Meet The Team Lindsey Kasprzak
Leslie Henderson MANAGING EDITOR
Dawn Allen EDITOR
Taylor Smith WRITER
From Our Publisher Were you one of the first to get out and once again enjoy a favorite restaurant?! I, for one, could not get to my favorite restaurant fast enough and enjoy someone else doing the dinner dishes! Y’all, life is starting to feel normal again, and it is a great feeling! There are still a few challenges in this new lifestyle, but together we can all get back on our feet. With everything opening up, festivals are popping up in my calendar, and I have never been so excited to attend an outdoor event in the middle of a Texas summer as I am this year. It’s still important to keep your distance, but we’re all adults and responsible enough to keep the covid-19 numbers going down. If this pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that we need our family, friends, and community. Seeing what the Montgomery County community has accomplished makes me proud to feature such a great county in my magazine. Remember, it’s always a good idea to wash your hands no matter where you’ve been. And, of course, it’s a great idea to continue to support local businesses, many of which you can learn more about via your Lone Star Local Guide. Y’all stay safe out there, and with summer coming fast, be sure to keep cool!
Lindsey Kasprzak Download our app and have the magazine delivered to your phone!
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LONE STAR LOAL GUIDE © 2020, all rights reserved. All editorial and advertising copy belongs solely to LONE STAR LOAL GUIDE Reproduction in whole or part without express written permission is strictly prohibited. Articles are the opinions and experiences of other people and we do not necessarily approve, agree with, and/or condone those opinions.
table of
Business of the Month Unum Sumus Cross-Training & Fitness Page 6
Features Squeaky Pig Food Blog - Page 5 Spring Fire Department - Page 9 Remembering Bill Wittliff - Page 13
Conroe/Lake Conroe Chamber - Page 19 A Texas Cowboy Moves To Montana - Page 21
9 Learn From Lady Justice - Page 25 Come And Review It - Page 29 Lone Star Local Savings - Page 30
29 Lone StarEdition Local Guide Dock Line Magazine - Atascocita AprilPage 20183 3
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FOODIE By: Raigan Mayo Food Blogger
Thai Grilled Chicken with Fried Rice and Cucumber Yogurt Dipping Sauce
On occasion when my wife goes to Home Goods I like to tag along and rummage through the random food section for spices and such. I came across this Thai spice blend that’s really tasty. While you may not have this available you could use curry, garlic, and onion powder in the marinade. The Brown Rice I made gets prepared well in advance usually for meal prep.
Brown Rice: 2 cup of Brown Rice 3.5 cups of water .5 cup of canned coconut milk Low heat for 30 minutes. If excess liquid remains, drain off. Add back to pot with lid and let sit for 15 minutes. Squeeze two limes over the rice and stir. Chicken: 1.5 to 2 LBS of Chicken Breast Rest of the can of coconut milk 3 TBL Thai Style Green Curry Spice Blend by Gourmet Collection Marinate for at least 3 to 4 hours; overnight is best Cucumber Yogurt Sauce: 1/4 Plain Greek Yogurt 3 TBL Milk 1 Mini Cucumber shredded 1 Baby Carrot Shredded 1 TBL chopped cilantro Couple of Dashes of Braggs Amino Acid Mix all ingredients and set aside. Make this ahead time if you can. For Chicken: Remove chicken from marinade and remove excess marinade for chicken. Cube chicken and add to skewers. If using wooden skewers be sure to soak. Salt and Pepper Pre-heat Grill and cook until internal temperature reaches 165 degrees. Rice Preparation: 1 TBL Avocado Oil .5 Bag Trader Joe’s Cauliflower Fried Rice 1 Cup Of the Brown Rice Heat pan on high heat add avocado oiland cauli flower rice until all moisture evaporates. Add Brown rice to cauliflower and heat through. Hope you enjoy! Follow me at @squeakypigfoodie on Instagram and Facebook.
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UNUM SUMUS: WE ARE ONE Instructed class environment
Thursday open gym stretching
Encouraging friends to help you finish
Unum Sumus is translated from Latin to mean, “we are one.” We subscribe to that phrase in defining ourselves individually but also as a part of a collective whole. There truly is ‘strength in numbers.’ Our gym community is there for one another- to encourage each other through hard workouts, to pick them up when they are down, and to support one another in the gym and in life. The phrase also applies on a personal and introspective level as well- we are each one being comprised of a mind, spirit and body. True health is really nothing more than a harmonious balance amongst both those internal and external elements that comprise societal life. Unum Sumus, therefore,
is the embodiment of our goal to strive for, and achieve, the perfect balance that is true harmony and health.
ters, friends and co-workers. We are our community. As such, we believe a strong community is a core component in what we do. For many, peer support, teamwork and camaraderie are primary motivators. Positive competition helps push and drive individuals to meet their goals and set new ones. We believe that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, but the potential of the whole cannot be more than that of its parts. We want you to strive to be the best you that you can be. We expect you to push yourself to that same end and to encourage and support your community members to do the same.
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OUR GOALS Unum Sumus is a performance center for life. We strive to present pure, straightforward functional fitness programming, excellent coaching, and personal attention in a comfortable, enjoyable and relaxed environment. We aim to positively affect lives. We are all athletes. We are doctors, lawyers, teachers, accountants, police officers, firemen, students and home makers. We are moms, dads, grandparents, great-grandparents, sons and daugh-
OUR PRIORITIES Our first priority is your overall health. Health is generally defined as the absence of disease. We don’t subscribe to that definition. We like the definition of health that uses quantifiable terms of increased work capacity across broad time, modal, and age domains. Put simply, health is one’s ability to optimize his or her potential - whether physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, psychologically or sociologically. We believe fitness and nutrition are the foundations to health. We subscribe to the definition of fitness propounded by Greg Glassman as one’s ability to move large loads, long distances, quickly, in the broadest variety of domains. The ability to sustain that fitness throughout your life is the single most defining measure of health. We have found that fitness is directly correlative to healththat the fitter a person is, the healthier that person is, again not just physically, but in his/her life in general. Nutrition and diet are keys to fueling the body towards fitness. Nothing is more important to your well-being, health, and body composition than good nutrition. Eating the right foods helps you lose body fat, build and maintain muscle, and reach your athletic potential. Good nutrition is a critical part of any fitness routine. Because of this, and unlike many other gyms, we provide a nutritional review to all of our new members and have an open door policy for all of our members to discuss proper diet and nutrition with us at any time.
Saturday fun in the sun! Don’t worry, we have sunblock!
(2) unsafe loading. You are not sustaining fitness if you are injured. As part of helping you achieve your fitness goals, we consider it our duty to keep you safe and injury-free. We therefore teach to safely and effectively perform movements with proper mechanics. We’re strict- on form, movement, standards, and safety. You will be coached here. Guided and led by individuals who have studied these methodologies, made it their major, and continue to learn as practitioners and coaches. This is not to say that you won’t get injured- injuries OUR TRAINING PHILOSOPHY happen all the time in all manners of lifeMaximum output cannot be but we are committed o minimizing your achieved without good technique and risk of injury and never lose focus on domechanics. The main sources of injury in ing so. training are (1) incorrect technique and There is a proper balance between technique and intensity. We will push you in load and intensity until we see your mechanics start to degrade, at which point we will scale both back to refocus you on the mechanics of the movement and continue that back and forth tweaking until we find your optimal levels of each. Done properly, we believe that St. Patrick’s Day Beer Mile
this practice leads to improved mechanics at higher and higher levels of intensity, which in turn increases fitness and health. We believe that our style of training is beneficial to everyone and anyone. Your needs and those of the professional athlete differ by degree not by kind. Increased power, speed, strength, cardiovascular and respiratory endurance, flexibility, stamina, coordination, agility, balance, and coordination are each important to everyone- they are the cornerstones of functionality. The amazing truth is that the very same methods that elicit optimal response in the professional athlete will optimize the same response in any other human. We want all of our athletes to enjoy and maximize their experience here and we are determined to make that a reality. So whether you are young or old, male or female, athlete or couch potato, we invite you to try us out. Who knows, we may change your life forever.u
Coach Bobby is the best babysitter! Lone Star Local Guide Page 7
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Are You Ready for a Hurricane? BY: Tracee Evans
From 1981 — 2010, the aver-
2020 Hurricane names Arthur, Bertha, Cristobal, Dolly Edouard, Fay, Gonzalo, Hanna Isaias, Josephine, Kyle, Laura Marco, Nana, Omar, Paulette Rene, Sally, Teddy, Vicky,
age number of named storms in
• 8 Hurricanes (average 6.5)
the Atlantic basin has been 13;
• 3 Major Hurricanes
last year there was a total of 18
(average 2)
named storms, four of which were
category 3 oR higher. The Weather Company
Wilfred Are You Ready for a Hurricane? WHAT TO EXPECT THIS YEAR:
• 18 Named Storms (average 12) • 4 Major Hurricanes (winds
CANE SEASON forecasters including The Weather
greater than 115 mph/average 2) Colorado State’s Forecast
Company, Colorado State Univer-
• 16 Named Storms
sity, NOAA and Tropical Storm Risk
(average 12)
(based out of the University College London) make their predictions for the upcoming hurricane season. This year, the experts all agree that the conditions are right for above-average
and hurricanes. Forecasts cite the absence of El Nino as a primary factor. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric
forecast • 9 Hurricanes (average 6.5)
PREDICTIONS FOR 2020 HURRIEach year several different
(average 12)
• 13-19 Named Storms (average 12) • 6-10 Hurricanes (average 6.5) • 3-6 Major Hurricanes (average 2)
• 8 Hurricanes (average 6.5)
• 4 Major Hurricanes (average
for-2020 https://engr.source.colostate.
View this link to determine if
you live in or near a hurricane
evacuation area. http://flash.
Tropical Storm Risks Forecast • 16 Named Storms
HURRICANE SEASON: MAKE AN EMERGENCY KIT • Water (one gallon a day for each person for two weeks) • Non-perishable food • Medications and medical records • First aid kit • Medical supplies and batteries • Important documents • Cellphone chargers
NOAA Photo: Trajectory of hurricanes over the past 150 years Learn more from NOAA
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• Multi-purpose tool
• Personal hygiene
necessities • Cash (ATMs and credit card
Ever wondered how tropical storms are named?
• Be prepared to evacuate quickly by knowing your routes, destinations, and local emergency shelters.
• The World Meteorological
• Check and replenish your
immediately after a storm)
Organization assigns names to
emergency kit, paying special at-
• Sentimental or special items
tropical storms that reach a sus-
tention to medications and other
for infants, elderly or disabled
tained wind speed of 39 miles per
medical supplies. Keep the kit
family members
hour. To be called a hurricane,
• Sleeping bags and blankets
sustained wind speeds must be 74
More information here
• Pet supplies (collar, leash, ID,
miles per hour or higher.
machines may not function
food, carrier, bowls
• The first tropical storm that
• Maps
attains a sustained wind speed of
• Battery powered radio
at least 39 miles per hour in any
• Flashlight
calendar year is given the storm
• American Red Cross:
• Whistle (to signal for help if
name beginning with an “A” from
that year’s list. Subsequent storms
• Centerpoint Energy:
• Dust masks, plastic sheets
will have the B name, C name,
713-659-2111, 1-800-752-8036
and duct tape (to filter
and so on in alphabetical order.
(24-hour reporting),
contaminated air and build
•There are six lists of storm
names which recycle every six
• Harris County Flood Control
• Manual can opener
years. However, the names of
District: 713-684-4000,
• Extra clothing and rain gear
storms that are particularly dead-
Hurricane kit resource links:
ly or disastrous are permanently
• Harris County Office of
h t t p : / / w w w . re d c ro s s . o r g /
retired from use, such as Allison,
Homeland Security &
Alicia, Harvey and Katrina.
news/article/hi/honolulu/Hurricane-Preparedness http://salvationarmyhouston.
• Houston TranStar:
• Listen to local area media or
NOAA radio for the latest informa-
tion and updates.
• FEMA: 1-800-621-3362, Pro Tip: Don’t forget to write down these numbers and the phone numbers of friends and family in case your cell phone stops working. Keep that list in your hurricane kit. WANT MORE INFORMATION? HERE ARE USEFUL LINKS • National Hurricane Center • Ready.Gov’s Hurricane Page • Hurricane News • Space City Weatheru Lone Star Local Guide Page 11
Lone Star Local Guide Page 12
By: W.F. Strong
When I hear the great musical
tual light and his beneficent ge-
often overgenerous in its use, it
theme of “Lonesome Dove,” I am
nius leave us. He was a man who
fit Wittliff to perfection. He was
immediately grateful to Bill Wittliff
often worked his magic behind
a novelist, and a screenwriter, a
because I know we wouldn’t have
the scenes and so many people
photographer, a publisher and
the deeply treasured miniseries if
were touched by his artistic bril-
movie producer, a collector, an
not for him. We would have Larry
liance without knowing it. He
archivist, a historian and a lifelong
McMurtry’s novel for sure, but we
wrote the screenplays for much
professor who generously shared
would not have Wittliff’s equally
his knowledge of all things all the
brilliant adaptation of that mas-
Dove,” “Legends of the Fall,” “The
time. In more than a few instanc-
terwork if not for his undeterred
Perfect Storm,” “Raggedy Man,”
es over the past few years I’d fire
resolve to get it done.
and for highly Tex-centric films
off an email to him to ask for his
Bill Wittliff diedin 2019. I was,
like “Barbarosa” and “Red Head-
insights on some obscure subject
like millions of his fans around the
ed Stranger.” Some say Wittliff
and he’d invariably surprise me
world, and especially those in
launched the Austin film industry.
with an authoritative answer with-
Texas, sad to see his rare intellec-
Though Renaissance man is
in five minutes, sometimes less. Four years ago I interviewed Bill for his new novel “The Devil’s Backbone.” Naturally, we talked a good deal about “Lonesome Dove” and I want to share some of that interview because it gives us insights into the making of that masterpiece and into the mind and methods of Wittliff as well. I first asked Bill about how long it took to produce “Lonesome Dove” and if he knew it would be the huge hit it turned out to be? “For me, ‘Lonesome Dove’ was a solid two years,” Wittliff said. “It was a year writing the script,
Courtesy of Texas State University Screenwriter and photographer, Bill Wittliff, who helped establish a research archive at Texas State University.
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erns and that was the miniseries. And, he said, “we were making both.” I was curious about his method of adapting the novel for television. I asked him how, out of this tumultuous novel of nearly 1,000 pages, he could choose what to include and what to exclude. “Here’s what I did,” Wittliff said. “At that time I was driving a pickup. Suzanne, my partner, had someone read it on tape. We have a place on South Padre Island. It’s six hours to drive down there. So I would strike out in my pickup, which is to say you were in a closed in space. And start playing that and listening to it. You could see it. In listening to it you would say oh I don’t need that or oh that’s too close to this. Because I was driving I could kind of see a version of the movie unfold as I drove along. In six hours, as it turned out, of listening to and then it was another year from
know. I knew it was going to be
locations and casting and all of
great and I knew it was going to be
that, to actually shooting it and
well really phenomenal. It was just
then editing and the scoring – all
incredible to watch – to sit there
of it – and distribution. Here’s what
every day and watch Duvall and
I did know. I knew, because I saw
Tommy Lee and all of them deliver
the dailies every morning – and I
those lines. You simply could not
knew, you know, that what was
be there and not know. But what
going through the cameras was
I didn’t know is that the audience
incredible stuff, incredible perfor-
would take to it the way the did.”
mances. What I didn’t know was
One reason for this surprise, Bill
that the audience would take to
told me, is that in 1988 there was
it the way they did. That I didn’t
only one thing deader than West-
Larry’s novel was just about one episode. So I’d drive to South Padre and when I got there I then I would start adapting that six hours, boiled down to two hours. Anyway, that’s how I did it.” Finally, since McMurtry had written a number of screenplays himself, I asked Bill why Larry hadn’t written it himself. “When they asked me to do it, I called Larry and I said, ‘Don’t Continue on page 17 u
Lone Star Local Guide Page 15
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you want to do this,’ and he said,
ated the Wittliff Collections with
‘no, I’m cooked,’” Wittliff said.
his wife Sally at Texas State Univer-
He wrote: “I met Bill years ago
“Larry’s always been smart about
sity. There you can find the papers
when he and his wife asked per-
movies and his books. I don’t
of great Southwestern writers like
mission to publish IN A NARROW
know what Larry had his thumb
McCarthy, Dobie, Graves, Cisner-
GRAVE, my first volume of essays
on when he wrote it, but boy it
os and some of McMurtry’s, which
under their singular and distinctive
rang all the bells. And Larry got up
will be his greatest legacy, be-
Encino Press. It is the most impres-
from the typewriter and walked
cause it provides a place and re-
sive of my more than fifty pub-
off from it at least three times
sources for young writers, and art-
lished volumes. He was an abso-
maybe four times. He said ‘well,
ists, and filmmakers to come and
lute genius photographer, as you
no, that’s enough,’ but then he
dream about works they might
can see from his Wittliff Collection
always came back. And “Lone-
animate and worlds they might
photos. Bill skillfully adapted LONE-
some Dove,” both Larry’s book
SOME DOVE into a beloved mini-
and now the miniseries, have
Steve Davis the curator there,
absolutely become a part of the
said, “Bill embodied the best of
American fabric. It’s just aston-
Texas — he was incredibly cre-
Bill lived a beautiful, fun and in-
ishing. I’ve got calls from Ireland,
ative and was very generous to
spirational life. I believe firmly that
Europe and England, caught up
others — as seen in this wonderful
in thinking about his life he would
in the “Lonesome Dove” thing as
collection that he founded, which
agree with Gus McCrae, who
much as Americans and Texans
will continue to inspire others for
said, “It’s been quite a party, ain’t
are. It’s just been astonishing.”
generations to come.”
You notice there how he shuns
Finally, it is only fitting that we
credit for his success. He was a
hear from McMurtry himself. Larry
selfless man. That is why he cre-
sent this touching note to me just
series, and I know he will be deeply missed by Texans everywhere.”
This article was edited for broadcast by Texas Standard producers for the Texas Standard radio program on Apple podcast
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By: W.F. Strong
I think we’re in need of humor
do my best.
Then he walked back up to the
more now than ever before. So I
A Texas cowboy who had
bar and asked the barkeep for
thought I’d share with you this bit
just recently moved to Montana
of classic Texas folklore. You may
walked into a bar up there and
Well, the bartender, wanting
well have heard it before and if
ordered three mugs of draft beer.
to be helpful, said, “You know,
you have I’m sure you won’t mind
He took a seat in the back of the
partner, a mug of beer can go a
hearing it again. If you haven’t
room by himself and commenced
bit flat fairly soon after it’s drawn.
heard it, well, you’ll have the
to drinking all three beers by tak-
You can buy ‘em three at time, if
pleasure of hearing it for the first
ing a sip out of each one in a
you like, but I can bring ‘em out
time. Nothing better than novel
consistent sequence so that he
to you one at a time to keep ‘em
humor, provided it’s well told. I’ll
finished them all at the same time.
cold, fresh and crisp.”
three more.
Continue on page 23 u
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The Texan replied, “Well, you
The Texan took a liking to the
cowboy’s table and said quite
see, I do it this way because I
place. Felt like home. He came in
sincerely, “I’m sorry about the loss
have two brothers. We were al-
there all the time afterward and
of your brother, truly sorry.”
ways close until a few months ago
always followed his three-beer
The cowboy looked confused
when we all, sadly, had to leave
tradition. The regulars became
a minute and then figured out
Texas for a while because of job
aware of it after awhile and ad-
what the bartender was thinking.
transfers. One went to Georgia,
He laughed and said, “Oh, no, no.
the other to, sorry to say, New
ration. Sometimes bar patrons
Nobody died or nothin’. It’s just,
York. We agreed to always drink
would even hoist a beer up in his
you see, me and my wife joined a
as I’m doing now to honor our
direction and offer a toast. “To the
really strict church last week and I
good times together until we can
brothers!” they’d say.
had to swear off drinkin’.”
all get back to Texas. So, I’m drink-
One day, the Texan came in
Then it was the bartender’s
ing one beer for me and two for
and ordered two beers, sat down
my brothers.”
and began drinking them in turn.
The Texan explained, “Well,
The barkeep was touched by
Everybody noticed and the bar
that didn’t affect my brothers
the man’s custom and pushed
got quiet, unusually silent. The bar-
three mugs of beer to him, and
tender felt he should say some-
said, “This round’s on me.”
thing so he walked over to the
turn to look confused.
This article was edited for broadcast by Texas Standard producers for the Texas Standard radio program on Apple podcast
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Lone Star Local Guide Page 24
Runoff Time! Get Ready to Vote! With COVID-19 updates hap-
majority of the votes, although
nominee, so the winner of the run-
pening daily, it might be very easy
shy of the requisite 51%.
off election will become the new
to miss the most important event
Santani came in spot number two
Chief Justice of our appellate
that will occur this year with re-
behind Mr. Yollick. The Democrat
gard to our courthouse. June 29
nominee Mark Meyer will face off
The final race some Montgom-
marks the 1st day of early vot-
with the winner of the GOP Runoff
ery County voters will see on the
ing for the GOP Runoff Election.
in this race to determine who will
runoff ballot is the race for Pre-
Many will remember the primary
serve as this court’s first judge.
cinct Two Constable. started
This race
vote that took place in March. In
A lesser reported race, but just
three of the races no candidate
as important, was the race for
Constable Gene DeForest, Dan-
garnered 51% of the vote, so this
Chief Justice of the 9th Court of
iel Pena, Clyde Vogle and David
Primary Runoff will be a second
Appeals. This court is located in
Eason. The final two candidates
bite at the proverbial apple for
Beaumont, but serves as the ap-
remaining after Super Tuesday are
voters to make their voices heard
pellate court for all of the County
the incumbent Gene DeForest
in these races. Two of the three
Courts at Law and District Courts
and challenger Daniel Pena. The
races are for judicial seats.
of Montgomery County as well
only voters who will see is race on
It was no surprise when the
as nine other counties. The race
their ballot will be residents of Pre-
hotly contested race for Judge
also began with five attorneys:
cinct Two which comprises most
of the newly created 457th Judi-
Colleen Rice, Jarrod Walker, Scott
of Conroe.
cial District Court ended up in a
Golemon, Jay Wright and Chuck
runoff. The race started with at-
At the end of the day
July 14th with early voting from
torneys Robert Kasprzak, Bruce
it was Scott Golemon and Jay
June 29th -July 10th. Voting loca-
Tough, Chris Buck, Vincent San-
Wright in a photo finish garnering
tions will eventually be posted by
tini and Eric Yollick. At the end of
almost exactly the same percent-
the Montgomery County Elections
the first round of voting it ended
age of the vote. Unlike the race
Administrator at:
up with Eric Yollick garnering the
for the 457th there is no Democrat
The runoff vote will occur on
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Personal Prep By: Lindsey Kasprzak You know that feeling when you’re eat something delicious and then you feel guilty for eating it? Well, now you can literally have your cake and eat it too with Personal Prep! Personal Prep is a local, healthy food-prep company that can work with any diet! Not only are the meals incredibly delicious and healthy, but they are also hearty and filling. When Sophia, the owner of Personal Prep, asked me to do a review of her offerings, she gave me very simple and easy instructions on what to do. All I had to do was go to the Facebook page and give it a “like.” Every Wednesday morning, a new menu is posted, covering all the bases: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. When you decide what looks great, you simply shoot them a private message with your order and your email address. Orders just have to be received by Thursday night. It’s that easy!! No driving to the grocery store, no trying to find a parking spots, and no waiting in line. You can order right from your phone and pick it up at a local designated location (Pak’s Karate, Pro Body Fitness, Xcstasy Fitness, or Crossfit Conroe). When I went to the Personal Perp page to pick my meals, I was surprised at
the variety of choices and the fact that everything could easily be made low carb if I wanted. I ended up getting the Texan Scramble for breakfast: breakfast sausage, jalapeño sausage, diced sweet potatoes, and fresh spinach all scrambled with farm fresh eggs. For my other two meals, I ordered the BBQ Tater and the Shepherd’s Pie- both of which I ended up sharing with my 8 year old daughter (and y’all, when an 8 year old gets mad at you for taking the last bite, you know its good)! The BBQ Tater was a baked sweet potato stuffed with BBQ chicken and jalapeño sausage; and yes ,my child ate it and said nothing about it being too spicy. Her response was “Ohhhh this is absolutely AMAZING!” And believe me this child lives on Mac and cheese and refuses to try anything else. Next on our plate was the Shepherd’s Pie, which was a slight twist on the classic with garlic mashed sweet potatoes on top of ground turkey and mix veggies sautéed in a mushroom gravy (gluten free almond meal). This meal, I believe, hit my soul just a little bit. The favors were unbelievably and I actually didn’t even know the ground meat was turkey until after I had it. It was one of those meals where I couldn’t put my fork down and I didn’t care because it was healthy and under 500 calories! Yup, that’s right all the meals made my Personal Prep are 300-500 calories plus they’re all made from scratch and gluten free. You think that’s all they offer? Not even. Personal Prep can also have individual consultations with you and help plan out meals that will fit your specific diet and personal needs at a very affordable price. You’re probably
thinking: (1) convenience by ordering on my phone, (2) super healthy that (3) tastes really good, these meals must be really expensive! Not at all! You can order a single meal for $9.50 or order in bulk (15) for $7.50 each! Think about it, that’s 3 meals a day for 5 days at $112.50! I don’t know about you, but I spend way more than that at the grocery for 5 days’ worth of meals and let’s not even start with fast food and the other junk we put into our bodies. I think it’s safe to say that if you want the convenience of ordering yummy meals that are already made for you, then Personal Prep is the way to go! Be sure to like their Facebook and Instagram pages for up to date meals and yummy food pictures.u
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