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Fundraising target for Worrall memorial smashed
THE £900 appeal to fund the erection of a commemorative stone in Worrall has exceeded its target in just three weeks thanks to donations from around a hundred residents.
Following a suggestion by a local resident last autumn, Worrall Environmental Group (WEG) took up the idea that a commemorative tree be planted near the village water troughs and worked with Sheffield Council staff and Amey so that in just a few weeks an Autumn Glory maple was planted there. Its leaves will turn red in the autumn.
An open meeting in the Shoulder of Mutton pub backed adding a stone inscribed “To Remember All Who Served, Sacrificed and Changed Our World” to make it clear that the tree commemorates people’s sacrifices, not just those in the forces.
After checks with the Bradfield Parish and Sheffield Councils, Highways authorities and others to secure the necessary permissions and insurances, the sculptor Andrew Vickers of Stoneface Creative was consulted over practicalities of the design.
To cover the cost of the stone so their usual work around the village maintaining the water troughs, flower tubs and village entrance signs, tree planting, and tidying up the parks would not be affected, the Group launched an appeal to raise £900.
With collections via Just- Giving.com and the Worrall Post Office £552 was raised in the first week and doubled that in three weeks. Generous Worrallers have more than made the target.
Placed at the prominent junction of Worrall Road and Kirk Edge Road, this stone will be passed daily by hundreds of Bradfield School pupils and many commuters.