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News & Events
NEWS & EVENTS in our region
Saturday 2nd July – Saturday 9th July | Risborough Town Centre
Princes Risborough’s Summer Town Festival takes place between Saturday 2nd July – Saturday 9th July and includes over 75 events throughout the week for the community to enjoy. Organised & predominately funded by the Town Council, the annual festival relies on the support of local businesses and sponsors for the week-long programme of events in which local businesses, clubs, and organisations open their doors to offer free taster sessions and activities. The week of events sees the return of regular favourites along with new events that have been added just for 2022. With so much on offer, there is bound to be something for everyone in this year’s programme of community led events. The week culminates in Festival Saturday on 9th July with the High Street playing host to live music and performances on the Main Stage. This is a free event that is aimed at bringing our wonderful community together. For more information on the festival visit www.princesrisboroughtowncouncil.gov.uk or the Town Council social media channels Facebook: risboroughtowncouncil, Instagram: princesrisboroughtc, or Twitter: princesris
Sue Ryder seeks sponsors for Starlight Hike...
Healthcare charity Sue Ryder is searching for local businesses and organisations to sponsor its inaugural Sue Ryder Starlight Hike Thames Valley fundraising event this October. The 5k walk under the stars, which will take place in the beautiful grounds of Pangbourne College on Saturday 22nd October, promises to be a special evening of celebration and reflection. And it is hoped that hundreds of individuals, families and friends from the local community will get together to remember and celebrate the memory of loved ones, raise funds and help Sue Ryder create a future where everyone has access to care and support at the end of their life. Last year Sue Ryder provided over 830,000 hours of care to thousands of families across the country, including from its Sue Ryder Duchess of Kent Hospice in Reading and Sue Ryder Palliative Care Hub South Oxfordshire. Securing sponsorship for Sue Ryder Starlight Hike Thames Valley will mean that Sue Ryder is able to provide even more expert and compassionate care, including ensuring that the end of people’s lives are filled with friendship, family and love in those final moments together. Community Fundraiser Meghan Bentley said: “On average, the Government provides only one third of the funding needed for palliative care services across the UK and so Sue Ryder must rely on fundraising activities, voluntary donations and generosity of its supporters to cover the remaining costs. Having sponsors for Sue Ryder Starlight Hike Thames Valley will make a real difference and help Sue Ryder to continue to be there when it matters.” For more detailed information about sponsorship and the event, contact the fundraising team on www.thamesvalley.fundraising@sueryder.org or call 01189 550433.
Tuesday 5th to Saturday 9th July Nobody’s Perfect by Simon Williams Love Is All Around, a feminist publishing house is running a competition to find new romantic fiction. To avoid gender bias, Leonard Loftus submits his novel under a female pseudonym, Myrtle Banbury. When ‘she’ wins first prize, Leonard’s problems begin and get worse when he falls in love with Harriet, who runs the company. In high heels and lipstick, he is caught in a hilarious dilemma of cross-dressing and crosspurposes. Tickets £8 - £10 from Thame Town Hall, tel: 01844 212833, or online at thameplayers.co.uk
Saturday 16th July between 10am and 4pm
Thame Players Open Day
Interested in theatre? Wondered what goes on backstage or how a production is put together? Like to become involved with a thriving drama group? Thame Players welcome you to their theatre to show you around. Free entry.
Friday 29th July at 7.45pm
Midsomer Music and More
A musical journey on the theremin with Lydia Kavina and a talk on the Magic of Midsomer by Tony Long Lydia is one of the world’s leading theremin performers, the instrument used in the title music of the ITV detective series, Midsomer Murders. Her performance will show the theremin’s versatility. Tony Long will talk about the history of Midsomer Murders and Thame’s involvement in its filming. Tickets £10 from Thame Town Hall, tel: 01844 212833, or online at thameplayers.co.uk
Exclusive Competition Exclusive Competition For a chance to win complimentary tickets for a family of four to a Thame Players’ production * answer the following question:For a chance to WIN complimentary tickets for a family of four to a Who is a leading performer of the theremin? Thame Players’ production* answer the following question: Email your answer with your name and address to Q: Who is a leading performer of the theremin? info@look-localmagazine.co.uk by 31st July. Email your answer with your name and address to *There are five Thame Players’ productions a year. See website for details. info@look-localmagazine.co.uk by 31st July. *There are five Thame Payers’ productions a year. See website for details.