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We are all things energy.
25th January 2024
Local News
1930s’ brought back to life – and everyone’s invited
Another in our occasional series. Community Warming Project Our Community Warming Project is underway! We have already surveyed homes in the area and they are awaiting their resources being fitted. If you are already receiving support from a Social Prescriber, Food Bank, Drop In Centre, Council or Housing Association, you will be eligible for free fitting of draught exclusion materials and/or LED bulbs. Please contact us to find out or ask the agency working with you. Our next Community Warming Sewing Workshop is on Wednesday 31st January from 10am - 1pm. St Ann’s Church Hall, Haywood Lane, S36 2QQ. These have been really successful so far, so please come and join us. Sewing skills are not necessary; there are other jobs to do, however if you can sew and have a machine, please bring it along. Refreshments provided. janet.udce@gmail.com
07707 762995
Thermal Imaging surveys We have started our surveys for winter 23/24. These will identify areas of heat loss from your home and pinpoint where you may need to add extra insulation. Surveys cost a minimum of £5 – an extra donation would be welcomed! Please contact us at this address or number if you would like to book a survey. udcommunityenergy@gmail.com 07707 762995 Energy saving tips from Octopus Energy Octopus Energy are running a scheme to provide free electric blankets to customers most in need, based on the theory of ‘heating the person, not the space’. It might be worth a look at their website: https://octopus.energy/blog/free-electric-blanketsfor-our-most-vulnerable/ or at the very least, you could consider buying yourself a blanket… Volunteers We are always on the lookout for new volunteers. Tasks include participating at the sewing workshop, cataloguing and managing materials in storage, visiting homes to accompany our members when surveying and lots of other things. We’d be particularly keen to engage with younger people – perhaps you have an interest in or are studying renewables, climate action, energy saving, retro fitting… please get in touch at the address or number below. Look out for information about our next event soon. Email: udcommunityenergy@gmail.com Tel: 07707 762995
Thomas Douglas Peck (back) and his parents A pioneering project to preserve and celebrate the social history of Sheffield’s S6 area reaches its first big milestone later this month. The Hillsborough and Owlerton History Group – which was awarded a grant of £40,180 from the Heritage Fund last summer – are launching ‘Growing Up In 1930s’ Hillsborough’ at Weston Park Museum at the end of the month. The book, which is the autobiography of former Hillsborough resident Thomas Douglas Peck, chronicles life in the popular suburb through the Great Depression of the 1930s and throughout World War Two. The free event opens to the public from 1.30 pm on Wednesday, January 31st, at
Thomas Douglas Peck.
Weston Park Museum with the official launch being performed by the Lord Mayor of Sheffield, Councillor Colin Ross.
The two-year heritage project was originally inspired following the chance discovery of four cinefilms.
The book will be on sale for a suggested donation of £5.
The films provide a fascinating glimpse into life in the interwar and post-war period and will also be screened at the launch.
Refreshments will be provided. A braille and audio version of the book have also been created. The Lord Mayor will be presenting these to Sheffield Society for the Blind earlier in the day. Jenny Morton, chair of the group, said: “We are thrilled to launching our first book later this month. ‘Growing Up In 1930s’ Hillsborough’ truly brings this period back to life and it’s privilege to be preserving our history for future generations.”
The Hillsborough and Owlerton History Group are now working on a second book of stories from recent history in the area. More information about the launch and group can be found at www.hillsboroughhistory.co.uk