#LONGROADLIFE Long Road Sixth Form College Weekly Applicant Newsletter
SEE YOU IN SEPTEMBER Hello, from Long Road!
Can you believe today is the last day of the 2019/2020 Academic Year?! We've come a long way from the start of lockdown and we're so proud of you all for
Long Road Sixth Form
making it through such a difficult time. This weeks edition of #LongRoadLife is
full of lots of really important information from our Admissions Team so make sure to pay close attention to their updates.
@LR6FC While you'll be relaxing in the sunshine enjoying a well-earned summer break,
we'll be busy getting everything ready for your arrival in September. We can't wait to catch up!
01223 631100
Remember to follow us on social media to keep up-to-date with everything Long Road!
www.longroad.ac.uk Sending smiles - Long Road
APPLICATION UPDATE Important information from our Admissions Team
KEY MESSAGES TO APPLICANTS Our Admissions Team will be in
Key Dates
touch over the summer with all sorts of important information. Make sure to check your emails
20 August 2020 = GCSE Results Day
so you don't miss out!
24 - 27 August 2020 = New Student Enrolment 1 - 4 September 2020 = Year 1 Induction Week
Don't forget! All Summer Work is
7 September 2020 = Teaching Starts
due during your first lesson at
26 - 30 October 2020 = October Half Term
college. Click here to download
21 December 2020 - 1 January 2021 = Christmas Holiday
your 2020 Summer Work.
For all Academic Year 2020/2021 Term dates please visit our website. If you have any questions before joining us in September please
Enrolment 2020 We will be sending you an enrolment pack shortly which will explain how to submit your GCSE results and all you need to know about the whole enrolment process in some detail, which you can read at leisure so that you feel reassured about what to expect next.
Enrolment will be followed by a welcome and induction programme which will run throughout that week, 1st to 4th September, to help you settle in. This will ensure that you feel ready and prepared to take full advantage of your time with us from the start.
Your regular timetabled teaching will then begin on Monday 7th September.
SUMMER WORK 2020 Important information from our Admissions Team
Check your emails
Don't forget that our 2020 Summer
If you have any questions please find
regularly for
work is live on our website and
staff contact details at the bottom of
communication from our
YouTube Channel. Remember, all
the Summer Work page on our website.
Admissions Team
summer work needs to be completed for your first lesson as a Long Road
We hope you enjoy these summer work
student in September.
activities and look forward to meeting you again in the new academic year!
Click here to head to our website and Summer Work 2020 is now available on our
get started on your summer work activities
website. Click here to get started!
Some courses have also provided a video to help explain the summer work tasks, you can find the links to these videos listed under the summer work
You can also find Summer Work
documents for each course on our Summer Work website page.
Explanation Videos from our teachers to help get you started. Click here to view them now.
Alternatively you can head to our YouTube account where you will find all the videos in our Summer Work 2020 playlist!
Important information from our Admissions Team
Our Admissions Team will be in
Transport Survey
touch over the summer with all sorts of important information. Make sure to check your emails
Many students and parents are worried about public transport arrangements for
so you don't miss out!
September. This is a critically important issue that affects young people across the county,
companies, together with schools and colleges, are working on a transport plan for September.
Don't forget! All Summer Work is due during your first lesson at college. Click here to download your 2020 Summer Work.
In response to this, we have set up a very short survey that we would like you to please complete. As a prospective student your feedback will be vital to this process. This survey will help the college and transport providers to plan for the
If you have any questions before joining us in September please
September re-opening of college by supplying transport providers with an idea of
demand for different modes of transport in the region.
If you have not already done so then please can you take a moment to complete this short survey by clicking here: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/5DZWNFT
We look forward to your responses.
Best wishes,
Long Road Admissions Team
VIRTUAL WELCOME WEEK Can you believe it has already been 3
If you missed out on the chance to visit Long Road
weeks since we held our Virtual Welcome Week?!
Did you miss our live virtual events? Don’t panic! We’ve recorded all of our Virtual Welcome Week live events so you can watch them again and again.
before you join us as a student in September then don't panic!
We hope you enjoyed hearing from our
Virtual Principal’s Welcome:
staff, students and alumni! If you have
Our Principal, Yolanda Botham, and
any further questions before you start
Vice-Principal, Steve Dann, welcome you to Long Road Sixth Form College and talk
with us in September you can email
You can click here to take
a walk around our Remember, all of our videos can be
beautiful campus with our Virtual Tour!
found on our YouTube Channel for you
you through all the exciting opportunities Long Road has to offer our students.
Virtual Student Panels: You submitted the questions, our students have the answers! Covering everything
o watch at any time!
from courses to extra-curricular to progression; our students tell you what it is really like to study at Long Road Sixth Form College.
Virtual Student Panel – 24 June 2020 Virtual Student Panel – 25 June 2020
GOOD LUCK GCSE EXAM RESULTS DAY 2020 We know this year has been really strange and exams for students of all ages have been effected and you're likely having mixed feelings about GCSE results day. Don't worry that is perfectly normal! However you're feeling about your exams we want to wish you the best of luck with your GCSE exam results and we can't wait to celebrate with you in August! Whatever your exam results our Admissions Team are here to support you and offer you advice and guidance on your next steps.
CONGRATULATIONS FIONN LONG ROAD ALUMNI Congratulations to Long Road Alumni, Fionn, who found out last week that he will be graduating from the ARU
I can vouch for this as I have spent the last few years listening to every single recording of his lectures, tutorials and supervisions and I was continually
Cambridge School of Art with a 1st
blown away by their perceptiveness.
Class Degree in BA Graphic Design! Congratulations to Fionn for all your Fionn worked closely with the Academic Support Department during his time at Long Road before progressing on to study at the Anglia Ruskin Univeristy Cambridge School of Art.
Fionns mum told us.. "The tutors at Cambridge School of Art were amazing - intuitive, respectful of diversity, fantastic guidance without interfering with Fionn's unusual perspective. But also very kind, sensitive and extremely generous with their time.Â
hard work and this amazing success!
You can click here to view Fionn's final show which was held virtually this year due to covid-19.
Do you know an ex-Long Road student? They can join our Alumni Community, simply visit: https://networks. futurefirst.org.uk/ signup/longroad
AFTER LONG ROAD - LIVE! PROGRESSION WEEK 2020 It became clear quite quickly, that the C-19
able to listen from the comfort of their homes, whilst
Lockdown would create a challenge to the usual
asking pertinent questions should the need the arise.
Progression Week Activities of college, this year. Another advantage of this approach was that many Previously, students have had trips to companies,
of the activities were recorded and are soon to be
visiting speakers, challenging workshops, even
released via the Long Road ClickView Library, under
competitions to take part in, all with the intention of
the banner of “Insights into Progression, Short Film
encouraging reflection upon current subjects being
Series, 2020”. This allows those who were unable to
studied and their relevance to what students want
attend workshops the opportunity to catch
to do when they leave college.
up with useful content.
The challenge facing staff this year was to embrace
Our thanks go out to all of those who took part, with
the importance of such reflection and planning,
additional thanks to Turners Soham Ltd, (sadly, their
whilst coming up with alternative activities to
film was corrupted (!) but students who attended
achieve the same outcomes, and we think we did a
the live interview reported how beneficial it was),
great job.
and our “Women in Sport Alumni” and “Business Studies Alumni”, whose films we hope to add soon.
A total of 44 virtual workshops, facilitated by Teams and Zoom technology, allowed us to bring expertise
Oh yes, and on the competition front, it was great to
from the world of work and education into student
see one of our students, Jake McEvoy, win the
homes, covering input from most teaching
Runners Up Award in Anglia Ruskin University’s
National Story Telling Competition, with his short film, “The Guest” , described as, ‘a clever story’ with,
In many ways, it was arguably more successful,
‘some really imaginative framing and a very good
(perhaps more intimate?), than visiting speakers at
reveal at the end’. Well done Jake!
the front of the classroom, because students were
AFTER LONG ROAD - LIVE! PROGRESSION WEEK 2020 Of course, thinking about the future doesn’t need to
This e-Mag series will continue throughout the
be restricted to Progression Week, so we are keen to
summer and beyond, building on earlier work
promote awareness of the new offering from the
and to help students to contribute to student
Progression Department, our fortnightly Careers e-
Progression Plans for next year, and we wish you all
great success.
This publication goes from strength to strength, highlighting topical content for potential Progression Routes (HE, Apprenticeships, Gap Year, Job Seeking and Employability Skills) and the archive for these magazines can be found here.
To help students get the most out of the Summer Break, we would encourage looking at features in past and future editions, including Virtual University Open Days, Virtual Workshops (including CV and Interview Preparation), and in the absence of ‘physical’ opportunities, Virtual Work Experience.
NATURAL BEAUTY LONG ROAD CAMPUS Our Estates Team have done a brilliant job working throughout lock down to keep our campus safe and secure. Along the way they have been giving us regular updates on our gloriously green campus!
We can't wait to welcome you all on site in September to experience our beautiful grounds. If you can't wait until September then remember to check out our Virtual Campus Tour over on our YouTube channel!
Can't wait until September to explore our campus? Click here to take our Virtual Tour!
THE LONG LENS BEHIND THE LENS Last Friday saw the launch of our very
to LR, so it was a logical choice."
first Film Magazine - The Long Lens! A small group of Year 1 and Year 2
"My name is Arisa Lester, I’ve just finished year 12, I went to St. Peter’s
students have been working hard over
School in Huntingdon, and I’m currently
the last few months to create this
taking A-level film, media, and English
magazine, and their hard work has
Language and Literature. I chose film
certainly paid off! With the publication
studies because of my personal interest and love for film.
of their first edition, we stepped behind the lens to meet editors Martin, Emily and Arisa...
Firstly, tell us a bit about yourself!
For anyone who doesn’t know, what is The Long Lens all about? "The Long Lens' is a film magazine that tries to mix critical reviews of films and youthful perspectives on the world of
"My name is Martin, I am moving on
cinema, functioning as a good
from Long Road and going on to study
experience to work on and informative
Filmmaking at university. I went to Impington Village College before LR and I take the Film Studies A-level and double Media Diploma. I took Film Studies because I had already decided I wanted to go into film before I came
to read."
Click here to read edition 1 of our brand new Film magazine 'The Long Lens'
THE LONG LENS BEHIND THE LENS So, where did the idea of The Long Lens first come from? "We owe this one all to Sir. Martin Attmore!!"
Creating a magazine is no easy task... How did you find the process? Was it what you expected? "I had never worked on a proper magazine before, so we just followed a
"The idea for the magazine actually
logical process. We started by
came from me [Martin]: We were in an
gathering writing. Writing topics were
online lesson in lockdown, doing
easy to think of because they are so obvious at the moment. Then we set a
Click here to read edition 1 of our brand new Film magazine 'The Long Lens'
optional film studies work, so I
deadline where we wouldn't accept
suggested it to be a bit more
any more writing and began designing.
motivation as the work would actually
We picked a colour palette and just
lead to something. I got involved when
worked and worked on the design until we were happy."
my teacher asked me to be editor-inchief, I knew it would be a great
So, what’s next?!
"Do expect more movie recommendations!! Depending on the
Why did you decide to get involved? "I got involved because I am someone
situation with film award festivals we might be able to cover the topic, hopefully there will be coverage on the
who loves to talk about film and what
theme of LGBTQ+ representation as we
better than writing an entire magazine
failed to include that in our first issue.
article about my relationship with it!!"
The rest is confidential!! Stay tuned!!"
SUMMER SHOWCASE 2020 LEVEL 3 MUSIC STUDENTS VIRTUAL SUMMER SHOWCASE Congratulations to our amazingly talented Music students who have spent lockdown producing a wonderful
Bloodstream - Ed Sheeran arr. Tokio Myers: Esther Clow (Piano) Blackened - Newsted, Ulrich & Hetfield: Jacob Shepherd (electric
Virtual Summer Showcase!
guitar) Wish You Were Gay - Billie Eilish
Virtual Summer Showcase 2020 Greatest Day - Owen, Barlow,
O’Connell & Finneas O’Connell: Erin Cameron & Jasmine Newman (vocals), Teddy Clarke (guitar) and
Orange & Donald, arr. Ben Parry. Shoulders - For King and Country: Jasmin Newman (vocals), Rhiannon Lupson (vocals) & Esther Clow (piano)
Esther Clow (piano) Sandcastles - Berry II, Knowles, Yusef & Mathers: Annabelle Hoare (vocals), Mabel Salter (vocals) & Joely Richmond (piano) Fix You - Berryman, Buckland,
King - Years and Years: Hannah De La Salle & Annabelle Hoare
Champion & Martin, arr. Anders & Astrom
(vocals), Joely Richmond (piano) and Jonathan Armitage (drums)
Thank you to Chris Seaman for editing the final film and special thanks to
Hard to Handle - Jones, Bell & Redding: Erin Cameron (vocals), Hannah De La Salle (vocals), Jacob Shepherd (guitar), Ben Criddle (bass) & Charlie Stokes (drums) Red - Scott McFarnon: Annabelle Hoare (vocals) What'd I Say - Ray Charles: Ben Criddle and Charlie Stokes (Guitars)
Jonathan Armitage, for pulling together everyone’s individual recordings into something that looks and sounds like a live performance and remaining goodhumoured throughout!
Click here to watch our Virtual Summer Showcase 2020
Is your pet assisting you while you work at home?
PET EMPLOYEE OF THE WEEK Working from home with our fluffy friends
Not everyone is feeling down in the
Meet this weeks Pet Employee of the
dumps about being on lockdown. Our
Week, Lord Gregor..
fluffy friends are loving the fact that Whether they're helping you revise, or lazing on your laptop, we want to know!
we're working from home -and thy're
This is Lord Gregor, a shubunkin
doing a great job of cheering us up
goldfish. This breed of goldfish are
originated from the aquarium trade,
Email your pet photos along with
artificially selected for it's variety of
a short description including their name and age to
To keep everyone smiling we will be
colours and on fleek tails and dorsal
sharing a Pet Employee of the Week
every Friday on our Instagram page We will be posting our winning Pet Employee of the Week every
@lr6fc. Make sure you follow us to see the weekly winner and runners up!
Fun facts: Hates piĂąa coladas, but loves the piĂąa
Friday on our Instagram account
colada song
PET EMPLOYEE OF THE WEEK Working from home with our fluffy friends We have absolutely LOVED seeing and sharing all your pet photos throughout lockdown.
Although not everyone could be a winner, we've put together photos of all the fabulous pet entries that we have had over the last few months to give all our animal friends a big shout out!
JULY 2020 : EDITION 16
01223 631100
Long Road Sixth Form College