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In association with the
RISK MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS Flexible, assured fleet risk management Risk Management Solutions provides a comprehensive package of services to help you manage your fleet vehicle operations effectively and economically.
There are various elements to the service, covering legal, financial and operational risk or responsibility associated with fleet management:
Fleet Risk Audit is the normal starting point, giving you a thorough, independent assessment of your present situation and recommendations to help
1. Fleet Risk Audit
bring your fleet management into line with current
2. Risk Policy and Documentation
easily implemented turnkey solution to assist you
3. On-line Licence Checking 4. On-line Assessment and Training 5. Practical Driver Assessment 6. Practical Driver Training 7. Road Risk Seminars 8. Document Management 9. Eco-driver Training
best practice. The package as a whole gives you an with your fleet management problems. As you would expect from one of the biggest players in the motoring business, Risk Management Solutions is delivered by a highly experienced team and supported by efficient administrative systems and customer services. It offers a host of financial and operational benefits which could help you achieve: • Reduced operating costs • Less vehicle off-road time • Fewer, less costly accidents • Lower insurance premiums • Advice on legal compliance
Risk Management Solutions is totally flexible, so you can choose whatever combination of elements best suits your business or organisation. Costs can therefore be tailored to fit your budget, and each part of the service carries the potential to save you money as well as helping to reduce hassle and increase efficiency.
• Time-saving efficiency improvements
Better risk management means better fleet management.
1. Fleet Risk Audit
What it is Fleet Risk Audit provides a review of your fleet operations and their attendant risks, particularly those associated with your fleet drivers. Covering legal, financial and operational issues, it culminates in a detailed report incorporating recommendations for remedial action where necessary.
How it works
What it achieves
• Before the audit takes place, we ask you to complete a detailed questionnaire to provide us with key data relating to your fleet operations.
• The audit is then carried out face-to-face on your premises, dealing directly with the people responsible for your fleet operations. • Audit duration depends on fleet size, normally half day for up to 500 vehicles, full day for 501-1,000 vehicles or longer by negotiation for fleets over 1,000 vehicles. • The data and information gathered at the audit are summarised and compared to key performance
• Reduce your legal and financial exposure - by identifying the risks your fleet faces; • Manage your fleet risk - via a bespoke action plan; • Meet your legal requirements - by acting on our recommendations; • Achieve optimum cost efficiency - by applying best practice in fleet management.
indicators to assess the effectiveness of your operations and the degree of risk involved. • On completion of the audit, we submit a full report with a list of recommended actions, together with information about other Risk Management Solutions products available to help you implement any necessary changes.
2. Risk Policy and Documentation
What it is Risk Policy and Documentation helps you to comply with current HSE legislation and improve internal efficiency by devising and implementing appropriate fleet risk procedures. The service includes advice and assistance in preparing all necessary documentation, and in communicating procedural requirements to employees.
How it works
What it achieves
• If no procedures or documentation are in place, we hold meetings where we establish your requirements and advise you on your legal responsibilities and best operating practices.
• If you have existing policies and documentation in place, we hold review meetings to assess their suitability. If they need improving or updating, we will guide you through the process. • When your policies and documentation are completed, we will advise you on the best means of communicating their content and meaning to your employees, in order to assist in their accurate and efficient implementation. • Where necessary we provide procedural formats and document templates in order to create or update your new systems quickly and easily.
• Meet your “duty of care” obligations - by ensuring that the right procedures and documents are in place; • Improve internal efficiency - by maintaining best practice through a formally documented system of operations; • Gives your drivers clear and meaningful information - to ensure they meet their duty of care obligations; • Fast implementation - to ensure timely employee communications.
3. On-line Licence Checking
What it is On-line Licence Checking is a service that helps you meet “duty of care” obligations under HSE regulations by verifying that drivers hold valid current licences for the vehicles they drive. Data generated by licence checks can also be used to identify “at-risk” drivers.
How it works
What it achieves
• We collate information supplied by you to identify drivers whose licences need to be checked.
• We ask drivers to sign a Data Protection Mandate in order to comply with Data Protection Act legislation. Collection of Data Protection Mandates can be organised to best suit your business needs. • On return of the Data Protection Mandate, necessary checks are carried out with the DVLA. • Frequency of checks can be adapted to reflect the risk of any individual. • Checked data is then made available to you, and can be accessed instantly on-line.
• Meet your “duty of care” obligations; • Identify “at risk” drivers - by confirming your drivers have valid licences for the vehicles they drive; • Reduce administration - through accurate, easily accessible on-line information about drivers' status; • Reduce the accident rate - by removing vehicle abuse by unqualified drivers. • Ensure a continual improvement plan - with data fed into our central information system.
4. On-line Assessment & Training
What it is On-line Assessment and Training is designed to help you meet “duty of care” obligations under HSE legislation. Using the service helps you to make “reasonable attempts” to assess your drivers' competence. Having identified their risk status, it also enables you to provide remedial training where necessary.
How it works
What it achieves
• We collate information supplied by you to identify the drivers who are to be assessed.
Helps: • Meet your “duty of care” obligations;
• On-line records are set up for all nominated drivers, enabling you (the manager) to review the resulting data in a secure environment.
• You target training to “at risk” drivers - to remedy faulty driving;
• On-line assessments, and where necessary training, are carried out at your convenience. Interactive training takes the driver through a series of driving and road usage scenarios, and requires them to identify and respond to “live” issues as they happen.
• Reduce fleet operating costs - through improved driving skills;
• Reduce accident rate/vehicle abuse - due to faulty driving;
• Save time - by minimising manual intervention;
• Output from the assessments and training is fully automated and available for you to view on-line.
• Provide on-line results of drivers' assessment and training activities;
• This system ensures that each driver that carries out an assessment is subject to a unique set of questions/ scenarios. This ensures that each driver is assessed as an individual.
• Ensure a continual improvement plan - with data fed into our central information system
5. Practical Driver Assessment
What it is Practical Driver Assessment is a service that helps you meet “duty of care” obligations under HSE regulations by conducting physical driving assessments. The risk status of drivers is assessed by a combination of pre-driving checks and 1-hour on-road practical driving sessions.
How it works
What it achieves
• We collate information supplied by you to identify the drivers who are to be assessed.
• Practical driving assessments are carried out at your convenience, to standards accredited by the Driver Standards Agency. • Pre-assessment includes driving licence, basic eyesight, vehicle condition, tax disc and insurance documentation checks. • This process allows a fleet manager to have the condition of a “Grey Fleet” vehicle reported.
• Meet your “duty of care” obligations; • You target “at risk” drivers - via bespoke training opportunities to remedy faulty driving; • Reduce accident rate/vehicle abuse - due to faulty driving; • Reduce fleet operating costs - through improved driving skills; • Save time - by minimising manual intervention;
• Where necessary additional training can be provided to help remedy faults revealed by the assessment.
• Provides on-line results of drivers' assessment and training activities;
• All results are captured and entered into our central risk information system.
• Ensure a continual improvement plan - with data fed into our central information system.
6. Practical Driver Training
What it is Practical Driver Training provides on-road tuition for drivers who have been assessed or identified as “at risk”. The service helps you meet “duty of care” obligations under HSE regulations by addressing both driver skills and vehicle safety issues.
How it works
What it achieves
• You submit a data request form identifying the drivers who are to be assessed.
• Training can be arranged at a location and time to suit the driver. • Pre-training tests are arranged, including driving licence, basic eyesight, vehicle condition, tax disc and insurance documentation checks. • Prior to on-road training, drivers undergo a 45-60 minute driving theory training session, including instructions on how to complete regular vehicle safety checks. • Practical Driver Training is delivered, to standards accredited by the Driver Standards Agency and including a specific element related to Eco-driving. Normal duration is 4 hours 1:1 or 7 hours 2:1, with training based on individual drivers' needs.
• Meet your “duty of care” obligations; • You target “at risk” drivers - via bespoke training opportunities to remedy faulty driving; • Reduce accident rate/vehicle abuse due to faulty driving; • Reduce fleet operating costs - through improved driving skills, lower fuel consumption and reduced maintenance/repair expenditure; • Save time - by minimising manual intervention; • Provide on-line results of drivers' assessment and training activities; • Ensure a continual improvement plan - with data fed into our central information system.
7. Road Risk Seminars (driver theory / practical and theory)
What it is Road Risk Seminars provide a highly cost-effective means of assessing driver risk and improving driver performance. The service helps you meet “duty of care” obligations under HSE regulations and contributes to cost reduction through safer, more efficient driving.
How it works
What it achieves
• We collate information supplied by you to arrange the most appropriate date and time for driver education.
Helps: • Meet your “duty of care” obligations;
• Seminars, which last up to 4 hours, can be arranged for up to 24 drivers and include pre-assessment and dependent on the seminar taken, include practical onroad sessions.
• You target “at risk” drivers - via bespoke training opportunities to remedy faulty driving;
• Pre-assessment includes driving licence, eyesight, vehicle condition, tax disc and insurance documentation checks.
• Reduce accident rate/vehicle abuse due to faulty driving;
• Raise a general awareness culture;
• On practical & theory sessions, an individual's risk status is assessed via a 1 hour on-road driving assessment, and any specific issues that arise can be addressed by extra training.
• Reduce fleet operating costs - through improved driving skills, lower fuel consumption
• Driver theory training is delivered via presentations and discussions, based on typical road-based scenarios and “real event” driving, concentrating on the risk element or everyday situations. During the theory event every driver will be tested on their driving skill knowledge.
• Ensure a continual improvement plan - with data fed into our central information system.
and reduced maintenance/repair expenditure; • Save time - by minimising manual intervention;
8. Document Management
What it is Document Management is a service that checks the validity of insurance and MOT documents held by employees who drive their own vehicles on your company business. The service is linked to On-line Licence Checking, and helps you meet “duty of care” obligations under HSE regulations regarding “Cash For Car/Opt Out” vehicles.
How it works
What it achieves
• You submit a data request form identifying drivers whose insurance and MOT documents need to be checked.
• We receive copies of the documents requested from the drivers. Checked results are then made available to you and can be accessed instantly on-line. • Prior to expiry or renewal, you will be contacted automatically to ensure renewed copies of documents are presented in good time. • Drivers are automatically asked about their vehicle status when contacted via On-line Licence Checking, so “Opt Out” vehicles are immediately identified.
• Meet your “duty of care” obligations; • Reduce “Opt Out” exposure - by ensuring such vehicles have valid legal documentation; • Save time and administration costs - by removing the need to check documentation manually and set up a reminder system; • Reduce or eliminate legal, financial and operational risks in situations where drivers might use vehicles without valid documentation; • Provide accurate, easily accessible on-line information about drivers' status; • Ensure a continual improvement plan - with data fed into our central information system.
9. Eco-driver Training
What it is Eco-driver Training provides specific on-road driver tuition to help you improve fuel efficiency. Using techniques that are endorsed by the Driving Standards Agency (DSA), this service will assist you in reducing your company's fuel spend. You could make savings of between 10 and 15% if these driving techniques are adopted, according to figures provided by the DSA. Eco-driver Training is carried out in conjunction with our Practical Driver Assessment programme, but training can be provided in isolation if required. Details of the likely cost savings for your fleet are available on request.
How it works
What it achieves
• We collate information supplied by you to identify the drivers who are to be assessed and Eco-trained.
• Training can be arranged at a location and time to suit the driver. • Pre-training checks take place; these include driving licence, basic eyesight, vehicle condition, tax disc and insurance documentation checks. • The combined assessment and Eco-driver Training are delivered in 90 minutes. • The Eco-driver Training element is delivered to standards accredited by the DSA.
• Meet your “duty of care” obligations by assessing the driving standards of your drivers; • Assist in managing fuel costs through a series of improved driving techniques; • Reduce accident rate/vehicle abuse due to faulty driving; • Reduce fleet operating costs - through the associated benefits of improved driving skills; • Provide on-line results of drivers' assessment and training activities; • Drivers identified at risk are given an individual driver development plan that will be used if additional driver training is required; • Ensure a continual improvement plan - with data fed into our central information system.
11 Cardale Court, Cardale Park, Beckwith Head Road, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG3 1RY Tel: 01423 853000 Fax: 01423 853002 Email: sales@lookersleasing.co.uk www.lookersleasing.co.uk
For more information call
01423 853000