Longstay Guide Mag #95

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ロングステむガむドマガゞン INFORMATION FOR LONGSTAY Vol.9 Issue 95, June 2015


Pres s & Rele ase

SilkAir Cabin Crew With A Sophisticated New Look! After 26 years in the air, SilkAir launched a new collection of uniforms for its over 500 cabin crew, embracing a chic new style that embodies its professional image and demonstrates the airline’s ongoing commitment to ensuring the brand remains relevant for all times. Rolling out on all flights on April 15, 2015, the new one-piece uniform comes in two variations – aqua-blue for junior crew and a plum-red version for senior crew. Both variations of the uniform are accompanied by a dark blue skirt, creating deeper synergies with the image of SilkAir’s parent company, Singapore Airlines. The interplay of bright and dark colours creates a classy appeal combined with a touch of vibrancy to reflect youthful liveliness that customers can expect. At the same time, an asymmetric neckline gives a polished and refined look with a touch of innovative stylishness. For more details visit silkair.com or http://www.facebook.com/SilkAir

シルク゚ア客宀乗務員のナニフォヌムを䞀新 開業から幎、シルク゚アの客宀乗務員人のナニフォヌムが新しくなりたした。新しいシックなスタむルはプロフェショナルで時代にふさわしいブラ ンド力を備えた゚アラむンであるこずを衚珟しおいたす。幎月日の党フラむトから䞀新したワンピヌススタむルのナニフォヌムはゞュニアクルヌ のアクアブルヌ、シニアクルヌのプラムレッドのタむプずなっおいたす。䞡ナニフォヌムずもにスカヌトにダヌクブルヌを配色し、芪䌚瀟のシンガポヌル゚ア をむメヌゞしおいたす。明暗のはっきりした配色はクラシックな装いずお客様が求める若々しい闊達さを兌ね備えおいたす。たた、アシンメトリのネックラむン はモダンでスタむリッシュな掗緎された䞊品な印象を䞎えおいたす。詳现は、silkair.comたたは http://www.facebook.com/SilkAir をご芧ください。

Four Seasons Resort Chiang Mai Organized The Exclusive Lafite Wine Dinner Chiang Mai, Thailand - Four Seasons Resort Chiang Mai, led by General Manager, Mr Michael Branham, recently organized the Exclusive Wine Dinner in partnership with Bangkok Beer & Beverages (BB&B) Company, the importer of Domaines Barons de Rothschild [Lafite]. Mr Hagen Dirksen, the German Honorary Consul in Chiang Mai and his wife, Ms Wanphen Sakdatorn, presided over and celebrated this special event with Chiang Mai’s celebrities and VIP guests. www.fourseasons.com/chiangmai

フォヌシヌズンズリゟヌト チェンマむラフ ィットのワむンディナヌを開催 タむ•チェンマむ−フォヌシヌズンズリゟヌトチェンマむマむケルブラマン 総支配人はバンコクビアアンドビバレッゞBBB、ドメヌヌバロンド ロヌトシルトラフィットずの協賛によりワむンディナヌを開催したした。 ハヌゲンダヌクセンチェンマむ総領事ずワンペンサクダトヌン倫劻をはじ め、チェンマむのセレブやVIPゲストが参加しむベントは盛り䞊がりたした。 www.fourseasons.com/chiangmai


The newest condominium on Chotana Road close to Chiang Mai International convention Center, 5 minutes away from Nimmanhaemin Road and 10 minutes away from Chiang Mai International Airport.

The private panorama mountain views condominium in Chiang Mai business location. チョヌタナヌ通り、傍にはチェンマむ囜際䌚議堎があり、 ニマンヘミン通りから5分、空枯から10分の奜立地にある新しいコンドミニアム マりンテン パノは、 チェンマむ地の䞭心にありながら、静かで、矎しいドむステヌプのパノラマ景芳が楜しめたす。

Exclusive Agent: Happy Center (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. Call 083-9074747, 084-3301112 e-mail: longstayinthailatnd@gmail.com

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Japanese Consulate May 20, 2015 – Consulate General of Japan in Chiang Mai organized “Reception To introduce The Consul-General of Japan Mr. Shinya Aoki” at the Grand Hall of the Imperial Mae Ping Hotel, with the Governor of Chiang Mai, the Chief of Northern Government providing warm welcoming atmosphere.

日本領事通情報 幎月日、圚チェンマむ日本囜総領事通はむンペリアルメヌピンホ テルにお青朚䌞也総領事の着任匏を開催したした。チェンマむ県知事、北郚 政府関係者があたたかく迎えたした。

Saint-Gobain’s 350 Year Anniversary

7-Day A La Carte Dim Sum

The exhibition showcases Gyproc’s history of designing, manufacturing and distributing building materials providing high performance solutions to millions of customers across the globe building sustainable habitats for the future. An anniversary book, connected to the Virtual Exhibition, includes QR codes and a free-to-download World 350 game which challenges players to build houses on a virtual planet, with the online experience available in five languages, as well as a gallery of inspirational habitat innovations. www.saint-gobain-gyproc.com

サンゎバン瀟呚幎蚘念 デザむンから補造、販売たで、未来の新しい䜏宅を創造する高機胜な建 築資材を䞖界の倚くのカスタマヌぞ提䟛する、ギプロックの歎史を展瀺 したす。QRコヌドを読み取り、ノァヌチャルな䞖界で家を建おるの ゲヌムを無料ダりンロヌドできるアニバヌサリヌブックは、ノァヌチャル゚ キシビゞョンにリンク。オンラむンはヶ囜語で利甚でき、革新的䜏宅が生 み出される様子が展瀺されおいたす。 www.saint-gobain-gyproc.com

Royal Princess Chiang Mai proudly presents their 7-Day Dim Sum A lar carte Promotion at Jasmine Restaurant with over 20 variety of menus on mezzanine floor and open for lunch only. The promotion is available 7 days a week with price starting from THB 55++ featuring delectable delights like steamed shrimp dumplings, rolled rice noodles, steamed BBQ porkstuffed buns and much more. These are treats not to be missed! http://royalprincesschiangmai.dusit.com

セブンデむアラカルト飲茶 ロむダルプリンセスチェンマむは皮類以䞊のメニュヌが楜しめる セブンデむアラカルト飲茶のプロモヌションをホテル䞭二階にある ゞャスミンレストランにおランチ限定で開催したす。料金は毎日䞀品 バヌツ皎 別から。メニュヌぱビ焌売 、春巻き、豚たんなど おいしい飲茶が盛りだくさんこのプロモヌションをお芋逃しなく。 http://royalprincesschiangmai.dusit.com


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Yamazato Celebrates Classic Japanese Love Story Yamazato, the award-winning signature Japanese restaurant at The Okura Prestige Bangkok, presents new Gozen set lunch and Kaiseki set dinner menus from June 29 to July 12, 2015 to celebrate the annual Tanabata Festival. The Gozen lunch menu, priced at Baht 850++ per set, begins with braised duck breast, onion, mustard sauce, okra and Chinese wolfberry fruit. The menu continues with a sashimi dish of tuna and sea bream, a simmered dish with eggplant, tempura deep-fried shrimp, steamed rice with Hijiki seaweed and a dessert. www.okurabangkok.com

山里で䞃倕祭り ゞオヌクラプレステヌゞバンコクで話題の日本料理店、山里が幎月 日から月日たで䞃倕をお祝いする埡膳ランチず懐石ディナヌを販売した す。埡膳ランチは鎚のムネ肉オニオンマスタヌド゜ヌス添え、トロずタむの刺身、 なすのおひたし、゚ビのおんぷら、ひじきご飯の他にもおくらやゎゞベリヌを䜿 ったメニュヌをご甚意しおいたす。 デザヌト付きwww.okurabangkok.com

Berry Pavlova at Café Kantary During the month of June, Café Kantary will feature Berry Pavlova - exclusive sweet treat – at all locations. Berry Pavlova is a delicate delectable meringue topped with fresh whipped cream, berry sauce and a juicy mix of berries! This summer sweet is available at Café Kantary locations in Chiang Mai, Sriracha, Rayong, Ayutthaya, Prachinburi, Phuket, Khao Lak and Bangsaen for only Baht 145 net. www.cafekantary.com

カフェカンタリヌでベリヌパブロバを 月はカフェカンタリヌ党店で甘くおおいしいベリヌパブロバをどうぞ。 ベリヌパブロバはこんがり焌いたメレンゲにホむップクリヌム、ゞュヌシ ヌなベリヌ゜ヌスをトッピングしたもの。この倏にふさわしいスむヌツはチ ェンマむ、シヌラチャ、ラペヌン、アナタダ、プラチンブリヌ、プヌケット、 カオラック、バヌンセヌンのカフェカンタリヌにおバヌツで販売䞭。 www.cafekantary.com

Thailand International Dog Show 2015 Smart Heart presents Thailand International Dog Show 2015, under the concept of “Love You My Dog,” which completely satisfied every need for dog lovers through variety of products, services, and activities. The biggest dog festival will take up over 13,500sq. and will be held on June 25-28, 2015 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Hall 5-6, Impact Muang Thong Thani. www.thailand-dogshow.com

タむ囜際ドッグショヌ スマヌトハヌトは、 「ラブナヌマむドッグ」をテヌマにタむ囜際ドッグショヌ を開催したす。愛犬家のためのバラ゚ティ豊富なグッズ、サヌビス、アク ティビティが目癜抌し。囜内最倧玚のドッグフェスティバルはむンパクトムア ントンタニヌにお幎月日から日たでホヌル-にお開催。 からたで www.thailand-dogshow.com


Pres s & Rele ase

Art Exhibition Opening Ceremony “My Companions 2” Sky Lobby, Centara Grand at CentralWorld - Supatra Chirathivat (centre), Senior Vice President for Corporate Affairs and Social Responsibilities of Centara Hotels & Resorts presided over Art Exhibition Opening Ceremony “My Companions 2” by Jekky, Suraporn Lertwongpaitoon (3rd from left), famous artist. Some proceeds will be donated to The Voice Foundation of Chollada Mekratri. The prominent event was held at Sky Lobby, Centara Grand and Bangkok Convention Centre at CentralWorld. www.centarahotelsresorts.com

オヌプニングセレモニヌ「マむコンパニオンズ」 センタラグランドアットセントラルワヌルドのスカむロビヌにお、セントラルホテルズアンドリゟヌツのスパトラチラティワット副瀟長䞭倮を迎え、人気アヌ ティスト、ゞェッキヌスラポンワヌりォンパむトン氏巊から番目の䜜品展「マむコンパニオンズ」の開䌚匏が行われたした。売䞊の䞀郚はチョラダメク ラトリヌボむス財団に寄付されたす。 www.centarahotelsresorts.com

The 4th Bangkok Triennale International Print and Drawing Exhibition

“Flowers” The art exhibition “Flowers” presents paintings of beautiful flowers with several concepts about this remarkable creation of nature. Flowers can represent variations of beauty, whether it is in terms of fragility like a blossoming teenager, the alluring attraction like that of a pretty woman, the striving to survive and the strong instinct to continue their bloodline by reproducing from just tiny pollens. These characters show the remarkable traits of flowers which have been portrayed in the exhibition by renowned Thai artists. July 16 – August 30, 2015 at DOB Hualamphong Gallery (Rama IV Road) www.ardelgallery.com


On display between May14 – August 2, 2015 (except Mondays) at the Exhibition Hall, 8th Floor of Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (BACC), Pathumwan district, Thailand. On this special occasion, Silpakorn University will organize academic activities during the exhibition about the technical workshop of printmaking in Etching and Monoprint including Styrofoam Relief Printmaking processes demonstrated by the students from Department of Graphic Arts, Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts, Silpakorn University. The workshop will be set up on Fridays and Saturdays at 2.00 – 5.00 p.m. from May 22 – July 31, 2015 on the same floor. www.bacc.or.th

第4回バンコクトリ゚ンナヌレ囜際版画デッ サン展 幎月日から月日たで、バンコク芞術文化センタヌBACC 階の展瀺ホヌルにお開催。シラパコン倧孊は同倧孊芞術孊郚グラフィック アヌト科の孊生によるスタむロフォヌム発泡スチロヌルの䞀皮版画の実挔 や、゚ッチング、モノプリントの技術を䜓隓できるワヌクショップを行いたす。 ワヌクショップは幎月日から月日たで同フロアにお毎週金 曜日、土曜日のからたで。 www.bacc.or.th


自然から生たれた類たれなる創造物である矎しい花々をさたざたな切り 口で描いた䜜品展 「フラワヌズ」。倚様な矎しさを持぀花は、時に開花 しようずする十代の若者であり、ある時は矎しい女性の芳しい魅力であ り、たたある時は小さな花粉から匕き継がれおいく匷い生呜力を衚珟 しおいるよう。話題のタむアヌティストによる䜜品展では花独特のキャ ラクタヌを描き出しおいたす。幎月日−月日たでDOB フアランポンギャラリヌにおラマ䞖通り www.ardelgallery.com

• He a lt h S ens at ion •

Latest Innovation

For Skin Care With Medlite C6 Laser


The latest laser innovation is designed to zap away problems of blemish, freckle, and uneven skin tones most commonly found in both male and female customers. The new laser technology treatment does not leave behind unwanted scars producing post results of total clear visage. Furthermore, the same laser technology can also be used to treat other skin problems such as tattoos, dark axillary skin, acne and acne scar also. Medlite C6 technology is completely safe for facial skin treatment. During the process, you’ll feel a tinkling sensation on the treated area. After treatment, your skin might feel flushed and a bit sensitive. This minor discomfort usually goes away on its own. After treatment with Medlite C6 technology, you can return to normal activities without having to take a break. Medlite C6 is a highly sophisticated laser that is programmed to treat specific chosen area. There is no effect on surrounding areas so you don’t have to worry about bruises or uneven skin tones left behind. The best part is, treatment can be done safely on all types of skin tone. Now that you know about this latest development, rest assured that you made the right decision to choose Medlite C6 to personally keep your skin healthy and supple leaving you looking radiant filled with unwavering confidence. This latest innovation for skin care with Medlite C6 Laser is now available at Pruksachart Clinic managed by skilled physicians with expertise in skin treatment and beauty care. Tel. +66 (0) 5324 4208, +66 (0) 82889 0692, +66 (0) 89929 9298 E-mail: psc_clinic@hotmail.com www.pscbeautyclinic.com

Medlite C6 最先端の技術でスキンケア 最新鋭のレヌザヌ治療技術で、女性男性双方が抱えるお肌の悩みシミ、゜ バカス、レヌザヌ治療埌の皮膚の色むらなどを解消したしょう。最新技術 を駆䜿したこのレヌザヌ治療では治療埌に跡が残るこずもなく、あなたの お肌の状態が確実に改善されおいるのを䜓感できたす。その他、刺青、脇 の黒ずみ、ニキビやニキビ跡たでフェむス以倖の郚分も治療が可胜。 Medlite C6は、皮膚ぞの安党性が非垞に高く、治療䞭は針先がそっず 皮膚に觊れおいるような感芚です。治療埌は患郚が熱を持ち赀くなるこず がありたすが、暫くするず自然に回埩したす。術埌のケアは通垞通りで特に 問題はありたせんが、䞇が䞀患郚が赀く熱っぜい状態が続く時は、冷やしたタオル を圓おるなどしお回埩を埅っお䞋さい。たた、患郚には日焌け止めを忘れずに。ス クラブ入りの掗顔料や痒みの出るクリヌムは䜿甚を控えたしょう。Medlite C6レ ヌザヌは、最新の高床な照射技術で、患郚にピンポむントで䜜甚。呚蟺の健康な皮 膚組織を傷぀けないので、治療埌のあざや出血、皮膚の色むらもなく、たたどのよ うな状態の皮膚でも安党に治療するこずができたす。 ここたでの説明で、きっず倚くの人がレヌザヌ治療ぞの䞍安を取り陀けたのでは ないでしょうか。さあ、最新のMedlite C6レヌザヌで、あなたのお肌の問題を解消 し、均䞀な肌を手に入れ自身を取り戻したしょう。 最先端技術を駆䜿したMedlite C6レヌザヌ治療は、プルックサヌチャヌトクリニ ックで、熟緎の矎容及び皮膚科の専門医が察応しおくれたす。 +66 (0) 5324 4208, +66 (0) 82889 0692, +66 (0) 89929 9298 E-mail: psc_clinic@hotmail.com www.pscbeautyclinic.com



Oriental Route Co.,Ltd. Wimolsiri Sirithamkul Airada Jansangsri Vatcharakarn Kanmai Tarin Prathanadi Wuttichai Jansangsri Thanaphon Borihanthanachot Christina Hesse Nootsara Ma-ud Tavee Netisingha Satoru Nilsakul Koichi Tsuda Thanatouch Changkhammool Apirak Kosakijawut Wimolsiri Sirithamkul Chayaporn Wanchaisatira Nuntaya Kuma

Typeset in Column : English: Arial 9pt Japanese: KokoroMinchoutai 8pt Te x ts a nd i m a g e s co nta i n ed wi thi n a re s tri c tly c op yright of O r i e nt al Route C o. , L td.

#22 Cuisine Guide T Station


On the lobby floor of Eastin Tan Hotel Chiang Mai, besides the artistic interior design throughout the floor, you will be impressed with their one and only back to the future locomotive installation.

Residence Guide

The Grand Napat

One of the top class serviced apartment in Chiang Mai, Grand Napat was constructed under the concept of contemporary style fully operational with various convenient facilities.

EDITOR’S TALK The First E-mail In Thailand On that faithful day when the wall of language and culture diversity came down totally replaced by modern technology at that time, writing letters and traditional postal system became a thing of the past for mankind marked by the beginning of the first E-mail that ever existed in the cyber world in 1971, a way of transmitting information from one computer to another that forever changed the way people communicate around the world. At Songklanakarin University, Had Yai, Thailand, is the location of an institution that is several hundred kilometres from the City of Angels with a mission to further develop the communication system to be at the same level of standards among other universities in Asia Region with the assistance from Australia. Experts and programmers in the field of computer science were sent to develop and help set up UUCP (Unix to Unix Communication Protocol) system creating software for the purpose of communication between other universities resulting in the transmission of the first E-mail from Thailand to the infinite cyber world. On June 2, 1988 history was made between two countries Thailand and Australia via the Songklanakarin University and Melbourne University with a short message illustrated above with the simple content of Hi and ended with Bye. タむの最初のEメヌル 珟圚、人間の生掻にはテクノロゞヌが倚く䜿われるようになりたした。それに

#42 Executive Interview Mr. Sven Walter

A Swiss General Manager of Centara Watergate Pavillion Hotel Bangkok. From a humble beginning of a chef in his hometown hotel to new adventures in hotel management.


3/1 Soi4 Singharaj Road., T. Sriphum A. Muang, Chiang Mai 50200 Tel./Fex: +66 (0) 53 327 108 Mobile: +66 (0) 89755 7715

䌎い、手玙や郵䟿より玠早く情報を䌝達できるようになりたした。 幎、レむ•トムリン゜ンは䞀぀のコンピュヌタヌからもう䞀぀のコンピュヌタ ヌぞ情報を送るこずに成功したした。その時から䞖界のコミュニケヌションが 倧きく倉わったのです。 圓時、タむではバンコクに皋近いプリンスオブ゜ンクラ倧孊ハヌトダむ郡 キャンパスが他のアゞアの倧孊に倣い、コミュニケヌションシステムの蚭眮を 掚進したした。オヌストラリアの政府からの支揎もあり、コンピュヌタ科孊専 門のスタッフずプログラマヌがタむにやっお来たした。そしお、圌らはUUCP (Unix to Unix Communication Protocol)システムを蚭眮したのです。UUCPシ ステムずは、他の倧孊ず連絡するための゜フトりェアです。そしお、 幎月日にプリンスオブ゜ンクラ倧孊からオヌストラリアのメルボルン倧孊 に、簡単な挚拶の蚀葉「Hi , Bye 」などをメヌルが送られたした。これがタむ で最初のEメヌルずいわれおいたす。(䞊にある写真はタむの最初のEメヌルです)


• F e at u r e  •


- LIVING COMFORTABLY IN THAILAND Ever since the reign of Alexander the Great of The Kingdom of Macedonia, the ultimate dream of that era was to unite the entire kingdom as one since 330 BC. The ultimate vision to conquer and control trading in the world never ceased. Even after 2000 years, no man has ever been able to achieve this mighty task. It wasn’t until the world welcomed the significant (Modulator-Demodulator) at the speed of 14.4k originated during the 90’s that changed the way we communicate
.and life was never the same again. The invention of high speed internet and touch screen android phones truly reshaped the way we communicate. Gone are the glory days of ancient telegraph machine and the monumental telephone system. Now all forms of communication can be done through a palm-sized innovation within a blink of an eye. The following applications are results of the latest technology that makes daily living in Thailand so much more comfortable. We can search for information that is thousands of miles away. Our worldview expands beyond the horizon with unlimited sources of information without being boxed in or blocked from obtaining them like in the past
whatever the question, the answer is just a slide and a simple click away.

快適なタむラむフをサポヌトするアプリ マケドニアのアレクサンダヌ倧王が䞖界統䞀を倢芋た西暊330幎以来、䞖界の流通を支配するずいう野望に倚くの人々が挑ん で倢砎れ、2,000幎以䞊が経ったが未だ嘗おこの倢を叶えた者はいない。1990幎代に入り人間は14.4Kずいうスピヌドのモデ ムを開発、情報を䌝達するための新たな手段を埗る。それを機に党おは目たぐるしく倉わり始めた。 近幎、高速のむンタヌネット、タッチパネルの携垯電話も登堎し、情報䌝達手段が電報から倧きく倉化した。電話ずいう 抂念を砎壊し、手のひらサむズの端末でアプリケヌションを䜿っお、あらゆる情報䌝達が短時間でより簡単にできるようにな った。今回は、タむでの生掻がより快適ずなるよう、様々なアプリケヌションを玹介しよう。数千マむルも離れたずころから 情報を手に入れたり、モノを探すこずもできる。もはや、䟡栌やあらゆるシステムの壁は存圚せず、䞖界は倧きく解攟される ようになった。さあ、あなたの指で䞖界ず繋がろう。


Amazing Thailand By Tourism Authority of Thailand Thailand is a wondrous kingdom, featuring Buddhist temples, exotic wildlife and spectacular islands. Along with a fascinating history and a unique culture that includes delectable Thai food and massage, Thailand features a modern capital city, and friendly people who epitomize Thailand’s “land of smiles” reputation. When you travel to Thailand the app will be your perfect guide. You can find out where to go, how to get to places, where to stay, where to eat, and shopping information integrated with contacts, maps, phone, and GPS – all searchable, portable and easily personalized. Quickly find the information you need to make your holiday go smoothly with the new “Amazing Thailand” application. It delivers facts, travel tips and destination details right to your phone. アメヌゞング タむランド: タむは玠晎らしい王囜、特城的な仏教寺院、゚キゟチックな野生動物、壮芳な島々。興味深い歎史ずタむ料理や マッサヌゞなども含め、ナニヌクな文化を有しおいる。たた、タむは近代的な銖郜をもち、“埮笑の囜”ず称されおいる通り、人々が枩か い。タむぞ旅行するずきにはこのアプリがあなたの優秀な案内人。行き先、アクセス方法、宿泊先、グルメ、ショッピング情報が、連絡先、 地図、電話番号぀きで簡単ににゲットできる。たた、GPS付で目的地に迷わず到着。自分流にカスタマむズも可胜だ。


Speak Thai A new useful tool that lets you visit Thailand worry-free, your personal & portable translator provides you with over 2,500 words for all your needs in Thailand. Communicate with Thai people anywhere, anytime with a few easy touches. Simply install this application on your phone and you’ll have the power to speak Thai at your fingertips. Enjoy an easy-to-use interface, practical categories to choose from, and a convenient search function that can help you say what you really need to say just like a native. スピヌク ã‚¿ã‚€:最新の䟿利なツヌルでタむぞ行こう。もう蚀葉の心配は無甚。2,500語以䞊を登録するパヌ゜ナル翻蚳機で、タむ人ずのコミ ュニケヌションはこれで倧䞈倫。䜕時でも、䜕凊でも数回のタッチ操䜜でOK。電話に簡単にむンストヌルできるこのアプリは、あなたのタ む語を指先でサポヌトしおくれる。たた、䜿いやすいよう単語がカテゎリヌ化、䟿利な怜玢機胜もあり、あなたのニヌズに的確に応えおくれ るはずだ。

Lifestyle Thailand To celebrate life, to add magic to life, to fulfill life, to live life to the extreme, to contemplate life whatever way you treat your life, Thailand has all the answers. Lifestyle Thailand lists selected accommodations, fine restaurants, enjoyable activities and notable attractions to suit your individual lifestyle. Whether it’s chic or chilled, romantic or family, beach or culture, wellness or adventure, browse here for our world-class recommendations to plan your lifestyle trip and make it a trip of your lifetime. ラむフスタむル タむランド: 充実した生掻、有意矩な人生、どんな生掻スタむルでも タむはきっずそれに応えおくれる。ラむフスタむル タむランドでは、厳遞した宿泊斜 蚭、掗緎されたレストラン、楜しいアクティビティヌ、泚目のアトラクションずあな たのラむフスタむルに合わせお探すこずができる。粋たたは萜ち着いた堎所、ロマン チックたたはファミリヌ甚、ビヌチたたはカルチャヌ重芖、りィルネスたたはアドベ ンチャヌ等々、あなたの生掻スタむルに合わせお旅をアレンゞできる。


Thailand Medical Tourism Thailand has become a leader in the medical tourism market rising to the top of the listings in Asia with a constantly growing number of medical tourists. In 2010, the number of international patients was about 1.8 million. Providing healthcare information for international patients traveling to Thailand for medical treatment, the application contents comprise Medical treatments, Medical Providers, Medical Destination and information about Medical Tourism in Thailand. Features include: Map, Share or Bookmark medical treatments and providers, Send inquiry and Contact. タむランド メディカル ツヌリズム: タむは医療ツヌリズムの分野でコンスタントに 評䟡を䞊げおおり、アゞアのトップクラス、リヌダヌ的存圚にある。ここでは医療ケ アを目的にタむを蚪れる䞖界䞭の患者に察しヘルスケア情報を提䟛。タむの医療ケ ア、医療機関、医療ツヌリズム等を玹介する内容ずなっおいる。医療情報やマップを シェアする他、登録や詳现を蚪ねたり、連絡先等を埗るこずができる。

Thai Cookbook Master your favorite Thai dishes in your own kitchen with this interactive cookbook application. Learn how to cook Thai food no matter where you are in the world. The app comes with recipes for Thailand’s most popular appetizers, entrees and desserts. Each recipe is certified by the National Food Institute and includes a step-by-step instructional video. ã‚¿ã‚€ クックブック: このレシピアプリず共 に、お気に入りのタむ料理を自分のキッチン で再珟しよう。䞖界䞭䜕凊にいおもタむ料理 を孊べる。タむで人気の前菜からメむン、デ ザヌトたで豊富なレシピを揃えおいる。それ それのレシピは囜の食品研修所のお墚付き、 動画぀きなのもうれしい。


ART in Thailand This app provides you with tourism information of attractions and activities of Art, Culture & Heritage and Culture Exploration, Thailand top destinations and more. Highlights: get direction by map navigation, time and distance estimation. Live! feature links to photos from Instagram hastag, and more. アヌトむンタむランド:タむの様々な矎術 を孊べるアプリで、タむ囜の矎術史やア ヌトに関する芳光地情報がある。目的地 ぞの行き方や時間などの怜玢がスムヌズ で、むンスタグラムずハッシュタグのア プリずも繋がっおいる。

WongNai In Thailand and need to find a place to eat? The app helps you pick restaurants that are near you. Wongnai features more than 180,000 restaurants from all over Thailand with detailed information, real user reviews, and perks! You can easily search for a top-rated Italian restaurant in Bangkok. Or you can follow your friend’s movements, upload a photo of the dish in front of you, or even write a quick tip of restaurant you just dined at, auto-identify your location via GPS, pinpoint restaurants and bars in your exact area. りォンナむ: タむでのグルメ情報はいかがこのアプリは、あ なたの呚蟺のレストランを玹介。タむ党囜に広がる18䞇軒以 䞊のお店を登録、り゜無しの口コミをはじめ、各店の詳现情 報を提䟛しおいる。バンコクで人気のむタリアンレストラン なども簡単に怜玢できる。たた、友達ず情報亀換をしたり、 目の前の料理を写真に収め、あなたが今、食事したレストラ ンにコメントを沿えおアップロヌドするこずも可胜だ。GPS 機胜付きで、あなたの今いるレストランやバヌをピンポむン トで特定できる。


ThaiFlight This is the simplest domestic flight search application that lets you quickly compare price from major local airlines in Thailand. All available flights will be provided in 3 categories; by price, departure time, and by airlines to maximally facilitate your comparison. The results shown in the app are collected from each airlines website directly in every search you make. Therefore, price & flight information you can get from the app, is always real-time updated. タむフラむト:タむ囜内線のフラむト怜玢アプリで、タむの䞻芁な゚アラむン情報 を玠早く比范するこずができる。空垭ありのフラむトを3぀のカテゎリヌ、䟡栌、 出発時刻、航空䌚瀟から怜玢し、あなたのニヌズに応えおくれる。衚瀺される怜 玢結果は、各゚アラむンのりェブからダむレクトで埗たもので、垞に最新の情報 が手に入るようなっおいる。

GrabTaxi The app will show you how many member taxis are in the area and send out a request to the drivers. The nearest will call you back for confirmation. An estimated price will be shown in your app for you to confirm before the taxi is summoned. Press the “Arrived” button to end the service and pay the fare in cash.

Bangkok Gate Getting around Bangkok by public transportation: the sky trains (BTS) or the subway (MRT). The app was designed to help you find an easy route to where you want to go for each station, as well as an offline map of how the whole transit system’s connected. バンコクガむド:バンコク呚蟺の公共亀通スカむト レむン(BTS)又は地䞋鉄(MRT)の情報が手に入る。独 自にデザむンされたマップは、ルヌトが分かり易く衚 瀺されおおり、行きたい駅が盎ぐに芋぀かる他、乗り 換えの情報も手に入る。


グラップ タクシヌ: 今あなたの呚蟺に、䌚員のタ クシヌが䜕台走っおいるかを衚瀺し、ドラむバヌ にリク゚ストを飛ばしおくるアプリだ。盎ぐに、 確認のコヌルバックが入る。アプリには、料金の 目安が衚瀺され、タクシヌを呌ぶ前に確認するこ ずができる。“Arrived”のボタンを抌しお、サヌ ビスを終了させた埌、珟金で料金を支払う。

SanSaab The app provides map for route getting to Venice city or Khlong SaenSaep (Canals in Bangkok). Use Sansaab applicationas as your personal assistant to guide you to the route for an express boat service in Khlong SaenSaep. It tells you your location, the port nearest your accommodation and the 27 port available for used with express boat service. You can choose one port to the next and the application will display a pink line telling fares/time. サンサヌプ:ベニスの町、いや、クロヌンセンセヌプ( バンコクの運河)のルヌトマップアプリ。クロヌンセ ンセヌプの高速ボヌトサヌビスのルヌトマップアプ リが、あなたをサポヌトしおくれる。珟圚地から27 の高速ボヌトサヌビスの枯で、最短の枯を教えおく れる。出発の枯ず目的地の枯を遞べば、ピンクのラ むンで衚瀺され、料金ず所芁時間も分かるようにな っおいる。

Tourist Buddy TH For tourists that travel in Thailand, this app acts like your Buddy so you can find anything about travel place, important number, events and public information for travel. When you are lost or need to find travel place you can use this app for searching. ツヌリストバディTH:タむを旅行する人のためのアプリ。たるで芪友のような心匷い芋方 だ。あらゆる芳光地の情報、重芁な連絡先、むベント、旅の公共情報が手に入る。迷子に なったずきや芳光地を探すずき、このアプリが掻躍しおくれるはず。


• Cui sine Guide •

T Station

T he P l a t fo rm o f De l i ci o usness

On the lobby floor of Eastin Tan Hotel Chiang Mai, besides the artistic interior design throughout the floor, you will be impressed with their one and only back to the future locomotive installation. Distinctively unique from any other restaurants on Nimmanhaemin Road, T Station reflects a stylish modern American interior design from the roaring 1920’s railways station. Besides the impressive design, the executive chef will take you on a journey of amazing buffet starting with the first destination on Tuesday, Seafood Buffet1. This scrumptious selection includes prawn, squid, salmon, mussel and crab, served on ice or grilled over with creamy butter and tasty garlic sauce on charcoal flame at the open kitchen station. You can also enjoy fresh salad bar, variety of desserts, and don’t miss Fried Prawns with Tamarind Sauce and Fried Rice with Crab Meat at the hot buffet line. Make sure you leave some room with creative cocktails: Tan Tan2, mix alcohol into a unique formula tea all by yourself, amazing! Wednesday is for meat lovers who can experience spectacular premium Steak Buffet such as T-bone, Wagyu Beef Strip Loin, Lamb Chop, or Grass fed beef tenderloin cooked to juicy perfection served with different kinds of side dishes and splendid sauces. Every bite is melt-in-your-mouth tender treat. Lay back and relax with live music swaying to the warm rhythm accompanied by classic typography on the wall, old-style black steel structure, brass lighting, earthy wood chair and table in walnut tone all reflecting T Station concept of harmonious blend of contemporary and old fashion classic. Don’t miss the special promotion every evening during Happy Hour buy 1 get 1 free! for local beer and cocktails served daily from 5.00 pm - 7.00 pm. For reservation call +66 (0) 5200 1999 or E-mail: rsvn@eastintanchiangmai.com www.eastintanchiangmai.com





おいしさのプラットフォヌム アヌトさながらのむンテリアを誂えたむヌスティンタン ホテル チェ ンマむのロビヌフロアはワクワクしおくる空間。ニマンヘミン通り初 のナニヌクなTステヌションは幎代のアメリカの「駅」をむ メヌゞしたお排萜なむンテリアが特城です。 内装だけでなくもちろんお料理も栌別。たずぱグれクティブシェフが莈 る火曜日のシヌフヌドブッフェぞご案内したす。゚ビ、むカ、サヌモン、ムヌル 貝、カニをコヌルドでいただくもよし、目の前でシェフが調理しおくれるラむブ キッチンでバタヌやガヌリック゜ヌスでグリルするもよし。新鮮なサラダバヌ、 皮類豊富なデザヌトのほか、゚ビフラむ タマリンド゜ヌスがけずカニ炒飯は 必ず食べおいただきたい逞品です。ずはいっおも食べ過ぎは犁物。料理のほ かにも皮類豊富なオリゞナルカクテルをご甚意しおいたす。グラン マニ゚ル ず䞀颚倉わった飲み心地のティヌにパッションフルヌツをミックスしたゞヌシ ップはグラスの゚ッゞのチリパりダヌがアクセント。ティンティンは科孊者に なった぀もりでアルコヌルず前出のティヌを化孊実隓よろしく化合しながら召 し䞊がれ。氎曜日は肉を愛する皆様に莈るプレミアムなステヌキブッフェをご 甚意したした。Tボヌン、和牛の肉をお奜みの゜ヌスでお楜しみいただけたす。 もちろん、どの肉もお口の䞭でずろけるおいしさ。 朚曜日はむンタヌナショナルブッフェを開催しおいたす。日曜日の買い物を 終えおちょっず疲れた午埌にもご利甚ください。ホッずするラむブミュヌゞッ ク、壁のクラシックなフォント、黒いスチヌルを基調にしたオヌルデむズな店 内、真鍮のラむティング、りォヌルナット材でできたりッドテヌブルずりッドチェ ア。そんなTステヌションでお排萜でオヌルデむズな時間をお楜しみください。


• Residence Guide •

THE GRAND NAPAT The Tranquility of Living

One of the top class serviced apartment in Chiang Mai, Grand Napat was constructed under the concept of contemporary style fully operational with various convenient facilities. This outstanding high rise building provides exceptional view of the unique city that will change your normal lifestyle into an exotic one. Whether you are travelling for business or leisure purposes, The Grand Napat is a quiet oasis where you can enjoy your stay any time of the year. More than just an ordinary room, The Grand Napat offers luxury living rooms for both short and long stay guests. With 6 type’s rooms: Studio Room, Grand Studio Room, 1-Bedroom Superior, 1-Bedroom Deluxe, 1-Bedroom Suite, 2-Bedroom Suite and Penthouse. Different in size but every unit provides full option furniture, bedroom with silky luxuriating sheets and air condition, kitchen and pantry area, private balcony, well-designed bathroom with bathtub/rain shower, generously proportioned living areas, housekeeping services and a stylish modern décor that will give you everything you need for a relaxing stay. Furthermore, the apartment also offers


fitness center with full exercise equipments, outdoor swimming pool surrounded by green scenery, business meeting room, and round the clock security and maintenance engineer staff. If you’re looking for tranquility, harmony and comfortable serviced apartments in Chiang Mai offering convenient location for business as well as numerous cultural attractions, The Grand Napat is a perfect fit to suit your needs.

“Let contemporary design, vibrant colors, modern interior decoration with premium quality materials complimented with stylish comfort truly complete the real you.”

ザ グランド ナパット 静かな暮らし

グランド ナパは䟿利な各皮機胜を備えた、チェンマむでトップクラスの新型サヌビスアパヌトメント です。ひずきわ目立぀高局ビルからチェンマむを䞀望。その眺めはい぀もの暮らしを非日垞ぞず䞀転 させたす。

The Grand Napat 70 Muendam Prakot Rd., T.ChangPhuk, A.Muang, Chiang Mai Thailand 50300 Tel. +66 (0) 5323 1777 Mobile: +66 (0) 86421 0995 E-mail: info@thegrandnapat.com www.thegrandnapat.com

出匵でも芳光でも、グランド ナパなら䞀幎䞭静かなオアシスのような心䌑たる堎所を提䟛しおくれ たす。ただ生掻するだけではない、ラグゞュアリヌなリビング空間を短期たたは長期でご甚意したす。 郚屋タむプはスタゞオ ルヌム、グランド スタゞオ ルヌム、ベッドルヌム スヌペリア、ベッドル ヌム デラックス、 ベッドルヌム スむヌト、ベッドルヌム スむヌトペントハりスの぀のスタむ ル。各サむズの郚屋には家具、ベッド、゚アコン、キッチン、流し、バルコニヌ、バスタブレむンシャワ ヌ、広々ずしたリビング、ハりスキヌピングサヌビス、おしゃれなむンテリアを完備したした。各皮゚ク ササむズマシヌンを備えたフィットネスセンタヌ、緑に囲たれたアりトドアスむミングプヌル、䌚議宀、 安党セキュリティヌ、メンテナンス技垫も配眮し、く぀ろぎの滞圚に必芁なものを党お揃えたした。 ビゞネスにも文化的芳光名所めぐりにもぎったり、チェンマむで静かで自宅のような快適なサヌビ スアパヌトメントをお探しでしたらグランド ナパがお勧めです。


• D est inat ion Guide •

Jungle Flight E xperience T h e Rea l Tr u s two r thy T hrilling Ad ven tu re

Jungle Flight is action adventure in a form of zipline that Tarzan would be proud of. You will experience pure adrenalin rush as you fly through the jungle from one tree top to another. Each tree averaging at the height of 70 meters tall, makes up the vast historic rainforest in Doi Saket Destrict at the ripe age of 1,300 years. Besides this main attraction of flight cruising through the majestic forest, you can also enjoy other exciting activities waiting for you to explore up to 33 different platforms beginning with activities such as Absells, Sky-Bridges and Spiral Staircase. And the ultimate challenge is a 300 meter thrilling zipline journey through the forest with 360 panoramic view that can be match by no other experience you’ve ever had.





Our activity is safe for all participants regardless of sex or age. We provide authentic excitement for young participants from the early age of 4 up to fit elderly participants of 80 or less provided they have no records of past operations including patients with heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, severe back and knee pain and injuries, pregnant women and patients with illness pertaining to the nervous system. Safety is the heart of customer’s satisfaction for Jungle Flight. We provide experienced guides who are ready to give advice and instructions on how to properly put on gears, demonstrate proper techniques at each station along with sharing knowledge about rainforest conservation and encouraging responsible tourism without damaging natural resources. Tourists will experience enjoyment as well as receive valuable information vital for survival of future forests and its inhabitants.

4 rounds per day 予定 : 06.30 a.m. – 07.00 a.m. 08.00 a.m. - 08.30 a.m. 09.30 a.m. - 10.00 a.m. 12.30 p.m. – 1.00 p.m.

ゞャングルフラむト わくわく倧冒険の䜓隓

ゞャングルフラむトは熱垯雚林の䞭の朚々の間をゞップラむンする冒険ができた す。熱垯雚林はチェンマむのドヌむサケット矀に䜍眮し、暹霢幎ほどの 朚々の高さはmにも及びたす。ゞップラむン䞭には倧倉矎しい景色を芋るこ ずができたす。 たた、他にも楜しいのアクティビティがありたす。朚々の䞊にある螺旋階 段やアスレチックを抜け、熱垯雚林をmほどゞップラむンするコヌス等も ご甚意しおいたす。ゞップラむンは歳〜歳たで、䜓重kgたでの方に 䜓隓しお頂けたす。しかし、手術経隓のある方、心臓病、高血圧症、糖尿病、神 経病の方、背䞭や膝に問題を抱える方、劊嚠䞭の方には安党のためご遠慮いた だいおいたす。 ゞップラむンを楜しんで頂くために䞀番倧切なのは安党性ですので、ゞップ ラむン䜓隓時は専門家の指導に埓っおください。 たた、ゞャングルフラむトでは熱垯雚林の保護に぀いおも孊ぶこずができたす。 芳光時には矎しい自然環境を保おるよう、みなさたのご協力をお願いしたす。

Jungle Flight 47/2 Moon Muang Rd., T. Prasing, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50200 Tel. +66 (0) 5320 8666, +66 (0) 81951 1917 E-Mail: info@jungleflightchiangmai.com www.jungleflightchiangmai.com



Life is easy with modern Lanna condominium where the place is comfortable to spend a day. Locate just across Lanna Golf Club on Chotana Road and next to beautiful green scenery, being close to provincial offices and just a few minute drives to downtown area. It is easy to touch its natural surround; you will find the ideal to enjoy your charming living in Chiang Mai. q +66 (0) 5321 1113-4 z www.casa-condo.com カヌサ・コンド・チェンマむ


な日垞を。 ランナヌゎルフクラブの向かいにあり、矎しい緑の景芳 が広がる。県庁にも近く、垂内ぞのアクセスも䟿利。 自然に囲たれ た心地よい環境で、 チェンマむでの魅力的な生掻を楜しむアむデア が芋぀かるはず。

Duangtawan Hotel Chiang Mai

Duangtawan Hotel Chiang Mai is located in Downtown Chiang Mai. This modern 512 rooms city centre hotel is but steps from the famous Night Bazaar, 4 star accommodation, varied restaurants and bars, magnificent pool, and exclusive fitness centre. q +66 (0) 5390 5000 z www.duangtawanhotelchiangmai.com

Rimtara Boutique Resort

Green Valley Condominium Chiang Mai

リムタラ ブティック リゟヌト

Welcome you to an exclusive condominium amidst golf course, serenity of a personal retreat, as well within minute to charming Chiang Mai downtown. Unblocked 360 panoramic views from your bedroom, ideal facilities from clubhouse, spa, supermarkets and restaurants for all families and golf lovers. Peaceful and happiness living as your second home. q +66 (0) 5322 6222, +66 (0) 84687 1333 z www.greenvalleycondominium.com

枅閑、 プラむベヌト感溢れる党宀のブティックリゟヌトです。 お

グリヌン バレヌ コンドミニアム チェンマむ

Our Resort is located 10 minutes away from the Old-City, Train Station, Central Festival and Bangkok Hospital. It is also convenient to access to Famous Tourist Places such as Dara Dhavi, Bosang Villagde, Flight of the Gibbon and S an Kam Pheang Hotspring. q +66 (0) 5311 6133-4 z www.rimtara.com リムタラ ブティック リゟヌトは、 チェンマむ垂内にあり、 シンプルで 郚屋には最新の家電補品を揃えおいたす。 お客様は、近くに運河ず ガヌデンが広がる、新鮮な空気いっぱいのリゟヌトで、真のリラッ クスず䌑息を満喫しおいただけたす。 たた、 リゟヌトは、 サンカンペン

チェンマむ垂街地ぞもすぐずいう䟿利な立地でゎルフコヌスに囲た れた静かなプラむベヌト感あふれる特別なコンドミニアム。 ベッドル ヌムからのパノラマビュヌずご家族連れやゎルファヌの理想を圢に


したクラブハりス、 スパ、 スヌパヌマヌケット、 レストランを完備しお

The Golden Wells Residence


Quiet comfort in the heart of Chiang Mai’s ancient city moat. Six exclusive suites with high ceilings elegantly decorated in contemporary Lanna style, each room in fullyfitted with modern appliances, kitchenette and en suite bathroom. Conveniently located with easy access to Chiang Mai Airport, major temples, weekend handicraft markets, and several major hospitals. Free Wi-Fi, private parking, 24 hrs security. q +66 (0) 5328 1947, +66 (0) 8164 44002 z www.goldenwells-chiangmai.com

いたす。 たるでセカンドハりスにいるような萜ち着いたリビングスタ

Kantary Hills Chiang Mai

On Nimmanhamin Rd., You will comfortable with a nice hotel and service apartment. Kantary Hills Chiang Mai is the latest addition to the exclusive Kantary Group of Hotel and Serviced Apartments, renowned throughout Thailand for offering the very finest in service and facilities. q +66 (0) 5322 2111, +66 (0) 5340 0877 z www.kantarygroup.com/kantaryhills-chiangmai/

ゎヌルデン りェルズ レゞデンス



い。 モダンランナヌスタむルで斜された気品ある宀内装食ず高い倩

リヌ・ヒルズ・チェンマむ。 タむ囜内でサヌビス、蚭備に確かな実瞟



å…š507宀を有するシティヌセンタヌホテル。 買い物倩囜のナむト

ず機胜的なミニキッチン、 バスルヌムを完備。 チェンマむ囜際空枯、


バザヌルからたった数分の距離にあり、 ぀星ホテルの宿泊斜蚭、

各寺院、 りィヌク゚ンド・マヌケット、垂内の䞻芁な病院ぞのアクセ





Estia Chiang Mai Boutique Hotel

The Grand Napat

Convenient walking distance to most attractive tourist locations, this fine accommodation is located in old town and at the heart of Chiang Mai city, right next to Sunday Market Walking Street and very close to the Three Kings Monument and Chiang Mai Culture Center. q +66 (0) 5332 7264 z www.estiachiangmai.com ゚スティア チェンマむ ブティック ホテル

チェンマむの旧垂街ず䞭心地にある芳光スポットが埒歩圏。 サン デヌマヌケット、3人の王様の像ずチェンマむ カルチャヌ センタ ヌにもすぐ近く。 ゎルフコヌスのご予玄可胜。 プロのゎルファヌず たわれたす

The serviced apartment located on 2 rai spaces, along with green nature. Outstanding in contemporary style prompted with various conveniences, such as swimming pool, fitness center, and meeting room. The apartment also presents 60 rest rooms prompted with keycard security system, Tranquil, comfortable, and close to Chiang Mai downtown. q +66 (0) 5323 1777 z www.thegrandnapat.com グランドナパット

緑の自然が矎しい2ラむの敷地に、 スむミングプヌル、 フィットネス

センタヌ、䌚議宀など䟿利な斜蚭が揃うモダンスタむルのアパヌト メント。60宀の客宀は党おカヌドキヌでセキュリティも䞇党。 チェ ンマむ䞭心地からすぐの静かで䟿利な立地環境。

ニマンヘミン通りの快適なホテルサヌビスアパヌトメント、 カンタ


My Hip Condo

Located in the middle of business areas surrounded by famous shopping malls, top-class restaurants, Reasonable price is only some distinctive elements of the many remarkable features that My Hip Condo offers for you. Just 10 minutes from Chiang Mai International Airport and 5 minutes from transportation terminal, q +66 (0) 5324 8899 z www.myhipcondo.com マむヒップコンド

呚囲を有名ショッピングモヌルや䞀流レストラン、各皮嚯楜斜蚭に 囲たれたビゞネス街の䞭心地にあり、 特出した優良条件を提䟛する

マむヒップコンド。 チェンマむ囜際空枯ぞは10分、 バスタヌミナルぞ は5分ず快適なアクセス環境に、 あなたもきっず満足できるはず。

S Condo

To follow the unique slogan “Sublime Life Supreme Living”, S Condo showcases the ultimate Japanese style of living with meticulous design combining modern contemporary concept and cultural influences creating the harmonious Eastern atmosphere. Conveniently located on lively Chiang Mai downtown area of Sirimangkalajarn Road, this latest accommodation is near shopping avenue, art galleries, tourist attractions, as well as other useful places. The perfect floor plan reveals a large mirror that gives you a magnificent view. Best of all, each resident gets their own Japanese bathroom and private car parking. q +66 (0) 8167 24214 z www.scondocm.com 8 www.facebook.com/scondochiangmai Sコンド


ドは、 モダンでコンテンポラリヌなスタむルに東掋文化の゚ッセン スを融合した粟巧なデザむンで理想の和の暮らしを提案する。 チェ ンマむの䞭心郚、 シリマンカラゞャン-ニマンヘミン通りに䜍眮し、 è²· い物、 ギャラリヌ巡り、芳光スポット、街歩きにずおも䟿利。倧きなミ ラヌを備えた間取りで玠晎らしい景芳が楜しめる。和匏济宀、 プラ

Shangri-La Hotel

Chiang Mai is a vibrant city with a myriad of seductive attractions. You choose to stay at Shangri-La Hotel, Chiang Mai, as it is conveniently located within the bustling centre of this culturally rich city. q +66 (0) 5325 3888 z www.shangri-la.com/chiangmai シャングリラ ホテル

生き生きずした魅力あふれる郜垂、 チェンマむ。 豊かな文化を持぀こ

の街のにぎやかな䞭心郚にあるシャングリ・ラ ホテル チェンマむを 旅の拠点に遞ぶ。

Stylish Chiang Mai

Beyond the superb lifestyle, integrated with natural among Doi Suthep Mountain view in the heart of Chiang Mai. Low-rise condominium 2 buildings, Blended-natural atmosphere with fully furnish. Provide the luxury facilities for your lifestyle. Stylish Chiang Mai is located at Khanklong-Nimmanhemin Road, nearby Chiang Mai University which offer the extreme convenience living. q +66 (0) 5339 9101 z www.stylishchiangmai.com

The Twenty Lodge

Located in the heart of Chiang Mai Old City, only just a five minutes walk to the old city with the most important and impressive temples like Wat Phra Singh and Wat Chedi Luang, you’ll be enjoying the popular Sunday Walking Street Market with a wide choice of local shops and restaurants along the way. The Lodge has a peaceful atmosphere and appropriate for travelers seeking comfort and style at reasonable prices. The 20 rooms consist of: 18 Superior Rooms and 2 Deluxe Rooms, an 8 meter swimming pool, fitness centre, bar and offers complimentary and secure Wi-Fi throughout the Lodge. q +66 (0) 5332 6233 p +66 (0) 5332 6232 E reservations@the20lodge.com z www.the20lodge.com ザトりェンティロッゞ

チェンマむ旧垂街地の䞭心に䜍眮するザトりェンティロッゞ。最 も由緒正しい寺院に数えられるワットプラシンやワットチェディル アン、地元の雑貚が揃うサンデヌマヌケット、各皮レストランから たった5分。地元の䜏宅地に銎染んだ静かでプラむベヌトな雰囲 気は快適な滞圚をリヌズナブルにお探しの旅行者にぎったり。 ス ヌペリア18宀、 デラックスルヌム2宀の党20宀。8メヌトルのスむ



ミングプヌル、 フィットネスセンタヌ、 バヌ、無料WiFiなど盛りだく



Sibsan Resort & Spa Maeteang Chiang Mai

ンビュりが楜しめる。 チェンマむの䞭心地にある䜎局2棟のコンドミ


A heavenly tranquil boutique resort that nestles discreetly amidst tropical gardens where you can enjoy a relaxing holiday or romantic break with your chosen one. Synergy of Lanna Modern Style and luxuriously spacious villas have been adapted to preserve the integrity if the sensitive environment and local communities that surround the resort. Our facilities approach is to enhance a natural experience engraved with opulent services that can be expected from a top class 5 star resort and is all offered with the warmest of smiles and hospitality. q +66 (0) 5331 7539 - 40, +66 (0) 81980 9070 - 4 E info@sibsanresort.com z www.sibsanresort.com シップセヌン・リゟヌト&スパ・ メヌテン、 チェンマむ

トロピカルガヌデンに囲たれた倩空を想わせる平穏なブテックリゟ ヌト。 珟代ランナヌスタむルず豪華で広々したノィラが芋事に融合し たリゟヌトは、 呚蟺の繊现な環境ず地域コミュニティヌの保護にも 貢献しおいる、 䞀流の5぀星リゟヌト。 自然での䜓隓が心枩たるサヌ ビスずホッずする笑顔ず共に深く思い出に刻たれる。

ニアム。 自然をふんだんに織り蟌んだフル・ビルトむンず、 あなたのラ むフスタむルに豪華なファシリティヌを提䟛するスタむリッシュ・チ ェンマむ。 チェンマむ倧孊の傍、 カンクロンニマンヘミン通りに䜍 眮し、快適な生掻を挔出する。

Pansook Quality Condo

Located on central of the city, Huay Kaew Road with Project1 (Pansook) and 2 (The urban) convenient by walk, Dual System construction to protect earthquake, safty and security guard 24 hr, and High Speed Internet WI-Fi Slogan: give happiness to yours love, give convenient for yours family q +66 (0) 5322 2233, +66 (0) 8347 12128 z www.pansooktheurban.com パンスック クオリティ コンド

町の䞭心地に䜍眮するフォむゲオ通りのプロゞェクト1(パンスック) ずプロゞェクト2(ザ アヌバン)は埒歩でのアクセスも䟿利。 デュアル システム建築の耐震構造、24時間安党セキュリティガヌド、高速む ンタヌネットWiFiを完備したした。愛する人に幞せを、家族に䟿利 な暮らしをモットヌにしおいたす。

HOSPITAL Bangkok Hospital

Bangkok Hospital Chiang Mai serves local residents and expats in Chiang Mai and throughout Northern Thailand, in addition to visiting patients from China, Myanmar and other neighboring countries in need of topquality international-standard medical care. For more medical services information and medical consultation please visit: q +66 (0) 5208 9888 z www.bangkokhospital-chiangmai.com バンコク病院

バンコク病院チェンマむは地元䜏民をはじめ、 チェンマむやタむ北 郚の圚䜏倖囜人、 䞭囜、 ミャンマヌ、 その他近隣諞囜からの倖来患 者ぞクオリティの高い囜際基準をクリアした医療ケアを提䟛しおい たす。医療サヌビスに関するお問い合わせや医療盞談は www.bangkokhospital-chiangmai.com をご芧ください。 +66 (0) 5208 9888

Lanna Hospital

For 33 years, Lanna Hospital kept their promise to take care of each patient as if they were family members, to reach for medical development excellence while providing the finest standard service with well equipped facilities, latest technology and professional doctors and staff on duty. After all, it’s every single smile from our patients that keeps the lifeline of our service core alive. q +66 (0) 5399 9777 z www.lanna-hospital.com ランナヌ病院

33幎の歎史を誇るランナヌ病院。患者䞀人ひずりを家族のよう に倧切にケアするこずを玄束する。垞に医療の発展に励み、最 高の蚭備ず最新の技術、優秀な専門医ずスタッフを垞駐させ、質 の高い医療サヌビスを提䟛する。患者䞀人ひずりの笑顔がサヌ ビス維持、向䞊の原動力。

RESTAURANT The Balcony Chiang Mai Village

A cozy and relaxing accommodation with an impressive home away from home atmosphere in Lanna Modern Design. Offer 12 spacious rooms with balcony, inspired by the local hill tribe decoration accentuated by a finished teakwood design. The Balcony Restaurant also serves Thai dishes and recommended Northern cuisine. Special fresh coffee and bakery are also available at Fang Coffee. q +66 (0) 5324 1678 z www.balconyvillage.com バルコニヌ チェンマむ ノィレッゞ

萜ち着いたランナヌモダンデザむンで自宅のように心地よい ホテル。党12宀バルコニヌ付き、少数民族のデコレヌションを 基調にチヌク材のアクセントをちりばめたむンテリア。バルコニ

Rossli Swiss Restaurant

This authentic Swiss and Thai cuisine restaurant concentrating exclusively on Swiss products. The restaurant is finely decorated and furnished in Swiss displaying beautiful garden terrace with views of the Vivo Bene Park. q +66 (0) 5349 6000 z www.vivobene.ch ロッスリ スむス レストラン

スむス産の玠材にこだわった本栌的なスむス料理やタむ料理を 提䟛。 スむスのビボベネ公園の颚景が広がる矎しいガヌデンテラ スにスむス颚の内装をあしらったレストラン。

S&P Restaurant

S&P Restaurants offer full service with an extensive menu, as well as cakes, desserts, ice-creams and beverages. The restaurants’ customer profiles are diverse and range from families to students, career, workers and other client groups. qCall Center Bangkok: 1344 S&P Delivery, qChiang Mai: +66 (0) 5335 7777 ゚ス・アンド・ピヌ レストラン

ケヌキやデザヌト、アむスクリヌム、ドリンクをはじめずする豊 富なメニュヌず䞊質なサヌビス。ファミリヌから孊生、ビゞネ スパヌ゜ンたで幅広い客局の芁求に応える。コヌルセンタヌ、 バンコク:1344、 ゚ス・アンド・ピヌ・デリバリヌ、チェンマむ: +66 (0) 5335 7777

WELLNESS CHI Spa, Shangri-La

“CHI” the universal force it governs life’s well-being and personal vitality, from Chinese traditional philosophy through the various signature treatment at CHI spa. It had surrounded by a beautifully tranquil lotus pond and luxurious decoration which bring into a cozy privacy time. CHI has nine villas, which villas are spacious and fully facilities. Feel the comforted and restoration your “CHI” power at Shangri-La hotel. q +66 (0) 5325 3888 z www.shangri-la.com チ スパ シャングリラ


䞭囜の䌝統的思想から生たれたチ スパのさたざたなスペシャル トリヌトメントで高めたす。矎しい蓮の池ず豪華なデコレヌション に囲たれおプラむベヌトな時間をお楜しみください。蚭備の敎っ た広いシャングリラ ホテルのノィラ9棟でこころゆくたでチのパ ワヌ泚入をお楜しみください。

Fah Lanna Spa

Transport you into another world by the traditional Lanna style, feel like getting back into a time gone by. “Tok Sen Massage” a signature which can only be found in Chiang Mai only and organic local herb for recommended treatment, herbal steam cave for a detoxifying is included. Healing your body and soul by the best ancient northern Thai massage science, which freely your tension and feeling warmly in Lanna culture. q +66 (0) 5341 6191 z www.fahlanna.com ファ ランナヌ スパ

叀き䌝統スタむルに囲たれおランナヌ時代にタむムスリップ。 チェ

ンマむでしか受けるこずのできない“トヌクセンマッサヌゞ”やロヌ カルのオヌガニックハヌブを䜿ったトリヌトメント、 デトックス効 果のあるハヌバルスチヌム掞窟などが䜓隓できたす。 ランナヌの 雰囲気に囲たれお、極䞊の北タむ叀匏マッサヌゞが心ず䜓をしっ かり癒したす。

Lila Thai Massage

Support the new life of newly released inmates with Lila Thai Massage, a green shade tone color and cozy ambience are preparing to friendly welcoming. Lila treatment had combined Thai massage and Lanna massage together as the different of massage science. Let’s step into a new world of relaxation and peacefully place located in the heart of Chiang Mai. q +66 (0) 81154 8455 z www.chiangmaithaimassage.com ザ リラ ã‚¿ã‚€ マッサヌゞ

リラ ã‚¿ã‚€ マッサヌゞは刑期を終え、 出所したばかりの女性の新生 掻を支揎しおいたす。萜ち着いた緑のトヌンで統䞀した心地よい空 間が迎えおくれたす。 リタではタむマッサヌゞずランナヌマッセヌゞ を取り混ぜたオリゞナルマッサヌゞを行っおいたす。 チェンマむの䞭 心でリラックス&心䌑たる別䞖界ぞトリップ。

Oasis Spa

The fabulous treatment experiences for everyone in the heart of Chiang Mai. Feel more graceful and bring the beauty back with new massage science and naturally treatment. Step into Oasis, a place with cozy ambience and feel the scent of truly Lanna by its service and architecture. Hot Oil Massage one of the service signature which focuses on smooth and relax massage. Be infatuated in peaceful ambience and restore your mind soul. q Bangkok: +66 2262 2122 q Chiang Mai: +66 5392 0111 q Phuket: +66 7633 7777 q Pattaya: +66 3836 4070 E cs@oasisspa.net z www.oasisspa.net オアシス





ハッピヌに、今たで以䞊の矎しさを手に入れたせんか。 オアシスに


䞀歩足を螏み入れただけで心地よいサヌビスず建物が醞し出す雰 囲気にたるでランナヌの䞖界にいるような幞せな気分に。 おすすめ のホットオむルマッサヌゞは䜓を優しくリラックス、 倩囜のような心 地よさで心身をリフレッシュしおくれたす。


High up in the hills, among the tropical forests experience the best spa therapy in outdoor style with 360 degree panorama views of nature. Thai Yoga a very unique massage course which combine Thai and Yoga together, a new experience for your relaxation memorial. Panviman also use self-planted herbal in order to customer’s healthy care. Restore your power life from absolute heaven spa. q +66 (0) 5387 9540-50 z www.panviman.com

Rimping Supermarket

The shopping center in which more than 20,000 local and imported items. With free home delivery service. Are best selected for the respectful customers to make their appreciated choices. q +66 (0) 5390 4841


20䞇点を超える地元、茞入アむテムを揃えるショッピングセンタ ヌ。 リンピン・スヌパヌでのお買い物でチェンマむ生掻を快適で豊

かに。無料配達サヌビスなど充実したお客様サヌビスで満足のお 買い物を。



のスパ䜓隓。 タむマッサヌゞずペガを融合したナニヌクなタむペガ

Chiang Mai International Foundation (CIF)


マッサヌゞコヌスがおすすめです。 お客様の健康を第䞀に考え、 自 家補ハヌブのみ䜿甚。 倩囜のようなスパで゚ネルギヌをリチャヌゞ しおはいかが。

San Kampaeng Hot Spring

Refreshing Mineral Baths at San Kampaeng Hot Spring balance your body and mind with hydro therapy as the one only hot spring in Chiang Mai, complete with full facilities such as accommodation, restaurant, tent field and so much more. q +66 (0) 5303 7101-2 サンカンペヌン枩泉

チェンマむで唯䞀宿泊、 レストラン、 キャンプ堎などを完備した総合 斜蚭のサンカンペヌン枩泉ミネラル颚呂はハむドロセラピヌでボデ


SHOPPING Central World

The Largest Lifestyle Shopping Destination in Bangkok, Central World is a one-stop destination for shopping, dining and entertainment conveniently located in the vibrant center of Bangkok where it’s a treasure trove of Thai fashion, accessories, jewelry and souvenirs. The center’s incredible size and diversity of choice complimented by innovative exhibitions, offers and promotions reinforces its position as the largest lifestyle shopping destination in Bangkok. Central World is here to put the fun back into shopping, dining and entertainment. q +66 (0) 2635 1111 z www.centralworld.co.th セントラルワヌルド

倚様なラむフスタむルに応えるバンコク最倧玚のショッピングセン タヌ、 セントラルワヌルドは垂内の䞭心地に䜍眮し、 タむの最新ファ ッション、 アクセサリヌ、 お土産をはじめずするショッピング、 ダむニ ング、 ゚ンタヌテむメントの党おがここで完結するワンストップサヌ ビスを提䟛。広倧な売り堎面積ず豊富なセレクション、革新的な゚ キシビゞョンむベント、盛りだくさんのセヌルやプロモヌションで賑 わうバンコク最倧のショッピングセンタヌぞ足を運んでみおは。

This well-established organization has the mission to help-provide services to international and Japanese residents whom have encountered various problems with the main objective to provide service in legal consultation or translation service. q +66 (0) 5340 8035, +66 (0) 84481 7887 z www.cif.or.th チェンマむ囜際財団CIF

チェンマむ囜際財団は圚留日本人や倖囜人の様々な問題解決のお 手䌝いや法的手続き、通蚳の支揎を目的に蚭立された財団。


Holiday Inn Chiang Mai

HSoi 6 Nimmanhemin Rd., Suthep, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50200 qTel. +66 (0) 5322 7227

H318/1 Chiangmai-Lamphun Rd., Wat Kate, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50000 qTel. +66 (0) 5327 5300

Ibis Styles hotel

H7/9 Moo 1 Kanklong, Cholprathan Rd., Changpuak, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50300 qTel. +66 (0) 5390 8888

ESTIA Chiang Mai

H5/7 Ratchadamnoen Rd., Soi 6, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50200 qTel. +66 (0) 5332 7264 zwww.estiachiangmai.com

The Balcony Chiang Mai Village H12 Moo 5, T.Faham, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50000 qTel. +66 (0) 5324 1678 zwww.balconyvillage.com

Kantary Hills Chiang Mai

H44 Nimmanhemin Rd. Soi 12, Suthep, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50200 qTel. +66 (0) 5322 2111 qTel. +66 (0) 5340 0877 zwww.kantarycollection.com

The Golden Wells Residence, Chiang Mai

Casa Condo

HChotana Rd., Changpuak, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50000 qTel. +66 (0) 5321 1113-4 zwww.casa-condo.com

H3/1 Prapokklao soi 2 Kor, Prasingh, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50200 qTel. +66 (0) 5328 1947 qTel. +66 (0) 81644 4002 zwww.goldenwells-chiangmai.com

Khum Phucome Hotel, Chiang Mai

H14/23 Cholprathan Rd., Chang Puek, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50300 qTel. 053 400 450-2 qTel. 086 428 0401 zwww.khumphucome.com

GEM TREE BOUTIQUE, Chiang Mai Duangtawan Hotel

H132 Loykroh Rd., Changklan A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50100 qTel. +66 (0) 5390 5000 zwww.duangtawanhotelchiangmai.com

H18 Village No.3 Sanklang, Sankamphaeng Chiang Mai 50230 qTel. +66 (0) 5396 0887 zwww.gemtreehotel.com

De Chai The Colonial Hotel

J Town @ Chiang Mai Residence &services

H6/3 Thapae Rd., Soi 4, Changklan, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50300 qTel. +66 (0) 5320 9000

qTel. +66 (0) 83907 4747, +66 (0) 84330 1112 Elongstayinthailand@gmail.com

De Lanna Boutique Hotel

H44 Intawarorot Rd., Sriphum, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50200 qTel. +66 (0) 5332 6277 zwww.delannahotel.com

Nimman Mai Design Hotel The Grand Napat

H70/1 Muendamprakot Rd., Changpuak, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50300 qTel. +66 (0) 5323 1777 zwww.thegrandnapat.com

HNimmanhemin Rd., Soi Sukkasem, Suthep, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50200 qTel. +66 (0) 5340 0567 zwww.nimmanmaihotel.com

Sala Lanna

H49 Charoenraj Rd., Watgate, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50000 qTel. +66 (0) 85483 0050 zwww.salalanna.com

Mountain Pano Condo


H52 Nimmanhaemin Rd. Soi 6, Suthep, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50200 qTel. +66 (0) 5322 4800 www.nimmana.com

qTel. +66 (0) 83907 4747, +66 (0) 84330 1112 Elongstayinthailand@gmail.com

Tropicana Sankampaeng Hot Springs

H1 Moo 7 Bansahakorn, Mae On, Chiang Mai, 50130 qTel. +66 (0) 5303 7101-2

H240 Maneenopparat Rd., A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50000 qTel. +66 (0) 5340 4225

Shangri-La Hotel

H89/8 Changklan Rd., A.Muang, Chiang Mai, 50100 qTel. +66 (0) 5325 3888 zwww.shangri-la.com/chiangmai

Rimping Condominium

H201 Charoen Rat Rd., Watket A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50000 qTel. +66 (0) 5324 8862-5 zwww.rimping.co.th

Sibsan Resort & Spa Maetaeng, Chiang Mai

qTel. +66 (0) 81980 9070-4, +66 (0) 94757 5667, +66 (0) 94757 5668 zwww.sibsanresort.com Visit our sister hotel Sibsan Luxury Hotel Rimping, Chiang Mai zwww.sibsanhotel.com

The Twenty Lodge

H8/3 Singharaj Rd. Soi 3, Sriphum, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50200 qTel. +66 (0) 5332 6233 zwww.the20lodge.com


VC @ Suanpaak

Sri Anun Mansion

Veranda Chiang Mai the High Resort

H36 Rat Uthit Rd., Wat Ket, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50000 qTel. +66 (0) 5337 1999 zwww.siripanna.com H193 Faham, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50000 qTel. +66 (0) 5326 0590

Rimtara Boutique Resort

H61 M.3, Airport Rd., Suthep, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50200 qTel. +66 (0) 5327 5333 zwww.vcsuanpaak.com H192 Moo2, Banpong, A.Hangdong, Chiang Mai 50230 qTel. +66 (0) 5336 5007 zwww.verandaresortandspa.com

H3/3 Chiang Mai-Sankhumpheang Rd., Thasala, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50000 qTel. +66 (0) 5311 6133-4 zwww.rimtara.com

Riverside Condominium

H324/11 Chiang Mai-Lamphun Rd., Watket, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50000 qTel. +66 (0) 5328 1640-1

Ruankham Condominium

H7/1-123 Nimmanhemin Rd. Soi 12, Suthep, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50200 qTel. +66 (0) 5322 5356-8

Stylish Chiang Mai

H444/29 Moo 10, San-Sai-Noi, San Sai, Chiang Mai 50200 qTel. +66 (0) 5339 9101 zwww.stylishchiangmai.com

Suandok Mansion

H74 Sirimangkalajarn Rd., Suthep, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50200 qTel. +66 (0) 5389 5195

Tarnthip Court

H3 Singharat Rd. Soi 4, Phrasingh A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50000 qTel. +66 (0) 5341 6808-10

S Condo

H7 Sirimangkalajarn Rd. Soi 1, Suthep, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50200 qTel. +66 (0) 81672 4214 zwww.scondocm.com

Viangbua Mansion

H3/1 Viangbua Rd., Changpuek, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50000 qTel. +66 (0) 5341 1202 zwww.viangbua.com

Victoria Nimman Hotel

H108 Nimmanhaemin Rd. soi 17, Sirimangkalajarn Rd., Suthep, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50200 qTel. 66 (0) 5321 2775 zwww.victorianimman.com

Zensala Resort

H168 Patan Rd., Patan, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50300 qTel. +66 (0) 5322 5888 zwww.zensalaresort.com

EXECUTIVE ACCOMMODATION BANGKOK Baan Saran Nuch Executive Residence H62 Sukhumvit 75, Prakhnong, Bangkok 10260 qTel. +66 (0) 2742 5220

Bally’s Studio Suites

H172 Sukhumvit 20, Khlong Toei, Bangkok 10100 qTel. +66 (0) 2261 3411-20 zwww.ballys-studio.com

Bandara Suites Silom

H75/1 Saladaeng Rd., Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 qTel. +66 (0) 2266 0505 zwww.bandarabangkok.com

Bangkok Villa

H328 Ekamai-Ramintra Re., (Ladprao 84) Wangthonglang, Bangkok 10230 qTel. +66 (0) 2514 1999 zwww.bkkvilla.com

Citadines Sukhumvit 8 Bangkok

Grand Tower Inn,Sathorn Bangkok

HNo. 77/7 Sukhumvit 8, Sukhumvit Rd., Klongton, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10100 qTel. +66 (0) 2257 2277 zwww.citadines.com

H359/1 Caroen Nakorn Rd., Soi Charoen Nakorn 14/2 Klongsarn, Bangkok 10600 qTel. +66 (0) 2861 2288-99

Grand Tower Inn

Citadines Sukhumvit 11 Bangkok

H23/1 Sukhumvit 55 (Soi Thonglor) Wattana, Bangkok 10110 qTel. +66 (0) 2714 2001 zwww.grandtowerinn.com

HNo. 22/22 Sukhumvit 11, Sukhumvit Rd., Klongtoey-nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 qTel. +66 (0) 2264 6777 zwww.citadines.com

Grand Tower Inn, Rama VI

H402 Soi Rewadee, Rama VI Rd., Samsennai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400 qTel. +66 (0) 2618 6688 zwww.grandtowerinn.com

Citadines Sukhumvit 16 Bangkok

HNo. 38 Sukhumvit 16, Sukhumvit Rd., Kongtoey, Bangkok 10110 qTel. +66 (0) 2663 8777 zwww.citadines.com

Citadines Sukhumvit 23 Bangkok HNo. 37/7 Sukhumvit 23, Sukhumvit Rd., Klongtoey-nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 qTel. +66 (0) 2204 4777 zwww.citadines.com

CITI Resort Sukhumvit 39

H79 Sukhumvit 39, Klongton-nua, Bangkok 10110 qTel.+66 (0) 2662 4941-3 zwww.citiresort.com

Hua Chang Heritage hotel

H400 soi Kasemsan1, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400 qTel. +66 (0) 2656 3000 (ext. 72166) zwww. Huachangheritagehotel.com

CNC Residence Cape House Serviced Apartments

H43 Soi Langsuan, Ploenchit Rd., Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 qTel. +66 (0) 2658 7444 zwww.capehouse.com

H28 Soi Sukhumvit 33(Daent-Udom) Sukhumvit Rd., Klongton Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 qTel. +66 (0) 2662 2111 (24 hours) zwww.cncresidence.com

Imm fusion Sukhumvit

H1594/50 Sukhumvit Rd., Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 qTel. +66 (0) 2331 5555 zwww.immhotel.com

Conrad Residence

HAll Seasons Place, 87 Wireless Rd., Bangkok 10330 qTel. +66 (0) 2690 9888 zwww.conradhotels.com

Emporium Suites

H622 Sukhumvit Rd., Klongton, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10250 qTel. +66 (0) 2664 9999 zwww.emporiumsuites.com

E vergreen Place Centara Grand at CentralWorld

H999/99 Rama 1 Rd., Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 qTel. +66 (0) 2100 1234 zwww.centarahotelsresorts.com

H318 Phayathai Rd., Ratchathewi Disitrict, Bangkok 10400 qTel. +66 (0) 2219 1111 zwww.evergreenapartment.com

Kantary House Hotel & Serviced Apartments, Bangkok H14 Ramkamhaeng 42 Rd., Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240 qTel. +66 (0) 2374 5544, zwww.kantarycollection.com/ kantaryhouse-bangkok

Fraser Suites Urbana Sathorn

H55 South Sathorn Rd., Tungma hamek, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 qTel. +66 (0) 2227 9999 zwww.frasershospitality.com

Fraser Place Urbana Langsuan H55 Langsuan Rd., Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 qTel. +66 (0) 2250 6666 zwww.frasershospitality.com

Le Bua at State Tower

HServiced Apartments 14,16 Sukhumvit Soi 11, Bangkok 10110 qTel. +66 (0) 2651 1200 zwww.grandpresident.com

Natural Ville Executive Residences

Grand President Executive

HState Tower, 1055/111 Silom Rd., Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 qTel. +66 (0) 2624 9999 zwww.lebua.com

Centara Watergate Pavillion Hotel Bangkok

H567 Ratchaprarop Rd., Makkasan, Ratchathewi, Bangkok 10400 qTel. +66 (0) 2625 1234 zwww.centarahotelsresorts.com

Centre Point Langsuan

H60 Soi 1 Langsuan Rd., Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 qTel. +66 (0) 2657 2400-29

Centre Point Silom

H1552/2 Soi 50, Charoenkrung Rd., Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 qTel. +66 (0) 2266 0521-49

Garden Towers

H61 Langsuan Rd., Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 qTel. +66 (0) 2250 7000 zwww.naturalville.com

Omni Tower Bangkok

H2/4-5 Moo.14 Bangna Trad Rd., K.M. 6.5 Bangkaew, Bangplee, Samutprakarn 10540 qTel. +66 (0) 2751 9990-3 zwww.gardentowerhotel.com

H69 Sukhumvit Soi 4 Klongtoey Bangkok 10110 qTel. +66 (0) 2656 8300 zwww.omnibangkok.com

Pantip Court Serviced Residence

Grand Diamond Pratunam

HExecutive Residence 888 Petchburi Rd., Petchburi, Rajthevi, Bangkok 10400 qTel. +66 (0) 2656 6888-98 zwww.granddiamondbkk.com

H68 Soi Sathorn 1 South Sathorn Rd., Bangkok 10120 qTel. +66 (0) 2285 0222 zwww.pantipcourt.com

The Executive Residence

HSukhumvit Rd., Bangkna, Bangkok 10260 qTel. +66 (0) 2361 7881-90 zwww.the-executiveresidence.com

The Majestic Grande Hotel

H12 Sukhumvit Soi 2, Bangkok 10110 qTel. +66 (0) 2262 2999 zwww.majesticgrande.com

President Park Executive Serviced Apartments

H95 Sukhumvit Soi 24 Bangkok 10110 qTel. +66 (0) 2661 1000 zwww.presidentpark.com

The Mayfair-Marriot Executive Apartments

H60 Soi Langsuan, Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 qTel. +66 (0) 2263 9333 zwww.ssbkk.com

The Regent Silom Seviced Apartment H60/15 Silom Rd., Suriyawong, Bangkok 10500 qTel. +66 (0) 2632 7799 zwww.theregentsilom.com

Other Exclusive Accommodation Pullman Bangkok Kings Power

Kantary Bay Hotel and Serviced Apartments, Sriracha

H17/2, 17/3 Soi Jerm Jompon 1, Sriracha, Chonburi 20110 Thailand qTel. +66 (0) 3831 4100, +66 (0) 3877 1365 zwww.kantarycollection.com/ kantarybay-sriracha

Kantary Hotel & Serviced Apartments, Kabinburi H349 Moo 8 Muang Kao, Kabinburi, Prachinburi 25240 qTel. +66 (0) 3728 2699, +66 (0) 3720 3193 zwww.kantarycollection.com/ kantaryhotel-kabinburi

Kantary Bay Hotel, Phuket

H8/2 Rangnam Rd., Thann-Phayathai, Ratchathewi, Bangkok 10400 qTel. +66 (0) 2680 9999 zwww.pullmanbangkokkingpower.com

H31/11 Mu 8, Sakdidej Rd., Cape Panwa Phuket 83000 qTel. +66 (0) 7639 1514 zwww.kantarybay-phuket.com

Queen’s Park Tower

H199 Sukhumvit Soi 22 Bangkok 10110 qTel. +66 (0) 2261 9500 zwww.queensparkhotel.com

Residence Rajtevee

H588/1 Petchburi Rd., Rajtevee, Bangkok 10400 qTel. +66 (0) 2287 3330 (Japanese) qTel. +66 (0) 2287 1817 (English) zwww.residence-hotel.com

Cape Racha Hotel & Serviced Apartments H35/1 Jerm Jompon Rd., Sriracha, Chonburi 20110 qTel. +66 (0) 3831 4288 zwww.caperacha.com

Kameo House Hotel & Serviced Apartments, Sriracha

Royal President

H43 Sukhumvit Soi 15, Bangkok 10110 qTel. +66 (0) 2253 9451-61 zwww.royalpresident.com

H35 Jerm Jompon Rd., Sriracha, Chonburi 20110 qTel. +66 (0) 3831 4100, +66 (0) 3877 1354 zwww.kameocollection.com/ kameohouse-sriracha

Royal Suite Executive Serviced Apartment

H135/6-7 Rama 9 New Petchburi Rd., Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240 qTel. +66 (0) 2719 7620-2 zwww.royalsuitbkk.com

Cape Panwa Hotel, Phuket

H27, 27/2, Mu 8, Sakdidej Rd., Cape Panwa, Phuket 83000 qTel. +66 (0) 7639 1123-5 zwww.capepanwa.com

Kantary Bay Hotel and Serviced Apartments, Rayong Ten Face

H81 Soi Ruamrudee 2 Wireless Rd. Pathumwan Bangkok 10330 qTel. +66 (0) 2695 4242 zwww.tenfacebangkok.com

The Davis Bangkok

H88 Sukhumvit 24 Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 qTel. +66 (0) 2260 8000 zwww.davisbangkok.net

The Elegance Suite

H88 Charatweing Rd., Silom, Bangkok 10500 qTel. +66 (0) 2630 7000-20 zwww.elegance.th.com

H305/14 Sukhumvit Rd., Nernpra, A.Muang, Rayong 21000 qTel. +66 (0) 3880 4844 zwww.kantarycollection.com/ kantarybay-rayong

Six Senses Hideaway

HSamui-A SALA Property 9/10 Moo 5, Baan Plai Laem, Bophut, Koh Samui, Suratthani 84320 qTel. +66 (0) 7724 5678 EXT. 1002 zwww.sixsenses.com






To 700 Years Stadium

To City Hall,Mae Rim, - To The Spa Resort , Ra - To Queen Sirikit Botan To Consulate of S



- To Chiang Mai Green Valley Condominium

Chiang Mai International Convention Center

Rama IX Garden

T h e To u c h o f t h e N a t u r e

To Doi Suthep / Doi Pui Hilltribe Village

- To The Village

Khuang Singh Market

Chiangmai Zoo

Wat Ched Yod




Sririthon Rd





Counsulate Phu Come Hotel

Shopping Center






Tarin Hotel





Chiangmai Grand View Hotel


Thanin Market Global Learning Co.,Ltd.



Chiang Mai Children's Hospital


sad ise w

Soi 1

Recoment Place

Soi 2


Soi 3 Soi 5

Soi 4

Computer Center

Soi 6

Small Animal Hospital

Yesterday Soi 12

Soi 13

Soi 7 Soi 9 Soi 11

Soi 3 Soi 5

Soi 15

Wat C

CMU Convention Centre

Suthep Rd.

Wat Phra Sing

Suan Dok Gate National Library

Wat Suandok

Tree Ki Monum

Wat Pa Bong

Maharat Hospital

Tonpayom Market

Rachadamneon RACHAMANKHA

an Rd


Rachamankla Hotel

Wat Chedi L

Rachamankha Rd.


Wat P Me

Samlan Rd.

Watanothai Payap School


Wat Umong

Chang Phua

Chiang Mai Ram

Sirimankalajarn Rd.



Jaeng Hua Rin

Soi 11 Soi 13

Rd. CMU Art Museum

Chang Puak Bus Station

Computer Center

Pang Suan Kaew Hotel

Soi 7 Soi 9




p Rd

Chiangmai Orchid Hotel

Soi 1

Soi 17





Amari Rincom Grand Hillside 5 Hotel

Express Way

ak 4

Rd .

Think Park

Mercue Hotel



Chiangmai University


Rail Way


Holiday Garden




Soi Th

Post Office


Yod C



Flora House





St. Peter Eye

Computer Center

Chiang Mai Dental Hospital

Suan Jaeng Buak Haad

Ku Huang

Wat Puak Hom

Fire Station

Driving Range

Chia Rua

Suanprung Gate Consulate of Chinese

Suan Prung Hospital

Condo Chiang Mai Privilege


Mahid Consulate of Japanese

Flower & Plant Market




ol Rd.



La i



Serenity Place

Soi N






-Rimping Supermarket -Wine Connection -Daiso -CHIIDA SPA - S&P


. Rd ng Do ng Ha aigM





To Coffee Villa To Hang Dong, San Pa Tong, Chom Thong ,Hod,Doi Inthanon




gR an

Chiangmai International Airport

5 To Danisa To Chiangmai Night Safari To The Master Piece


Chiang Mai Immigration

German Consulate (Located in Bann nai fan Village)

Old Chiang Mai Cultural Centre

g Pin

Driving Range

To Handle Inter Freight Logistics (at Baan Tawai)





Rimping Supermarket

e Rim,Fang - To Panviman Resort ort , Rawee Waree Botanic Garden e of Swedish


To Mae Joe University To Mae Jo Golf Club & Resort

To Doi Saket To Chiangrai The Podology Center


To The Greenery Villa

Consulate of Indian

Wat Pa tan

Fah Ham Rd.

Kam Rd. Wang Sing m ka Rd en aro Ch


Wat Chaisriphum


Consulate of America Prince Hotel







in nP

Consulate of Indian Wat Ket Karam

North Wheel Rent A Car

Sompeth Market


oi R

ng M


Tree Kings Monument

Consulate of British

Wat Nong Pa Krang

The Gallery Good View Riverside

Rydges Warorot Market Amora Hotel The Small Hotel

Tha Ph

ae Rd

Wat Pakoa

Irrigation Office

Nawarat Bridg


dusitD2 chiang mai Pornping

Tha Phae Gate

Chedi Luang


116 Art Gallery Sanpakoi Market

Fashion King

Love at First Bite

Loy Kroh Rd.

Wat Phrajao Meng Rai



Dr.Wong Hospital

To San Kampaeng Hot Springs aeng R d. To Baan Karnkanok 2


To San Kampaeng

Iron Bridge

Panthip Plaza


Piccola Roma Palace Chiang Mai Plaza

Sridonchai Rd. @ TAWAN Plaza

Chiangmai Gate Ruampadh Hospital

Chiangmai Railway Station

Wat Sanpakoi

dusit Royal Princess

Nara Tour Jaeng Katam

d 1.

Tamarind Hotel A.U.A.

neon Rd.

Northern Industrial Centre


Yupharat School


t Rd.

Sri Phume

Mc Cormic Hospital





Rimping Condominium on Ping River

Fire Station


Dara Academy

Wat Chetuphon Prince Royal

Payap University Mae Khao Campus

Bumrung Ra


an W

Muang Samut Market

Mua ng S


Sin g g

Rd. am ut



Arcade Bus Station

Payap University Nawarat Campus

y wa


a att


Rd. anakosin




k na




AKA Spa Rattanakosin Bridge

er H

Rattanakosin Hotel


Chiang Mai Stadium ( Sanamkila )

Wat Chiangman

Consulate of Peru

Wat Fa Ham

                












e ak


The Grand Napat






ang Phuak

Pattana Ch


g Rin

ajabhat University Chiangmai


Theppanya Hospital

Le Crystal Restaurant

er Eye Hospital

g Phuak Gate

Chiangmai-Phrao Rd.

Lanna Hospital

Super Highway


Consulate of France

Smith Residence Siripunna The Empress Hotel Italasia

Rd. mphun

Chian gmai-



Wat Muang Sart Luang


Nhong Hoi Market

Montfort College


To Sheik Istana Hotel

To Baan Karnkanok 1,4 To Alpine Golf Resort




n ia


ol R

Rajavej Hospital

hun R



amp mai-L






n La

ng Rd

n roe


. t Rd tha Pra

Gymkhana Golf Club


Buarawong Hotel

Central Memorial Hospital Health Care Mother Hospital

Kavila Hospital


Lanna Palace Hotel

Chang Klan Rd.

Peaks Town

To Saraphi,Lamphun,Pa Sang,Li

Nara Tour Head Office

To Lamphang







Kamphaen Phet

Bang Po

Bang Sue

Kiak Kai

Krung Thon Bridge



Sanam Pao


Phra Pinklao Bridge


Victory Monument

Phra Arthit Phaya Thai

Wang Lang (Siriraj) Phan Fa Lilat

Tha Chang


Bobe Market


National Stadium




Silom Sam Yan

Krung ThonBuri

Sala Daeng


Chong Nonsi Sathorn


Wong Wian Yai


Harbour Dept. Si Phraya


Witthayu Ploen Ch Chit Lom


Talad Plu


Hua Lamphong

Memorial Bridge


Chit Lom

Hua Chang

Charoen Phon Tha Tien


Surasak Arkhan Songkhro


Sathorn / Saphan Taksin / Central Pier Yen Arkart

BRT, route 1 Thanon Chan Rama lll Bridge Rama IX Bridge Charoen Rath


Wat Pariwas Wat Dorkmai


Wat Darn

Saphan Khwai

Chao Phraya Express

Phahon Yothin Lat Phrao

Khlong Boats


MRT Lines

Chatuchak park Mo Chit

BTS Lines


Saphan Khwai

Airport Link

Huai Khwang

Wat Sriboonruang The Mall Bang Kapi Ramkhamhaeng 51


Wat Thepleela

Thailand Cultural Central Ramkhamhaeng Phra Ram 9

Makkasan City Terminal

The Mall 3 Ramkhamhaeng

Ratchaprarop Nana Nuea

Hua Mak

Phetchaburi Ital-Thai Tower Klong Tan Wat Mai Chong Lom Saphan Asok Prasan Mit Charn Issara Thong Lo

hayu n Chit

Lat Krabang

Ban Thap Chang

Nana Asok Sukhumvit Phrom Phong

Suvarnabhumi International Airport

Thong Lo


Queen Sirikit National Conventrion Center Klong Toei


Phra Khanong Bearing

Bang Na

Udom Suk


Bang Chak

On Nut

Rama lll



•Wellness Guide•


The Art of Aromatherapy and Asian Botanicals

HARNN’S asian holistic approach to well being uses natural active ingredients to restore the natural balance between body, mind and environment. HARNN combines the using of natural botanicals from traditional herbal medicine and scientific research. Aromatherapy has become one of the most popular alternative medicine practices in the modern world providing treatments with effective results and conveniently adapted with ease to daily lifestyle. The studies show that different scents would trigger different sensations and emotions; the scents have the ability to transport us back to a pleasant or unpleasant memory in our past and create both emotional and physical reaction to the body. Aromatic properties from plants are commonly used in aromatherapy treatment. There are several kinds of Asian herbs that provide great aromatic benefits. Jasmine is known for relieving stress, tension and


depression, and promoting tranquility. Lemongrass provides a fresh boost of energy to the spirit and mood. Sandalwood is mostly use to create deep relaxation, increase memory, help in concentration, and decrease stress, nervousness and fear. In order to fully benefit from aromatherapy, the use of naturally extracted essential oil is highly recommended to avoid the risk of directly exposing the body to chemicals from synthetic fragrance. HARNN signature essential oil blends are pure concentrated substances made by extracting aromatic properties from various parts of plants.


アゞアンボタニカルから生たれたアロマセラピヌ 自然玠材でボディ、 マむンド、環境の絶劙なバランスを維持する健康 法。そんな東掋のホリスティックなセラピヌの結晶ずもいえるハヌンコ レクションは䌝統的な挢方医孊で䜿われる自然のハヌブず科孊的な 研究の融合で生たれたした。 アロマセラピヌは、普段の生掻にも取り入れやすく高い効果があ るこずから、珟圚䞖界䞭で最も人気のあるオルタナティノな治療の䞀 ぀に挙げられおいたす。違う銙りにより違う衝動や感情が匕き起こさ れるずいう研究結果もあるこずから、銙りには過去のよい思い出や苊 い思い出を蘇らせる力があるこずが蚌明されおいたす。たた䜓はアロ マに察しお感情的、肉䜓的な反応を起こしたす。䟋えば、ゞャスミンは ストレス、緊匵、沈んだ気持ちを解消し、平垞心をもたらしおくれるこず でも知られおいたす。レモングラスぱネルギヌをみなぎらせ、気持ち をアップさせたす。サンダルりッドは深いリラクれヌションが必芁な時、 蚘憶力を高めたい時、集䞭したい時、ストレス、緊匵、恐怖心を和らげ たい時によく䜿われたす。 自然の゚ッセンスオむルなら盎接肌に塗っおも合成銙料に含たれ る化孊成分も避けるこずもできるのでお勧めです。ハヌンの゚ッセン シャルオむルは怍物から抜出した玔粋なアロマで䜜られおいたす。

Popular ways to enjoy aromatherapy through essential oils: - Distributing aroma properties with diffuser or burner - Combining essential oil with carrier oil to be used in body massage - Dripping essential oil in a warm bath to soak - Mixing essential oil with non-scented lotion - Using products that has essential oil as a main ingredient

゚ッシェンシャルオむルをアロマセラピヌずしお掻甚するなら次の方法 がおすすめです。-ディフュヌザヌやバヌナヌで焚く -

マッサヌゞオむルに゚ッセンシャルオむルを混ぜおボディ マッサヌゞをしたす。








4th Floor, Piya Place Building, 29/1 Soi Langsuan, Ploenchit Road, Lumpini, Patumwan, Bangkok 10330 Tel. +66 (0) 2652 2414 ext 306 www.harnn.com


• E xe c ut ive Inter v ie w •

Mr. Sven Walter General Manager, Centara Watergate Pavillion Hotel Bangkok


Mr. Sven Walter A Swiss Hotelier in Bangkok

More often than we think, we get a chance to stay in a hotel that totally impressed us with the overall atmosphere, the music, the crowd, fine architecture, convenience and most of all, excellent services. With so many factors involved, surely there must be someone who is responsible for such demanding management. One fine afternoon amidst the misty rain, we receive an opportunity to interview Mr. Sven Walter, a seasoned Swiss hotelier and General Manager of Centara Watergate Pavillion Hotel Bangkok. From a humble beginning of a chef in his hometown hotel, his ambition took him on a journey to new adventures in America and Canada before making a significant career decision to change his path towards management at the Sheraton, Georgia, Director of F&B in Nigeria and Mauritius, followed by position of General Manager in Myanmar and Maldives with his latest destination in Bangkok at Centara Hotels & Resorts in Thailand, first in Krabi and now in Bangkok. With such extensive experience of over 27 years in this field, what has kept this man so captivated to his job and what are his secrets in managing his way to success? What exactly is your working philosophy? Our industry demands putting the guests at the centre of everything we do, everyday, uncompromised without fail. As such, I see my role as General Manager as someone that ensures all of the team have the “tools” necessary to serve our guests to the highest level possible and to give them a memorable stay, while the guest, the employees and the hotel facilities are always at the centre of attention. What is the prominent distinction that Centara Watergate Pavillion Bangkok differentiates itself from other hotels? While the competition in Bangkok is enormous, Centara Watergate Pavillion Hotel gives a unique fresh perspective presenting itself as modern, yet providing comfort and style with its inviting decor from the first moment you walk in. It is not only a hotel but also a lifestyle that blends effortlessly together with Bangkok historic past. You will find unique outlets such as our rooftop WALK lounge bar or the CHILI HIP restaurant, a dining venue for foodies and city-vista lovers at the 20th floor. Or try our outdoor corner “Moom Sabai” where you’ll find relaxing “islands” bedded within a water feature that gives this place its chic charms. From strong management experience, what is your development plan for the future to lead Centara Watergate Pavilion Hotel towards global excellence? From a service point of view, we will continue to strive to surpass customers expectations where well-trained and motivated staff is the key to success. As for the “hardware,” there are definite plans to expand our services though it might be too early at this stage to elaborate more on this topic.

セブンりォルタヌ キングホテリ゚

皆さんは、ホテルに宿泊したこずが幟床かあるだろう。そしお、そ の雰囲気や音楜、人々の声、建築、快適さ、玠晎らしいサヌビスに 感動したこずもあるだろう。それは、圱でホテルを動かす人々の努 力が実を結んだ圢です。 雚の降る午埌、屈指のホテルで掻躍するスむス人男性、センタラりォヌタ ヌゲヌトパビリオンホテル総支配人のセブンりォルタヌ氏にむンタビュヌ するこずができたした。圌のこの業界でのキャリアは、家業のホテルでの料理 人から始たりたす。その埌䞀倧決心をしおアメリカ、カナダに枡り、曎にゞョヌ ゞア囜におシェラトンホテルの総料理長ずなりたす。ナむゞェリアではF&Bの トップに立ち、モヌリシャス、ミャンマヌ、モルゞブでも総支配人を経隓したし た。タむぞ来おからは、センタラホテル&リゟヌトむンタむランドに入り、 グラビヌを経お珟職に着きたした。業界での経隓は27幎を超えたす。圌が 愛しお止たないこの仕事の魅力ずは䜕か。圌の経営手法に迫っおみたした。 あなたが持぀仕事の流儀を教えおください 我々の産業は、日々劥協のない顧客ニヌズが垞に業務の䞭心にありたす。 自身の職務である総支配人は、チヌムの党おを保蚌する存圚であり、顧客に 各分野での最高のサヌビスず心に残る滞圚を提䟛するため、必芁䞍可欠な“ 道具”ずなるこずです。埓業員やホテルのファシリティヌに垞に気を配るこず、 それこそが倧切なのです。 センタラの特城は、他のホテルず異なるずころは バンコクでの競争が激しさを増すホテル業界ですが、センタラりォヌタ ヌゲヌトパビリオンホテルはそのモダンさ、ナニヌク䞔぀爜やかさの挔出 が特に秀でおいるず思いたす。ホテルに足を螏み入れた瞬間からずおも魅 力的な装食に溢れおいるこずにあなたはきっず驚かれるこずでしょう。快適 な空間でありながら単なるホテルではない、バンコクの叀い歎史が融合し たラむススタむルが、ここにありたす。階の屋䞊にはラりンゞ&バヌ、遊 歩道など最高のダむニング空間を楜しめるレストラン「チリヒップ」等、個性 豊かなアりトレットが䞊び、食通や郜垂景芳に目がない方にも思う存分楜し んで頂けたす。たた、屋倖空間“ムヌンサバむ”には、氎に浮かぶベッドの“ アむランド”もありリラックスには最適です。 他のホテルずの差別化を図るため、どのような開発プランを甚意しおい たすか サヌビスの点ではお客様のニヌズを組み取れるように、现やかなサヌビス 向䞊により力を入れおいたす。日々のトレヌニングずモチベヌションの維持が 成功の鍵ずなるでしょう。ハヌド面では、ファシリティヌを拡倧させる蚈画は ありたすが、ただここではお話できたせん。


• L ongst ay L ife •

Robert Scott I am an American expat from Washington, United States. Before I came to Thailand, I had an accident which took a year to recover. I decided to sell everything and explore South East Asia. It was the right thing to do in my life. Why did you choose Chiang Mai as your destination? First, I have several Thai friends back in America who recommended Chiang Mai as a place to visit, and possibly as a good quality place to reside. Second, many of my friends who have travelled to this region, mentioned it is a great place to spend some quality time because of its amenities, proximity to nature, its regional centrality, and the ease of travel to other locations from the international airport. What are you doing with your time here in Chiang Mai? I left America 3 years ago, I explored the country, travelling North to South, visiting temples, islands, national parks while bonding with several Thai families and friends who took care of me during my journey. I also began learning the Thai language, traditions and culture in order to better assimilate myself into the Thai way of life. Now, I am a teacher in a private school, teaching English to Thais, Chinese and Japanese students. I really love my work, and truly enjoy the interaction with my students. It’s a very rewarding experience. What are some things in Chiang Mai that impressed you? Also, what are some things that perhaps did not impress you so much? For me, Chiang Mai is an incredibly “foodie” city. The selections of regional Thai foods are awesome, and wonderfully inexpensive. Other Asian food options, like Korean,

Japanese, Vietnamese and Chinese are also outstanding. A top quality array of Western food is conveniently available. I learned how to slow down, and enjoy my food and friends, not just on special occasions, but every day. On the other hand, I think Chiang Mai seems to lack a unified vision for the development of the city. Also, Chiang Mai’s lack of crosswalks and sidewalks indicate to me that the city planners have completely ignored the needs, as well as the safety of the pedestrian.

“If I may say something, if you spend any time here, always try to remain respectful to Thai traditions, and be aware of what is considered acceptable and unacceptable social behaviors. We are guests in this country, and we’ve been given the privilege to reside here. I would hate for that to change.”

ロバヌト·スコット アメリカワシントン州出身のアメリカ人です。タむに来る前、 幎間事故のため療逊生掻を送っおいたしたが、党おを匕き払 っお東南アゞアぞの移䜏を決めたした。

らたくさんのこずを孊びたした。今は私立の孊校でタむ人、䞭囜人、日本 人の生埒に英語を教えおいたす。仕事が倧奜きで、生埒たちずのコミュニ ケヌションを楜しんでいたす。


チェンマむに぀いお感動したこず、がっかりしたこずはあり たすか

たず、アメリカにいたタむ人の友人たちに、 「䜏む堎所ずしお環境が良 く、自然にも近い。地域の䞭心で囜際空枯から他の地域ぞ旅行もしやす い」ずチェンマむを勧められたした。

チェンマむではどんなこずをしおいたすか 幎前にアメリカを離れ、タむを北から南たで旅したした。寺院、島、 囜立公園などを巡っおいる間にタむ人の家族や友達ができ、タむの生掻か


私にずっおチェンマむは食べ物倩囜です。地元のタむ料理は数倚く、驚 くほどリヌズナブルです。韓囜料理、和食、ベトナム料理、䞭囜料理など他 のアゞア料理も玠晎らしいですね。西掋料理の店も倚く、クオリティヌが 高い。たた、ここに来おゆっくり人生を楜しめるようになりたした。䞀方で チェンマむは郜垂開発のビゞョンに欠けおいるようです。特に暪断歩道や 歩道、歩行者の安党確保がもっず必芁だず思いたす。

• Temple Guide •





Wat Phan Tong ワットパントン寺

Temple Guru: Mr.OTA Kimitake Text & Picture: Mr.OTA Kimitake E-mail: otaktm@hotmail.com All right reserved.

【堎所】ナむトバザヌルのチャンクラン通りをロむダル・ランナ ヌ・ホテルの亀差点で西折、ロむクロ通りに入り500mほど行く ず、右偎にロむクロ寺、続いおこの寺がある。 【抂芁】調査は英語・タむ語資料を䞭心に行っおいるが、この寺 に関する資料は少ない。加えお資料間には霟霬が倚い。境内の案 内板には抂ね次のようなこずが曞かれおいる。これがいちばん真 実に近いず考えられるので玹介する。(1) 元の寺名はWAT PHRA NGAMでマンラむの子孫が建立した。マンラむ王朝は1296〜 1558。(2) この寺はビルマがCMを占領したずき廃寺になっ た。(3) 再興ランナヌ王朝のPhaya Kawila は各地から人を集 める移民政策をずった。(4) 結果、Ban Chang Khong の人た ちはチェンマむ東郚に、Ban Hom の人々はタヌペヌ門呚蟺に 移された。(5) 寺名のPhantongは“Phanthong”が転じたもの で、“Thong Phan Chang”、すなわちBan Homの人たちが Chiang Saen から運んできた仏像の重量を意味する。寺名に ぀いおは別の芋解もある。すなわち、Pan=千, Tong=チヌクの 䞀皮である。それによれば、本堂建立の際Tong Tienずいうチ ヌクの葉を1000Paipaiは長さの単䜍で玄1.5m、氎に浞けお 柔らかくしたチヌクの葉を半分に折り、重ねお竹の針で止めお 䜜った建材䜿甚したこずに由来する、ずするものである。


本尊 寺のある地域はBaan Homず呌ばれる。ここにあるメヌカヌ川沿 いの土塁ガンペンディンは、なお消え去らぬビルマの、再興王朝 ぞの脅嚁に備える意図をもっお建造されたものである。寺は倖敵 の䟵入に備えるずいう性栌を匷くもっおいた。すなわち、呚蟺の 寺はいずれも広い寺領をも぀。芋孊の際は異囜情緒の挂う䌜藍だ けでなく、そんなこずにも目を向けるずよい。 【玹介】 い぀も曞くように、寺玹介の䞉点セットは、仏塔、り ボ゜ット、および本堂である。仏塔ず本堂はランナヌ様匏、本堂 は頭のビルマ様匏の獅子によっお守られおいる。色ガラスが䜿 甚されおいる仏塔はランナヌ様匏ずは蚀い難い。仏塔、本堂、り ボ゜ットはいずれも無名である。このような堎合、仏塔は䞀般に 「Chedi Sri Wat Phan Tong」のように呌ばれる。 今回は、特別に寺名の由来ずなった本尊の写真も茉せる。閉 たっおいたいた埡堂の扉を特別に開けおもらっお撮圱したもの である。建立に぀いおは、チェンマむ倧の資料のように1457幎 建立ず特定するものの他、同幎りィスンカマシマ4080m ず曞く資料もある。この4080mは、認定に䌎いボ゜ット建立 のために䞋賜された土地の広さを瀺す。たた、1457幎はランナ ヌ王朝第9代テむロカラヌト王の治䞖で1441-87、王朝最盛 期のころである。

• Anything Else •

F a c e Mist Spring 2015

Requested by fans and makeup artists alike, Bobbi Brown Cosmetics introduces Face Mist, a skin-boosting spray that hydrates and soothes skin for a healthy glow. This luxurious water-based formula instantly sets and revitalizes makeup for a fresh appearance with long-term moisturizing benefits. Enriched with vitamins and botanical extracts and the calming scent of Lavender and Geranium Essential Oils, Face Mist helps to soothe skin for a healthy-looking complexion while moisturizing skin for a plumped-up look and feel. This perfect pick-me-up is great for use at home or on-the-go—surely destined to become a must-have. Makeup Lesson: Inspired by Bobbi’s belief that makeup should be simple, real and approachable, Bobbi Brown Cosmetics offers Bobbi’s Makeup Lessons, a comprehensive menu of lessons designed to be tailored to the needs and preferences of individual women. Each Makeup Lesson concludes with the creation of a personalized Face Chart to help women recreate their new look at home. Face Mist is available at nearby BOBBI BROWN store or online shopping 24hrs. at www.bobbibrown.co.th

フェむスミスト 春

ファンずメむクアップアヌティスト埅望、ボビィブラりンからフェむスミ ストが新登堎氎分䞍足のお肌にひず吹きするだけでなめらかで自然な 茝きをあたえおくれるスキン甚スプレヌです。リッチなりォヌタヌベヌス のフォヌミュラでセットも簡単、メむクのノリも抜矀、しっずり感が長く 継続したす。各皮ビタミンず怍物゚ッセンスを配合。ラベンダヌずれラニ りム゚ッセンスオむルのほんのりした銙りのフェむスミストが健康的で しっずり、むキむキずした肌を生み出したす。自宅甚にも携垯甚にもぎ ったりのこのミスト、あなたのマストアむテムになるこず間違いなし。 メむクアップレッスン 「メむクアップはシンプルでリアリティがあり実甚的であるこず」を 信念ずするボビィブラりン。そんなボビィブラりンでは女性䞀人ひずり のニヌズずスタむルに合わせた独自のメむクアップを孊べるボビィ メ むクアップ レッスンを開催しおいたす。各レッスンでは新しいメむクを 自宅でもできるように個人のフェむスチャヌトを䜜成したす。フェむスミ ストはお近くのボビィブラりン店頭たたは時間アクセス可胜なオン ラむンショップwww.bobbibrown.co.thでお買い求め頂けたす。


• Bird's Nest •

Yel l o w- c h e e k e d Tit Parus spilonotus Behavior: With a total length of 14 - 15 centimeters, Yellow-cheeked Tit is found across Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Hong Kong, India, Laos, Burma, Nepal, Thailand and Vietnam. The distinctive feature is on the head, the vertical Mohawk crown and crest are black as are the nape sides while the face, cheeks, head sides and nape are canary yellow including the rear part of the crest. We can see a black eyeliner stripe from the eye to rear of the ear-coverts. The tail is black with white outer webs on external rectrices. The Yellow-cheeked Tit feeds on small invertebrates and larvae, spiders, buds and some fruits and berries. Its natural habitats are open temperate and deciduous or mixed forest with oak, pine and rhododendron, secondary forest, wooded cultivation’s edges, plantations and areas with scattered trees. The breeding season occurs between late February and mid-August. The nests are found in tree hole, rarely in walls or rocky banks. They are made with moss, grass, leaves, fur, wool and feathers. Some other materials such as flower petals or snakeskin are added if readily available close to the nest-site. The hole is placed at about 15 meters above the ground. The female commonly lays 4 - 6 eggs.

セボシカンムリガラ 性質党長14〜15センチメヌトルのセボシカンムリガラはバングラデ ィシュ、ブヌタン、䞭囜、銙枯、むンド、ラオス、ビルマ、ネパヌル、タ む、ベトナムに生息しおいたす。頭、逆立った鶏冠、銖筋の䞡脇が黒 いずころが特城です。顔、頬、頭、うなじ、鶏冠の埌ろ郚分は黄色い 色をしおいたす。目から埌頭郚にかけお黒い線が入り、尟は黒く、倖 偎に癜い斑点が芋られたす。 セボシカンムリガラは小さな昆虫類、幌虫、クモ、぀がみ、フルヌ ツ、ベリヌなどを食料ずしおいたす。開けた暖かい萜葉暹の森たたは ナラ、杉、シャクナゲの生えおいる雑朚林、二次林、森林の端、プラ ンテヌション、朚々が点圚する地域などに生息しおいたす。月䞋旬 から月䞭旬たで繁殖期を迎えたす。苔、草、葉、動物の毛、矊毛、 矜毛などを䜿っお、朚の穎、皀に壁や岩の隙間などに巣を䜜りたす。 巣の呚蟺に花匁、蛇の皮があればそれも䜿われたす。地䞊玄メヌ トルの高さのずころに巣を䜜る穎を開け、メスが〜個のたたごを 産み萜ずしたす。

Reference Information: Bird Guide of Thailand by Dr.Boonsong Lekagul Bird Photographer: Mr.Supachai Sungkatat Na Ayutthaya, tujazz@hotmail.com Bird Advisor: Mr.Kazuhiko Okabe, okkaazbue@yahoo.com


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