Level 11 SCQF Diploma in Business Management

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Credits : 120 Duration : 6 months / 9 months

Londan School of International Business www.LSIB.co.uk admissions@lsib.co.uk


About London School of International Busness London School of International Business (LSIB) assasaasas




Contents 1

Introduction and Summary






Teaching, Learning and Assessment



Entry Requirements



Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)









National Occupational Standards (NOS)



QAA Benchmark Statements


10 Learning/Teaching Methods and Strategies


11 Assessment Methods and Strategies





Introduction and Summary The Diploma in Business Management (SCQF Level 11) is a Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) equivalent Level 7 qualification. It is designed to meet the needs of senior/middle managers in the running of their businesses, and to facilitate their progression to higher levels within their organisation. Managers need to be aware of issues, able to analyse their potential outcomes and consequences, and decide how to react. They do not have to be expert in all areas of business but they need to possess a general awareness of what specialist facilities and services exist, and how they can assist in carrying out that role. The programme includes contemporary topics reflecting key st issues within the 21 century business environment, as well as the latest developments in management research. The programme has been produced to conform to the requirements of the RQF, the SCQF, the National Occupational Standards for Management and Leadership (NOS) and the relevant Quality 1 Assurance Agency (QAA) subject benchmark statements.

Aims The aims of this programme will allow learners to: 

Apply theoretical understanding of business and management to complex and current business issues and the impact of the external environment, with a view to improving business practice

Critically reflect upon own leadership and management skills and thereby allow learners to prepare for senior roles within their organisation

Develop a lifelong learning attitude to education and training

Gain a critical insight into contemporary research and leading-edge practice within the field of strategic management

Develop considerable autonomy in their learning and enhance their ability to plan, implement and evaluate consultancy projects in a group context

Demonstrate originality and enterprise in approaching complex business issues

Demonstrate self-direction, initiative and autonomy in research and scholarship towards solutions to organisational problems in a chosen field of management

Critically evaluate proposed solutions to business problems.




Teaching, Learning and Assessment The Diploma in Business Management (SCQF Level 11) is designed for learners who have gained a considerable degree of subject knowledge and proficiency from undergraduate studies, experience within the workplace, or both. The approach to study is essentially one of critique and evaluation: using the results of current and recent research and case studies to analyse, evaluate and appraise established methods, practices or techniques. Teaching input is provided via a wide range of approaches including lectures and seminars (online and or face to face), video and case studies. Particular emphasis is placed on team approaches and the setting of work-based tasks at a strategic level. Learning strategies include syndicate work, group presentations, working with local business organisations, and self-managed learning. Assessments have a strong practical and professional orientation and enable learners to develop a range of practical management skills relevant to senior roles in their organisation. Work-based assignments are used where relevant and practical in order to help participants: 

Relate their learning to their work environment

Increase their knowledge of that environment

Raise their profile and ensure that their sponsor gains immediate practical benefit

Access increased employability/progression opportunities.

Entry Requirements One of the following:    

Level 6 Diploma, or Bachelors Degree, or Other relevant international qualification at Level 6, and English language, with Relevant work experience




Progression Students completing the Diploma in Business Management (SCQF level 11) will be able to progress to the Masters stage of a university MBA (Master in Business Administration) programme.

Curriculum The Diploma in Business Management is a SCQF Level 11 (RQF equivalent Level 7) programme and is abbreviated to BM on the table below. The programme consists of 5 units, all of which are compulsory, as shown: BM Units BM Compulsory Compulsory Units Unit Title



Strategic Management



Strategic Financial Management



Change Management and Strategic Leadership



Strategic Resource Management in Organisations



Marketing Management in Practice



Total Credits 120




National Occupational Standards (NOS) Some of the knowledge covered in the Diploma in Business Management (BM) maps against the underpinning knowledge of units from the NOS for Management and Leadership (2008). For more information on this, please contact us at info@eduqual.org.uk.

QAA Benchmark Statements The Diploma in Business Management is a SCQF Level 11/RQF equivalent Level 7 qualification and has been developed using the QAA Benchmark Statement (2015) on Master’s degree in business and management (Type 3). If you would like more information on this, please contact us at info@eduqual.org.uk.

Learning/Teaching Methods and Strategies The learning learning outcomes bebe achieved by the use of the learning and teaching methods and The outcomeswill will achieved by the use offollowing the following learning and teaching strategies: methods and strategies:  A variety of teaching and learning strategies, including lecture, seminar, case study and video.  Team teaching on specific modules to foster integration between various aspects of strategic management.  A strong emphasis on syndicate work in which professional practice can be shared and exchanged.  Guest lectures from leading edge practitioners at senior level within a global context.  Directed private study, including reading authoritative quality texts and articles and researching appropriate data using the internet.  Personal and professional critical self-reflection, including from colleagues and superiors. feedback  The creation of a learning environment that fosters debate and constructive argument.  Units which encourage students to critically assess theory and leading edge practice, with a view to creating new concepts and practices for the  Practical projects which foster originality of thought and enterprise.  Exercises which develop critical analysis of financial statements.




Assessment Methods and Strategies Thefollowing followingassessment assessmentstrategies strategieswill willbebeadopted adoptedtotoachieve achievethe thelearning learningoutcomes: outcomes: The Assessments in the form of management reports with a strong practical and professional orientation to the workplace will include:  Case studies which critically examine key strategic issues within contemporary business organisations.  Group presentations which present arguments in a coherent and insightful manner.  Project work carried out and reported upon based on work experience. Formative assessment will include:  Peer review of work between individuals and groups  Material presented in class where clarity of argument, theoretical bases and evidence of depth of thought is supported with references to theory and currency of thought.  Feedback in class situations on topics of current interest, and from textual material and research papers and articles.  Evidence of the breadth of research may include internet sources, where appropriate to the curriculum topics covered. Summative assessment will be by assignment which may include work such as:  Management reports which critically assess strategic issues and make clear recommendations for successful implementation.  Group presentations which coherently and concisely present analysis of strategic issues.  A consultancy exercise which encourages group debate and argument, fosters originality of thought and develops sound decision-making.  An entrepreneurial project which promotes creativity and makes clear, sound recommendations for practical implementation within a specified context.  A research proposal for a business scenario which allows learners to evaluate and apply research philosophies and methodologies.  A portfolio which provides substantial and objective evidence of recent progress in leadership development.  Evidence of critical reflection.




Strategic Management Unit Summary Equivalent SCQF Level Credit Value Learning Time (hours) Organisation name As part of (Award Title) Unit purpose

Unit Entry Requirements(if applicable)

11 20 200 EduQual Ltd. (Company Number 8913632) Diploma in Business and Marketing Strategy (SCQF Level 11) To enable learners to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of strategic management and business planning, and of the tools for reviewing current organisational strategies. This includes strategic planning for profit, as well as not-for-profit organisations, and takes a global focus. The unit advances learner knowledge of concepts and frameworks to develop effective strategic plans.

See Programme Specification.

Learning Outcome 1 (Assignment 1, Task 1) Evaluate the nature, scope and context of strategic management. Performance Criteria Content/Evidence On completion of this unit, the The learner must provide evidence which draws from learner can: the knowledge and skills listed: 1.1 Explain the importance of strategic planning for an organisation.

Evaluation of the role of strategic planning in meeting organisational objectives.

1.2 Compare organisational value and mission statements with current business objectives of an organisation.

Analysis of selected organisation’s alignment of value and mission with objectives.

1.3 Devise and develop appropriate goals, values and strategic objectives for an organisation and consider the differences between profit and not-forprofit organisations’ various approaches to strategic planning.

Discuss and suggest goals for a selected organisation in both profit and not-for-profit sectors that align with values and mission, analysing differences in approach to strategic planning in the two sectors.




Learning Outcome 2 (Assignment 1, Task 1) Identify and evaluate the external factors affecting an organisation. Performance Criteria Content/Evidence On completion of this unit, the The learner must provide evidence which draws from learner can: the knowledge and skills listed: 2.1 Critically analyse major changes taking place in the external environment that will impact on an organisation’s business strategy.

Use of models such as PESTEL, Porter’s 5 Forces, Scenario Planning, SWOT.

2.2 Analyse the needs and expectations of stakeholders for an organisation and consider the impact on strategic business planning.

Carry out a stakeholder analysis of an organisation and identify needs and expectations, and likely impact.

Learning Outcome 3 (Assignment 1, Task 2) Review and evaluate existing business plans and strategies of an organisation. Performance Criteria Content/Evidence On completion of this unit, the The learner must provide evidence which draws from learner can: the knowledge and skills listed: 3.1 Select and use appropriate tools for strategic analysis of an organisation’s current business strategies, and then consider: Options for developing strategic planning Selection of an appropriate strategic option.

For identified organisation, evaluate and use models such as BCG and Ansoff’s grids to analyse, plan, and select strategy.

3.2 Critically evaluate the effectiveness of tools available for strategic analysis.

Critically evaluate tools available and their effectiveness for given scenarios.

3.3 Review the risks and competitive position of an organisation in its current market.

Evaluate the position of a chosen organisation using selected tools from above.




Learning Outcome 4 (Assignment 1, Task 2) Design a suitable management strategy for an organisation. Performance Criteria Content/Evidence On completion of this unit, the The learner must provide evidence which draws from learner can: the knowledge and skills listed: 4.1 Devise an outline for the structure of a strategy plan for an organisation, and include: • All stakeholders • Identify resource requirements and constraints • Communication processes to gain stakeholder commitment to the plan • Monitoring and evaluation systems for the implementation of the strategy plan.

All items listed left, with a critical evaluation of the outline plan.

Delivery and Assessment Tuition and guidance should feature flexible approaches to delivering the unit. Formal tuition sessions, whether face to face or online, will identify some of the required, theoretical subject matter. This will help students to work individually, or as part of a group, researching and gathering information about the subject. Personal and group research, case studies, simulations, exercises and discussion are typical and engaging ways of learning about the subject. Students will likely use tutor- and self-directed study and reflect on their experience and expertise. Up-to-date information and materials are available from many sources such as businesses, the World Wide Web, television and radio broadcasts, broadsheet newspapers and advisory services. 1

Full guidance on delivery and assessment is available from EduQual upon request. Where Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a valid option for learners that meet some (or all) of the assessment criteria outlined for a given unit, readers are referred to EduQual’s Recognition of Prior Learning Policy. This policy is available online, or by request.


Finally, EduQual provides detailed Assessment Guidance to its Approved Centres. Centres that lack this document may: Request it from the email address shown in the footnotes on this page Access it from their own EduQual Dropbox folder.




Outlined Learning Plan The following outlined learning plan can be used as a guidance document in conjunction with the unit assessment. It is designed only as a simple exemplar of a way in which the unit can be delivered.

Topic and Suggested Assignments / Activities / Assessment Introduction to unit and programme of learning Presentation on the nature, scope and context of strategic management Practical work, research and discussion on the nature, scope and context of strategic management Assignment 1. A staged report Presentation on environmental analysis and the external factors affecting organisations. Practical work, research, and discussion on environmental analysis and the external factors affecting organisations. Tutorial support and feedback for Assignment 1 (stages 1 and 2) Presentation on business strategy options, strategy selections, and strategic planning Practical work, research and discussion on business strategy options, strategy selection and strategic planning Presentation on strategy design Practical work, research, exercises and discussion on strategy design Tutorial support and feedback for Assignment 1 (stages 3, 4, and 5) Review of unit and programme of assignments

List of Learner Sources The recommended sources listed below should be familiar to each tutor/assessor who is delivering this unit as part of an EduQual qualification. Learners should be made aware of these sources before delivery of this unit, and be fully conversant with these sources upon completion of this unit.

Textbooks Johnson, G., Scholes, K., and Whittington, R. (latest edition): Exploring Corporate Strategy: Texts and Cases Grant, R. M. (latest edition): Contemporary Strategy Analysis Barney, J. (latest edition): Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage

Journals International Journal of Business and Globalisation Journal of Management Strategic Management Journal Journal of Strategy and Management

Websites Free Management Library Forbes Strategic Management Insight Mind Tools

www.managementhelp.org www.forbes.com www.strategicmanagementinsight.com www.mindtools.com




Strategic Financial Management Unit Summary Equivalent SCQF Level Credit Value Learning Time (hours) Organisation name As part of (Award Title) Unit purpose

Unit Entry Requirements (if applicable)

11 20 200 EduQual Ltd. (Company Number 8913632) Diploma in Business Management / Diploma in Business and Marketing Strategy (SCQF Level 11) To provide learners with the skills to apply financial principles relevant to strategic management in organisational contexts. To demonstrate understanding of strategic planning for profit as well as not for profit organisations with a global focus. The unit develops learner knowledge of concepts and frameworks to produce effective strategic plans. See Programme Specification.

Learning Outcome 1 (Assignment 3, Task 2) Explain forms of investment appraisal and evaluate the approaches used. (Accurate calculation methodology required wherever appropriate and where application of financial tools/techniques required) Performance Criteria Content/Evidence On completion of this unit, the The learner must provide evidence which draws from learner can: the knowledge and skills listed: 1.1 Describe appropriate finance for an organisation from alternative sources, through the use of selected investment appraisal techniques.

Analyse sources of finance and investment appraisal techniques to determine suitable sources of finance.

1.2 Contrast the usefulness of various investment appraisal approaches.

Select possible sources of finance and appraise their suitability using appropriate investment appraisal techniques, making recommendations.

1.3 Analyse international aspects of financial risk management.

Analyse international financial risks such as interest and exchange rate changes, growth in overseas markets, international accounting standards, and tools to minimise exchange rate risks.




Learning Outcome 2 (Assignment 3, Task 1) Apply cost concepts to management decision-making. (Accurate calculation methodology required wherever appropriate and where application of financial tools/techniques required) Performance Criteria Content/Evidence On completion of this unit, the The learner must provide evidence which draws from learner can: the knowledge and skills listed: 2.1 Explain the importance of costs in pricing strategies.

Analysis of use of management accounting information such as cost-volume and cost-profit indicators to support investment in product/marketing decisions and pricing decisions.

2.2 Evaluate existing costing systems and propose improvements.

Discuss and evaluate costing and budgeting approaches, propose improvements for the costing system used by selected organisations.

2.3 Design a costing system for an organisation.

Discuss different approaches to costing and choose the most appropriate for a chosen organisation.

Learning Outcome 3 (Assignment 3, Task 2) Evaluate the importance of risk management in strategic decision-making. Performance Criteria Content/Evidence On completion of this unit, the The learner must provide evidence which draws from learner can: the knowledge and skills listed: 3.1 Identify various sources of risks that relate to a business.

Discuss different types and sources of risk, including financial, technological, operational, reputational, social, etc.

3.2 Evaluate techniques for risk recording and monitoring.

Evaluate techniques for determining risk levels and their recording and monitoring (e.g. traffic light systems and impact/probability grids, etc.).

3.3 Measure and monitor the likely impact of various risks to an identified business.

Select an appropriate approach to measure and monitor risk in a chosen organisation.

3.4 Apply strategies and techniques to mitigate particular business risks.

Evaluate and apply appropriate strategies and techniques to mitigate risk in a chosen organisation.




Learning Outcome 4 (Assignment 3, Task 1) Apply financial management techniques to intangible resources. (Accurate calculation methodology required wherever appropriate and where application of financial tools/techniques required) Performance Criteria Content/Evidence On completion of this unit, the The learner must provide evidence which draws from learner can: the knowledge and skills listed: 4.1 Evaluate the value of intangible resources to selected organisations.

Identify and discuss intangible resources such as copyright, patents, trademarks, goodwill, corporate image, reputational risk and their value to organisations.

4.2 Monitor and evaluate intangible and tangible resources using appropriate strategies and tools.

For a chosen organisation, select and apply tools and strategies to monitor and evaluate resources.

4.3 Evaluate the efficiency of resource utilisation in an organisation using appropriate techniques.

Appraise approaches to measuring efficiency such as benchmarking against accepted best practice, and evaluate the efficiency of resource utilisation in a chosen organisation.

Learning Outcome 5 (Assignment 3, Task 1) Interpret and analyse financial statements for strategic planning and decision-making. (Accurate calculation methodology required wherever appropriate and where application of financial tools/techniques required) Performance Criteria Content/Evidence On completion of this unit, the The learner must provide evidence which draws from learner can: the knowledge and skills listed: 5.1 Analyse financial statements to determine the financial viability of an organisation.

Evaluate financial statements and their sources: Companies House and overseas equivalents, balance sheet, profit and loss account, cash flow, balanced scorecards, etc.

5.2 Apply financial ratios to improve information quality.

Apply financial ratios to summarise information for selected companies.

5.3 Make financial recommendations for an organisation based on sourced information.

Evaluate information from the above to make financial recommendations.




Delivery and Assessment Tuition and guidance should feature flexible approaches to delivering the unit. Formal tuition sessions, whether face to face or online, will identify some of the required, theoretical subject matter. This will help students to work individually, or as part of a group, researching and gathering information about the subject. Personal and group research, case studies, simulations, exercises and discussion are typical and engaging ways of learning about the subject. Students will likely use tutor- and self-directed study and reflect on their experience and expertise. Up-to-date information and materials are available from many sources, such as businesses, the World Wide Web, television and radio broadcasts, broadsheet newspapers and advisory services. 1

Full guidance on delivery and assessment is available from EduQual upon request. Where Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a valid option for learners that meet some (or all) of the assessment criteria outlined for a given unit, readers are referred to EduQual’s Recognition of Prior Learning Policy. This policy is available online, or by request.


Finally, EduQual provides detailed Assessment Guidance to its Approved Centres. Centres that lack this document may: Request it from the email address shown in the footnotes on this page Access it from their own EduQual Dropbox folder.

Outlined Learning Plan The following outlined learning plan can be used as a guidance document in conjunction with the unit assessment. It is designed only as a simple exemplar of a way in which the unit can be delivered.

Topic and Suggested Assignments / Activities / Assessment Introduction to unit and programme of learning Presentation on resourcing decisions and the impact they have both internally and externally on organisational performance and effectiveness Practical work, research and discussion on resourcing decisions and the impact they have both internally and externally on organisational performance and effectiveness Presentation on sources of finance and investment appraisal Practical work, research and discussion on sources of finance and investment appraisal Presentation on risk management Practical work, research and discussion on risk management Assignment 3, Task 1: Report Tutorial support and feedback for Assignment 3, Task 1 Presentation on cost concepts and management decision-making




Topic and Suggested Assignments / Activities / Assessment (continued) Practical work, research, exercises and discussion on cost concepts and management decision-making Presentation on financial management techniques applied to intangible items and efficient use of all resources Practical work, research, exercises and discussion on financial management techniques applied to intangible items and efficient use of all resources Presentation on interpreting financial statements and strategic planning and decisionmaking Practical work, research, exercises and discussion on interpreting financial statements and strategic planning and decision-making Assignment 3, Task 2: Report Tutorial support and feedback for Assignment 2 Review of unit and programme of assignments

List of Learner Sources The recommended sources listed below should be familiar to each tutor/assessor who is delivering this unit as part of an EduQual qualification. Learners should be made aware of these sources before delivery of this unit, and be fully conversant with these sources upon completion of this unit.

Textbooks Lumby & Jones, Corporate Finance Theory and Practice, 6


Ed, 2011

Ross, S.A., Westerfield, R.W., and J. Jaffe, Corporate Finance, 10


Ed, 2013

Journals Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting Journal of Multinational Financial Management Strategic Management Journal International Journal of Strategic Management

Websites Free Management Library Forbes Financial Managers Society Accounting Coach Understanding accounts for non-financial managers

www.managementhelp.org www.forbes.com www.fmsinc.org www.accountingcoach.com www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newCDV_45.htm




Change Management and Strategic Leadership Unit Summary Equivalent SCQF Level Credit Value Learning Time (hours) Organisation name As part of (Award Title) Unit purpose

Unit Entry Requirements (if applicable)

11 20 200 EduQual Ltd. (Company Number 8913632) Diploma in Business Management (SCQF Level 11) This unit will provide learners with the knowledge and skills to enable them to demonstrate an understanding of: classic and contemporary theories of leadership; their applicability st to contemporary organisations in the 21 century globalised world; the need for organisational change, and the ways in which it can be managed to support organisational strategy.

See Programme Specification.

Learning Outcome 1 (Assignment 2, Task 2) Evaluate classical and contemporary leadership and management theories, and their relevance to contemporary organisations. Performance Criteria Content/Evidence On completion of this unit, the The learner must provide evidence which draws from learner can: the knowledge and skills listed: 1.1 Critically evaluate classic leadership theories and their relevance to modern organisations.

Critical evaluation of charismatic, bureaucratic, autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire approaches and their relevance today.

1.2 Critically evaluate contemporary leadership theories and their applicability to organisations.

Critical evaluation of Transformational Leadership; Transactional Leadership; Participative Leadership; Trait Theory, Emotional Intelligence, Tri-dimensional theory, etc. and their applicability to selected organisations today.

1.3 Analyse leadership approaches found in selected current organisations.

For chosen organisations, analyse their leadership styles.

1.4 Explain the impact that selected leadership theories have on organisational strategies.

Evaluate the impact of various theories on organisational strategies.




Learning Outcome 2 (Assignment 2, Task 1) Evaluate their own leadership skills and development. Performance Criteria Content/Evidence On completion of this unit, the The learner must provide evidence which draws from learner can: the knowledge and skills listed: 2.1 Analyse personal management and leadership skills required to achieve strategic goals, and identify areas for improvement.

Identify skills required of leaders and use selected tools to assess own management and leadership skills.

2.2 Devise a skills development plan to meet own needs.

Personal development plan with measurable objectives to meet those needs over time.

2.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of the development plan over a period of time.

After at least 6 months, evaluate own progress against identified objectives and reflect on progress and future development.

Learning Outcome 3 (Assignment 2, Task 2) Evaluate approaches to organisational change and relevant processes. Performance Criteria Content/Evidence On completion of this unit, the The learner must provide evidence which draws from learner can: the knowledge and skills listed: 3.1 Critically evaluate change theories, tools and techniques.

Discuss theories of change and evaluate their usefulness for organisations today.

3.2 Evaluate the internal and external triggers of change that may impact on an organisation.

Explain external and internal triggers for change and innovation, such as product life-cycles, changing markets, economic downturn, legislation, demographic change, organisational change such as mergers and acquisitions etc. and evaluate their impact on an organisation.

Learning Outcome 4 (Assignment 2, Task 2) Identify and analyse stakeholder needs/concerns as affected by organisational change. Performance Criteria Content/Evidence On completion of this unit, the The learner must provide evidence which draws from learner can: the knowledge and skills listed: 4.1 Identify and explain possible risks associated with an organisation’s change process.

Analysis of possible resistance to change: organisational culture and behaviours, organisational policies, power and influence of individuals and groups.

4.2 Demonstrate an understanding of stakeholder analysis to explain possible resistance to change.

Carry out a stakeholder analysis for a chosen organisation and identify areas of possible resistance.

4.3 Critically appraise relevant strategies to manage resistance to change in organisations.

Critically evaluate real-life examples of change strategies.




Learning Outcome 5 (Assignment 2, Task 2) Design a plan to implement and monitor effective change within an organisation. Performance Criteria Content/Evidence On completion of this unit, the The learner must provide evidence which draws from learner can: the knowledge and skills listed: 5.1 Select relevant tools and techniques to develop a plan to implement and manage change in an organisation.

Plan for implementation and management of proposed change.

5.2 Design measures to monitor and evaluate progress of the change plan.

Evaluation of plan against performance measures, milestones, etc.

Learning Outcome 6 (Assignment 2, Task 2) Critically evaluate the relationship between leadership and change management in organisations. Performance Criteria Content/Evidence On completion of this unit, the The learner must provide evidence which draws from learner can: the knowledge and skills listed: 6.1 Analyse the impact of management and leadership styles on change management.

Evaluate the effects of leadership and management styles on change management in chosen organisations.

6.2 Critically evaluate how leadership styles can be adapted to deal with a planned change in an organisation.

Evaluate the ways in which leadership styles can adapt to deal with planned change.

6.3 Analyse the role of various business functions/departments within change management.

Analyse the role of functional areas in a given organisational change process.




Delivery and Assessment Tuition and guidance should feature flexible approaches to delivering the unit. Formal tuition sessions, whether face to face or online, will identify some of the required, theoretical subject matter. This will help students to work individually, or as part of a group, researching and gathering information about the subject. Personal and group research, case studies, simulations, exercises and discussion are typical and engaging ways of learning about the subject. Students will likely use tutor-and self-directed study and reflect on their experience and expertise. Up-to-date information and materials are available from many sources such as businesses, the World Wide Web, television and radio broadcasts, broadsheet newspapers and advisory services. 1

Full guidance on delivery and assessment is available from EduQual upon request. Where Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a valid option for learners that meet some (or all) of the assessment criteria outlined for a given unit, readers are referred to EduQual’s Recognition of Prior Learning Policy. This policy is available online, or by request.


Finally, EduQual provides detailed Assessment Guidance to its Approved Centres. Centres that lack this document may: Request it from the email address shown in the footnotes on this page Access it from their own EduQual Dropbox folder.

Outline Learning Plan The following outlined learning plan can be used as a guidance document in conjunction with the unit assessment. It is designed only as a simple exemplar of a way in which the unit can be delivered.

Topic and Suggested Assignments / Activities / Assessment Introduction to unit and programme of learning Presentation on leadership and management theories Practical work, research and discussion on leadership and management theories Assignment 2. Report Presentation on change and the organisational change process Practical work, research and discussion on change and the organisational change process Presentation on planning change Practical work, research and discussion on planning change Presentation on stakeholders and change Practical work, research and discussion on stakeholders and change Presentation on links between leadership and change management in organisations Practical work and discussion on the links between leadership and change management in organisations Presentation on integrating all organisational functional areas in change management Practical work, research and discussion on integrating all organisational functional areas in change management Tutorial support and feedback for Assignment 1 Presentation on evaluating own leadership skills and management development Tutorial support and feedback for Assignment 2 Review of unit and programme of assignments LONDON SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS



List of Learner Sources The recommended sources listed below should be familiar to each tutor/assessor who is delivering this unit as part of an EduQual qualification. Learners should be made aware of these sources before delivery of this unit, and be fully conversant with these sources upon completion of this unit.

Textbooks Mullins, L. J. (latest edition): Management and Organisational Behaviour. Prentice Hall: FT th Yukl, G. A. Leadership in Organisations (13 Ed). Harlow: Pearson nd Cottrell, S. Skills for Success: Personal Development and Employability, 2 Ed. (2010). Palgrave: Macmillan Gold, J., Thorpe, R., and Mumford, A. Leadership and Management Development (2010). CIPD Burnes, B. Managing Change: A Strategic Approach to Organisational Dynamics (2004). ISBN-13:978-0273683360 th Carnall, C. Managing Change in Organisations, 5 Edition. (Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2007). ISBN 0273704141

Journals Journal of Leadership Studies Journal of Organisational Change Management International Journal of Strategic Change Management

Websites Personality Explorer Changing Minds Mind Tools

www.personalityexplorer.com www.changingminds.org www.mindtools.com




Strategic Resource Management in Organisations Unit Summary Equivalent SCQF Level Credit Value Learning Time (hours) Organisation name As part of (Award Title) Unit purpose

Unit Entry Requirements (if applicable)

11 20 200 EduQual Ltd. (Company Number 8913632) Diploma in Business Management (SCQF Level 11) To provide learners with the knowledge and skills enabling them to demonstrate effective management for resources within an organisation. It explores how organisations can optimise the use of their resources in order to maintain competitive advantage. It focuses on HR management and operational issues, including quality and supply chain management within the role of information systems. See Programme Specification.

Learning Outcome 1 (Assignment 3, Task 1) Evaluate the impact that resource decisions have both internally and externally on an organisation’s performance and effectiveness. Performance Criteria Content/Evidence On completion of this unit, the The learner must provide evidence which draws from learner can: the knowledge and skills listed: 1.1 Identify a range of business resources to meet organisational objectives.

Discussion of types of resources required, including human, financial, information etc.

1.2 Apply tools and techniques to the planning and allocating of resources.

Identify and select appropriate tools and techniques, such as budgeting, gap analysis, etc.

1.3 Evaluate the risks to strategy from inadequate resources.

Critically evaluate the likely consequences of inadequate resources on ability to meet strategic objectives.




Learning Outcome 2 (Assignment 2, Task 1) Evaluate how the strategic management of human resources contributes to the achievement of organisational objectives. Performance Criteria Content/Evidence On completion of this unit, the The learner must provide evidence which draws from learner can: the knowledge and skills listed: 2.1 Critically examine the difference between personnel management and human resource management approaches within organisations.

Explain the focus in HRM on achieving strategic goals, role of human capital, HR processes etc. and contrast with personnel management approaches.

2.2 Evaluate the purpose of human resource management strategy in organisations and its correspondence with organisational objectives.

Appraise the alignment of HR strategies with organisational objectives; impact of specific strategies and cases (e.g. Nucor Steel).

Learning Outcome 3 (Assignment 2, Task 1) Evaluate current issues in human resource management theory and practice. Performance Criteria Content/Evidence On completion of this unit, the The learner must provide evidence which draws from learner can: the knowledge and skills listed: 3.1 Discuss current legislation affecting human resource management in an organisation.

Analysis of current UK employment legislation, including equality and information issues.

3.2 Evaluate the impact of the organisational structure and culture in relation to an organisation’s management of human resources.

Evaluation of impact of differing structure and cultures on selected organisation’s HRM.

3.3 Appraise performance indicators to measure human resource performance.

Identification and evaluation of suitable performance indicators for selected organisation’s HRM.




Learning Outcome 4 (Assignment 2, Task 1) Design and evaluate a plan which integrates different elements of human resource management into coherent organisational strategies. Performance Criteria Content/Evidence On completion of this unit, the The learner must provide evidence which draws from learner can: the knowledge and skills listed: 4.1 Analyse the business factors that underpin human resource planning in an organisation.

Analyse how to ensure best fit between employees and jobs to meet business objectives.

4.2 Develop a human resources plan for an organisation.

To include: recruitment, development, retention, reward, performance management, communication.

4.3 Critically evaluate how the developed plan can contribute to meeting organisational objectives.

Critical evaluation of the plan above: does it meet strategic objectives?

Learning Outcome 5 (Assignment 2, Task 2) Evaluate the effectiveness of human resource management in adding value to an organisation’s approach to performance measurement. Performance Criteria Content/Evidence On completion of this unit, the The learner must provide evidence which draws from learner can: the knowledge and skills listed: 5.1 Evaluate evidence for links between human resource policies and organisational performance.

Discuss and evaluate evidence from selected case studies (e.g. Nucor Steel, General Electric).

5.2 Analyse the contribution that knowledge management strategies can make to organisational performance.

Discuss knowledge held by employees (tacit knowledge) and how it can be utilised (e.g. Toyota).

5.3 Appraise the impact of outsourcing and integrated supply chains on human resource management and organisational performance.

Evaluate advantages and disadvantages, including risks, lack of control, reputational risks and ethical issues (e.g. in the clothing and cut flower industries, Fairtrade etc.).




Learning Outcome 6 (Assignment 2, Task 1) Evaluate the strategic role of capacity management in relation to operations in manufacturing and service organisations. Performance Criteria Content/Evidence On completion of this unit, the The learner must provide evidence which draws from learner can: the knowledge and skills listed: 6.1 Evaluate approaches used in capacity management to match operational capacity and meet expected demand.

Evaluation of case studies such as Zara/Inditex to adjust capacity to meet demand, demand pull vs. supply push approaches.

6.2 Critically assess the appropriateness of the following approaches in a manufacturing and/or service organisation: lean enterprise; total quality management; supply chain architecture.

Evaluation of case studies of the use of each of these in brief reports.

6.3 Design and evaluate a customer fulfilment plan for selected organisations.

Evaluate then select appropriate strategies for inclusion in customer fulfilment plan for selected organisations.

6.4 Evaluate the use of traditional and internet-based information systems in attaining competitive advantage.

Evaluation of systems such as CRM, EPOS, etc. in selected organisations.

Delivery and Assessment Tuition and guidance should feature flexible approaches to delivering the unit. Formal tuition sessions, whether face to face or online, will identify some of the required, theoretical subject matter. This will help students to work individually, or as part of a group, researching and gathering information about the subject. Personal and group research, case studies, simulations, exercises and discussion are typical and engaging ways of learning about the subject. Students will likely use tutor- and self-directed study and reflect on their experience and expertise. Up-to-date information and materials are available from many sources such as businesses, the World Wide Web, television and radio broadcasts, broadsheet newspapers and advisory services. 1

Full guidance on delivery and assessment is available from EduQual upon request. Where Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a valid option for learners that meet some (or all) of the assessment criteria outlined for a given unit, readers are referred to EduQual’s Recognition of Prior Learning Policy. This policy is available online, or by request.


Finally, EduQual provides detailed Assessment Guidance to its Approved Centres. Centres that lack this document may: Request it from the email address shown in the footnotes on this page Access it from their own EduQual Dropbox folder.




Outlined Learning Plan The following outlined learning plan can be used as a guidance document in conjunction with the unit assessment. It is designed only as a simple exemplar of a way in which the unit can be delivered.

Topic and Suggested Assignments / Activities / Assessment Introduction to unit and programme of learning Presentation on strategic management of human resources and its role and contribution to the achievement of organisational objectives Practical work, research and discussion on strategic management of human resources and its role and contribution to the achievement of organisational objectives Presentation on current issues in human resource management (HRM) theory and practice. Practical work, research and discussion on current issues in human resource management (HRM) theory and practice. Presentation on human resource management (HRM) practices and their integration into organisational strategies. Practical work, research and discussion on human resource management (HRM) in organisations and their integration into organisational strategies

Topic and Suggested Assignments / Activities / Assessment (continued) Presentation on the measurement of the effectiveness of human resource management (HRM) in organisations Practical work, research and discussion on the measurement of the effectiveness of human resource management (HRM) in organisations Presentation on strategy design Assignment 1. Report Tutorial support and feedback for Assignment 1 Presentation on the strategic role of operations management in manufacturing, service and not-for-profit organisations Assignment 2. Presentation and supporting materials Tutorial support and feedback for Assignment 2 Review of unit and programme of assignments




List of Learner Sources The recommended sources listed below should be familiar to each tutor/assessor who is delivering this unit as part of an EduQual qualification. Learners should be made aware of these sources before delivery of this unit, and be fully conversant with these sources upon completion of this unit.



Armstrong, M. (2008): Strategic Human Resource Management: a guide to action, 4 Ed. London: Kogan Page Lucas, R., Lupton, B., and Mathieson, H. (2007): Human Resource Management in an International Context. CIPD. ISBM-13: 978-1843981091 Marchington, M., and Wilkinson, A. (2005): Human Resource Management at Work. CIPD. ISBN-13: 978-1843980629

Journals Human Resource Management Journal The International Journal of Human Resource Management Human Resource Management Information Journal of Operations Management Information Systems Journal Information Resources Management Journal

Websites Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development Free management library with HR links

www.cipd.co.uk/hr/topics www.managementhelp.org/humanresources/index.htm




Marketing Management in Practice Unit Summary Equivalent SCQF Level Credit Value Learning Time (hours) Organisation name As part of (Award Title) Unit purpose

Unit Entry Requirements (if applicable)

11 20 200 EduQual Ltd. (Company Number 8913632) Diploma in Business and Marketing Strategy / Diploma in Business Management (SCQF Level 11) This unit has two themes: firstly, the demonstration of critical understanding of the practical tools, techniques, operations and activities of the marketing process; and second, the marketing decisions on which effective marketing management and planning are based. These two themes separate the operational marketing activities from the management decisions, and learners will develop diagnostic skills in both themes of the unit so that they become familiar with processes related to marketing activities and communications. See Programme Specification.

Learning Outcome 1 (Assignment 1, Task 1) Evaluate marketing opportunities in an organisation. Performance Criteria Content/Evidence On completion of this unit, the The learner must provide evidence which draws from learner can: the knowledge and skills listed: 1.1 Conduct a situational market analysis for a given organisation.

Use of tools such as Porter’s 5 Forces, PESTEL and SWOT analyses.

1.2 Compare opportunities and threats for a given organisation’s market.

Portfolio analysis using BCG, Ansoff matrices, product life-cycle and six markets models as appropriate.

1.3 Compare and discuss identified opportunities and threats to the organisation’s strategic objectives and competitive position.

Identification of opportunities and threats from the above analyses to the organisation’s strategic objectives and competitive position, with proposed responses.




Learning Outcome 2 (Assignment 1, Task 2) Design and evaluate a framework for an integrated strategic marketing plan for an organisation. Performance Criteria Content/Evidence On completion of this unit, the The learner must provide evidence which draws from learner can: the knowledge and skills listed: 2.1 Assess the value of models used in strategic marketing planning and communications.

Evaluation of models used in LO 1.

2.2 Construct a detailed framework of activities for an integrated marketing plan for a chosen organisation.

Detailed framework of activities for a plan, including objectives, scheduling, use of tools, and monitoring and control activities.

2.3 Evaluate the constructed plan for a chosen organisation.

Evaluation of success in meeting objectives, timeframes and other elements of the plan, and identification of possible improvements in future.

Learning Outcome 3 (Assignment 1, Task 2) Design and evaluate a marketing campaign for an organisation. Performance Criteria Content/Evidence On completion of this unit, the The learner must provide evidence which draws from learner can: the knowledge and skills listed: 3.1 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various campaign channels and techniques.

Evaluate possible channels, the promotional mix and types of advertising and media.

3.2 Construct a detailed marketing campaign plan for an organisation, justifying your choices of channels and techniques.

Detailed version of the framework from LO2 above, with reasons for choices made.

3.3 Devise targets for your campaign using SMART objectives.

Identify SMART objectives for each element of your detailed plan, and monitor performance against these objectives.




Learning Outcome 4 (Assignment 2, Task 2) Identify and select new customer product or service ideas and apply appropriate tools and techniques wherever relevant Performance Criteria Content/Evidence On completion of this unit, the The learner must provide evidence which draws from learner can: the knowledge and skills listed: 4.1 Propose, evaluate and select a new product or service ideas for a named organisation.

Use brainstorming, costing, test marketing, revenue forecasts, feasibility study, cost-benefit analysis, BCG and Ansoff matrix, gap analysis, value chain analysis to select from proposed ideas.

4.2 Compare the appropriateness of various market testing and selection techniques for the new product/service identified.

Discuss and use appropriate techniques to evaluate the new product/service identified.

4.3 Evaluate ethical and CSR issues for the new product/service above.

Evaluate the ethical issues that may arise for the chosen product/service.

Delivery and Assessment Tuition and guidance should feature flexible approaches to delivering the unit. Formal tuition sessions, whether face to face or online, will identify some of the required, theoretical subject matter. This will help students to work individually, or as part of a group, researching and gathering information about the subject. Personal and group research, case studies, simulations, exercises and discussion are typical and engaging ways of learning about the subject. Students will likely use tutor- and self-directed study and reflect on their experience and expertise. Up-to-date information and materials are available from many sources, such as businesses, the World Wide Web, television and radio broadcasts, broadsheet newspapers and advisory services. 1

Full guidance on delivery and assessment is available from EduQual upon request. Where Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a valid option for learners that meet some (or all) of the assessment criteria outlined for a given unit, readers are referred to EduQual’s Recognition of Prior Learning Policy. This policy is available online, or by request.


Finally, EduQual provides detailed Assessment Guidance to its Approved Centres. Centres that lack this document may: Request it from the email address shown in the footnotes on this page Access it from their own EduQual Dropbox folder.




Outlined Learning Plan The following outlined learning plan can be used as a guidance document in conjunction with the unit assessment. It is designed only as a simple exemplar of a way in which the unit can be delivered.

Topic and Suggested Assignments / Activities / Assessment Introduction to unit and programme of learning Presentation on evaluating markets and marketing opportunities Practical work, research and discussion on evaluating markets and marketing opportunities Assignment 1. Marketing plan, appendices and supporting information. Presentation in strategic marketing models and frameworks. Practical work, research and discussion on strategic marketing models and frameworks. Tutorial support for Assignment 1. Presentation on designing marketing campaigns. Practical work, research and discussion on designing marketing campaigns. Practical work on Assignment 1. Tutorial support and feedback for Assignment 1. Review of unit and programme of assignments.

List of Learner Sources The recommended sources listed below should be familiar to each tutor/assessor who is delivering this unit as part of an EduQual qualification. Learners should be made aware of these sources before delivery of this unit, and be fully conversant with these sources upon completion of this unit.



Aaker, D. (2005): Strategic Market Management (7 Ed.). Chichester: John Wiley th Kotler, P., Chernev, A. (2012): Strategic Marketing Management (7 Ed.). Cerebellum Press McDonald, M.H. (2011): Marketing Plans: How to Prepare Them, How to Use Them th (7 Ed). Chichester: John Wiley Piercy, N. F. (2008): Market-led Strategic Change: Transforming the process of going to th Market (4 Ed). Butterworth: Heinemann nd Doyle, P. (2008): Value Based Marketing (2 Ed): Chichester: John Wiley. Fill, C. (2009): Marketing Communications: Interactivity, Communities and Content (5th Ed). Harlow: Pearson




Journals • • •

Journal of Marketing Management Journal of Strategic Management Journal of Management and Strategy

Websites Chartered Institute of Marketing CIM Marketing Communications Guide Advertising Standards Authority Chartered Institute of Public Relations Design Council

www.cim.co.uk/cim/index.cfm www.cim.co.uk/files/marcomms.pdf www.asa.org.uk www.cipr.co.uk www.designcouncil.org.uk



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