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Down and dirty for the muddy beast
THERE was a fantastic turn out on Saturday for the annual Muddy Beast Fun Run and obstacle course held in Oxley Park.

After a quick warm-up outside Stocksbridge Community Leisure Centre with Gill, one of the amazing volunteers, the runners were off to the first obstacle in the park which was to climb over a stack of bales of straw and then across the park, which was as muddy as the name of the run suggests.
At the end of the park, runners turned right and had a steep climb to the top of Oxley Park and then a downhill run on to the top football field where there were various obstacles including flipping tyres, climbing a wooden frame and then jumping off, skipping, crawling under a cargo net, a three-legged race and sack race. After completing one lap the runners carried on for lap two.
After the second lap, the runners headed back down the hill to the Leisure Centre to the finish line where they collected a goody bag, a medal and certificate of achievement.
Event Organiser Dyane Hind said: “Well done to all our finishers! It was great to see so many families taking part and spending time together having fun.”