#LongRoadLife - April 2023

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Hello from Long Road!

In this April edition of our applicant newsletter we are looking at the different student clubs and societies that you can get involved with at Long Road. With the Scholar Award deadline looming, we'll be introducing you to two more of our current Scholar students.

Focusing on our Sciences & Maths Department, taking a look at all of the amazing experiments and activities that our Biologists, Chemists, Physicists and Mathematicians have been taking part in. If you ' re thinking about a career in Medicine then be sure to check out the information on our Med Squad!

Happy reading!

Long Road





A P R I L E D I T I O N : V O L . 4


Our friendly Admissions Team are here to support and guide you through every stage of your Long Road application.

If you have any questions, please get in touch!


Thank you to everyone who attended our February and March Advice and Guidance Meetings! We had a great time getting to know you and your families, we hope that you enjoyed it as much as we did.

If you are yet to have your Advice and Guidance Meeting please don't panic If you haven't heard from us already, we will be in touch with you over the coming weeks to arrange a meeting

out on the opportunity to get a taste of what life is like as a Long Road student!

Don’t forget, you can accept offers of study from multiple post-16 education providers before making your final decision on where you would like to study after results day

Please click here to log in to your MyLongRoad account and accept your offer

If you have had your meeting, but not yet accepted your offer, please do so as soon as possible.

01223 63 1125

admissions@longroad ac uk

We can only invite applicants who have accepted their offer to our Summer Welcome Days, and we don’t want you to miss

If you are no longer interested in studying at Long Road, please use the above link to log into your MyLongRoad account and withdraw your application

If you change your mind after withdrawing your application, you may be placed on a waiting list


Your application timeline will help you keep track of where you are in the admissions process and keep you informed of what happens next. Look for the arrow location to see where we are in the process!


Applications Open


Applications Close. Applications made after the deadline may be placed on a waiting list

24 AUGUST 2023

GCSE Results Day

Good luck! We're keeping our fingers crossed for you


New Student Enrolment

Welcome to the Long Road family!


Virtual Guidance Meetings & Conditional Offer

Discuss your options with an experienced member of staff You'll receive a formal offer via your MyLongRoad account shortly after your Virtual Guidance Meeting

6 & 7 JULY 2023

Auditions, Welcome Days & Summer Work

Spend the day as a Long Road student; try out your subjects & get a taste of Long Road life. Summer work will be available online & must be completed for your first lesson at college. Auditions for Performing Arts subjects will also be held during Welcome Days


Start of Academic Year


Time to start your Long Road life!


I chose to study at Long Road since the courses interested me and I feel like there is a lot of student support available I was also intrigued by the wide range of enrichment and ambassadorial roles. I thought that the Scholars Award would be a great addition to my CV, and I’m also passionate about making a change to my college community. I am planning on saving my Scholarship money and putting it towards university.

Applying for the Scholars Award has been a great factor in motivating me to strive for higher grades, and it’s also a great chance to represent our college and have a voice It will also really stand out on your CV, which helps for uni and employment

I think that Long Road is a great place as you’ll feel included. Everyone is very supportive and the wide variety of student support is something that is unique to Long Road, which helped me feel welcomed.

I was nervous about starting my A-Levels, but the relaxed environment here has helped me get used to the change. I feel like I have much more freedom and flexibility in my life

I have also really enjoyed my subjects, as all of my teachers are helpful. The college environment has helped me feel included, and I’m excited to continue my studies.


Secondary School: Ely College

Year 1 Student


Criminology Ext. Cert.

Psychology Ext. Cert.

Sociology A Level

Progression Goals: Criminal Psychologist

Click here to apply for the Long Road Scholars Award today!


All of our students are off timetable (no lessons) on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons for what we call Plus Time.

The majority of our Student Societies meeting during Plus Time or Lunchtime so that all students can come along and get involved!

If you can't find a group that you want to get involved in then our staff will support you to start your own!


Long Road is a community that not only works together but plays together! Our enrichment programme encourages you to broaden your horizons and develop valuable skills that will complement the knowledge gained in your academic studies.

We know that it’s important for your wellbeing that you get time to relax – so take a break and get involved in something you enjoy.

From choirs to a theatre company, you don’t have to be studying Performing Arts to get involved in our stage shows. Not a born performer? Take control of the lighting, costumes, set design or music. Take on the challenge of learning an instrument; whether its drums, the piano or even the saxophone we have the facilities for you to develop your musical and theatrical skills.

All students at Long Road Sixth Form College have the opportunity to sign up to the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award Scheme This is a fantastic way to enjoy new and exciting experiences, develop skills and enhance your UCAS and job applications!

This is a prestigious award that offers you the opportunity to build your confidence, gain new friends and develop skills that will really enhance your university and job applications

Take a look at the next page to see just a handful of student clubs and societies that you can get involved in!

We also have a number of competitive and casual sports opportunities more info on those in our next edition!



Total students currently on course: 66

Current average class size: 13

Exam Board: Pearson

Assessment: Extended Certificate:

58% Exam

42% Coursework

Diploma: 45% Exam

55% Coursework


If you are looking to build a study programme with a strong core of scientific study, or are looking to progress to higher education or a career in the STEM industry, then our Level 3 Applied Science Diploma may be the course for you!

Diploma students get the opportunity to work with Career Ready, a national social mobility charity, which offer a series of skill masterclasses, industrial visits to local employers such as Astra Zeneca, NHS Addenbrookes, Suez Waste Management and EDF Energy, a mentor from the world of work, work placement opportunities and paid internships.

Recent graduates of the course have gone on to study degrees in Biochemistry and Forensic Science, apprenticeships in Midwifery and much more!


Long Road Class of 2019 Bioinformatics Degree

Apprenticeship, Illumina

"I left Long Road in May 2019. Although I received university offers, I decided University wasn’t for me, so I looked at degree apprenticeships I got a job offer from Illumina, an American biotechnology company that makes DNA sequencers They’re one of the world’s leading companies in DNA analysis

I'm getting in-industry experience and being trained by hands-on experts My degree is being fully paid for and I've had the opportunity of a lifetime!


Have you ever wondered how many atoms there are in a drop of water? Or thought about what is happening to the dye molecules in your clothing to give them colour? Would you be interested to know what is inside the medicine you take? Our A Level Chemistry course will help you discover answers to questions like these and transform your appreciation of the world around you.

You will learn how to describe and represent the structures and substances you encounter in a way that will allow effective communication with other Chemists The course is essential for entry into many medical and veterinary-orientated courses and suitable for further study in Engineering, Biochemical Sciences and Pharmacy as well as many others.

KATHERINE SELBY Long Road Class of 1991 Consultant Paediatrician

I joined Long Road from Melbourn Village College and studied A Levels in Maths, Biology and Chemistry.

The learning environment was friendly and supportive Teachers treated you with respect and were incredibly encouraging and supportive They went above and beyond their remit to help the students achieve their potential

Passionate and dedicated staff empowered students to succeed, yet in a relaxed atmosphere The balance between enjoyment and hard work was struck perfectly in my opinion. Teachers helped me to maximise my potential, including support when things didn't always go to plan.



Total students currently on course: 158

Current average class size: 15

Exam Board: OCR

Assessment: 100% Exam


Of all the sciences, advances in Biology have been unprecedented over recent years a trend that seems certain to continue Many of these advances and issues surrounding them have been integrated into our Biology syllabus, for example the growing field of epigenetics and genomic medicine, all while tackling big issues such as the ethics of using animals in medical research.

As with the other sciences, the study of Biology also helps you to build up skills in research, problem-solving, organisation and analytical skills Our detailed and extensive support materials will hugely benefit you over the two years of the course. Practical work is a critical part of the programme, we will work to enhance your skills to enable a smooth transition to university or employment.


Long Road Class of 2018

BSc Paramedic Science

I studied Maths, Biology and PE achieving A,B,B I am now studying BSc Paramedic Science at Sheffield Hallam University.

All of my teachers were really supportive of what I wanted to do; they helped me achieve my grades so that I could do what I wanted to do They often stayed with me after class to answer my questions and go through my work with me. The teachers are always prepared to help, if you ask for it I really enjoyed all my lessons at Long Road

I was part of the Hockey Team which was great fun and I went on the Ski Trips which were amazing weeks!


Total students currently on course: 269

Current average class size: 19

Exam Board: Edexcel

Assessment: 100% Exam




Physics affects every part of our daily lives, from civil and motor engineering to how we harness nuclear energy to heat and light our homes In this exciting and challenging subject, you will examine the origins and structure of the universe, from subatomic particles to the vast areas of the cosmos

Our excellent location on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus means you are in a prime position to visit internationally-renowned and highly-relevant local STEM companies and research institutions such as the Sanger Institute, TWI, TTP, Amazon and the Kalvii Institute of Cosmology You will have the opportunity to meet and be mentored by STEM professionals while participating in Project days, Engineering Education Scheme projects, lectures and master classes at the University of Cambridge.


Long Road Class of 2020 MSc Physics

Hi, I’m Nick and I went to Soham Village College before Long Road.

At Long, I studied maths, further maths, chemistry and physics and got A*AAA I’m now studying a Master of Physics degree at the University of Manchester.

I’d like to thank all of my teachers who were all very able and willing to answer my many questions throughout my two years at Long. They are all very approachable and when you ’ re struggling they’re there for support. Total students currently on course: 120 Current average class size: 17 Exam Board: OCR Assessment: 100% Exam


Our Level 3 Extended Certificate in Computing provides a practical and applied way of learning about Computer Science, IT security and the Games Industry This course will prepare you for progression into a wide range of pathways at University, apprenticeships, and employment

With the ever-growing importance of IT security, we will give you relevant and contemporary knowledge about IT system security threats, methods used to protect against them and data encryption.

Ever fancied yourself as a professional gamer? You will have the chance to investigate the computer games industry, its impact on technological and social trends and to design and develop a computer game using C# and the Unity game engine.

As part of the Computing course students will have the opportunity for trips and visits including a taster visit to a University computing department, World Skills – an annual event at the NEC where students get to showcase their skills in a range of industries including IT We also have visiting speakers talking about cybersecurity and the Games industry.

Enrichment groups include the Industrial Cadets Gold project run by eTrust as well as the FXP Festival for game development.

MEGAN Year 1 Student

Computing allows me to be creative whilst also learning and using logic in order to solve problems which I find really rewarding.


Total students currently on course: 117

Current average class size: 19

Exam Board: Edexcel

Assessment: 58% Exam 42% Coursework


In the modern world, Maths is not only relevant but crucial to the development of methods that can be applied to solve problems in science and society; such as Aerospace Engineering and Mathematical Finance. Mathematics is therefore an excellent training for the mind, requiring precise and accurate work, clear logical thought and problem-solving skills. Why not come and test your knowledge?!

All of our students benefit from the Cambridge University STIMULUS project and there are opportunities to attend lectures and other activities If you want to take STEP or AEA papers our highly qualified specialist teachers will support you in doing this.

Studying Maths at A Level will open doors to a range of degree courses and apprenticeships.

AMY SELLERS Long Road Class of 2020 BSc Mathematics

I studied A Levels in Maths, Chemistry and Geography at Long Road and achieved A*A*A. I am now studying a BSc in Maths at the University of Nottingham

I chose to study at Long Road because of the independence you gain for being a student at this College, along with many transferable skills and lots of determination

What did I enjoy most about Long Road? All the people are so lovely and approachable amongst a friendly atmosphere and support is available at any time, whether its for your course or next steps. I really enjoyed my time here, allowing me to continue enjoying my academic journey.

A LEVEL: KEY INFO Total students currently on course: 286 Current average class size: 19 Exam Board: Edexcel Assessment: 100% Exam


Further Maths acts as a perfect bridge between A Levels and university education, helping you to develop the skills required to work at degree level in any subject

Encounter fascinating concepts such as the complex roots of equations from the start of our Further Mathematics course You will be taught in two dedicated groups, one for Maths and one for Further Maths

Our course is structured so that you can learn Complex Further Maths topics from the start of the year, working at a faster pace and at greater depth

Students studying both Maths and Further Maths have an excellent choice of careers, many in well paid professions Further Maths is also highly regarded by many top universities.

Further Maths can be a challenge, even for the most able students, but the rewards are high This subject is out of reach of all but a select few – less than 2% of all A level candidatestake Further Maths, so you are really setting yourself apart. It is therefore a very impressive qualification and can open doors to courses at top Universities which might otherwise be out of reach.

MADDIE Year 1 Student

I felt that Further Maths would stand out on my CV and help me get the apprenticeship I want to take. The different topics are very interesting, and it’s exciting that there’s so much to learn!



Total students currently on course: 31

Current average class size: 10

Exam Board: Edexcel

Assessment: 100% Exam


I applied to study at Long Road because the environment is very welcoming and friendly whilst still being focussed on academic achievements

I decided to apply for the Scholars Award because I enjoyed being a student leader at Swavesey and liked having a say and input into current and future affairs regarding the school. I wanted the opportunity to represent the students at the college I am planning on putting some of the money towards a computer and any left over towards a trip to France.

I would encourage Year 11s to look at Long Road in the sense of the atmosphere and values that the college holds, especially towards their academic achievements

You should apply for the Scholars Award because you get to be involved in current and future college affairs focusing on college life I would encourage anyone who likes a challenge and likes being involved. This will look great on your CV for future employment opportunities Finally, the financial incentive is a bonus

In my time being a Year 1 student at Long Road I have enjoyed the friendly atmosphere and also the study areas that enable me to get any work done but also catch up with new and old friends.

Secondary School: Swavesey Village College

Year 1 Student

Studying: Business A Level

French A Level Politics A Level

Progression Goals: Join the armed forces as an officer

Click here to apply for the Long Road Scholars Award today!

LONG ROAD SIXTH FORM COLLEGE APPLICANT NEWSLETTER #LongRoadLife A P R I L E D I T I O N : V O L 4 Long Road Sixth Form College @LR6FC @lr6fc Long Road Sixth Form College help@longroad ac uk 01223 63 1125 www.longroad.ac.uk

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