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Indoor & Outdoor Fun

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A House of Dreams

Outdoor & Indoor Fun Surrounds Longview for ALL Ages!


Are you looking for a fun sport? Pickleball may be the answer for you, your family, and/or your friends. It combines many elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. Courts are now available in the center of town at Guthrie Park, the Institute for Healthy Living, or Lifepoint Church. Pickleball enthusiasts have formed the LPC, Longview Pickleball Club. LPC promotes Pickleball as a game for all ages, levels and ability.

Disc Golf

Did you know Longview is ranked 10th in the state as being the best disc golf destination with six (6) courses according to UDisc.com? Three (3) of the six (6) courses have 18 or more holes. Each location varies in difficulty, terrain, and distance to provide an exciting change of pace while playing this great game. Here you will find players ranging from early teens to seasoned veterans who have played for forty years. Plus, Longview is home to five (5) leagues and two (2) stores that sell disc golf gear. Also , make sure to check out The Longview Disc Golf Association (LDGA) on Facebook to connect with other like-minded golfers in the area.

Nip It Golf

414 W. LOOP 281 SUITE 8 – LONGVIEW, TX 75605

Can’t make it to the course? No problem! At Nip It Golf, devoteesand novices join together to virtually practice their golf games onTruGolf Simulators. With over 100 courses from both the PGA andLPGA level, you’ll find interesting and challenging courses to suitevery mood. This indoor golf center provides a destination thatsatisfies those with a passion for golf and entertainment. Plus, youdon’t even have to leave to grab lunch or dinner. Sandwiches, pizzas,appetizers, deserts, and beverages are available to fuel the fun.

Dodson Action Sports Complex


The Dodson Action Sports complex offers a haven for all actionsport enthusiasts to indulge their passion. Here you’ll find rookieskateboarders as well as practiced veterans. In the air there’s afeeling of community where skateboarders, inline skaters, BMXbikers, and scooters are welcome. Check out the Dodson ActionSports Complex Facebook page for the latest on all the fun!

Splash Pads

The City of Longview provides ample fun in the sun with five (5)splash pads! Families can come together and enjoy the greatoutdoors while providing endless entertainment with interactivewater features.

REO Starplex

4716 W. LOOP 281 – LONGVIEW, TX 75601

The REO Palm Isle is one of the best-known historical landmarks inTexas. Established in 1935, it has hosted every big name in countrymusic including Elvis, Garth Brooks, Willie, Miranda Lambert, andthe list goes on. The REO has had to evolve over the years andopened as a skating rink in 2019. Offerings continue to expand asan entertainment center with the most recent addition being axthrowing. The REO Starplex is now host to thousands of children,teenagers, and birthday parties. The Reo Bar & Grill not only offers afun menu but also features corn hole tournaments on Wednesdays, Karaoke on Friday’s and club skate on Saturdays. You’ll want tocheck it out!

Thomas Falls Zip-Line Challenge Course & Outdoor Adventures

5543 US HIGHWAY 259 N. – DIANA, TX

Looking for an adrenaline fix with magnificent views of the East Texascountryside? Look no further than Thomas Falls. Here you’ll findzip-lining and water obstacles. You can zip over 600 feet of excitingfun and take the water plunge. Then you can head over to the TexasTough Water Obstacle Course including a broken floating bridge,Tom Sawyer rafts, floating climbing wall, water rope cross, waterfallslide and more! Oh, and did we mention a floating barrel cross, sandvolleyball, mud volleyball, horseshoes, paddle boats and kayaks?This excursion is sure to excite.

Skydive East Texas


If you prefer a parachute to a harness, Skydive East Texas promisesan adrenaline-fueled adventure. Located in the neighboringcommunity of Gladewater, you can receive step-by-step instructionfrom highly trained professional skydiving instructors and jump fromaltitude of 10,000 feet. Skydive East Texas is a family owned andoperated business for over 15 years. They offer student instructionand tandem parachute jumps. This adventure promises to be anunforgettable pulse-pounding experience!

Painting with A Twist


Aiming to create fun art, and not only fine art. Painting With a Twistserves up boozy art sessions where everyone is a painter. Specializingin girl’s night, birthday parties, and date-nights; this studio helpsbudding artists discover latent talents, no experience necessary. Theyalso have family-friendly sessions available so there is something foreveryone at this studio. So, grab your besties, fetch a bottle of vino,and get those creative juices flowing… You’ll be an artist in no time.

Art Walk

The ArtWalk sense of community is growing in Longview’s culturaldistrict as the public is flocking to the Downtown streets to peruseexhibits featuring local artisans, enjoy the live music, and experiencelocal cuisine. Arts!Longview has taken the helm of this event and steered it into clear exciting waters. Happening four times a year(that’s one event for every season!), this event thrills art seekers withvibrant, eclectic, and unique pieces. Make sure to hang around andyou may catch demonstrations about embroidery, soapmaking andeven basket weaving! ArtWalkLongview.org

Hot Air Ballooning

A bucket list must is floating through the sky in a hot air balloonacross the piney woods of East Texas. You will want to secure yourboarding pass with Balloon Adventures USA to begin experiencingthe spectacular views real East Texas! Founded in 1977, BalloonAdventures USA is a full-service hot air balloon company offeringadventure flights, sales, training, advertising, and promotions.

Top Shot Indoor Range


Take your shot at Top Shot. This indoor shooting range tempts thosewho wish to hone their sharpshooter skills or simply let off somesteam. At 30,000 square feet and eight lanes, this facility promises agood time for dedicated shooters. All are welcome and Top Shot alsohosts Ladies Night every Tuesday to spice up your weekly girls’ night.

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