Long Road Enrolment Pack 2021

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WELCOME TO LONG ROAD We are really looking forward to welcoming

the boundaries of the campus

you to Long Road Sixth Form College. We

and connect you with the real

know that due to COVID-19, your last two

world around us. So whoever

years of education have been really disrupted

you are, come and join us, be

and we fully understand that starting College

challenged, be inspired, be

could feel a little more daunting than usual.

passionate and


Please don’t worry, to ensure that you have a smooth transition into college life, we have

We are looking forward to the

carefully planned our orientation days to

start of next academic year

encourage and support you as you begin

and we are eager to see you in

student life and learning at Long Road.

person as soon as we can. Despite all the challenges that

We all understand that COVID-19 precautions

Covid-19 has presented us with,

are subject to change and we have therefore

we will do our very best to

planned for all eventualities. Student safety

make sure that 2021/22 is a

and well-being is our highest priority. Please

wonderful year for you.

check your emails over the summer holidays for important updates. If you have any

Yours sincerely,

concerns or questions, please do not hesitate

Yolanda Botham

to contact us by emailing


admissions@longroad.ac.uk with your query.

As the world changes, we want to be able to provide inspiring experiences that go beyond


Accept your offer!

Welcome to Long Road! We are really excited

After submitting your grades to

for you to join our #BeLong friendly college

us, if you have met the entry

community. Below you’ll find everything you

criteria required for your

need to know about joining us in September;

chosen courses you will receive

#BePrepared with our checklists and find out

an enrolment offer from the

more about what it’s like to study here as a

13th August onwards which you

Long Road student. This letter contains

will be asked to accept as soon

important information about your preparations

as it comes through.

to come and study with us, so please read it carefully!

If you have not met the entry criteria of your chosen courses,

In order to ensure that you are offered the

or wish to change your

best possible start to your academic studies,

course(s), then you will have

and the wider student experience, we have a

the opportunity to speak to one

formal enrolment and orientation process that

of our experienced teachers at

you are expected to complete


an enrolment Advice and Guidance meeting to discuss

Key Dates

your study programme options.

GCSE Exam Results:

Thursday 12 August

Deadline to submit exam results to Long Road:

1pm Friday 13 August

These discussions will take place between Monday 16th

Enrolment Advice & Guidance Meetings:

and Friday 27th August and you

to be conducted over the telephone, to

will be scheduled a time slot

take place:

16-27 August

for this to take place, either in

Year 1 on-campus orientation days:

the morning or afternoon. Our

7 - 8 September

team will call you on your

Term starts for all students:

9 September

mobile, (further information about this will be sent to you

GCSE Results Day – What do I need to do?

when you receive your details

All students who wish to enrol with us will be

for your time slot). At the

requested to electronically enter their GCSE

meeting your courses will be

GCSE results will be published on Thursday 12th August 2021. results with us.

confirmed and you will receive a notification that you have been enrolled onto your final

update your results with us by 1pm on Friday 13th August and you will You will need to

course choices.

do this by submitting your results via an

If at any time you do not wish

electronic form. We will send this link to you

to enrol at Long Road you have

closer to the time and you will need to login

the option to withdraw your

with the same credentials as your Online

offer using your Long Road

Services account.

Online Services account.

ENROLMENT - WHAT TO EXPECT The Enrolment and Orientation Process

You can check this by logging

When you accept your offer you will be invited

on to Online Services here

to complete a number of online enrolment


activities followed by an on-campus


orientation. Detailed step-by-step instructions

aspx choosing “Personal

will be sent to you closer to the time. Be sure

Details” from the top menu,

to keep checking your emails over the summer.

then choosing “Contact”.

The mobile number we have on

The online enrolment process - overview

record will be shown in the

To help you get set up Long Road has set up a

“Mobile phone number” box – if

number of interactive orientation modules for

it’s wrong, just change it there

you to complete online, as soon as possible,

and click the “Submit” button.

after you have accepted your enrolment offer. All online enrolment activities must be

Any changes may take up to an

completed before your onsite orientaton days

hour to be reflected in our

on the 7th and 8th September. You will be

Onboarding system.

sent detailed step-by-step instructions closer to the time. In the meantime here is a summary

Mobile numbers must be in

of what you can expect.

07123456789 or +447123456789

1 2 3 4 5


Upload your GCSE results

format with no spaces, no

Accept your enrolment offer

brackets or other punctuation.

Complete the IT onboarding process Upload your photo for your college photo ID Complete the medical form

Pay College Services Fee

IT onboarding summary There are two details you need to check before you start the Student IT Onboarding to help you adjust and familiarise yourself as a new student and learn the attitudes, knowledge, skills and behaviours required of you as a new student and get your login details set up for the Long Road systems.

Your login details will be sent to you as a text. For this reason, it is important to check what mobile phone number we have on record for you.

ENROLMENT - WHAT TO EXPECT Digital Photo for your photo ID You will need to provide us with a photo of

What your digital photo must show Your digital photo must:

yourself which will be used for your Long Road

contain no other objects or

ID badge. Your ID badge can be collected


from college when teaching commences on 9

be taken against a plain or


neutral background be in clear contrast to the

Please check your emails over the summer, we


will be sending you instructions on how you

not have ‘red eye’

can submit your photo to us and when this

include your head, shoulders

needs to be done.

and upper body. Do not crop your photo - it will be

The quality of your digital photo Your digital photo must be:

done for you. ensure you are facing

clear and in focus

forwards and looking

in colour

straight at the camera

in portrait orientation

ensure you have your eyes

unaltered by computer software or app

open and visible

“filters” such as Snapchat or Instagram

not have hair in front of


your eyes

saved in JPEG format

not have a head covering

at least 1 megapixels resolution, for

(unless it’s for religious or

example, 1080 pixels wide by 1920 pixels

medical reasons)

high (or better)

not have anything covering

at least 50KB and no more than 10MB

your face (except glasses, if you need to wear them) not have any shadows on your face not include sunglasses or tinted glasses. You can wear other glasses if you need to, but your eyes must be visible without any glare or reflection

ENROLMENT - WHAT TO EXPECT Top Tips for your digital photo: Don't crop or edit the photo - just use the

If using an iPhone to take

JPEG direct from the mobile phone or

the photo, you may need to


go into Settings > Camera, then turn off Auto Apply

If using a camera or DSLR to take the

Adjustments - this will

photo, make sure it is set to the highest

prevent it from

available quality or resolution setting, and

automatically cropping the

make sure it is held sideways to take the


photo in portrait. If using an iPhone 7 or

If using a mobile phone to take the photo,

newer, go into Settings >

try using the rear/back camera instead of

Camera > Formats then

the front/selfie camera as this often gives

choose Most Compatible

higher resolution results.

ENROLMENT - WHAT TO EXPECT The on-site induction process – overview


The on-site induction has been scheduled for 7

After you have completed your

and 8 September. You will be invited to

IT onboarding you will be issued

attend an AM or PM slot on one of these days.

with your Long Road email

You will be sent detailed step-by-step

account. Your timetable will be

instructions closer to the time about what you

sent to this email account for

will need to bring with you. In the meantime

you to access during the week

here is a summary of what you can expect.

commencing 6th September.

Bring your certificates and Unique 1

Candidate Identifier (UCI) with you to verify your grades.




Bring documentation for an ID check Read, sign and return your Learner Agreement


Go on a group college tour

generally include three 1.5hr

The day starts at 09:00 and finishes at 16:10 You will have a 20 minute

You are now a Long Road student! Arrive for

break in the morning and a

your first day of teaching on 9 September.

45 minute lunch break in

Collect your Student ID badge from your first 7

Your timetable will

slots per subject per week Pay your Long Road College Services Fee if you haven't done so already.


Timetable summary highlights:

class on 9 September.

the afternoon Your timetable may include free-study periods called Plus Time periods on

Verifying your GCSE results & ID Check You will be asked to bring in your GCSE certificates so that they can be verified. You will also need to bring your passport or birth certificate to verify your ID.

Learner agreement Your learner agreement is an important document that sets out the terms of your full-time study programme with us. Your learner agreement will be issued to you on your orientation day and you will need to read, sign and hand it back.

Service Fee You will be required to pay a one-off payment service fee of

£ 50

using ParentPay.

Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 14:40 – 16:10 which can be used for Independent Study, Team Sports or Enrichment.

THE VESPA MINDSET, ALPS ANALYSIS & MEGS Education is full of acronyms, and here are

Some students who did well at

three new ones that at first sight may seem

school really struggle, and

like just another set of meaningless jargon, but

others absolutely fly.

we believe they hold the secret to success in the transition to college.

The MEG only sees a general pattern from thousands and

ALPS started as the A Level Performance System, but now includes all Level 3 subjects

thousands of outcomes, not for any individual person. It does

(A Level and equivalent applied general

not explain why some students

qualifications) and is starting to be used for

succeed and others don’t.

GCSE and Level 2 as well.

It is a way of setting an aspirational target for students moving between those levels, and to some extent is similar to the target setting that many students will be familiar with from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4 in schools.

ALPS takes the average GCSE score and compares it to the scores achieved by previous students nationally. It then sets a

Minimum Expected Grade

at the 75th

percentile of those outcomes.

So, if a student has an average GCSE score between 6.10 and 6.55, the top 25% of students were getting B’s or above at A Level, so the MEG is set at a B grade.

What is important to remember is that students who got that average GCSE score got a whole range of grades – top to bottom. That B target just drew a line under the top quarter of them.

HOWEVER – and this is a huge HOWEVER, so,


teachers have often noted that

there isn’t a direct relationship between how someone does at school, and how they do at college.

THE VESPA MINDSET, ALPS ANALYSIS & MEGS Around 12 years ago, two teachers in a large

told (even if some GCSE

Manchester college were pondering this exact

exams seemed like that).

problem. From reflections on which of their

Advanced learning is about

students did well and which did not, and by

the skill of using that

talking to other teachers around the country,

knowledge. Many students

Steve Oakes and Martin Griffin managed to

spend a lot of time and

distil the critical factors down to 5 broad

effort trying to remember,

areas that they called VESPA:

but not enough practice


know where you want to get to. It

doesn’t have to be a specific career, it

using their knowledge effectively.

could be any goal, with a plan, and the determination to achieve it. It doesn’t


matter if that vision changes over time, as

can always improve and

long as there is a reason to get up in the

that feedback helps. It also

morning and go to college.

includes your ability to

a belief that you

bounce back from


recognising that success is not

disappointment and to learn

derived from natural talent, but from

from failure. We know the

putting in the hours required. At college,

journey is not smooth and

this means putting in as many hours of

there will be ups and

independent study as classroom learning –

downs, and that there will

around 12 to 14 hours per week, depending

be things outside of college

on where you are in the year.

that impact on your learning.


being prepared for a different

type of learning and having effective strategies for managing the workload. At primary school, pupils are heavily organised by the teacher (‘here is your coat peg, I’ve put your name on it’) and parents (here is your coat, I’ve put your name in it’). At college, we expect students to be able to organise their time, note-taking and meeting deadlines more independently.


effectively applying what you

learn, whether that is for exams or coursework assignments. This includes effective revision strategies. Learning is not just about remembering things you are

THE VESPA MINDSET, ALPS ANALYSIS & MEGS You may have heard of the Growth Mindset,

If you want to try it out,

which says that you must believe that you can

consider some of these Vision

improve and that intelligence is not fixed,

questions to reflect on the

VESPA follows this principle but makes it very

courses you have chosen to

specific to college study.

study: If you could only take one

Steve and Martin were so taken by this idea

subject, what would it be,

that they have collected their observations

and why?

from years of teaching 16-18-year-old

Who are your heroes or stars

students, then spent more years researching

of your chosen subjects?

why these things matter and then, more

(for example a Physics

importantly, how you develop them. They have

student might choose

now written books and training programmes


for both students and teachers. So successful

When you have a lot of

have they been, that this is now their full-time

homework, which one do

job. You can find their books and articles

you do first, which do you


leave until the last minute? Which subject would you

At Long Road, we use the ALPS Minimum

study, even if there wasn’t a

Expected Grades to start conversations with

qualification at the end of

students about their progress, and we use


VESPA to help structure those conversations,

Which of your chosen

drawing on the toolkit to support students in

subjects do you look for

the areas they might be struggling with. It is

news stories on and talk

not magic, but it is much more than a

about with friends or

motivational acronym or meaningless phrases,


it is research-based, based on years of

If you had money to start a

experience, and highly practical.

company, what would that company do? List 5 words you associate with happiness.

GETTING TO COLLEGE Long Road Sixth Form College is attractively

Travelling by Bus

located and is easy to commute to, within

The nearby Cambridge

walking distance of Cambridge rail station

Biomedical Campus is served

and well-serviced by local bus routes. The

well by the local bus companies

college has no on-site parking available to

of Stagecoach and Whippett.

students, however, there are cycle racks for

There are stops for the Guided

students who prefer to make their way to

Busway which runs from

college by bike.

Huntingdon and Royston to Cambridge close to the college

If you have any queries then please do not

entrance. Cambridge’s second

hesitate to contact us as follows:

bus station is Addenbrookes

E-mail: Phone:

financialsupport@longroad.ac.uk 01223 631100 and ask for Finance

Hospital which is a ten minute walk from the college.

Travelling by Rail

Students who travel by bus may

The nearest railway station to the college is

be able to receive discounted

Cambridge station, approximately 1.6 miles

travel from local towns and

away. Throughout the college day, the college

villages by visiting:

runs its own shuttle bus to the station.


Alternatively, students may walk to the college which takes approximately 30-40


minutes. Students who travel by rail may be able to

Cost of travel too much?

receive discounted travel.

If you require assistance with this cost of transport, then help

Please visit for more information:

maybe available through either

www.16-17saver.co.uk (16-17 Saver railcard

your local County Council or

is not valid after a student’s 18th birthday)

the college’s 16-18 discretionary


bursary. (Please see Financial


Support leaflet for more




Walking/Cycling Many students either walk or cycle to the college from the surrounding area or the railway station.

Travelling by Car There is no student parking at the college or in the surrounding areas. We would, therefore, encourage students to find alternative public transport.

COLLEGE SERVICES FEE A College Services Fee is payable at

A one-off payment is required

enrolment and helps support effective learning

once you have enrolled.

and student activities within the college.

Payments should be made using ParentPay.

The services fee is

£ 50

and will include the


If you require assistance with

Print credits

this fee then you may be able

Access to the college fitness centre

to get help through the

A wide range of sporting activities

college’s 16-18 discretionary

including team sporting activities and non-

bursary (please see financial

competitive sessions

support information).

IT storage space Access to IT software including Sophos

A limited amount of lockers are

Antivirus, Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative

available, a locker key deposit

Cloud and MS Teams.

is required and can be

Open access to IT suites

arranged through the college

Free college Wi-Fi


Various enrichment activities A designated Student Centre

Photographic equipment can

The ability to borrow from the college’s

be hired for a deposit and can

Learning Resource Centre

be arranged through the

Access to music practice rooms

teaching department.

PPE where required.

PARENTPAY website that offers you the freedom to make

Already have a ParentPay account?

payments whenever and wherever you like, 24

To add a child to your account:

hours a day, 7 days a week - safe in the

Go to www.parentpay.com and

knowledge that the technology used is of the

log in to your existing activated

highest internet security available. Using

ParentPay account. Select the

ParentPay, you are able to make payments for

Add a child icon from your

college items such as trips, College Services

home page.

The college subscribes to ParentPay, a secure

Fee, locker and equipment deposits. You can also top-up your child's dinner money which

Enter the activation codes

can be used to purchase items in the Food

provided to you by Long Road


Sixth Form College. These must be entered exactly as provided.

If you have any queries relating to ParentPay

Click Search.

or any other finance issues, then please do not hesitate to contact us: E-mail: Phone:

financialsupport@longroad.ac.uk 01223 631100 and ask for Finance

Ensure the details displayed are correct for the child you wish to add to your account and select confirm merge.

Starting Off

Please note:

For parents/guardians of new students joining

shown are not correct for the

us in September 2021, an email will be sent by

child you wish to add to your

Friday 13th August 2021 containing a

account, please inform us

username and password.

immediately. You should not

If the details

continue to add the child to To log on to ParentPay and change your

your account.

password (strongly recommended) please follow the Quick Guide below.

Help and support on how to use ParentPay is available on the

Quick Guide

ParentPay website:

Visit www.parentpay.com and click on Login.


Type the username and password sent in your


activation email into the boxes on the Login screen. Click Login.

Follow the on-screen instructions to successfully activate your account.

Important Note:

If you receive a notification

that the e-mail address you have entered has already been used, this means you already have an existing ParentPay account.

FINANCIAL SUPPORT When enrolling on a course at Long Road Sixth


Form College, consideration should be given

Students from low income

to the costs involved such as travel costs,

households may be able to get

meals, equipment, books, trips, stationery and

assistance with the cost of


their transport.

If you are concerned about the financial costs

If Long Road Sixth Form

associated with your course, then assistance

College is the nearest college

may be available either via the college or your

to your home offering your

local County Council.

course, and you are under 19 on 1 September 2021, then

To be eligible for Financial Support, you will

assistance may be available

need to demonstrate an annual household

through your local County

income ordinarily below

£ 20,000.

Council for public transport. You should contact your local

We would actively encourage students to

County Council in the first

apply for possible support as soon as they

instance to check eligibility.

can. Please note, however, that

Defined Vulnerable Groups

there may be a charge payable

Monthly payments are available up to a

to your local County Council.

maximum of

£ 1,200

for the academic year for

students aged over 16 but under 19 on 1

If you require assistance with

September 2021 who specifically are:

this cost or your application is

in or recently left local authority care

rejected by your local County

disabled and you receive Income Support

Council, then you may be able

or Universal Credit in your own name

to get help through the

disabled and you get Employment &

College’s 16-18 Discretionary

Support Allowance (ESA) or Universal


Credit and either Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payment (PIP) in your own name

FINANCIAL SUPPORT Discretionary Bursary

would actively encourage

The Discretionary Bursary offers assistance

students to apply for possible

with any costs which are considered essential

support as soon as they can.

to your courses such as travel, meals, books, equipment, trips, stationery and childcare.

For further information or an application form, visit the

Students aged over 16 but under 19 on 1

financial help section of the

September 2021 from a low-income household

College website:


£ 20,000

per annum) can apply for

assistance through this scheme.

https://www.longroad.ac.uk/pr ospective-students/studentsupport/financial-help/

Free meals Free meals will be offered to students aged 16

If you require any advice, help

- 18 on 31st August 2021 who receive, or whose

to complete the form or a

parents/carers receive certain types of

paper copy of the application

income-related benefits.

form, please do not hesitate to contact us:


aged between 19 - 25 and have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan, and be studying a government-funded full-time course.

Childcare Students aged under 20 on 1 September 2021 who have a child that needs childcare while they attend college can receive assistance through Care to Learn.

For more information and eligibility criteria or to apply go to: www.gov.uk/care-to-learn or ring the Student Support Helpline on 0300 303 8610.

What to do next Please complete and submit a Financial Support Application Form (found on the last page of this booklet) along with the relevant financial evidence as soon as possible.

Long Road Sixth Form College is committed to providing support where it is available and we

financialsupport@longroa d.ac.uk 01223 631100 and ask for Finance

FINANCIAL SUPPORT GUIDELINES Long Road Sixth Form College is committed to

at any point during the

helping students overcome financial barriers

academic year.

to successful participation and completion of their studies.

What to do next:

The college receives

government grants each academic year

The applicant should complete

specifically to provide financial support to

all relevant sections and sign


this form.

Please supply recent

photocopies of appropriate When enrolling on a course at Long Road Sixth

evidence dated within last six

Form College, consideration should be given

months. To be eligible for

to the costs involved such as travel costs,

financial support you will need

meals, equipment, books, trips, stationery and

to demonstrate an annual


household income ordinarily

To ensure that finance is not a

£ 20,000

barrier to learning, funding is available to


support students from low-income households.

income). Please supply a recent

To be eligible for Financial Support, you will

photocopy of the full

need to demonstrate that your annual

document(s) that are

household income is ordinarily below

£ 20,000.

(gross taxable

applicable to the household

Also that you have lived in the UK for the past

that you live in (dated within

three years or lived in the EEA for the period

the last six months).

31st December 2017 to 31st December 2020. Long Road Sixth Form College is committed

The preferable form of financial

to providing support where it is available and

proof is a Tax Credit Awards

we would actively encourage students to

Notice (TCAN) starting 06 April

apply for possible support as soon as they

2021 or Tax Credit Annual


review ending 31st July 2021.

Long Road Sixth Form College administers

If you do not have any of the

these funds at its discretion and in line with its

evidence, proof of household

policy and procedure. There is no entitlement

income under

to a Bursary.

supplied. This can either be

Awards are only ever a

£ 20,000

must be

contribution to course-related compulsory

done by providing the last three

costs and will not necessarily cover all your

months bank statements and

additional financial needs.

wage slips for each working

Each application

will be assessed and if funds are available, an

member of the household.

award will be allocated subject to meeting the college’s eligibility criteria.

There are

For those who are self-

different funds available to help different

employed, a photocopy of the

groups of students and the rules for each are

Self-Assessment Tax Return or


a letter from your accountant

Therefore, please be aware that

each award is individual to your circumstances

stating the projected earnings

and may be different to others.

for 2020/2021 will be required.

As funds are

limited, it may be necessary to close a bursary


to the following terms of

These are available to learners under 19 on


31st August 2021, who are from a household in

Attendance will be

receipt of the following benefits; Income

monitored and must be at

Support; Income-based Jobseekers Allowance;

least 80% with all absences

Income-related Employment and Support


Allowance (ESA); Support under part VI of the

Student behaviour should

Immigration and Asylum Act 1999; the

be acceptable in line with

guarantee element of State Pension Credit;

the College’s Policy

Child Tax Credit (no entitlement to Working

Should a student withdraw

Tax Credit) and the household annual gross

from their course before

income has been assessed as below

£ 16,190;

completion or complete

Working Tax Credit run-on paid for 4 weeks

early, they may be required

after someone stops qualifying for Working Tax

to repay all or part of any

Credit; Universal Credit with net earnings not

award made.


£ 7,400

pa. Also available for

continuing on a study programme they began

Bursaries for young people in defined vulnerable groups

aged 16 to 18 (19+ continuers) or have an

Monthly payments are available

Education Health Care Plan.

up to a maximum of

learners students aged 19 or over if they are

£ 1,200


the academic year for students

We are unable to process incomplete applications, which includes those with missing documents, and this may result in delaying the award.

aged over 16 but under 19 on 1 September 2021 who specifically are: in or recently left local authority care

If you need any advice or help to complete

disabled and you receive

this form, then please do not hesitate to

Income Support/Universal

contact us:

Credit in your own name

financialsupport@longroad.ac.uk 01223 631141

disabled and you receive Employment & Support Allowance (ESA) or

Please return all completed applications to

Universal Credit and either

the Financial Support team. We actively

Disability Living Allowance

encourage that all applications should be

(DLA) or Personal

made via our secure portal, please contact

Independence Payment

the financial support team for more details.

(PIP) in your name

All information will be treated in the strictest

disabled and you get

confidence and will only be seen by the

Universal Credit in your

Assessment Panel for Financial Support



Terms of Support By submitting an application, you are agreeing


however this may not be for the

If Long Road is the nearest appropriate post-

full amount and will be at the

16 education provider to your home offering

discretion of the panel.

your chosen course, and you are under 19 as of

county council in the first instance to check

College Services Fee/ Equipment Deposit/ Starter Packs

whether you qualify for subsidised public

An internal transfer will be

transport. If your application is rejected, then

made to the college finance

you can apply to the college’s 16-18

department once a student

Discretionary Bursary for assistance.

enrols on a course at the

1 September 2021, and in receipt of an eligible benefit, you should contact your local

college for the College Service The amount you receive will be based on

Fee and equipment deposit if

where you live and on the cost of public

applicable to their course.

transport via the cheapest method including

Starter packs will be given to

passes, irrespective of your mode of transport.

students by their tutors once an

Your attendance will be assessed and based

award has been made.

on this, payment will be reimbursed by BACS into your bank account. Students are


encouraged to check whether a cheaper fare

Support will be given only for

or season ticket is available from a local

additional activities, visits or

public transport provider.

trips considered essential to

In cases of partial

or full distance learning, transport payments

your participation on the

may either be adjusted accordingly or

course. There will be no support


for any overseas visits. An internal transfer will be made

Stationery/Equipment/Books/Guides Where the college contributes to costs for

to the college department. Parental consent will still need

these items, then the college will order these

to be given for each trip by

on a student's behalf.

logging into ParentPay.

Once the items have

arrived, the student will be notified via email

item themselves, consideration may be given

Free Meals A credit of £ 3.50

for a refund however this may not be for the

be issued to the student’s

full amount and will be at the discretion of the

ParentPay account for use in

to collect them. If a student has brought an

panel. Where a contribution of

£ 10

has been

per day will

the college’s Food Centre. In

agreed to cover stationery costs or an award

the circumstances of distance

made for art equipment then this will be

learning, then regular BACS

processed via BACS direct into the Student’s

payments will be made for

bank account.

each college day. It will remain at the discretion of the

Print Cartridges/Paper

government and/or the college

In the circumstances of distance learning,

if payments are to be made

consideration may be given for a refund

during college holidays.

YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED How do I submit my GCSE results on 12 August?

assist with your requests and assess whether you are

All students will be requested to electronically

qualified for the course

enter their GCSE results by 1pm on Friday 13th


August. You will be sent a link closer to the

results. You will need to know your Online

Is it easy to change subjects if you don’t like them?

Services account login details to access this.

Students who feel they would

time where you will be asked to input your

be better suited to different

I cannot access my Online Services Long Road account

subjects will be able to request a course change within the first

If you have forgotten your password then click

month of enrolment however,

here to reset it:

spaces on new courses are not




If you still have difficulty accessing your

Do my parents/carers attend the enrolment discussions?

account then email admissions@longroad.ac.uk

Most students attend by

who will be able to assist you further.

themselves but parents can attend if they wish. Our team

I have not been able to achieve a grade 4 in English and Maths, what will this mean?

will call you on your mobile. You will need to make sure that

Don’t worry, you may be enrolled on these

we hold your mobile number on

courses alongside those you have been

record. You can update your


mobile number yourself through your Online Services account:

My results are not what I wanted.

Choose Personal Details from

Long Road offers a wide range of study

the top menu, then choose

programmes and courses to choose from.

Contact. Mobile numbers must

Students who do not meet the entry

be in 07123456789 or

requirements for their original choices will,

+447123456789 format – no

wherever possible, be offered an alternative

spaces, no brackets or other

programme or course at the college which


they are qualified to study. Our team will be on hand to discuss all your options with you at an enrolment Advice and Guidance meeting.

I want to change my subject choices. If you have decided that you may want to change your course choices you can also request an Advice and Guidance discussion at enrolment with one of our teachers who can

YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED What financial support can I get?

Can you leave site for lunch?

Please take a look at our financial support

Yes, our students are free to

information in this pack or visit our webpage:

leave the site for lunch and


during free periods in-between



When do I bring in my summer work? and brought along to your first lesson on 9th

How often does the shuttle bus run between the college and the station?


The shuttle bus makes 5 trips

Your Summer Work will need to be completed

from the train station in the

What is the average class size?

day. You will find the schedule

The average class size is 18 students. Our


small class sizes mean you will receive more


one-to-one attention from specialist teachers.


How big is the school? The college has a total of 2300 students.

Do students have tutorials? Students have tutorials

How many lessons do you have each day, and approximately from which times during the day are you in college?

scheduled within their timetable once a week. The tutorials cover a host of

The college day starts at 09:00 and finishes at

information, including UCAS

16:10. You may have up to four lessons in one

and progression planning.


What is EPQ? How many days a week are you physically in college?

You may be interested in applying for our Extended

Your timetable is spread across the 5-day

Project Qualification, which is

week, however, you may have some

equivalent to half an A Level.

independent study periods between your

The EPQ allows students to

lessons on some of the days. Your timetable

undertake an independent

includes a 20-minute break in the morning and

project on a topic of your

45-minute lunch in the afternoon.

choosing alongside your course subjects, to enhance your

How do I get to college?

academic record. This is not a

Please look at the transport information in this

compulsory qualification.

booklet or on our website here:

rt-options/shuttle-bus/ and other means of

Do you work on paper or laptops?

transport to college here:

You are welcome to work on


both paper and laptops.


YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED What is the support like at Long Road?

advice or just a friendly chat. If

Whatever challenges you face, we believe you

it’s something a little more

can achieve your best; our dedicated support

complex, or you’ve got ongoing

team will work with you and your family to

needs, our counselling service

ensure this happens. Your personal Progress

is available. Our friendly

Coach will give you tailored advice to help

support supervisors, based in

you successfully achieve your career goals.

our Student Centre, are always

You’ll receive:

ready to talk about any

Group tutorials where you’ll get to know

concerns you may have.

other students, your Progress Coach and Long Road;

If you prefer talking to someone

Ongoing individual and personal support

your own age they can put you

on how to achieve at college and get the

in touch with our specially-

most out of your time with us;

trained peer mentors who are

Help to create your own learning plan so

current students who will help

you can see what you need to achieve and

you settle into Long Road life.

how to monitor your progress and performance;

We run annual Wellbeing events

Support with revision and exam

for all students that focus on


healthy ways of dealing with

Advice and guidance on careers,

the stresses and strains of

apprenticeships and university pathways.

everyday life.

Our team of qualified specialist tutors can

For more information refer to

provide formal and informal assessments of

our Academic Support and

your individual learning needs. If you have an

Student Welfare page:

EHC plan we will develop individual learning


programmes which are regularly reviewed and


adjusted as needed. We also welcome the


international community of Cambridge,


offering you extra tuition with specialist teachers if English is your second language. All buildings have ready access for wheelchair users. We provide classroom and general assistance for students who have physical impairments such as partial sight, partial hearing and motor skills difficulties.

How is mental health supported in Long Road? Need someone to talk to? We offer a daily drop-in service to students who need help,


What different sports teams are there to take part in at Long Road?

Last year our Women’s Football team made it to the AoC Sport

Students are able to participate in the

National Cup quarter-finals,

following sports opportunities: Rugby,

while our Men’s Cricket team

Basketball, Netball, Football, Hockey as well

won the semi-finals of the AoC

as having access to free sports and activity

Eastern Regionals.

equipment hire for all students. Find out more on our website:

Why not join our famous


Basketball Academy, the Long


Road Lions? You will combine a high performance basketball

At Long Road, we are continually investing in

programme with your studies

new study, sport and leisure facilities across

while competing in the

our campus. We’ve recently refurbished the

Academies Basketball League,

on-campus gym.

the second highest tier in English basketball for colleges

From fitness newbies to aspiring Olympic athletes, we can offer you a fantastic range of indoor and outdoor sports facilities. What’s important to us is that you’re able to take care of your physical and mental wellbeing, that’s why we encourage all of our students to participate in keep-fit activities using our extensive sports facilities.

Indoors we have a 4 badminton court Sports Hall, Sports Lab and a fully refurbished gym with a wide range of new equipment; all available for you to use throughout the college day. Head outdoors to our wonderful field space where you can use our all-weather pitch, football pitch, rugby pitch and hard courts. We have a number of team sports that you can get involved in.

at U19 level!

YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED What is the dress code? The College encourages appropriate clothing,

I am missing a sheet from my enrolment pack.

without clouding individuality. Students are

Don’t worry, all the information

welcome to express their individual styles

you need about Enrolment 2021

without strict parameters.

can be found by clicking on this link below.

Will I get my timetable when I have enrolled?

https://www.longroad.ac.uk/pr ospective- students/frequently-

Teaching will start on Thursday 9th September


and you will receive your timetable


electronically prior to this, during the week commencing 6th September. Once you have

If you have any other queries

completed your IT onboarding you will be

then do drop us an email:

issued with your Long Road email account.


Your timetable will be sent to this email account for you to access prior to your first day of term. We would recommend you save your timetable to your mobile device for reference.

Are you allowed phones? Yes, you are allowed phones on campus for study purposes in learning areas, however, they will need to be turned to silent.

Are there any IT equipment requirements? Take a look at the IT equipment requirements here: https://www.longroad.ac.uk/studentlife/it-equipment-recommendations/ If you have any additional questions not covered by these recommendations, then please contact the IT Services Helpdesk: helpdesk@longroad.ac.uk

When is my performing arts audition? Over the summer you will be invited via email to attend an on-campus audition on either the 1st, 2nd or 3rd September.

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