SkyLight Paths Spring 2012 Trade Catalog

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Religion / Science


For Seekers & Believers of All Traditions Walking Together, Finding the Way ®


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SkyLight Paths

For Seekers & Believers of All Traditions Walking Together, Finding the Way®

from Secrets of Prayer: A Multifaith Guide to Creating Personal Prayer in Your Life (p. 4)

New & Recently published books

SPRING 2012 & Selected Bac­klist

Christianity—New Books


at God’s Table The Meaning of Mission in the Feast of Faith By Katharine Jefferts Schori

A profound reminder of our role in the larger frame of God’s dream for a restored and reconciled world. In the Christian tradition, believers are called to do more than sit around and pray. Throughout the Gospel—and throughout history—people of faith have been quite literally booted out into the world to bring God’s love to everybody, not just a selected few. That’s the meaning of mission—from the Latin missio, it means simply to send out. Understood in this sense, mission is at the heart of a faithful life. Katharine Jefferts Schori’s new book explores the meaning of mission in the context of contemporary life. It is organized around the Anglican Communion’s Five Marks of Mission: proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God; teach, baptize, and nurture new believers; respond to human need with loving service; transform unjust structures of society; and care for the earth. Jefferts Schori emphasizes the ecumenical networks that work to send God’s love out into the world. As she insists, mission is not inwardly focused, but reaches out to the whole of creation.

Praise for Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori’s Work “Maintains that Christians are challenged to help bring about the commonweal of God.” —Spirituality & Practice

Christianity / Spirituality 6 x 9, 224 pp (est), Hardcover 978-1-59473-316-1 $21.99 Available April 2012 Author’s Home Areas: Nevada; New York City Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori is the presiding bishop of The Episcopal Church. She is the author of The Heartbeat of God: Finding the Sacred in the Middle of Everything; A Wing and a Prayer; and Gospel in the Global Village.

Also Available

By Katharine Jefferts Schori Foreword by Joan Chittister, OSB 6 x 9, 240 pp, Hardcover 978-1-59473-292-8 $21.99 Leader’s Guide: 978-1-59473-308-6 $9.99

By The Rev. Canon C. K. Robertson, PhD Foreword by Archbishop Desmond Tutu 6 x 9, 208 pp Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-298-0 $16.99

By Rev. Susan Sparks 6 x 9, 176 pp Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-280-5 $16.99 United Methodist Women’s Reading List Pick

For more about these books, visit


Best-Selling Backlist—The Art of Spiritual Living About the Art of Spiritual Living Series Because spirituality is much more than what you think—it’s what you do. Explains little-known or misunderstood spiritual practices from around the world with clear instructions on how you can do it, too. All books on this page are 5 ⁄ x 8 ⁄ , Quality PB Original. 1




240 pp, 978-1-59473-300-0 $16.99

176 pp, 978-1-59473-151-8 $16.99

“Creative … very practical…. Paintner wants us to experience the joys of our inner monk and artist.”

“Stunning…. Stimulates the mind and summons readers to action.” —Montreal Anglican

160 pp, 978-1-59473-227-0 $16.99

“Insightful…. Will be a blessing to many people.”

“Helpful and encouraging, with a knowledgeable and personal tone.” —Publishers Weekly

Translated into Italian and Russian

208 pp, 978-1-59473-228-7 $16.99

“Essential…. Superb for those interested in Christian spirituality and particularly issues of guidance and discernment.”

240 pp, 978-1-59473-259-1 $16.99

A “Best Spiritual Book of the Year.” —Spirituality & Health

—Englewood Review of Books

Translated into German

—Spirituality & Practice

208 pp, 978-1-59473-289-8 $16.99

128 pp, b/w illus. 978-1-893361-82-9 $14.95

192 pp, 978-1-59473-036-8 $15.99

A “Best Spiritual Book of the Year.”

“This call to practice is indeed inviting.”

—Spirituality & Health

—Publishers Weekly

—Publishers Weekly

192 pp, 978-1-59473-078-8 $15.99

224 pp, 978-1-59473-268-3 $16.99

“Accessible, thoughtful…. A much-needed treatise that will attract believers from all faiths.”

“[A] creative contribution to spiritual practice…. Invite[s] you to the sacred dance.”

—Publishers Weekly

—Catholic Library World


sky li ght paths Pu b l i sh i n g

208 pp, 978-1-59473-224-9 $16.99

“Refreshingly candid volume on the trans­formative power of sharing one’s material, emotional and spiritual wealth.”

176 pp, 978-1-59473-231-7 $16.99

“Gives hope and affirmation to all…. A wonderful blessing.” —National Church Library Association

—Publishers Weekly

To Order: 800-962-4544

Spiritual Practice—New Books

Writing—The Sacred Art Beyond the Page to Spiritual Practice By Rabbi Rami Shapiro and Aaron Shapiro

Push your writing through the trite and the boring to something fresh, something transformative. If it is true for you that “sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me,” then your words are soft, weak and ineffective. Words can hurt; words can shatter; words can strip you naked, forcing you to see the truth no matter how precious the lies. This is the kind of word craft that awardwinning author and renowned spirituality teacher Rami Shapiro promotes in this fresh and unapologetic guide to writing as a spiritual practice. It isn’t about writing spiritual books or about the romance of writing. It doesn’t cover the ins and outs of publishing and building a brand. Rather, it explores the bedrock of spiritual awakening and how writing can shatter you upon it. Along with award-winning writer and writing coach Aaron Shapiro, he approaches writing the way a spiritual seeker uses meditation and chant—to shift from narrow mind to spacious mind and see through the distorting lens of the self-centered self to the larger reality that includes and transcends it. They guide you in how to use writing to discover the deeper reality of life and how best to live in harmony with it. Rami Shapiro, an award-winning author, storyteller, and essayist, is author of the best-selling The Sacred Art of Lovingkindness: Preparing to Practice and Recovery—The Sacred Art:The Twelve Steps as Spiritual Practice, among other books. A rabbi, he directs the Writer’s Loft Certificate Program in Creative Writing at Middle Tennessee State University and is co-founder, along with Aaron Shapiro, of Path & Pen Spiritual Writer’s Conference in Nashville, Tennessee.

Spirituality / Writing 5½ x 8½, 200 pp (est), Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-372-7 $16.99 Available March 2012 Authors’ Home Area: Nashville, TN

Praise for Rabbi Rami Shapiro’s Work “With typical prowess and brilliance, Shapiro … illuminate[s] our understanding.” —Spirituality & Practice

Aaron Shapiro teaches writing at Middle Tennessee State University, is widely published and is a frequent speaker on the topics of creative writing and critical theory.

Also Available Pick

By Donna Schaper and Carole Ann Camp 6 x 9, 208 pp, b/w illus. & photos Quality PB Original 978-1-893361-18-8 $16.95

By Thomas Ryan, CSP 6 x 9, 160 pp Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-243-0 $16.99

By Margaret D. McGee 5½ x 8½, 192 pp Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-269-0 $16.99

Edited by Adam Davis Foreword by Eboo Patel 6 x 9, 352 pp Quality PB 978-1-59473-303-1 $18.99

For more about these books, visit


New Books—Prayer Men Pray

Voices of Strength, Faith, Healing, Hope and Courage Created by the Editors at SkyLight Paths

A celebration of men’s voices in prayer— through the ages from many faiths, cultures and traditions.

Prayer / Spirituality 5 x 7¼, 200 pp (est), Hardcover 978-1-59473-395-6 $16.99 Available April 2012

This collection celebrates the rich variety of ways men around the world have called out to the Divine—with words of joy, praise, gratitude, wonder, petition and even anger—from the ancient world up to our own day. The prayers come from a broad spectrum of spiritual traditions—both East and West— including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and more. Together they provide an eloquent expression of men’s inner lives, and of the practical, mysterious, painful and joyous endeavor that prayer is. Men Pray will challenge your preconceived ideas about prayer. It will inspire you to explore new ways of prayerful expression and new possibilities for your own spiritual journey. This is a book to treasure and to share. “A powerful and inspiring way to help men reenter prayer life.”

Also Available

Edited and with Introductions by Christal M. Jackson 5 x 7¼, 208 pp Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-077-1 $15.99

“Powerful…. Allows the words of women of the past and present to connect with modern readers on their journey of faith.”

By Nancy Corcoran, CSJ 6 x 9, 160 pp Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-215-7 $16.99

“Excellent…. Fascinating … lift[s] up multiple ways of experiencing the Holy…. Filled with many helpful spiritual practices.” —Spirituality & Practice

—Church & Synagogue Library Association Newsletter


sky li ght paths Pu b l i sh i n g

By Margaret D. McGee 6 x 9, 144 pp, Quality PB 978-1-59473-291-1 $16.99 Hardcover 978-1-59473-232-4 $19.99

“[Q]uirky but perceptive guide … writes from a Christian perspective but many Buddhists will also feel at home.” —Publishers Weekly

To Order: 800-962-4544

Social Action / Politics—New Books

All Politics Is Religious

Speaking Faith to the Media, Policy Makers and Community By Rabbi Dennis Ross

Faith grows when we speak of it in the public square and live out its vision for a better world. Here’s how. On a daily basis, religious forces are turning to schools, health care, media, the economy and more with the agenda of establishing one faith perspective and its restrictions as the rule for everybody. But the times call for a reinvigorated expression of a variety of religious outlooks, and that means more than talk of “good faith,” “strong feelings” and “the facts.” It relies on a working understanding of why we speak, who we speak to, what to say, how to say it and where. All Politics Is Religious provides ideas and strategies for a clear, forceful, positive, effective and renewed religious expression that is all too often overlooked and under-represented. It identifies the religious themes in our great debates— immigration, the needs of children and families, church-state separation and reproductive rights, including abortion—and presents new language and methods for communication. In a voice that is warm, conversational and, at times, playful, it avoids attacking or ridiculing those who disagree. It steers away from the all-too-familiar political jargon—left, right, liberal, conservative, socialist—and instead relies on historical examples, current events and personal stories to illustrate the best ways to communicate the positive role faith can play in personal and public life.

Religion / Politics & State 6 x 9, 176 pp (est), Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-374-1 $18.99 Available February 2012 Author’s Home Area: New York City; Boston Dennis Ross, author and congregational rabbi, is director of the multifaith network Concerned Clergy for Choice. He also consults to Planned Parenthood on clergy organizing, religion in the media, and religious lobbying. He is a frequent speaker on the topic of religion and the media at houses of worship, college campuses, professional conferences, health centers and other venues. He is the author of God in Our Relationships: Spirituality between People from the Teachings of Martin Buber.


featured in USA today Pick

By Andrea Cohen-Kiener Foreword by Rev. Sally Bingham 6 x 9, 192 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-261-4 $16.99

By Lauren Tyler Wright 5½ x 8½, 208 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-224-9 $16.99

By Sara Hacala 6 x 9, 240 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-314-7 $16.99

United Methodist Women’s Reading List Pick

For more about these books, visit


Best-Selling Backlist—SkyLight Illuminations SkyLight Illuminations offers today’s spiritual seeker an enjoyable entry into the great classic texts of the world’s spiritual traditions. Each classic is presented in an accessible translation, with facing pages of guided commentary from experts, giving readers the keys they need to understand the history, context and meaning of the text. All books on this page are 5½ x 8½ Quality PB. See pp. 7–8, 12 and 18–19 for the newest volumes in the series.

978-1-59473-296-6 240 pp $16.99

978-1-59473-306-2 192 pp $16.99

978-1-59473-109-9 240 pp $16.99

978-1-59473-287-4 160 pp $16.99

978-1-59473-170-9 224 pp $16.99 Translated into Russian

978-1-59473-207-2 192 pp $16.99

978-1-59473-220-1 144 pp $16.99

978-1-59473-111-2 160 pp $16.99

978-1-893361-45-4 192 pp $16.99 Translated into Italian and Russian

978-1-893361-86-7 240 pp $16.95 Translated into Czech, Dutch, French, Italian, Russian & Spanish

978-1-59473-037-5 224 pp $16.99

978-1-59473-038-2 272 pp $16.99

978-1-59473-258-4 176 pp $16.99

978-1-59473-172-3 240 pp $16.99 Translated into German

978-1-59473-236-2 288 pp $16.99

978-1-59473-112-9 272 pp $16.99

978-1-59473-103-7 240 pp $16.99 Translated into Czech

978-1-59473-222-5 256 pp $16.99

978-1-59473-002-3 240 pp $15.99

978-1-59473-213-3 224 pp $16.99

978-1-59473-282-9 272 pp $16.99

978-1-59473-082-5 208 pp $16.99

978-1-893361-46-1 240 pp $16.95 Translated into Italian and Russian

978-1-59473-217-1 208 pp $16.99 Translated into Portuguese

978-1-59473-001-6 272 pp $16.99

978-1-59473-275-1 240 pp $16.99

978-1-59473-204-1 208 pp $16.99

978-1-893361-31-7 160 pp $14.95 Translated into French, Italian and Portuguese

978-1-893361-51-5 176 pp $15.99 Translated into Italian and Russian

One Spirit® Book Club Selection

978-1-59473-076-4 272 pp $16.99


sky li ght paths Pu b l i sh i n g

To Order: 800-962-4544

Christianity—New Books

Desert Fathers

and Mothers Early Christian Wisdom Sayings—Annotated & Explained Annotation by Christine Valters Paintner, PhD

Wisdom from the very beginnings of Christian monasticism can become a companion on your own spiritual journey. The desert fathers and mothers were ordinary Christians living in solitude in the deserts of Egypt, Palestine and Syria who chose to renounce the world in order to deliberately and individually follow God’s call. They embraced lives of celibacy, labor, fasting, prayer, and poverty, believing that denouncing material goods and practicing stoic self-discipline would lead to unity with the Divine. Their spiritual practice formed the basis of Western monasticism and greatly influenced both Western and Eastern Christianity. Their writings, first recorded in the fourth century, consist of spiritual advice, parables and anecdotes emphasizing the primacy of love and the purity of heart as essential to spiritual life and authentic communion with God. Focusing on key themes of charity, fortitude, lust, patience, prayer, self-control and visions, the Sayings influenced the rule of St. Benedict and have inspired centuries of opera, poetry and art. Christine Valters Paintner, PhD, opens up wisdom of the desert fathers and mothers for readers with no previous knowledge of Western monasticism and early Christianity. She provides insightful yet unobtrusive commentary that describes historical background, explains the practice of asceticism and clarifies the ancient desert wisdom that will speak to your life today and energize your spiritual quest.

Religion / Christianity / Theology 5½ x 8½, 176 pp (est), Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-373-4 $16.99 Available May 2012 Annotator’s Home Area: Seattle Christine Valters Paintner, PhD, author of Lectio Divina—The Sacred Art: Transforming Words and Images into Heart-Centered Prayer and The Artist’s Rule: Nurturing Your Creative Soul with Monastic Wisdom among other books, frequently leads retreats and teaches on the wisdom of Benedictine, Celtic and desert ways of praying. A writer, artist, spiritual director, retreat facilitator and teacher, she is the online Abbess of, a virtual monastery dedicated to nurturing contemplative practice and creative expression.

Also Available

By Christine Valters Paintner, PhD 5½ x 8½, 240 pp Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-300-0 $16.99

By M. Basil Pennington, OCSO;Thomas Keating, OCSO; and Thomas E. Clarke, SJ Foreword by Rev. Cynthia Bourgeault, PhD 5 x 7¼, 128 pp Quality PB 978-1-59473-182-2 $12.99

By Marcy C. Earle Foreword by John Philip Newell 5½ x 8½, 176 pp Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-302-4 $16.99

By M. Basil Pennington, OCSO Illus. by Phillip Ratner 6 x 9, 160 pp, Full-page b/w illus. Quality PB 978-1-59473-235-5 $16.99 Hardcover 978-1-59473-004-7 $19.99

For more about these books, visit


New Books—Bible The Book

of Job Annotated & Explained Translation and Annotation by Donald Kraus

An inviting guide to a classic that challenges God’s justice.

Religion / Biblical Studies 5½ x 8½, 220 pp (est) Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-389-5 $16.99 Available May 2012 Annotator’s Home Area: Boston Donald Kraus, executive editor for Bibles at Oxford University Press, has produced such high-profile projects as The Catholic Study Bible (first and second editions), The New Oxford Annotated Bible with the Apocrypha, The Jewish Study Bible and The Jewish Annotated New Testament. He is the author of Choosing a Bible and Sex, Sacrifice, Shame and Smiting.

The Book of Job, celebrated as a classic of world literature and one of the glories of the Bible, can often be puzzling and frustrating: puzzling for its dialogue form and off-putting because in places it doesn’t seem to make sense. The book was written in a world very different from ours, and yet the fundamental questions are very much our own: Is it worthwhile to act for the best? Does life have a meaning beyond itself? Are there any answers to our questions? In this SkyLight Illuminations edition, Donald Kraus, the longtime editor of Oxford Study Bibles, clarifies for today’s readers what Job is, how to overcome difficulties in the text, and what it may mean for us. Kraus’s fresh translation captures some of the finest poetry in the Hebrew Bible as well as recovers some of the original author’s intent. His probing commentary explores Job’s daring challenges to God’s goodness, questions about the basic fairness of existence and compelling descriptions of the glories of the created world and the bitter sorrows of human life. Kraus identifies and clarifies problem areas in the text, invites us to enter into Job’s dialogue and stimulates thoughtful consideration of life’s intractable questions. About SkyLight Illuminations SkyLight Illuminations offers today’s spiritual seeker an enjoyable entry into the great classic texts of the world’s spiritual traditions. Each classic is presented in an accessible translation, with facing pages of guided commentary from experts, offering readers the keys they need to understand the history, context and meaning of the text. The series enables readers of all backgrounds to experience and understand classic spiritual texts directly, and to make them a part of their lives.

Translated into Russian

Also Available

By Gordon Peerman 6 x 9, 208 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-252-2 $16.99


By Terry Taylor 6 x 9, 176 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-229-4 $16.99

sky li ght paths Pu b l i sh i n g

By Marcia Ford 8 x 8, 176 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-175-4 $18.99

To Order: 800-962-4544

Science & Religion—New Books

Our Religious Brains

What Cognitive Science Reveals about Belief, Morality, Community and Our Relationship with God By Ralph D. Mecklenburger

In the last several decades, scientific research on the way the brain functions has revolutionized more than clinical psychology and medicine. Our brains do not simply process information. They create what each of us knows as reality and how we construe its meaning. This has dramatic implications not only for psychology, but for virtually every field, including religion. This groundbreaking, accessible book examines the implications of cognitive study for theology. It reviews current theory on how our brains construct our world in order to guide us safely through life, creating and appreciating meaning as we go. It explores what religious experience is as it plays out in our brains and how modern science challenges historic ideas about free will and undermines the religious concept of the soul as a metaphysical entity separable from the body. Finally, it examines what cognitive science reveals about community and asks why we should be loyal to one faith if, in fact, all major religious traditions deal effectively with universal human needs. Avoiding neurological jargon and respectful to all faiths, this is the first comprehensive look at the insights and challenges of cognitive studies for religion.

A book from Jewish Lights, SkyLight Paths’ sister imprint

The first accessible examination of the implications of cognitive studies for theology—intended especially for lay people.

Religion / Religion & Science 6 x 9, 250 pp (est), Hardcover 978-1-58023-508-2 $24.99 Available February 2012 Author’s Home Area: Dallas / Fort Worth Ralph D. Mecklenburger speaks nationally on topics related to Religion, Science and JewishChristian dialogue. An adjunct faculty member at Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University, he is rabbi at Beth-El Congregation in Fort Worth, Texas and has served as the Jewish co-chair of the Texas Conference of Churches’ Jewish-Christian Forum.

Also Available

By Carolyn Jane Bohler 6 x 9, 192 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-251-5 $16.99

By Daniel F. Polish, PhD 6 x 9, 160 pp, Quality PB 978-1-59473-272-0 $16.99

Created by the Editors at SkyLight Paths 6 x 9, 162 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-014-6 $15.99

For more about these books, visit

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New in Paperback—Inspiration Finding Time

for the Spirituality in the Workweek


By John McQuiston II

Practice spirituality in a culture where work has become a religion.

Self-Help / Inspirational 51 ⁄ 8 x 6½, 208 pp, Quality PB 978-1-59473-383-3 $9.99 Available April 2012 Author’s Home Area: Memphis John McQuiston II is the author of the best-selling Always We Begin Again: The Benedictine Way of Living and Knowing Beyond Words. He is an attorney and an active lay leader in his congregation in Memphis, Tennessee.

This collection of real-life examples offers refreshing stories of everyday spiritual practices people use to free themselves from the work and worry mindset of our culture. Drawing from the experiences of others, it shows you how you too can refocus and enrich your daily life with spiritual practice, including: • Finding a haven for inspiring reading at a coffeehouse • Singing during the morning commute to work • Prayerful walking at home and on business trips • Mindful eating and other deliberate experiences of God’s goodness Full of insight and inspiration, Finding Time for the Timeless will help empower you to see how even your busiest workweek can include spiritual habits and routine. “A precious gift that busy people … will likely want to carry around with them for inspiration.” — ★ Publishers Weekly starred review

“Reading this book is like taking deep breaths of clean, fresh air … illuminates the spiritual practices that can be incorporated into all of life…. Will be savored.” —Presbyterians Today

“A wealth of prayers and thoughts for everyone, regardless of tradition … non-stop reading in one sitting.” —S. Shepherd Tate, past president, American Bar Association

By Philip Harnden 5 x 7¼, 144 pp, Quality PB 978-1-59473-181-5 $12.99 128 pp, Hardcover 978-1-893361-76-8 $16.95


One ® Spirit lub Book C n Selectio

By Sun Tzu Annotation by Thomas Huynh Translation by Thomas Huynh and the Editors at Foreword by Marc Benioff Preface by Thomas Cleary 5½ x 8½, 256 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-244-7 $16.99

sky li ght paths Pu b l i sh i n g

Translated into Czech, German and Portuguese

Translated into Portuguese

Translated into Dutch and Korean

Also Available

One ® Spirit lub C k o o B n Selectio

By Ron Miller Translations by Stevan Davies 6 x 9, 160 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-047-4. $14.99

To Order: 800-962-4544

Women’s Interest—New in Paperback

Honoring Motherhood Prayers, Ceremonies and Blessings

Edited and with Introductions by Lynn L. Caruso

Ideal for Mother’s Day Promotion

Journey through the seasons of motherhood and connect with the birth, growth, change, joy, love and inner strength of mothering. Take a spiritual voyage through blessings, prayers, anecdotes and meditations about the sacred undertaking that is motherhood. These words of hope and healing, pain and promise, are for all mothers— traditional, single, adoptive, foster, step and bereaved—and are drawn from many faith traditions, including Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim and Native American. Special multifaith ceremonies offer ways to honor many aspects of motherhood, such as: becoming a new mother, either through birth or adoption; welcoming children into the larger community; and acknowledging the experience of weaning a child. Insightful and wise, the expressions in this soulful collection illustrate the paradox of motherhood and will speak to your heart as you see motherhood in a whole new—and holy—way. Contributions stem from both ancient and contemporary sources, and many contributions were written specifically for this book. Contributors include: Rabindranath Tagore Maya Angelou Thich Nhat Hanh Anne Lamott Taniguchi Buson Mirabai Hafiz Julian of Norwich Rainer Maria Rilke Louise Erdrich Kahlil Gibran Christina Rossetti Edgar Allen Poe Sappho D. H. Lawrence Adrienne Rich Patrick Kavanagh Virginia Woolf Gerard Manley Hopkins Gunilla Norris

Self-Help / Spirituality / Inspiration 5 x 7¼, 272 pp, Quality PB 978-1-59473-384-0 $9.99 Available March 2012 Editor’s Home Area: Seattle Lynn L. Caruso, an educator, writer and parent / child advocate, is a contributor to Mothering magazine and editor of Blessing the Animals: Prayers and Ceremonies to Celebrate God’s Creatures, Wild & Tame.

“Inspiring…. Capture[s] and convey[s] the different shades of motherhood and their attendant joys and challenges.” —Spirituality & Practice

Also Available

By Nancy Barrett Chickerneo, PhD Foreword by Eileen Fisher 8 x 8, 224 pp, b/w illus. Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-250-8 $16.99

By Rev. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell Foreword by Karen Armstrong 6 x 9, 208 pp, Hardcover 978-1-59473-283-6 $21.99 Includes Discussion Guide

Selection & Annotation by Mary Ford-Grabowsky Foreword by Andrew Harvey 5½ x 8½, 272 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-001-6 $16.99

For more about these books, visit


Previously Announced—Christianity St. Ignatius Loyola—The Spiritual Writings Selections Annotated & Explained

Annotation by Mark Mossa, SJ

What does Ignatius’s vision to “find God in all things” mean to the challenges and opportunities in contemporary spiritual life? Ignatius saw the Christian mission, and especially that of the Jesuit missionary order which he founded, as a mission to “set fire to the world,” igniting a love for Jesus in the hearts of all. Even today—hundreds of years later—the writings of Ignatius of Loyola, one of the most prolific writers of his time, continue to inspire Christians in their quest for a meaningful, holy life. This fascinating introduction to Ignatian spirituality draws from contemporary translations of original texts focusing on the practical mysticism of Ignatius of Loyola. Excerpts from The Spiritual Exercises, his autobiography, and his collected letters and instructions provide direct insights from Ignatius about the spiritual life in general, and also offer context from Ignatius’s life and times. Substantive, facing-page commentary, presented in a lively and engaging style, illuminates Ignatius’s perspectives on many Religion / Christianity / Theology key aspects of Christian spirituality: 5½ x 8½, 224 pp (est), Quality PB Original • Sin and self-awareness 978-1-59473-301-7 $16.99 • Humility and obedience Available April 2012 • Trust in God Annotator’s Home Area: New York City • Discernment Mark Mossa, SJ, teaches American Catholicism • Imitating Jesus and the saints at Fordham University and has also taught at Loyola • Love and common good University in New Orleans. He frequently writes on Ignatian spirituality, contemporary Christianity and • … and more ministry with youth and young adults. He is coauthor of Just War, Lasting Peace: What Christian Traditions Can Teach Us and author of Already There: Letting God Find You.

For more about the SkyLight Illuminations series, see p. 6.

Also Available

Annotation by Joseph T. Kelley, PhD Translation from the Augustinian Heritage Institute, The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century 5½ x 8½, 272 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-282-9 $16.99


Annotation by Allyne Smith Translation by G. E. H. Palmer, Philip Sherrard and Bishop Kallistos Ware 5½ x 8½, 240 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-103-7 $16.99

sky li ght paths Pu b l i sh i n g

Translation & Annotation by Gleb Pokrovsky Foreword by Andrew Harvey 5½ x 8½, 160 pp, Illus. Quality PB Original 978-1-893361-31-7 $14.95

To Order: 800-962-4544

Previously announced—Sports / Nature Fly Fishing—The Sacred Art Casting a Fly as a Spiritual Practice By Rabbi Eric Eisenkramer and Rev. Michael Attas, MD

Capture the spiritual potential inherent in every cast of the fly rod. We go fly fishing to catch fish, to experience the rush of adrenaline when a trout rises to the surface, grabs the fly, and the line goes taut. But the fly line is more than a way to connect human beings to fish. Each cast of the fly line connects us to nature, to others and to the Divine Presence. In this unique exploration of fly fishing as a spiritual practice, a rabbi and an Episcopal priest illuminate what each step on a fly-fishing trip has to teach us about reflection, awe and wonder of the natural world, the benefits of solitude, the blessing of community and the search for the Divine. Tapping the wisdom in the Christian and Jewish traditions, they outline seven steps of a typical fly-fishing trip and the lessons found within: • The Off-Season and Fly Tying: Anticipation and Preparation • The Drive to the River: Unplugging Sports / Fishing / Spirituality from the World 5½ x 8½, 192 pp (est), Quality PB Original • Wading into the Stream: Finding 978-1-59473-299-7 $16.99 Our Place in Nature Available March 2012 • Fly Casting: Searching for God Authors’ Home Areas: New York City; at the End of the Line Waco, TX; Basalt, CO • Setting the Hook: Life and Death on the Stream Rabbi Eric Eisenkramer is creator of The Fly Fishing Rabbi: A Blog about Trout, God and Religion, and a • The Drive Home: Contemplation and contributor to Trout magazine and Reform Judaism Reflection magazine. He is the spiritual leader of Temple Shearith • “It Was This Big”: Sharing Our Stories Israel in Ridgefield, Connecticut. For people of all faiths and all levels of fly-fishing experience—or none. Includes “Getting Started,” guiding first-time anglers through the basics of fly rod and fishing gear, casting a fly, places to fly fish, and suggested readings and websites.

Rev. Michael Attas, MD, an avid fly fisher for over forty years, is assisting priest at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Waco,Texas, a practicing cardiologist, professor of medical humanities at Baylor University and columnist for the Waco Tribune Herald. During the summer months, he works as a volunteer fly-fishing guide in Colorado.

Translated into German

Also Available

featured in USA today

By Diana L. Guerrero 6 x 9, 176 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-893361-84-3 $16.95

By John Lionberger 6 x 9, 176 pp, b/w photos, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-219-5 $16.99

By Dr. Marcia McFee and Rev. Karen Foster Foreword by Paul Arthur 5½ x 8½, 208 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-270-6 $16.99

For more about these books, visit


Recently Published—Women’s Interest Women, Spirituality and Transformative Leadership Where Grace Meets Power

Edited by Kathe Schaaf, Kay Lindahl, Kathleen S. Hurty, PhD, and Reverend Guo Cheen

A dynamic conversation on the power of women’s spiritual leadership and its emerging patterns of transformation. This empowering resource engages women in an interactive exploration of the challenges and opportunities on the frontier of women’s spiritual leadership. Through the voices of North American women representing a matrix of diversity—ethnically, spiritually, religiously, generationally and geographically— women will be inspired to new expressions of their own personal leadership and called into powerful collaborative action. Contributors include:

Spirituality / Women’s Interest 6 x 9, 288 pp, Hardcover 978-1-59473-313-0 $24.99 Editors’ Home Areas: Seattle, WA; Oakland, CA; Long Beach, CA; Laguna Hills, CA

Lisa Anderson Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD Fredelle Brief Joan Chittister, OSB Phyllis W. Curott, JD and HPs Dr. Barbara E. Fields Carol Lee Flinders, PhD China Galland The Right Reverend Mary Douglas Glasspool Shareda Hosein Musimbi Kanyoro, PhD

Valarie Kaur Dawn T. Maracle, MEd, EdD (ABD) Courtney E. Martin Jan Booman Saeed Reverend Lorenza Andrade Smith Lynda Terry Diane Tillman Yoland Trevino Karma Lekshe Tsomo Nontombi Naomi Tutu

(For complete contributor list, see

Kathe Schaaf is co-founder and past president “Outstanding contributors…. Create[s] a ‘dynamic of Gather the Women Global Matrix. She currently conversation’ about women’s spiritual leadership anchors many collaborative conversations connecting women and women’s organizations internationally. power…. A comprehensive and invaluable volume Kay Lindahl, a Certified Listening Professional and with strong mainstream appeal.” founder of the Listening Center, is author of The —★ American Library Association’s Booklist starred review Sacred Art of Listening. Kathleen S. Hurty, PhD, a teaching fellow in leadership studies at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, is a consultant for the Council for the Parliament of the World’s Religions, an educator and a public speaker. Reverend Guo Cheen, an ordained Buddhist nun and active in interfaith dialogue, is founder of the Compassion Network. All four are ambassadors for the Council for the Parliament of the World’s Religions.

By Jan Phillips 8 x 8, 256 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-080-1 $16.99


Translated into Russian

One ® Spirit lub Book C n Selectio

Translated into Catalán, German, Slovenian and Spanish

Also Available

By Kay Lindahl Illus. by Amy Schnapper 8 x 8,160 pp, b/w illus., Quality PB Original 978-1-893361-44-7 $16.99

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By Kay Lindahl 8 x 8, 176 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-893361-85-0 $16.95

To Order: 800-962-4544

Interfaith—Recently Published

Religion Gone Astray

What We Found at the Heart of Interfaith By Pastor Don Mackenzie, Rabbi Ted Falcon and Imam Jamal Rahman

Welcome to the deeper dimensions of interfaith dialogue—exploring that which divides us personally, spiritually and institutionally. Expanding on the conversation started with their very successful first book, the Interfaith Amigos—a pastor, a rabbi and an imam—probe more deeply into the problem aspects of our religious institutions to provide a profound understanding of the nature of what divides us. They identify four common problem areas in the Abrahamic faiths: Exclusivity: Staking Claim to a One and Only Truth Violence: Justifying Brutality in the Name of Faith Inequality of Men and Women: The Patriarchal Stranglehold on Power Homophobia: A Denial of Legitimacy They explore the origins of these issues and the ways critics use these beliefs as divisive weapons. And they present ways we can use these vulnerabilities to open doors for the collaboration required to address our common issues, more profound personal relationships, and true interfaith healing. “Intriguing…. Tangible … it can encourage muchneeded healing for readers of all faith backgrounds.” —Publishers Weekly

“Exuberant and courageous … a reminder that it is possible to reach across the divisions and find not only common cause but hope and affection.” —Karen Armstrong, author, A History of God: The 4,000-Year-Old Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam and many other best-selling books

Religion / Interfaith 6 x 9, 192 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-317-8 $16.99 Authors’ Home Area: Seattle Pastor Don Mackenzie, PhD, Rabbi Ted Falcon, PhD and Imam Jamal Rahman, coauthors of Getting to the Heart of Interfaith: The Eye-Opening, Hope-Filled Friendship of a Pastor, a Rabbi & an Imam and former hosts of Interfaith Talk Radio in Seattle, share an evolving process to deepen interfaith awareness. Their work promotes greater understanding between faith and also non-faith people and communities in order to discover the kinds of energies that can help transform and heal both person and planet.

Translated into Russian

Also Available

By Pastor Don Mackenzie, Rabbi Ted Falcon and Imam Jamal Rahman 6 x 9,192 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-263-8 $16.99 United Methodist Women’s Reading List Pick

JL 5TH EDITION Edited by Stuart M. Matlins and Arthur J. Magida 6 x 9, 432 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-294-2 $19.99

By Rabbi James Rudin 6 x 9, 288 pp, Hardcover 978-1-58023-432-0 $24.99

For more about these books, visit


Recently Published—Bible Study Masking

and Unmasking Ourselves Interpreting Biblical Texts on Clothing & Identity By Dr. Norman J. Cohen

A book from Jewish Lights, SkyLight Paths’ sister imprint

A fascinating look at the symbolic power of clothing and what it reveals about our identity and how we perceive it. Whatever the context in which it is worn, our clothing is often our most powerful form of communication. As in any great literature, the language of putting on and taking off clothing in the Bible—especially the narratives that hinge upon the symbolic use of clothes—can provide us with a sense of the overarching worldview of the biblical writers. Yet, by immersing ourselves in the symbolic language and stories of the Bible, we can also gain insight into ourselves and our own lives. In this engaging look at interpretations of clothing in the Bible, renowned Torah scholar and midrashist Norman Cohen presents ten paradigmatic Bible stories that involve clothing in an essential way, as a means of learning about the text, its characters and their interactions. But he also shows us how these stories help us confront our own life dramas, our own stories. In doing so, he presents Torah as a mirror, reflecting back to us our own personalities, ambivalences, struggles and potential for growth. By helping us uncover the “garments of Torah,” Cohen shows us how to shed our own layers of insulation to reveal our authentic selves.

Religion / Spirituality 6 x 9, 240 pp (est), Hardcover 978-1-58023-461-0 $24.99 Available February 2012 Author’s Home Area: New York City Dr. Norman J. Cohen, renowned for his expertise in Torah study and midrash, lectures frequently to audiences of many faiths. He is a rabbi, former provost of Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of Religion, and professor of midrash. He is the author of Self, Struggle & Change: Family Conflict Stories in Genesis and Their Healing Insights for Our Lives; Moses and the Journey to Leadership: Timeless Lessons of Effective Management from the Bible and Today’s Leaders (both Jewish Lights); and other books.

Praise for Dr. Norman J. Cohen’s Work “A clearly delineated and persuasive guide…. Demonstrates the power behind the words and encourages readers to study Torah more profoundly and meaningfully…. Highly recommended.” —Library Journal

“Accessible and basic, yet sophisticated and wise.” —Publishers Weekly

Translated into Portuguese

Also Available

JL By Rabbi Jeffrey K. Salkin Foreword by Rabbi Harold M. Schulweis Preface by Phyllis Tickle 6 x 9,192 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-58023-364-4 $18.99


By Matt Biers-Ariel 5½ x 8½, 192 pp, Quality PB 978-1-59473-176-1 $14.99 Teacher’s Guide: 978-1-59473-152-5 $8.99

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Translation and Annotation by Teresa J. Hornsby Foreword by Amy-Jill Levine 5½ x 8½, 208 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-217-1 $16.99

To Order: 800-962-4544

Personal Growth—Recently Published

Saving Civility

52 Ways to Tame Rude, Crude & Attitude for a Polite Planet By Sara Hacala

featured in USA today

Is bad behavior the new normal? How do we change it? Cyberbullying, hostile and polarizing political infighting, and tasteless and tactless behavior may be on the rise, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Sara Hacala, a certified etiquette and protocol consultant, offers a definitive look at what civility means and how it can change the nature of everyday interaction. She goes beyond a superficial discussion of proper manners to present civility as a mind-set that encompasses values and attitudes that help you embrace your connections to others and repair society. Tapping the wisdom of ancient spiritual luminaries as well as the latest social science research, she provides fifty-two practical ways you can reverse the course of incivility and make the world a more enriching, pleasant place to live. “Timely—more necessary now than ever…. [M]akes an impressive case that civility is a lot more than just good table manners.... A surprisingly important book [that] should be required reading for our society.” —New York Journal of Books

“Emphasizes creating connections with other people.… Urges readers to smile, listen to others, and respect their boundaries, while advising them to try to see themselves as others see them.” —Library Journal

“Ardent and persuasive ... adds impact and credibility to this much-needed antidote to our national malaise…. America needs this book!” —Sybil Steinberg, former Publishers Weekly Forecasts editor

Self-Help / Personal Growth 6 x 9, 240 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-314-7 $16.99 Author’s Home Area: New York City Sara Hacala, a frequent speaker around the United States on the topic of civility, is president of Sara Hacala & Associates LLC, which provides full-service training and seminars in all aspects of business etiquette, manners and civility for corporate personnel, university students and individuals. She also works in high schools with “at-risk” students, teaching vital interpersonal skills to help them access the business arena and increase their opportunities for success. A world traveler and consummate hostess, she is a graduate of the Protocol School of Washington.

Also Available

By Carolyne Call 6 x 9, 224 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-288-1 $16.99

By Rabbi Rami Shapiro Foreword by Marcia Ford 51⁄2 x 81⁄2,176 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-151-8 $16.99

By Rev. Nanette Sawyer Foreword by Rev. Dirk Ficca 51⁄2 x 81⁄2, 208 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-228-7 $16.99

For more about these books, visit


recently published—Philosophy / Bible Maimonides—Essential Teachings Jewish Faith & Ethics


The Book of Knowledge & the Thirteen Principles of Faith—Annotated & Explained Translation and Annotation by Rabbi Marc D. Angel, PhD

The teachings of Judaism’s greatest medieval philosopher can be a companion on your own spiritual journey. In this accessible examination of Maimonides’s theological and philosophical teachings, Rabbi Marc Angel opens up for us Maimonides’s views on the nature of God, providence, prophecy, free will, human nature, repentance and more. He explores basic concepts of faith that Maimonides posits must serve as the basis for proper religious life. He also examines Maimonides’s insights on reward and punishment, messianic days, the world to come and other tenets of the Jewish faith. “An invaluable new translation … a lucid commentary that Religion / Judaism makes the work accessible.” 5½ x 8½, 224 pp, Quality PB Original

—Dr. Howard Wettstein, editor, Midwest Studies in Philosophy; professor of philosophy, University of California

978-1-59473-311-6 $18.99

Rabbi Marc D. Angel, PhD, is founder and director of the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals ( Rabbi emeritus of Congregation Shearith Israel of New York City, he is author and editor of twenty-nine books, including the award-winning Maimonides, Spinoza and Us: Toward an Intellectually Vibrant Judaism and Foundations of Sephardic Spirituality: The Inner Life of Jews of the Ottoman Empire.


Annotated & Explained

Translation and Annotation by Rabbi Rami Shapiro

This collection of timeless and practical prescriptions for living honestly and responsibly can be a companion for your own spiritual journey. In this fresh translation of an ancient “how-to,” Rami Shapiro unpacks the proverbs, demonstrating how these complex poetic forms are actually straightforward instructions to live simply, without rationalizations and excuses. He shows how unlike almost anything else in the Hebrew Bible, the truths claimed in the Book of Proverbs are testable and verifiable. They force us to examine our lives and how we are living them without the benefit of psychological sophistry and New Age babble.

Praise for Rabbi Rami Shapiro’s Work Religion / Christianity 5½ x 8½, 288 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-310-9 $16.99

“With energy, enthusiasm and interfaith perspective, Shapiro offers an invaluable gift with this inspiring and enlightening work.” —Spirituality & Practice

Rabbi Rami Shapiro is a renowned teacher of spirituality across faith traditions. He is author of the best-selling The Sacred Art of Lovingkindness: Preparing to Practice; The Divine Feminine in Biblical Wisdom Literature: Selections Annotated & Explained; and Ecclesiastes: Annotated & Explained, among other books.

Also Available

978-1-59473-287-4 $16.99


Translation & Annotation by Rabbi Rami Shapiro Foreword by Rev. Barbara Cawthorne Crafton 5½ x 8½, 160 pp Quality PB Original

978-1-59473-207-2 $16.99

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Translation & Annotation by Rabbi Rami Shapiro 5½ x 8½, 192 pp Quality PB Original

978-1-893361-86-7 $16.95

Translation & Annotation by Rabbi Rami Shapiro Foreword by Andrew Harvey 5½ x 8½, 240 pp, Quality PB Original Translated into Italian, Russian, French, Spanish, Czech and Dutch

To Order: 800-962-4544

Christianity—Recently Published

John & Charles Wesley: Selections from Their Writings and Hymns—Annotated & Explained Annotation by Paul W. Chilcote, PhD

The theological and spiritual writings of the founders of Methodism can be a companion for your own spiritual journey. John Wesley (1703–1791), Anglican priest, theologian, and church reformer, and his brother, Charles Wesley (1707–1788), one of the greatest hymn writers of all time, co-founded Methodism, a major movement of Christian renewal. Their vision of Christian discipleship included important spiritual discoveries that fueled the revival of the eighteenth-century Church of England. Their holistic theology/spirituality affords guidance for the contemporary seeker after God who yearns for greater meaning and purpose in life. This unique presentation of the writings of these two inspiring brothers brings together some of the most essential material from their large corpus of work. While John articulated his vision of Christianity through many sermons, journals and theological treatises, Charles expressed his theology in lyrical form through some nine thousand hymns and devotional poems. Religion / Christianity These excerpts from Charles and John Wesley, 5½ x 8½, 288 pp, Quality PB Original with probing facing-page commentary, will provide 978-1-59473-309-3 $16.99 insight not only into the renewal of dynamic and Annotator’s Home Area: Cleveland vital Christianity, but into the struggles and concerns of all who seek to be faithful particiPaul W. Chilcote, PhD, is professor of historical theolpants in God’s vision of love in every age. ogy and Wesleyan studies and director of the Center for “A welcome and accessible volume for scholars and practitioners of the Wesleyan traditions…. Ably provides a resource that integrates and contextualizes both brothers’ work in founding Methodism.” —Elaine A. Heath, president, Wesleyan Theological Society

Applied Wesleyan Studies at Ashland Theological Seminary. He also serves as president of The Charles Wesley Society, an international organization devoted to the preservation and dissemination of the prose and poetic writings of this Anglican priest and highly acclaimed hymn writer. He is the author of many books, including Recapturing the Wesleys’ Vision: An Introduction to the Faith of John and Charles Wesley.

Also Available

Edited by Ira Rifkin and the Editors at SkyLight Paths Foreword by Dr. Robert Coles 6 x 9, 304 pp, b/w photos, Quality PB 978-1-59473-241-6 $18.99


By Maura D. Shaw Full-color illus. by Stephen Marchesi Foreword by Dr. Robert Coles 8½ x 11, 48 pp, Full-color illus. Hardcover 978-1-893361-47-8 $17.95

Translation and Annotation by Ron Miller 5½ x 8½, 224 pp Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-213-3 $16.99

For more about these books, visit


recently published—Pastoral Care Professional Spiritual & Pastoral Care A Practical Clergy and Chaplain’s Handbook

Edited by Rabbi Stephen B. Roberts, MBA, MHL, BCJC

For all faiths—the definitive reference for pastoral and spiritual caregivers.

Pastoral Care 6 x 9, 480 pp, Hardcover 978-1-59473-312-3 $50.00 Editor’s Home Area: New York City

This is the first comprehensive resource for spiritual and pastoral care—a vital resource for clergy, seminarians, chaplains, pastoral counselors and caregivers of all faith traditions. It integrates the classic foundations of pastoral care with the latest approaches on spiritual care. It is specifically intended for professionals who work or spend time with congregants in acute care hospitals, behavioral health facilities, rehabilitation centers and long-term care facilities. Offering the latest theological perspectives and tools, along with basic theory and skills from the best pastoral and spiritual care texts, research and concepts, the contributors to this resource are experts in their fields, and include eight current or past presidents of the major chaplaincy organizations. Topics include: • The Theology of Spiritual and Pastoral Care • The Process of Spiritual and Pastoral Care • Spiritual/Pastoral Care with Special Populations and Their Needs • The Infrastructure of Spiritual and Pastoral Care

Rabbi Stephen B. Roberts, MBA, MHL, BCJC, has taught and written extensively on pastoral and spiritual care. He is co-editor of Disaster Spiritual Care: Practical Clergy Responses to Community, Regional and National Tragedy; a contributor to Jewish Pastoral Care, 2nd Edition: A Practical Handbook from Traditional & Contemporary Sources; a past president of the National Association of Jewish Chaplains; and former associate executive vice president of the New York Board of Rabbis overseeing the Jack D. Weiler Chaplaincy Program, which employs chaplains in over fifty health care facilities. He is also chairman emeritus and a founder of Disaster Chaplaincy Services, Inc., a partnership program within the American Red Cross in Greater New York.

“A ‘must have’ volume for all care providers, whether student, supervisor or local practitioner ... whether in a solo position or a member of a larger staff.” —The Rev. Dr. David C. Johnson, BCC, ACPE Supervisor; president, Association of Professional Chaplains

“More than a conventional clergy and chaplain’s practical handbook.... Every professional in the field should have this volume on his or her desk.” —Lester Edwin J. Ruiz, PhD, director, Accreditation and Institutional Evaluation, the Association of Theological Schools in the U.S. and Canada

Also Available

Edited by Rabbi Stephen B. Roberts, BCJC, and Rev. Willard W. C. Ashley Sr., DMin, DH 6 x 9, 384 pp, Hardcover 978-1-59473-240-9 $50.00


By Marty Richards 6 x 9, 256 pp, Quality PB 978-1-59473-286-7 $16.99 Hardcover, 978-1-59473-247-8 $24.99

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By Dr. Nancy Copeland-Payton 6 x 9, 192 pp, Quality PB 978-1-59473-307-9 $16.99 Hardcover, 978-1-59473-271-3 $19.99

To Order: 800-962-4544

Islam—recently published Ghazali

on the


of Islamic


Selections from The Forty Foundations of Religion— Annotated & Explained Translation & Annotation by Aaron Spevack, PhD Foreword by M. Fethullah Gülen

The first English-language publication of significant portions of the “Forty Foundations” of the Islamic faith, authored by one of the greatest scholars of Islam. Considered by many to be the all-time greatest scholar of Islam, Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali (1058–1111) was also one of the foremost sages of theology, philosophy and Sufism. His writings on the interrelation of law, theology and mysticism were central in establishing Sufism as a core dimension of orthodox Islamic practice. Muslim communities all across the world today still base much of their practice of Islam on Ghazali’s writings. The Forty Foundations of Religion, Ghazali’s own summary of his magnum opus, The Revival of the Religious Sciences, serves as a brief and powerful summary of Islamic faith, worship, law and spirituality. It outlines the basis of Islamic belief, the foundational matters of ritual and practice, and the character traits a person must cultivate and avoid in the perfection of faith. This SkyLight Illuminations edition—the first publication of significant portions of The Forty Foundations of Religion in English—provides original translations of selected highlights accompanied by insightful commentary that makes the core message of this great spiritual master relevant to anyone seeking a balanced understanding of Islam. “A groundbreaking event in Islamic publishing…. Gives this compact manual a new life in English translation by reviving the spirit and form of this classical text.” —Muhammad Hozien, editor, Journal of Islamic Philosophy and

Religion / Islam 5½ x 8½, 336 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-284-3 $18.99 Translator / Annotator’s Home Area: Boston Aaron Spevack, PhD, is assistant professor of Islam in the Religious Studies Department at Loyola University, New Orleans. He specializes in Islamic intellectual history, including law, theology and Sufism. He is also a founder and director of Boston’s Bukhari Institute, which offers educational programs on the arts and sciences of the Islamic world.

Also Available

By Aisha Karen Khan Photos by Aaron Pepis Foreword by Dr. Sayyid M. Syeed 8½ x 10½, 32 pp, Quality PB 978-1-59473-257-7 $8.99

By Reuven Firestone, PhD 6 x 9, 176 pp, Quality PB 978-1-59473-290-4 $16.99 Hardcover 978-1-59473-248-5 $21.99

Annotation by Sohaib N. Sultan Translation by Yusuf Ali Revised by Sohaib N. Sultan Foreword by Jane I. Smith 5½ x 8½, 256 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-222-5 $16.99

For more about these books, visit


Best-Selling Backlist—Personal Growth

By Caren Goldman Foreword by Dr. Nancy Copeland-Payton

By Linda Douty

6 x 9, 208 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-295-9 $16.99

“[Rises] above platitudes by asking about self-discovery, outside versus inside age, and the changing image of God…. [Shows] ways old people have plowed through pain—the physical inseparable from the spiritual—toward ‘winnowed wisdom,’ paying homage to the holy in everything to leave a legacy of true love in something.”

“Makes a good case for doing the inner work necessary to transform our lives through the spiritual practices of remembering and re-connecting with all that is meaningful in our lives and experiences.” —Spirituality & Practice

6 x 9, 208 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-297-3 $16.99

—Publishers Weekly

By Rami Shapiro Foreword by Joan Borysenko, PhD 5½ x 8½, 240 pp Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-259-1 $16.99

A “Best Spiritual Book of the Year.” —Spirituality & Health

“A fine example of the subtle good works the Twelve Step programs can do even after the worst effects of addiction are no longer apparent.” —Library Journal

By Marjory Zoet Bankson 6 x 9, 160 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-281-2 $16.99

“Practical, useful … develops the spiritual dimensions of aging in a way that makes what the author calls ‘the generative years’ count…. Strongly recommended for anyone facing the reality of retirement.” —Catholic Library World United Methodist Women’s Reading List Pick


By Rabbi Rami Shapiro Foreword by Marcia Ford 5½ x 8½, 176 pp Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-151-8 $16.99

“With his energy, enthusiasm, and interfaith perspective, Shapiro offers an invaluable gift with this inspiring and enlightening work.”

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By Nancy L. Bieber 5½ x 8½, 208 pp Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-289-8 $16.99

“Essential…. Very practical … superb for those interested in Christian spirituality and particularly issues of guidance and discernment.” —Englewood Review of Books

—Spirituality & Health

To Order: 800-962-4544

Christianity—Best-Selling Backlist

as featured in


By The Rev. Canon C. K. Robertson, PhD Foreword by Archbishop Desmond Tutu 6 x 9, 208 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-298-0 $16.99

“Makes for lively reading…. Suitable for group or individual study.”

—Publishers Weekly

“Shines…. Colorful and easily accessible.”

By Katharine Jefferts Schori Foreword by Joan Chittister, OSB

By Rev. Susan Sparks

6 x 9, 240 pp, Hardcover 978-1-59473-292-8 $21.99 Leader’s Guide: 978-1-59473-308-6 $9.99

“A provocative case for adding leavening levity to sacred spaces where it might be sorely lacking.”

“Maintains that Christians are challenged to help bring about the commonweal of God.”

6 x 9, 176 pp, Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-280-5 $16.99

—Publishers Weekly United Methodist Women’s Reading List Pick

—Spirituality & Practice

—Englewood Review of Books

By Christine Valters Paintner, PhD 5½ x 8½, 240 pp Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-300-0 $16.99

“Creative … very practical… Paintner wants us to experience the joys of our inner monk and artist.” —Spirituality & Practice

“Gives readers a glimpse of the rich possibilities for modern pilgrims who want to live more mindfully and in closer connection with God.”

By Marcy C. Earle Foreword by John Philip Newell 5½ x 8½, 176 pp Quality PB Original 978-1-59473-302-4 $16.99

“Recommended … for anyone who wants to better understand the spirituality of the Celts and their haste in embracing Christianity.” —Library Bookwatch

By Rev. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell Foreword by Karen Armstrong 6 x 9, 208 pp, Hardcover 978-1-59473-283-6 $21.99 Includes Discussion Guide

“Secures [Campbell’s] status as an American ‘pulpit prince’…. Warm and clear…. Brings fresh insight to gospel parables.”

—Publishers Weekly

—United Methodist Reporter

For more about these books, visit


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