Half Hollow Hills - 1/15/2015 Edition

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HALF HOLLOW HILLS Copyright © 2015 Long Islander News

Online at www.LongIslanderNews.com

VOL. 16, ISSUE 49



Students Shine In Intel Competition By Arielle Dollinger adollinger@longislandergroup.com

The Paramount Spotlight Criss Angel will perform at The Paramount on Jan. 23 and 24.

‘Angel’ Of Magic To Perform Four Shows By Arielle Dollinger adollinger@longislandergroup.com

In the ’80s, Criss Angel – then Christopher Sarantakos – decided to change his name. He spoke with magician James Randi, known on stage as “The Amazing Randi,” and mentioned the “Angel” option. Randi told him that it was perfect because “you look nothing like an angel and

Half Hollow Hills High School East and St. Anthony’s High School are each an academic home to one of 300 Intel Science Talent Search semifinalists this year. Hills East’s Ben Edwards was recognized as an Intel semifinalist this year, as was St. Anthony’s High School student Delaney Lenaghan. Edwards, a senior, said he was trying to use his phone in calculus class to see if the semifinalists had been posted, but he had no service. Eventually, he would find out that he was on the list of semifinalists – a piece of news that would bring him to the assistant principal’s office to take a photo and set his phone abuzz with text messages.

A senior at St. Anthony’s, Lenaghan was sitting in her AP Biology class in the South Huntington Catholic high school when she was called out to see Science Research Director Paul Paino, she said. “It was so surprising,” she said, noting that she was worried that she might be “in trouble or something” when she was pulled away from her note-taking. Instead, she learned she was an Intel semifinalist. Working at Michigan State University under the direction of Dr. Katherine Hunt, Edwards did research in Quantum Cryptography – part of the computer science field, mixed with an element of quantum physics, Half Hollow Hills Academic Research Director Michael Lake explained. With his mentor, Edwards stud-



ied an encryption method, “a way of sending secret messages that involved using photons or other kinds of small particles,” Edwards said. He created a computer simulation to use for testing. The goal, he said, was to use the computer simulation to see how the encryption methods worked, whether or not an outsider was trying to (Continued to page A21)


Study Says: Widen Bridge Over LIE

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By Danny Schrafel dschrafel@longislandergroup.com

The Walt Whitman Road bridge over the Long Island Expressway should be widened to address traffic concerns, according to a traffic study released last week by the town.

It’s time to widen the Walt Whitman Road’s bridge over the Long Island Expressway. That’s the major takeaway from a Town of Huntingtoncommissioned study of traffic conditions near Canon’s North American headquarters on the South Service Road in Melville. The study’s findings call for for widening the bridge to yield three northbound lanes (two left turn lanes and one through lane) and two south-

bound lanes; shoulders would also be added. Currently, one southbound lane and two northbound lanes exist, with no shoulders, and the town says it’s not enough to accommodate existing traffic, let alone what’s to come as Canon expands and other projects are completed in Melville. “We’ve established a need. Now we’ve got to have them establish a funding channel,” and a timeline, Supervisor Frank Petrone said Monday. The supervisor said he has met with Department of Trans(Continued on page A21)


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