#LongRoadLife - January 2023

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Hello, from Long Road!

We are so glad that you have decided to make an application to study with us in September 2023 We would like to introduce you to #LongRoadLife, our monthly applicant newsletter that is jam-packed with information all about, you guessed it, Long Road life!

Our applicant newsletter is designed to help prepare you for life as a Long Road student and contains important updates from our Admissions Team

We hope that it will keep you excited about joining us as a new student in September!

Best wishes, Long Road



Hello to all Long Road Sixth Form College applicants from your friendly Admissions team!

We are delighted that you are considering joining us for this next exciting step in your educational journey, and are here to support you through the admissions process

Our Admissions Team is made up of Julianna Sosnowska, Director of Admissions, and Lydia Cottage, Student Admissions Officer, ably assisted by colleagues in the Student Services team.

Now that you ’ ve breathed a sigh of relief that your application has been safely submitted what’s next?

The next big admissions events are the Virtual Advice and Guidance Meetings, which will take place throughout the Spring and Summer

These meetings are a chance for you to get to know us and for us to get to know you; to talk through your options, your chosen courses and your plans for the future with a friendly expert. They are meant to help you decide if Long Road is right for you, and are not something to worry about We will be explaining a little more about them in this newsletter and sending you all the info you need via email over the coming weeks

We are looking forward to meeting you!

Very best wishes,

Long Road Admissions Team WE'RE HERE TO HELP Our friendly Admissions Team are here to support and guide you through every stage of your Long Road application. If you have any questions, please get in touch!
Julianna Sosnowska Director of Admissions
admissions@longroad ac uk 01223 63 1125
Lydia Coattage Admissions Officer



(first meetings take place 9 & 10 February 2023) Discuss your options with an experienced member of staff. You'll receive a formal offer via your MyLongRoad account shortly after your Virtual Guidance Meeting. 6 & 7 JULY 2023

Auditions, Welcome Days

Guidance Meetings & Conditional Offer
LATE AUGUST 2023 New Student Enrolment Welcome to the Long Road family!
2022 Applications Open JANUARY 2023 Applications Close. Applications made after the deadline may be placed on a waiting list 24 AUGUST 2023 GCSE Results Day Good luck! We're keeping our fingers crossed for you EARLY SEPTEMBER 2023 Start of Academic Year 2023/2024 Time to start your Long Road life! YOUR APPLICATION TIMELINE Your application timeline will help you keep track of where you are in the admissions process and keep you informed of what happens next. Look for the arrow location to see where we are in the process!
& Summer Work Spend the day as a Long Road student; try out your subjects & get a taste of Long Road life. Summer work will be available online & must be completed for your first lesson at college. Auditions for Performing Arts subjects will also be held during Welcome Days


The majority of our Virtual Advice and Guidance Meetings will take place on Thursday 9 & Friday 10 February. Meetings are available to book throughout the school day. You must book your own Virtual Advice and Guidance Meeting with us using the School Cloud booking system.


Long Road is an open and inclusive community; we believe in equal opportunities for all of our students - that starts from the very moment you make an application to study with us. This is why we invite our applicants to a personal Advice and Guidance Meeting with one of our experienced members of staff.

To make your experience as smooth and stress free as possible, all of our Advice and Guidance Meetings will take place virtually via videocall. We know some of you may still be adjusting to the more virtual world we find ourselves living in, but please

don't worry. We will be sending you lots of guidance on how to book, prepare for and attend your virtual meeting over the next month

This is a super busy time of year for our Admissions Team, but we feel it is important for you to understand our process and get an idea of what is going on behind the scenes in our Admissions office!

We have set aside two days to conduct the majority of our Advice and Guidance Meetings; these days are Thursday 9 & Friday 10 February 2023.


Please be aware, due to the volume of applications, our Advice & Guidance Meetings will take place throughout the Spring & Summer Term; so please don't panic if your friends receive a meeting date before you! The timing of your meeting will not impact your offer to study

Shortly after receiving your application, we will be in touch with further detailed information on how to book your Advice and Guidance Meeting.

You will need to book your own meeting with us using the School Cloud booking system; this allows you to choose a

meeting time convenient for you and your family. Meeting slots will be available to book throughout the school day

Keep checking your emails for notification on when our booking system opens!

We strongly encourage applicants to attend their Advice and Guidance Meeting with a parent/carer If, for any reason, your parent/carer is unable to attend with you via the same device (e.g. a parent is at work) a feature is available which will allow your parent/carer to join your meeting from a different device We will share further information on this with you shortly when booking opens.


Detailed information on how to book using School Cloud will be emailed directly to you from our Admissions Team.

Keep checking your emails for a notification on our booking system opening date - don't forget to check your spam folder!

Don't panic if your friends receive a meeting before you!



I chose to study at Long Road because it offered the courses I wanted and an environment to suit my aims The site was more open than other colleges I had visited previously, and everyone was welcoming when I visited the college at the open evenings.

Long Road is a welcoming college which gives you the flexibility to work in a way that works for you. The staff are supportive and help you to plan for your next steps, regardless of what you want to do. Long Road offers a huge array of subjects, and no combination is not allowed, meaning you can study the subjects which you want to the most.

I applied for the Scholars Award I wanted to be able to make

a change to better the college and make learning more enjoyable for its students. I knew that I would be willing to put in extra effort beyond the curriculum, so it made sense to apply for the scholar’s award to make it more formalised.

The scholars award offers you and incentive to work hard for your GCSE’s and is great for people who give their time to the college anyway The financial benefit is something that is not offered elsewhere, so I would encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity.

I will be spending my money on a variety of things: probably some meals out and perhaps a new bike

BEN Secondary School: Impington Village College Year 1 Student Studying: Biology A Level, DT A Level, Geography A Level Progression Goals: Degree Apprenticeship Click here to apply for the Long Road Scholars Award today!



Daily Morning Buses:

Collect from Cambridge Train Station at 8:10am, 8:40am & 10:25am.

Monday, Thursday, Friday Afternoon Buses: Collect from Long Road 2pm & 4:20pm.

Tuesday & Wednesday

Afternoon Buses:

Collect from Long Road 12:30pm & 4:20pm.



If you ' re not sure what your journey to college will look like then a travel planner is a great place to start. Click here to visit Traveline journey planner


To support our students in their journey to college we provide a FREE Shuttle Bus that runs between Long Road and Cambridge Train Station

The Shuttle Bus is exclusively for Long Road students, simply show your Student ID Card when your board the bus!

Take a look at the orange box on this page to see our current Shuttle Bus Timetable


Long Road is well served by the local bus companies

The following buses stop close to the college on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus:


Further information on bus routes and timetables across Cambridgeshire can be found by clicking here

If you choose to travel by bus you may be able to receive discounted travel in the form of a Student Bus Pass To find out more information about the discount deals, visit the bus providers website.

Park & Ride Busway A Busway C Busway U Citi 1 Citi 2 Citi 7 Service H Service 13



Cambridge Railway Station is the closest station to the College approximately 1 5 miles away.

Students can then catch the FREE Long Road Shuttle Bus from Cambridge Railway Station to the College. Alternatively, the walk from Cambridge Railway Station is approximately a 25 minutes or 10 minute cycle

Students who travel by rail may be able to receive discounted travel by visiting:

www 16-17saver co uk (please note this is not valid after your 18th birthday)

www greatnorthernrail co m/tickets/discounts-andrailcards/student-connect.

For more information on train routes and timetables please click here to visit the National Rail Enquires website


If Long Road Sixth Form College is the nearest college to your home offering your course, and you are under 19 on 1 September 2022, then your local County Council might be able to assist with the cost of transport Please contact your local County Council in the first instance to check eligibility and request a Post 16 Educational Transport application form

If you require assistance with this cost or your application is rejected by your local County Council, then you may be able to get help through the College’s 16-18 discretionary bursary.



using simple tools such
Google Maps or Traveline Discount Deals
student discount.
you ' ve figured out how you'll travel to college, visit the website of your travel provider to see if they
Do a test run Get up one morning and do a test run of your journey to college to see if it's something you could manage


Business A Level lifts the lid on business organisations and investigates what makes them tick Functions such as marketing, human resources, product development and finance all have to work closely together in order to achieve the aims and objectives of a company. You will also look at influences outside the business that might affect it, such as the economy

You will learn what it takes to set up and run a business and the types of business organisations there are You will also consider a broader overview of business strategies, economic influences on the business, and how the different parts of the business react to these issues, as well as learning tools to analyse and judge the success of a business

Long Road Class of 2014 Senior Accountant

Long Road helped me by giving me the tools to achieve good grades at A Level and set up me for what a working environment is like For example, calling your tutors by their first names.

Long Road helped me develop some soft skills such as organisation, working together in group projects, timekeeping and encouraging their students to continue developing even after college I enjoyed the atmosphere at Long Road and my subjects as I chose them myself I had good relationships with my tutors and knew they would be happy to help me if needed.

A LEVEL: KEY INFO Total number of students currently on the course: 302 Current average class size: 19 Exam Board: EQUQAS Assessment: 100% Exam



Our Business Applied course is designed to meet the changing needs of the business sector and to prepare you for the challenges you’ll face in Higher Education or employment

Through deepening your analysis and research skills, you will explore ways in which businesses respond to changes in the economic, social and technological environment; you will also gain an appreciation of the influence different stakeholders can have upon a business.

You will also gain key business skills such as how to analyse key financial data from balance sheets and income statements and write a variety of communications professionally

I chose Long Road because it seemed a comfortable environment where I knew I could achieve my goals. The lessons were well structured and support from my Progress Coach meant I was able to keep my work, home and college lifestyle balance and focus on my main goal to make it to University

At Long Road I accumulated business skills, maths for finance and geography for social, economic and cultural knowledge, which I have applied and used to achieve my goals of setting up my businesses

BUSINESS APPLIED: KEY INFO Total students currently on course: 223 Current average class size: 20 Exam Board: OCR Assessment: 40% Coursework 60% Exam


A Level Economics provides an introduction to many of the real world topics that will influence the rest of your lives: unemployment, mortgage rates, economic prosperity and the environment

Our course provides a solid foundation of both macroeconomic and microeconomic knowledge that will enable you to analyse and evaluate world events and political statements with a greater degree of understanding

Economics is very much a social science, trying to model events and predict future outcomes based on those models. If you like to solve problems and figure out how things work then this course will suit you!

Long Road Class of 2021

I found Economics really interesting; to be able to understand current affairs is so rewarding

It’s so engaging to be able to understand the terminology and the reasons why the economy works the way it does

There’s lots to get your teeth into!

ECONOMICS A LEVEL: KEY INFO Total students currently on course: 208 Current average class size: 21 Exam Board: Edexcel Assessment: 100% Exam



The vital services and essential support provided by health and social care workers have never been more evident than in the recent COVID-19 pandemic The key role played by the health and social care sector throughout the crisis was recognised by Government, communities and families Our Level 3 Health and Social Care courses give you the opportunity to gain an excellent introduction to a future career in this growing sector

You will also have the opportunity to take part in specialist activities such as first-aid qualifications, mental health training, Dementia Friends workshops and much more!

Teaching is by specialist staff who have the relevant knowledge

and vocational experience to support your learning and future progression. You will finish the course equipped with the skills and knowledge you need to progress onto University, apprenticeships, employment or further specialist training; opening up a wide range of career opportunities such as Nursing, Midwifery, Social Work, Paramedic and Child-care roles.


Year 2 Student

This is a thrilling course as it highlights multiple topics and content that is interesting and exciting at the same time

HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE: KEY INFO Total students currently on course: 143 Average class size: 10 Exam Board: OCR Assessment: Diploma = 45% Coursework 55% Exam Extended Diploma = 60% Coursework 40% Exam

IT is at the heart of everyday life, at work, home and in our leisure time: from computer graphics and control systems to communications and problem-solving, IT has an ever-increasing role to play.

Developments such as the Internet of everything, Smartphone Apps, social media and online gaming means the career opportunities in this market are growing massively and show no signs of slowing down. Our course will support you to find career opportunities suited to your individual talents

specialist knowledge such as computing, graphics, web design, gaming design, animation

GIGI Year 2 Student

As someone striving for a career in computer science, during this course I can really say I’ve gained a good idea of what IT is like in the workplace

The course always focuses on the impacts of IT in the real world.

Through each unit, we gained different researching and data collection skills that are necessary in a business environment and in some units we even got to apply that research into real marketing campaigns.

IT APPLIED LEVEL 3: KEY INFO Total students currently on course: 70 Current average class size: 11 Exam Board: OCR Assessment: 50% Coursework 50% Exam



I chose to study at Long Road as I felt it best fit my passions, and it would help me progress through to higher education When visiting at the open events, I found the area, green spaces and facilities very impressive and I thought it would be an ideal place to study and learn for my A Levels The people - both students and teachers - are very friendly and helpful, meaning Long Road has cultivated a lovely community. This, along with the colleges' eagerness to support students and their self-expression, talents and goals, made Long Road a perfect place for me to spend my next two years

When I found out about the Scholars' Award, I was eager to apply as it looked like a good

opportunity to aid and connect with the college community. It will also be good life experience and help me apply for future education and jobs It’s a good chance to strive further and push yourself out of your comfort zone. I plan on saving my scholarship money, so I have some funds to help me progress later on in life, or for supplies such as art equipment!

My favourite thing about long road so far has to be the people, I’ve met so many wonderful new friends and have great teachers, who are very knowledgeable and passionate about their subjects It has made the beginning of sixth form extremely fun and a lot easier than I expected!

Year 1 Student Studying: Art A Level, English Lang & Lit A Level, Psychology A Level Progression Goals: University study then a creative career path Click here to apply for the Long Road Scholars Award today!
BETH Secondary School: Impington Village College
LONG ROAD SIXTH FORM COLLEGE APPLICANT NEWSLETTER #LongRoadLife J A N U A R Y E D I T I O N : V O L . 1 Long Road Sixth Form College @LR6FC @lr6fc Long Road Sixth Form College help@longroad.ac.uk 01223 63 1125 www.longroad.ac.uk

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