LAST Wednesday, vandals damaged a bridge by the duck pond on the Trans Pennine Trail between Cart Road and Bridge Inn Road.
Parish Cllr Alison Gethin, secretary of the Thorncliffe Conservation Group, said:
A member of our group went out to cover a small hole reported to us. He made it safe and put hazard tape around to alert walkers to the danger."
Unfortunately, just before 9pm that same night, a local resident heard banging and footsteps running into the woods. The next morning the bridge was as shown by the photograph."
As there is no lighting on that stretch of the TPT anyone crossing the bridge could have easily broken a leg or even worse."
The bridge is now out of action and the nearest alternative route has steps, so is not disabled friendly.”
This bridge was constructed in 2006 using 106 monies and since then the Thorncliffe Conservation Group with support from the Sheffield Countriside Partnership based at Wood Lane, Stannington have maintained the Pond, Summerhills and adjacent ancient woodland.
The right of way over this bridge is well used by children walking too and from school, dog walkers, ramblers, joggers and local residents walking to the Asda and the railway station at Chapeltown.
Parish Cllr Zoe Sykes said:
The police have been informed as this is a crime which could have easily resulted in injury or even death."
Shortly after the TCG was formed Frank Rogers, a previous City Councillor, helped me fill in the appropriate forms for Sheffield to accept this path which joins the TPT with the footpath from Mafeking Place as a registered public footpath."
Our current City Councilor Andy Bainbridge gave a witness statement on this paperwork. Since then our group of volunteers have been looking after this route at little or no cost to the Council. I therefore see no reason for a delay in Sheffield City Council repairing this bridge.”
The group used to hold work sessions on the first Saturday each month but as most of the group are retired they now meet on the first Monday of each month.
The group welcomes volunteers but under 16s must be accompanied by an adult. If you’re interested just turn up for a session or call Alison Gethin on 0114 2467414.