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The Last Baden-Powell Challenge Award
LAST week, Ranger Guide Esther Pearson, age 14, was given a big surprise when her District Commissioners, Sally Rogers and Alice Denton, turned up at her Brownie’s Leaving Ceremony in Coronation Park, Oughtibridge.

They were there to award her with the Baden-Powell Challenge Award. Esther, or Ezzie Owl, as she is known by the 152nd Oughtibridge Brownies where she volunteers as a Young Leader, completed the Award in April after 18 months of hard work.
The Baden-Powell Challenge is the highest award a Guide can achieve, and has to be completed before a Guide moves on to Rangers.
The Award encourages girls to try new things and push their boundaries – it’s not easy, but it’s worth it!
Esther said: “I’m really proud of my Baden-Powell Award. I did 10 of the suggested activities which included co-leading a Time Travelling Thinking Day for Brownies and Rainbows, making a recipe booklet, running a Guide games evening and communicating with our sponsored orphan in Uganda.
“I also went on an adventure weekend at PGL, which involved climbing, crawling through tunnels and the big swing!”
Esther has set herself a new goal of completing the Queen’s Guide Award.
Esther is one of the last girls to receive the Award, as it is being replaced by the new Guide Gold Award when the new Guiding programme starts in September.
Her mum, Amanda Pearson is Brown Owl of the 152nd Oughtibridge Brownies and was one of the first to complete the Award 30 years ago!
The District Commissioners also gave Amanda a lovely surprise as they awarded her with her ‘10 years’ badge in recognition of 10 years service as a volunteer in Girlguiding.
This completed a special evening of Brownie sports and a leaving ceremony for nine Brownies who have become mature, trustworthy, fundraisers and very special Brownies.
If you are interested in volunteering with Girlguiding, or would like to join Rainbows, Brownies, Guides or Rangers, please visit www.girlguiding.org.uk.