Issue 1024 Thursday 30 August 2018

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THURS, AUG 30, 2018

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ISSUE : 1024





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GCSE RESULTS WEEK 29/05/2018 penistone show feature - page 14

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steels beat sheffield fc - page 24

HIGH GREEN MUM LAUNCHES FUND AFTER TEEN’S TURKISH QUAD SMASH A HIGH Green teenager’s family are trying to raise funds to bring him home after he was involved in a quad biking accident in Turkey. Tyler Hutchinson, 16, was hit by a car whilst out on a quad bike with his girlfriend on Monday August 20 and the youngster, who plays rugby for Hillsborough Hawks has serious injuries to his head, lung and shoulder. He has had to have his spleen removed and has broken several bones. Although he has now left the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) of the Turkish hospital, he now requires a number of operations. Tyler’s mother, Nicola, flew out to be with him and has been raising funds to bring him home in time for his birthday on September 3. She has been providing regular updates on the Just Giving page. Writing on the page, Nicola said: “Tyler still has a fair way to go but was moved out of ICU, however he still needs to have his shoulder operated on and is still been monitored around his lungs.

“We are not concerned about the other broken bones as these will heal in time. I had to make a hard decision at the weekend and fly back to the UK to look after my other three children and try and sort out my finances and funding to bring Tyler home but my mum is now out in Turkey she will keep us updated daily. “The insurance company have confirmed Tyler is not covered because he doesn’t have a licence. The man that rented them the quad should not have rented it to them. “Also, because of Tyler’s age, even if he had a licence he should have only ridden a 50cc bike. “When I took out the insurance, I made sure he had quad insurance but didn’t realise there was so much small print. I really need as much help as possible to try and get funds together to bring Tyler home.” To help, visit https://www.justgiving. com/crowdfunding/help-tylerhutchinson

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