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VOL. 17, ISSUE 11
Rabbi Responds To Anti-Semitic Image By Andrew Wroblewski awroblewski@longislandergroup.com
This image of Commack High School students wearing anti-Semitic t-shirts was posted online over spring break and prompted community response; their faces are blurred to preserve their identites.
From a hurtful image spawned a “Night of Unity” at The Chai Center in Dix Hills on Sunday. Days after an image of Commack High School students wearing antiSemitic t-shirts was proliferated online, Rabbi Yackov Saacks and his staff at the center welcomed nearly 350 people for a meeting to discuss what can be done to respond to, and learn from, the incident. “You have to be outraged [with the photo], but you also need to find solutions,” Saacks said on Monday. Community members, Commack School District officials, politicians, Jewish clergy members and a Holo-
caust survivor were some of those in attendance as Saacks explained the three goals he has set out to accomplish in the wake of the image that he said is “hurtful to the core.” “We need to work with the school districts to enhance education in the matters of bias, racism, anti-Semitism; we need to teach children how to properly respond to incidents like this and not wait until they’re discovered; and we need to create an awareness in our community that we’re all God’s children,” Saacks, director of The Chai Center, said. The meeting was set after Commack Superintendent Donald James met with six rabbis, including Saacks, from the Dix Hills, Commack and East Northport communities on April
16 to address and discuss the image. The district first acknowledged the photograph – which contains two students wearing red t-shirts that have a swastika and the word Auschwitz drawn on them – on April 16 via a statement posted its website. According to the statement, the photo was taken off-campus during spring break and prompted an investigation by the district. An updated statement posted on April 17 said the district was “appalled” by the actions of these students and that “consequences… as allowed by the law” were imposed. “Prejudice in any form is reprehensible,” the statement reads. Commack Public Relations Coor(Continued on page A20)
Next Up At Paramount: Easy Star All-Stars A19 Long Islander News photo/Danny Schrafel
Town: Beef Up Infrastructure Before Building By Danny Schrafel dschrafel@longislandergroup.com
Huntington Councilwoman Susan Berland airs the town’s concerns over the Heartland Town Square proposal, a mini-city proposed to be built in nearby Brentwood.
Inside This Issue
Warning Signs Of Drug Abuse A6
Commitments to addressing infrastructure improvements and traffic concerns must be made before shovels go into the ground for the ambitious Heartland Town Square mini-city concept, Huntington elected officials told the Islip Planning Board April 16. Developer Jerry Wolkoff and his son, David, are proposing to build 9,000 residential units, 1 million square feet of retail space, 3,239,500 square feet of office space and 215,500 square feet of civic space on a 452 acres of the Pilgrim State Hospital in nearby Brentwood, which (Continued on page A20)
Hills Finalizes School Budget Details Inside A2