LOCKDOWN LOWDOWN Bringing you the latest Long Road lockdown news!
SENDING VIRTUAL HUGS X Hello, from Long Road!
We hope you all had a wonderful May half-term and managed to (safely) enjoy the sunshine! We've got a busy final term ahead preparing for our virtual events
Long Road Sixth Form
welcoming our applicants before they start studying with us in September. But
don't worry, we haven't forgotten you, we'll still be bring you the Lockdown
Lowdown every other week!
Make sure your keep in touch with your teachers, Progress Coach and us on social media!
enquiries@longroad.ac.uk Sending virtual hugs - Long Road x
01223 631100
Bill Watkin, Chief Executive of the Sixth Form Colleges Association, said:
lockdown. Over 140 students from 46
At home highlights the extraordinary
Congratulations to talented students Kes Berry
colleges submitted their photographs
artistic talent that exists in our sector.
Art & Design Level 3
for the exhibition that runs from 4th to
We are holding this exhibition to
19th June 2020. The exhibition is being
recognise and celebrate excellence in
co-ordinated by the Sixth Form
sixth form colleges, but also to
Colleges Association and all
stimulate our thinking about the world
photographs can be viewed on the
this summer.
launch of At home, an online exhibition of photographs taken by sixth form college students during the Covid-19
SFCA gallery website. It is imperative that we keep the arts in
Launching the exhibition, Gillian Keegan, Apprenticeships and Skills Minister, said:
education secure and flourishing. If young people are to make a valuable contribution to society - even if they are to be successful scientists,
“This has been a difficult time for the
engineers, doctors and technicians -
entire country but this exhibition is a
they need to develop their creative
wonderful example of how creativity
skills, their artistic sensitivities and their
can flourish in the face of adversity. It’s
ability to interact with others. All of this
great to see how these sixth form
will be more important than ever in the
students have captured the
post-Covid world”.
experiences of lockdown from a young person’s perspective. A huge congratulations to all exhibitors and I wish them every success for the future”.
Extended Diploma)
Rosina Canty (Photography A Level) and Sadie Fraylinch (Art & Design Level 3 Extended Diploma)
for their wonderful work featured in this exhibition!
NURTURING HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS A RECENT ARTICLE BY THE MENTAL HEALTH FOUNDATION Lockdown has had a dramatic affect on our lives and our relationships. Many
Five quick tips for nurturing healthy relationships:
of us have found ourselves spending far more time than we’re used to with those who share our homes. Both losing normal contact with people and being thrown into much closer contact than usual can feel stressful.
1. Give time - put more time aside to connect with your friends and family. 2. Be present - this means really paying attention to the other people.
At a time when we all face uncertainty
3. Listen - really listen to what others
and worry changes in our relationships
are saying and try to understand it
are probably all the harder to cope
and to focus on their needs in that
with. So it’s worth trying to be extra patient and understanding, both with
moment. 4. Let yourself be listened to - honestly
each other and also ourselves. To do
share how you are feeling, and
that, we need people around us and
allow yourself to be heard and
ourselves to be aware of how what we do can affect each other.
supported by others. 5. Recognise unhealthy relationships - harmful relationships
Remember that these constraints will
can make us unhappy. Recognising
come to an end but in the meantime,
this can help us to move forward
we are going to be physically closer to
and find solutions
some and more distant from others. In order to come through this, we all need to talk, listen and care for each other.
If you are feeling stressed or anxious please contact a member of the welfare team on wellbeing@longroad.ac.uk and someone will call you.
If you are feeling stressed or anxious please contact a member of the welfare team on wellbeing@longroad.ac.uk and someone will call you.
use phones, computers and the post to
Agree on who is using which parts of the home and when - for those of
stay in touch. Hearing a friendly,
us who live with other people and who
familiar voice, or reading a message
are feeling irritated or overwhelmed by
from people we care about, helps us
constant togetherness, it may help to
feel more connected.
agree who is going to use which parts of the home - for instance during the
Help those less confident with technology - this might be a time
day, when we may need to work and/or look after children.
when younger people in our families
internet, and some of the ways it can
Make best use of the physical space you have - this may be about
let us stay connected.
planning your day, sharing or
can help older relatives to use the
alternating use of space, being aware
Make new connections - some of us
of others’ needs or just doing things a
may want to reach out beyond the
little differently.
people we already know, to make new connections with other people. Online
Share out household tasks - it may
communities are ideal for this and can
help to share out household tasks such
be extremely supportive, although it’s
as washing up, cleaning and food
worth remembering they are not
shopping. Having a daily routine may
always safe places. There are a vast
help us to feel more in control, at a
number of online communities out
time when we have lost a lot of control
there and this might be a good time to
over our daily lives.
find a few that appeal to you.
Is your pet assisting you while you work at home?
PET EMPLOYEE OF THE WEEK Working from home with our fluffy friends
Not everyone is feeling down in the
Meet this weeks Pet Employee of the
dumps about being on lockdown. Our
Week, Max...
fluffy friends are loving the fact that Whether they're helping you revise, or lazing on your laptop, we want to know!
we're working from home -and thy're
Max is a 4 year old rescue dog - he
doing a great job of cheering us up
celebrated his birthday last month on
April fool's day! He is a Jack-Chi mix
Email your pet photos along with
and his special talents include keeping
a short description including their name and age to
To keep everyone smiling we will be
his owners feet warm while she is
sharing a Pet Employee of the Week
working from home!
every Friday on our Instagram page We will be posting our winning Pet Employee of the Week every
@lr6fc. Make sure you follow us to see
A big thank you to Katy in Finance for
the weekly winner and runners up!
introducing us to Max, we wish we
Friday on our Instagram account
could have him in the office with us every day!
QUARAN-TEA SPILLING THE TEA ON THE BEST WAYS TO GET THROUGH LOCKDOWN This week we've been asking you for YouTube Channel recommendations. From Makeup Artists, to ASMR, to Gamers - there is a whole world of entertainment out there for you to discover on YouTube!
Spill the tea Write us an article on what you've been doing during lockdown!
A big thank you to everyone on Instagram who got involved!
It can be about any topic, as long or short as
YouTube Channel Recommendations
you like and include
Joe Wicks The Body Coach
Thatcher Joe
JJ Olatunji / KSI Yogscast
photos - whatever you've been up to we want to
Joe Sugg JeffreeStar
hear from you!
Zoella SophieMichelle ASMR
Dude Perfect
Yoga with adriene
Allana Davidson
Callums corner
Jackie Aina
Mixed Makeup Nyma Tang
Tina Yong
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared
afutter@longroad.ac.uk to see your work here in the Quaran-tea!
INSTA LIKES AND INSTA LOVE Spreading likes and love on social media
Make sure you follow us
As well as sending you this newsletter,
But it's not all about us, we want to
we will also be spreading the love over
know what you're getting up to! Make
on our Instagram account!
sure you use our hashtag -
#LongRoadLife and tag @lr6fc in your posts
We're going to be posting different
posts and stories so that we can share
activities on our Instagram for you to
you on our Instagram feed!
and stories so we can
take part in. So take a break from
to get involved with our lockdown activities!
share them on our feed!
#LongRoadLife and tag @lr6fc in your
studying and follow us on Instagram
@lr6fc to get involved. Share the Insta love with us! Use our Instagram feed and stories as a base for connecting with other students and applicants.
CAREERS AND PROGRESSION UPDATES Our Careers and Progression department are working hard from home to keep you updated on all the exciting careers opportunities that are out there!
We are all living through a challenging time as we try to manage our new lockdown lifestyle, but why not use this extra time wisely to develop stronger careers plans for the future. What a great opportunity to exploit time to really think about what you would like to achieve in the future and how to do that. What steps do you need to take to achieve those goals?
On a fortnightly basis the Careers department will be releasing an e-mgazine with topical information for you to look at, and hopefully help you with your plans. It ill include information about vacancies, insights into developing employability skills, links to useful information and organisations, interviews with trail-blazing students and links to a range of social media to keep you in the loop about developments in the main progression routes of HE, Apprentceships, gap years and Job Seeking.
Click here to read the latest Careers E-Mag!
VOLUNTEERING DURING LOCKDOWN Student Olivia and her family have been super busy during lockdown
The owner of the White Pheasant in Fordham, Calvin Holland said Stuart could use his kitchen on a temporary
delivering food across Cambridge!
basis rent free as he was forced to shut because of COVID-19.
and hotels and achieving 3 AA rosettes, he wanted a change and
This generosity makes it possible for stuart to prepare and deliver freshly produced homemade yet still affordable meals. The meals are
started a private dining business
prepared on the day of delivery then
called Drake’s Bespoke Dining, where
chilled and delivered with re-heating
he cooks a tailor made menu with the
instructions, this allowed the older and more venerable of our community to
little touches you would expect from a
be able to stock up for the week.
The business grew and went in a direction Stuart was not expecting,
Because of the current situation he had to put that on hold, so he used his
and now also has a lot of family’s order religiously on a weekly basis. His business got recognised by the council
contacts in the catering industry to
and they put his name on the list for
start up a contactless delivery service
the “Home but not alone scheme”, so
called Chef2U.
Harrys story and want to
when you start studying with us in September why not join the Long Road Volunteering Club?
Email Sam Plant, splant@longroad.ac.uk for more information on
high end restaurant in people’s own homes.
If you've been inspired by
take part in volunteering
My brother Stuart Drake is a chef. After 10 years of working in restaurants
Spill the tea Long Road Volunteering Club
anyone who was struggling during lockdown could get hold of him.
the Long Road Volunteering Club!
Spill the tea Long Road Volunteering Club
VOLUNTEERING DURING LOCKDOWN He also prepared and personally delivered numerous meals for key
If you've been inspired by Harrys story and want to take part in volunteering when you start studying with us in September why not join the Long Road Volunteering Club?
workers over Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Norfolk just as a thank you. Trying
the Long Road Volunteering Club!
Hockwold / and many more.
Well done to Olivia and family for such amazing work supporting those
found themselves in the middle of this
struggling in these difficult times!
pandemic, some examples of these If you've been inspired by Olivias story are A&E, pharmaceutical dispensers, supermarket workers and the
Email Sam Plant,
for more information on
/ Mildenhall / Weeting / Hopton /
to help out individual sectors who
ambulance service.
We deliver to Cambridge / Newmarket
and want to take part in volunteering when we return to college why not join the Long Road Volunteering Club! Contact Sam Plant for more details.
As a family, we worked together to build the business. My sister Amelia was the pot wash and my mum, my other brother and I are the delivery team and our delivery route is different everyday.
01223 631100
Long Road Sixth Form College