#LongRoadLife Edition 14 - August 2021 - Getting Ready for College

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#LONGROADLIFE Long Road Sixth Form College Applicant Newsletter



The wait is finally over and your GCSE results are finally here - CONGRATS!

Long Road Sixth Form

We are so excited to welcome you to our Long Road family.



We know you're probably feeling a little nervous about what happens next (moving up to sixth form is a big deal!) so we've put together this special



edition of #LongRoadLife to help you, well, get ready for college!

Remember to follow us on social media to keep up-to-date with everything Long Road.

01223 631100 Keep smiling!

www.longroad.ac.uk Long Road x

WELCOME TO LONG ROAD I am really pleased that

We're so excited for you to join us

Be Long Road

Explore Long Road

Long Road is… somewhere – where we

We were so disappointed that we

want you to walk in and immediately

couldn't welcome you on campus this

feel comfortable. It’s designed like

year. But don't worry, you can take a

that. You’ll find new friends here, fit in

walk around our campus on our Virtual

and perform at your best.

Tour... just click here!

you are considering Long Road Sixth Form College for your next step. We are a very friendly, inclusive College where I know you’ll make friends for life.

All too soon you’ll be We are a specialist Sixth Form College, with teachers who thrive on sharing their love of their subjects with you. They will teach you and help you

Say Hello!

thinking of your next move,

It's not long now until we welcome you

we want you to leave Long

on campus, but until then come and say hello to us online!

develop your independent learning skills – something vital for your next

have contributed and achieved; ready to do

Long Road Sixth Form College


Our goal is your success.

chapter in life, whether that’s work, an apprenticeship or university.

Road proud of what you

@LR6FC I hope we meet soon.

So whoever you are, come and join us, be challenged, be inspired, be


My very best wishes, Yolanda

passionate, but above all BELONG.

Yolanda Botham Principal

CONGRATULATIONS YEAR 11'S Congratulations to the Class of 2021

"Magic is believing in yourself. If you can make that happen, you can make anything happen"

2020 and 2021 have certainly been

And we are proud of you. You've not

years to remember, with students

even joined our Long Road community

across the globe being particularly

yet, but we already know you are

hard-hit by the strange circumstances

totally awesome.

we've found ourselves living in. We know some of you may be You've had it rough; adapting to

disappointed with your results this year,

learning from home and virtual

many of you are probably feeling

classrooms, exams cancelled and some

confused and nervous about what will

of you even missing out on

happen next.

experiencing your Year 11 prom and saying farewell to your secondary

But take a deep breath and pause for

school friends and teachers. With all

a second, because whatever your

this in mind, all we can say is


You are made of hard stuff.

Despite all the obstacles you've faced this year, you've made it through. That in itself is an achievement to be proud of.

results we want to wish you a MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS.



The final stages of enrolment!

Our friendly Admissions Team

Once your exam results have been

your options will be discussed, by

submitted the college can start the

logging in to your Long Road Online

enrolment process for you. If you meet

Services account, and clicking on the

the requirements of your offer you will

Request a telephone meeting button.

are here to support and guide you through every stage of your Long Road application.

We are extremely busy during

be sent an Enrolment Offer which you will need to accept to ensure a place

If you have not met the requirements of

with us at Long Road, you can do this

your offer, then please do not worry,

by logging into your Long Road Online

you will automatically be invited to an

Services account, and clicking on the

enrolment advice and guidance

Accept button.

meeting. We will look to provide you

GCSE results period. Please do not worry if we cannot answer your call/email immediately. We promise to get back to you asap.

with an alternate study programme If you wish to withdraw your

wherever possible. Whatever happens,

application then you can click on

we’re here to support you and will

Withdraw Application. If you change

discuss the many options we have for

your mind, your application will be

you at your enrolment appointment.

Heidi Hauser Director of Admissions

Julianna Sosnowska Admissions Officer

placed on a waiting list.

Enrolment advice and guidance If you have been given an enrolment

meetings will be held on 16th-27th

offer but would like to change

August via telephone.

01223 63 1125

course(s) then you will be able to admissions@longroad.ac.uk request an enrolment meeting with a friendly member of our team, where

WE'RE HERE TO HELP Our friendly Admissions Team

SO, WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? The final stages of enrolment! GCSE results day is fast approaching!

Step 2:

you through every stage of

The deadline for submitting your

You will also need to fill in some

your Long Road application.

results to us, online, is 1pm Friday

additional information so please can

13th August. It is important to upload

you do this at the same time. Here is

your results to us as soon as possible

the link to the additional information

after you receive them on Thursday

page (you will need your standard

12th August, as this will help with the

username and password to log in):

answer your call/email

enrolment process, if this is not done it


immediately. We promise to

may cause delays or mean that we are


not able to enrol you.


What do I need to do?

If the form is not completed and your

Step 1:

exam results not entered this will delay

You will need to submit your grades to

the enrolment process for you. If you

us, online. Follow the below link to the

are a Parent/Carer receiving this

online page for submitting your GCSE

email, please ensure that the applicant

results (you will need your standard

responds by the deadline date above.

username and password to log in):

Once your exam results have been


submitted the college can start the


enrolment process for you.

are here to support and guide

We are extremely busy during GCSE results period. Please do not worry if we cannot

get back to you asap.

Heidi Hauser Director of Admissions

Julianna Sosnowska Admissions Officer

01223 63 1125

admissions@longroad.ac.uk px



Finding the right course for you

Our friendly Admissions Team

Enrolment Advice and Guidance

So for example:

Meetings will be held between 16 - 27

If you have been sent an invitation

August 2021.

for 25 August at 09:00AM then this

are here to support and guide you through every stage of your Long Road application.

means that a member of our team

We are extremely busy during

The college will not be holding any of

will ring you on 25 August at some

these discussions on campus, but

time in the AM time slot, between

GCSE results period. Please

instead they will be delivered over the

9am and 12pm. Please make sure

do not worry if we cannot

phone using the mobile number we

you are available for this 3 hour

have on record for you.


answer your call/email immediately. We promise to get back to you asap.

You will receive an email notifying you

If you have been sent an invitation

of an update to your account. Once

for the 25 August at 13:00M then

you log in you will see the date and

this means that a member of our

time of your enrolment discussion. It

team will ring you on 25 August at

will list a date followed by either one

some time in the PM time slot,

of these times: 9am or 1pm.

between 1pm and 4pm. Please

Heidi Hauser Director of Admissions

Julianna Sosnowska Admissions Officer

make sure you are available for this

Please note that these times reflect

3 hour window.

01223 63 1125

AM and PM time slots rather than actual times. admissions@longroad.ac.uk

WE'RE HERE TO HELP Our friendly Admissions Team are here to support and guide you through every stage of your Long Road application.

We are extremely busy during

KEEPING IN TOUCH Updating your contact details Your application to Long Road is now

Please make sure that you have

reaching the point of Enrolment,

provided us with details for both your

meaning it is more important than ever

Emergency Contacts (we require two

that we have the correct contact

emergency contacts for you and you

details for you.

may only have completed details for

GCSE results period. Please do not worry if we cannot answer your call/email immediately. We promise to get back to you asap.

Heidi Hauser

one of them). Make sure to add You can check what mobile phone

telephone and email address details

number we have by logging on to

for both Emergency Contacts.

Online Services, choosing Personal Details from the top menu, then

It is worth you checking that all your

choosing Contact. The mobile number

personal information has been entered

we have on file will be shown in the

correctly and is up to date. If you have

Mobile phone number box – if it’s

used a school email address you will

wrong, just change it there and click

need to change this to a personal

the Save button. Changes may take up

email address.

Director of Admissions

Julianna Sosnowska Admissions Officer

to an hour to be reflected in our

01223 63 1125


Onboarding system. Mobile numbers

The login screen can be found by

must be in this format: 07123456789 or

clicking here. You will need your

+447123456789 with no spaces, no

standard username and password to

brackets or other punctuation.



Time to update your calendar 12 August 2021 = GCSE Results Day


13 August 2021 = Deadline to upload GCSE results 16 - 27 August 2021 = Enrolment Advice & Guidance Meetings 1 - 3 September 2021 = Performing Arts subjects auditions You will be invited, via email to attend on one of these days.

Check your emails regularly for communication from our Admissions Team

7 - 8 September 2021 = On-campus Orientation Days 9 September 2021 = Start of Academic Year & Autumn Term

Summer work is now

25 - 29 October 2021 = Half Term

available to download

17 December 2021 = End of Term

from our website! Click

20 December 2021 - 3 January 2022 = Christmas Holidays

5 January 2022 = Start of Spring Term

here to get started.

All summer work

14 - 18 February 2022 = February Half Term

explanation videos are

1 April 2022 = End of Spring Term

now live on our

4 - 18 April 2022 = Easter Holidays

YouTube channel don't forget to subscribe!

19 April 2022 = Start of Summer Term 30 May - 3 June 2022 = May Half Term If you have any questions

21 July 2022 = End of Academic Year 22 July - 29 August 2022 = Summer Holidays

before joining us in September please email admissions@longroad.ac.uk

For all Academic Year 2021/2022 Term dates please visit our website.

KEY MESSAGES TO APPLICANTS Check your emails regularly for communication from our

GETTING SIXTH FORM STARTED Summer Work 2021 Don't forget that our 2021 Summer

If you have any questions please find

work is live on our website and

staff contact details at the bottom of

YouTube Channel. Remember, all

the Summer Work page on our website.

Admissions Team summer work needs to be completed

Summer work is now available to download

for your first lesson as a Long Road

We hope you enjoy these summer work

student in September.

activities and look forward to meeting you again in the new academic year!

from our website! Click here to get started.

Some courses have also provided a video to help explain the summer work tasks, you can find the links to these

All summer work

videos listed under the summer work

explanation videos are now live on our YouTube channel -

documents for each course on our Summer Work website page.

don't forget to subscribe!

Alternatively you can head to our YouTube account where you will find

If you have any questions before joining us in September please email admissions@longroad.ac.uk

all the videos in our Summer Work 2021 playlist!

TRAVELLING TO COLLEGE Time to pump up your bike tyres & buy your travel cards Travelling by Rail Cambridge Railway Station is approximately 1.5 miles away. The College runs its own shuttle bus from Cambridge Railway station throughout the College day.

Cost of travel too much? From a low income household?

Students who travel by rail may be able to receive discounted travel by visiting: www.16-17saver.co.uk (16-17 Saver railcard is not valid after a student’s 18th birthday) www.greatnorthernrail.com/tickets/discounts-and-railcards/studentconnect https://public.greenrailtravel.co.uk/scholars.html

Travelling by Bus The nearby Cambridge Biomedical Campus is served well by the local bus companies of Stagecoach and Whippett. Cambridge’s second bus station is

If you require assistance with this cost of transport, then help maybe available through either your local County Council or the College’s 16-18 discretionary bursary.

Addenbrookes Hospital which is a ten minute walk from the College.

If you have any queries There are stops for the Guided Busway which runs from Huntingdon and Royston to Cambridge close to the College entrance.

then please do not hesitate to contact us

Students who travel by bus may be able to receive discounted travel by clicking here.

Walking/Cycling Many students either walk or cycle to the College from the surrounding area or the railway station.

Travelling by Car There is no student parking at the College or in the surrounding areas. We would, therefore, encourage students to find alternative public transport.

E-mail: finance@longroad.ac.uk Telephone: 01223 63 1141 or 01223 63 1142

WHAT WE WISH WE KNEW BEFORE STARTING COLLEGE Get your summer work done in good time, so you feel prepared.

Use your free periods and doing little bits of it often.

Article by Long Road student Ellen Fisher Some of our students and teachers

Working with your friends in your

have offered their advice and help to

class to share ideas and help each

guide you through your first steps at


college. These are things they wish

Take your teacher’s advice! They

they knew before they started...

know the course best and can really help you. Don’t be scared to

Don’t let the work build up!

ask questions you can always ask

get too much, you can

Lots of our students suggested this.

after your class if you don’t feel

always ask for a small

You can get quite a lot of work per

ready to talk in lessons.

Of course, if the work does

extension to get it done;

week at college, and it can often feel

lots of the teachers prefer

like it builds up quite quickly, especially

Of course, if the work does get too

that you get it done well a

if you don’t keep on top of it.

much, you can always ask for a small extension to get it done; lots of the

few days later than not finish it at all within a tighter deadline.

Some ways to keep on top of it might

teachers prefer that you get it done


well a few days later than not finish it Buying a planner to organise your

at all within a tighter deadline.

time. Getting your summer work done in

Get prepared with the equipment

good time, so you feel prepared.

you need!

Using your free periods and doing

Don’t buy too much! Start with just

little bits of it often.

paper, ring binders, pens and the

WHAT WE WISH WE KNOW BEFORE STARTING COLLEGE Article by Long Road student Ellen Fisher suggested text books. Your teachers

Some advice for transport:

Test out your journey

will tell you what else on your first day

Looking on a company’s website to

so you still have time to get everything.

see if they have student prices.

before your first day. Most

Make sure you have a bag big enough

Buy weekly, monthly or termly

are fairly straight forward,

for everything, and one that you can

tickets to save a bit of money for

carry around easily.

the same amount of journeys.

but it just takes off one worry from your first day,

Test out your journey before your

and try to test it at the

Bring snacks (and water)! We do have

first day. Most are fairly straight

time you will be on the

the food centre but while you work out

forward, but it just takes off one


the rest of the college too it’s

worry from your first day, and try to

important to make sure you have lots of

test it at the time you will be on the

energy and stay hydrated.

day. Buses and trains can be packed at

Buses and trains can be packed at peak times! Try to get the earlier bus or

Look at your transport options!

peak times! Try to get the earlier

train, it may take less time

The Long Road website can be a good

bus or train, it may take less time

when it’s quieter

place to start with this, because often

when it’s quieter but everyone is

public transport to and from college

rushing around to get to college

can get a little pricey! Transport costs

most days!

may also be covered by bursaries for certain students. Check with the college if you’re eligible to access these funds.

It can seem really daunting coming to a college as there are lots of new people. Try to remember that everyone is in the same position.

The best way to find your

WHAT WE WISH WE KNEW BEFORE STARTING COLLEGE Article by Long Road student Ellen Fisher Meeting new people isn’t as bad as

Don’t worry about groups changing

you think!

or leaving a group. You will likely

It can seem really daunting coming to

have lots of different friends

a college as there are lots of new

because you won’t all have the

people. Try to remember that everyone

same timetable. Try to branch out

is in the same position.

and say hi to anyone who looks a

people is to be yourself. Try to branch out and say hi to anyone who looks a little lonely.

Everyone feels anxious about starting sixth form, whether they look it or not. Try to remember that you’re not alone. And remember to smile, even if you don’t feel like it.

little lonely. Some ways to make new friends could

Everyone feels anxious about


starting sixth form, whether they Talk to everyone. Yes, everyone.

look it or not. Try to remember that

Even asking how someone’s day is

you’re not alone. And remember to

can help.

smile, even if you don’t feel like it.

Talk to people in your classes, you all take the same subject so start

Make use of the support available

from there.

College and life in general isn’t always

Be you! There are so many people

easy. Asking for a bit of extra support,

in college, there will be people you

whatever it is, is always okay. If you’re

get on well with and people you

not sure where to get help, speak to

don’t. The best way to find your

your progress coach, they will know

people is to be yourself.

where to go or email


WHAT WE WISH WE KNOW BEFORE STARTING COLLEGE Article by Long Road student Ellen Fisher Remember it’s always okay to take a

College is very important but it’s also

break or need some extra help,

important to look after yourself too.

prioritise yourself.

Make sure you talk to someone if you

Remember it’s always okay to take a break or need some extra help, prioritise yourself.

need support, Long Road has a great

College is very important

Here are some ways you can get help if

support system, and it’s always good to

but it’s also important to

you need it:

make use of it.

look after yourself too.

Academic support: Your teachers, your progress coach, head of

Make sure you talk to


someone if you need

Mental health support: ALWAYS put

support, Long Road has a

your mental health first. You can

great support system, and

email wellbeing@longroad.ac.uk or counsellors@longroad.ac.uk if you

it’s always good to make use of it.

need support, or speak to your progress coach or teachers.

If you’re not sure where to

Home/social and friends support:

get help, speak to your

Progress coaches can help, or the

Progress Coach or email

emails for Mental health support. You can also speak to Dawn and Julie in the student centre.


WHAT TO BRING ON YOUR FIRST DAY Does anyone else love stationary shopping?! First day nerves can get the better of us all! To help you feel at ease we've put together a checklist of the essentials you'll need for your first day of college.

But what do I wear?!

Pencil case with pens (lots of pens!) pencils, highlighters. Depending on your subjects you may also need mathematical equipment.

Top Tip - buy a clear pencil case that you will also be able to use in your Basically, whatever you


like! (within reason - your new PJs might be super comfy

An A4 folder for each of your subjects.

Top Tip - buy some colourful folder dividers so you can separate modules within your subject folders!

but they're not really appropriate for college)

Our student generally wear casual clothing - jeans, jumpers, t-shirts, dresses.

A pad of A4 paper / A4 notebook / laptop to take notes in class.

A diary to keep track of your timetable, assignment deadlines and all the exciting extra-curricular activities you'll be taking part in.

Your face mask and hand sanitiser

Wear something that you feel comfortable in.

No more school uniform -

Lunch / snacks and a large water bottle filled with water.

Student travel pass / bike lock

yay! A smile, positive attitude and enthusiasm to learn!

WORK HARD, PLAY HARD Long Road is so much more than just studying Long Road is a community that not only

From fitness newbies to aspiring

works together but plays together!

Olympic athletes, have a fantastic range of indoor and outdoor sports

Our enrichment programme

facilities. There is a wide variety of

encourages you to broaden your

team sports for you to get involved in -

horizons and develop valuable skills

we've even had a Quidditch team in

that will complement the knowledge

the past!

gained in your academic studies. It’s

You can check out student

important for your well-being that you

Your safety is at the heart of our

get time to relax - so take a break and

decision making, so enrichment and

get involved in something you enjoy.

sports activities may be a little limited during the Autumn Term; we'll be

We've got a wide range of activities for

updating our extra-curricular

you to get involved in; whether you're a

programmes in line with government

born performer ready to take centre

guidance throughout the year.

stage at one of our college performances, want to make your opinions heard at our debating club, or looking to give back to your community with our volunteering club we will have a club or society that you will love.

videos about just a handful of our sports teams and societies over on our YouTube Channel!

Click here to check them out now

STUDENT SUPPORT,WELFARE & WELLBEING Keeping you smiling even on a rainy day We know that moving from school to

Whatever challenges you may face

college is a big change: a new

during your time with us as a student,

campus, new faces and a new level of

we believe you can achieve your best;

independence. But don't worry, we

our dedicated support team will work

have plenty of support systems in place

with you and your family to ensure this

to help you settle in and keep you



You can meet some of our Progress Coaches and Student Welfare Team over on our YouTube Channel!

Click here to found out how they can support you as a Long Road student.

If you have a question to ask and aren't When you join the Long Road family you

sure where to turn or who is the right

will be assigned a Progress Coach, a

person to talk to then you can email

dedicated member of staff who will

our Student Services team at

help and support you as you settle into


Long Road life. Your Progress Coach will be on hand guide you, helping you to stay on target and reach your goals.

If you have additional learning needs, or need some extra support, we can put you in touch with our Academic Support and Student Welfare Team.



Congratulations! A Level Results Day 2021 Are you interested in a Congratulations to future Doctor Livia

Congratulations to Long Road Scholar

for her outstanding set of results! Livia

Award student Abbie who is now off to

achieved A’s in Biology and Chemistry

the University of Southampton to study

and an A* in Maths. She is now off to


study Medicine at the University of Manchester!

“My favourite thing about studying at

Chemistry, Maths and the EPQ. She

Long Road was that it was very

also joined our MedSquad programme

welcoming and the teachers were all

to give her the best chance possible of

very supportive. I would like to say a

pursuing her dream career in medicine!

huge thank you to my teachers Denise "I’d like to say thank you to Edd

Bailey for all your kindness and support

Wyncoll, Zoe Thorn and Paul Andrew

which have helped me to achieve my

for all being such great teachers and

best today.

especially Paul for helping me so much with my application."

progress coach Liz Walker for giving me the correct guidance and helping me throughout my university application process.”

MedSquad programme to

chance of successfully winning a place at a UK Medical School.

Our unique programme will see you working with Cambridge University

Plant, Simon Colebrooke and John

Squad leader Paul Andrews and my

Join our bespoke

give you the best possible Abbie joined Long Road, from Linton Village College, to study Biology,

I would also like to thank my Med

career in medicine?

medical students as part of a dedicated Med Squad team.

Contact Paul Andrew at pandrew@longroad.ac.uk for more information

CONGRATS ROBERT & LIAM Congratulations! A Level Results Day 2021 Huge well done to Robert who has

Congratulations to Liam who achieved

achieved a wonderful set of results

a Merit in Level 3 Media Extended

Road is amazing and

with D*D* in Level 3 Business Diploma

Diploma. Liam has been a Long Road

it’s such a welcoming

and a C in A Level Art.

student for the last 3 years, first

"The support at Long

completing his Level 2 Media Diploma

community where everyone can truly be

Robert has now accepted his place to

before progressing to Level 3.

study Fashion Marketing and Business


Management at London Metropolitan

During his time with us Liam has a been


a true asset to the college and was even shortlisted for Student of the Year

“I really enjoyed the time at Long Road

in the Queer Student Awards 2021! He

because of the friends I made and the

is now of to the University of Brighton

amazing teachers I had”

to study Media Production.

"I really enjoyed the time at Long Road

“I am so grateful for the opportunity to

because of the friends I

do the Level 2 in Media because that

made and the amazing

allowed me discover my true potential

teachers I had”

– and now I’m off to Brighton to do a media degree! The support at Long Road is amazing and it’s such a welcoming community where everyone can truly be themselves.”

CONGRATS PAULINA & FIYIN Congratulations! A Level Results Day 2021 Congratulations to Paulina who has

Congratulations to Fiyin on achieving

received a fantastic set of results this

fantastic results with a Distinction Stars

morning with A*’s in Criminology and

in Level 3 Business Studies and Level 3

Psychology and an A in Biology!


"My favourite thing about Long Road is the support I got from all my teachers and Progress Coach."

Paulina joined us from Castle Manor

Fiyin moved to the UK just 3 months

Academy and is now off to ARU to

before taking her GCSE's and has now

study Crime and Investigative Studies.

accepted a place to study Communications and Media at the

"My favourite thing about Long Road is

University of Liverpool - her hard work

the support I got from all my teachers

has certainly paid off!

"My favourite thing about studying at Long Road was my whole journey: from making

and Progress Coach. "My favourite thing about studying at

friends, learning, and

I would like to especially thank all my

Long Road was my whole journey: from

loving my course to the

teachers; Denise Plant and Tom

making friends, learning, and loving my

challenges of remote

Genillard – thank you so much for your

course in Year 1 to adapting to the

faith in me and the support you gave

challenges of remote studying and

me over the 2 years, and a massive

displaying resilience, courage and

thank you to Katie Hodson for all the

perseverance while learning and

support and never failing to answer my

growing in Year 2. Thank you, LONG

emails and every question I had. I


couldn’t have done it without you all."

studying and displaying resilience, courage and perseverance while learning and growing."




01223 631100








Long Road Sixth Form College



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