13 minute read


İngiltere’de perakende satışların bu yılın şubat ayında yüzde 5,2 artış kaydetmesine rağmen harcamalardaki artışın enflasyon oranının altında kaldığı bildirildi.

ngiltere’de inşaat sektörü Satınalma Yöneticileri Endeksi (PMI) şubatta ekonomideki resesyon beklentilerinin azalmasıyla hızlı yükseldi.S&P Global/CIPS tarafından açıklanan verilere göre, ülkede inşaat sektörü PMI şubatta 6,2 puan artarak 54,6 seviyesine çıktı.Ocakta 48,4 seviyesinde ölçülen inşaat sektörü PMI verisinin, şubatta 49,1'e yükselmesi bekleniyordu.PMI verilerinde, 50 seviyesinin üstü sektördeki büyümeye, 50'nin altı ise sektörün daraldığına işaret ediyor.Son verilerle birlikte, ülkede inşaat sektöründe geçen yılın mayıs ayından bu yana en güçlü büyüme kaydedilmiş oldu.S&P Global/CIPS tarafından yapılan açıklamada, İngiltere’de inşaat sektöründe geçen yılın aralık ve bu yılın ocak aylarında görülen daralmanın ardından, şubat ayında yeniden güçlü bir büyümenin gözlemlendiği kaydedildi.Açıklamada değerlendirmelerine yer verilen S&P Küresel Piyasa Araştırmaları Müdürü Tim Moore, ülkede ekonominin resesyona girmesi yönündeki endişelerin azalmasının inşaat şirketlerini olumlu yönde etkilediğini be- lirtti.


İngiliz Perakende Konsorsiyumu’nun (BCR) verilerine göre, ülkede bu yılın şubat ayında perakende satışların geçen yılın aynı ayına kıyasla yüzde 5,2 arttığı, fakat artış görünümünün büyük oranda son aylarda yüksek seyreden enflasyon oranından kaynaklandığı kaydedildi.

BCR açıklamasında değerlendirmelerine yer verilen BCR Üst Yöneticisi Helen Dickinson, “Tüketicilerin büyük çoğunluğu nisan ayında enerji faturalarındaki üst limitin ve vergilerin artırılması konusunda endişeli.” İfadesini kullandı.

Londra merkezli düşünce kuruluşu ECIU'nun yeni analizine göre, 1 Ekim 2022 ve 28 Şubat 2023 tarihlerini kapsayan kış döneminde, İngiltere'nin hidroelektrik, rüzgar ve güneşten elektrik üretimi 47 teravatsaat oldu. Bu üretim, ülkede kış döneminde tüm hanelerin ya da yıl boyunca 16 milyon hanenin elektrik ihti- yacını karşılayacak seviyeye denk gelirken, doğal gaz santrallerinden elektrik üretimi de 45 teravatsaatin üzerinde gerçekleşti.

Söz konusu dönemde hidro, rüzgar ve güneşten elektrik üretimi geçen yılın aynı dönemine göre 4 teravatsaatlik artış kaydetti.

Ülkenin önde gelen banklarından Barclays’in 2 bin kişiyle gerçekleştirdiği ankete göre, tüketicilerin üçte ikisinden fazlası harcamalarını azaltmanın yollarını arıyor.

Yine aynı ankete katılanların yaklaşık yarısı lüks tüketim ürünlerine yönelik harcamalarından kısarken, yaklaşık yarısı artık tercihlerini indirimli perakende zincirlerin veya kampanyalı ürünlerden yana kullanıyor.İngiltere’de yaklaşık bir aydır ülke çağındaki perakende zincirlerinde meyve, sebze ve yumurta gibi ürünlerde devam eden tedarik sıkıntısı ise devam ediyor

.KMPG Perakende Birimi Başkanı Paul Martin konuya ilişkin olarak, “Tüketiciler, normal şartlarda satışlarda öncü unsur olan ayakkabı ve aksesuar gibi ürünlerde ve zaruri olmayan ürünlerde harcama yapmaktan kaçınıyor.” değerlendirmesinde bulundu.

Ülkede enflasyon bu yılın ocak ayında yüzde 10,1 artış kaydetmişti.İngiltere’de geçen yılın ekim ayında enflasyon yıllık bazda yüzde 11,1 artış kaydederek son 41 yılın en yüksek seviyesine ulaşmıştı.

Allen Windsor, a lifelong resident of Tottenham Hale, has been selected as the party's candidate

London, UK - The Liberal Democrats is pleased to announce its candidate for the upcoming by- election in Tottenham Hale on March 9th, 2023. Allen Windsor, a lifelong resident of Tottenham Hale, has been selected as the party's candidate and is committed to bringing about much- needed change to the area.

Allen believes that Tottenham Hale has been neglected for far too long and needs new leadership and vision to tackle the many issues facing the community. Allen, a local resident, and former police officer, with deep roots in the community, has a clear vision for the future of Tottenham Hale and is committed to fighting for the needs of local residents.

Allen has identified several key issues that he plans to tackle if elected. These include addressing fly-tipping and epidemic of dirty streets, in addition to addressing the rise in criminal activity with his years of experience as an ex-police officer, He is also firmly committed to addressing divisions of residents over newly introduced LTNs ‘Low Traffic Neighbourhoods’.

As a lifelong resident of Tottenham Hale, Allen fully understands the challenges facing the community and is dedicated to making real change happen. He has been an active member of the community, volunteering his time to support local initiatives and advocating for the needs of residents.

In a statement, Mr. Windsor said, "I am honoured to have been selected as the Liberal Democrat candidate for Tottenham Hale. This community is my home, and I am committed to fighting for the needs of local residents. I believe that by working together, we can bring about the change that Tottenham Hale so desperately needs."

The Liberal Democrats believes that Allen is the best candidate to represent Tottenham Hale and bring about the change that the community needs. The party is committed to supporting Allen in his campaign and looks forward to working with him to make a real difference in the lives of local residents.

This year, Asda is celebrating its biggest Ramadan yet with 150 new product lines, more great deals and an easier shopping experience than ever before across the store.

As the holy month approaches, Asda is making it easier for customers to find what they need with dedicated Ramadan aisles in 150 stores, a +47% increase from last year. These stores are in key areas across the country, such as Wembley, Leicester and Sheffield, with seasonal displays featuring an extensive range of trusted brands at affordable prices. Making it quick and easy for customers to get their kitchen Ramadan-ready in just one shop at Asda.

Whether you’re looking for Halal products, tinned ingredients, frozen food, baked goods, fresh fruit and vegetables or even cookware, look no further than the variety and breadth of choice on offer, at selected Asda stores and online. From store cupboard essentials like 10kg Elephant Atta flour for £7, 10kg Laila Basmati rice at £14.50 and 10kg Trophy Basmati rice at £13. Plus, KTC’s 400g tins of chopped tomatoes, plum tomatoes, chickpeas and kidney beans which are all available at 4 for £2. Great offers on other popular items include 1kg Lancashire Farm Natural Bio Yoghurt for £1.60, 5l KTC Sunflower Oil for £8.50 and 4pk x 1l Rubicon Mango Fruit Juice for just £5.

More products to add to your basket include ready-touse Indus Sauces in many favours including, Kebab House, Burger Sauce and Tamarind (£1.75 each or 2 for £3) and Royal Desserts Ras Malai (£2.75) and Gulab Jamun (£2.50) for delicious sweet treats. Customers can also pick up the George Home non-stick aluminium stockpot (32cm on offer for £12 and 24cm on offer for £7 until 22nd April) for making heart-warming family meals, as well as generously sized Kitchen Queen storers (3 piece set on offer for £13 until 22nd April) for storing household essentials.

New to Asda this year, ensuring there is something for the whole family, include Ramadan Countdown Calendars with celebratory chocolate treats inside (£3 or 2 for £5) and The Desi Doll Company’s innovative, bilingual soft plush talking Muslim dolls (£30) that speak and sing in English and Arabic, providing a fun and unique way for young children to learn languages. There’s also around 18 lines of dates new to Asda (including multiple varieties, pastes and syrups) which are perfect for breaking the fast and gifting to friends and family.

Asda is proud to work with and support these brands and business owners, who have incredible stories. One of them is Farzana Rahman, who founded The Desi Doll Company in 2008 after noticing how the market lacked Islamic toys to teach children about religion and faith, in fun and interactive ways. Farzana says, “I left my banking career and designed Aamina and Yousuf. These are two interactive plush dolls that talk and sing when you press their hands, feet and nose! They teach


children the basics of the Islamic faith in a fun and lighthearted way.”

Speaking about the listing in Asda, Farzana continues, “Having our toys in 150 stores across the UK means that our talking dolls can reach even more households. Asda customers now have the opportunity to discover our unique toys whilst doing their weekly shopping –how convenient is that!”

Paul Dudley, Director at Beacon Confectionary Ltd, believes it was important to introduce chocolate countdown calendars for Ramadan, after spotting a huge gap in the market and lack of variety available. Ramadan

Countdown Calendars provide a highly engaging and interactive way to educate children on the significance of Ramadan.

Paul says, “this is the first year we have launched our products in Asda. By working with Asda, we are able to reach out to a wider audience, especially through its extensive Ramadan aisle.”

Sara International Ltd is also stocking its extensive range of Madina and Palestinian Medjoul dates for the first time in Asda. Founder, Osama Aziz, launched his business back in 1985, at a time when there was a lack of Arabic or/and Halal food widely available in the UK. On the importance of dates during Ramadan, Osama says, “on a personal level, I consider offering dates during Ramadan to Muslims, is a duty, and our success in doing so has given us great joy!”

Commenting on the listing in Asda, Osama says, “it’s a great chance to reach a wider group of Muslims and I believe it will help us offer top-quality dates at affordable prices.”

Noor Ali, Head of World Foods at Asda, comments: “I’m really excited to help our Asda customers perform Ramadan Fasting and celebrate Eid Festival, by making it as affordable and convenient as possible to fill their shopping baskets with everything they need, across multiple categories. I’m also really proud to work with small, family-owned businesses who have really unique offerings and are truly passionate about making Ramadan and Eid as special as it can be, for our Asda customers.”

The holy month of Ramadan is a time of spiritual cleansing, family bonding and charity, as well as a time of reflection and rejuvenation for Muslims around the world.

Whether you choose to shop in-store or online, Asda has everything you need this Ramadan and Eid under one roof.

Snow, ice, and freezing temperatures to hit the UK amid yellow weather warning

The Met Office said temperatures in parts of the UK will drop below freezing and will not top midsingle figures during the day on Tuesday or Wednesday. A yellow weather warning for snow and ice will be in place for London, the Thames Valley, East Anglia, parts of the Midlands, South Wales and Northern Ireland from 9pm on Monday night until 10am on Tuesday. TalkTV's forecaster Isobel Lang said: "Across southern Britain and into Wales and the midlands we could see some sleet or snow and the threat of icy conditions." She added: "That could be troublesome, with a centimetre or two of snow in some areas."

Met Office spokesman Grahame Madge said temperatures could drop to -1C in Manchester and -2C in London on tonight. Even colder overnight conditions are set to hit cities later in the week - plunging to minus 4C in London and minus 6C in Birmingham and Belfast. Mr Madge said conditions could be similar to those experienced during a cold snap in December 2022 and may not lift for almost a fortnight. He said: “Temperatures will be much, much colder than we would expect at this time of year. “We expect these conditions to remain in place until at least next weekend and possibly longer because sometimes these conditions can be quite stubborn and not easily subject to change.”

Channel migrants face lifetime ban on returning to UK

The slew of proposed measures will apply to anyone arriving on UK shores in a small boat. Further details are expected to be announced by the government on Tuesday. The Refugee Council has criticised the plans and says thousands of people will be left "permanently in limbo" as a result. PM Rishi Sunak, who has made "stopping the boats" one of his top priorities, told the Mail on Sunday: "Make no mistake, if you come here illegally, you will not be able to stay." The new legislation would place a duty on the home secretary to remove anyone arriving on a small boat to Rwanda or a "safe" third country "as soon as reasonably practicable" and ban them from returning permanently. Currently, asylum seekers coming to the UK have the right to seek protection under the UN's Refugee Convention and the European Convention on Human Rights.



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