Webinar: Mayor’s Consultation on Air Pollution Contribute to the ongoing public consultation by joining this event.
19th July 17:00-19:00 MAYOR'S CONSULTATION ON AIR POLLUTION The Mayor of London has recently launched a new public consultation on some measures to improve air quality in London. Some of these measures include bringing the implementation of the central London Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) forward by one year to 2019; expanding the ULEZ beyond central London in 2020; introducing a new Emissions Surcharge from 2017 for the most polluting vehicles entering central London (find out more) or giving TfL the go-ahead to start looking at a diesel scrappage scheme as part of a wider national scheme run by the government.
WHAT IS THE WEBINAR ABOUT? But what are the consequences of these measures to Londoners? How will they match London’s needs for cleaner air? What area (e.g. CCZ, inner, LEZ) of London should be covered by a ULEZ for heavy vehicles, if at all? To what extent do you agree that the government should fund a scrappage scheme for cars or vans? To what extent do you agree or disagree that a new Emissions Surcharge should be introduced to discourage the use of older, more polluting vehicles in central London? During this webinar, together with Jennifer Brathwaite (Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport), Feryal Demirci (Cabinet member for Neighbourhoods and Sustainability) and Samantha Heath (CEO London Sustainability Exchange) we will be discussing some of these questions.
Please register here. To participate in the event you must have access to a sound system/headphones and microphone. At the time of the event please access this link: https://zoom.us/j/154250777. You will be asked to install the Zoom software. Please do it in advance, so you can be on time for the Webinar.
USEFUL INFORMATION ANNUAL AIR QUALITY CONFERENCE LSx has recently organised a conference on Air Quality. This event brought together academics, community groups and policy makers at the forefront of the fight for clean air to share their work, ideas and enthusiasm for air quality solutions (you can find more details here). BREXIT One of the conclusions of this event was that it is hard to understand what Brexit means for the UK, let alone vexing about what it means for our environment. But one thing we do know is that we have to work pretty hard to get air quality at the top of our governors’ in-tray.
PETITION ON NEW CLEAN AIR ACT In order to contribute to make Air Pollution a top priority in the political agenda, LSx is supporting a new Clean Air Act, to help deal with the country’s toxic and illegal levels of air pollution (a link to a petition will be sent to you over the next few days).
For more information contact Ana Bernardo, A.bernardo@lsx.org.uk or 0207234 9404. Unsubscribe from this newsletter