INSIDE: Returning to college Boosting family positivity. Responding to your parent survey feedback
WE'RE HERE TO HELP The wellbeing of our students is one of our top priorities. We know from reading your responses to our survey it’s one of yours too.
Managing your child's screen time.
From the long hours spent online and the loss of their social life to the
Supporting your child's
understandable anxiety about assessment, the latest lockdown is challenging
mental health during
for everyone.
the pandemic. Improving communication at
But we also know that young people are resilient, and we have pulled
together the following advice to help you support your young people to thrive.
Empowering home learning. Progression planning.
We hope you enjoy reading this e-magazine and find some useful advice. Remember you can contact us at any time to discuss your child's individual needs.
KEEPING YOU SAFE AT COLLEGE Key Dates: 8 March = College reopens
24 March = Admissions Day
COVID-19 Information and the return to College March 2021
We are eager to welcome all students
in and around the site other than when
back to College and have set out
you are eating and drinking. The
below how we intend to manage our
requirement to wear a face covering in
return. As always, student safety and
lessons will be in place for the three
wellbeing, and that of our college
weeks before Easter.
staff, is of utmost importance and has guided our approach.
8 - 12 March = Year 13 & Level 2
(no remote or oncampus learning)
29 March
Return to College Timetable:
As you are aware, the Government has
students on-campus learning.
asked us to provide testing for all our
Year 12 students remote
students to try and identify any
asymptomatic Covid cases to further
15 - 19 March = Year 12 students
reduce community transmission. We are
on-campus learning.
11 April =
keen to play our part and contribute to
Year 13 & Level 2 students
this important public good. To achieve
remote learning.
Easter Holidays
12 April = All students return
this we need to take a staggered
22 & 23 March
approach to our return, as providing
students on-campus learning.
over 7000+ tests is quite a logistical
Year 12 students remote
24 March = Admissions Day
to on-campus learning
= Year 13 & Level 2
All our previous safety protocols
work set to complete.
remain, with the temporary addition
25 & 26 March =Year 12 students
that students will be required to wear
on-campus learning
face coverings in lessons unless you are
Year 13 & Level 2 students
exempt. Students will need to continue
remote learning
to wear their face covering
LATERAL FLOW TESTING CENTRE Long Road Sixth Form College Lateral Flow Testing Centre
Click here
watch our Testing Whilst testing is voluntary (for both staff
If you would like to know more about
and students), we really encourage
our on-campus testing centre please
students to take part. Even if we only
click here to watch our walk through
find a few asymptomatic cases, that’s
Centre walk through video so you know what to expect when
fewer people transmitting in the community while the vaccine roll out
Please note: the college test centre is
taking part in on-campus
If your child experiences any COVID-19 Please encourage your child to respond
symptoms, please stay at home and
to the survey sent out last week opting
book a test by clicking here.
college testing.
in or out of testing. If they do not respond to this survey, they can still
Home Testing Kits
take part in testing by attending the
If you are 18+ and are in a household,
test centre with the rest of their class
childcare or support bubble with
when they are collected for testing.
someone who works or is a student at a primary school, secondary school or
Testing will take place from Monday
sixth form college you can order a
8th March to Friday 26th March
lateral flow home test kit by clicking
in the Sport Centre. We will organise
the testing by class groups. Once your child has had three onsite tests, we are permitted to give you home testing kits to use thereafter.
Click here
order your Lateral Flow Home Testing Kit
How often have we, as parents,
BOOSTING FAMILY POSITIVITY AT HOME By Andrea Danese, Professor of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry at King’s College London
felt frustrated or irritable during lockdown? How many times have we found ourselves snapping in
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed
Build new routines
how we live as individuals and as
When old routines, like those from work
families. We are uncertain about the
or school, are lost, it is helpful to build
future and we are limited in what we
new routines by writing down a plan
can do. It’s not surprising that we may
together with your children. Encourage
sometimes struggle to feel happy and
them to stick to the plan and to notice
how they feel as a result.
Unfortunately, we can’t magically
Don't forget the essentials
change our feelings. However, we can
Mealtimes are also a really important
work to change our behaviour, which in
time to ensure that the family get
turn can influence our emotions.
together, talk, and have fun or even
situations that we could usually take in our stride?
Our moods simply reflects that we have all been facing a difficult situation and need to find better ways of coping with it.
dress up for a special occasion.Also
Be kind to yourself
make sure to keep in touch with friends
It’s crucial to recognise that you’ve
and other family members.
been doing the best job you can in a very difficult situation and to avoid
Make time for things you enjoy
comparing yourself with others who
It has never been more important to
might have been living in very different
find new and creative ways of having
circumstances. Be kind to yourself.
fun and enjoying life. encourage your children to try something new so they can feel a sense of accomplishment
MOOD BOOST MARCH Supporting Our Students Wellbeing
Thank you to
Earlier this year we contacted you, our
Starting this week and continuing until
wonderful parents & carers (and your
the Easter holidays, we will be focusing
fabulous children) to find out how we
on the 4 main areas that you told us
could better support you during
you are most worried about –
lockdown 3 - huge thank you to
motivation, sleep, anxiety and effective
everyone who responded!
remote learning.
everyone who completed our parent survey earlier this year.
In response, we What we found is that we really are all
We’ll be sharing lots of advice on all of
in the same boat, many people had the
these topics, which you can find by
same worries surrounding lockdown
clicking here to visit our website
and the impact it is having on students
noticeboard, or across our social
across the UK. We’ve been working
to be launching,
Mood Boost March!
We have also created our Mood Boost March Wellbeing Calendar with 31 different mood-boosting activities that
Mood Boost March is all about
will help improve your own, and others,
improving your wellbeing and helping
wellbeing! You can check it out by
you to look after yourself as we
clicking here.
navigate our way through lockdown 3 and the lifting of restrictions.
Mood Boost March to support our students to get motivated,
hard behind the scenes in response to all your lovely feedback and are happy
have launched
deal with anxiety, get a good nights sleep & work effectively from home!
Family Lives
Family Lives provides support to families who are struggling.
If you are
Being stuck at home for weeks on end
Screen Time
will be a huge test for all families. Even
The simplest thing to say about this is,
et on reasonably
if parents and teens g
do not worry about screen time in
well, there may be problems that arise
these circumstances. We are all
because of being in the home day
connecting online. Teens need all the
after day.
contact they can get with their friendship network. Also, much of their
concerned and would like to talk things through with a member of their team please contact them on
school work will be delivered online so
However small or cramped your home,
the digital world becomes a lifeline.
try to find a space for your teen to feel that they can own. If they have their
Eating and Sleeping
own bedroom, allow them more privacy
Things like eating and sleeping are
than normal circumstances.
often markers of how young people are coping. It is good for parents to be
0808 800 2222 or askus@familylives.
Time and Routines
alert to how these things might have
One way to manage anxiety is to
changed under these new
create daily routines. This is true for us
circumstances. Do not be adverse
all, but especially for teens. Create a
about discussing health issues with your
routine for managing time for the day
teenager. Talking about such matters
and the evening with your teen so it
shows them that you care about them
works for them as well as other
and their welfare.
members of the family.
MANAGING YOUR CHILDS ONLINE WORLD WITHOUT CLASHING By Stevie Goulding, Parents Helpline Manager for the charity Young Minds
It’s important to remember that the internet can
Young people have faced a huge
reality and encourage them to talk to
range of pressures throughout the
you if they're struggling.
pandemic. Throughout this period
offer huge opportunities during this
young people’s screen time has risen
Set realistic boundaries
significantly as they try to keep in touch
Whatever their age, it’s a good idea to
with friends and continue their
sit down together with your child to
Try not to worry
agree some rules about how much time
too much about
they spend online. It might feel quite
Lead by example
difficult to set boundaries during the
Children of all ages generally look to
daytime, especially at the moment, but
their parents as role models, so your
you could agree that meal times are
own use of screens may influence what
screen free, and they shouldn’t go
they consider 'normal'. For example, if
online just before bed or use any
you check your phone constantly at
devices at night, because this can
mealtimes or spend a lot of time online
affect their sleep.
yourself, then it’s likely your child might do the same.
Spend time together away from screens
Discuss how to keep it positive
Time away from what's going on online
Talk to your child about your own
can help us feel calmer. Spend time
positive and negative experiences of
together doing a positive offline
the online world. Help them understand
activity, such as going for a walk.
that social media doesn't always show
uncertain time.
how much time they’re spending online and instead focus on how they can use their time online in a way that’s safe and positive for their mental health.
It is normal for your child to be experiencing worries and anxiety as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
SIGNS OF MENTAL ILL-HEALTH & WHAT TO DO By Dr Pooky Knightsmith, child mental health expert
Most of us have been feeling more
Look for changes in your childs
anxious than usual recently, and that is
behaviour and how they speak to you.
completely normal. But how do you recognise when your child is
Have a two-way conversation, but try
experiencing more serious mental
not to make it too much about you.
health difficulties? Look for physical signs of mental ill-
If you are concerned it
Try these tips to help you understand
health, such as being more withdrawn,
your childs mental health...
being exhausted all the time or a change in appetite.
could be Check in with your child every day to
something more serious, the YoungMinds Parent Helpline
create a feeling of openness. Chatting
Remember, if you are worried then you
while walking is a good way of doing
can always contact your childs
this; not making eye contact is known
Progress Coach or our Student Welfare
to help children and teens to open up.
team. We are here to support both you and your child.
can offer you expert advice and support.
Try not to ask questions that your child can answer with "I'm fine" as this shuts down the conversation. Instead ask open-ended questions like "what would you like me to know about today?"
about mental
Young people are facing particular
Be there for them
issues due to COVID-19. There is a
They need to know that you love them,
huge amount of loss, partly because
and that no matter what happens, you
the normal structure of their lives has
will do your very utmost to help. If it is
disappeared. It is not surprising that
possible, think about things you can do
some young people feel cheated and
together that will show them that you
angry. If your child is experiencing
are there for them. Perhaps you can
mental health difficulties then try these
cook their favourite meal?
Getting the conversation started Acknowledge their distress
Try to encourage them to talk at every
Find a way of letting your teenager
opportunity. If the first or second
know that you are aware of their
attempt does not work, just make it
distress, and that you want to help. The
clear that you are always going to be
aim is to ensure that they do not shut
available to listen. There is no right or
down and stay open to talk to you.
wrong, you may not know what to say and that is ok too. Keep in mind that
Reassurance is key
you don’t have to say anything. In a
Let your teen know that whatever they
difficult situation, just being there,
say, you will not be shocked, angry or
being available to listen may be
frightened by their thoughts and
cope and will be there for them.
health problems when everyone, no matter what their situation, is struggling with the challenges of COVID-19. It is an exceptionally
methods to support them.
feelings. You are strong enough to
It is hard to talk
hard time for us all.
If you would like expert help please contact
Family Lives
0808 800 2222 or askus@familylives.
Let them know you are not judging them or their behaviour. Your teen might feel overwhelmed so choose your actions sensitively.
Wall of silence
Managing your own anxiety
If your teen does not want to talk, here
One of the key challenges for parents
are some other options. Perhaps your
who are at home with their teen will be
teenager might feel more comfortable
to find a way of managing their own
in sending you a text, message or email
anxiety. The more anxious you are as a
about their feelings. You could also
parent, the harder it will be for the
suggest to them writing down their
young person to accept support.
thoughts or feelings or perhaps
The only way to open up
drawing or colouring in. Sometimes it is
Young people worry about the effect
helpful to get feelings out of your head
of their distress on their parents. In
and onto a piece of paper.
most cases, they want to be able to protect their parents, no matter how
communication is to show that you will be really
Shout is a text service for anyone in
troubled they are themselves. They also
crisis, struggling to cope and in need
go through a stage when they want to
immediate help. Text Shout to 85258.
keep things to themselves. This is a
listening to them.
normal part of teenage development.
Social media can help Research has shown that, for some,
You will be more able to provide help if
social networking can provide support
you are open about managing your
and reassurance. It may be a great
platform to help your teen reach out and talk to others during this period of isolation.
If you, as a parent, can step
Dr John Coleman, Family Lives
back and think Parents and teenagers need to be able
had during the early years. Parents
to talk together. Yet in so many
matter because they provide the
families this turns out to be a major
endorsement, the love and the
problem. Parents feel the teenager
structure that makes a young person
won’t listen, and teenagers feel exactly
feel safe and secure.
about the needs of the teenager, communication will improve.
the same: that their parents aren’t listening.
Secondly, teenagers do want to talk to their parents. They want to talk, and
Parents have the sense that the young
they will talk, but in a way that feels
person prefers to talk to their friends
safe to them. This means the adult
and no longer has any respect for their
talking in a manner that makes the
opinions. The teenager feels that he or
young person feel their views are
she is still being treated as a child and
respected. Good communication has
their parents are only digging for
to be a two-way street. Talking and
information. It is not surprising that
listening go hand in hand.
these misunderstandings lead to a situation where both sides feel irritated
Thirdly teenagers do need some
and frustrated with each other. What
privacy. Teenagers need space and
can we do about this?
time to sort things out in their own minds. This means they will talk to their
First, parents of teenagers do matter.
parents, but not necessarily at the
You matter hugely, it is just that you
precise time that suits the adult.
have a different role from the one you
You have a key role to play.
If you can listen, your teenager will talk.
To have a good conversation it needs to be the right time. Your body language also tells the
Although you may be spending all day,
find it hard to put into words what they
every day at home with your child this
are feeling and often can't deal with
doesn't mean that you regularly
the emotion they're feeling because
they don't actually know what it is. You can help them identify their emotions
other person if you're listening to them, use it to
If you want to communicate with your
and discuss healthy ways of dealing
teenager, it's important to think about
with them.
what you really want to say and choose
engage with
your moment. If you want to tell them
Bonding conversations can be short
them. Use
how fed up you are about something,
and sweet or long and involved. They
having that conversation when they are
can need time and space with a cup of
tired or fed up, or already in a mood,
coffee to allow you both quality time to
will only lead to arguments.
talk and listen, and enjoy each other's
reflective and active listening, not interrupting. Leaving physical
company. You can also have these kind When you are trying to communicate
of conversations while washing up, or
and verbal space
with your teenager, it can help to be
on a car journey.
for the other
able to name both your feelings and
person are all essential.
theirs. Many of us pick up from our
Communication that bonds you
parents and other influences the idea
together can give your teen a chance
that some feelings are bad, not things
to open up and tell you important
we should be feeling. In reality all
things about themselves and their lives.
feelings are natural and having them is
The important aspect is that you need
normal. Teenagers particularly can
to seize the opportunity when it arises.
We are often presented with an
Emma, a writer, teacher, public speaker & professional blogger
image of a lazy Revision and studying are essential
dream job one day. Talk to your teen
skills that teenagers need to learn.
about why they need to do something.
Many students find studying at home
Give studying a purpose.
challenging; as parents, we can
Such thinking, while
encourage a teenager to study if we
Secondly a pleasant environment, I
implement some strategies. Many
honestly believe not having a cluttered
teenagers simply do not know how best
work area helps. A cluttered space is
to start studying. As a parent, it can be
not easy to work in. Have a work space
misguided and
frustrating when we want to support
in their rooms or in a communal area of
doesn’t help us
our teenager’s learning but don’t know
the house that they associate with
how best to help them.
working. If your teenager is easily distracted the dining table can be
Firstly teenagers need to understand
something they don’t see the value in
Show interest in what they are studying
or even interests them is still part of
and ask questions about it. This will
learning. Helping teenagers see
help consolidate their understanding.
meaningless tasks as part of life’s
pass on. Getting school work done is
Healthy snacks need to be on hand. Remember how you slump if your
necessary for a teen who wants to get
blood sugar drops and how tired you
into the university course of their
can become late afternoon.
choice, or to be considered for their
is essentially
motivate, encourage, reward, and support our
the ‘why’. Whether it is learning
greater goals is a valuable message to
Many have the desire to do well but need support to make that happen.
We all want our children to do
SUPPORTING YOUR CHILD TO STUDY FROM HOME Emma, a writer, teacher, public speaker & professional blogger
well. We all like being praised and treated, a
Teenagers, like all of us will have a
reward can be verbal but also there is
preferred learning style. It is important
nothing wrong with the odd treat, I will
to establish what methods work for
positive role
sometimes make a lovely hot chocolate
each individual. Some will be auditory
model and
with all the trimmings after finishing off
learners, some kinesthetic and others
a project.
visual learners. Understanding learning
We can be a
support their
styles is important when it comes to
learning in many I believe in motivating our teenagers
ways and this can
too, like we would work harder if a pay
be the difference
rise or promotion is on the cards, our
between success
teenagers will also be motivated by
and failure.
appropriate external rewards.
Little and often works best. No one benefits from leaving homework, revision or projects to the last minute that just causes tension and fraught words. Have a plan where you have set times for work and play. Write deadlines and key dates on a family calendar and then they don’t surprise you.
studying at home.
We must learn to adapt to
Yes Futures
changing times To ensure teenagers are still
Let them teach you!
developing independence and
When it comes to home learning,
essential life skills at home, we as
everyone is a learner! Let them finish
parents and educators must empower
the day by teaching you about what
them. We've put together some simple
they’ve learnt. You'll be amazed at
tips on how you can do this at home
what they can do, plus you might learn something new yourself!
Support them to establish a routine A schedule is important to provide
Allow space for them to express
structure. Their college timetable is a
their emotions
great place to start as they should be
Everyone is likely to experience anxiety
attending all their virtual lessons. Let
and mixed emotions during this time,
them draw up a schedule of how to use
but especially teenagers who are
their independent learning time.
already undergoing a lot of changes. Make space through reflective chats,
Give them more responsibility
quiet walks or private journaling.
This is a chance to give them an opportunity to demonstrate their skills
Social Interation
and contribute. Ask them to choose
Mobile phones are essential to keep in
some ways they can help the family get
touch with friends and family. Ask them
through this time. Can they help cook
to decide their own ‘online’ time and
some meals? Organise a games night
reward them when they stick to it!
during the week?
and make sure we keep our young people on track for success.
We believe the route to a successful homeworking practice is through empowerment.
Making a checklist of
everything they need on hand for an effective study session is a good
As the parent or carer of a teenager
difference between the space where
facing remote learning, knowing how
they do homework and the space
to help them reduce distractions is
where they relax. If your teenager is in
the habit of studying on the couch, or
starting point.
By going through the checklist at the start of
in bed, it might be more difficult for
ABC Method
them to feel focused on work.If it’s
The ABC technique is a proven method
possible, set up a dedicated study
that many people find useful for
space that they only use for their
ignoring distractions.
A is for awareness – the recognition
everyday, they’ll
of what the distraction is.
Headphones can help
have everything
B stands for breathing deeply –
It’s amazing how much noise-
time to slow down and think about
cancelling headphones can do to
your options.
reduce the audio clutter of distracting
C is for choice. By choosing
household sounds, including washing
mindfully, the distraction can be
machines humming, or other family
dealt with – either by responding to
members talking. Research shows that
it in some way or dismissing it.
listening to instrumental music can
handy to help them get stuck into a focused burst of remote learning
improve concentration, help them find
Dedicated work space
a soundtrack that helps them tackle
One of the main reasons that students
their studies in a positive way.
are easily distracted during study time is that there is often almost no
Although it can be difficult to think ahead at
The COVID-19 pandemic has
completed at their own pace and they
dramatically effected university studies
will receive a certificate for their CV or
and employment opportunities. Parents
personal statement for every course
across the UK are worried about what
progression planning can be a key motivator to
progression route will be the most secure and the best option for their
Careers and Progression E-Mag
Did you know our Careers & Progression Department publish a
While we don't have all the answers, we
this time,
keep them engaged with remote learning.
fortnightly e-magazine?
can provide you with resources that can help boost your child's CV and
Each magazine is full of content
UCAS personal statement in
relevant to students at Long Road,
preparation for their progression after
including topical articles and
Long Road.
progression advice for a variety of
Click here to read our Careers and Progression emagazine!
pathways including University,
Young Professional Training Youth Employment UK provide free training courses for young people aged 14-24 to help boost life skills. Their Journey to Work programme is a series of 8 free courses that will help your child boost their skills and career confidence. These courses can be
Apprenticeships and Gap Years.
Click here to visit the Youth Employment UK website.
01223 631100
Long Road Sixth Form College