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High Green School celebrates after maintaining 'good' rating from Ofsted
STAFF and pupils at a High Green primary school are celebrating after another glowing report from Ofsted inspectors.

Greengate Lane Academy has received a second ‘Good’ rating after the visit from Ofsted.
In the report, Ofsted said that they found the quality of teaching continues to be strong, with teachers knowing their pupils well whilst having high expectations of them.
The pupils were also praised - found to be hard-working, focused and challenged in their work.
The findings went on to say that they make good progress to reach expected standards and were well behaved and polite.
It recognised that pupils are given a wide variety of opportunities to extend their learning beyond the classroom.
Principal Paul Cross said:
Another section of the report said that Greengate receives “effective support” from Astrea Academy Trust.
Trust chief executive, Libby Nicholas, commented:
If you are interested in taking the school forward by becoming one of their Community Governors, please contact the school office by email on enquiries@astreagreengatelane.org or call on 0114 2848322 to request further information.