina Alleyne Mitchell Susmita Hamid

Direc/on Leadership

Sharing Ideas

Team work Listening

Collabora/ve Working Evalua/ng the usefulness of ideas

Effec/ve /ming

Crea/vity Understanding Other views

Genera/ng ideas Good communica/on skills

Collabora/ve working can be both nega/ve and posi/ve: Pros •  Lowers the costs of tools, materials needed than if to purchase by yourself •  Saving /me of travelling •  Extra pair of hands, strength in numbers so work completed quickly. •  Shared experiences and risk Cons •  Wasted /me and resources •  Liability, if things go wrong •  Decision making becomes more complicated •  Resistance to change


The Les Twins Larry and Laurent Bourgeois, are known world wide as Les Twins. They are Collabora/ve ar/sts which specialize in Hip-­‐Hop dance. They were born and raised in Sarcelles France, dancing phenomena's which bring more advanced new Style Hip-­‐Hop dance to the table. Les Twins are also a part of a larger crew which is a group of people that dance together as a team and they are known as Criminalz Crew. The brothers have been dancing since the age of two and are s/ll dancing /ll this day. They both have an extreme passion for the art. They’re dance and connec/on between each other is remarkable, one doesn’t have to look at the other to flow just as smooth as the other, its incredible the way they both work together and create a sensa/onal piece of art to watch. If one performs a new dance move, the other would pick up really fast, they share ideas and listen to one another making a really good team, being twins makes it even more easier to cooperate as their minds are very much iden/cal.

hZp:// feature=player_embedded&v=VLcK X1f9tnM This video shows the twins dancing with their crew. There is a bit where ones hat falls while dancing and another helps to pick it up and throw it at him in which he catches and looks like part of the dance. It shows a lot of team work that when one makes a mistake theirs someone to back them up which reflects the idea of working together as one group.


The Mulleavy Sisters Kate and Laura Mulleavy are collaborated fashion designers which introduced the brand of clothing and accessories called ‘Rodarte’ which is a New York sensa/onal. The Mulleavy sisters have received a number of industry awards since the designer label was launched in 2005.The sisters have also collaborated with Gap and Target, on limited edi/on pieces. The duo’s enjoy the concept of fantasy, most famously designing the ballet costume worn by Portman in Black Swan. The picture above displays both helping each other by puing together the aire the model will be wearing. In an interview, Kate Mulleavy quotes while describing what it's like to work alongside her sister every day… "Some/mes, it seems as if we have always created together being that we were inseparable as children. Our minds think as one”.

REVEAL means to make the unknown, known. CONCEAL means to keep from sight and make the known, unknown

Decade and culture

1960s -­‐ 2011 Kate Moss Fashion Icons

Theme “Fashion and texCles”


Michelle Obama Lady Gaga

Rihanna Twiggy Uncover Discover

Disclose Book




Theatre Mask

Exposure Epiphany







Scarf Duvet

There are many ways to understand the meaning to the theme ‘Reveal and Conceal, our interpreta/on is a piece of work or picture that both presents and hides content, you see exactly what’s in front of you but there’s a mystery behind it and that’s what we are going to try and achieve with our designs and photography.


Medical Religion Niqab



Studio Roosegaarde Studio Roosegaarde is a social design lab for Art, Fashion and Architecture. This piece of work is called INTIMACY which is a high-­‐tech fashion project exploring the rela/on between in/macy and technology. It has high-­‐tech garments called 'In/macy White' and 'In/macy Black' and are made out of opaque smart e-­‐foils that become more transparent based on close and personal mee/ngs with people. Its social interac/ons determine the garments level of transparency, crea/ng a physical play of discovery.


CONCEAL "CONCEALED BALLERINA" BY AHYOUNG CHOI The concept is a passionate, powerful and elegant dancer in which her talents are revealed through her clothing. "Concealed Ballerina" is the first personal collec/on by the young Korean fashion designer. The collec/on was inspired by Christo & Jeanne-­‐Claude's land art.

I love it that even though she is all covered up it s/ll looks fashionable and sophis/cated. Created pointy forms which are covered with defeated stocking s/tch fabrics that reminisce architecture which are hard yet at the same /me sop and feminine.

The mask conceals her face but is clinches the bone structure of her face and reflects beauty in its own way.

ROLE-­‐ Ar/st/Designer

Day 1

FRIDAY 20TH APRIL 2012 The theme “Reveal and Conceal” was introduced as my new project. The class was given a liZle sheet of paper with sugges/ons of what we’ll like to do, then we were then placed in groups which had similari/es. I was pleased with the idea that people I'm most comfortable with and get along with were joined with me to be a group. The next step was to discern between what role we’ll like to play. Reveal and Conceal can be understood in many ways, my interpreta/on of it is displaying a mystery piece of work, one which presents and hides content so the image forms a disguise. As a group, we began with a brainstorm and one of the key words happened to be culture and decade, we then decided to focus mainly on the 1960s and African and Indian aires.


The 1960s is the decade that broke many fashion tradi/ons, it changed things as young people started making the clothes they wanted to wear, clothes that completely excluded their parents’ genera/on. The mod look was introduced where it was all about looking forward to the future, more sharp, bold, futuris/c design. False eyelashes were worn by women throughout the 1960s, and their hairstyles were a variety of lengths and exci/ng styles..


INVENTION OF THE MINI SKIRT Mary Quant is a Bri/sh fashion icon who brought in the idea of the mini skirt which became a 1960s phenomenon. She advanced the mini skirt and hot pants and encouraged young people to dress to sa/sfy themselves. The mini skirt is s/ll popular /ll this day and featured in many fashion catwalks, geing shorter and shorter as /me goes by. It’s a trend in which playfully covers and reveals at the same /me. The ini/al idea is to further the idea of the mini skirt and reinterpret it to a longer form with a peplum bit that can be flipped over to reveal what's underneath.

I researched into fashion sketches and began crea/ng drawings by looking mainly at the circular body shapes from model secondary images

These are some more examples of drawing shapes from model poses, in the end the drawings began to resemble mannequin dolls which was interes/ng. This exercise was beneficial for me when it comes to life drawing.

In the 1960s, people were dressing in mind-­‐blowing prints, highlighter colours, and mismatched paZerns. Black and white paZerns were quite popular in the 60s especially on dresses and that’s why I designed this dress, it conceals the body but reveals the legs and arms.


While doing research with books borrowed from the library, I came across this picture which was interes/ng because of the way its revealing the back but conceals everywhere else. The design illustrated at the back of the dress related to our idea of designing something with an Indian paZern.

I made up this paZern looking at 1960s black and white fashion combining polka dots and squares.

These illustra/ons are just examples of my designs unraveling Reveal and conceal.

CONCEAL REVEAL The concept of this drawing was to draw a design that reveals parts of the body to interpret the word ‘Reveal’. It’s a open front dress showing her cleavage and her belly, the material would be a mesh with dark material used for the triangles, there is also a slit showing her legs. The image below is to show an idea of what it would look like.

This was my first sketch in crea/ng my own mannequin, I then repeated the sketch and added different clothing on each.

The concept of this drawing was to ‘Reveal and conceal’ at the same /me. She is wearing a turtle neck crop top and a long midi skirt, covering the top half and boZom half but revealing the belly area

These two images show a mannequin with a plain black top and one with a paZern on it. I wanted the one with a black top to be plain and the long skirt to be paZerned.

The ini/al idea was to create a long skirt in black and white but using African or Indian paZerns, I drew this skirt to have an idea of how it’ll look.

I designed this dress taking inspira/on from the dress in the previous slide. The paZern was created by improvising of what an Indian paZern would look like.

I then produced another drawing swapping them round with a top that has a black and white 1960’s paZern and a plain short peplum skirt.

This includes the black and white paZern reflec/ng back to the 1960s

These are my first drawings of the peplum skirt , exploring different ways of how it can look and whether it would work well.

This skirt/leggings was inspired by this picture which was taken from a Fashion book. Here, there are red and black strips but since I was looking at black and white fashion of the 1960s, I included that on one side and an Indian paZern on the other, the arrows show if the peplum was to be liped up it will reveal a different paZern.

Drawing Â


Week 2 This week was designing the final idea for the peplum skirt which was taken from research into trendy skirts . 1960s is fond of its black and white paZerns, so we found this flowery paZern shown in an Indian tex/les book. The idea of the peplum formed while thinking about how a skirt can reveal something and the peplum is a form of flaps in which can be flipped to see what is below. The idea of the skirt also came from looking at the famous 1960s mini skirt inven/on. I drew the peplum skirt to look stylish and made short to relate to the mini skirts of the 1960s.

Inspira/on was taken from the Aqua Klingon Peplum skirt which was our main focus of shape and design for our skirt.

This was prin/ng week, I personally wasn't willing to make an aZempt incase of any mistakes but the group encouraged me to and the result was pleasing. The disadvantage with prin/ng of fabric was depending on the amount of pressure used it may come out perfect or rather insufficient.

We took about 2-­‐3 days prin/ng, it was quite /me consuming but a very effec/ve process and it worked well . The prints that were short supplied, I helped to paint onto them geing closer to perfec/on.

Niqab To interpret the word ‘Conceal’, researching into the chosen theme Decade and culture , we decided to look at Muslim culture in which they dress in a certain way to cover up their body and a Niqab idea progressed from there. A Niqab is a piece of cloth which covers the face, worn by some Muslim women. It’s a religious gesture which conceals the face, they wear them as a part of respect for them self and see it as haya which means “ Keep private what should be private”. It is only taken off around family members. The niqab would be used in our case to conceal the face, including the same paZern used on the skirt also. While looking at culture , we found interest in Indian paZerns, so we observed the way they dress.

Pen Drawing

As a group we used lesson /me to go out to Green Street in search of what material we’ll like to use for the men's shirt and the women's skirt. We all put in £3.50 to purchase both fabrics , the white material wasn’t exactly what we wanted as my team mate Trina needed material which was quite stretchy so we had to change arrangements and make changes to how the skirt would be made. The colourful material was chosen due to the bright colours used in the 60s.

I looked into the 70’s where men wore loud paZerned shirts, so I drew out some sketches exploring how a plain white shirt can be designed in a way that looks stylish, I also added some 1960s black and white paZerns that I used as research for the women's dressing.

This is my sketch illustra/ng an example of what the Men’s shirt is going to look like. We spent too much /me on the prin/ng on fabric for the skirt so decided to get a plain white shirt and add the material onto it in a fashionable way.


This was the end result of the Men's shirt made by Louise Gunn. I think it was very successful as the colours work very well with the plain white shirt. It was lovely to see my drawn design come to reality and the idea of turning a plain white shirt into something more appealing to look at and aZract your aZen/on. The photographs were taken by me and my team mate Louise was modelling the shirt, I think the angles are interes/ng and the shirt works great with the blue background. I'm pleased that as a group we reached our aim and I'm sure there are men out there who would desire to wear this shirt. If I was to do it again, I would ask a male to model the shirt instead as it would be more suitable to the concept.


One of out team mates was in fact Muslim who helped to make the niqab mask which had an impressive outcome as it does cover the face and brings out the beauty of the model’s eyes. Its interes/ng that when you look at the picture there is pure eye contact. The idea was to reveal and conceal at the same /me and here her face is covered and her chest area is uncovered. This skirt and the Niqab reached our expecta/ons and I was pleased with the outcome. We had some troubles with the skirt as the sides didn’t pop out as much as we wanted it to but overall it was sa/sfactory. In the end it did relate to the theme reveal and conceal as the niqab and skirt hides content and the chest areas are exposed

These images were also taken by me and she is holding a cigareZe to contradict the Muslim idea of respec/ng yourself, so she is revealing a hidden habit of herself and the rest of her female bits are covered and her arms are showing.

EvaluaCon In conclusion, the process was a good experience focusing mainly on the prac/cal work. The whole idea of working in a group was frustra/ng, at /mes I will be the one to turn up at the right /me and I’ll have to wait for the others, it wastes /me for work to be done and my own /me. On the other hand the communica/on was good , we hardly had conflicts in any sort and the project’s final outcome was sa/sfactory. It was a learning process for me and a chance to try something new which is fashion based. I think my drawing are good and got beZer as the project went on, I learnt how to focus of body shapes rather than drawing a picture how it is, I also liked the idea of my drawings looking life like. I had the chance to include my design ideas of clothing which was enjoyable. If I had the opportunity to do it again, I would create more sketches using different materials and more of actual fabrics in my sketchbook to make it look more crea/ve.

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