London Property Matters // Issue 02 // Spring/Summer 2022

Page 50

Happy at home Apartment blocks today are going above and beyond to offer amenities to help improve resident wellbeing. Richard Benson, KFH’s Managing Director, Block Management, explains why this is so important

t’s long been accepted that the condition of our housing can influence our physical health. A warm and dry house will discourage damp and, for example, reduce respiratory problems. What has become very evident over the last two years is how housing also has a huge influence on our mental health and wellbeing. For good and bad reasons, working from home has meant for many of us that our properties have been where we spend most of our time. In a report for Shelter in 2017, even before the pandemic, 20 GPs who were interviewed on the subject reported that the condition of a property was one of the main housing problems referenced in the context of their patients’ presentations of mental health problems. It is a fact that repairs and refurbishments have been less possible



Managing Director of KFH Block Management


during the pandemic, but buildings are much like people: they age and need to be looked after if they are to be at their best. The lifespan of a building can be significantly extended by the right kind of refurbishment. But more importantly than that, refurbishment can significantly change our feeling about where we live. An overcrowded, poorly maintained or even unsafe environment increases stress and anxiety. But even if these are not the kind of issues that affect us, a good environment makes us feel better about ourselves. Our homes, both in terms of their location and the physical building itself, influence almost every aspect of our lives – from how well we sleep, to how often we see friends, to how safe and secure we feel. Refurbishment, even if conducted as part of a more significant project, offers some clear benefits. The process of improving our living space can range from cleaning, redecorating and re-equipping



30/03/2022 10:56

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