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Mini Police Scheme begins in High Green
SOUTH Yorkshire Police’s Mini Police scheme is in full swing in north Sheffield.

PCSO Karen watched on with pride as the new Mini Police at Greengate Lane Academy in High Green delivered their first assembly to the school on internet safety.
They have worked hard to put this presentation together all by themselves. In September, the Mini’s will be learning about anti social behaviour and will work together on how they will deliver to the school once again.
The scheme, which launched earlier this year, is currently a pilot project and has been rolled out across 12 schools in Sheffield and Doncaster.
Mini Police is an innovative scheme for Year Five pupils, nominated by their schools to take part in a series of workshops delivered by PCSOs and Community Safety Project Officers.
Anti-social behaviour is one of the key topics covered by the sessions and aims to encourage children to think about what could cause problems where they live.
Jane MacDonald, a Community Safety Project Officer, said: “This week, these children have been learning what classes as anti-social behaviour but they’ve also been looking at more serious crimes and the impact they can have on people.
“The sessions are shaped by the children, if they mention something that is worrying them…or something they’ve heard about, then we’ll cover that.
“Already, pupils are saying that they have learnt about the impact antisocial behaviour can have on people and what harm it can do. This can only be a good thing as they share that message with other children in the school and beyond.”