London Sinfonietta Principal Partner flyer

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partner a principal By becoming a London Sinfonietta Lead Pioneer, you have the opportunity to partner one of our Principal Players. Get to know the ensemble from the inside out by forming a special relationship with one of our musicians. Benefits include: • The option to invite your musician to perform at a private event or special occasion* • Affiliation with your musician on our website and in print • Invitations to attend exclusive receptions surrounding world premieres with our Principals • Opportunities to attend concert day and earlier stage rehearsals • Invitations to composer talks and events

Join now

Lead Pioneer membership is £1,000 per year and the following musicians are currently available to support**:

I would like to support the London Sinfonietta as a Lead Pioneer (£1,000 per year) as Principal Partner of:______________________

Gareth Hulse oboe John Orford bassoon Simon Haram saxophone Byron Fulcher trombone Alistair Mackie trumpet Joan Atherton violin II Helen Tunstall harp David Hockings percussion


*If any other musicians (such as accompanists) are required we kindly ask Lead Pioneers to pay their fees. **Principal musicians available to partner as of May 2016. The commercial value of the solo performance is up to £191. The balance of £809 is a suggested voluntary donation and therefore eligible for Gift Aid.

Title______ Name________________________________________

______________________________________________________ Postcode________________ Telephone_______________________ Email__________________________________________________ Please choose one of the following payment methods: Cheque, made payable to ‘Sinfonietta Productions Ltd’ Online bank transfer to: Lloyds, account name ‘Sinfonietta Productions Ltd’, sort code 30-97-90, account number 00326274 Monthly or annual standing order (form available on request) Please return completed forms to: London Sinfonietta, Freepost RRYK-LCCX-LHES, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9AG Please send me a Gift Aid declaration to complete to add a further 25% to my donation For more information on how you can support the London Sinfonietta, please visit or email

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