Liv newsletter dec 2014

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Long Island News

January 2015 Volume 79




Coffee and cookies will be served. See you there!

A motion was made to move the LIV Board Meetings to Saturday mornings starting January 2015. The Coffee/Workshop meetings will be the 3rd Saturday of the month at 9:00 a.m. in the Arts & Crafts Room and the Regular LIV Board Meetings will be on the 4th Saturday of the month at 9:00 a.m. in the Arts & Crafts Room. We’re starting a Senior Softball league (55+) this winter in Port Isabel. Monday and Wednesday morning games each week from January through March. If interested or for more information contact: Dan Schauer 956-943-4568 or Dick Stabler 956-943-1208.

On Tuesday, January 13, 1:00 pm the book discussion group will meet to discuss the book, In the Garden of the Beasts by Erik Larson. We will gather in the back room of the LIV Library.

Sandy Moore

Christmas officially arrived with a wonderful TIME Golf Cart Parade! Thanks to all who decorated and participated – ELECTION Your Community Needs Your help…. You are all sooooo creative. I hope they inspired the rest of you to join in the fun. And the winners are --3rd Place – The Agar’s and Wilson’s 2nd Place - The Rogge’s 1st Place - The Conway/Hughes “Christmas Under The Sea” (Did you ever see Such HAPPY Mermaids?) CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF YOU! Special thanks to the Pelletiers for once again serving as Grand Marshalls, and to “chefs” Larry, Joe and Henry for serving up the Chili, and to all of you volunteers who made this a great event. We also want to give special thanks to our Judges: Paul & Jackie Schaafsma, Port Isabel Andres & Sharon Ammann, Brownsville Don & Lisa Martin, South Padre Island Now let’s move on to the upcoming fun! Saturday, January 10th, 6-9 P.M. come and be entertained by John Sager at our Fiesta Party. Don’t forget to dress for the occasion! (Tickets are $8.00) Monday, January 12th, 4-6 P.M. you’ll want to come and do some dancing and a lot of socializing at the Cocktail Party. Entertainment to be announced. (Tickets are $5.00) Sunday, January 18th, 4-5:30 P.M. Exciting news – Patricia King is back! Come and give her a huge “Welcome Back”! (Tickets are $5.00) Monday, January 19th, 4-6 P.M. you can once again enjoy the talents of Jeffrey, the D.J. at yet another Cocktail Party (Tickets are $5.00) Saturday, January 24th, 6-9 P.M. will be the every popular annual SOCK HOP with Fascination dig out the poodle skirts and Fonzi clothes and be prepared to “Rock the Night Away” (Tickets are $ 5.00) Monday, February 2nd, 4-6 P.M. is one more Cocktail Party with “To Be Announced” Entertainment. (Tickets are $ 5.00) As you can see, you’re going to be very busy in 2015! And just a reminder – Pretty much everything is “Bring Your Own” including snacks, and beverages, plates, napkins etc. Water and ice will be available. The rest is up to you. We know it takes a little getting used to, but we hope the new way is working out for all of you. Till next time, Proud Member of the D & E Committee

Pat Diebold

It’s the annual “call to action” request for our Community Minded Villagers. The Board of Directors will need to fill three positions on March 7, 2015. Think about stepping up to the plate and introducing yourself, bringing your new ideas and fresh insights to our Board of Directors. All you need to do is stop by the Welcome Center to pick up the simple registration form and then drop off the completed form before noon on January 29, 2015. This civic-minded action will allow you to add your knowledge and experience to help the Board improve and maintain our beautiful community. Are You the “Designated Voter” for your Lot(s)? In order to vote for the Candidates of your choice you must be listed as the designated voter. If you are uncertain who is currently named, please be sure to submit the Designated Voting Owner Certificate included in your election packet. Any Certificate currently on file will remain in effect. What’s the best way to get your Election Packet? We will be handing out Election Packets on Saturday, February 7 from 9:00 a.m. to Noon, and Sunday, February 8, from Noon to 3:00 p.m. Not only will this save a lot of the mailing costs, it will also get these important documents directly to you rather than traveling around the country looking for you.

Do You Want to Learn to Speak Spanish? Dr. Vita Sherry (a licensed language teacher) will teach a beginner’s Spanish class at Long Island Village on Tuesday mornings. Classes will start on January 6, 2015 and go for 8 sessions through February 24, 2105 from 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM. Classes are held in the upstairs room of the Owner’s Lounge. Cost is $85.00, which includes textbooks and all materials. Must have at least 8 students. Call 715-312-0397 with questions. SIGN UP AT THE ACTIVITY CENTER WINDOW.

Long Island News

2 Robert G. Hamilton & Judy Voss


by Lucille Davidson

NOVEMBER 2014 Balance

$ 1,803.70

INCOME Cans, $ 1,035.35 EXPENSES DVDs & Supplies etc. $ 267.10

NOVEMBER 19, Music Fridays & Saturdays - 8:00 PM

First United

Come see our Holiday decorated Library and check out our new selections of books and DVD’s. HAPPY HOLIDAY TO “ YA’LL”.


Methodist Church 101 W. Adams, Port Isabel

BANK BALANCE NOVEMBER 30, 2014 $ 2571.95 Lucille Davidson 12-08-14 NEW HOURS for 2015 JAN – APRIL 11:00 - 3:00 PM Mon - Fri. Sat. 1:00 - 3:00 PM


(956) 943-2485

SUNDAY 8:30 am BLENDED Service 9:45 am Bible Fellowship 11:00 am Traditional Service

JANUARY Yard of the Month


Communion at both services


Pastor Joseph Berkley, First United Methodist Church 101 W. Adams St. PO Box 1074 Port Isabel, Tx 78578


GOLF REPORT NOVEMBER LADIES SCRAMBLE 11-05 Wed. 1st Myrle Minor, Dale Zylman, Audrey Turbes, Ruth Galow -6 2nd Barb Siemer, joan Korson, Marte Griffin, Jerry Drake -4 11-19 Wed. 1st Nicole Henning, Audrey Turbes, Judy Agar, Pat Earl -1 1st Jerry Drake, Ellen Nichols, Tie Marte Griffin, Barbara Mathews, Rose Croom -1 11-26 Wed. 1st Jane Moyle, Marilyn Fleckinger, Pat Earl

SCRAMBLES 11-09 Sun. 1st Dallas Urich, Karen Bolling, Jim Martin, John Moore, Inga Geise -11 11-23 Sun 1st Bob Moyle, Stan Sluiter, John Agar, Jane Moyle, Inga Giese -9 2nd Gary Galow, Hank Hackman, Marilyn Fleckinger, Don Woodward, Karen Boling -7 AM 11-23 Sun. 1st James Vann, Nichole Henning, Wayne Croom, Rose Croom -10 PM


Numbers are increasing and so are those dollars we return to lucky winners. Cards are out by 6:15 p.m. Start time is 7:00 p.m. sharp. This is a good time to meet with your friends and neighbors. We encourage you to bring your snacks or beverages and relax and enjoy for a couple of hours.

Shirley Ritten

3 D&E

You’ve had so many questions - Hope D & E has the answers! There has been a lot of “What’s going on here” going around LIV, so we thought we’d try to clear things up. Here goes: Why can’t we buy wine and beer at the events? Simple answer? D & E just can’t afford to pay the bar fees involved. Why have you cut back on DINNER dances? Simple answer? Only a small percentage of you were buying the dinner/dance tickets. Most of you were buying the “walk-in” tickets because you want to dance, not eat. Snack Dances seemed to be the way to go. Why have some of the ticket prices been raised? Unfortunately some of the entertainers have raised their prices. Most are reasonable increases that we can handle. Others not so much. But I’ll get to that later. What does D & E do with all that money you collect? That’s a great question, and we should have shared that information with you a long time ago but we’ve never been about blowing our own horn. You know all that “stuff” in the Rec Hall that makes our events so fun? Your association fees do not pay for them. D & E does. Here’s the “short list” of things we purchased in the past few years: 15 long white tables, 15 large round white tables, 10 large round tan tables, 24 white card tables, TV in Rec Hall, stage lighting, large donation for Rec Hall sound system, donation for Activity Center furniture, piano for the Rec Hall, donations to the Employee Christmas Party, bulletin boards for the Rec Hall and Activity Center, curtains for the Village Grill, Palm trees for the stage, tablecloths and runners, the Christmas trees that you see everywhere This “short list” comes to roughly $15,000. Yes, you read that right, and that doesn’t even include numerous purchases for other decorations and prize money for each season, and other miscellaneous expenses. And do you know what one of those “miscellaneous” expenses is? We have to pay about $4,000 a year in licensing fees - BMI, ASCAP, and a motion picture licensing fee so that we can even have entertainment here! That’s why your attendance is so very important and so appreciated! Buying that ticket pays the bills! Now to get back to the cost of entertainers. As much as we have enjoyed a great relationship with Lesley over the years, I’m afraid she has raised her fees so much since last year that we just cannot afford her. Our Co-Chairs have met with her and her manager and tried to negotiate a reasonable amount that would work for both, but I’m afraid it was a flat NO and THEY cancelled all remaining contracts with us. So be it. There are a lot of great entertainers out there, and we are doing our best to bring them to LIV. Remember, sometimes CHANGE IS A GOOD THING. Hope this clears things up, and we hope you will continue to support D & E. It’s all about contributing to the good life at LIV. Your D & E Committee


In the November LIV Board Meeting the Board voted to accept condo monthly assessments with a Credit Card. A convenience fee of 3% would be charged for the service. Monthly Assessment of $252 would incur a fee of $ 7.56. Quarterly Assessment of $ 750 would incur a fee of $ 22.50. The process is looking to start on December 15, 2014. Payment can be made by phone or in person. Contact LIV Office for more information 956-943-3131.

Long Island News


We are enjoying euchre each Tuesday and Thursday evening with a start time of 6:30 p.m. November 13 we enjoyed a great pot luck dinner. A thank you to all our great cooks. The high scores for November were: November 4 84 Joe Wuis 6 83 Joan Korson 11 86 Dottie Lothe 13 87 Paul Turbes 18 84 Mel Poyzer 20 83 Myrle Minor 25 81 Robbie Coffman As we celebrate this Christmas season we send you all our best wishes. As you enjoy these holidays with family and friends in your cold country we look forward to your return to our island paradise and joining our euchre tables. Safe travels ‘ya all.

Shirley Ritten

Fishers of Men Lutheran Church

Located at the corner of Jefferson and Tarnava, Port Isabel, TX (956) 943-2005

Sunday Worship Schedule Beginning Sunday, January 4, 2015 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM Communion Services 1st and 3rd Sundays Christian Ministries, Sat. 5:30 PM Both in Spanish & English Bible Study Friday at 2:00 PM LWML meets 3rd Thursday monthly, 10:00 AM

Everyone Welcome! Come Join Us!

Long Island News


Pat Simmons earlier owner of Lot 359 passed away at home on Saturday November 22, 2014 in Cincinnati Ohio. She was preceded in death by her husband Dick in 2003. Pat spent 10 -12 years in Long island Village and was very busy with shirt painting and with the different decorating groups. She will be missed by many family members and friends.

Law Offices of John Haywood

Property sales, Business transactions Personal injury accidents, Estate planning & Pre-Nuptial agreements.

Mah Jongg

Call the Law Offices of John Haywood

November Winners 11/3 Dottie Dymit 11/10 Dottie Lothe 11/17 Virginia Martin 11/24 Dottie Dymit

at 943-3288 for your appointment. Down the street at the Queen Isabel Inn.

LIV RENTAL PROPERTY At the August 27, 2014 meeting, the Board voted to Eliminate 3rd Party Rentals. The Association needed to follow the direction given by our attorney which was: • LIVOA must enforce the 2005 Restated Declarations and all property owners at LIV must comply with the 2005 Restated Declarations. The March 2005 Restated Declarations specifically state in Article VII. that LIVOA “has the exclusive right … to rent lots, which are a part of the Condominium as established by Declaration.” Therefore, any property owner that uses a 3rd Party (instead of LIVOA) to rent their property at LIV is in violation of the 2005 Restated Declarations. LIVOA must put any property owner that violates the 2005 Restated Declarations on notice (pursuant to the 2011 Restated Rules and Regulations of LIVOA) of the violation. LIVOA must then follow the procedures set out in the 2011 Restated Rules and Regulations. Attorney, Rafael Garcia The Designation of Owner form will be eliminated immediately and 3rd party renters that are presently in place will be done effective January 1, 2015. Owner’s who rent out their property will then have to fill out the Guest of owner form as they have in the past and present it to the office in person, by mail or by e-mail. If the owner does not want to handle their own rental, they can put the property in the LIV Rental Pool at 956-943-6449 or 1-800-292-7261 Questions can also be addressed by calling the General Manager at 956-572-5671

Long Island News


SWINK REAL ESTATE Nor ma Swink, BROKER Cell (956) 561.3442

P.D. Swink, AGENT Cell (956) 572.1559

Office (956) 943.4228 LIV Specialists since 1996

Inside Lots

Waterfront Lots

Lot 9 Furnished PM with island room. 1 BR/1.5 Bth and just changed to vinyl flooring in ll except the bedroom. Well kept and just waiting to be seen Asking $62,000. Lot 52 Well kept furnished PM, W/D, covered parking and deck. Has view of causeway. $54,900 Lot 395 COTTAGE HOME 1Bd/1Bth mostly furnished. Granite countertops, deck and stg bldg. $73,800. Make an appointment soon! Lot 448 Vacant lot across from golf course.Bring your Rv or build where amenities abound. $42,500 Lot 537 Empty lot in good location. Ready for your RV or build on. $35,000.

Lot 92, 2BR, 1bth with island room. Furnished with W/D, DW, dock, deck, stg bldg. Next to common area with more room and privacy trees. Lots of underneath storage. Will consider some owner finance $125,000. Lot 241 COTTAGE HOME furnished 2/1.5, on Intracoastal, with boat lift, dock, deck, stg bldg attached, too much to list. You need to make an appointment to see this one. $259,000. Lot 272 • Recent remodeled PM, almost new boat lift, dock, large deck $99,000 Lot 700 Furnished 98 Franklin PM with dock. $89,000

Golf Course Lots

Inside Lot for Sale # 523 $ 75,000 OBO (956) 655-9593

Winter Rental / Intercoastal Nov. 1 to March 31 (956) 655-9593

Sea Cottages

Lot N Empty lot with fantastic view of SPI, $55,000

SC 102 Furnished single 3BR/2.5Bth with garage, boat lift, inside spiral staircase, storm shutters COTTAGE HOME Lot 557 2br/1.5bth, W/D, nearly new and so much more. You must see this one. asking carpet tiled kitchen, covered and tiled deck with nice $268,000 view. $140,000.

Long Island Village – Rentals


If you are thinking about renting out your property, be sure to contact the LIV Rental Office.

In reviewing the expense of the Newsletter by the Finance Committee it was noted that the cost of an ad had not changed since 2007, even with the increase of postage 3 times.

We continue to provide many services to our Village’s Home and RV rentals • Flexible Property Management Agreement •

Lower Management Fees on Home Rental units

Easier personal use of your property, when not being rented

Palm Tree trimming on RV Lots (4 month min contract)

Village provides linens, cleaning services and limited maintenance

Come on in, We think you will be pleased…

A suggested increase of Classified ads from $ 5.00 to $ 8.00 and an additional $ 5.00 for Display ads was presented to the LIV Board and approved. The increase will start on all new ads as of January 1, 2015. Ads that have already been paid for in advance will not change until renewal. The Newsletter is posted on the LIV website by the 1st of the month. If you choose to read it online and not receive it by mail, just e-mail me at . Every little bit helps to defray costs for the Village. Thanks again,

Mary Steffensen, Editor, LIV Newsletter


Long Island News

Atchley Realty

Robbie Atchley Coffman, BROKER

(956) 943-2313 Cell (956) 525-2124 264 Expanded PM, waterfront, 2bdm, 1ba. ONLY $110,000. 28 Inside corner lot close to Rec Hall REDUCED $30,000. 394 Inside PM on corner lot, Storage bldg, W/D $69,900. 722 Clean PM, carport, stg. bldg, ONLY $59,500. 341 Sand Dollar Park Model Ready for winter renters now. RENTAL - Agent’s Property

Long Island News



FOR SALE/RENT Lot 107 Abalone Circle with Park Model. 1-Bath Room, 1-Bed Room. Fully furnished with washer and dryer. Very Nice. Asking Price $ 44, 000. 956-279-5274.


11/01 Lot 605 Damage to RV from lawn crew. Pictures taken and report filed 11/02 Lot 706 Water Leak 11/05 Lot 781 EMS Called 11/07 Lot 173 EMS Called 11/07 SC 42 Security called to assist owner. 11/09 Lot 31 Security called with report of unburied cable. 11/10 Lot 600 Security called regarding broken glass door by lawn crew. Facilities manager notified and report filed. Door to be replaced 11/15 Lot 171 Security on patrol came in close contact with owner while they were walking their dog. 11/15 Lot 586=BSecurity called to assist owner who had tripped on his steps and fallen. 11/23 Lot 114 EMS Called 11/23 Welcome Center - EMS Called 11/24 Lot 547 EMS Called 11/26 Welcome Center – Semi Truck on S. Garcia hit wire crossing from Welcome Center to light pole. AEP Called. 11/27 Lot 289 Owner reported hearing someone hit his lawn ornament and called Security.. 11/27 SC 110 Guest tried to enter with expired pass. Owner came to pick up guest. 11/28 Lot 780 Security notified of broken water pipe and maintenance was called.

For Sale - 744 E. clam. Spacious 1 Bdrm/ 1 Bath, Furnished Park Model with a Large Covered Deck, Storage Shed & New W/D. Many Upgrades. $ 63,900. Jennie 719-564-2566 or Ed 719-252-1881. For Rent: 16 Conch Dr. $585/mo. Includes, picnic table, stairs BBQ pit. Available October thru April. Walking distance to Rec-Center Contact Edna 956631-4902

SEA COTTAGE 19 -BARGAIN 2/2 recently remodeled, newly tiled floor, Carpet. Lots of storage. W/D upstairs. New storm shutters. Deck with boat lift. Elevator to 2nd floor. REDUCED $199,000 956-943-3215. LOT # 192 Waterfront Cottage home For Rent – 2 Bedroom/2Bath-Recently remodeled. Fully furnished, Covered deck with shade. For months of September, October thru March. Only $ 1,700 monthly Call (956) 821-5899

FOR RENT: LOT # 456 WEST CLAM. Dock-Boat Lift- Double Paved.- Fish Cleaning Table – Main Canal- Wkly: $210/Monthly: $625/ Holiday Wk: $310. Contact Owner: 956-399-0568. FOR RENT - Lot # 123 Close to great bathhouse. Palm tree on left back corner of lot. Picnic table. Great location. $450 /mo. Plus electric.Call 832-221-9073 SALE: 838 Waterfront: Remodeled Park Model / Island Room w/boat lift, King bed, whirlpool tub, Open Bright Plan, 19’ x 12’ Living Room w/sofa bed & 42” TV, 2nd bath w/closet & washer/dryer, & large Walk-in Closet (remove to make 2nd bedroom) Covered Tile deck, Storage under, dock Fully Furnished & Equipped. $139,900 Owner Jim (262) 242-4181

FOR RENT Sea Cottage 17. 3 mo. minimum. No Smoking and No Pets. Call : 602-920-3361 or 623-853-9825 For Rent--Charming 2 bdrm-2 bath-just remodeled and ON THE WATER. Looking for LONG TERM??? 303-887-0109 Want to buy a Park Model Trailer to be moved to my Lot #543. Call 1-956-498-7251 - John

Great Location. Sea Cottage 26 for Sale by owner. 2/2, extended deck, cargo lift, boat lift and pilings. $ 180,000. 806-341-6844 or 817-556-1908. RENTAL AVAILABLE - Long Term Renter wanted by owner of 715 Cottage Home. Prefer year round renter, must be 4 months. Furnished house has 2 BR, 2 Ba, High Ceilings - Open Floor Plan, huge corner Lot on the water. Jacuzzi Tub, Walk in shower, Gas Range, Flat Screen TVs, all Tile, new washer / druer. New pure LatexBLISS Queen Beds. Call owner at 203-751-3840, or email me and I will send you pictures;

FOR SALE / RENT - Lot # 678 Clam Waterfront. FSBO 1/1 WATEERFRONT NEW AC, ROOF, FURNISHINGS. TOTALLY UPDATED NEW WALK IN SHOWER COVERED DECK CARPORT BOAT DOCK EVENING SHADE WIDEST CANNAL WAS 105,000 NOW 99,000 ALEX 815-592-0040 For Sale -Waterfront Lot with dock. Lot. 662. 50% Down – Short Term Financing possible. Call Bob at (Cell) 225-235-6739 or 972-224-3900. FOR RENT Sea Cottage 118 – Boat Lift, Dumb Waiter, Garage, sleeps 6. Fully Furnished & Equipped. $ 1,500 per month. (Tenant pays electric). Phone 956-943-3691.

FOR SALE/RENT Lot 806 Water Front , 2 Bedroom, FOR SALE OR RENT: Lot 601 Star Fish. New Dock, Washer/Dryer. Tastefully Decorated with $39,900 or $450 + Electric/Month 417-825-4574. Unique Floor Plan. Patty Ann 307-690-7826 FOR SALE interior Lot # 17. Well landscaped Worried About Having A Medical Emergency with three palms. Extra large double pad. Golf, While Traveling? Pool, Gym, Village Grill etc. All Just across the MASA (Medical Air Service Association) street. Good Rental History. Can be flexible The world’s leading emergency assistance company In terms. $ 43 K Call Chad 918-398-3195 • Emergency Air Transportation – Medical Evacuation • Helicopter Transportation – Ground Ambulance For Rent SC 23, 2/2 Waterfront, Boat Dock, • Many Other Services W/D. Available thru March 2015. Call: Apolonia Villarreal Call 512-461-3818 or 512-619-7887. or Omar Villarreal (956)-873-2777 FOR SALE BY OWNER # 1 Conch. Lot & House for Sale. 2 Bedroom/ 2 Bath. Fully furLOT G – INSIDE COTTAGE HOME FOR SALE : nished, Golf Cart included. $ 150,000.00 Contact 3B-2B-& 2 LOFTS. HAS TILE FLOOR, WINDOW Eloisa Cabrera (956) 867-1206. SHUTTERS, GRANITE COUNTTER TOPS & BEAUTIFUL VIEW OF ISLAND. MUST SEE. FOR SALE : Intercoastal custom home. Choice Reduced $ 155,000 or best offer LIV location. 2 Bedroom, 1 ½ Baths, Great View. CALL 956-648-4428

FOR SALE : Sea Cottage # 50. Fully Furnished. All appliances. $ 169,500.00 Firm. No Realtor. Fees Paid. Call 956-223-2550. Cold Minnesoten needs winter rental. 3 mos. Jan. Feb. & March. 2B/2B on water preferred. Will consider other accomadations. Gary 1-320-632-5955 E-Mail Pics

Well maintained. Appointment Only. Lot 171 956-493-7058 Don Pelletier. Waterfront Lot # 325 for Sale/Lease. Double wide lot with dock and boat lift. Selling price $ 115,000.00. Lease for $ 900.00/month with 3 month minimum. Call 956-650-0394 LONG TERM LEASE Sea Cottage # 24 2/2 W/D. Nice View to the Intercoastal. 956-607-0225 or 956-618-0430.

Long Island News


Best Waterfront Dining! Famous for the fun, known for the food!



Hooker’s Palapa Bar at Pier 19. Featuring South Padre Islands famous sunsets.

Fish, Shrimp, Oysters, Burgers, Po Boys, Chicken, BLT, Salads, Fries, and Kids Meals.

10% OFF COUPON Not valid with any other promotion or discount.



- FREE WIFIOver the water on South Padre Island LOOK FOR O U R S IG N AT KO A EN TR AN C E.

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

(956) 943-PIER

Open daily 7AM


Fresh Seafood, Salads, Sandwiches

Lunch Specials starting at $6.00


Monday thur Friday 11 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Not valid with any other promotion or discount.



110 N. Garcia • Port Isabel WATERFRONT DINING AT THE LIGHTHOUSE Open 11 a.m. • Lunch & Dinner

(956) 943-FOOD



Long Island News

Long Island News


Sales, Installation & Service Doug 956 433-9801 Anna 956 433-8100 email All paid advertising submitted to the LIV Newsletter does not reflect the approval or endorsement of the LIV Association.

FREE RECORDED INFORMATION 24 HRS. TOLL FREE 1-800-778-1647 then enter the extension number LIV owner since 1980!


SOLD #740, #819 #755, #38 #230, #427 #80 Lot J, #336, #787, #458, #374 #281, #320, #410, #740 #649, #366, SC17, #234, #780, #4


#730 Beautiful Deluxe Park Model #806-waterfront park model w/island 139 Waterfront Lot , new seawall, #799 Park Model, deck, dock, tile, #503 Wft. Park model 1/1 very nice! P.O.F. $109,000 w/loft,deck, patio cover! $67,900 room (one of a kind unit) furnished and storage shed, dock, ready for building real clean! P.O.F. $105,000 decorated . 2 bedrooms/1 bath You will want to see this one for $144,000

Pending #487-waterfront park model w/patio cover, awning, pavers, direct access to intercoastal channel, more! Must see-only $109,000


Reduced #709 waterfront park model/ Island Room 2 bed.-1 bath- furnished ,shed, dock $125,000

#719 park model 1bed/1bath furnished, w/d, shed, awning, new tie downs, nice lot, $49,950

#614 cottage home, very open #750 1/1 p.m. Beautifully decorated, shed, great parking. layout,2 bedroom -1 1/2 bathrooms HOT TUB Great Value price at $54,500 $88,700 Possible owner finance!


SOLD #374 waterfront park model, boat lift, direct access to intracoastal, furnished $104,750

#180-waterfront lot w/direct access Waterfront # 214 Cottage Home to intercoastal. comes with step down 2/2 Furn. nautical décor. Large deck Close to club house. View of canal patio and dock $90,000 $179,000 800-778-1647 • Ext. 1774

183-Upgraded, HUGE-wfrt. corner lot and docks, with direct access to intercoastal! Pad ready to build large home here! $185,000.

#381- Park Model with beautiful deck, newer a/c, pavers, dish washer,1 bedroom, $51,500

Several units or lots can possibly be owner financed. REDUCED #198 RV lot with shady yard and summer breezes ready for rv to cottage home $38,750

SC117-waterfront, single unit,.3 b- #802 waterfront park model 1/1 cov2 1/2 bath, furnished, boat lift, etc. ered, tiled deck w/hot tub! $129,900 $185,000 Owner Finance Terms Available!

RONA HAMLINCK (956) 371-0425 Roy Bailey / Broker

Please call for new listings / open evenings & weekends by appointment. FINANCING AVAILABLE LET’S MAKE A DEAL-TAKE ADVANTAGE OF GREAT UNITS AT LOW PRICES!

LOTS #5 - $45,000 #751 - $35,000 Waterfront park model #802$129,900

600 S. Garcia #13, Port Isabel


Long Island News




PHONE: 800-222-5355 46. A & E 47. TNT 49. USA 50. LIFE TIME 51. SCI-FI CHANNEL 52. FX 53. C-SPAN 2 54. TV LAND 55. LIFETIME MOVIE NETWORK 56. E! 57. EWTN 58. INSP CHANNEL 59. HALLMARK CHANNEL 60. ESPN 61. ESPN2

EMERGENCY 911 Village Grill..................943-1368 Activity Center.....................943-3650 Pro Shop......................943-7520 Business Office...................943-5921 Maintnance.................943-5670 Rental / Welcome Ctr...........943-6449 Security.......................943-4474 1-800-292-7261 Website: Fax - Welcome Ctr................943-3113 Email:

Long Island Village Owners Association, Inc. P.O. Box 695 Port Isabel, Texas 78578

January 2015

62. FOX SOCCER CHANNEL 63. FSN SOUTHWEST 65. GREAT AMERICAN COUTRY 66.VH1 67. MTV 68. GALAVISION 69.MUN2 70. FOX SPORTS EN ESPANOL 71. COMEDY CENTRAL 72. HGTV 73. FOOD NETWORK 75. BRAVO 76. WE 77. SHOPNBC 99. QVC The Long Island News is a monthly publication of the Long Island Village Owners Association, Inc. Deadline for articles is the 10th of the month prior to publication. For information and submission of articles, please contact Editor Mary Steffensen at the Village. Graphic Design by Wendy Hauschildt, Blue Starfish Design. Printing by Alex Avalos, Printing, South Padre Island.

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